Prologue of the Booklet of Poems of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

That someday, My followers, you may be fully encouraged to imitate this soul, not only in the sweetness of its words but also in the way of living them, one by one.

I would like you to be so similar to this soul, in devotion, purity and sincerity because, beyond the imperfections of life and of human appearances, in the depths of each being there is an inner Christ capable of conducting your lives and your souls towards My Celestial Church.

I hope to listen to poems so similar to these, yet at the same time simple and true, that may spring from your hearts so that one day I may be able to rescue that which your souls could give Me internally while praying and speaking to Me with the transparency of heart.

I encourage you to be part of this legacy of the redeemed who, having gone through great confirmations, unexpected challenges and extensive tests, confirmed themselves, day by day, to My Sacred Heart.

I need that, finally, the new Christic legacy of each heart in transformation may be available for its Master and Lord. 

May each heart that is encouraged to talk to Me like this precious soul be able to express the love and inner reverence that it feels for Me. Thus, I will be able to gradually manifest on the surface of the Earth the new brotherhood of Christs.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Pick yourself up from the ground as many times as necessary, recognizing your human errors, but not blaming your soul, rather take up a sufficient conviction to be able to forgive everything, as many times as necessary.

For this, take your cross and follow in the footsteps of the Master. In this way, someday, and at a special circumstance, you will realize, My child, that you will have dissolved from your consciousness those obstacles that always stopped you from walking.

Have faith and persist. Persist for the divine future and for the new and renewed humanity.

Transcendence of self is something of too much effort, but persistence and victory will bring their trophies in Heaven.

Identify with Jesus and, in this way, you will be able to find the inner means to transform everything.

Live in Jesus, in spite of uncertainties, and you will achieve degrees of love in likeness to those of the Master.

Continue to serve, aspiring and renewing yourself every day for, in this way, humanity, as spiritual consciousness, will be renewed, until the Lord of the Universe again descends to the planet for a second time to give you His greeting of Peace.

Go ahead! and follow the path of redemption with your entire being based on faith and hope.

I thank you for having prayed with Me today!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The selfless being opens inner doors between the soul and God.

The selfless being attracts humility and awakens the love of service.

The selfless being is not afraid to renounce everything.

The selfless being receives from the Heights that which they need and nothing more.

The selfless being builds an unbreakable fortress within themselves through prayer.

The selfless being fully participates in spiritual communion with Christ.

The selfless being represents peace upon the planet.

The selfless being recognizes within themselves the infinite Presence of God.

The selfless being rids themselves of all they desire so that the ardent desire of God may prevail.

The selfless being opens to hear God everywhere.

The selfless being finds the presence of service everywhere and unites with it in order to give of themselves.

The selfless being is in the void of God so that, filled by His Presence, they may be in unconditional service to humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



When the soul agonizes and stirs from within, seeking something that it does not find, give thanks to God and just let His renewal reach your spirit.

Do not resist, do not give up and do not be sad for something that, in fact, should bring you peace because it means that your interior is willing to go through a transformation.

When the soul cries out within the heart of someone who is trying to follow the Will of God and gives their life to it, it is a sign that a change and renewal is necessary. And this change comes from the Divine Will itself; it will be for you to not resist, to not give up and to not be sad for something that, in truth, should bring you peace.

In truth, what you feel as an inner agony is your soul, elevating its voice beyond the aspects of your body, of your mind and of your feelings.

Listen, then, to this voice that wants to make itself heard, and let it express itself before your soul gets exhausted from screaming inside of your inner world for a new step, a new cycle, a new being.

Listen to the voice that elevates from your soul and let it express as it feels, may it be a chant, a prayer or even a cry that expresses the freedom of the soul to manifest itself, and that all of this, your singing, your prayer, and your cry, be the impulses for a new cycle and a new step in your life.

May your soul not shout without being heard. May your mind not close the window to the soul, again hiding what is removed from your inner world.

Just as the soul of the planet screams to be heard by the hearts of humanity, their own souls also scream and stir within.

Life is a mirror of itself in different proportions. So today, I say to you: listen to the voice of your soul to know, one day, how to listen to the soul of this planet, and that no inner voice will elevate in vain.

God speaks through the souls and spirits of beings and it is He who calls you to a new cycle, that does not have to be great, but that needs to be new, bringing what you already know you must be and that you know you are not yet, not because it is impossible, but because you turn a deaf ear to the voice that screams within you.

Without fear, listen to what brings you to this new time. Thus, you may be one, in the multitude of this world, capable of listening to the soul of the planet and guiding your brothers and sisters according to what God speaks through the voice of the heart of the Earth.

Do not feel like what I am telling you is a mystery because it is not anymore. Just listen to that voice within your interior and follow it.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Within the Greater Universes of God is to be found the spiritual explanation of our existence, that which we were born for and what we truly came to do, which we can understand as the Divine Purpose of each being.

Through the experiences of life, through the actions, feelings and thoughts, we  alter that existence within us. It means that we distance ourselves from the reality of life or our surroundings when we resist, because of different circumstances.

In this sense, the existence of our being allows us to carry out the purpose that was entrusted to us since the origin.

When something opposed to this happens, the path of spiritual realization is altered because of various factors, and the soul delays in being able to take its steps toward the final goal.

The answer that we seek to understand, which is if we are carrying forward the purpose of our existence or not, first lies within us, recognizing if we are in attunement or not with what is High and with all that is positive that must occur around us.

In this way, for instace, we will know if we are within the spirit of the realization of our existence. Otherwise, we would be losing steps in the evolution of consciousness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear child,

Who prays from the heart strengthens their faith.

Who prays from the heart elevates their small soul to Heaven.

Who prays from the heart knows no boundaries, but rather crosses bridges of love and of unity.

Who prays from the heart becomes peaceful.

Who prays from the heart loses all fear.

Who prays from the heart surrenders to God and to His infinite Love.

Who prays from the heart transcends error.

Who prays from the heart finds reconciliation.

Who prays from the heart unites with the angels of Heaven.

Who prays from the heart does not lose hope.

Who prays from the heart finds themselves, in some moment, with Christ.

Who prays from the heart manages to see Christ in their fellow being.

Who prays from the heart loses nothing.

Who prays from the heart is led by the Spirit of God.

Who prays from the heart understands all things.

If prayer awakens so many virtues within you, continue to do it, because someday the whole world will pray from the heart, will ask for forgiveness and will truly unite with God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Under My Maternal protection,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To the Argentinians that disappeared

Dear children,

Today your Celestial Mother, as Mother and Mediator of this world, appeals to all Her children to, on this day of blessing, offer this Meeting with Me for those that recently disappeared in the argentinian Atlantic Ocean.

I call all the groups of prayer of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Chile to unite fraternally by means of a luminous chain of prayer and of vigil, so that your Celestial Mother may guide and help the souls that disappeared on the high seas.

For this, I come to ask especially to My children from the Argentinian Republic to concentrate for a few days in the city of Mar del Plata, to pray the Mysteries of the Rosary for each one of the brothers and sisters that have disappeared, offering from the depth of their hearts this service of prayer as an immediate means to help the families of those who disappeared, as well as to bring relief to each one of their members.

On this night, your Universal Mother will be dedicating this Meeting of Prayer to each one of My children who have disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean.

Just as in other times I asked you, lovingly, to pray for the refugee families that still continue to cross the challenging Mediterranean Sea to escape wars, today I come to ask you for this Brothers and sisters who have disappeared so that God, Who is Infinite in Mercy, may grant, by means of My Intercession, the necessary help.

If you remember, children, in the last Meeting that took place in the month of October in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, My Beloved Son declared to you that Argentina, would undergo a great and unknown test, in a short time. This test and this moment are taking place in these days.

For this, I invite you, as never before, to place attention on and discernment in what the Divine Messengers announce from time to time, because through the Sacred Word there is an attempt to avoid situations in the souls and in all of humanity.

Those recently disappeared offered themselves, in this life, for the whole Argentina so that this people and consequently all the nations in the world, that now participate in the search operation, may learn that God alone has the power and that the hour has come to convert and to redeem themselves so that the Sacred Victory of Christ is established.

Some groups of souls at this time, without knowing it and without having known, having or not religion or creed, have offered themselves entirely to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that millions of people may perceive that we are crossing the portal of a definitive time that calls souls to be united in love and in solidarity, because that will rebuild the planet.

These groups of souls have offered to suffer for Jesus and for the immediate redemption of humanity, since it is urgent that the whole race change its state and action.

Lastly, I would like My children from Argentina to gather in the Naval Base of Mar del Plata to pray for all the brothers and sisters who, in these times, offer their lives and hearts for others to carry forward experiences and conquests on the planet that are unreal.

I will be, as never, close to those who out of love and consciousness respond to My call.

I will be with each Family of each one that disappeared, going through this test and takeing them tightly by the hand.

I would like, in truth, that the nations learn that humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature are no longer a laboratory, but that they are all essences in redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated, because when such a young soul, inexperienced and innocent, dares to take the steps and walk toward Christ, My Immaculate Heart pours joy and happiness over the world so that more souls dare to give their 'yes' to Our Lord.

Thus, children, I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated, because in young souls one can find the possibility of the Divine Countenance of Christ being reflected; a Divine Countenance that converts, redeems and consecrates what seems impossible.

I Am the Mother of those who become consecrated, because I protect and take care of those who are only beginning the pathway of a life consecration, so they may acquire inner strength and faith at the moment of taking new steps toward the Will of My Beloved Son.

I Am the Mother of those who become consecrated, at a young age, to a life of the infinite, to universal life, to the genuine search for the original purity existing in each soul and each being.

I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated to the knowledge of themselves and their own virtues, talents that My Son will come in search of in these times, to move forward with the preparation for His Return.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Make your heart sacred in each act, in each challenge, as well as in each test.

Make your spirit sacred in each service, in each obstacle, as well as in all that is unknown.

Make your soul sacred in each prayer, in each path trod, as well as in each new learning.

Make your consciousness sacred in each new dawn, within darkness, as well as in each new bridge you must cross.

God is within you, in your inner universe, in what is deepest in your soul, in each part of your divine consciousness.

Make use of His His Majestic Presence, His Inextinguishable Love, and His Powerful Mercy.

In every moment find yourself with your Creator, in all that has been manifested through the Kingdoms of Nature, through the oceans, as well as through the great continents.

See and contemplate God in each one of His humble Aspects and you will find the sacred, what is eternal and always infinite.

God is there, within everyone’s reach and is here for all, until His great Project of Love in humanity is fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with the Light of the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Third day of the novena:

"For the charity and altruistic service experienced by God, through His creatures, towards the Mineral, Plant, Animal and Human Kingdoms."

Dear children,

The service of human beings and of praying souls to all Creation creates merits in the planetary consciousness and contributes to the balance of the great debts generated to the Mineral, Plant, Animal, and Devic Kingdoms.

The charity that the Father reflects through His small creatures will always take place through the altruistic service that souls can experience through love for the Kingdoms of Nature.

In these times and before the great planetary imbalance caused by humanity by destroying the Kingdoms of Nature, an unbalanced debt, at times unpayable, is generated.

That is why the Father, through His Divine Messengers, stimulates the creation of groups of service and fraternity towards the Kingdoms of Nature in order to diminish the contrary effects that human beings generate against themselves when destroying and altering the life of the Kingdoms.

When at least one soul is conscious of the need of protecting and supporting the Younger Kingdoms, this touches the Heart of God, in knowing that there is still hope to fulfill this Project of redemption and rescue of the current humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The second day of the novena: "For having known the value of Holy Communion and other Sacraments."

Dear children,

In each Sacrament is held one of the twelve Gifts of God that is activated at the moment when souls come into contact with the Sacraments.

Through Christ, the Sacred Eucharist allows you to be in communion with the Heights, and thus to attract, from the universe, all streams of positive spirituality that humanity needs.

The Sacraments are a portal toward what is new, for each one of them renews the consciousnesses that experience them, and in turn, allows the souls to be brought into permanent communion.

Each Sacrament builds something within souls, and new stages are experienced after having received any of the Sacraments.

The value of the Holy Communion is incalculable since, spiritually, the essence of the Eucharist is permeated with the Presence of the Divinity of Christ.

Each time the soul comes into contact with the Communion, it must know it is receiving a hidden principle of renewal and consecration.

Each Sacrament in and of itself represents a living aspect of Christ in the humanity that receives it and safeguards it as a spiritual treasure.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When a soul or a heart surrenders and places itself in My arms, I can heal it and have it feel what is new, what is hopeful, and what is good.

When a soul places itself in My arms and trusts, I can spill the codes into it that it needs to achieve peace during its time of redemption.

When a soul places itself in My arms and trusts in My designs, I can have it become similar to the souls that exist in Paradise.

This is why surrender is not a resignation or martyrdom, but rather an opportunity of emptying as life and as an instrument, because in this way, all that is to be redeemed and forgiven will achieve its inner liberation.

In order to surrender into My arms, the soul must trust in the Love that I can give it through those who surround it, because the Father needs each soul, each life, and each heart to be capable of keepening its degree of love, because love is what will make of each consciousness a full server of God.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With My stripped and pure Feet, I step on what causes pain and sadness in My children. In the name of God, I am firmly on the serpent and make it feel the Power of the Creator, so that in this way, it may be placated.

With My Hands together in prayer, I plead for the planet and for each soul of this world, without ceasing to guide and accompany those who invoke My aid.

With My luminous Mantle, I radiate the Kingdom of God so that souls may distinguish it, and recognizing it within themselves, dare to enter the Heart of God.

With the Crown of twelve Stars on My Head, I establish the Attributes of Light for the world and send the angels of Heaven on a mission so they may sow in humanity everything that will make it more fraternal, service-oriented and peaceful.

With My Gaze of Love on the world, I intensely plead for those who are lost in the material life, and with My Divine Mind, I lift up what is fallen so the Law of Redemption may be accomplished.

And so it is that I am with My Consciousness unfolded, to encompass everything, beyond this world and this humanity, because My Purpose is that everyone be able to live the Supreme Will.

For this reason, I come in aid of all those who say 'yes' to Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Villa de Dornes, Ferreira do Zêzere, Santarém, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

As silence penetrates the surface consciousness, the alliance between souls and God is established, and everything that is superficial and illusory begins to lose strength and vigor.

It is for this reason that when sacred silence is truly practiced, it not only benefits the soul but also the spirit of each being.

In this hour, a sacred silence can overcome great adversities and defeat great abysses of the planetary consciousness, because it acts as the first Law in all things.

When silence is experienced with love, devotion and harmony, it is an autonomous portal that opens over the consciousness of the planet and expands so widely that, without a battle, it releases the conditions or the projects of evil that were about to happen.

Sacred silence brings a renewal of life, and this influences the vows in a positive way, which also benefits the spiritual consecration of humanity.

Silence is an invisible and imperceptible instrument that roots out the human condition and acts upon the deepest planes of the being.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Oporto, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

This time, with My arrival in Fatima, I will bring the Humility of God to the world, an essence that could prevent many things within and outside of beings.

The Humility of God is that which the Celestial Mother will try to sow within the hearts that will open to experience this mystery, which makes all things simpler and truer. 

I wish, dear children, that your hearts, in this time and inside the Sanctuary of Fatima, could perceive the Humility of God; so that many, many souls may be touched by this Gift that will change each being into that which it really came to express. 

Without humility in daily life, it is not possible to build the bridges to God; humility is what grants the soul the possibility of resignation, which helps to bring more awareness and care when it comes to making decisions in life.  

Humility allows us to cultivate a fraternal spirit, capable of understanding and accepting peers just as their consciousness is, regardless of their conditions or miseries. 

The Humility of God will help you to know your inner world in a conscious and true way. 

Think about humility and live it before it is too late. 

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

My Words reach the heart so that the Gifts that God placed in each soul may blossom.

My Words reach the heart to transform what is impure into pure, that which is stained into something crystalline.

My Words reach the heart to heal inner and spiritual wounds, to make each heart a balm of love.

My Words reach the heart to touch the depths of the essence of each soul, so that each being may become aware of their mission on this planet.

My Words reach the heart so that souls may feel God, and thus vivify Him as the Lord of Love and of Peace.

My Words reach the heart to have you believe in humility and in the truth, in the profound trust of knowing that everything will follow its course until, finally, the Plan of Love in each being is fulfilled.

My Words reach the heart to make of each consciousness a temple of love and of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When the soul is in the emptiness of self, it can take new steps and open the doors to new lessons.

In this time, to be in the emptiness of self also means to renounce and with great joy, accept what the universe sends as a test.

Emptiness of self is not a state of suffering nor of detachment, it is more than that; it is the possibility to embrace the Will that comes from Above with determination, and thus, live it with infinite gratitude.

In these times, souls will be placed in this experience so that they may define whether their lives will be closer or further away from My Son.

This cycle, which all humanity is facing, is definitive and will make the difference whether the Plan manifests or delays in being consciously in the life of all servers.

The emptiness of self is a step toward an unknown and immense trust.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

The simplicity of consecration, in this time, means the opportunity to humbly live in Christ.

Let today your inner aspiration be to find that simplicity, so that love and truth may be present in everything.

The consecrated life is something that My beloved Son greatly appreciates, for in each consecrated soul, the Lord finds the possibility of expressing His Kingdom through essences.

Today, let those consecrated seek inner simplicity, so that your essences may draw closer to Christ and Christ is able to draw closer to all His disciples of the new era.

Dear children, as the Mother of Consecrated Life, I accompany you on the path of faith, of perseverance, and above all, of the inner union of each soul with Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you under the inner Heaven,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the flame of the Holy Spirit illuminate your paths so that they may be filled by Its Gifts of Wisdom and Love, because by receiving these celestial attributes, the souls that are disciples of Christ will acquire greater wisdom, discernment and love for accomplishing their tasks.

May the flame of the Holy Spirit give you the impulse every day to live the transcendence from forms and liberation from obstacles, for by receiving the Holy Spirit within yourselves, the consciousness is able to further understand the Plan of God.

May the flame of the Holy Spirit enter the very depths of the spirit of each being so that inner truth may be revealed, and, in this way, the doors may open to forgiveness so that everyone may go through them.

Allow this sacred Flame of the Holy Spirit to envelope you and make of each soul a precious instrument in the Hands of God.

“Come Holy Spirit and transform all that was created
for the Glory of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gives you the impulse,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When souls sleep the dream of this world, their eyes close to all Truth and their spirits become susceptible to all the influences of illusion and planetary chaos. Because of this, today My hands are raised before My children, to remove from their eyes the blindfolds that cause them to fall into a deep and permanent sleep.

I come to remove you from inertia and the indifference produced by a life of amenities, which you oftentimes live, without even perceiving it.

I come to remove you from the vanity and pride that make you always desire more in the world of matter, placing the goals of your lives in a material conquest, in pleasure and in human power.

My children, those of you who live here were attracted to this nation to heal something deeply rooted within the consciousness of the country, to bring from the peoples who are more open to God, in a heart-felt manner, the fervor, the devotion and the simplicity that keeps you within the divine purpose.

And those who were born here in these times have the mission of overcoming the false tendencies to which the enemy calls you, to then reestablish the divine purpose here in this nation, which must become a model of conversion, and not of decay for humanity.

The Divine Messengers have come here, beloved children, to warn you that the moment to awaken has come, because all false strongholds will collapse, and the foundations of illusion will be broken by the Power of Divine Justice. If the inner temple is not built and supported by faith, you will fall like all those who are weak in spirit, and you will have no way of rebuilding your own lives within this world.

Children, this country has chosen to live the test which will show that, before God, without power and without possessions, it is nothing.

Souls are confused and their values are inverted. The search that they have come to live in this world is not that of material conquest, it was not an experience of pleasure and power, children, that you have come to live here.

If you spend all your lives struggling against Divine Will for yourselves, only attentive to the illusions of this world, what will you take from here? What experience of unconditional and Christic love have you lived? What have you imitated from the example of Christ? How did you experience the Divine Presence? Did you give anything of yourselves to others? Or did you just conquer for yourselves something that will be buried with your ignorance in this world?

My children, humanity is not perceiving the urgency of these times, and it is very far from true divine purpose. You are not interested in true love, you are not interested in giving of yourselves to others, but rather just demanding of your brothers and sisters that which brings you outer power and goods. It does not matter to you if your own benefit results in the suffering of many of your brothers and sisters throughout the world. It does not matter to you that your comfortable life is the result of an age-old imbalance, which enriches a few and impoverishes many of My children, who suffer in matter and in spirit due to those imbalances.

Children, I would like to have you at least reflect on the meaning of your lives, that you at least question yourselves on why and for what you are in this world, on what you are building in it and in yourselves with everything that you live? On what fills your souls each day? And on how you contribute to the evolution of humanity?

I come to invite you to the simple exercise of prayer, not only for yourselves, but for the whole planet. I come to invite you to have a consciousness that encompasses Life, the Kingdoms of Nature and your most distant brothers and sisters, and, may you feel that you are not alone, and that there are many in the world who suffer and need your help. In this way, you may live to bring balance to what you have so far generated as humanity, and you may renounce the poor pleasure and constant distraction so that those who suffer may receive relief and hope from God.

I invite you, children, to have a divine purpose in life, and not a material one. Understand that this world is just the beginning, it is a temporary school which defines the evolution of souls. Here you must learn to serve, to renounce and to be a conscious part of the Divine Plan.

I look at this country and I find many of My children distracted. Those who committed themselves to Christ at the beginning have forgotten that it is through renunciation and through sacrifice that God is reached. They have forgotten that it is by giving to one’s fellow beings that one receives from the Father what is needed. They have forgotten that it is through emptying oneself that one learns to love, that it is through accepting differences that it is possible to be transformed.

My children, I am here to remind you that this is the final time for Graces, that this is the time for the awakening of faith, because only in faith will your strength reside.

I humbly ask you to open your eyes, that you pray, that you serve and that you definitely wake up, because the test of this nation is imminent, it is right before you.

Those who know they respond to God do not need to fear, and those who are far from Him simply need to awaken.

I warn you, I show you the path, and I give you My blessings and Graces so that you may walk. Take your steps.

I love you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
