To the Brave Ones
Dear children,
Today your Heavenly Mother dedicates this message of peace and of consolation to those who disappeared, almost one month ago, in the Atlantic Ocean.
I would like all My children, especially those from Argentina, to know that the 44 brave ones are in My Bosom of Mother, as well as their families, who have been spiritually consoled by My Immaculate Heart.
In these definitive times, in which the whole planetary life is at stake, certain groups of souls in this world offer themselves to the Creator so that many more souls may learn to perceive that the times and the events change unexpectedly.
The souls that offer their lives and their families so that millions more may learn that it is urgent to step out of the hypnotism and awaken to the life of the spirit, do so in inner sacrifice in order to generate a very great change in humanity.
The 44 brave ones came to this world to teach humanity about the imperious need to seek the superior Life in these times and to unite in the Trust of God.
They left for everyone the memory that life does not end here on this material plane, but that it continues forward through the soul of each being.
With their surrender, they taught that God has the Truth, and that in the critical moments and in extreme situations, it will be enough to go within to be able to find God and unify in His Divine Will.
In this time, in which unknown situations present themselves in the life of people, it is important, dear children, to perceive that if in truth you are not united in obedience to all that comes from on High and which is true Law, you will not be able to be in justice and in equity with your fellow beings.
Today I ask you to remember the message that the brave ones left, the message of a profound and mysterious silence at the bottom of the sea.
This message represents, despite the events, the opportunity to become silent and to seek a true response within, so that, from there, everything may be clarified with Wisdom and Greater Love.
The Universe closes an inner cycle with this event, which will always call and convene consciousnesses about the need that every day you reformulate your lives and that you know, above all things, that you have to be in the Sacred Hands of God to live and move through what in many cases is inexplicable and is not within the reach of humanity itself.
With all of this, dear children, on this day I invite you to love the unknown, that which has no concrete answer and that some souls offer themselves to live for many more, so that the majority of hearts may someday recognize that existence and life is not only material, that everything parts from what is infinite, immaterial, what comes from the Creative Source, and that for the majority of beings is a great mystery.
Loving what you do not know, living what the Universe presents to you day by day, children, you will learn to live Redemption, the path toward inner unity and communion with the Divine Existence, thus approaching true reality and abandoning what is materialistic and satisfies the ego.
I invite you, like the 44 brave ones, to penetrate the mystery of the unknown, which since the Beginning exists in this Creation and comes from God.
I invite you to experience union with Universal Life.
I thank all those present for being here today, for having responded to My call and for having prayed from the heart for the famiillies of the 44 brave ones.
Who loves you and blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas
On this special day, dear children, on which we celebrate the Apparitions of the little Virgin of Guadalupe, with joy and happiness, your Heavenly Mother returns to Argentina, and this time to Mar del Plata to carry out, through this meeting of prayer, a planetary and at the same time regional mission.
In the first place, I wish to send My warmest maternal greetings to My children of Mexico, because today it has been one year since the Little Virgin of Guadalupe touched Mexican soil again.
Secondly, I would like to direct My Words of Love to all the children of Argentina and to the region of the Southern Cone, for having adhered to and united with the important call to prayer for the missing people in the Atlantic Ocean.
It is thus, My children, that today your Mother and Queen of Guadalupe returns after such a short time to Argentina, in order to spiritually help the nation, and especially, all those who live here.
I would like, dear children, for this Vigil of Prayer to be dedicated on this day, not only to the reality that Argentina is experiencing, in society as well as among the people, but also to all the other nations of the world, especially the nations of Latin America that are facing the great tests of the end of times.
Today I also send My maternal and spiritual assistance to Honduras, so that it may again find Peace and true Justice in this time of crisis in humanity.
May each prayer, which will be offered today by every human heart, be sincere and true so that all the pleas may touch the loving Heart of God and He, in His Infinite Glory, may pour out Grace and Mercy upon the nations of the world.
I tell you again, My beloved children, that the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations is now a fundamental duty and the commitment of all those who pray, knowing that in these times, in which conflicts and social struggles are unleashed, a celestial intervention in certain nations of the world is urgent; this rebuilds the human consciousness and its cosmic purpose at the spiritual level.
May each new Vigil of Prayer be dedicated with a fervent love of the heart so that the doors of Divine Compassion may open, and so that, in these times, all can be healed and repaired.
I will be grateful if the groups of the planetary Light-Network continue to visit the Marian Centers as well as draw closer to the Light-Communities to help and serve in each task.
It will be indispensable, in this cycle, to work to protect the foundational bases of the Work of the Divine Messengers.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To the Argentinians that disappeared
Dear children,
Today your Celestial Mother, as Mother and Mediator of this world, appeals to all Her children to, on this day of blessing, offer this Meeting with Me for those that recently disappeared in the argentinian Atlantic Ocean.
I call all the groups of prayer of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Chile to unite fraternally by means of a luminous chain of prayer and of vigil, so that your Celestial Mother may guide and help the souls that disappeared on the high seas.
For this, I come to ask especially to My children from the Argentinian Republic to concentrate for a few days in the city of Mar del Plata, to pray the Mysteries of the Rosary for each one of the brothers and sisters that have disappeared, offering from the depth of their hearts this service of prayer as an immediate means to help the families of those who disappeared, as well as to bring relief to each one of their members.
On this night, your Universal Mother will be dedicating this Meeting of Prayer to each one of My children who have disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean.
Just as in other times I asked you, lovingly, to pray for the refugee families that still continue to cross the challenging Mediterranean Sea to escape wars, today I come to ask you for this Brothers and sisters who have disappeared so that God, Who is Infinite in Mercy, may grant, by means of My Intercession, the necessary help.
If you remember, children, in the last Meeting that took place in the month of October in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, My Beloved Son declared to you that Argentina, would undergo a great and unknown test, in a short time. This test and this moment are taking place in these days.
For this, I invite you, as never before, to place attention on and discernment in what the Divine Messengers announce from time to time, because through the Sacred Word there is an attempt to avoid situations in the souls and in all of humanity.
Those recently disappeared offered themselves, in this life, for the whole Argentina so that this people and consequently all the nations in the world, that now participate in the search operation, may learn that God alone has the power and that the hour has come to convert and to redeem themselves so that the Sacred Victory of Christ is established.
Some groups of souls at this time, without knowing it and without having known, having or not religion or creed, have offered themselves entirely to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that millions of people may perceive that we are crossing the portal of a definitive time that calls souls to be united in love and in solidarity, because that will rebuild the planet.
These groups of souls have offered to suffer for Jesus and for the immediate redemption of humanity, since it is urgent that the whole race change its state and action.
Lastly, I would like My children from Argentina to gather in the Naval Base of Mar del Plata to pray for all the brothers and sisters who, in these times, offer their lives and hearts for others to carry forward experiences and conquests on the planet that are unreal.
I will be, as never, close to those who out of love and consciousness respond to My call.
I will be with each Family of each one that disappeared, going through this test and takeing them tightly by the hand.
I would like, in truth, that the nations learn that humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature are no longer a laboratory, but that they are all essences in redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more