During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


Humility will be what will move the souls away from darkness.

Therefore My dears, cultivate through constancy in prayer a humble and meek spirit, because in this way your spirits will be brought towards the liberation of the capital sins of humanity.

To those who persevere day by day in the hour of mercy at three in the afternoon, I promise that at the hour of their death they will not be judged by Me, but they will be liberated from the weight of the past and they will begin to glimpse the Light of Eternal Life.

Before the great time, try to live through the spirit of humility because it is in the emptiness of self that the soul will find meekness for its consciousness and thus it will be able to heal itself from all that it may need, through the wise and loving forgiveness of God the Father.

Be meek and when you do not manage to be so, strive to be as humble as you can, seeking an act of reconciliation and silence towards your brothers and sisters because this will strengthen the necessary unity that in these times must exist between My Sheep. Do not occupy your time with whatever may still not be solved but try to detach yourselves and to give to Me all that is not good for your hearts.

Whenever a soul surrenders itself to My Heart, the joy of My Consciousness is infinite because this simple action opens a door for the unexpected conversion of other creatures.

I am with you in good and in error because as Father of the essences and Son of God I know that you are still learning to walk amongst the thorns and the stones that in the past have marked your lives. But always see on the horizon the unfathomable Mercy of My Heart, see the rays of peace and of transfiguration that come to your hearts.

Believe in My Eternal Hope; when you raise your eyes on High, may your beings shine out of joy for being in God the Father. Encourage yourselves to live redemption and to entirely transform yourselves in My Mercy.

I always encourage you to carry on.

Under the Infinite Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, who will save you and redeem you through the Power of the Love of God.


In the face of the circumstances and tests of life I beg and I implore My Followers to not lose My Peace, My Light and My Mercy for anything because we are near the times of changes and of purification for the consciousnesses.

For this you must be with Me present all the time. Now it is not enough only to pray to My Heart at some hour of your lives but you must remain all the time in My Heart of Light.

The currents will come to encounter humanity and My most available and least fearful Disciples will be the ones who will give testimony of My Presence and of My Upcoming Return. In this way I train, by means of merciful prayer, the soldier apostles of the Redeemer Christ so that surrendered to My Divine Fire and donated to My Law of Love, they may reach the most suffering corners of the Earth where is needed a true word and the action of love and of peace.

In this way I will raise My Promised Church so that through My Spirit all of My Followers of peace may unite themselves in the mission of the Great Fraternity.

Dears, raise the flags so that those who constantly shipwreck in the ocean of loneliness and of despair may enter into My Ocean of unfathomable Mercy and Piety.

I return to overthrow with My Light the idols that have created sinuous paths for the souls. I come in Glory and Justice to liberate the doors of hell so that those who still do not see My Precious Light may be fed by the love of My Creator Father.

I unite you and I do not want that you separate yourselves. I love you and I ask you that you truly love each other because the time will come to confirm the fruit of the talents that I have left for humanity.

Believe in the power of My Infinite Mercy for these times. Believe in the strength of My Redeemer Love. I love you and I bless you always.

Under the love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.

Monthly Messages
Message for the Vigil of Prayer of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to Friar Elías

Dear children,

Once again I will be among you in the primordial Center of prayer of Brazil. I will be among you in the Center of prayer of Figueira.

Dear children, today, with the special devotion that My Heart radiates, I will transmit to you an instruction from Mother to child, from the universe to the disciple.

My children, God prodigiously manifests Himself in three ways for souls, for His creatures. God can manifest Himself through the spirit of His creatures and transmit His Wisdom; God can manifest Himself through the minds of His creatures to transmit His Ideas on the Plan of Love for the universe; and God can manifest Himself through the soul of His creatures to transmit His Love to all the spaces of Creation.

God is an Essence of pure, wise, and divine Love; from Him comes all the powers of Creation and manifested life. God is owed honor, glory, and praise because He achieves His greatest expression through the love and unity among creatures.

Today, dear children, I want to teach you in this time to experience a lesson of humility, because God expects your consciousnesses to mature. This lesson of humility consists in your recognizing that God has the majesty and the power to manifest Himself to His creatures in different ways, in order that souls may know Him and feel Him as the Source of Love for life on Earth.

When God recognized the offering of His faithful Servant, the Virgin Mary, there was never any intention of appropriating it, in this mystery of surrender and sacrifice. The Love of God rested in My maternal consciousness, a pure and true Love that entered My Heart to have it become immaculate.

See, My dear ones, how God acts and reveals Himself to His children with Love and Faith, because God expects humanity to attain peace through the knowledge of Divine Truth.

When a heart gives itself to the universe, God is able to manifest Himself in that creature, and then His Will is etched in that consciousness that, through faith and devotion, must accomplish it.

My little ones, I want you to see and recognize that God is Humility and Wisdom. God will never magnify His power because, if He did, it would not be God. God awakens peace for life, as a source for the spirit; faith as an essence for inner growth; unity as a principle of fraternity; and love as spiritual support for souls.

Everything is simple, dear children, who are in God will not fear to be divested of themselves to be able to be healed from the spirit. God is the Source of Love that presents itself so that all may experience this through It.

When the soul does not listen, God is unable to approach. Universal Love needs to be impregnated as light in the cells of all souls so that, in the end, you may imitate My path of surrender and trust. Because in this way, as souls, you will help in the love for God, so He may continue to manifest Himself among creatures, the Kingdoms and the world.

God is renewal, is the Spirit of life and hope. God is the concretization of inner missions for creatures. God is the Love present in the essence of all His children. God must be sought from the heart, because God is constant prayer and a refuge for the hearts that are experiencing the desert and inner thirst. God resurrects the life of the spirit in those who have lost it. God heals through His kindness and humility, because God is the Sanctified Spirit in the Celestial Universe.

God is the only Greater Good for all, because the Father of Heaven is your beginning and your end in this life. He is eternity, eternal Love.

Dear children, hold in your hearts the aspiration of the Father for being more present in them.

Thank you for responding to the Call of God!

Who thanks and blesses you, in the Light of God,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and the Love of God



Dear companions:

While the inexhaustible Source of My Mercies and wonders is poured upon the entire world at three in the afternoon My Shepherd and Redeemer Heart perceives the love of the souls for My Universal Consciousness.

Today dears, set your eyes upon this Source and see through It the mirror of your earthly lives, lives that out of love and compassion I come to transform. All of the instruments that I make use of day by day must be united amongst themselves so that My Work may be accomplished.

I want that you may be able to understand the importance of the inner unity that must be awakened among all of My Flocks because if it were like this I would be able to name you as the new disciples of My Merciful Heart.

Each soul that I make use of day by day has a favorite task with Me: the task of taking My Example and My Word to each place where it may go to.

For this, so that the Plan may be accomplished in all of the spaces of life, amongst the disciples and the task, neither competence nor incomprehension should prevail, because it would be as if a gap is opened between Earth and Heaven.

It is necessary to love the task that the Plan provides to you because the spirit’s own strength will aid you when you must take the definite steps towards Me.

Dears, for this today I call you to enter My Ocean so that your deep wounds may be able to be washed by the Water that springs from My Side. In this way you will help Me to quench the great thirst that I feel for all of the souls that are empty, without love, and for the souls that still do not live in the truth of the heart.

Whenever you manage to love the task of the brother and sister and to respect it as a part of the Will of God, you may thus be able to unite yourself without preferences to it, I will be able to say that you will be fully merciful with all of the creatures.

May Good, Peace and Mercy remain in your hearts.

Under the Light of the Father, be merciful.

Thank you for reverencing My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior. 


Leave all that you feel and observe, guarding in the heart all that may be similar to you or all that may be indifferent to you. Pray with Me so that My rays may be able to impregnate each state that the consciousness lives.

Do not disturb your heart with what may happen. Allow the neutrality of My Heart to conquer you so that you may learn in My humility and in inner transparence.

Rejoice whenever something against your thoughts and feelings is said because each stair that you climb will mean a new experience to be lived. In this way you will find the essence of being in the emptiness of yourself and you will not search for a mental explanation for each situation in life.

The souls must carry and bear in their spiritual evolution the weight of the personality or of what the world calls ego. To work for My Father means to die to oneself every day, to die to oneself for what one lives or to die to oneself for what is said to one. For this you must acquire a noble and peaceful spirit so that the issues between the consciousnesses may not become divisions and there may begin to be a lack of love towards the neighbor.

Take the example of My Path with the Apostles and there you will see the Infinite Love that was radiated to all of them. Without love, unity will be impossible realize and consequently the plans of My Father will be restricted by the consciousnesses.

For this participate with the heart of the source of My Mercy and you will be able to see how everything works out whenever there is the value of transforming oneself.

Humanity as a whole still needs much mercy and piety. May your hearts be the channel so that My Source may be able to be poured and in this way My Spirit may be able to heal your deep beings, your unconscious.

Each lesson that presents itself in the life of My Disciples presents itself in order to demonstrate the degree of love reached from the experience of consecration to Me. For this is needed great bravery so that amongst My Followers may be transcended the obstacles of consciousness and the veils that divide the unity between My Flocks.

You will see that between My Heart and the Heart of My Mother reigns the unity between Ourselves and God because there reigns the Love to the same Purpose.

Under the Love of the Father, be united and merciful.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Instructor. 


Watch out for those who say that they work in My name and for My name, because at the end of the times you will perceive that it has not been so.  I am present and omniscient in the hearts of My children, those who live Me and those that make an effort to love Me every day.

One day I said to you for you to give all that you had and that you follow Me; but today I say to you: share all that you possess and do not be afraid of that which occultly shines as a personal possession. 

The true brothers and sisters of the path and children of My Father share all that they have until they are left with nothing, because the true child of God is that one who trusts fully in the Providence of My Lord.

It happens in the same way with the union of the flocks, because for My Unfathomable Heart there are not two parts of a flock, but there is just one only and beloved flock.

For this I say to you, contemplate with the heart what it is that, which due to pride, separates you from the others; so that the ideas and the assumptions may not be intertwined as ropes that tie up the walking of each heart.  Be strong in love, because now it is being revealed to you that which for a long time you have not wanted to see in yourselves.

My dears, accept the new time, a time that will liberate you from the spiritual control of life and of things, because whoever lives for My Supreme God does not carry their own load on their shoulders nor do they place it on their brothers and sisters.  Whoever lives for My Beloved Lord carries on themselves the sacrifice for those who still do not sacrifice themselves nor love the law of the Lord.

Open your hands and leave behind all of that which produces in you, awakens and creates in you an image of personal possession, because otherwise you will believe that you are working for My God, and you will be working for yourselves.

Follow Me and do not look back, walk as one, forward, because from the abysses the love of My Heart will take charge, which will save you, and will give you the true life that you wait for so much. Read your actions through the signs of life, they will say to you which degree of love you are in.  Do not let the enemy reflect to you confused signs, because you will be before your illusion.

Trust in that which I ask you.

Under the Love of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, be fraternal and blessed.

Thank you for considering My words from the heart!

Christ Jesus.



If there is love between brothers and sisters you will free yourselves from entering into false judgments. If there is love between brothers and sisters it will not matter who makes a mistake, what will matter will be that the other brother or sister loves beyond the mistake.

This is what My disciples have to learn, to love each other above all things so that they may get to know the mutual respect between beings. If there is no harmony peace will not be able to exist and if peace is lacking there love and unity will be lacking. All has its cycle, including the great tests, but it is in them where the great weaknesses make themselves evident. Who has more consciousness must remember that God does not deal with human mistakes, but with compassion which is the action of acting and forgiving through peace.

For this: be careful with saying that which is not well known or what is not understood because this will be like feeding the wolf. While you are in this world, all will learn. My second coming is to remove the crown of illusion that many carry over themselves, above all in those who deny My Heart.

For this I bring you My Celestial Peace so that you may heal yourselves and love each other. Do not forget the power of love because the love of a soul is that which accepts the mistakes of its peers and which helps to comfort the despair of the neighbor. Thus you will be able to know that your Christification has a long path to travel. You are just at the beginning of My Christic journey. 

Under the Mercy of God, be loving and patient.

Thank you for listening to My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, your Savior. 


Submerse yourself in My Love because in My Love you will find security for life and all the paths will always lead you to Me.

A parable of Jesus:

There were once two brothers who were appreciated by their Father.  As the Father used to travel for jobs that were the support of the whole family, the two brothers were committed to taking care of the goods, which the Father had entrusted them to guard and protect.

One day one of the brothers, the older, stopped watching the precious treasure upon seeing that his younger brother was distracted and inattentive. The younger brother stopped watching with attention what the Father had entrusted to him. When this youngest brother stopped taking care of the goods, because he was occupied with other things, his other brother, the older, complained to him with dislike about what had happened without knowing well what in truth was going on.

The younger brother had allowed a large crop, a family possession, to be completely lost, to get dry from lack of water from the spring of his Father. Before this great fact the older brother, who was a little more mature and who depreciated the younger brother, had judged him without knowing the whole truth. In consequence of this he lost the true love for his brother.

The oldest brother was not only wiser than his younger brother but his Father had also left in charge of him other lands. These lands were destroyed by an intensive rain.

When their Father returned to his home he found what was happening. The oldest brother told his Father what had happened to the lands that he had entrusted them of and that, the carelessness on his part had been to watch his younger brother.

The Father before his two sons responds: it does not matter how much you have lost of my goods, what matters to your father is that you do not judge, but that you love each other above all things as what I entrusted you before my departure gave you the opportunity which would show you that any of my sons could make a mistake, but what you could not forget is the love that I had taught you so that you could live in Peace.

My dears, what is the spiritual philosophy of this parable?

It is that God loves you as you are, even with imperfections. God expects from you an absolute unity and humility, which will allow you to recognize that one day you may be apprentices of life and on another day you may be instructors of life. There must never lack love in your hearts, if there isn’t any love forgiveness becomes superficial and unity becomes weak. Strengthen your faith in that it is possible to transform everything because now has come the moment for you to recognize My Heart in every brother and sister. 

In the Peace of My Heart, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My parables in the inner heart!

Christ Jesus.



A new path opens with the return of My Glory to the Earth. For this, today I call you to prepare your hearts and consciousnesses for the advent of something even greater and more celestial.

Dear ones, in silence and in prayer, I accompany you, I am near your lives when your hearts call upon Me, to share with Me the life of your souls.

Adore Me. Love Me. Glorify Me, because I love you and I glorify you beyond your faults and uncertainties. Among My friends, only peace and unity reigns. If there is no peace and unity among My flocks, love will not be able to exist, and in this lack of love, the redemption of your lives by Me will not exist.

Dear ones, each path that comes to Me is cyclic, it begins again. For this, I Am the Path that you look for so as to get to the Father. I Am the Truth that will be revealed to you when your beings are prepared, and I Am the Life that takes you out from the death in which you live due to indifference, temptation and desire.

I Am this Bread of Life that resuscitates you and I Am the Source that quenches your thirst and heals you from all pain. For this My friends, you must trust in Me to find the source of the wonders and blessings because now you are My friends, those that must let Me enter in so that My Sacred Heart may work in each essence of My Father.

Where do you expect to go, but to the House of My Father? There are infinite dwellings there which wait for good souls and full servers that will serve My Great and Unique Lord.

My dears, everything has already been given to you, even the sacrifice of the Son of God on the Cross. I came to the world for you and I will come back to the world for each one of My followers. Just prepare your homes for when I come back through the celestial door of My Father.

Under the Divine Spirit of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My priestly words in your hearts!

Peace and Good.

Christ Jesus


Dear children,

A soul dedicated to the life of prayer is a heart open to new cycles. Therefore today I ask you to be an instrument of living prayer so that My Son may manifest Himself in the essence of your hearts.

Remember, dear children, that your lives must be the source of prayer, of a prayer that must spring from the heart.

Therefore, My children, live within the great Source of Prayer that is My Son so that your lives may recognize the Love of the Redeemer. As sheep of the Shepherd, unite your hearts to each brother heart and keep your hands united to each heart, because if so, you will be renovating the existence of love in all of the world, a Merciful Love that is radiated by Jesus to each heart of this Earth.

Dear children, be in this way a source and may your lives not tire of giving love, unity and hope in the times that will come.

My children, transforming your lives into inexhaustible sources of prayer, you will allow the Holy Spirit to approach the reality of each life, lives that need the Light and the Love of God.

Therefore, My Immaculate Heart tells you again: pray! Pray and pray, My little children, so that all humanity may receive the essence of Good and Peace.

As Queen of Peace I call you to pray with Me so that your hearts may become, through prayer, roses of Light for the Creator.

Reflect today on the importance of giving yourselves for love of others.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

When you live in the Will of the Father, you will recognize, by means of prayer, the immensity of works of Love, Pity and Mercy that He realizes in this whole world.

When you live in the Will of the Lord you will recognize your preferences and your goals and you will know which of them to purify.

When you live in the Will of God, you will feel what Good is so that imitating it, your lives may also conduct other souls.

When you live in the Will of My Son, you will recognize the One who, with so much love, speaks to you day by day and you will be able to value everything that has been given to your hearts.

When many of My children live in the Will of the Father, you will recognize My messages and you will confirm all the maternal instruction given month by month.

When humanity lives in the Will of the Holy Spirit, everyone will know where they are and that at this moment they are invited to travel the new pathway of Christ.

When the hearts live in the Will of God, they will be able to surrender life into the Hands of the Creator, and they will stop controlling their own lives. This will allow God to express His Universe in each one of His children.

My children, if humanity already lived in the Will of the Lord, conflict would end in the world and Celestial Peace would be present, there would be no separation within families and only unity would reign; everything would be rebuilt so that God would be able to make Himself present in the hearts of His children.

But still, dear children, souls do not live in the Will of God because they fear what Love, the Eternal God, may aspire to do in each essence. If humanity were already in the Will of the Lord the plans would change, and Divine Mercy would be the Light expanded in all the corners of this world.

While souls do not live in the Divine Will of God, I ask you for constant prayer so that the soul may recognize the path it is being called to travel, the path of Redeeming Love.

You, My little ones, can aspire to live in this unfathomable Will of God because this feeling will please the Heart of God, and you will help Me in this mission of the Queen of Peace.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Let us continue together through the path of peace and unity because in this way, My little ones, you will be in My Kingdom, the Kingdom of My Son Jesus, Paradise, a place where your hearts must aspire to be with God.

Dear children, open the portal of the heart so that My Immaculate Light may be able to fill and impregnate you with the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Open your arms so that the heart of peace that exists in each one of you may be able to emerge from the depths of the soul and there God may always reign.

My children, spread the Peace I am giving you, the Peace that is necessary in the hearts of all My children of this world.

For peace to prevail, you must be like the water that springs from the fountain of My Maternal Heart.

You must be a source of prayer to thus renew life under the Divine Spirit of the Lord. You must be an expression of faith for this world. You must be the Fire of the Holy Spirit that in prayer may be able to awaken and heal the aching heart of humanity.

You, My children, are part of this Creation, and God created you to serve others in charity and love, creating a New Fraternity in all humanity.

Feel that everything I tell you and that what My Heart emanates daily to you is true. With prayer and love in your hearts you will allow your souls to be converted into simple instruments at the service of the Divine Father Creator.

Open your hearts again and only find rest in the Hands of God.

I leave you a mission: to pray so that the Fountain of Peace that is found in Heaven may descend over the Earth.

In this way, My children, your lives will correspond to the Plans of God.

Walk in faith. Everything is under the gaze of My Maternal Kingdom.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

The Marian praying missionaries that unite themselves to the light of My Immaculate Heart must be vigilant in prayer for those who still do not pray, do not wait for, and do not love the Celestial God of the Universe.

This practice of love and vigilance for souls is given through the prayer of the heart because through this prayer the keys of wisdom and discernment may be awakened by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Today I call you, dear children, so that your lives in these times of great changes aspire to be and remain under the flame of the Holy Spirit.  In this way your hearts will be participants of the selfless service for other souls, service that may awaken through the heart.  And in this spirit of collaboration for all the souls in the world is where your lives will find the perfect unity with My Glorified Son and in this way you may see the eyes of Jesus in each one of your brothers and sisters of the path.

Now dear children, to humanity corresponds to protect and call for the presence of the Holy Spirit so that all hearts in Christ may be missionaries for Peace through prayer.

With all this dear children, the moment will come when each life must irradiate the true spirit of fraternity, which will be necessary to cultivate so that the Peace of the Kingdom of Heaven manifests for this promised Earth.

For this dear children, with joy bring between your hands the gift of fraternity so that uniting heart with heart and as humanity you participate in the awaited return of My Son.  With open arms to wait for Christ, your hearts may be prepared for the coming of the new, for the coming of the Spirit of Peace, so that many of My children may live it.

May My son be for your lives the first aspiration for Celestial Peace.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

As the Lady of the Pains I ask God for all My children so that My Immaculate Heart may intercede before each one of them. Today I ask you for more prayer with the heart so that God the Father will hear My supplications for the world.

Those who do not live the conversion of life, how can they overcome the changes that will happen for purification of the souls?

Remember My children, in contemplation and in renunciation from the heart you will encounter the true mysteries of the Will of God that humanity still cannot live.

My Heart wants to bring to you each day the presence of My Son so that you, imitating the Shepherd’s blissfulness, may dissolve through fraternal love the great evil that this world lives.

From epoch to epoch My Immaculate Heart brings a message for the conversion of all. Because of this, for this time, the conversion and the detachment from all faults through true prayer of the heart will allow you to live the reconciliation in the Lord.

Dear children, I carry on My face a tear that speaks about the pain of this humanity. I await in the hope that My children who are distant from God may approach themselves to Him. I pray for all of them and place them near My Maternal Spirit so that they reach redemption and conversion.

Humanity still must live acts of deep humility to be able to relieve the offenses that God’s Heart receives. For this, My praying children may relieve the heart of the Father through unity among souls, love among the hearts and peace in all places of the Earth. This will help the conversion of many children that need it.

The time of the calling is now, so little children, redeem, redeem, redeem what is still not redeemed, so you may please the Father for so many offenses that He receives from this world.

Be joyful so your hearts approach themselves to purity.

I thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Dear children,

If humanity lived the precepts of God, that is, the Commandments, the world would be different. Therefore, dear children, My Heart is present in each one of you because as humanity, you need the Graces and the Love of My Maternal Heart.

My children, today I call you to renew the devotion to My Immaculate Heart and if you do so, little children, God, the Source of Love, will act through My Son who has resurrected, and through Me, the Universal Mother.

Today I want to bring you all towards the true feeling of prayer, which must be primordial and important in each one of your lives and in this time of changes that you are living in the world.

Today, also, as My Son has done, I extend My arms of peace for those who may accept to live My call as a group and as an individual mission for each one of your hearts.

Know, dear children, that My voice announces itself to the world in this time of purification. This is why I invite you to join the forces of your hearts together in unity and in peace. In this way, these attributes will uplift humanity even more towards the Kingdom of God and you, as souls, will be united to Me.

When I say to you: “Thank you for responding to My call” it is so that you may know that My Maternal and Immaculate Heart is embracing many souls that are unknown to you and that live in this world. These souls need My Heart, because if My Heart were not among you as humanity, many Plans of Peace that My Heart propagates would not be able to be fulfilled.

For this reason, My children, I carry you daily in My Heart and today I tell you again: Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace! Peace! Peace for all!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

It does not matter how much your hearts have failed the Love of God. My Heart contemplates the faults of the world and, by means of the constant prayers that My voice emanates from the Heavens, I can fill the Earth with Graces to repair the faults of all souls of the world.

For this reason, dear children, more than repairing the Great Heart of the Heavens, all of you are called, through prayer, to convert yourselves into little sparks of My Immaculate Heart so that you may live My Peace, and so that you may imitate My Peace. The Lord expects from each one of your hearts purity, giving and love, so that these principles may embrace the greatest number of souls that need peace and love.

For this reason, dear children, today I invite you to live in the perseverance of the heart. There the faith of all souls will be able to become stronger, and prayer will be pronounced with truth. In the path of faith, you will find the balm of the Love that My Son gives to you through the daily communion with His Sacred Heart. In permanent prayer and daily communion, many of the negative actions committed in the world are repaired in the moment of the inner encounter of each soul with Christ.

Dear children, also the unity among your hearts will allow the times of peace among the souls of the world to be established. Through this path of peace that I invite you to travel, the hearts that seek courage to continue in life and on the path of unity with God will be calmed with love.

I wait for you on the path of unity with My Immaculate Heart. I love you. I contemplate you. Have courage to live the change of the kind heart towards God.

Let us pray and work in peace and for peace.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Love defeats the barriers of pain. The pain of the world can be liberated by the imperious power of each prayer. In each prayer there is an inner mission, which each soul will assume before God.

Dear children, avail yourselves of My Immaculate Heart and in this way, each one of your hearts will be formed in the school of prayer. Remember, My dear ones, the importance that all of you, as souls and as families, pray united and together; in this way the Lord will provide you with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that in these times are necessary in humanity.

Each moment that your souls are before prayer and before My Immaculate Heart will give you the strength, dear children, that each one of your hearts will need in this last cycle. Open your eyes, My little ones, and see the Good News that the Lady Clothed with the Sun is communicating to your hearts.

Dear children, while time is quickly passing by, the inner force of prayer must be a pillar where God can find support and pour out His Grace, because in order for the Graces to be victorious, in each soul there must exist a support of prayer for this world. In this way each soul that is supposed to be impregnated by the Graces will be able to recognize what God will dictate to its heart.

Dear children, vigil, with much love, the path that each one is traveling. The evil that is suffocating the lives of many hearts and that leads them to perdition has not yet finished. Because of this I ask you to pray so that My Plans of Peace may be accomplished in the souls and in the world. All your hearts, little children, are being prepared for the next world that will come after this one.

So that true joy may heal hearts, today I invite you to pray with joy and also because of the lack of joy of sad souls.

May the omnipotent, venerable and beloved Lord God be in each one of your hearts.

May peace be in the lives of all My children. Thank you for responding to My Call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear and beloved children,

Today the Lord asks you for the fraternal love from the heart so that this love for the others may be honestly radiated towards your fellow humans. Dear children, God loves you despite the events that the world lives today.

I invite you, little servers, to recognize the Light of God in each brother-heart. Thus you will be able to unite more in love and to continue together through the paths of the true peace.

In this time I need you to be firm in the merciful power of prayer. As souls donated to Christ, you will be able to help so that some events that are generated by humanity may not fall upon the hearts.

For this, dear children, the Lord entrusts to you the love of the true prayer of the heart, a prayer that may uplift the reality of the world. Together with Me, My little ones, you will be able to travel the pathways of peace and thus My Universal Mantle of Graces will be able to be placed over the children that still do not have Me.

Dear children, each one of you must love the daily communion with My Son. In this time, not even one day of communing with Him should be missing from your lives. On this path of fraternity towards Christ, you, through the act of inner communion, will be able to alleviate the Heart of My Son that is harmed by the vanities of the world. In this unity with Christ, the world will be able to have at least some more time of peace.

God can listen to the voice of your prayers. Thus My Immaculate Heart will be able to arrive to those souls that are the most in need.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity Relief and Peace for the tepid souls.


Dear children,

Today I invite you to sow My Peace in your hearts so that, as small Lights of My Immaculate Heart, the world may be converted. We must pray and this must be a remembrance for your lives here on Earth.

Remember, My children, that we are in a time of transition to a new time that will arrive to all souls that are thirsty for Christ. Therefore, little ones, the constancy of your hearts in prayer will be important. I radiate to you from the Heavens My Divine Love so that your hearts may walk towards My Kingdom of Peace.

But first, little creatures of the Lord, seek the Kingdom of Peace in prayer. Thus you will allow many of My children to be touched by My Merciful Love in this last hour. I call you on this day to the upliftment of the heart; it is a special permission that I am giving you so that your souls may closely glimpse My Kingdom of Peace.

But to get there it will be necessary for your hearts to pray with the confidence that they will, for an instant, be able to touch with the soul the Doors of Paradise.

For this reason, My little ones, unite your hearts to each other. This is important for you and for our beloved Lord. The world is separated of heart and soul; few are the souls that propagate My fraternity in this final time.

Also, My children, we must pray to unite the blind hearts that are distant from the true Merciful Love of My Son. As His coming is on the cusp of few hearts, since few truly wait for Him, we must pray without ceasing so that many of My children in this last hour of the world may be radiated by the Light of My Immaculate Heart.

On this path, which you will decide if you will travel with Me, I will be able to say with certainty on which souls I can count for the hour of the rescue, for the hour of the salvation of hearts.

Let us trust in the Lord. He deserves it. In the Merciful Love,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
