Sunday, November 25 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

May the Mercy of God impregnate your hearts and quench the thirst of your pain.

My children, embrace in your inner the precious flame of the Divine Mercy so that you may find the rest that your souls search for so much, the essence of the repair of the human heart through the intercessory Grace of the Heart of My Son.

Dear children, the path towards the Divine Mercy is a path that you walk every day through your faith and through your devotion.  The world needs for humanity, every day, to enter into the ocean of the Divine Mercy through prayer, the good work and the love that must be irradiated from your hearts.

My children, the great emptiness that exists in the souls is the absence of the Love of God, the love of all the universe, because the hearts are easily tempted by modernity of the world and the enemy succeeds to distance them from the essence of love, and all this for an illusion.

Beloved children, I came to remind you that there exists for all the Fount of Universal Love, the origin of all the origins, from where springs the fountain of the Pure Love of God, the Heavens, the Galaxies and the Universes.  Towards them you hearts must be directed every day so that you may be participants in the conversion of the heart through the power of the Love of God.

My children bring in your hands the prayer of the heart so that it may always guide you, so that it may be the perpetual guide so that humanity may reach the Grace of Redemption.

Today I come again to you to renovate you in spirit and in heart because My children, you must remain moment to moment in the arms of God.  In the arms of the Father you may feel the Fount of Love, of Compassion, of Mercy and of Redemption.

Dear children, for this today I call you to the ascension of your hearts towards the Kingdom of God through prayer because humanity must change, it is time to appear before God as a converted and forgiven humanity.  For this My dears, as Mother and Lady of Compassion today I am among you because as children you must feel My Maternal Immaculate Ray.

May your eyes see appearing in each being the infinite Light of the Holy Spirit because if all of you see in your neighbor the gift that God has given to each being, the conflict in the world would be transformed in peace, the suffering in cure, the pain in light, and the lack of love in purity.  All My children may in thi Dear children:

May the Mercy of God impregnate your hearts and quench the thirst of your pain.

My children, embrace in your inner the precious flame of the Divine Mercy so that you may find the rest that your souls search for so much, the essence of the repair of the human heart through the intercessory Grace of the Heart of My Son.

Dear children, the path towards the Divine Mercy is a path that you walk every day through your faith and through your devotion. The world needs for humanity, every day, to enter into the ocean of the Divine Mercy through prayer, the good work and the love that must be irradiated from your hearts.

My children, the great emptiness that exists in the souls is the absence of the Love of God, the love of all the universe, because the hearts are easily tempted by modernity of the world and the enemy succeeds to distance them from the essence of love, and all this for an illusion.

Beloved children, I came to remind you that there exists for all the Fount of Universal Love, the origin of all the origins, from where springs the fountain of the Pure Love of God, the Heavens, the Galaxies and the Universes. Towards them you hearts must be directed every day so that you may be participants in the conversion of the heart through the power of the Love of God.

My children bring in your hands the prayer of the heart so that it may always guide you, so that it may be the perpetual guide so that humanity may reach the Grace of Redemption.

Today I come again to you to renovate you in spirit and in heart because My children, you must remain moment to moment in the arms of God. In the arms of the Father you may feel the Fount of Love, of Compassion, of Mercy and of Redemption.

Dear children, for this today I call you to the ascension of your hearts towards the Kingdom of God through prayer because humanity must change, it is time to appear before God as a converted and forgiven humanity. For this My dears, as Mother and Lady of Compassion today I am among you because as children you must feel My Maternal Immaculate Ray.

May your eyes see appearing in each being the infinite Light of the Holy Spirit because if all of you see in your neighbor the gift that God has given to each being, the conflict in the world would be transformed in peace, the suffering in cure, the pain in light, and the lack of love in purity. All My children may in this way re-encounter the true essence that God has created and this will be possible through the prayer that springs from your heart.

You are on time to live in the Divine Mercy, all of you must be blessed by this beloved Ray of Transfiguration!

I thank you for answering to My call for conversion!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.s way re-encounter the true essence that God has created and this will be possible through the prayer that springs from your heart.

You are on time to live in the Divine Mercy, all of you must be blessed by this beloved Ray of Transfiguration!

I thank you for answering to My call for conversion!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.