Saturday, November 24 of 2012

Weekly Messages


Maternal message for My beloved children in all of the Americas

Dear children:

Today my heart is happy to find you with the flame of prayer alight in your hearts.  I want to cultivate this flame and this eternal love in your little hearts, so that they can become a bridge between the Earth and the Kingdom of God.   Bring this Kingdom each day more close to your beings, so that in this way you also offer to those who do not seek My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, today the Spirit of God descends over each one of you.  Open your hearts to receive it and to be the inexhaustible fount of this Spirit for each being on this Earth, as is My Heart for all of the Universe.

Today I come to bring to you the Holy Heart of God.  His Pure and Holy Love requests of me this task so that through His own Consciousness, the perfection of the Universe activates the rescue of His creatures.

Beloved children, today the Consciousness of God will allow you to know a little of His Wisdom, through His Spirit and through My Heart.  This Spirit comes as a Peace, a Peace unknown to your hearts.  A peace that heals all illness, always that which your little hearts will allow.

Pray, because it is through constant prayer of the eternal call that your hearts realize the Kingdom of God, so that the Holy Spirit may enter.

My heart calls you to conversion.  Conversion of the heart, of the habits, of the thoughts.  It is through prayer that your little beings will be converted.  And when I speak of conversion, My children, I speak of a profound transformation through a profound love of My Heart and the Pure Heart of My Son Jesus.

The path towards the blessings of the Heavens is always the same:  pray, pray, pray.

Do not ever tire of prayer as My Heart is never tired of searching for you.  It will never rest until the last of you enter into My Kingdom.

I thank you.

Maria, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.