The world offends Christ, because there are still only a few children that repair in prayer to His Divine Heart. It is time for the conversion of all lives, those that still in this time have not lived reconciliation.
Dear children, for all this, may your faces never lack the joy of being with Me. I love you and accompany you in all the changes that your hearts must live. Ask for My Son’s aid because He, in His Merciful Power, will save you and will forgive you.
I want to leave you today the fountain of forgiveness because this is the only path that will take you to the meeting with God. Allow each one of your lives to be reconciled with God day by day, the Highest and Supreme.
Dear children, act as souls of the Father that in the exercise of prayer find strength and faith for the changes. Still humanity must pray much more, so that it receives the Grace of the merciful forgiveness.
If you are in My Son and you adore the Heart of My Son you may take the steps for the times that will come to the world. For this, live from the joy of the heart so that your hearts receive the pleasure of forgiveness and reconciliation with the Supreme Father.
The gratitude for each step that your lives are taking will show you with wisdom the next path that My Son will light up to you with the Power of the Light of His Sacred Heart.
So that your hearts are strengthened, repeat with love and humility:
Lord, give me merciful eyes,
so that my glance
may see the need in each place.
Lord, give me a silent mouth,
so that it only pronounces
words of love and light.
Lord, give me a humble path,
so that my feet walk
through the path of simplicity.
Lord, give me crystalline ears,
so that I only hear
Your words in every place.
Lord, give me a pure heart,
so that it keeps hope
and in Your Divine Mercy
it reaches redemption.
Lord, give me prodigious hands,
so that I only donate and serve
those in need of You.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more