Sunday, December 15 of 2024

The Sacred Call

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And after the dark night, the Light will return, the inner Light that was created in the Supreme Source by the Eternal Father Himself before everything existed. This inner Light will emerge in a surprising way in the moments prior to My Return to the world.

For this reason, you must sustain yourselves in Me, despite the tribulations and the current moment, because there is no heart that knows each one of you as deeply as Mine and that can console, fulfill, and sustain you in Love like Mine.

I know that today, you cannot comprehend many situations, and I understand this. Imagine how My Heart can comprehend everything that happens in the world in this time.

How much suffering is caused in many nations, peoples and families!

How God Himself, surrendering on the Cross through His Son, suffering and enduring for all of you, receives in first person the response that the world gives Him with more indifference and pain!

But I come here once again, not only to tell you, companions, that you are with Me and must be with Me even more in this cycle, because if I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, who will go to the Father, if not through Me?

This is the promise that I made to God at the culminating moment of the Cross, when, after being martyrized and crucified, I said to the Father, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

The value of My Blood, the Precious Blood of Jesus, is still unknown, but the one who unites to it in prayer and adoration will know it because I have come to bring the precarious state of the human consciousness to an end.

However, I know you may ask Me, “Master, why does human precariousness continue to exist? Why is it that, after You Yourself have surrendered Your entire Being on Calvary and on the Cross, humanity continues to go astray and to distance itself from God?”

Companions, this is the time that was written, the time of tribulation. And you yourselves, with your own beings, will be able to go through it in two ways:\ in an evolutionary and neutral way or in an attached and imbalanced way.

With this, I Am not saying that what can be seen in this world and reality on the surface is not painful, because the Son of God Himself felt all the pain of the world, the sins and indifference in His own entrails. But remember that Love triumphed and that it is Love that renews you and gives you life and hope.

Yesterday, My Mother spoke to you about the chalices that are upon the altar served for souls. Who will take them and drink from them, knowing that in this time the great victims of My Love are to be found among those who suffer wars, famine, prison, the death penalty, abortion, and disease?

I will come to bring all this to an end because I Am the same as always: the One Who taught you on top of the Mount of Beatitudes; the One who called you at the shores of the Sea of Galilee, just as I call all of you today by your spiritual and inner names, those names that are known in the universe and vibrate in the stars, even if you do not know this.

I will come to be close to those who trust in Me until the end, knowing that after a storm the Sun shines again, and it is the Sun of My Heart that you must always seek in this time, so that the darkness of the Earth may not confuse or disturb you; because the Moon will be cloaked in blood, the Sun will become opaque, the stars will move, the events will present themselves and everyone is already living it.

This is the preamble and it is the time that announces My coming to the world, and Argentina will have a very important task for your Lord at the end of times.

Many prophecies were written about Argentina and many of them will be fulfilled, mainly those revealed by the God of the Universe Himself. Thus, prepare yourselves, do not become lost in superficial and petty things.

When will you decide to submerge into My Heart to know the great abyss of My Mercy?

My Heart does not tire of loving you and loving the world, despite the errors and sin. But here, in this Work and mainly within you, the Law must always, always be fulfilled so that you may be protected from the storms of these times, from the interpretations and confusions of the world; because this Light that God deposited, gestated and created in each one, in the innermost depths of being, is the Light that must shine so that there may be Christs in this time, Christs of the New Time, just as many times, out of love, We have announced.

May your Inner Christ be the reason for being here and for responding to the Will of God, regardless of what each one of Mine must live in these times.

My Hands and, above all My Heart, place peace today where there is pain and anguish.

My Gaze rests where there is darkness and confusion to dispel them.

My embrace sustains those who trust in Me, beyond themselves, because the time indicates that this is the time of apostolate, the apostolate of the selfless and serving heart for those who suffer, close to you and far from you.

Today My Heart is this Sun that illuminates and shines in Argentina. My Sacred Mantle extends over this nation, which has been stricken by injustice and the lack of transparency.

But the one who truly loves, despite everything, will not perish, will never perish because it will not be a self-love or a passing love; it will be a mature love that will be forged within yourselves at each step and above all in each test, at each new challenge.

May your hearts elevate themselves in trust, faith and renewing hope today, just as My Heart elevates Itself in Argentina. Because today My Sacred Mantle is the flag of this nation; the white, the sky blue and the golden colors, the expressions of the Celestial Universe and of the Mantle of the Divine Mother, Patroness of this nation and Guardian of faith.

I want you to follow me barefoot and with clean hands, purified of your own intentions, your own thoughts and your own feelings.

I want you to follow Me with an empty heart, capable of enduring and receiving everything that comes, thinking of the Passion of Christ, your Lord, at each step. Because the triumph of your Master and Lord did not happen in the debate of His Word, when He was unjustly condemned, but rather in the silence, in the solemn silence that elevates the consciousness and protects it with wisdom.

May your hearts be receptive to this moment. There is so much to do in this world! And you know it.

Argentina must not stop. Argentina must advance and this nation will advance through those who follow Christ with confidence and faith.

In the presence of the celestial choirs, the Lord blesses you, congregates and unites you in impersonal and mature Love, in the Love of the Cross, without hesitation and disagreements, in the Love that made possible going through the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the Love that allowed your Master to take each step on Calvary without retroceding, to advance toward the inexplicable goal that the Father had placed upon His path.

That the Powerful Blood which springs from My Heart as rays of Mercy, may cure, heal and renew you.

You are wayfares of time, wayfarers who have been called to fulfill a Will that cannot be erased or disappear.

Today, I Am here to impel you, to renew you, to give you My Love once again, the Love that will help you mature and grow internally.

Many among you have received the Grace of the Sacraments on these days. Can you value it and know that in them, in each Sacrament, lies the living expression of God’s Love?

Feel graced, but also feel gratitude for those who do not have it, for those who deny it, for those who are indifferent. Thus, in this gratitude that will lead you to reverence and simplicity of life, which you must perfect every day, you will keep the door open so that I may return in confidence, faith and love.

For this reason, I bless you to be able to bless all of Argentina, from North to South, from East to West, Argentina, which is the sacred enclosure for many inner relics that in this time must be at the service of souls and those who seek the true Light on their paths.

Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your adherence and your presence.

My Heart is pleased to be able to come back here and be with My brothers and sisters, and with My disciples of the end times; just as I was with My apostles many times, with Peter, John and so many others who found Me on their paths.

Remember that in My Heart lies the path, the way out, and the response that you seek within you. My Heart burns in Love and Light for those who love, adore and wait for Me, as on this day.

Thank you for the flowers you have offered to Me, because they are not for Me but rather they are glory for My Father, Who is your Father Who is in the Heavens. Because His Universe descends through the Divinity and the Spirit of His Beloved Son, Christ Jesus.

My Heart carries the commitment of your daily prayers within Itself. The world needs to be sustained and this is urgent. You already know it.

May the Light of prayer guide your steps.

May service open the doors of Mercy and Pity.

May reverence and gratitude keep the doors of Heaven open for those who seek peace, consolation and love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord. 

Tuesday, December 3 of 2024

Special Apparitions

Today, on this solemn day, I come to lay the true foundations that can be consolidated in Me so that, through the offering of honest hearts, the work that prepares My Return may be, each day, a reality that can first mirror itself in the human heart, in the consistent heart, in the heart that is fully given to Me; because the one who does so has nothing to fear and will have nothing to lose, because their life is in My Hands and above all in My Heart.

I come here to give strength to that which can be sustained spiritually, which is not seen by all eyes nor recognized by all hearts; because you know how great is the blindness of these times in humanity and on the planet, and how many souls continue to go astray in this world without being able to see the Light, this Light of the Return of Christ that approaches, a Light that will come to banish evil from this world and rescue those who are in the abysses of human illusion and suffering.

However, I can still continue to tell you that the value of My Most Precious Blood that was shed is not understood by humanity, it is only seen as a historic event and as an important moment in the evolution of this race of the surface.

But those who lovingly and devotedly embrace the Power of My Blood, will indeed be able to recognize the value of this event experienced by Me in that time, when many of you were present to be witnesses of the teachings of the Kingdom of Heaven which, both on the mountains and on the seas and also in the poor and humble villages, I preached to all, healed, cured and resurrected those who needed it to bear testimony of the Love of God in the world. But now I tell you again so that you do not forget it, but keep it in mind.

The miracle itself must be in your lives. Your lives must be a miracle to God, the miracle of being consistent and persevering in the face of the end of these times. Because there is nothing as important at this moment than being in the right place and, if it is possible in the place where the Hierarchy is. Because without Our Fire of Love you will not be able to know the Purpose of this world. And it is this Fire of Love that, as part of the Divine Purpose, was silently established in the souls who once founded this Nucleus at the beginning and in all those who came later.

There is something quite occult that you will not be able to understand in this life, and which is held in the Heart of God, not as an unattainable mystery, but rather as something that will be revealed in due time and moment, when you can accompany the work of Love through care to those who suffer, at My beloved House of Saint Lazarus.

There could be no other name for this house of service. Lazarus, My best friend in that time, reminds you that it is possible to overcome the human condition and all adversity. Because when Lazarus died, he died feeling faith in the Lord, believing in His Word that someday he would resurrect from among the dead.  

How many in this time live spiritual death without realizing it?

My Holy Mother, through the House of Saint Lazarus, comes to open a fountain of Love and inner Healing, so that all those who cross into the next time and the next experience may know that suffering and agony will no longer exist.

However, while you are in the world, just as I said in My Teachings, you will know afflictions, just as the Lord, your Master, knew them in the Garden of Gethsemane and at each step He took throughout the Holy Land.

This is why today I come to open this Fountain of the Supreme Healer and I will also open a third Fountain of the Supreme Healer at the Nucleus of São Paulo someday, so that the main cells of this Work, which are the Light-Nuclei, may continue to be this spiritual power plant that attracts souls to service and charity for those who suffer, and also for the Kingdoms of Nature.

Each nucleus must always be a mirror that reflects on Earth the Will of God and His Purpose, because there are still souls that wait to reach My Heart through the Work carried out at the Light-Nuclei.

I want to give thanks for the consistent spirit of those who sustain this moment, this transition, and above all this work of manifestation of the House of Saint Lazarus.

My Holy Mother will be the first to cross the door of this house to bless it, together with Her angels, so that, at each space in each place and, above all, in those who will serve, the needy souls may find again the love that will prepare them for a new experience of the spirit.

Death is not a condemnation, companions, but rather the synthesis of all experience lived and learned throughout the incarnation. It is the very important moment when the soul prepares to attain the Kingdom of Heaven and to be of service on the planes of consciousness where there is also suffering in this world, in the so-called hells of the Earth.

Death is liberation from the school of Earth and it is the rebirth into a new future, which is written in the stars and in the firmament, so that souls may continue to learn through the degrees of love and service, in this and in other universes.

There are souls that were part of this Work and are no longer incarnated here, and who serve in other universes. Did you know that?

Because it is the Breath of the Spirit that leads and guides you until you live the meeting with the Infinity that dwells within each being, each essence, each spirit.

Let us celebrate this moment, companions, when one more fountain of Grace opens in this place and in the world, which is submerged in darkness, in wars and in suffering. And so that, through these serving souls that are here, these Graces may multiply and be received by all those who need them, in this difficult hour of the planet and of humanity.

For this reason, we will now go to the Fountain of the Supreme Healer, in solemn procession and singing, so that it may be blessed accompanied by the silence of My Heavenly Mother, the Mother of the Relief of Suffering.

Let us go toward the Grace that purifies us, the Grace that renews us and the Grace that consecrates us in this life and in the next one.

Christ the Restorer,
Jesus of the Sick,
dwell in each cell of this humanity.
(3 times in Portuguese)


By the Grace that springs from the Heart of God, in solemnity and reverence, your Master and Lord, the King of the Universe and of all life, comes to bless this fountain so that souls may be washed, purified, renewed and healed through the balm of My Redeeming and Consoling Love; so that souls may drink from this fountain and take nourishment from My Spirit of Life, Restoration and Mercy.

Wash your faces trusting in the power of renewal. Baptize your beings trusting in the Consoling Spirit, because everything is contemplated by the Eternal Father, His Gaze is upon everything and everyone. For this reason, He sends His own Grace through the Presence of His Son and the Love of the Most Holy Mother, the Universal Mother.

May the water that touches your bodies liberate you.

May the water of My Fountain of Grace expand your consciousnesses for them to love the power of service and self-giving, so that, through the consecrated and serving souls in this time the Kingdom of God may be present both on Earth and in every place where the Work of Love and Peace is fulfilled through the hearts that say ‘yes’.

Under the divine authority that the Father has granted to Me, and in the name of the hosts of Heaven and of the angels of nations, in the name of the consistent servers and collaborators of Christ, in the name of the consecrated and priests, and also in the name of the poorest among the poor and of those who suffer, so that they may attain liberation and redemption, I bless this fountain because, just as it is in Heaven, today it is on Earth and in each heart that participates in this moment.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
