Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for being here with Me today; because this place, where you are now, spiritually represents to Me a small Holy Land. And what is most wonderful in all this is being able to see that this Holy Land is formed by souls, by the hearts that faithfully respond to the Call, just as many of your brothers and sisters in the world or even within this Work faithfully respond to the Call of God.

Today I would like to linger, companions, on the Gaze of God upon this place, which was founded and conceived for the manifestation of the Plan of God on Earth. However, this place is spiritually alive, for the souls that participate in it, for the servers that self-summon every day, regardless of their life experiences.

The Gaze of God upon this place is special, it is a tender and peaceful Gaze, because He can see His Will reflected upon this place, although His Will is perhaps a little unknown to you and your brothers and sisters; a Supreme and Divine Will that is palpable in this material life, in the experience of this Light-Nucleus; a life that reflects itself through the Will, through what each heart fulfills before God every day.

This is also wonderful for Me, in the face of the difficult planetary situation, in which brothers confront one another, in which entire nations are destroyed by impunity, by the lack of love for others, by the lack of respect for human life itself.

Do you now understand why this place, to Me, is a wonder of God, as so many other places in this Work?

Can you appreciate, companions, the value of this and of the continuity of its expression on this surface?

An expression intimately united to the Retreats of Love, an inexhaustible source that impels you to live the Plan of God every day, even if you do not know how to begin from scratch. This is part of the Greatness of God, of His inexhaustible and inextinguishable Love.

Few are the places in the world, nowadays, that can live fidelity to God; but there is not a mystery in all this, because fidelity to God is sustained by transparency and ardent love for the Divine Will, which is the one that gestates and creates the pillars of the Work of Christ on Earth, through souls.

Without fidelity, transparency and ardent love for the Will of God, it would not be possible for the Hierarchy to work on the planet. This allows, in the face of the spiritual debt of humanity, for the Divine Hierarchy to intervene in these critical times. Because there are places like this, small Holy Lands, which attract God’s Will to themselves through untiring service for those who suffer and have to endure, service for all those who are under the human condition.

I would like for you, companions and friends of Mine, to contemplate and value, from now on, this place and other places of the Work with the same Gaze of God, the Gaze of tenderness and peace-making.

Because He, who is in His Kingdom and in His Glory, takes care, together with all His Children, of each step and each detail, even the most insignificant, so that souls may grow in love and justice, so that souls may learn every day to give of themselves a little more, and to come out of themselves to attain redemption.

Behold My little Holy Land, the new Holy Land of God, among so many other lands sanctified by the Eternal Father on this planet. God ardently wishes for such a Grace to multiply, because it is a Grace for humanity, even for those who would not deserve it, due to their errors or sins.

Then see how wonderful is God’s Mercy, infinite, inexhaustible and inextinguishable, Divine Mercy that can embrace all His Children, Divine Mercy that can congregate all souls, Divine Mercy that can heal all hearts.

I pray, together with the Eternal Father, for more Holy Lands to exist, just as I hope, in the innermost depths of My Heart, that this may happen in Africa, so that the truest and most authentic values of those who suffer may be recognized. If the Heart of the Master is moved with Love for His children of Africa, especially for the smallest and most innocent, could your hearts be moved?

What is there, beyond that which is apparently miserable?

God hides in the smallest and most innocent ones. Thus, God knocks down from the throne all those who say they are powerful, because His Love is present in those who are anonymous, in those who do not seek anything for themselves, in those who distance themselves from any recognition.

Will the world place its gaze, once and for all, on Africa, so that humanity may understand, once and for all, that from Africa the New Humanity will emerge? Why is it destroyed? Why is it colonized? Why is Africa abused?

There is no longer sensitivity in many hearts that go unpunished. However, I will fulfill My promise to return to Africa, just as it is written and just as it was written that I would be here with you today.

This is why I need, companions, that in the end of these critical times, you may place in your hearts and prayers the next Projects of Christ. Because while these Projects are not manifested and concretized, many souls continue to become lost and to be abducted into the fires of hell.

Do you now understand the importance of places and spaces blessed by Me, such as this small community that you express here?

All is being given to you, all is being allowed to you, and all will be requested from you, above all a true inner response that may justify the treasures that you are receiving, because the Grace of God is abundant.

He wants that Grace to multiply and expand in the world so that, through this Work, conceived for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the servers of Christ that confirm themselves in this time, this Work may reach very distant places of the planet.

Because I have told you once, companions, there will not be many who will serve Me in this end time. But those who serve Me in this end time, although they are few, will have to be truthful. Just as this truth, which has brought you to this present time since the first day that this sacred place, this point of Light for the Hierarchy, manifested itself.

With all gratitude, I would like to announce to you, with all reverence and with all inner aspiration, that I will place here some priests, so that they may sustain, together with your brothers and sisters, this new cycle of the Light-Nucleus, through its sacred task of the House of Saint Lazarus as well as the other projects in which you will participate in the coming times. Because the spiritual channel must be quite strengthened so as to encompass and embrace as many souls as possible, on this and on other planes, who, through the House of Saint Lazarus, will seek relief from suffering.

I want you to know that here, in this house consecrated to My Most Holy Mother, your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, in the deepest and most anonymous silence, finds a place of repose and relief.

It is time, companions, for you to perceive My Spiritual Presence here, and to know that I will never abandon you, but rather I will always impel you to fly with your own wings toward  the dimensions and planes of consciousness where the Will of God must materialize on this surface.

As I have asked elsewhere in this Work, I wish for the Fountain of the Healing Christ here, the Unfathomable and Sacred Heart of Christ, so that those who cross the sacred door of this house may find My Water of Life, which will purify and cleanse them, relieve and renew them for the next service.

The water of the Fountain of the Healing Christ will be blessed not only for the Holy Sacrament of Baptism, but also for those who want to drink it or want to take it with them to bless their homes and families.

See, companions, how simple yet how profound is the Love of God, which hides in what is silent and anonymous, which distances itself from every wish to play the central role and exhibition. Because God is present in the life of the pilgrims, of the seekers of peace and good, of those who will work in these critical times so that the values of human dignity and fraternity and, above all, love, may not be dissolved from consciousnesses.

You will have two more days of meeting with Me in this sacred house. On the days that we still live of Lent, and of inner emptiness through your own deserts, I ask you to offer each task and each service in the name of the Lord. Also offer the days of the Marathon of prayer to My Sacred Heart.

My Gaze will be attentive to the actions of Mercy, so that the grave errors that are committed today in the world and through wars, may be dissolved, and a longer time of peace in the world may be granted.

For this reason, My friends, peace must begin first within you, by your taking care of your words, taking care of your gestures, taking care of your actions, taking care of your thoughts and feelings, taking care of your neighbor before you take care of yourselves.

Thus, fraternal charity, inspired throughout the times by many saints and blessed ones, will not be dissolved in the world, but will rather grant peace; and this fraternal charity will be reflected on faces with a beautiful smile for serving God. Thus, your own sufferings and agonies will dissolve, because the one who serves God becomes liberated from themselves forever.

Take into account all that which I tell you, and hold My Words in your hearts.

Once again I thank you for being here today.

Bless, Lord,
those who listen to Your Call.

Bless, Lord,
those who serve You untiringly.

Embrace, with Your Love,
those who invoke Your Name,
and guide the steps of the consistent.

May the wounds and grievances of hearts be healed,
for all the offenses
that they may have received throughout the times.

Glorify, Lord,
those who serve anonymously,
silence those who speak unjustly.

Because Your Power and Your Light will be in those who
always say ‘yes’ to you and do not step back,
because by surrendering their lives into Your Hands,
by surrendering their consciousnesses into Your Heart, Lord,
the time of consummation will be fulfilled,
just as Your Most Beloved Son fulfilled it when He expired on the Cross.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

I rejoice to see you here, in this sacred house, a favorite place of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a space that gestates relief for the suffering of souls.

I want to tell you, dear children, that My Heart prays every day for the manifestation of the House of Saint Lazarus, a house that will be consecrated in honor of this important fact lived by My Son, Jesus, in the resurrection of Lazarus, so that souls that one day enter this space may receive within themselves the power of resurrection, through the care of love for those who suffer and for those who are sick in body and in spirit.

All of you are blessed by this project of the House of Saint Lazarus. In a short while, the doors of manifestation will open, and it will be the time and the moment, dear children, to work for the relief of suffering of the hearts that will seek peace, of many hearts that will appear seeking relief because they will not find it anywhere else.

Although this Project seems unattainable, for God it is not, because it is in His Will. And today I come as your Mother of the Relief of Suffering, to remind you of this request.

However, this mission of the House of Saint Lazarus is not the only one. This Light-Nucleus will expand its dimensions and spaces. This is why I ask you to ask yourselves internally if you are ready for this moment. Because while the planet and humanity suffer in an unknown way, God will place His Presence in some places of the planet, through spaces of light, love, charity and mercy.

I come here to tell you, My children, that I am with you, that I accompany each step and each moment of the concretion of the House of Saint Lazarus, as well as of the other projects through this Light-Nucleus, projects that someday will go beyond this city of São Carlos, projects that will also renew the Nucleus in São Paulo, so that it may re-emerge through the impulse of service that the self-summoned souls have lived throughout the times, because we are at a moment of emergency.

The Light-Nuclei must not only be spaces of salvation and rescue, they must also continue to be the archetype of a life experience, of a life consecrated to the Plan of God, of a life that may express the Community of Christ on Earth.

The pillars of the Light-Nuclei are sustained by the souls that present themselves in them, to take care of each space as if it were their very own life, just as you take care of yourselves.

Here, on the inner planes of this Nucleus, an Aspect of God reigns, which is the one that impels the work of charity, service and mercy, not only through the materialization of the House of Saint Lazarus, but also through the other projects of service that are lived here and those which will be lived here someday. Because there will be other projects that will gather other souls, different from you, but who will be embraced by the same impulse of Christ to express good and peace in a disturbed world, in an unbalanced society, in a family that needs unity.

Here the Aspect of Iod He Vaud He is present, which is the Aspect that represents the Spiritual Government of God for the Earth and the whole universe. I know that this is a very great conception for you and also for inner life, but do not worry, unite to Iod He Vaud He, so that He may inspire you, so that He may give you strength, so that He may grant you the bravery and courage to achieve and express His Will on Earth and in souls.

For a moment, think and meditate with Me, through each effort that has been made in the project of the House of Saint Lazarus, and for in the Project Fraternal Serving. How many souls have benefitted from this, not only incarnated souls, but also on the inner planes? How many have already achieved relief of suffering, even though the House of Saint Lazarus still does not physically exist? Do you understand, My children, how far the Love of God wants to go?

I know that you need something material to understand it, but I invite you to internally live the expression of the House of Saint Lazarus. Live the Law of Correspondence and all will happen according to what is written. If this project were not real for God, I would not be here today. This is why I come once again to reaffirm in you this Aspiration of the Eternal Father.

Beloved children, understand, once and for all, that the Eternal Father is the One who ardently wishes for the House of Saint Lazarus. Because in the end of these times, many, really many, must resurrect in spirit and also in life, through the miraculous and authentic service that this house will express through all the hands and, above all, all the hearts that give of themselves to reflect, within the House of Saint Lazarus, the fiery bases and principles of Figueira.

This treasure of the spirituality of Figueira is an incalculable treasure, it is a still unknown treasure, it is a Treasure of God, because it comes from His Heart.

You, beloved children, are part of this Legacy. Did you know this? Feel as part of this story that is written today in the mirrors, in the Mirrors of Creation, an experience of love and redemption of each one of you, so that many more, in a state of Grace and Pity, may attain the Mercy and the opportunity for the lives of many human beings to be dignified lives in the Lord, a part of His Kingdom.

Today, I embrace this house, this work and all its service with My Mantle and, above all, with My Arms. And I ask the Holy Spirit of God to inspire, guide and lead you, through His gifts, His seven gifts, toward His Will, the Will of God that is written in the heart of each one of you.

I feel so much a part of this work, dear children, that you cannot imagine. I would never tire of saying it, because where there is true love there is God, and where there is God there is the relief of suffering for all those who serve in His name, His Most Sacred Name, which gives you the power of overcoming and of transcendence, which every day grants you the Grace to stand up again to fulfill His Will, although you may have fallen.  

These are My Words. This is also My aspiration: I will be the first to enter this House of Saint Lazarus, because I was a witness of the miracle that My Son, Jesus, worked with Saint Lazarus. Thus, once again, I will be a witness of the miracle that My Son will work in you and in your brothers and sisters.

Let us celebrate this moment through the Holy Eucharist, so that at the Altars of God may be presented the offering of each heart, each server and each collaborator who places their life into a project that continues to descend from Heaven to Earth.

Let us offer this moment.

I once again thank you for responding to My call. I bless you and encourage you to follow in the steps of Christ, His footprints of Light. I invite you to follow His Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O My beloved children! I congregate all of you within My Heart, a safe Temple for your redemption, a safe Path for your conversion, for the relief of all suffering.

Today, I Am here in bliss and joy. I Am your Mother, the One Who relieves suffering and leads you to peace. I waited for such a long time to return here, to contemplate with My own Eyes, and feel with My own Heart, the ardent bases of the Work of God, expanded and multiplied within consciousnesses. 

This is why I Am here, to confirm this Sacred Project of the awaited House of Saint Lazarus, in honor of the one who was resurrected by My Son. Through this House of healing, welcoming and cure, souls will again find forgiveness and reconciliation.

As I told you a few days ago, I also come to bless the Fraternal Service Project.

The world needs to know that there is a place on this planet where the Work of God reflects and manifests itself with the effort, dedication and sacrifice of brave hearts, with those who trust the Divine Mother and follow Her steps toward that which is unknown and infinite, although often times they do not understand what this means.

I come to joyfully announce to you that your faith has brought you here, to this moment, at which the world needs the Law of Healing to again find the Law of Peace and thus find the path of love and forgiveness.

I would like the Mother of Relief of Suffering to have Her place at the Sacred House of Saint Lazarus, because there I will gather the souls and hearts that most need healing. Beyond the care or the welcoming, most importantly, My dear children, is that each gesture and act that you carry out, however small, may be done with love. This will heal the lives of many people, relieve the suffering of many hearts and grant peace to all.

This is the most important task of Brazil at this time, because the Sacred House of Saint Lazarus is not only for those who need it, but it is also for this whole Work, sheltered by My Immaculate Heart.

Time will pass, My children, and your souls will need this place to live deep healing on the last day of your lives so that this passage may not be a passage of fear or suffering, but rather a path of transcendence and ascension of your souls and spirits toward perfect union with the Source of Light in which your inner experiences will be poured out to re-create this Creation and confirm to the Eternal Father that this Project of Redemption of humanity is possible.

This House of Saint Lazarus will be open to the whole world.

You know, My children, that the planet is sick and that humanity is sick in all senses. This is the reason for the importance of this Sacred House. May it not only be a space of welcoming and attention, but also a favorite place of My Heart, where love may reign and express itself.

I also come here to bless the Fraternal Service Project, a silent work that began during the last pandemic and which is imperceptible to many hearts, but merciful and kind to many souls.

Today, I give this pillar of the Fraternal Service Project to each one of you. This is why I have come here as your Mother of Relief of Suffering, so that you may relieve the lives of many people, so that more hearts may know that it is possible to find peace and love again through the heart of this Sacred Light-Nucleus.

May enthusiasm to serve, to give of yourselves for others, to place others first at all moments, beat within your lives, because the Love of My Son must triumph in hearts, My children, just as His Love has triumphed in your hearts throughout these times. Although you may fall or deter yourselves, although you may fear failure or the unknown.

I come here today, My beloved children, to extend My Healing Mantle of relief of suffering, and to tell you that I Am present in each one of your steps. Therefore, never forget My Heart, the Sacrificed Heart of Mary which continues to be pierced by the insults and sins of the world, the Heart that will always give its life for you, that will always listen to you and receive you, that will always grant you peace and hope to move on in these times of chaos because all, absolutely all, need relief of suffering.

This is why today, in the name of My Son, I pour out the Principle of Compassion, which is a favorite Law of Christ that you should aspire to live every day, beginning with your dear and loved ones, with all those whom you find on your paths. Because it will not be challenges that will lead you to peace, nor will it be the confrontation among brothers and sisters. What will lead you to peace is the Compassion of Christ, which springs like an Incandescent Flame from His Merciful Heart for the whole world, for all souls that seek and need it.

Responding to the request of Christ, I also come here to consecrate new Children of Mary, this new group of prayer that I will found and bless today. It will have the sacred task of praying for the House of Saint Lazarus so that the pillars of love, compassion and charity may be the first ones to be founded, as the basis of this Sacred House so that the soul of this Sacred House, which will be built and manifested, may be supported by the Sacred Angel of God’s Compassion, and souls may receive all the Graces they need from the Supreme Source, through the hands, and, above all, the hearts, that will offer themselves to serve at this place. 

Therefore, I tell you, My beloved children, that, upon this place, the Sacred House of Saint Lazarus already levitates on the spiritual plane. Contemplate it, recognize it, accept it, make it a part of your lives and essences. Allow the Angels of God’s Healing to descend and materialize this Sacred House of Saint Lazarus because souls cry out for healing, redemption and relief in this country and in others.

This will be the cell of God’s Healing, which will heal the sick cells of the men and women of the Earth, through the sacred touch of God’s Love in essences and in suffering hearts.

Once again, I rejoice for being here, because in the anonymity of the hearts that serve here, during this last pandemic, the spirit of the warrior of love was forged, of untiring charity, of sustenance for families in need, of the ardent aspiration to manifest the House of Saint Lazarus. Because remember, My dear children, that everything is part of the Work of God. This belongs to the Eternal Father, and your lives are called to participate in this Grace, which is extraordinary and special to all.

Place your hands in a sign of reception and receive, from the Mother of God, the consolation and relief of suffering that your essences and the essences of the world need today.

When this House is manifested, I will be the first to enter it, to bless it with My Light and My Love of a Mother. Because if this happens, My dear children, the Law of Healing will not disappear from the planet, it will not be dominated by conflict or disease but rather the Law of Healing will triumph through Love.

Receive this treasure of the House of Saint Lazarus, and now take it to your hearts, making a vow with Me to do all that is possible and a little more so that this project may descend as soon as possible, because while this has not yet happened, the world will continue on suffering.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
May the Children of Mary who will be consecrated stand up.


I come to bless you in this new task, important and favorite for the Mother of God, so that the streams of the Law of Healing may descend and flow from the Universe to this Sacred House of Saint Lazarus, ardently aspiring for many more hearts to attain the Healing they need and the relief for the suffering that makes them agonize and suffer.

Therefore, offer your hearts to Me today so that I may elevate them to God and present to the Eternal Father the sincere and honest offering of the hearts that will strive to carry out this Sacred Project of the House of Saint Lazarus, which I lovingly share with you today so that you may feel as a part of this Divine Grace.

Therefore, I consecrate you today, not only as My Children but also as My prayerful soldiers, as the pillars that will spiritually offer themselves to sustain this Sacred House of God and allow the Angel of God’s Compassion to inspire, guide and orient all those who will fraternally serve those who suffer during their last hour of life.

I consecrate you as My Children, as the guardians of the House of Saint Lazarus, as stewards of the Sacred Project of God’s Healing for this suffering world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With joy, bliss and infinite gratitude, My Son sends Me to pour out His Graces and Mercies through the Sacraments.

Today, those who have not been anointed will be anointed, those who have not been baptized will be baptized. This is what I will offer you with all My Heart and Life so that Love may triumph in your hearts and you may always remember, My children, that I will always be there, by your side, to lead you toward My Peace.

Let us pray, as from now and in the coming times, for the House of Saint Lazarus, so that it may keep descending from the spiritual plane as God commands, and in a little time it may be a reality on the surface of this planet, in Brazil.

Let us pray.

may the advent of the New Race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype.
May the word be alive and build Your Temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us 
and true existence be revealed to the world,
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify Perfect Unity.


I thank you for having responded to My call in such a short time. This is very significant to Our Father, because He can pour out His Trust in hearts and, through hearts, manifest His Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy.

Today, feel anointed by the Hands of Jesus through the Sacrament that will be offered with humility and simplicity.

Always be grateful for everything, the Law of Gratitude transforms and grants all.

Move forward! I will accompany you as the Mother Who relieves suffering, as the Mother Who will pray in silence for the manifestation of the House of Saint Lazarus.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare ourselves for the Sacraments. We will attune ourselves through a simple song called "Consecration," which for the Mother represents the relief of suffering.


My beloved children,

I come here today, bringing in My Hands the Bloodied Heart of Jesus, because My Son cries out for reparation in the face of war, conflict and the outrages that still exist in this world and in religions.

I come with the Bloodied Heart of My Son to ask you, in honor of His Divine and Holy Name, to accompany Me, in sacrifice, in a special, non-public spiritual task, at the Light-Nucleus of Figueira in San Carlos, the Nucleus of the Mother of the Alleviation of Suffering.

I need to arrive there to make known the importance of the realization of My request of the House of Saint Lazarus, because through this House, your Heavenly Mother and Her Healing Angels will bring spiritual relief to the human beings of this time, which everyone needs in this cycle.

I will go on a special pilgrimage to My House in San Carlos, to strengthen, in these times of emergency, the project of the manifestation of that Home, just like I will bless the families and children who are a part of the Fraternal Service Project.

My urgency is so that at least in some parts of the planet there may exist the presence of the Love of God, of the Love that heals, that cures and that redeems the suffering of these times.

Dear children, in this way, in sacrifice, your Most Holy Mother will pilgrimage in the company of a small group so that on October 25 this sacred task may be carried out, through a Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary. 

My Son gave Me His Bloodied Heart, asking the Mother of Alleviation of Suffering to intercede for souls who in this time have already condemned themselves. Therefore, the pain of My Son is indescribable.

From now on I thank all those who can collaborate in any way possible so that this reserved and special meeting may be fulfilled.

My beloved children, I would like to end by telling you that also on October 25 there will be a special live transmission shared, to transmit what happened in San Carlos.

I thank you for following My Steps!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



When a spiritual and deep sorrow is healed, a liberation from the past and all its codes is established, thanks to the intercession of the Spiritual Laws of Healing.

Through the Immaculate House for the Alleviation of Suffering, I wish to establish a home where souls that have not yet found God within themselves are able to find Him through the charitable hands which will give of themselves to accompany that moment.

In this, My next Project, I would like a work of healing and of spiritual prayer to be experienced at the current nucleus with the souls that, in spiritual or physical convalescence, will need recovery.

For this reason, dear children, a second house for the relief of suffering and physical transition toward corporeal death must be founded.

I need, dear children, that this second house be called the House of Saint Lazarus, so that souls which will be experiencing their last days on Earth there, will be able to be resurrected to eternal life.

For this reason, My little ones, this task will gradually be gestated, with the hope that the servers of San Carlos and the surrounding cities, in prayer and in service, take on this important mission for the souls that do not know healing nor eternal life after death.

I need everybody to be trained, educated and prepared for that mission.

The purpose of the manifestation of the House of Saint Lazarus is a part of all people of São Paulo, which will be affiliated with the mother house of the Immaculate Mother  for the Alleviation of Suffering.

I also wish to be present, as the Lady of Graces, at the entryway of the House of Saint Lazarus.

This house will shelter many souls, and in the future will go through an expansion, because My design is that the Immaculate House for the Alleviation of Suffering have other houses in other cities of São Paulo, because this task will be done so that souls may feel loved and protected at the moment of their death.

Dear children, if the people of São Paulo should take on this task of healing and of the transition of souls into the Kingdom of the Heavens, I assure you that the city of São Paulo will not need to go through so many purifications.

Once again, I invite you to embrace My aspiration.

I thank you for accompanying Me!

Who brings relief to you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

