In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And after the dark night, the Light will return, the inner Light that was created in the Supreme Source by the Eternal Father Himself before everything existed. This inner Light will emerge in a surprising way in the moments prior to My Return to the world.
For this reason, you must sustain yourselves in Me, despite the tribulations and the current moment, because there is no heart that knows each one of you as deeply as Mine and that can console, fulfill, and sustain you in Love like Mine.
I know that today, you cannot comprehend many situations, and I understand this. Imagine how My Heart can comprehend everything that happens in the world in this time.
How much suffering is caused in many nations, peoples and families!
How God Himself, surrendering on the Cross through His Son, suffering and enduring for all of you, receives in first person the response that the world gives Him with more indifference and pain!
But I come here once again, not only to tell you, companions, that you are with Me and must be with Me even more in this cycle, because if I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, who will go to the Father, if not through Me?
This is the promise that I made to God at the culminating moment of the Cross, when, after being martyrized and crucified, I said to the Father, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
The value of My Blood, the Precious Blood of Jesus, is still unknown, but the one who unites to it in prayer and adoration will know it because I have come to bring the precarious state of the human consciousness to an end.
However, I know you may ask Me, “Master, why does human precariousness continue to exist? Why is it that, after You Yourself have surrendered Your entire Being on Calvary and on the Cross, humanity continues to go astray and to distance itself from God?”
Companions, this is the time that was written, the time of tribulation. And you yourselves, with your own beings, will be able to go through it in two ways:\ in an evolutionary and neutral way or in an attached and imbalanced way.
With this, I Am not saying that what can be seen in this world and reality on the surface is not painful, because the Son of God Himself felt all the pain of the world, the sins and indifference in His own entrails. But remember that Love triumphed and that it is Love that renews you and gives you life and hope.
Yesterday, My Mother spoke to you about the chalices that are upon the altar served for souls. Who will take them and drink from them, knowing that in this time the great victims of My Love are to be found among those who suffer wars, famine, prison, the death penalty, abortion, and disease?
I will come to bring all this to an end because I Am the same as always: the One Who taught you on top of the Mount of Beatitudes; the One who called you at the shores of the Sea of Galilee, just as I call all of you today by your spiritual and inner names, those names that are known in the universe and vibrate in the stars, even if you do not know this.
I will come to be close to those who trust in Me until the end, knowing that after a storm the Sun shines again, and it is the Sun of My Heart that you must always seek in this time, so that the darkness of the Earth may not confuse or disturb you; because the Moon will be cloaked in blood, the Sun will become opaque, the stars will move, the events will present themselves and everyone is already living it.
This is the preamble and it is the time that announces My coming to the world, and Argentina will have a very important task for your Lord at the end of times.
Many prophecies were written about Argentina and many of them will be fulfilled, mainly those revealed by the God of the Universe Himself. Thus, prepare yourselves, do not become lost in superficial and petty things.
When will you decide to submerge into My Heart to know the great abyss of My Mercy?
My Heart does not tire of loving you and loving the world, despite the errors and sin. But here, in this Work and mainly within you, the Law must always, always be fulfilled so that you may be protected from the storms of these times, from the interpretations and confusions of the world; because this Light that God deposited, gestated and created in each one, in the innermost depths of being, is the Light that must shine so that there may be Christs in this time, Christs of the New Time, just as many times, out of love, We have announced.
May your Inner Christ be the reason for being here and for responding to the Will of God, regardless of what each one of Mine must live in these times.
My Hands and, above all My Heart, place peace today where there is pain and anguish.
My Gaze rests where there is darkness and confusion to dispel them.
My embrace sustains those who trust in Me, beyond themselves, because the time indicates that this is the time of apostolate, the apostolate of the selfless and serving heart for those who suffer, close to you and far from you.
Today My Heart is this Sun that illuminates and shines in Argentina. My Sacred Mantle extends over this nation, which has been stricken by injustice and the lack of transparency.
But the one who truly loves, despite everything, will not perish, will never perish because it will not be a self-love or a passing love; it will be a mature love that will be forged within yourselves at each step and above all in each test, at each new challenge.
May your hearts elevate themselves in trust, faith and renewing hope today, just as My Heart elevates Itself in Argentina. Because today My Sacred Mantle is the flag of this nation; the white, the sky blue and the golden colors, the expressions of the Celestial Universe and of the Mantle of the Divine Mother, Patroness of this nation and Guardian of faith.
I want you to follow me barefoot and with clean hands, purified of your own intentions, your own thoughts and your own feelings.
I want you to follow Me with an empty heart, capable of enduring and receiving everything that comes, thinking of the Passion of Christ, your Lord, at each step. Because the triumph of your Master and Lord did not happen in the debate of His Word, when He was unjustly condemned, but rather in the silence, in the solemn silence that elevates the consciousness and protects it with wisdom.
May your hearts be receptive to this moment. There is so much to do in this world! And you know it.
Argentina must not stop. Argentina must advance and this nation will advance through those who follow Christ with confidence and faith.
In the presence of the celestial choirs, the Lord blesses you, congregates and unites you in impersonal and mature Love, in the Love of the Cross, without hesitation and disagreements, in the Love that made possible going through the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the Love that allowed your Master to take each step on Calvary without retroceding, to advance toward the inexplicable goal that the Father had placed upon His path.
That the Powerful Blood which springs from My Heart as rays of Mercy, may cure, heal and renew you.
You are wayfares of time, wayfarers who have been called to fulfill a Will that cannot be erased or disappear.
Today, I Am here to impel you, to renew you, to give you My Love once again, the Love that will help you mature and grow internally.
Many among you have received the Grace of the Sacraments on these days. Can you value it and know that in them, in each Sacrament, lies the living expression of God’s Love?
Feel graced, but also feel gratitude for those who do not have it, for those who deny it, for those who are indifferent. Thus, in this gratitude that will lead you to reverence and simplicity of life, which you must perfect every day, you will keep the door open so that I may return in confidence, faith and love.
For this reason, I bless you to be able to bless all of Argentina, from North to South, from East to West, Argentina, which is the sacred enclosure for many inner relics that in this time must be at the service of souls and those who seek the true Light on their paths.
Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your adherence and your presence.
My Heart is pleased to be able to come back here and be with My brothers and sisters, and with My disciples of the end times; just as I was with My apostles many times, with Peter, John and so many others who found Me on their paths.
Remember that in My Heart lies the path, the way out, and the response that you seek within you. My Heart burns in Love and Light for those who love, adore and wait for Me, as on this day.
Thank you for the flowers you have offered to Me, because they are not for Me but rather they are glory for My Father, Who is your Father Who is in the Heavens. Because His Universe descends through the Divinity and the Spirit of His Beloved Son, Christ Jesus.
My Heart carries the commitment of your daily prayers within Itself. The world needs to be sustained and this is urgent. You already know it.
May the Light of prayer guide your steps.
May service open the doors of Mercy and Pity.
May reverence and gratitude keep the doors of Heaven open for those who seek peace, consolation and love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
First Message
From the top of the mountains, I come to pronounce the Word of God.
You are before the Prince of Peace, before the King of the Universe, before the Humble Heart of God, the One that comes to seek the works of mercy of His children.
I Am the Prince of Peace and I want to take you to the Peace of My Heart so that you know how to overcome these times, so that you know how to transcend the barriers, so that you find the way out that I am indicating to you in this time and that leads you towards My Merciful Heart. In this place I have a sacred space for everyone, without preferences of anyone.
I come to seek what is true in you, what God created from the beginning so that you could evolve and awaken throughout times.
I Am the Prince of Peace and I show you My Sovereignty. I bring you My Celestial Government, that government that God granted Me after the Ascension so that, after all, I might call the sheep by their names and they might come together with Me to fulfill the Plan.
Today I come with the Peace of the Kingdom of God, which stabilizes energies and spaces; which brings serenity to the consciousness and awakens meekness in the heart. Without this Peace nothing can be lived in these times, above all, the plans that God expects to accomplish, because He needs, companions, to mirror His Plans on His children.
You know that the majority of humanity will not awaken; but the Prince of Peace will make the attempt, because the Grace of God is also for the most miserable, for those who are most distant from Me, for those who do not feel My Heart neither seek It.
Enter, now, towards this state of Celestial Peace, in which everything is balanced, in which everything quietens, in which there is a profound retreat to allow feeling God within.
The Prince of Peace comes with the angels of Peace to announce to the world the last time of peace before everything happens, before everything is unleashed, before the humanity of surface sees the reality which it does not want to see yet.
Build in you, companions, states of peace that are unalterable. Seek wisdom and patience so that this can be built in you and in the most difficult moments you may know how to transcend difficulties and obstacles.
From the top of these mountains I pronounce My Voice, and My Divine Word echoes in the hearts.
May My Word resound in the inner worlds.
May the inner worlds raise the temples again so that God can dwell and make of human beings new people, make of the spirits, consecrated consciousnesses who do not fear to know who they truly are and what they have come to fulfill in this cycle.
Today I place My Hand on My Chest and I make you feel My Heart, My Pacifying Heart, so that everything may be neutralized, so that the obstacle may be dissipated, so that souls may find again the path and the security of being in God.
Today I come among the clouds to announce to the world My arrival, first in Divinity and then in Glory; first within your spirits and then around you, upon this surface.
The time has come for the return of the Lord, the time has come for the last preparation of the hearts for all that is supposed to come in these definitive times.
Keep yourselves in the certainty of being in My Heart, build in yourselves this bridge that unites you to Me, and do not allow earthly energies to make you oscillate.
Be firm before the Purpose, be firm before life, because in this way you will be good apostles, thus you will fulfill My call and you will fulfill My Work on this planet, a Work that is for the whole world.
Retreat your inner beings on top of these mountains and discover the true reality that exists in them, the true treasures that they keep and where many still cannot see them.
But I reveal these treasures to you, I reveal to you these principles and these Gifts that come to build the New Human, that come to make the old human die, that come to awaken in the spirits that which renews.
Allow these treasures that are kept here to be received by your spirits and the old human to lose their garments, so that they may baptized by the Spirit of God and this may make them worthy of His Kingdom.
While I Am here, with you, I Am with the world.
I bring you Peace so that you may feel it and live it. The Peace I bring you comes from Heaven and from the Universe. It is the Peace that comes from the Silence of God and from His most intimate and eternal retreat.
May this Peace raise you again as My consciousnesses, soldiers, apostles and servants.
May your essences be impenetrable to the harassment of the world.
May your essences be strengthened before My Celestial Presence and may the codes of a New Life be placed in them, the codes of the Light that I bring through My Heart, in order to cause to rise in you what God has requested from Me for each one.
May the advent of the New Christs be fulfilled.
May the advent of the last called be carried out so that the Earth may be prepared and also the whole human consciousness may recognize the coming of the Redeemer, Who still waits with His open Arms for the embrace of His children and His companions, to relieve the pain that His Heart feels because of human indifference, ignorance and error.
May the celestial Peace dissolve indifferences.
May the celestial Peace unify hearts.
May the celestial Peace establish the Kingdom of God within humankind so that life may be regenerated and the Suns of these times may awaken and emerge in the firmament, giving a “yes” to the Creator Universe.
May no one lose hope of being able to redeem themselves.
May no one lose the joy of serving Me.
May no one fail to follow My steps, because they are the last ones I am taking before My Return to lead you through the path of the great awakening.
May the Universal Laws be fulfilled in humankind.
May the Rays of the Universe descend upon the consciousnesses to rebuild the inner temples and, thus bring to the Earth the Grace of God.
May this Marathon be offered for the unification of beliefs, for the transcendence of human doctrines and philosophies so that everyone may achieve Christic Love and may unite to Me, in essence and spirit, so that the Church, which I founded more than two thousand years ago, may live the Designs of God and may not alter them.
This is why I come to call out of My Church those who need Me, those who expect Me and also those who do not seek Me, because in everyone is the Christic Love, because this Love is in you since the beginning when you were created in the image and likeness of God.
May the flame of faith ignite in hearts so that the Plan may triumph.
Because I will not come through the greater door of My Church for you to recognize Me, I will come in a different and anonymous way, through a place no one thinks, that no being imagines.
I will come in the night of the great Moon, because it will illuminate My paths and will announce the dawn of the New Aurora.
May God bless you and bless your lives, bless all beings of the Earth so that they may awaken to My grand summoning someday.
It is time to return to the Love of God because there, all will be fulfilled.
In the name of the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Last Covenant
My time among you is already ending and when that happens the Almighty Lord will test your faith to know if you have in truth communed with the Word of God.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens it will be the culminating moment in which the Sun will set, and the Red Moon will rise, which will announce the last and awaited cycle.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens it will be the moment in which your love must be expanding in all directions; it will be the moment in which your service and your sacrifice for humanity must be greater in order to congregate the souls that are thirsty in the search for God.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens the Mother of God will retreat into the desert, expecting the great and last abyss to open, a moment in which the Universal Judgement will have begun.
But all those sealed with the sign of Christic Love will be protected, and even though the world is in its greatest purification, peace will not be lacking in these hearts; nothing and no one will be able to change it, because it will be a peace that will come from the immaterial spirit of each being.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens you must bear witness and defend from yourselves everything you have lived with Me because this will awaken faith in atheists and in those who guide the nations of the world. The faith of the witnesses of Mary will allow many uncertain doors to be closed and the last Grace of salvation will be given for all.
My time among you is already ending and this dictation is not only words; when this happens, you must have My Work of Peace move forward in the world, and you must not stop nor retreat. May your faith be neither poor nor oscillating.
On the contrary, children, when I Am no longer among you, all the treasures of instruction must be awakened and active within each of you.
My time among you is already ending and when this happens you will see the sign of the Universe approach the Earth; it will be an indescribable and unknown phenomenon; this will be the moment of the great planetary redemption.
My time among you is already ending and nothing will stop it, because as it was written, it will be fulfilled. The Word of God is a living Source and from it comes all the Graces for those who have faith in what We say and announce.
When My time with you ends, the Real Time will open, and all will be consummated, because the Master and Lord will have arrived to clean the Earth and sow new principles that will be light and love for the New Humanity.
My time among you is already ending and when this happens, all will change, and you will see colonies of salvation and refuge rise in some nations during the time of Armageddon.
Before My time ends, you must be confirmed in your fidelity to Creation, and the unbreakable unity among your hearts and lives will defeat the final beast.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The great sign will mark a before and an after at the end of the cycles, times that will be manifested by means of two different nights. The two days of darkness will signal to the world the arrival in a time soon, of a profound change in the whole planetary life.
For this, from the 8th of August onward, a new time will begin, which will be framed by the spiritual definitions that humanity will live.
When the upcoming times show themselves with signs on two different nights it will mean that the souls in their homes must be in prayer and in communion in order to be able to pass through the last critical cycles.
But before this ends, the Mother of God, the Woman Clothed with the Sun will reveal, as sign for the world, the moment to unite to God forever. It will be at this hour that from Aurora, as well as from other places on the Earth, this sign, that will be visible to the world, may be seen during the darkness of the coming time.
The day of the 8th of August, throughout recent years, marked, for all time, the change in which the planetary consciousness was passing through: the first moments of transition. The inner strength that will ignite the hearts will be the fire of prayer. Whoever prays in these moments with devotion and faith will be invisible and hidden in the face of the snares of the adversary.
Whoever in the last hour adores My Son will be hidden in the Spiritual Heart of the Supreme King. Whoever embraces their own cross, carries it and lives it, will be relieving the great burden that the Law will have.
The Aurora of My Heart in the days of August will demonstrate inner signs in the hearts that have had humble faith in the Mother of Heaven. The soil of Aurora will be one of the witnesses and thus, the world will be late in comprehending that it should have changed.
The Archangels Michael and Gabriel will witness the Judgment of the Earth and the simple but humble eyes will see them as light on the greater horizon. Thus, the seventh seal will be opened by the Woman Dressed of the Sun after the two nights of the coming time.
Some will get to know this revelation which is guarded by the angels in the blessed safe of the Holy Ark of the Covenant. This will be the last sign before the red moon and the pathways of the self-summoned must be cleaned from all stain.
On the 8th of August the Mother of God will bless everyone, and those who receive this Grace with a humble heart will recognize the inner meaning of it. Thus, the rays of the Immaculate Heart will show the seven pathways in order that the disciples of Christ in redemption may define the fulfillment of their commitment before the Creator.
The Work of God will be understood and loved by few during the last times and faith will be the shield against all darkness. Before the Mother of God retreats into the arid fields, a sweet aroma from the flower of the orange tree will indicate the moment of a spiritual change.
In the days of August your souls will be able to renew their mission before God, the Portal of Peace will be the blessed refuge for those who want to hear God in their interior. On these days there will be moments of clarity and understanding, this will be the greatest portent of the Grace of God, to know what to do with your life and how to comply with heart with the Higher Will.
While a great part of the world is blind, the Aurora of August will open its heavenly doors so that the souls may receive the gift of redemption. The most sublime Graces will be in the most simple and devoted hearts of the Son of God. Christ will complete on these days an inner cycle for all.
Certain doors will be closed in order that the souls may walk by means of a last impulse of light. Those who are empty of self will be able to feel a priceless well being, a peace that will restore the wounds and a love that will make happy the life of those who in truth enter Aurora without expectations, only in surrender and in prayer.
The days of August will be the last moments of preparation, it will be at this hour that the hearts will be able to unify themselves in the Purpose of God. Joyful are those who will not get lost nor be distracted because of the apparition of the signs of the coming time and that will only seek to be in God, this is what will make the Work to be concretized.
Greetings of Peace and Redemption for the most young of the world and, especially, for the youth of the New Earth. If you are with your Mother of Heaven you will not allow to die the seed that has been sown for Mercy.
Be receptive to the guide that accompanies you. Be builders and collaborators of the New Humanity. Be an example of gratitude, love and Grace. Be the favorite flower in the blessed garden of My Heart.
May the heart of this soil remind you that it will be the refuge and the dwelling for your redemption.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who lifts you to the Kingdom of God in Mercy and forgiveness,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more