In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children, as a Spiritual Mother, I come today to tell you, in prayer and supplication, that we have reached the end of a year with very hard and sensitive events that many of you have noticed.

We have reached the end of a year with a humanity wounded by war, sick with epidemics, desolated due to a lack of faith, stricken by climate phenomena and global warming.

We have reached the end of a year with a humanity that, to a great extent, has remained in indifference, in coldness, in the lack of co-operation and fraternal feelings.

But on this last day of 2022, I come as the Mother of hope, of faith, as the Mother of the reparation of My Son's Wounded Heart.

Today I come as the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as the Mother of the Sun, as the Mother of the World, to tell you that the time is ending and that the last seal of the Book of the Apocalypse is opening, that the last trumpet of the Seven Angels of the Annunciation will soon begin to sound. And when this happens, which is not far away, this will be the final cycle. This is the hour when My Beloved Son must return to re-establish the Kingdom of the Heavens on the surface of the Earth and, above all, My beloved children, so that He may again meet those He promised to see once more.

How will your gazes be when the Son of God returns, when the Nazarene, the Shepherd of souls, again touches with His Feet upon this wounded and outraged ground, just as the Kingdoms of Nature are wounded and outraged?

Your Heavenly Mother is preparing this great moment, which has been announced many times in recent years and times. And even if everything in this world becomes exposed and revealed, He will not fail to do that which He has to do to lead humanity to the fulfillment of the Purpose, preparing it for the emergence of the New Humanity.

Thus, just as the Archangel Gabriel announced the arrival of the Messiah, today your Heavenly Mother tells you that the Archangel Michael, with all his hosts, will make heaven and earth vibrate, as well as the oceans and continents, so that every being on the surface of the Earth, every living creature in all corners of this world, may know that Christ is returning.

And just as the prophecies of Isaiah were fulfilled, so will the prophecies of John the Apostle, written in the Book of the Apocalypse, be fulfilled.

The day of the Final Judgment will be unprecedented, because everything will be contemplated and observed, not with the justice that this world thinks it knows, but rather through an unknown wisdom that humanity will come to know in due time.

Therefore, although the last day of the year represents the synthesis of the most relevant and painful events on the planet, I cannot fail to tell you, My dear children, that despite the dim light and the darkness of the Earth, despite the impunity and even the injustice, despite everything, Christ will be able to contemplate, through His Eyes, the ardent flame of the last martyrs.

These days will now be the last days of the Earth. These days will precede the reconfiguration and transcendence of humanity, all the way from its genetic code to its more conscious and external part.

In this hour, all that has been hidden and unknown to the mind of the world will be revealed in an indescribable way, and all will become known.

That which is beyond this material time and fully exists in Real Time will become visible. There will not be any consciousness upon the surface of the Earth that may say that this is not true, because what I am telling you will be a physical event, one never seen before.

This will be the only way, according to the Hierarchy, for the whole world, in a matter of hours, to be totally transmuted and liberated. Because at that moment the inner worlds, silent spaces of the planet, of this planet’s soul, will help in this special physical and spiritual movement.

This will be the definitive hour when those who denied and abandoned Christ will be able to repent. But it will not be necessary for them to pronounce their sins or their faults, because when the Real Time unites to the material time everything will become known.

Thus, the Laws will be re-established little by little, and those who did not give importance to the basic Laws of the Commandments will no longer be here, because the world must be healed, because humanity must be redeemed.

And, at that moment, evil, My adversary, will never again be able to act or interfere, because in the victory of the sacrificed Christs of the New Times will lie the treasures of the great spiritual and cosmic conquest: the closing of a cycle for the opening of the cycle of Love and Peace.

I come here as the Mother of the prophets, as the Announcer of the Gospel of Christ, as the Mother of the apostles and of those who truly consecrate themselves, regardless of their defects. Because the one who loves what is mysterious, becomes liberated. The one who reveres that which is sacred, transcends themselves. The one who untiringly serves, elevates themselves.

As above, so below. It is a Law to which all the Laws of the Universe correspond.

The coming time unveils unique and stronger events. I cannot fail to tell you this, My children, because now, more than ever, the heart has to be ready for whatever comes, to be a witness of Our Love and Our Word, but also to be a witness of that which this confused humanity will still experience.

But do not lose faith, because faith builds bridges between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God. It is the safest existing stairway among all Laws and Principles.

Faith places the consciousness on the right path and distances it from duality and confusion, because the one who lives faith is a heart that prays tirelessly and that tries, each day of its life, to be a better consciousness in this humanity.

Do not forget that Love can do everything. Be aware that the Love of God, despite the errors of recent times, is a Love that forgave you because great is His Mercy, and we know that many have not yet understood what this means.

We patiently wait for many more to decide to submerge themselves into the Ocean of the Mercy of Christ so that their most profound defects and imperfections may be dissolved, and that in the ardent aspiration for the transformation of the heart and life, you may learn to be true apostles.

The time has come when those who were last congregated by My Son will write the story of love, redemption and transparency through their lives, rather than through their emotions.

The time has come for the last martyrs of the last days to reflect and concretize contact with God through their lives, through their love, their unity and their obedience.

Today, more than ever, your Heavenly Mother wanted to have all of you congregated in love and in unity of souls, but this is the little sacrifice that Christ asks you to make for Him and with Him so that His Will may be fulfilled, even on this wounded and hurt planet.

This is why, on this last day of 2022, God allowed this sacrifice to be done, which He lovingly accepted through His Heavenly Mother, so that My brave and determined children may assume the carrying of the planetary cross and not fear it, for they will be carrying it together with My Son, the Christ, the King and Savior.

 We do this for those who, on this last day of 2022, do not have the opportunity of listening to Me or seeing Me, do not have the opportunity of feeling welcome, protected and sheltered by the Hierarchy, do not have the opportunity of having a roof over their heads, a bed to rest in, food to share with family, in community.

What sacrifice will you offer to Christ today for this very hard planetary moment?

Will it be a day just like all others?

Will it be a passage to a new year just like it has been throughout the centuries?

Who will value and honor the precious Blood of Christ that was shed?

Who will allow His Love and His Mercy to continue descending in these times, despite all the errors of the world, in order to reverse the chaotic planetary reality?

Children, it is time for you to decide to spiritually become adults. In the coming 2023, a very crucial time for the world and humanity, it is time for you to no longer complain, no longer justify yourselves, no longer be a difficulty but rather a concrete and permanent solution so that Christ may once and for all avail Himself of you as instruments.

Today, through the palms of Her Hands, the Mother of the World pours out the Light of God upon the world and humanity, and Her Immaculate Heart, surrounded with thorns, sheds the blood of Christ, just as the Face of Light of God’s Mother sheds Her tears for those who have deviated from their paths toward Christ, without being aware of what this means and represents to God.

Just as I was capable of praying for the imperative salvation of Judas, in the same way I Am capable today of praying for the imperious salvation of those who have stayed behind and gone backwards. Because God is such a Prodigious and Kind Father that He is capable of silencing Himself so that His Children may learn. He is capable of become silent so that His Children may feel His Heart. The Celestial Father is capable of withdrawing to pray for His creatures, as He always does.

Today I, the Most Holy Virgin, Am the echo of the Voice of God on this day, for this humanity and for this world.

Time is coming to an end, dear children. Do not waste it, do not delay the Spiritual Purpose that has been waiting for you for such a long time. Do not give in, be firm and brave.

Have the courage to say 'no' to My enemy. The Light of God will always protect you, when you do not come out of this Light.

Today, it is my wish that the coming year, despite the events that are approaching, may be a year to reinforce the principles of the Plan of God for this world, and that this Plan may be fulfilled in those who have come to live it.

I will pray for this to be fulfilled. I will unite My voice with the voice of those who pray for the same cause.

And do not forget that My Heart will always be your refuge in the times of tribulation, because you will find strength in My Love, because in My embrace, you will find peace, because through My Hands extended out toward you, you will be able to hold them firmly, and I will help you.

Do not fear sacrifice and renunciation. Some have been called to live them for everyone else.

Who will respond to this petition of Christ?

I leave this question to you but I also leave you My Peace and My blessing, giving thanks for the honesty and sincere effort of those who try, everyday, time and again.

May this coming year be a year of greater light, of greater justice, of greater love. May it be a year of greater peace, of greater wisdom, of more discernment.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Light of the powerful White Mountain will congregate and gather all the Masters of the past, all those who have participated in the Conclave of the Hierarchy throughout times.

Their Presence will be visible, but the majority will not be able to reach Them, because They will be under a certain mission and task, under a certain purpose and request for the Creator.

And, thus, the treasuries of the inner Retreats of the Earth will open, and not only will the light of each one of them be seen, but so will the most sacred relics from when this planet began, as a creation, and as a genetic project. From them, a stronger and more powerful light will arrive, because the great sign of the White Light of the Mountain will bring with it many revelations and the mysteries will be unveiled.

Everything will become visible to all, but no one will be able to violate these treasures and relics, because a powerful and invisible energy will protect them.

In this way, the Masters will come from very far places of the planet. Some will descend from the Himalayas, others will come from the Andes, and some will come from here, and silence will show the truth.

The Heart of God will be touched at this moment, because the Masters of the past, the Masters of Light, the instructors of the planet and of humanity will prepare the Return of Christ, and this will be the great compensation and inner sustenance for My Church.

All that is written in the Universe throughout the stars will be shown. And that which is written in the Universe will descend to the planet, like something very similar to the comets, to the shooting stars that illuminate the firmament at night.

Those who aspired for so long to ascend to the mountains to find their inner world will find it after having struggled for many centuries against themselves, to transmute their desires, their temptations, their duality, their imperfection.

In this hour the Sacred Chalice, the Holy Grail, will emerge, just as it was once here, in this Sacred White Mountain.

Again, the table of redemption will be prepared.

The tribes will also arrive, just as Israel arrived after it was liberated from the slavery of Egypt. But the people of Israel, the ancient people, will no longer take 40 years to find me, to find the Second Person of God, the Son, but rather they will know the path because the Masters will be their very stars that will indicate upon the firmament, just as it was in Bethlehem, the coming of the Messiah, the Savior and Redeemer.

There will no longer be any consciousness upon the Surface of the Earth, a nation, any human power or any person that can hide from what will happen because all this movement and this event will be through the greater impulse of Cosmic Love, which has created you in the image and likeness of the Father to be able to fulfill, in this material and spiritual plane, His Designs and Wills.

The winter will pass, the dark night will end, because the powerful light of the inner Retreats will bring the new, that which no one has been able to see since this planet and this genetic project began.

And, at last, before the Son of God arrives, the Confraternity will gather. From their essences will shine the great stars of their origins.

The faces of the just will no longer cry for lamentations and guilt, but rather they will rejoice. The cry will be of joy, of rejoicing and bliss, because the Holy Grail will be there, resplendent, on top of the White Mountain.

And the synthesis and the legacy of all the love lived by Christ, your Master and Lord, will open the great portal between Heaven and Earth, for the glorious and victorious descent of the Son of God.

The great Light of the White Mountain will be the one that will open the door to the new time. But, afterward, many signs will be shown, even though the planet and its humanity may be touched, stirred or disturbed.

Those who were assigned to fulfill a task and a mission in these times will be consciously called and the Eternal Father will no longer have to wait until His children awaken and become aware of the truth.

Just as I speak to you today, from the top of the White Mountain, so will that event be, but even more striking and revealing.

The Masters of the mountains who will descend from the Himalayas, from the Andes, and who will emerge from the inner Retreats of the planet, will bring with them their entire legacy and all learnings, and, above all, the experience of Christic Love, lived as great universal and cosmic consciousnesses.

No one will be able to say that this will not be true, because God needs it this way and determines it for the construction and the advent of the new race, which will no longer violate nor outrage the laws, the principles or the attributes that are a part of a Higher Will and a Design that comes to the world and to your consciousnesses in order to elevate them toward the Higher Purpose.

Meanwhile, and when all this happens, the Woman Clothed with the Sun will also come after Her Son, and those who did not believe in Her will see Her in glory, just as She ascended to the Heavens, surrounded by angels and stars.

Her great Universes will be shown, Her Faces will be revealed, and in the end She will show the last path along which to return to the Father, to be in communion with His Spirit and with His Consciousness, for all eternity.

Suffering will no longer be the cause of all evils and anguishes, of so many sorrows and tests, because in this hour, My enemy will be defeated, and his head will be under My Feet.

I, Myself, and the Archangel Gabriel will redeem him, and all his fallen armies that sentenced all the civilizations and peoples of the planet and of the Universe throughout the times. And, thus, Creation will be recreated and everything will again have a meaning for God.

A great many, indeed many souls will recognize their mistakes. But the Light of Divine Mercy will come as the last lifeline at the moment of the great universal Judgment. 

At that hour, all will be defined. This is why I prepare you with these announcements and words, because you must not forget them. There will no longer be another moment when I can repeat and announce them, as I do today, on this day.

Because when all this happens, you, as a part of the extension of My Will and of My Work upon the planet, will understand the meaning of all that you have done, of all that you have lived and experienced, of all I have asked you to faithfully fulfill.

In this way all will begin again, and souls will rejoice, they will no longer lose the path nor the meaning of their existences because, when the King returns through the powerful Light of the White Mountain, at that moment, all will be accomplished, and the new scriptures will be fulfilled.

The Bible will be renewed and restored from the outrage that humans have made towards it, because a new history will be written, not only in the Heart of the Father, but also in the heart of His children.

The cycles will close when the inner Retreats become visible, and, everything, absolutely everything, without much time left, will begin from scratch.

Be ready for this moment, be conscious of what I tell you.

Spread My Words throughout the world, because as they are the last, they are the most revealing.  There is a part of these signs that you must understand for yourselves, in attunement and love with Me. In this way, you will keep growing in love and truth, in justice and in service for all those who do not do so, and who, someday, in the next time and in the next world, must do so.

God created His children for them to serve one another, to love one another, to grow together and in unity.

Keep praying for your Master to be able to continue speaking and announcing the Word, which is no longer His own, but is the Word of God, which comes from His Source, and, above all, from His Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.




The red dragon has left his abyss and, with his wrathful tail, he hits the regions of the Earth in order to drag as many souls as possible.

But the dragon also moves the stars of the sky, which makes them fall into the great abysses.

His fury and anger are because he knows there is little time left for him.

Therefore, the dragon, which is the idol of some representatives of the nations of the Earth, believes he has all peoples and nations of the world under his power.

Now, as a feared serpent, his tail drags throughout South America and awakens in his allies all forms and feelings of power, authority and oppression.

The red dragon wants to destroy the re-emergence of the New Humanity at once. Therefore, as his time shortens, he uses all allies to satisfy his ambition and pleasure.

But the dragon does not know that there is something that blinds him completely and leaves him lost, to the point of leaving him aimless, and this is group prayer from the heart, because it is such an invisible and subtle tool that, little by little, corners him and leaves him without action and without a way out.

The dragon fears the powerful feeling of prayer, because out of nowhere his sinister and perverted plans fall, becoming destroyed by the angels of the nations. 

Thus, in South America, a battlefield has been established, because the dragon came to tread these sacred lands while in the North of this continent the door was opened for him by some, and these were his allies.

Now that everything is at stake, the Woman Clothed with the Sun summons and calls Her children so that, together with Her, they may run to the deserts and take refuge beneath the sacred spirit of the Sites. From there, everyone will be able to accompany the situation of the nations and will be more protected.

The Woman Clothed with the Sun is pregnant. But, as She is ready to give birth, Her Son runs the risk of being captured. Therefore, the Woman of the Sun escapes to the desert so that what is new and coming may not be found. 

The dragon is furious and destroys, with his passing, all thoughts, feelings and all peoples, and manages with his craft to put all against one another, brothers against brothers. 

Therefore, the Woman Clothed with the Sun calls Her children to the deserts so that they also may escape and be free from all that will happen before the dragon arrives.

But he will be defeated by fasting and prayer. This is why you must not give him any kind of spiritual, mental or material food.

Close all doors to him. Blind him with the light of prayer and in a short time he will faint. He will die because he will no longer have nourishment nor motive, and that is when Saint Michael Archangel with all of his hosts will defeat him and again throw him into the abyss. 

And all the allies of the red dragon will also feel it. Some will lose their reason and meaning. Others will go into exile because everything will come to light, but others will lose all the power and willpower they believed they had in their hands and in their cold hearts.

The Woman will leave the desert again with Her new Son in Her arms, and the sun will rise as the new Aurora and the seven seals will close a history.

The redemption of the Americas will be a victory.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Mexican Rose...

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Rose that emanates fragrances of peace and of confraternity.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady of the Peoples Who appeared on the heights of Mount Tepeyac.

Behold the Mexican Rose, Who brought the message of union and of respect among the simple and the conquerors.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Woman from two races with the features of a sacred and ancient culture.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother of the Sun and of all the Universe, the Lady Who, lit up like the Sun, envelops all luminaries and stars.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Virgin Who mandated Her Church to draw the Kingdom of God to all races.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mirror of Justice and the untiring and incomparable Servant at the service of Her children of humanity.

Behold the Mexican Rose, Who is Advocate and Mother, the mediator and intercessor for impossible cases.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Guadalupan, the Lady Who descended to Tepeyac to announce a time of peace and of reconciliation among peoples and cultures.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Virgin Who reveals cosmic vision, the Lady Who brings the life and the existence of the Universe by means of Her Mantle of Light.

Behold the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Mother Who defends the humble peoples, the Servant of the slaves and the condemned, the Mother Who frees those, who became prisoners in spirit, from their chains. 

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady Who brings the splendor of Heaven reflected in the apron of Juan Diego as a universal message, an impulse that awakens an interest in the revelation of the divine mystery throughout the times.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady Who is beyond any philosophy and science, the Mother Who expresses love for all of Her children, beyond their race, culture, or condition.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother Who today is honored and loved by all of the Mexican people and the world, by all the children of the Earth that recognize Her filiation with the Heights.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother Who shines like a Sun of love in each devoted heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Return to the land where once your intimate and essential purity was born.

Return to the land that Heaven, all the angels and the Mother of the Sun blessed.

Return to the land where many witnessed that the gifts of love and innocence were the secure path for returning to God.

Return to the earth where the power of My Immaculate Heart reigns for all of Europe and the whole world.

You are before the Sanctuary of the world and the altar of offering of humanity.

You are almost at the doors of the Kingdom of Lys, a Kingdom that reminds you to return to your essential purity, to the essence of the Unity of God.

Return to the house that you once visited, the House of Mary, the Queen of the Rosary.

Be happy My child! you are in the arms of your Heavenly Mother, and from there nobody can take you away, because it is My intention that you accompany me in this sacred and victorious mission within Europe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


As Mother of the Sun and Mother of the Universe, I come to the world to pour out, upon souls, the fundamental principles of redemption, the same principles and attributes which My Beloved Son once experienced during His public Life, His Death, and also during His Resurrection.

In the form of precious codes of light, I bring these principles from in My Maternal Heart, so that souls who come into contact with My Immaculate Heart, may receive this most powerful Grace of conversion and of pity.

In this time, the path of prayer will help the souls that are determined to regain this important Christic legacy, which will shape them for the coming times.

That is why, children, it is important to bear in mind that each new moment of prayer and of communion in your lives may be climactic, since you will have the Grace of re-contacting with these very high degrees of Love.

Today I leave to the world the latent memory that the divine merits, once achieved by the Sacred Heart, will cause this humanity to be rescuable.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you from soul and heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children, 

I am also de Lady of the Garden, who, among flowers, herbs and plants, meditates upon the sacred Passion of the Lord.

I am the Mother of the Garden, who, after the Passion of the Christ, went to the places where Her Son suffered and passed through.

I am the Lady of the Garden, and, with My hands, I gather the ripe fruits that are ready to be offered to God and I watch and take care of the fruits that are still ripening.

In the garden of My Heart, all varieties of flowers are kept, herbs and plants, created to show to the world the beauty of God.

I am the Lady of the Garden, who contemplates with a sweet gaze all that was created and its grand beauty.

I am the Lady of the Garden, I am the one who waters with Grace all flowers, herbs and plants so that, nourished by My Love, they can grow strong and fulfill their missions.

I am the Lady of the Garden and I am also the Mother of the Sun, who illuminates all Her children with rays of Mercy.

I am the Lady of the Garden, the one who prays in silence for the seeds to sprout and flourish in the beauty of God's gardens.

I am the Lady and Guardian of all the gardens, and I ask My Angels from Heaven to protect with their wings all the small flowers that are growing at this time, I also ask for them to prune and restore the older trees, for them to be purified and yield new fruits, in praise to the Creator God.

I am the Lady of the Garden, and through My humble prayer, I make that which was once dead flourish.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guards the garden of the souls that unite to God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Garden

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Mother of the Sun and the Lady of Mercy; from My Heart flow the solar rays that come from the universe and that descend to the planet each time I am present among you.

I am the Mother of the Sun because in My most pure womb are gestated the new projects of Creation, to which all creatures are called in this time, to be able to carry them out.

I am the Mother of the solar essence because from My Spirit emerge all the divine impulses, which are given through the Graces that repair and reform the life of all beings on the surface of the Earth.

I am the Mother of the new solar code because from My Divinity are born the universal Prodigies of God, manifested through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I am the Mother of the solar universe because the Angelic Hierarchies work through the impulses and commands I impart to the whole Project of God.

I am the Mother of the Sun because from Me the Return of Christ is established, the reparation and the path for you to recognize the Second Coming of the King within yourselves.

I am the Mother of all the suns and the Guardian of the central sun of the universe, because, through My humble Heart, I transmit all its sublime rays to creatures, making them participants in their ascension and redemption.

I am the Mother that illuminates the paths.

I am the maternal fire that welcomes and consoles all of Creation.

I am the solar Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to universal life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Open your mind so that it may be permeated with the energy from the heart.

Open your consciousness and participate in the changes of the world.

Open your spirit and perceive the decisive time of the consecration to God.

Open your eyes and notice the battle between the Kingdoms.

Open your inner intuition and recognize the angels and archangels working for redemption.

Profoundly open yourself, because nothing will be as before; whoever can not feel this, could be left behind. 

Thus, the Mother of the Sun prepares Her small and bright suns to definitively join the Marian armies. They will be consciousnesses prepared by prayer and communion to face the Armageddon. 

Human kind believed this would take longer to happen, but truly the time has come in which the entire planet will define which side they will be on.

This is why the Governing of the universe activates the mirrors of the heart so that the self summoned are prepared to support the transition of the times.

The Mother of the Sun tirelessly works so that everyone may awaken to the reality of fully serving the Plan of God. Thus, the chains of many will be broken so that they may achieve the freedom of walking in Christ and serving according to His precepts.

It is in this way that the redeemed ones are being summoned to carry out tasks that were not foreseen. That is the science of Creation, to reveal to the soldiers their true principles and consciously help them so that they may fulfill the great Mission.

From the universe all the suns are being united so that together they may ignite the key of redemption, the key that vibrates in their hearts, the key of light that opened the doors to all the Masters. The stars conjugate their elements so that the vessels of the call may awaken, just as it has been foreseen.

The moment has come to help humanity, which is immersed in chaos and pleasures. The time has come to rescue the values of yore, the codes that made the planet a sacred consciousness. 

For this reason, everything that has been experienced so far has been a small preparation. In a short time, the great planetary task will emerge and then all the soldiers of Mary must be prepared when the Woman Clothed with the Sun leaves the desert and the Archangel Gabriel institutes the divine redemption. 

Then, many doors will be closed and those who have been consequent with the Law will revive the impulses of Christ. This is why I ask all of humanity to sanctify their lives soon, before it is too late. I ask you to carry out a life of cooperation and fraternity, so that the worldwide arrogance may disappear, as well as the hatred that poisons the hearts. I ask My children to never forget solidarity, because that will make you invincible and good.

I pray to Almighty God so that the majority, who are lost in the hells of modernity and tastes, may have a sacred opportunity.

I ask all of the prayer beings to live by means of the spirit of constancy and not to allow my adversary to deceive them with lies; for the Light only comes from God and if you believe in this powerful light, you will not have mirages. If your hearts are meek and good, you will fear nothing. 

Carry on praying for peace, because day by day the world provokes the rage of God and His fair punishment.

Learn not to play with the Laws, be humble and do not stop conquering your own conversion.

My Son loves you and wishes to see you happy for serving the Creator. 

Finally, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be seen in the hearts that have truly accepted Me as the Mother of the World.

Remember that the promise of a thousand years of peace is in force, work for its establishment and for the Kingdom of God to descend in times of great tribulation.

My Heart protects you and loves you eternally.

I thank My children from Porto Alegre for having responded to My call!

Who blesses you, in the name of the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
