To My missionary of peace children


As an inner synthesis of the mission in Paraguay, recognize everything that in the last days has been transforming within each one of you and offer it to God.

Offer to the Father your expectations, your aspirations of having done more than you did, of taking to your brothers and sisters a more concrete aid, that would bring them a more worthy and healthy life.

Offer to the Father the aspiration of having taught and of having learned with the original peoples, of giving them love and charity and of receiving a learning of simplicity and purity.

Offer to the Father everything that in the last days was healed and transmuted in the human consciousness as the mistakes from the past.

Offer to the Father your efforts of each day, for following what I had told you and also every time in which you forgot My words.

I would like that this mission would mark an inner deepening of the missionary of peace task, a greater disposition of the apprentices of the Christic charity in fulfilling a spiritual role and not only a material one. May the mission, that happens in spirit, be an increasingly priority in your lives.

Each time that you learn to value what happens in the invisible worlds and understand that it is there that the real mission has its results, as Divinity, We can open other paths in the human consciousness and liberate situations each time more profound and rooted, each time more ancient and unconscious for the present humanity.

Children, there are not many missionaries of the present days who serve in matter being conscious of spiritual reflections of their mission. It is therefore that the Creator is so attentive to your movements and follows you with so much love by means of Our Presence and Our Words.

May the missionary of peace spirit expand itself in the human consciousness and may your disposition in deepening the inner transformation – as a form to give a more crystalline service each day – be as a code for humanity that will impel it; an example that gives other servers a spiritual meaning to their own service.

If you dispose yourselves to live the transformation and assume taking steps for your own redemption, you will help many others, who ramble in the world without knowing what to do and who, by your examples, will discover the essence of service, that is more than a social act, it is the path to the Christic life.

I thank you for continuing and for never giving up the transformation.

Believe, children, that the redemption is within reach of every one who says “yes”. And if, at the same time in which you walk towards the redemption of spirit, you do true service, you will open the doors for the redemption of the blind and indifferent ones.

I encourage the whole Planetary Mission Network to continue deepening themselves in essence of the service and to make contact with the indigenous peoples as a form of repairing everything they have lived in the four corners of the world.

Your Father and Companion in missions of peace,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Beloved children,

Today My Rosary extends all over the world and, from the Inner Center of Fátima, where purity lives, I make each bead of My Most Holy Rosary travel through the abysses of the planet, through the nations in conflict, through the homes without peace and in the hearts of all those who unite with Me in prayer.

My beloved ones, I come as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary so that humanity recovers the purity which it lost from its heart, through the simple prayer of the Holy Rosary.

I come as your Holy Mother of Fátima to tell you that it is in the exercise of prayer that the heart strengthens and prepares itself to enter into the celestial mysteries. When you pray with the heart and abandon the worries of this world to dedicate yourselves only to pray, with your whole being, your hearts become mirrors of light that capture the peace that I wish to radiate to the world from My Universe of love, and reflect it as a spiritual attribute to all the planet.

Many of My children have forgotten the life of prayer, and even though they do not find peace and admit the degeneration in which this world is found, they prefer to proudly unite with chaos than humbly surrender to the life of prayer.

Children, those who pray discover the truth because they unite to the Truth itself that is the Consciousness of the Higher God, and in this way cause the illusion, which was blinding them, to fade away.

There is no mystery that cannot be revealed to the heart that prays with sincerity because this heart knows the non-limitation of God and does not reduce the expressions of the Creator and the greatness of His Creation to the small human comprehension. Therefore, children, I wish that you pray each time more deeply, so that your hearts are ready to find the reality that until today was invisible to the majority of the human beings.

I want you to strengthen yourselves not only to face chaos with bravery and in union with the Divine Purpose: I also want you to strengthen yourselves in order to enter into a reality that transcends all the material life and that in no way resembles what you know today.

I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of Fátima lighted and to read the true history of humanity in them.

I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of your hearts lighted and see reflected on them the truth of your spirits, because just as chaos reveals itself to the world and the atrocities are no longer hidden, are no longer a secret, in the same way, children, the true history of this humanity will also be revealed, and not just a few will recognize it. Every living being and all those who died in ignorance will see before them this history reflected on the mirrors and it will be the moment to define their own evolution, to embrace the Divine Purpose, or to step back and remain in the absolute illusion that was involving you.

My children, prayer is more than an instrument of peace and redemption: prayer is a door to the Universe of God, it is the bridge that removes you from human blindness and leads you to the horizon of truth. That is why, children, as Queen of the Holy Rosary, today I ask you to pray with Me so I can awaken for the higher life, on this day, as many as those who pray and search for peace.

Pray so that your brothers and sisters will remember My Immaculate Heart and, so that, with a simple thought sent to Me, I can work the miracle of awakening them to love.

Pray, children, for the peace among humankind, and in the Kingdoms of Nature.

Pray for the establishing of My Kingdom and so you can be worthy to see this Kingdom emerge on the surface of the Earth.

I bless you today and always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fátima


Dear Children,

Today, together with you, I celebrate the divine opportunity of having descended from Heaven to the Earth to ask you for prayers for peace, as was once done in Fatima.

Today, with My Immaculate Heart exposed as light to the world, I come back here after ninety-nine years to tirelessly repeat the same request to you: let us pray for peace and for the end of wars.

At that time, Lis-Fátima awakened and brought to humanity the Mercy and the Purity that it had lost, and Your Heavenly Mother came to request from all of you the consecration of nations to the Immaculate Heart, a mission that is still in force for the whole of humanity.

Today, Lis-Fátima shows to the world the purity of its Inner Sanctuary, so that hearts remember that they must awaken to their original purity and live that.

On this day, dear children, when My eyes observe the world, and at the same time, observe the great spiritual and divine task of the Center of Fátima, I wish your lives to be in true offering and given to the fulfillment of My Marian plans in these times.

I bring the angelic presence to you, the incalculable source of love and of peace for an indifferent world. Hence, My children, repair My Heart and thus you will repair the Heart of God of all offenses and acts of indifference committed by those who do not hear and by those who deny My divine call.

Work with Me as soldiers of prayer, and through the uplifted word, close the doors to the hells of this world. Be My witnesses in these times and confirm your cooperation with the Plan of God; there is still much to be done and there is no time left.

Open of heart, relieve the Heart of Your Mother of so much ingratitude. United to Me, proclaim the victory of My Sacred Heart in the whole planet.

The gardens of Lis are still waiting for you so that you may enter and renew your consciousnesses at the source of original purity.

My Grace will manifest today in each pilgrim, in each soul that lights their candle here in this Center of Love(1), as well as in the Sanctuary of Fátima, to thus respond to the plan of peace and affirm their faith before the Lord.

As on May 13, 1917, dear children, today I am calling you to a service of love for the planet and for humanity. My request is that you hear and respond to the plans that Your Mother manifests for you in these times. For this, children, the gardens of Lis manifest their beauty and their essential purity so that you, in prayer and praise, declare to the world that the Queen of Heaven will come again.

Allow your lives, children, to finally be healed and that you be reborn by the Marian impulse of My Spirit so that you may be formed as soldiers of peace.

All the bell towers of Lis-Fátima will be rung by the angels of Heaven. Today all of the doors of the Universe of God will be open to receive the offertory of each praying heart.

I will be with My children in prayer and maternal union; I will be with the souls that will shelter Lis-Fátima in their hearts.

Contemplate My Immaculate Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who from the Sacred Center of Fátima prays with you for the world and for peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary


(1)Virgin Mary refers to the Marian Center of Aurora,
        in the city of Paysandu, Uruguay


In offering, today I offer you My Immaculate Heart as the perfect triumph for your lives and for the whole Project of God.

Today I meet with you, My children, and with all those who listen to My Voice, with all who contemplate the splendor of My Immaculate Heart, which overflows with love for the world and for souls, those who search for God as well as those who get lost without seeing Him.

Today, on this 13th of May, I unite you with the Center of Fatima and cause you to enter into the Source of its Light, its Love, and its Original Purity, so that you may remember, dear children, what you really are for God and for the whole Universe, that you are no longer what is imperfect, is impure, is sinful.

In you there is the Purity that God created from the beginning, to be able to manifest His Love on Earth and in all humanity.

That essential purity, dear children, is found in your souls, and your souls have waited for a long time to be able to take this step toward a greater surrender.

Today I come crowned by the twelve stars that My children of the Earth have placed on Me, honoring each one of My attributes, and making them part of your lives, as the perfect balm for an inner healing.

Today I am with all those who listen to Me and who open the doors of their homes and their hearts so that I may enter and reign as your Most Holy Mother.

Today I come with the Scepter of God, holding it in My hand, dear children, to show you that the power of Love is invincible, and that darkness will be defeated; for I continue to step on the head of the malevolent serpent that causes pain and desperation in all human beings.

Today I come with the book of God that reveals Justice to you, as well as the Mercy that welcomes you in this moment, which allows you to enter into the Heart of God in perfect wholeness, devotion, and love.

Today My eyes are here to observe you and contemplate you as the purity that you are and the mission that you have, dear children, of being able to achieve it at this very difficult time for the world.

But as long as you remember Fatima, you will achieve it. Because I am there, and I also hope to be in your hearts so that the Will of God may be fulfilled.

This message that I bring you today, dear children, is a preparation.

On this 13th of May, in which all the angels gather around their Heavenly Mother and over this land of Aurora to unite both Centers of Light, Fatima and Aurora, I come to declare, dear children, a special foundation, and the continuing of a Marian movement, which will be the prelude to the defeat of My adversary.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement will promise all of you an immeasurable devotion to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The Son of God and the Mother of God offer themselves as Hearts for the world, so that souls may be able to contemplate and fully live them through love and prayer; pillars that will not cause you to perish in spite of the storm of these times.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement will unite you to My Immaculate Heart.

I will want to be the Governess of your lives and hearts, of your homes and families, so that the Sacred Family of these times may be constituted and there be a consecration of each being of this world to the perfect Plan of God, which must be fulfilled through the collaboration of each essence of the Earth.

You will get to know much more about this Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement over time, because it is already being gestated to be able to be presented to all.

This Movement is the continuation of a Work that I began in Fatima, after My Apparitions, with all the priests, who are the servants of My Son and of the holy Eucharist.

What this Movement wants, dear children, is that you live the devotion to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that souls in the end of times have someone in whom to trust in spite of what happens and of their time of purification.

To adopt My Immaculate Heart and the Heart of My Son means taking a step in your lives, a renewal for your families, so that the gifts of the Holy Spirit may begin to manifest in each work of love and in each daily action.

These gifts that will be poured out by the Sacred Hearts will allow you to carry out the Project of God and to accomplish your main mission for this end time.

Thus, dear children, I will offer Myself as the center for your families and as the Mediator for all the impossible causes.

I want to enter your lives even further. I still have not achieved enough to conquer your hearts and, even though I know you have taken me up, I still wait, dear children, to reveal to you My designs for these times.

Whoever enters into this Marian and Priestly Movement will have the assistance of My angels from Heaven and will be able to learn, dear children, about the treasures of instruction that were recorded on Earth and in the Gospel by the Sacred Family.

Many graces will be revealed in your lives, and you will be able to build, in yourselves and in your loved ones, what you were never able to, because the soul that takes up My Immaculate Heart will not perish, although it will be purified.

This Movement will try to unite your hearts, but also the hearts of the whole Earth, that in some way are devoted to My Presence in their lives and plead to God for infinite grace, that it may descend from Heaven and be poured out in all souls that need this.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement will be protected by the priests of this Order that I have formed together with My Son.

It will be the first step for a greater and true ecumenism, that will not only unite Christians, but also all those who truly seek to live in the Love of God and who need to find it in this moment, to be able to spiritually survive.

That is why My Heart is offered to you and to the world, bringing a continuity to this Marian Movement that once began in Fatima, and that sprouted and was born like a small flower, that afterwards changed into large gardens in all the souls of the world who contemplated My Heart.

Through this Movement I come to bring you the possibility of being united to the Universe of God and that you may be mediators of these end times; because there will be souls that will need your prayers and also your peace.

When I am no longer among you, this Movement will continue with My Work; and it will be you, the apostles of My Son, who will testify that I was here, among you, for so much time and that I had you come to know of the power of My Immaculate Heart for the whole planet. I also taught you to close the doors of hell and to remove from the claws of the adversary all those lost in this cycle.

So you will fulfill your task, dear children, through this Movement, with the same Ministry that My Son founded with His first followers: and you will also bring continuity to the Work that your Mother carried out with Joseph of Arimathea and the holy women of Jerusalem after the Ascension of My Son, founding the first Order Consecrated to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this way you will remember, dear children, something you have always done, and each soul of this Earth will have the chance to participate in this Movement, according to their degree of consecration and of awakening.

So on this thirteenth day, dear children, know that you all have a place in My Immaculate Heart, and that I pray for you so that the Plan of God may finally be accomplished in all hearts.

This Movement will open the doors to a real fraternity; and the Work that I have done here in the beginning, in Aurora, will be more accepted and understood after everything has happened.

Many will grieve for not having listened before, but the light of this Movement will help to change them.

Even being religious and Christians, the light of this, My Movement, will change you, because My Immaculate Heart will be present, which is the emblem for the salvation of the souls of those who wish to be reconciled with God, after having been separated from Him for a long time.

My Immaculate Heart, dear children, is the representation of the Universe of the Love of God, that many do not yet know; a Universe that is waiting to be known by all, so that your wounds, your misunderstandings, and your doubts may be healed.

My Immaculate Heart is offered to the world again on this day to save it, before everything happens.

My Immaculate Heart will be the banner of this Movement.

It will be My Heart that will want to be stamped in your spirits and souls, in this perfect fusion with the Love of God and with His Mercy.

My Immaculate Heart, in this Movement, will be the portal for the angels to descend and be able to work together with you on this Co-redemptive Work with My Son.

My Heart is everything for the world, and I hope that your hearts are also, so that God may be pleased to be in you and in your brothers and sisters all the time.

Today I have brought My Immaculate Heart so that on this day, the Marian and Priestly Movement may be born; so that the new Christs may present themselves in light of the call of the Universe, and in their redemption, are able to fulfill the Will of the Celestial Father.

You will still not understand what I am saying to you today, but hold My words in your hearts, for in your hearts is the first place in which My designs will be fulfilled, and it is from there that the works are carried out for the whole planet.

Feel My words before understanding them and so you will transform, dear children.

My love waits to be deposited in you when your trust becomes absolute, when your spirits open to this sacred summoning and thus, the nations of the Americas will gain relief.

Because this Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement, dear children, began from the first moment in which you said "yes" to My Call eight years ago, when you learned to pray and prayed with Me; when you fulfilled each one of My requests for peace in the world and for the salvation of souls.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement has been gradually gestated in your spirits when they were receptive to My Universal Call.

And there is still much to do, dear children, there is much to accomplish and to fulfill for God.

Today I leave My Immaculate Heart for you as the treasure of the Universe, an emblem of love for all of humanity; as the foundation of this Movement for this blessed and glorious day, in which your Mother from Heaven is crowned by the love of Her children.

Today I want you to sign this commitment to Me through your love and your "yes."

In this way, many will be helped, and will come in different ways to My Immaculate Heart: as a refuge for the afflicted, as a home for those who despair, as a healing for those who are sick, and as salvation for those who were in the abyss.

Today I place here before you My seven roses of Light; because as from this ninth year of meetings with Me, dear children, the seventh cycle will be completed and a new cycle will begin for all. Be prepared.

This Movement will also be formed by the Children of Mary who represent Me in this humanity as a testimony to the change and the Love of God in your lives.

Today I will call those who will be consecrated on this day, when I will again reveal the power of My Immaculate Heart, which is the Power of God.

Let My children come here, those who will be consecrated.

Today there are three, dear children, in the sacred memory of the purity of Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucía, and in the sacred memory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

What will this moment mean for your souls, dear children?

What will this consecration represent for your souls before My Immaculate Heart, that opens to receive you and infinitely love you?

Today, for each one of you, I leave the seed of original purity, so that you may recover it and cause it to grow like a great tree of light that, through your prayer, will give shelter to suffering and lost hearts.

In union with My Immaculate Heart, receive the Light of Heaven, that today I offer you by Grace and by Mercy, touching your heads and praying to My Son for your great step into the Greater Universe.

I love you and adopt you as My children, because you have already taken Me on as your Mother.

And so I once again, on this day, fulfill the Project of the Love of God in all hearts through these three children.

Receive from Lys Fatima, Peace.

And now, children who are consecrated today, repeat with Me:

My God, I believe in you....

(Prayer of the Angel of Peace, recited three times)

And so, children who are consecrated today, your hearts are cleansed and your souls purified in My Light, in the perfect Love of God and in the Unity with His Spirit.

Today I consecrate you in the name of all the Universe, in the name of Love and of Peace, so that it may be established in your lives and in all those who cross your paths.

Remember, dear children who are consecrated today, that you adopted My Immaculate Heart, that will always protect you and love you as nobody has ever loved you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For this day, for the days past, and for the works to come, I thank you for responding to My Call.

Let your candles be raised and sing: "The 13th of May."

Go in peace.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

On this day, when your Celestial Mother gathers you to love the Plan of God, I invite all the young people of this city and of all of Brazil to be the precursors of the Youth Campaign for Peace. In this way, My dear children, I will be able to draw closer to many young hearts that are deluded and distanced from God by the influences of My adversary.

I wish, My children, that in this city the Youth Campaign for Peace be born, and then spread throughout Brazil and the whole world. Here I find young people with a potential for loving the Plan of the Creator and accomplishing it for all the young people of the world, especially for those who live in error, with drugs and in perdition.

As I am your Celestial Mother, I hope that you will accompany Me, My dear young people, on this mission of taking the Mercy of God to the youngest; for they are the seedbed of the New Humanity; they are the successors of the first apostles of Christ. Thus, beloved youths, accompany Me in this sacred task of taking peace to the world and of bringing an end to wars; in this way, you will build within yourselves a true fortress, full of the Love of God.

Today I come to Florianópolis to form a new flock, a flock of youths, who through this impulse, will attract more youths who in this time must find the christic path, the one they have always sought.

Through your sincere and true offering, dear young people of Florianópolis, you will make it possible for the most lost hearts to again find a spiritual meaning to their lives. It is for this reason that your Celestial Mother is summoning you for this Youth Campaign for Peace, so that in the month of July, you are united with the great spiritual impulse of Mercy in the jubilation of the Lord.

Dear children, the campaign I am proposing will work on the spiritual, essential and divine planes of each young person, for they must discover the path offered today by My Son to all the youth. In this way, you, My children, deciding to carry out My Plans of Peace, will little by little open the doors of the universe so that the angels of the Celestial Universe may intercede for all youths.

I would like your consciousnesses and your purity to expand and for you to be at the service of the Redeemer; in this way, the lives of the lost youth will be redeemed, because My Son will find apostles determined to follow Him on this mission for good and for peace.

On this evening, My Heart will shine upon you like the sun, and your souls will be touched by My universal Grace; in this way, you will be inspired to build the new world and will help your Celestial Mother so that the doors of evil will be closed.

My dear young people, today I give you My maternal embrace; I give you My Peace and My divine Hope.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In union with the spirit of the missionary youth,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I can make your hearts humble and meek with My maternal Grace because through My Heart I teach you to day by day love the Plan of the Creator by means of surrender and daily sacrifice.

I would like humility to be appreciated and recognized by all My children, that they live it and be an example in each moment of service and charity to others; in this way you will conquer purity and you will be able to detach from all that is old.

As Your Mother who loves you, I invite you to find in humility the path of overcoming the self and the possibility of living it in the name of all those who deny the Love of Christ. In this way, through humility, the Maternal Heart of Your Mother shapes the apostles of Christ so that they can quickly be open to fulfill the Will of God.

On facing all the tests that must be overcome, My Heart will welcome all the children who are willing to live this precious learning in the sacred school of humility; to all of them I will give My encouragement and My strength of a Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who teaches you to love holy humility,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

I have seen many of those present in the desert of Shambhala responding once again to My Call, in the name of My Father who is in the Heavens and who brings them together in this Purpose of Love and for the redemption of humanity.

Today My Glorified Heart is illuminated on receiving the responses of souls that assembled around this oratory to pray to the Universal Father, to the Infinite, to the One. This is why today I stretch out My Arms to you, in a giving of self, I give you My Hands so that from the depths of My Spirit you may receive the rays of My paternal blessing, of My Merciful Love.

Today My Eyes cry not only because of the sadness of the world, for the suffering, for the chaos, for the human annihilation, but My Eyes also cry because My Spirit rejoices in the flocks that truly listen to Me and that, beyond their intentions and their tests, respond to the Shepherd who has assembled them in this desert of Shambhala to discover the inner purpose in each being, in each one of My children, of My companions.

It is thanks to everyone's efforts and to the reception you have given My Sacred Heart, that this work will expand even more. And that will require from all of you, companions, a heartful confidence in the projects of My Father and in the requests of the Divine Messengers, who intercede for you and for millions of souls in the world through this Universal Work. Because it is the Universe that congregates you, that unites you, that brings you together in the name of the Lord, the Almighty God.

And even in your weaknesses, My Spirit fills you, vivifies you, restores you so that you may continue onward.

If today, in this Sacred Center of Prayer, dedicated to the Sacred Hearts of Christ, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, there are more than five hundred souls assembled, how many souls do you think there are, at this moment, united with My Merciful Heart and through this meeting?

It is for this reason that I have asked you to come here. But I do not want the hearts that could not come to feel distressed, because if the praying hearts of the world are united with My Heart, they are also here. But those who had the Grace of coming to My meeting, to also receive My Graces, it is because the Universe is showing you that it is possible to give more of yourselves, and for each one to leave their own place. Because in truth, companions, you never lose anything, but rather you gain the treasures of Heaven, which are available for the hearts receptive to the call of the Son of God.

If I unite you all in Shambhala, it is to renew the original vows that you made to My Christic Spirit in Gethsemane, in the place of the flogging, at the gates of the sepulcher, or in the Ascension.

How many of you are resuming what you had left behind with Me?

And I lovingly bring you this memory, companions, because your spirits must actively participate in this co-redemptive work that prepares the return of Christ, your Lord, in this crucial time of the planet.

Thus, I have called you to Shambhala so that you could return to the heart of the Heart, to the essence of the true Essence, to the original principle, from yourselves to purity.

Today, the rays expanded by Me unite all of you with My Sacred Heart and in this way, I demonstrate to you that My Work is done in different ways and through different paths, when these obey the Law of the Lord and do not get involved with other things that are not the experiencing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus or of the Celestial Father Himself, who loves you and gathers you together again.

And thus, as you have responded to Me on this day of Mercy, in which the Infinite approaches humanity to remind it that it has to repent, let go of the reins and walk free on the pathway of redemption, I am calling on you to concretize My Works, to open your arms, to expand your hearts in the Love of My living Heart so that more souls may assemble. The souls that follow God through other paths, paths that are to be found in the spirit of all the beings where God dwells, where He gathers them all, without separation or differences, without creeds or religions, because the true religion is Love.

It is in Love that you must re-connect again and again in these end times, because it is the Love of God that will allow you to see things and to help those most in need in such difficult times. It is the Love that is also born of Shambhala and that assembles the self-summoned to respond to the Celestial Hierarchy.

This is the path that the Universal Hierarchy offers for all those who were once beginners and who are now disciples of My Mercy. It is this Mercy that I want to expand over the world through your hearts and through your living experience without fantasies or forms, without illusions or deceit.

I want you to definitely be rays of My Heart. I want you to decide upon a single path, which My Mother has offered you for so many years and many did not understand what it meant. And after all you have experienced through the times, your experiences and tests, you have opened your eyes to recognize that there had not been anything hidden in this, there was no mystery, no question, only the essence of the Love of the Sacred Hearts that entered the consciousness of your work at the request of the Almighty God, to change you into that which you still have not achieved: to be true apostles of My Heart.

And now, companions, in this desert of Shambhala, which is revealing many treasures to you, many signs of light for the soul and the spirit, do you now believe you are My apostles?

You are being formed by Myself for something definitive that is unknown to you. But as much as you do not understand, God will always show you His Truth in the small details.

If you believe that I am here present among you to love you again and again, believe that you are on the path which you were called to travel in this end time.

Through this inner retreat in Shambhala and through merciful prayer, hearts unite with My Spirit and the works manifest for all those who say "yes" to My sacred call.

While you are being purified, do not desist. My Feet will not fail to walk by your side. My Heart will illumine your paths and you will be able to see on the horizon the Star of God that is guiding you toward an encounter with the real refuge that emerges from My Unfathomable Heart.

I prepare you for carrying out a planetary work through humanitarian missions, for that is only a small sample of what the Plan can accomplish in these times. But more is still necessary.

Follow My Path with valor, because on this day I also prepare you so that you may meet Me in the Sacred Week in the month of March, because we will gather together again in this Marian Center of Aurora to take another step forward, in the absolute trust that with your willingness, inner and spiritual, you will be able to unite with the Universe and bring to Earth what He is giving to all through His celestial treasures.

My wish, companions, is that every day you raise your arms to Heaven, just as you have done today, to confirm My Mercy among you and in each part of the planet. Because in spite of wars continuing and massacres occurring without mercy or compassion in the hearts of unrighteous men and women, My Christic Spirit in each disciple will never die, because those who believe in Me have eternal life.

"Lord of the Universe, Father Abba, who rules all the worlds, dimensions and planes, who lives intensely as a spark of light in all spaces, who expresses in the most subtle forms, elements and vibrations, who unites, Father, with the spirits that invoke You, who makes Yourself present to assist Your children, who is reflected and shows Yourself in the elements, in the wind, in the water, in the fire, in the earth, and in life, whose Spirit fills all that was created in likeness of You; today I ask You, Father Abba, to piously help those who are self-summoned, for if from the beginning you called on them to live Your Work, I again offer You My Merciful and Glorified Heart so that You may redeem them.

Because just as the spear pierced My Heart to pour out Mercy, today I intercede for you, before your small heart, small human heart, small soul that must live its divinity and its ascension. I intercede before the Father Abba so that you may fulfill your part in this infinite Project of the Universe.

Listen, Father, to the crying of those who pronounce Your Words in daily prayers, listen to the voice of the hearts that feel the love of Your Spirit and of Your invisible Presence on all the planes. But distance them, Father, from the great adversary. Free souls through the prayers that Your children offer to Your Pure and Great Heart.

Do not look at the errors of the world. Let Your Heart not be wounded by the sins of humanity, but rather let It be restored through the prayerful balm of Your children, who in faithfulness and faith, aspire to follow Your Path.

Today I intercede between the Universe and the Earth, between the Cosmos and souls, asking, Beloved Father, that You give them the strength and conviction to live Your Plan, redemption to purify their spirits and a love so deep, divine and real, that it invades each part of their bodies and their cells, just as You, Father, have filled Me in the Resurrection.

Eternal Father, if You are glorified in Your Son, glorify Yourself, Father, in those that listen to You.

I offer You My Heart so that It may be the portal that leads hearts to the Purpose.

When all have finally awakened, I will be able to merge with Your Spirit, Beloved Father, and We will be one with Your children forever.


I wait for you in the Sacred Week to experience a moment of renewal, because this is now the last time that I come to meet you before everything happens.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, transmitted in the locality of San Esteban, Córdoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

May the Divine Conception of My Original Purity be of spiritual help for those souls that aspire to reach God and be in His Fatherly Arms.

Service to humanity, dear children, detaches the incapacity to love from the consciousness, and holds the doors of the heart open to God.

Every day, when missionaries serve, they must bear in mind that they are doing so for the Plan of God, for the fulfillment of this highest Work for peace in the world.

It is My Original Purity, the Purity of God, that will help you find the eternal path of elevation and of love for the world.

Dear children, the service in Turkey has the inner intention of opening doors even further so that hearts, on some plane of consciousness, may reencounter God.

The gifts that favor peace, love and fraternity can become unforgettable for the souls that receive not only humanitarian help, but also the love from heart to heart.

My dear children, in these times I need you to learn to serve spiritually, seeking in this moment to fulfill the Purpose of the Creator in all of humanity.

The missionaries in Turkey, together with the humanitarian associations that take care of the refugees, established an ecumenical bond of service for peace, with no conditions and in favor of no one. This fraternal act of cooperation and charity demonstrates to the universe the possibility that the paths of service may expand even more and that other consciousnesses may be able to serve in order to forget themselves and put their attention on the needs of the other.

The Divinity is relieved by the voluntary work; this shows an open path for new opportunities. Service to others will take you to find inner purity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to eternal service,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Learn to find in the indigenous consciousness not the decadence of a people that once lived in the plenitude of this world, but rather contemplate before them the persistence of a people that resisted the colonizations and the persecutions and held on to their own culture even when the world sought to "educate" them and institute another way of life for them.

Contemplate the part of the consciousness of those peoples that is not corrupted, that is kept pure, simple and true. Perceive that something higher sustains them until today. Do not just see how modern life tries to reach into the different communities. Look for what you must learn and bring a different lesson to ordinary humanity, for human beings that call themselves civilized, in their majority, only see the native peoples as something lower and with certain indifference observe that they are disappearing in the world.

It is the forces of chaos that, little by little, manage to remove from the planet the principles that sustain it.

The few that knew how to love the original peoples many times fed the resentment and pain in their hearts for not being understood by the current civilization of the world, without perceiving that the true help that must be given to these peoples is to strengthen their purity and encourage them to be true.

In the mission to Chaco, you will find many lacks, poverty, hunger, abandonment. But besides providing them with the basic needs, you must fulfill a spiritual mission: strengthen the spirit of purity of these brothers and sisters and announce to the world the importance of living in fraternity and unity with the different expressions of God on the Earth.

I would like many others to feel encouraged to go on this mission, to continue carrying out services in other places of the world where the indigenous consciousness is in need of assistance.

To help maintain the native peoples on this planet is to help the planet itself to keep its balance.

If all nations awakened to serve the native peoples that is theirs to care for, many imbalances could be adjusted on the Earth.

The simple act of fraternallly and lovingly sharing assistance, will gradually heal the so wounded and forgotten group consciousness of the indigenous peoples.

It is for this reason that I invite all beings to a spiritual mission: to sustain, with service and prayer, the indigenous peoples and offer the Father your own service as an attempt to maintain the balance of the planet.

In a time of such great atrocities, all efforts on the part of the few that are awake will be like a lifeline for humanity.

If you do what I tell you, you will soon understand the importance of the indigenous consciousness for the planet and, crossing through the portals to the Kingdom of the Spirit, in the Sublime Worlds, perhaps you will see that the one pointing to the entryway of the path is that brother or sister that you once clothed, fed and healed in an indigenous village.

For the discovery of the value of each people and the expression of the different cultures of the Earth,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



To overcome the indifference of the human heart, start with yourself. Observe every time your heart closes to planetary reality or when you think you care about the world, but your actions show the degree of importance you give to yourself.

Indifference numbs the consciousness and does not allow it to evolve. It is not necessary that you get emotionally involved with what happens in the world, but rather let such events lead you to transformation and impel you to never stop your steps.

Indifference is one of the great evils of humanity, even worse than ignorance, because the one who is indifferent already has a certain degree of education, and yet keeps thinking more about themselves and their own needs.

Child, indifference will lead many beings who believe themselves to be spiritual to the abyss of planetary consciousness. Be careful so that you are not taken and carried away by human indifference. Try to follow your consciousness and heart, and when you know that you must do something, do it promptly; do not ignore the needs. When you perceive that someone needs you, go in assistance, without fear. If you know what is happening in the world and that while at this very moment you are before the words of God, others are being tested in their faith, and on their knees, they choose to die with Christ rather than living without him, then pray truly, without ceasing.

If you already know the role of the indigenous consciousness on the planet and you also know how much the indigenous people suffer from neglect and indifference, then act, serve, pray, assist, offer your love. Show those brothers and sisters that they have vital importance in the spiritual life of the planet and that their way of being should not be sold in a tourist way, to amuse the unconscious.

When you stand before an indigenous brother or sister, learn from them and, in your learning posture, let emerge from their hearts the purity and wisdom they have to transmit to humanity.

If you know that effort and perseverance are the keys to overcoming obstacles in this time, then do not become discouraged when you are in difficulties.

If the trial is greater than your faith, turn to unity with your brothers and sisters, a unity that, when it is true, opens the doors to God, to the descent of His Will.

Unite your heart to the heart of those who are with you. Make this Work a stronghold in which the King of kings will dwell, in His expected return. Trust in the victory and value love.

Do not think about what others will do for you; practice what you know and overcome the indifference that in different circumstances manifests itself in the hearts of all living beings.

Be the one who transcends the laws of this world; in this way, I will be able to reveal universal mysteries to you, and the events of the world will be the signs for you to read and take the next steps without fear and with bravery.

Unite to God, unite to this universal mission.

Live under the grace of Divine Mercy.

For the awakening of the human heart,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I know that the Apparitions of the Divine Messengers are a mystery to many, a mystery that in some, causes growth in faith and in others, the torment of doubt.

This world, children, is full of mysteries. The human consciousness itself is a great mystery both for the cosmos and for you yourselves.

On this planet, you must learn to live through faith; faith in the invisible, in the intangible, in the divine, in wholeness. It is only through the grace of faith that a heart can be before the different situations of life with the necessary clarity and understanding.

I tell you this because, as a group and as humanity, you are before two challenges, which are the two missions you are experiencing. Both situations that need to be unveiled have very deep and unknown roots to everyone. And so that you are not before them in a superficial way, you must open your hearts to the living of faith, for it is in this way, trusting in the invisible and following your hearts in things that may be inexplicable or not very obvious to your minds, you will be whole before those two challenges.

The two situations that beings face today, both in the Middle East and in Chaco, Argentina, needed to become extreme for humanity to look at them, and even so, those brothers and sisters suffer a great deal through indifference, because the human heart still has not opened to defeat its own conveniences and look to the needs of its fellow beings.

Your brothers and sisters of the indigenous consciousness tried to lead a certain part of the planet, especially the Americas, into an evolutive life different from the life of the rest of humanity. They found the Sacred thanks to their reverence, and it was precisely the lack of contact with material creations and the inventions of the human mind that allowed them to find a different evolutive path, based on love and simplicity.

But on a planet where everyone came in order to learn to love, the very tendency of the spirits present on it suffocated the natural expression of the guardians of purity, the original peoples. With the help and the incentive of the enemy of God, you were not able to understand the differences, and over the course of many centuries, tried to impose a form of mental material life, based on competition and struggle for power. Because the natives were not like that and because they had remained in their purity, you made them suffer, and up until today, you influence the minds of the little ones as you can, trying to make them disappear from the Earth, without realizing that with them will disappear love, simplicity, purity and the humility of the heart.

It is the same struggle to impose personal customs and ideas that generates permanent wars and conflicts in the Middle East. And I tell you that the incentive for those wars does not only come from the Middle East, and it is not only with the help of great Western economic powers that they grow and develop. I want you to understand that those evils have deep spiritual roots and one purpose: destroy the Plans of God. It is for this reason that we count more on the spiritual fortitude of a few than on the material resources of many.

One of the ways the enemy has of causing you to lose faith and hope is to place the craving for finding material results in the minds, but that search was what led Judas into suicide, because of not understanding that the victory of the Messiah was on the Cross.

You, who are more aware, must serve without seeking results, transform yourselves without receiving merits, strive without looking for returns or recognition. God has His Eyes on those who are true and faithful to His Plan. He will place His Cross on those, which for some may mean death and failure, but for those whose hearts are open and their consciousnesses awake, it will mean the triumph of God in the entire universe.

Serve every day with the certainty that the true battle is experienced in spirit and must be won there. That which takes place in the matter is a simple reflection of what is multiplied on the Higher Planes.

For this reason, I want to have you understand the events of the world from a broader point of view so that, in light of your service, you do not cling to that which you can do with your hands, but rather, to what is achieved with the heart.

For the discovery of service and the spiritual mission,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While we were praying I saw Saint Joseph, first in the Middle East, dressed as a Muslim and with a cloth around his head. He was walking in the desert, accompanying different families who were emigrating, putting in His arms the children who were most tired of walking, and helping them. Afterwards, I saw Him in other cities, in big cities, helping people on the streets and only accompanying them, as someone who was simply passing by there. I also saw Him in different indigenous villages and when He appeared, He was surrounded by indigenous children who looked to be between three and eight years old. While Saint Joseph was transmitting the daily message, the children who were accompanying Him, spiritually radiated Light to the different indigenous tribes of the world.

       Dear companions in Christ, Missionaries of love on this Earth in so much need of aid and of peace,

Today I come to you with joy, but also with much regret in the depth of My Chaste Heart. I come with joy because I knew that, when arriving to the world, I would find beings that are willing to be with Me wherever it is necessary. I come with regret because I cannot be indifferent to all that happens in the world and also in the universe as a repercussion of the events of the Earth.

Today I do not come only from the Middle East, I come from many places of this vast planet, where I can walk beyond the borders, since for Me they do not exist. I come mostly from the region of Chaco, in Argentina, and also from other villages and tribes of original peoples that humanity still does not know. And I am not alone, because I have brought to you the little ones who – from the plans of the spirit – radiate their purity to those human beings who have the mission to keep guarding the presence of the indigenous consciousness on the planet, so that purity and simplicity do not disappear from the human heart.

Many think that it would not be necessary to carry out two missions at the same time, and lucubrate thoughts, imagining the reason why we have asked a mission to the Chaco, since the missionaries are already going so far, to the Middle East.

I know that the typical ignorance of the ordinary human mind often does not allow you to think and feel like the Creator of all things thinks and feels. That is why I will explain some truths to you, with My request that you observe them and learn from them, so that when your time arrives, with its own discernments, you make important decisions – time in which We will no longer be able to dictate all the steps as now.

The indigenous consciousness, in general, has an important mission of guarding the purity in humanity and also the possibility of understanding nature and, through nature, finding God. The indigenous are guardians of unity, of life in community, in a peaceful and loving way. Throughout times, many were losing these attributes and the customs of the current humanity were influencing the different indigenous communities of the world.

In Argentina, the region of Chaco, as other places, is a space of the consciousness of the nation that – despite the abandonment and the suffering which it lives – has not lost the essence of what it is and keeps being a guardian of the purity, mainly for this nation.

As South America has a primordial role in the end of times, if Argentina itself does not take care of the treasure it has in Chaco, it might lose the possibility of living simplicity, humility, peace and purity, attributes that are primordial for the emergence of a new race.

This mission of consecrating the Americas to God is a responsibility of all those who correspond to this Work of the Lord, and you must be aware that which each people fulfills a primordial role in the construction of the New Earth.

Why do we send the missionaries to Chaco and, at the same time, to the Middle East? Because, while some will try to heal the pain, the suffering and the resentment of the beings who have left their lands, their homes, others will go to a similar situation of people who have also been removed from their lands and, however, have not lost hope.

May the purity of your indigenous brothers and sisters be radiated to the Middle East and may, thanks to the different missionaries who will compose these two missions and all the prayer groups that will support them, a connection of love and unity may happen, so that, through service, love strengthens the population of Chaco and so that the purity of this people, strengthened by love, reach the Middle East as a hope that, one day, they be able to live fraternity.

May in these two missions, both peoples rekindle hope of being among brothers and sister, in a world of cooperation, of fraternity, of unity with one another and all with God. All this can be achieved with the purity of intention and the heart united, perfectly, to the Heart of God, from where comes all the principles and archetypes for humanity.

Go ahead, missionaries of Christ, of Mary and of My Most Chaste Heart. We will be in Omnipresence with all, watching over the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose.

Your Father and Friend, Missionary of all hours,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


As the Sacred Family, we have come to encourage humanity to respond to the Call of God and to fulfill His Holy Will.

As the Sacred Family, we invite the world to learn from the purity of children, and to let them teach you how to find God.

As the Sacred Family, we encourage you to open your hearts to experience mysteries that absolutely transcend human understanding, and completely transform all that is known about life upon Earth, and even about yourselves, opening your eyes to that which you truly are.

As the Sacred Family, we encourage you to offer your souls as instruments of God, to overcome the fear of losing the things of the world, and even yourselves, because everything that you keep as treasures, whether it is ways of life, material things or sentimental relationships of any kind, as well as that which you know about life itself, all this will pass with a breath of Divine Justice, while the experience of Truth strengthens the power and action of Mercy.

As the Sacred Family, we call you to live true love, a love that transcends possessions, that does not seek rewards, that only gives and receives nothing, except from God, Who, each time you open yourselves to give something, infuses you with a greater will to give everything.

As the Sacred Family, we place you before the Grace of the return of Christ, a gift that is incomprehensible to the mind, and only acceptable to the heart that has already discovered faith within itself.

As the Sacred Family, we invite you to discover the possibility of living peace in times of chaos and of maintaining trust in God, even in the face of the greatest suffering, when the Lord asks us, even for our lives, for the love of His Plan, just as it was in the Passion of Christ.

Receive through your prayers the codes of the Sacred Family, and do not leave them guarded under seven keys within yourselves; allow them to take life, to expand and multiply in those who come to you, just as it was with the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

I leave you My peace and absolute trust in the presence of Christ within humanity, because the Lord has been reborn.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in the Sacred Presence of the Most Holy Mary


Dear children,

As the Immaculate Conception, I wish your lives to achieve this divine conception of purity for it to be the interior light of the world.

Dear children, day and night, I bring you the Grace that your hearts participate in the mystery of love that consecrates everything and unites everything.

My children, in the path of the interior purity, may you as souls not lose time in the bandages of the material life, so you will be able to achieve the internal union with Christ so necessary for establishing the new redeemed consciousness.

Dear children, while you are taking the steps towards the preferred path of the original purity, the whole planet will be purifying itself intensely, since a whole race deviated from its true state and its real principle of a superior life. This purity about which I am talking about also reflects itself in the heart of humankind when they live the purification without resistance or pain.

It is time, dear children, for the attributes coming from My Holy Heart to be alive and acting in each one of you; thus your lives will conquer them one by one so that afterwards this reflects itself in the new cycle of the planet, in the manifestation of the Love of God for the whole Creation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in the name of the Purity of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


​​While the Sacred Hearts work tirelessly for this world, the weeping of the most little ones of the Middle East is heard in face of the lack of mercy and of compassion. In the most little ones there exists the spirit of inner purity, this purity and innocence that some try to banish through fear, panic and of perturbation.

It is for this, that the Sacred Hearts of Saint Joseph and of Mary have entered the regions of greater conflict in order to assist spiritually and materially all of the families that live in the sea of desperation and of exile.

Your Heavenly Mother decisively implores to Saint Michael Archangel for Him to place the Creative Power of His sword of Light over those regions and consciousnesses of the planet that provoke the worldwide disorder.

If this comes to pass, the Law will be hard with the ungrateful and the unjust ones, which will not be able to be reverted.

It is to prevent a punishment that could leave a mark in humanity that Your Most Holy Lady of Heaven descends to the world to beg to all of Her children for them to ask for mercy and redemption.  It shall be for the sake of the profound and truthful supplication of the praying ones of the world that a longer period of peace may be achieved.

Otherwise, if the more conscious and awake humanity does not pay attention to the call that comes directly from Heaven, humanity will see much more than blood flowing and corpses decomposing in the streets and in the nations of the world.

If this happened, a kingdom of darkness would be established in the world, but as I know that My Immaculate Heart will triumph, I will come to ask for the life and the surrender of a few servers so that in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ they will balance all of the degenerated causes in this world of today.

This will prevent this unfair kingdom to be established and will permit that the Powerful Heart of Mary may triumph in the great regions of the Earth.  In this way, the Angels of the Most Holy Trinity will descend to the planet to remove the consciousnesses that have opened the doors to evil.

Thus, many will see the great prodigy of the Mother of the Sun in the horizon, a sign that will mark the beginning of the expected one thousand years of peace.  For this to happen, all that seems impossible and exacts sacrifice will be asked of those who gave their yes to Jesus Christ.

It will be in this way that the Work of God will not be lost as the innocent blood that flows in the streets of the world today is lost, and the Work of God shall have its victory through Grace.

I thank you for embracing with trust My important call!

In a vigil of light and of prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

My Spirit is the Holy Ark that gathers you together to unite all of the divine principles of Creation with humanity. I am that Holy Ark that brings the sacred principles of the cosmos so that all of its creatures may benefit from the maximum and divine Presence of God. It is through the Holy Ark of My Spirit that hearts can avail themselves of the universal and celestial source that I offer them in honor of the Heart of the Almighty.

I am that Holy Ark that gathers the chosen ones together.

I am that spiritual presence that transfigures and renews everything it touches through wise love. I am that Ark that holds the principles of purity and Grace; It conceives everything that exists.

I am the sacred Feminine Spirit that unites what is separate within each being.

I am the Mediator and Intercessor between error, sin, mercy and redemption. Who lives through My Spirit lacks nothing; they are always in the living fullness of My Heart.

I am that valued Treasure of the Universe that permeates the consecrated life.

I am the Ark that brings new Graces for those who have lost them.

I am the Star and the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity that conceives new principles.

I am the refuge for souls and the breath for those who are desperate.

I am the Ark of the Holy Covenant, because the three persons of the Holy Trinity live in My heart: the Father Who manifests His Power, the Son Who concretizes and carries it out, and the Holy Spirit that allows all things to be possible.

Happy are they who invoke the power of My Ark; they will soon be freed from themselves, and they will find the path that they have always searched for.

Be firm and Christify your lives in the name of My holy Ark. Who enters the Ark of My Heart will be saved and will abandon the world, tainted by everything, and thus merge into the Holy Covenant of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I am the Portal of Peace; I am the Sacred Covenant between souls and God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to divine life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With My blue eyes of Light, placed upon the world, I deeply pray for all of humanity, for those who are consequent and also for the unaware, so that soon, through Supreme Grace, all My children may be able to go through the definitive time of acute purification.

The Grace of God will be the fortitude for those hearts that humbly pray from the heart and unite, above all, with all My plans of Peace.

Dear children, from Heaven, your Heavenly Mother still sees error spread like a poison throughout the hearts of ungrateful hearts, which seek to satiate their wills and satisfy their desires. But this will soon end.

The prayer of the Holy Rosary proclaimed by My children of the world is stopping the anger of God from being provoked, and in spite of everything continuing the same, a sort of universal conciliation is taking place among good souls and subjected souls.

It is through the Spirit of My maternal Love that the doors of the Celestial Universe are opening to help the sick world.

My children, continue to pray, with greater effort now, because in the repetition of the Hail Mary lies the celestial formula of Light that allows to placate the power of the Laws and to open the source of Mercy of your Most Holy Mother.

It is through the powerful decree of the Hail Mary that the words of the Archangel Gabriel become subtle vibrations, capable of relating the material universe with the spiritual universe.

It is through this ancient formula that the Purity and the Grace of the Mother of God descend over the world, over a region, or even over a sinning consciousness, to awaken the compassion of God and open a sincere path towards repentance and contrition as an act of redemption.

Dear children, today I leave you these keys because I know that many of you need more understanding.

If through the Hail Mary you recognize yourselves as sinners, this does not mean that you will sin again, but rather it reminds you of the importance of living Universal Laws and of never transgressing them.

Beloved children, when you recognize your sins or debts, you are affirming the need for reversing your fear of failure, damnation or abandonment of the spiritual path.

It is through My divine intervention that your eyes will open to clearly see the path of transformation and of fusion with peace.

If humanity should see prayers with a universal spirit, in truth, the effects of the words would substitute errors and would transform tests into great lessons.

For this reason, I ask that you truly pray and do so without haste; in this way, your sacred invocations of My Immaculate Heart will cause My plans of Peace and of Mercy to triumph.

I thank you for praying to My Maternal Heart!

Who elevates you to the consciousness of prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Prayer


Today I will only ask you to every day try living the Divine Purpose; to try to be meek of heart, pure of intention and truthful on your path.

Try, every day, to live fraternity and love, to recognize the presence of God in others, and, thus, to be humble before everyone.

I ask you to try thinking a little less about yourselves and each day cease to do something that is a self-priority in order to serve others.

Try to love the Kingdoms of Nature more, to observe them, even if for a brief moment, every day, allowing your soul to be inspired through them.

I ask you to try praying from your heart, to talk with God before His Celestial Altar, to offer Him the best there is within you to balance the faults of humanity.

Try to find in those who are most lost a heart in need of peace.

Try to dissolve hatred from your hearts, as well as anger and rancor.  Understand that everybody makes mistakes out of ignorance and that love, forgiveness and reconciliation are capable of healing things that are completely unknown to you.

Try, every day, to forget the past, not to be indifferent to all that you have lived nor to forget those who have accompanied you in other times.  Forget the past in order to free the spirit so that you may live something new.  To forget the past is to free the mind, the emotions and the heart from all that has happened.  The lessons and memories remain in the consciousness, but the spirit frees itself in the certainty that what is real still awaits its awakening.

Dear companions, today I ask you to try to be simpler of heart.  Try to accept the corrections of life and immediately straighten your paths without fear, without rancor, but with much peace and gratitude for taking steps in your lives.

I ask you to try to love the Creation of God more, His Plan and the greatness of His Purpose for this planet.  Try to let yourselves be permeated by the Mercy and the Love of the Divine Messengers.

If you try every day to live a higher principle, Heaven will listen to your hearts and, with the first step that you take in the right direction, God will take charge of making you reach His Divine Goal.  The secret is to not stop trying and persevering, every day, even if you fall and get up innumerable times.

Try today to feel My Chaste Heart, and from the blessing that I deliver to you, make every day the perfect impulse for your elevation and permanent transformation.

I love you and I bless you always.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in the eternal attempt of taking humanity to the Heart of God


Dear children,

When you truly pray, the Laws change, and the world, in spite of everything, gains the Grace of a greater time of peace.

But the revenge that My adversary projects into ungrateful hearts is the recurring thought for concretizing his opposing plans. This will be disarmed because the persistence of those who pray will become stronger than all cruelty.

The Kingdom of God will be visible in the hearts of the simple and, in this way, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Follow the path of peace that I bring you in this time, and be bearers of My maternal Love so that it may be radiated from your hearts to the world.

Dear children, I bring you the Grace of awakening in time and of experiencing, without fear, the cycle of your purification.

Know that, through your life and your purified consciousnesses, you will have the happiness of receiving new celestial impulses that will reconfigure your lives and all planetary life.

Woe to those that do not listen to God and who do not purify themselves! In truth, many will come to regret not having changed.

Thus, accept the cross and follow Christ. In His pious Heart, you will find liberation from matter.

Children, be happy while you purify yourselves; everything can be offered to God without fear.

In your hearts, there are divine merits for being with Me today.

Pour out love, pour out truth, pour out the inner purity of the divine essence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who helps you walk in absolute faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Immaculate House of the Relief of Suffering, in the city of São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Pity to the whole world.

Mercy fills the hearts in despair.

Peace unifies beings with God and with His sacred purpose.

My crying has not yet ceased, but your appeals relieve My Heart. If the answer came from a large majority, you as humanity would be opening the doors to the intercession.

I wish that, during these thirty-three days of prayer, the praying souls venerate the Immaculate Heart of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, because it will be through the purity that God granted to My Spirit that the ungrateful human beings would have the chance to free themselves from captivity.

Dear children, today I also pray with you, asking for the Divine Mercy of My beloved Son. Thus, I establish in the simple hearts the Kingdom of God and lead the brave prayer beings so that, day by day, they can discover the universe of prayer.

Let us pray for the innocent children who are the main result of the lack of love and compassion for the young.

Take all children from Syria towards My maternal Heart. Plead to the Heavenly Father so that your Heavenly Mother can save you spiritually from the time of persecution.

I am in all homes that open the doors to Me through the Holy Rosary. I am in the simple hearts of My beloved children.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you in the Sacred Prayer Room of the Mother of the World

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
