Today, I come from Heaven, uniting the faces of the Rose of Peace and of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to offer to the world that which is most pure in My Heart, that which God deposited in My Consciousness and in My Essence when He created Me, as a part of His part, emanation and extension of His Divine Spirit.
With this, My children, I prepare your hearts for the times that will come because, in the year that will come, your spirits must be strengthened in humility, made one in service, founded in sacrifice, confirmed in surrender and renewed in love. These are the keys that I bring to you today, so that you may not only support the transition of the times, but that you may triumph in Calvary, a victory in the cross of these times.
Today, beloved children, I open My Heart, and from this Heart I let you know about the purity of the origin, the essence of life, the first Love that gave an impulse to its Creator to manifest life, so that in this way you may be filled with the true essence of the existence, not only of humanity, but of all life.
I tell you today that your stories were already written in the Thought and the Heart of God from the origin. The Creator contemplates, with eyes of compassion and hope, each lesson that you live, each error and each triumph, each step and each retrogression.
All the beings of the Earth have upon their paths dual options to choose, because this is the learning of this planet, as of this Universe. You must learn to choose Divine Light, Love and Divine Will, in spite of all stimuli and impulses that lead you to live the opposite.
All the beings of this Universe, when their essences were created, received from the Archangels the Plan of God, the perfect Plan of the Creator for this new life. And they received from the Lords of the Law and from the Angels of Justice and Universal Evolution the path that represented the opposite of their evolutionary steps, a path that is written not to be lived, but to be overcome.
This is so, My children, because before the existence of material creatures, before your lives, even as essences, in the beginning of Creation, there existed spiritual, universal and solar consciousnesses that, with their errors, manifested duality.
This Universe, as a living consciousness and as a part of Divine Creation, must reverse a very ancient error, which today your small minds cannot understand but, even so, you must be conscious of the triumph that you must generate, by means of the renewal of love in your essences.
Your evolution, My children, is similar to a vast beach, where a mere speck of sand can change the destiny of all life that dwells within it. Mysteriously, human evolution is like this, and in this way you must understand that the mystery that dwells in your essences is so immense, profound and with such a great a potential to reverse the errors of the past, that your hearts get lost within it and do not realize it.
Today, My children, I come to talk to your souls, those which are capable of understanding what I tell you, those which know that, although they are small, hold in themselves a bridge to an Eternal God.
With this, I just want to lead you to an understanding of the vastness of life, so that you do not stay in what is small and superficial in this cycle that comes, but that you enter this definitive year with consciousness, My children, consciousness of the responsibility that you have towards life, not only of this planet, but also in this Universe and beyond it.
It is for this reason that I today deliver to you My Rose of Peace, and I place it in the depths of your hearts. Today, I deliver to you the gifts of My Divine Conception, so that all may awaken to what you were created for, conceived in the depths of Divine Love, and so that you may be consequent with the missions that God gave to you from the beginning.
I love you, with My Spirit I bless you and with My Heart I thank you for responding to My call.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Beloved children,
Today, the voice of the most Little ones will touch the Heart of God, because their singing will be a plea for all the little innocent ones and all orphans who, in the next Nativity, will be alone and without their parents.
The voice of the most little ones will tonight console the Heart of God, for all those who have lost and lose contact with their inner child.
It will be the voice of the most little ones, during this gala night, that will prepare, in the hearts of the adults, the birth of the Child-King, so that innocence and purity, which today does not live in humanity, may be recovered for the whole planetary consciousness.
But also the voice of the adults will elevate, of the singers and peace-makers of Christ, so that the serious events and conflicts of these times may be dissolved by the love of those who implore to God from the heart.
The voice of the adults cry out for the awakening of peace in all those who have lost it. The voice of the adults will today ask for Mercy, so that the purpose and spiritual goal of the wounded nations of South America may be recovered, those in which the nations have lost.
This is the gala night that will prepare, in the inner planes, the coming of Christ in the hearts that are empty and without inner love.
Upon the stage, for tonights presentation, the Guardian Angels of the nations of South America will be in offering to accompany this loving moment in which, once again, the Celestial Portals will open, so that hope may descend, and the flame of faith may ignite as a burning fire in those who have lost their union with Christ.
I will be by the side of My singing children, accompanying this important moment of offering for humanity and for the planet.
Today, may the voices shine like the neighboring stars of the Star of Bethlehem, so that a night of peace like this may expand throughout the whole world.
I wish you a glorious gala night of adoration to the Child God.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My children, feel My Love and My Peace, because I contemplate your efforts, your difficulties and your deepest abysses, into where My light enters today so that your hearts may find the peace, the forgiveness and the redemption of God.
My children, feel My Grace because, while contemplating your mission and the bravery of your spirits, which day by day stand up from the falls and try not to succumb to the temptations of the world, I pour out a divine atonement upon you. Thus, by means of My Grace, may you find the path to unite to God and may you recover hope to transcend your own miseries and reach the Heart of the Father.
My Heart comes today to the Marian Center of the Child King to send a message to the world, expressing that, to those who strive to transform and transcend, help will come, and much beyond the darkness that dwells within your inner abysses, the light of your essences will shine because God, with His own Hands, will open the paths, will remove the obstacles and will liberate the darkness so that you may recognize that within you there is a truth, which is beyond appearances and illusions.
Everyone is pure to the Eyes of God, and the stains imprinted upon your souls, by the world and by human experiences, will be able to be washed, healed and cleansed by the power of My maternal Love.
Let My Light touch you, may My Peace heal you as often as necessary. May My Love liberate you and reveal to you who you truly are.
You are My children, My little and pure children, essences that arose from My Creator Womb, from the Fount of My Purity. A part of My Immaculate Heart dwells within you. For this reason, let Me reveal Myself within you, as a light that illuminates your souls, as a divine joy that springs forth from your spirits, as a new and divine hope.
My Heart embraces you, My Love supports you, because through you I help the world. By means of your efforts, I can be before God, with the merits generated by your lives, to intercede for the most lost souls, for those who do not know God and who, day by day, move away from the purity of their essences and hearts. Through your lives, I intercede for life in this world, above all, for the children and youth who have lost hope of loving and of being loved.
The future of life upon the Earth is built by means of the effort of a few. Therefore, My children, never forget that, with each effort that you undertake, every day, My Heart recovers a lost essence, a helpless soul.
Your greatest service in these times is to live in the Love of God, it is to believe in the potential of your hearts to transcend all the past experienced by you and by your families so that, in the name of humanity, you may announce the possibility of forgiveness and the Grace of redemption.
Your hearts are favored before God. Your essences are pure to the Eyes of the Father. Today, find this purity within you.
I love you, I welcome you under My Mantle and support you, with the infinite gratitude of My Heart.
I thank you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Child King is returning to His Marian Center so that spiritually, within the smallest and most innocent souls of the world, the essential purity does not continue to be offended.
Therefore, from this Marian Center and by means of the Heavenly Mother, I will be working so that the smallest ones who are enslaved and trafficked in the world may be relieved of such terrible oppression.
From now on, I will count on the prayer from the heart, of each one of My disciples, so that the most sorrowful and commercialized ones may definitely achieve freedom and the pain caused may be healed.
This is the time when Your Master shall begin to make necessary interventions in order to help the souls become liberated from the slavery in which they were placed.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today, children, with the Child Jesus in My arms, I come to make a special request to you.
There is not much time left before My words echo within the world. The moment for My silence has come so that, in this way, the voice of this little Child may speak louder, so that His designs may be heard and His Word may become Law.
But before silencing My Chaste Heart, I come to request the coining of the Medallion of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. A medallion that will hold within it all the merits achieved throughout My life and throughout the eternity of My Heart; a medallion that will be the protector of families and a guide for the evolution of souls; a medallion that will remind you of the purity of your hearts and will protect your essences so that you not lose your peace during the times of transition.
The Medallion of My Chaste Heart will be engraved with My image, with the Child Jesus in My arms. He will be on My right arm, and the lilies that I carry as a symbol of chastity will be in My left hand. At My feet you will write: Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, pray for us.
On the back, the Medallion will have My Heart, as a bridge to My spiritual Reliquary. My Heart with three lilies will represent the union that I experienced as a servant of God, with the Divine Trinity.
With this Medallion, children, the legacy that I must leave to you, as Father and Friend, will be fulfilled.
Those who hold this Medallion with them will carry around the world the Gifts and the Graces achieved by My Heart.
As divine promises, I tell you that those who hold the Medallion of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph:
1. Will find peace in the times of tribulation.
2. Will achieve inner wisdom through humility and surrender.
3. Will find the path to return to the Father through simple prayer.
4. Will be protected from all darkness.
5. Will achieve Grace and protection for your families.
6. Will live under the spirit of humility and meekness of My Chaste Heart.
7. Through silence, you will discover the unfathomable Love of God and drink of His Divine Fount.
With joy in My Heart, I leave this request to you, which I would like to see accomplished by March 19, 2020, when you will receive from God a special Grace and a divine atonement.
I leave you My blessings and My peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I will go to meet My children and companions of Argentina so that they may heal the wounds of the past, which still remain open in many hearts.
But I will also go to meet the smallest and bravest children, who in their innocence offer God their sacrifices to compensate for the errors of the adults.
Not all children are glad to be here, in this end time of the transition.
Many of them offer themselves to God for those hearts who still do not repent and do not ask for forgiveness from God.
My Heart will go to Argentina for the most inoffensive and small children, because they are the future of the nation and cannot lose the purity that they brought here as a service of love for humanity, which has lost its innocence and purity.
In this time, in Argentina there exist children who are great consciousnesses that came in this cycle of humanity to serve and to help the planet; so that the values of faith, of family, of unity and of the good do not fade away from the consciousness of the human race, beyond the events and the situations that humanity may experience as a learning process.
The children of Argentina and of the whole world live for the adults to love them and learn to take care of them and safeguard them so that through the unity of family, the smallest ones may have the opportunity to grow and to express the values and the virtues that will help in the renewal of the planet.
For this reason, My Sacred Heart will go to Argentina for the smallest ones, the little and innocent ones who come from the stars to bring and to express a message of love for those who have forgotten it.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
More than 102 years ago, on July 13, 1917, in Fatima, I revealed to the little shepherds the third unknown secret. Now, continuing with this revelation given, and still not totally known by humanity, I come on this day to reveal what you are ready to know.
For this reason, My children, your Heavenly Mother arrives with the impulse that you can know and embrace, with all the strength of your hearts, that which the Universe and its infinite life represents.
The time has come for humanity of the surface to no longer remain only with the vision of its nation, continent or planet. It is time to, by means of prayer and of faith, be able to expand its consciousness so that there are no mental borders, but rather knowledge, reverence and devotion for the unknown; for all that is in the dwellings of the Heavens, and that which cannot be controlled nor manipulated by anyone.
In Fatima, the little shepherds reached these revelations, besides the third secret they received, because the Angel of Peace prepared them for this period in which, through the Most Holy Mother, they would be before the magnitude of God and of all of His Universe. All this was possible due to the spontaneous degree of purity that they lived.
Now, dear children, it is time to take the leap to the knowledge of the Universe and to access the reality that no human technology has attained throughout the history of the Earth. Because, in truth, the infinite knowledge of the Universe is revealed to the humble in heart and to the simple in consciousness. In them there is no ambition of power nor of control, in any sense.
This was, My children, what the little shepherds of Fatima lived, but the moment has come for the Celestial Hierarchy to expand this opportunity to all of those who aspire to postulate themselves as humble servers of God.
This will help, on the Surface of the Earth, for there to be consciousnesses that may be instruments, that may propogate devotion to the Eternal Father and then, thus, there may exist more gratitude and reverence in compensation for all the mistakes that humanity of today makes, separating themselves from the Divine Truth for its own means and ways of life.
Thus, My children, on this day, through the Apparition, I, as your Mother and intercessor, will place you before this Grace, that your hearts may grow in faith and love for the knowledge of the Heights, of the Universe and thus, Christic Love may be present in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Heart waits for a Love greater than hundreds of fires and, in this Fire, your Master makes souls that follow Him burn in love. The Love of My Heart penetrates all things as well as all forms.
The fire of My Heart transforms and sublimates the human fire and makes of each being a possible instrument of the Redeemer. Through the Fire of My Heart, I transfigure the human condition and elevate consciousnesses to the fire of awakening, a nonmaterial place where souls find all impulses to redeem their being.
In the Fire of My Heart is found the Center of the Will of God, and it is this creating Will that moves the Universe and allows its expansion so that all that is impure may be transmuted, and the most pure may be unveiled in the spirit of each creature.
The Fire of My Heart removes the depths of the consciousness so that within it may be deposited the Will of God and, thus, the most intimate wish of the Father may be fulfilled, that of seeing His children in Universal Love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Soul and Heart are now in Angola. I am ready to take the Love of God to the innocent souls, souls poor in spirit.
My Divinity is now in Angola, as is the maternal Grace of My Heart, because My wish as a Mother is to be with My children of Africa, it is to be able to gather up within Me the love, the purity and the devotion of this people for the Mother of God.
They are My beloved and favorite children, whom I love very much and for whom I pray, every day, for their lives, in this way, keeping them under My divine protection.
Angola was the nation chosen by your Heavenly Mother to be able to open the doors to humanitarian service and religious service.
Angola is a people that is a witness to conflicts and heir of a suffering that it should have never experienced. But the end of this captivity will come and My children of Angola, as well as those of all Africa, will be able to be participants in My maternal Love.
Thus, on this special day, the consecrated life, through the Order founded by My Son, will enter the African continent to carry the love and the healing of the Sacred Hearts, with the hope that someday the Pilgrimage for Peace may visit this beloved people so that My children of Africa may feel embraced by the Mother of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I open My Heart so that the Universe of God may come to you and you can find the meaning of infinite Life.
Just as 102 years ago, I return to the world on this day to remind you of the importance of your original innocence, which will lead you to find purity. A purity that will save you and will redeem you, that will make you worthy in the Lord and participants in His Grace.
The original purity, which God has given to you since the beginning of your existence, must not be forgotten by the world neither by the servers of Christ, because the times that are coming are definitive, and will place your consciousness before very important events of planetary life.
This is why I bring you, through My Heart, the Universe of God so that you may feel and perceive all of Creation, all stars, suns and galaxies, all unknown and mysterious life that the Creation holds since before this planet.
Therefore, My children, feel at this moment that you are before one of the Wills of God, before the moment when the Father thought of Creation and all that would come after He emanated His Divine Thought upon the Sublime Spheres so that the Archangels, the Creator Fathers, together with Their angelic hosts, could create the Universes and Infinite Life.
You as humanity and as souls are part of a principle, are part of a mystery that, in the end of this time, will be unveiled so that the human consciousness may become aware of the Truth and can finally leave the illusion in which it finds itself.
Do not let the influences of these times hypnotize you or blind you spiritually. Place your heart in the Heart of the Hierarchy and you will always see the light on your paths. You will always participate in the revelation of the mysteries of God and will become aware of the great tools that the Universe holds since the origins, since the existence of the great Lakes of Light, called Nebulae, from which all of humanity comes.
This is the time and the moment to recover and protect the values of God so that these values may be present in your lives. It is time, My children, for you in the name of Christ and in the name of His Love to give value to the sacred.
But for the sacred to be present in your lives, you must aspire to the sacred, you must seek the sacred by means of devotion and faith so that the sacred does not vanish from the world and from the human consciousness. For the influences of these times, all events of God will lead you to discover your true Divine Life and the reason why you are here, which is not just a material or human reason.
Open the doors of your hearts for your souls to be able to operate and carry out the task you came to fulfill.
This is the time to give importance to the sacred so that the sacred can prevail on the surface of the Earth and so that there may exist souls that, congregated by My Son, can reflect the Divine Life like mirrors before a time of chaos and of conflict. This will strengthen the faith of humanity’s consciousness, this will make Universal Love be more present in the planetary consciousness and will make the Compassion and Mercy of God not become erased from humanity.
You must continuing being witness of the Presence of Christ in your hearts and in your lives until the end. God only needs that innocence be not lost in the world, because if innocence is lost in the world, purity will not be present in souls nor in hearts. And this will be difficult for most souls because they will not attain Universal Life.
For this reason, the total surrender of your consciousnesses is important for God, each one at their time and in their rhythm, but let it be a true surrender, without conditions, because thus you will be similar to My Son, the way He was when He was present on Earth and made you participants in His Word, in His Good News, in His Message of Peace and of Reconciliation.
God needs that innocence be not lost in the world so that peace does not vanish. This is why the world will know, even more, the Sacred Places that are present on Earth and that silently ignite their principles of Light and of Mercy so that souls can receive and welcome them.
Lys is a Sacred Precinct for God, it is a place in which purity can be recovered for the whole world. Therefore His Messenger was sent here and not to anywhere else. Here is the Source of what the world really needs. Here is the Source that can fill your inner void and even your human despair. Here is peace, love, the healing of the essences of the world.
Therefore, Lys will always resound and will remind the whole world of such a simple and humble place for the hearts that seek, within them, union with God and His Celestial Messengers.
This Fount will quench the spiritual thirst of the world and will always be able to lead the world to reconciliation so that souls do not lose the meaning of being here and of the commitment they have with the Heights.
Therefore, the sacred is important at this time, even in the small details. I offer Myself as Mother and as Divine Consciousness to take you to the path of the sacred so that in you may be present the Devotion to God and the absolute trust in the fulfillment of His Divine Purpose.
In the sacred, you will find the truth and in the truth you will find the healing that you need, not only as human beings, but also as souls, as essences.
Revere this moment of being within the Fount of Lys on behalf of all of your brothers and sisters that wait, with hope, to be able to feel and live this sacred space in order to receive what they need.
But as the Father is Omnipresent and Omniscient, today the Fount of Lys comes to all as a balm of light and of peace. It deters for some time the conflicts of the world, division among families, hatred among hearts, sicknesses of the bodies and human evil.
The triumph of My maternal and Immaculate Heart, My children, will also take place when your lives reach the Attribute of the sacred with inner effort, with the love of the heart, with the devotion that your spirits can proclaim in union with the Divine Fount, so that Graces may keep descending to the world and upon the hearts that need redemption.
Today I pour, as a code of light on each one of you, the opportunity of finding the path of the sacred so that innocence is not lost in the world and the Truth of God may make you free in spirit, and thus His Will may be fulfilled.
Therefore, as Mother and Messenger, as Guardian and Mediator, I lead you all in the nations of the world so that you can testify, together with Me, to the lack of innocence and of original purity. And so that, by means of the servers of Christ, the codes of purity and of the sacred can be sown on the Earth so that, in each nation, a fount of light can spring, to renew the hearts and to awaken the faith in those who have lost it for different reasons and motives.
Therefore, today, through My Heart, I approach you to the Universe of God, to the Origin of the origin, so that through this Universe you can see and feel the Virtues of God and the Gifts of Love that He delivered to the Creation so that everything might exist.
In union to the Angel of Peace, I bless you and thank each of My children for your offering and your donation so that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus may be fulfilled in humanity and in the nations of the world.
Lys will always be a place where you will be able to find peace when you need it and thus open your heart to forgiveness.
I thank you for responding to My call and I bless you with the Light of the Kingdom of the Sanctuary of Lys.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Pray and welcome the divine Graces with love.
Receive in your spirit and in your heart the Rays which come from the Heart of the Creator of all things. His Divine Science manifests within beings when they pray from the heart and it reveals to them what they truly are; it allows essences to recover their brightness and their celestial expression, and demonstrates to humankind the purity and the mystery which lies within you.
Let all that which happens in the silence and in the invisible of planetary existence expand to all beings, to all of Creation. Let that which the Father gives you when you pray to flow from your heart to the world, and make of your life a permanent service for human evolution.
Be a server in silence, a server from the heart, a server who lives the Gospel within themselves and transforms the human consciousness from the inside out, converting the deepest roots of your degeneration.
You are a part of a whole; you are the product of a history that did not begin on this Earth and which will not end on it; but which is defined here, within each being.
If two or more experience the transformation that the Creator needs, it will already be enough to demonstrate the greatness of the Love of God to all of Creation, and renew the evolution of all life, on this planet and beyond it.
Aspire, child, to be the one who makes the difference. Seek to be the one who experiences the transcendence of self every day. Seek to live within yourself what you aspire for humanity to manifest, and find the Will and the Design of God through your purest aspirations.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Devotion: A Door to Liberation
Devotion, children, is a Gift of God in the hearts of human beings, a Divine Ray placed inside beings so that, when active and awake, it may lead you to return to the Heart of the Father.
Devotion activates in human consciousness its potential to unite dimensions, to dissolve all barriers which separate hearts from God and to open doors so that beings may be liberated from all that impedes them from reaching the Father.
Devotion is like a magnet that raises the consciousness towards God and, at the same time, purifies it so that it may reach the Father.
Devotion allows hearts to recognize the need to be in God and, when this devotion is mature and evolutionary, beings are conscious of the need to create a condition so that those who do not manage to, may also have the possibility of reaching the Father.
Devotion, which is born in the heart and rises towards the consciousness, allows beings to mature their lower nuclei and transmute them, because the energy itself allows you to understand that it is necessary to transform oneself in order to reach God.
Devotion is a door towards planetary liberation and a safe path to awaken and activate the mirrors of your hearts.
Devotion must always deepen within beings, raise their vibration and stop being an emotional process to become an experience, a spiritual and inner condition of beings.
Devotion must keep rising from the heart to the consciousness so that you always know how to open the doors to reach God.
Allow devotion to express itself in your hearts. Do not be afraid to transform yourselves and become pure before God, for this is what will make you return to the Father.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
On a day like this, more than one hundred years ago, under this sky I reposed My Immaculate Heart, warning the world about the trials of all times, calling human beings to penitence and prayer, to consecrate this world to My Heart, and so that humanity might live a longer time of peace.
On a day like this, more than one hundred years ago, My Heart opened to the world a new cycle, attracting universal and divine Laws that, with the presence of My angels and archangels, made the original purity descend over this planet, manifesting here its dwelling.
On a day like this, more than one hundred years ago, I brought to the Earth the Mirrors of Purity, which radiate to all life the purest essence of Love and of Divine Grace, the thought that God emanated when He created His Celestial Mother, when He emanated the Divine Womb, from which all things would arise, from which His First-Born Son would someday be born on this planet.
On a day like this, more than one hundred years ago, God granted a unique Grace to the planet, and the key to access it is the power of sincere prayer and the purity of the heart.
The Creator Father delivered to His children the gifts that would allow them to return to the Source and, more than this, sanctify and consecrate humanity through the Christic code of love and wisdom.
The Sun that shined forth here, dissipating the clouds that were in the sky, brought an eternal light to the Earth, removing the millenary roots of error and of evil in the heart of human beings, which instigates them toward wars and self-destruction.
Today, children, I come as a new Sun, a spiritual and profound Sun, which descends to the Earth with new Laws, instituting and opening a new time and a new cycle. Prayer will continue to be the key for you to find what I tell you.
I come to warn you today that the world still needs peace, but not only the peace that dissipates wars, but rather spiritual and inner peace, which gives back the life of those who have lost it, although they circulate in this world as if they were alive.
The human beings are losing their original essence, their divine purity. And today I come with a new Sky to prevent and deter the advancement of darkness over My children. My Kingdom must be revealed to this world, universal Truth must become a reality in the life of all beings so that they may recover the sense of their existence.
Do not be afraid to accompany My steps; do not be afraid to surrender your lives out of love for God and to lose human control and power so that God may reign within you.
In this time, it is urgent that souls awaken and that the Kingdom of God may be established. It is urgent that the supreme Truth may come to light, that beings may receive the Gifts of God, that nations may be redeemed and the spirits may return to their origins with the learning of the Christic Love.
I just ask you to accompany Me with prayer, but also with action, with instruction and with the transformation of your lives.
The flowers of God, which are the precious souls of His children, are drying in this world, because they do not know the Truth and the Love of the Father.
Therefore, no longer fear to announce the new, no longer fear to enter other Laws, no longer fear to perceive that you are in this world to announce, attract and live something different and, although you may be persecuted, humiliated and rejected, do not fear.
The love and meekness of your hearts must speak louder than the criticism of humanity. The truth mirrored in the testimony and in the example of your lives must be the sign of sanctity that speaks to the world about the presence of the Divine Messengers.
A new reality must be established in consciousnesses; a new instruction must descend to the Earth. And for this, it will not be enough that instructor souls, sent by God, speak to the world. But all of you, My children, must accompany this new cycle, without fear.
Be the heralds of a new time, be the saints of the last days, those who overcome themselves out of love for a Greater Plan and Purpose.
Today I bless and support My dear daughter, the one I sent to represent My Motherhood to all of you. And I tell you that it will not be enough that she give all of herself; each one of you must accompany and support this surrender.
Be one body and one Work that, on behalf of humanity, responds to God’s Will and Designs.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima
There are places on Earth, children, that from the beginning of the planet were designed by God so that gradually they could manifest and hold the most sacred and evolutionary experiences that every and any human being can have.
These sacred places in the invisible worlds consist of Kingdoms of Love, because all the love achieved by humankind has been kept there and, throughout human evolution, it has multiplied and transformed to assist all those who are still learning to love and discovering the truth about themselves, which is hidden in the essence of love.
When the Divine Messengers travel throughout the world, They awake these sacred places and create a link between the human consciousness and those spaces of love so that, spiritually speaking, beings may receive new opportunities for fulfilling their mission and expressing the Divine Thought.
From the degrees of purity and unity with the Kingdoms of Nature, expressed by the primitive peoples, through the love achieved by Christ on the Cross, up to the love experienced by human beings, all this is kept in the essence of those sacred places as an assistance for the different nations and continents.
But if humanity is indifferent toward this spiritual reality, it remains hidden and silent, and does not present its treasure, its legacy, to the human consciousness.
For this reason, children, each day you must be more aware of the celestial mysteries that are also held on Earth so that, in the name of humanity, you can participate in them, receive and live the love that makes all of you worthy children of God, and that which makes you express the Divine Will and Thought.
With your prayers, accompany Our steps and receive these gifts with gratitude.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Take the Reliquary of My Heart wherever you go because, as a pilgrim, I will silently pour out the Graces of God upon souls, radiating the purity and humility that hearts need to find the Father and the path of return to His Celestial Dwelling Place.
The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart will reveal to souls their own purity and truth so that, when faced with it, souls may recognize who they are and what they came to this world to do.
The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart will be like a mirror for souls which will show the reflection of their purest essence and, little by little, will discover how to express it, how to be that which they are discovering about themselves.
The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart exists for the simple purpose of bringing peace and revealing to humankind the path of return to the Heart of God.
When you are sincere before My Heart, you will be able to receive the same Graces that I received to find God and unite with Him.
My Heart is not the Way, the Truth and the Life, but rather that which knows how to surrender to God, to tread this Path, to know this Truth, and to become whole in the true Life, which is Life in God.
May peace, which comes from it, reveal your origins to you and inspire you so that you know how to return in spirit to the Heart of God, even while having your feet on the Earth.
May your souls know the path to the Heart of the Father.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When you pray, God washes your heart and purifies you, renewing your soul and your essence, in purity and transparency. But it is also up to you, child, to maintain that purity within yourself and, during your days, make of your life a prayer.
Pronounce your words with the purity of your essence. Let your retrograde thoughts pass by, and only follow the flow of those that lead you to reflect upon Wisdom and Divine Love.
Fill your time with service rather than with vain things. Fill your mind with the harmony of nature and the Love that comes from God, rather than with the distractions of the world.
Every day reacquire a point of union with the Father, so that it may deepen. Nurture your essence with that which comes from God, so that it can expand and express within you.
Let your essence be the support and the dwelling place of purity, so that your soul, protected, may find the space to take steps in its evolution.
When you pray, God cleanses your heart and purifies it, therefore, pray, and give your being the chance to begin again, every day.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After opening the doors of your heart to live the gift of gratitude, child, may your being receive the blessings from God. With the blessings of the Most High, you must strengthen your inner world, your mission in service to this planet, especially through prayer.
Each day that goes by, nations spiritually cry out for help, and the Earth's own heart makes itself heard by those who are sensitive to the love and the true necessity of this world.
Thus, pray, and pray with fervor, offering the many Graces and blessings that you have received from Heaven, in the name of those who have nothing.
Pray for the heart of Africa, in a special way, so that despite all suffering, it not lose its purity and innocence.
Africa must be the symbol of this world's rebirth. From its core, life is originated, and after everything it has learned, from its core love must be renewed and overcome.
Pray so that the nations may transcend the purifications of this time, and on top of the calvary of this world, may the beings be able to forgive and love beyond all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the end, My Work will always be fulfilled in the simple hearts, a place and enclosure where I will be able to move My Plan of Love forward and I will be able to radiate it to the ends of the Earth.
Silently, I am found in the heart of the humble, in all those capable of representing Me with humility, transparency and purity. I will always reside in those hearts, I will always be present to welcome the needy, the sick, the dying, the one who has not yet found My Light.
In the heart of the humble, I vivify My Project and, time after time, accomplish the requests of My Father.
Through the hearts of the simple, I can uplift the consciousness of humanity and sanctify those who enter My Path for the first time.
In the heart of the simple, I trustingly place My Celestial Church and have the humble hearts participate in My Gifts and in My Graces.
In the heart of the humble, I find the poverty and the void, the simplicity and the peace to be able to return and bring relief to My Spirit.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
A new alliance is instituted between Heaven and Earth, between the peacemakers and the Lord.
Seated at the table of redemption, The Master purifies the spirits of each disciple, washing them with His Water of Life.
The Lord washes their heads so that the Holy Spirit may baptize them with its Gifts.
The Lord washes the hands of His disciples so that they may live, from now on, a life of integral unconditional donation.
The Master washes the feet of His disciples, just as He washed the feet of His apostles in the past, so that they may tread the path of purity, of resignation and of obedience.
And thus, everyone is prepared to celebrate the internal and spiritual communion with the Holy Chalice of the Lord.
The most impure sins have been dissolved. The deepest doubts have been clarified.
The sense of purpose of each soul is revealed today. No one will be a prisoner of ignorance.
All the disciples of Christ are now aware of the responsibility of their commitment. Thus, the Plan of Love is drawn in the consciousness of those who welcome it, because by being touched by the Light of the Spirit of God, they receive a Grace that they do not deserve.
The moment has come. The Holy hour has come.
The Holy Chalice is taken from the altar by the hands of the Supreme Priest.
All revere this new event. The legacy that was once entrusted to this race awakens again like a tender remembrance in the heart of those who truly said "yes".
The Saintly Chalice is raised.
The sacred formula of consecration is pronounced by the Highest Lord, and His disciples, prostrated on the ground, receive the inspiration of the Sacred Flame of the Holy Spirit.
The covenant is consummated again, but this time the Lamb will not go to the slaughterhouse; Its Blood was, is and will be the testimony of the celestial victory throughout the ages and generations.
The New Christs will repopulate the Earth and finally, peace will be the breath.
Thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The spiritual and interior healing shall be the means by which humanity will be redeemed.
But, in order to be able to find the healing, there must be true repentance and purity of intention; on the contrary, the healing will not be able to approach the consciousness that still has not been redeemed.
A true coexistence with the Laws and with the Kingdoms, in all their expressions, grants the arrival of that so awaited spiritual healing; healing that will fill the spirit and each part of the being so that the consciousness, free of oppression, may take the steps towards the Lord.
This is the time to return to the origin and to the essence that created us so that the sense of the sacred and of reverence may be what elevates the consciousness so that it reaches the inner transcendence.
I thank You for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more