The Spirit of God will speak through humankind

When the human heart, My children, understands, through the consequences of its actions, where its arrogance and ignorance take it, the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.

When religions realize that what is most important is to establish the Kingdom of God, rather than maintaining structures and institutions, the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.

When governments understand that there is no government distant from the One Who created and knows all things, the Spirit of God will come and speak through humankind.

When parents teach their children to live in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, with the Universe, and with fellow beings, the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.

Humanity will become tired of living the consequences of their successive mistakes, the fruit of actions they carry forward without God. In that moment, My children, the simple will look to Heaven and the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.

When humankind no longer wants to aggrandize themselves, because they understand their human smallness and misery, they will seek the Word of Life in the Heights, and it is then that the Spirit of God will come and speak through humankind.

That moment will come when the consequences of human ignorance become visible to all the eyes of the world, and even those who longed for power will fear having it in their hands, because they will know their own frailty and inability to act without God.

The Spirit of God will speak through the simple, who at first will be heard by only a few, because they will be among the smallest, and many times, they will speak through the silence of their actions.

The Spirit of God will speak in the healthy of spirit, prepared by Him to come to the world, after having known the Universe, Creation, and the Divine Plan. They will be aware of human misery, but also of the greatness of God, which is hidden in their inner potential. That will make them humble and strong in Christ, to speak fearlessly to humanity, and through service and fraternity, proclaim the institution of the new life.

When hearts are no longer able to find consolation and many have lost faith in God for not finding guidelines in humankind where they sought them, it will be in the simplest and most hidden that the Spirit of God will emerge, will return and will live, as the prophets and patriarchs of the past. And He will speak, will announce and once more open the hearts of those who had lost their faith and hope. Humanity will find again the guidelines of love in the pure and the simple, who will shine not for themselves, but for the Spirit of God that will be with them.

When faith will seem to have vanished from the temples and churches, and love is scarce in the human beings who try to guide others on their own, rather than in God, it will be in the pure and in the simple, children, that the Spirit of God will speak, inspire, and unite religions and cultures, that on their own will not find the strength to remain in the world. Their examples will renew the faith and the hope for the return of My Son. They will speak of the Living Christ, and their word will be fire rather than only sound. They will open the paths to the Universal King and will be the first to prostrate on the ground, even before the Heavens open for the coming of the King.

The non-believers, who will still deny the Return of Christ, will see them prostrated, without anything happening, and they will slander them, mock them, and will exalt themselves. But the pure will not stand up, and until the Heavens open, they will not raise their heads. They will be humiliated in silence, so that humanity may perceive that it is through humility that the path for Christ is once again prepared. And behold, the Spirit of God in that hour will be silent through humankind. His silence will speak louder and will have more fire than any spoken verb.

When those who were speaking with the Spirit of God fall silent, and prostrated, calmly awaiting the return of Their King, when it seems that all has ended without a triumph and without hope, when humankind faces the void and the unknown, then, children, it will all begin.

The signs will emerge and will make the impure and the liars tremble. In that hour, the Spirit of God will no longer speak through humankind, but will only be silent and gaze through their eyes, so they will know how to recognize the One Who will be God Himself, resplendent over the world.

Until that moment comes, be pure, be simple, and strengthen your own faith in God, recognizing your own smallness and the Divine greatness; because the Spirit of God will come and seek the humble hearts, to announce to the world what very few want to hear.

I bless you today and always, and I leave you the Grace of My renewal and the principle of My humility, so that you may have them be fruitful in your hearts and consciousness.

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While humanity sleeps and walks, looking for a fulfillment that every day leads it into greater emptiness, I am here on the horizon, My children, contemplating your little hearts.

I am the Mother of the Oceans, She Who, with Her Mantle and with Her Grace, sustains the seas and all the creatures that dwell in them.

Each small marine creature is a living part of My Mirror of Light, of My Heart.

Marine beings occupy a special place in My Maternal Heart, because they are part of My Purity. Through them, I balance the minds and the spirits of humankind and I generate merits in light of God so that this world may continue to exist. 

Today, contemplate the seas as great Mirrors of Light, similar to My Mirrors in the universe. Through them, I reflect peace to the world, and those hearts that are open will be able to feel and receive it within themselves. 

The seas are a living part of My spiritual Source; they are the materialization of Divine Purity and they exist on Earth to constantly remind hearts that one day they must return to God. 

The seas are an offering of the Creator to the world so that His creatures may recover their Essential Purity, and so that each time they submerge their bodies into the seas, they may come out renewed like a new essence that arises from the celestial reservoirs. And marine beings are those that, with love, support that possibility of renewal for the Earth. 

The seas do not only balance and transmute the planet; spiritually, they are a path of return to God.

Thus, My children, the Mirrors of Light that clean and purify them are distributed throughout the seas, so that they never lose the purity that God gave them. 

But the suffering of the marine beings, the pollution of the waters, and the incomprehension of humankind on the spiritual mission of the seas weaken them and allow them, little by little, to support the planet less. 

The time has come to spiritually support the seas for all that they have given to the world. 

The time has come to recognize the spiritual mission of nature and to seek a broader understanding of life, and not just an understanding closed up within you, in yourself, in your personality and personal life. 

Everything in the world, as in the Universe, has a reason to exist.

All life carries out a spiritual function, and it is in the communion and unity experienced among all that the Plan of God is accomplished and the return to the Origin is manifested. 

Everything is part of the multiplying of God; His Presence is in all things and, like a mysterious celestial puzzle, the Creator counts on each one of His creatures to express His Unity. For this reason, all life, children, depends on unity among beings. 

So today, understand the greatness of the seas and their mission in the world.

Pray for the oceans, pray for the life that dwells within them, and give thanks every day for their existence. 

With this simple act of thinking less about the self and more about Creation, you will draw closer to God and you will collaborate in the expression of His Divine Unity. 

I bless you on this day of Graces and I thank you for being with Me, praying for the oceans. 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Oceans


Today, Africa beats in My Merciful Heart. And I do this for all who have offended it, those who mistreated it, those who colonized it, and who opened uncertain doors for the perdition of souls.

But today I do not come to speak to you of the abysses, but rather of the infinite purity that exists in each child of Mine in Africa, that through the ages I have venerated and contemplated with love.

For this reason, the hour and the moment have come for your King to return to Africa, to close the last doors and have the Heavens and the Universes descend and put an end to human suffering.

My Blood was also shed for them, to generate salvation and freedom in their souls from all the abysses of the Earth. It is to this end that today I bring the Holy Grail in My Hands, to give you My divine Blood, so that you may commune of it and put an end to suffering, hopelessness, affliction, and human pain.

I come today to pour out My Blood over Africa. In this way, I pour out My Blood over Portugal and Europe, to put an end to human discord, to the exploitation of these times, to the indignation that the children and young people of Africa feel on being mistreated throughout time and the years.

Today, I come to open My Arms and to stretch out My Hands for a sorrowful and suffering continent. I come to offer My Sacred Heart as a universal atonement for all the causes that have taken place on the African continent throughout the last decades.

I come to give the Light of My Spirit and of My Divinity. My Heart rejoices today on having received a humble basket of intentions and entreaties on My Altar. In this way, I want My littlest children of Africa to have the total certainty and assurance that their King is pouring His divine and infinite Mercy over them.

Thus, when I arrive in Africa the next time, I will again consecrate it to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; because, companions, we must give thanks to this great Maternal and Universal Consciousness, which has generated the means and the spiritual conditions so that My Sacred Heart also finally triumphs in Africa.

I come to place the balm of My Healing in each African heart; to seal the evils, the sorrows, and the sufferings generated by the hearts of Europe towards that so wounded continent.

I come to ask of all Europe, that they pray every day on their knees, an Our Father for the re-consecration of Africa to My Sacred Heart. In that way, dear companions, you who are from here, from Europe, and all the souls of the whole world that are aware of the adversity that the African continent lives, generated by other nations and peoples, may open the doors with their prayers and hearts, so that My Celestial Victory may descend over that continent and over all nations.

Today I come to offer this Chalice, this Sacred Grail, for the innocent, for the victims of exploitation, martyrdom, and annihilation.

Today My spiritual Blood is poured out, the codes of life and of renewal, as a great tributary, as an inexhaustible spring, over all those souls that most need it. Here there is a life story; souls that belong to the Project of God and that are trying in these times of crisis, to live hope.

My wish is that each European spiritually and materially take on each one of these "crianças” (little children). I say "crianças", from the Portuguese, because this mission is especially for the Portuguese; for those who are here and those who are not here. I want to be clear, so that you may understand the importance of fulfilling this request of your Master and Lord of the Universe.

In each one of these intentions, as in each one of these photos, there is a story, a past, which must be redeemed, renewed, and restored by My Sacred Heart, and all the entreaties of those who unite with Me in this mission to generate, at the end of times, a healing, love, and unity in all the souls of Africa; especially for the souls that are in this basket, entreating My Merciful Heart for a divine intercession of the Celestial Father, that today I grant by the authority that He gave Me, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Here are one hundred and twenty-eight essences that offered to incarnate in Africa, so that humanity may learn about the suffering of others, about human pain, about torture, exploitation, and indifference.

I desire that all the hearts of the world not forget My beloved Africa and look towards it, because it is still silently suffering.

 The reason for this pilgrimage in Europe is not only for your souls and hearts, which have already received so much, but so that your spirits and your consciousnesses unite with my universal Ministry, and so that you may go two by two, to help those who most need it, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature.

At this sacred moment, when Adonai hears the plea of His beloved Son and the intentions of simple hearts, your Master and Lord will pray for each one of these souls, representing all the souls of Africa and the Middle East.

We will now listen to "Thus spoke the Master."

We place our left hand over the heart, on the chest.

Father, Adonai, Eli, Yahve, You Who has generated life, give it again to Your creatures, so they may vivify You and feel You in the very depths of their spirits.

Eli, listen to the Voice of Your Son, who pleads for His beloved Africa. Dispel the sufferings. Erase the anguish from hearts. Bring alight in the littlest ones the hope of continuing to live You until the end of their days.

May Your angels descend, Eli. Eli is Your Holy Name, Your Holy Name for all of Africa, for Your beloved people, marked by the wounds and imprints of persecution.

Today I return to that people, Eli. Today I return to the origin, where everything began on this planet; to the place where Your first civilization of love, of service, and of surrender was launched, when You poured out Your divine Codes upon them.

May souls recover the trust of being able to live. May all be healed, so that no cell and no body feel the suffering, nor feel the pain, nor lose the faith of believing in You.

Just as you asked Moses to take care of Your People, today I hear Your Voice, Eli, beloved Father; I take care of Your flocks, so that the seeds of life, of regeneration, may be sown in the souls that have been subjected to human punishment, to exploitation, in these times.

May Your Source of Love and of Light descend upon them. May all recover the joy of being able to feel You and may they live in the fullness of Your mighty Spirit, Adonai. 

Adonai Manu, Father, listen to the voice of Your People.

Adonai, Elah, may Your Will be fulfilled.

Eli, Eli, Eli, may all be consummated, so that humanity, which is suffering, may achieve peace. Amen.

These intentions and these photos will return to those they belong to. I will take them to Angola, to deliver them to each one of them, and thus to give them My deepest embrace of love.

So be it.

And now, in honor of the Most Blessed Mother of Heaven, your Advocate, Intercessor of souls, and Mediator of all hearts, in thanksgiving, gratitude, reverence, and devotion, and for the consecration of these elements, which will become the Body and the Blood of Christ, today I will ask you to call and invoke Our Lady of Kibeho.

And thus, I take you toward My Peace, because in the Peace of God, everything is done. In Peace, you can live eternal life, renewal and faith in all hearts that believe in My Sacred Heart.

May the good and love reign. May humanity live the Project of God. May the Kingdoms of Nature be healed and may all essences of this world achieve redemption, so that when I return in Glory, we may all experience the joy of Paradise. Amen.

I thank all those who will carry Africa in their heart, so that My Designs may be fulfilled; and My Mercy, which is the Mercy of your God, may expand throughout the whole world.

So may it be, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Let us continue singing, because today, your beloved Son, will carry the pleas of all those who have invoked for Africa to His beloved Servant, Mother, and Lady of Heaven,.

I thank you. Amen.

Daily Messages

Behold, from Heaven will come, as shinning as a new Sun, a star of hope. It will shine within those that open to receive Its Light and It will illumine the eyes of those who were blind, so that they may be removed from their own darkness and can contemplate the Truth that they were never able to see.

Behold, from Heaven will come a Woman Clothed with the Sun, One Who, sustained by divine silence, once occultly lived the mysteries of the Passion of Her Son, the Son of God. She will come because the passion of the planet has already begun, and the Woman Clothed with the Sun will hold Her Children in Her arms, She will protect and shelter them, just as She did with Her Son, from the Calvary to the Cross.

Behold the Woman that, with eyes of compassion, renews Her little ones after each fall. This is the One that will not be able to avoid the suffering of Her children if humanity does not open to Her Peace, but will have the cross be light and meritorious for those who say “yes” to Her.

Behold the One that, despite not being understood by humankind, keeps coming to the world to guide them. Here, children, is the Mother of Truth proclaimed by God and not by humankind; a Living and indivisible part of the Heart of the Father.

Behold, today I am here, opening the doors of My Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of Peace and of Purity for the planet, where My reign extends beyond Heaven; where the angels find a dwelling place and a refuge beyond Paradise; where souls receive new opportunities of redemption.

Children, here is Your Celestial Mother, to consecrate you and bless you, to wash you in the waters of divine knowledge, and so that in this way, you may awaken to the Truth that will emerge in front of your eyes, so that you may receive it with joy and gratitude, and let yourselves be transformed by it.

This Truth, My children, will not only be transmitted by the word, with the senses, or with the heart. The Truth will emerge from Heaven and from Earth, and all that was hidden from the eyes of humankind will be revealed. The ones who knew and were indifferent will repent; the ones who felt it and waited for it will be exalted; the ones who knew it and with diligence prepared for its arrival will be grateful and will rest in the revelation of its light; the ones who did not believe and denied the Truth will be fearful and will try to escape, not knowing where to go.

Behold, today I am here, before the eyes of your hearts, as the proclaimer of Universal Truth. For I have announced it and warned you so that you may prepare your hearts. Just receive My grace and be consequent with Me. Let devotion become faithfulness and fortitude; convert into an unbreakable faith, that transcends the human strength and will, and enter into Celestial Power and Purposes.

Behold, today I am here, renewing humanity, as I renew one of My favorite souls on Earth. My hands reach out to her, as to all that say “yes” to My Plan of Love, which is the Plan of God. And today I take advantage of this opportunity of coming to the world to begin opening the doors of the new time and of the liberation of souls; and so I do, children, because a soul surrendered and resigned to Divine Will said “yes” to Me.

If all of you said the same to Me or a greater “yes”, My Heart would come to the world to renew you every day and the Truth would not just emerge in front of the eyes of humankind when Justice and the Law of God no longer allowed it to be hidden. Truth could be a permanent reality in the life of humankind, and not only the angels would live in My Kingdom, but all of you, all of My children.

Today I open the doors of Lis, My Kingdom of Love and of Peace on Earth, so that the Purity that is so lacking in the world may give you the grace of living the Peace and the Will of God.

Today, beloved children, I take you by the hand to My Kingdom on Earth, which balances and repairs – as much as it is allowed – the indifference and ignorance of the souls that so wound the Heart of God.

Behold I am here today as a Radiant Sun, Mirror of the Heart of Christ, to reflect His Mercy for you, and to bless and renew not only this daughter of Mine, who opened the doors to Me to transmit the Truth to you, but all those who listen to Me from the four corners of the world and who open the doors of their hearts and of their homes to Me, so that I may reign.

I Am the Queen of your lives and with the Love of My Heart I thank you for being before Me today.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from São Paulo, Brazil, to Lisbon, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Guiding Star of the night, which lights the paths to lead My children toward the portal of Love.

Your Heavenly Mother, as promised, is returning to Portugal through Her pilgrim group, so that the great expansion of consciousness of the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima may be carried forward.

To all of you, as well as your brothers and sisters that will come on the sacred pilgrimage, I lead you to the inner gardens of Lys, so that original purity may once again be established in each soul.

Today, with gladness, rejoicing and inner devotion, your Heavenly Mother prepares Her coming to Portugal, so that more hearts may ignite again with love, truth and original purity.

Thus, I invite you, My dear children, to be joyful and available in each moment of the pilgrimage through Portugal, because in this way, you will have the Grace and the Mercy, as so many pilgrim brothers and sisters, of receiving the blessing of your Celestial Mother.

We continue in faith, in trust and in joy, because once again in Europe, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and protects you under Her Divine Mantle,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today I dedicate this message to all the youth of light, to the new seeds that are sprouting in these definitive times, and in whom My eyes of a Mother can see the virtues that awaken within them.

Thus, these seeds of the youth that are sprouting today represent, for My co-redemptive work, the expression of the essential purity that must be kept in each one of them.

Within the youth lies the foundations of the New Humanity, it is for this reason that your Heavenly Mother is ready to work directly and unconditionally with these souls.

That is why I have requested that throughout these recent days the Youth Festival for Peace be disseminated in Brazil, so that the young people themselves, who carry forward this impulse of brotherhood and union with the Kingdoms of Nature, can in the future take it to Central America, North America, Europe, Africa, Oceania and Asia.

I would like the culture of the youth for peace to be known upon the five continents, as well as in the monthly Meeting of Music for the Healing and Elevation of Humanity, in which the youth should especially have a wider space where they can express their musical gifts and their artistic virtues.

In the planetary youth, who are awakening to a search for spiritual life and to non-aggression toward the lower Kingdoms, lies the potential to open the doors for many souls in the whole world, who do not know of My Maternity nor My love for each of the children of God. For this reason, the Youth Campaign for Peace must also expand into various languages, just as the Meeting of Music for Healing must be translated into other languages.

Thus, dear children, I want to show you the path toward the true universal ecumenism, which is not understood by the Church of My Son; I come to teach you the ecumenism of brotherhood and peace, which was preached by My Son two thousand years ago.

I thank all My children for their adherence.

I give you Thanks for receiving My call in your hearts.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When the White Buffalo would appear on the horizon, suddenly, walking with serenity before the eyes of the pure, this was a sign of prosperity and hope. Its mouth did not speak, its language was unknown by humankind. Its silence would transmit the Will of God to them; its language was understood with the heart, by those who knew how to become silent.

When sadness flooded the hearts of humankind, they cried out for the grace of seeing and feeling the White Buffalo. Its serenity calmed them and they would feel hope that the Earth would remain fertile, alive and sacred.

When the heart of the children of the Earth was not rich in love and joy, they cried out for the White Buffalo. Its joy and Its love did not come from this world, but it nourished and healed the world. It appeared upon the horizon and represented the arrival of new cycles, where life would have a greater meaning, because the land would be fertile and so would the heart.

The White Buffalo was the Holy Spirit of the Earth, which walked silently among humankind. It came to dissolve fear, anguish, sadness, it came to unite the hearts of the children of the Earth with He who created the Earth, and all other planets, the Sun, the Moon and all Life.

The White Buffalo was the bearer of purity and re-ignited purity within the hearts of the children of the Earth so that they would not lose the hope of a world in peace and in communion with Life.

The White Buffalo was meek but invincible. Nothing could touch it and only the eyes of the heart could see It. Its mystery came from Infinity, even though its appearance was of the Earth. It made itself lesser than humankind, with the living symbol of a simple animal, but it wanted to represent the All. Within it were both the small and the great, from the animals to the Supreme God, from nature to the All.

The White Buffalo thus made it possible to understand that God is in everything.

I am the White Buffalo, the Spirit of the Earth, the Spirit of Life.

I am the representation of the fertile cycles, of the cycles of Peace.

In My presence, despair and fear are dissolved, and hearts again find the faith and the love of God.

I am, My children, the Mother of the Earth, and also of Heaven. The children of the Earth were born upon it, but they do not come from it. Their spirits come from Me, they were born of the Universal Source of Life, protected by the brightness of the stars that sparkle in Infinity, embraced by the Motherhood of God, Adonai.

I come to the world so that you may regain purity and hope, so that fear and pain be healed, and so that the certainty of being able to experience the sacred, and so that the unity on this Earth with Creation may again shine in your essences.

I am here, beloved children, now resembling humankind, with a body like yours and with a Divine Heart so that you may again find within yourselves what which unites you with the Creator, that which makes you a mirror of His Most Sacred Heart.

I came to mirror in your spirits the sacred and the divine.

I appear on the horizon, in silence, again bringing Peace. I appear on this day of a new cycle, representing a fruitful cycle in the life of the spirit.

I want to strengthen your hearts and build within you the new gardens of life.

I want to allow the new human being to be born, recovering the purity and dignity of the indigenous consciousness.

I come to bring the grace of union with the Origin, for those called original peoples and, in this way, all human hearts may rekindle within themselves the purity of the beginning, the original unity with the Heart of God.

May your lives be fruitful in love before the White Buffalo.

Regain peace, joy and hope, dissolving from spirit the evil that causes wars and degenerates hearts.

May the unity of the Spirit of God bring you wisdom, dissolving the ignorance that separates humankind from itself and from the All, that which makes them die, while being alive.

I am the White Buffalo, your Mother and Mother of all Creation. I come to bless you, embrace you and allow you to remember that the Creator has a perfect will for His children. It is enough, My beloved ones, that you contemplate upon the horizon of your inner worlds the presence of the White Buffalo, and allow yourselves to be permeated by its silence and meekness so that its love may again transform and permeate your lives.

I love you and I keep you in My Heart of Love.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all Life


Believe in tomorrow, and you will be born into a new life. Have hope, and you will be reborn as an essence. It is time to heal and not to resist. It is time that life detaches from its bonds through love.  Without love, nothing is worthwhile, nor is anything achieved.

Feel the peace that I once gave you within, take refuge in it and you will fear nothing. Do not give power to what does not exist. Help Me to dismantle the plans of My adversary with intelligence.

Believe once and for all that you will be delivered from evil, because where I am present, nothing opposed to Me can exist. I am the Mother of Light, and, where there is Light, there is God. Because the Father is Eternal Light, Infinite Love in constant expansion. And if you unite with this Love, who will separate you from It? Do you believe in Christ? He is your trust and He is your whole life, He knows who you are and whom you have come to serve.

Nothing is separate; only the human mind separates. Overcome obstacles with peacefulness, and may that peace be stronger than all storms. Place your senses, feelings and ways of being into the Hands of the Lord. He will know perfectly well what to do with each one of them. And, thus, purity will arise, and the treasuries will open so that virtues may emanate from the greatest depths of the consciousness. Darkness will dissipate and all will be renewed. To God, nothing remains inconclusive.

The Universe will show the true face of life. Believe in that Divine Face which is the Universe in its infinity of forms and expressions. You come from there and some day you will return with the baggage of a lived experience, of a concretized redemption and of a love communed with Christ. Your promise will be to transcend the challenges, day by day, without wanting any immediate result.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who gives you the impulse,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today My sacred spouse Saint Joseph places upon the chest of each one of you a lily of light and chastity, with the goal that you may humbly hold it within your essences as the sacred energy of the Instructor, so that your consciousnesses may transform into the redeeming model that Christ expects from each soul.

Because of this, children, with the strength of faith, your Heavenly Mother pleads with the Eternal Father so that His children of humanity may convert into what the divine Purpose established for this planet and for this humanity.

Saint Joseph, as a human heart, learned to love truth, the truth of being able to see his own difficulties and of transcending them, one by one, under the inner impulse of love.

It is for this reason that, in this hour, Saint Joseph comes into your lives so that you may open to the knowledge of humility, so that you may know Him as the Father of humility that offers Himself to work directly with the human condition.

In this cycle, Saint Joseph comes to the world as a Divine Messenger to remove hearts from ignorance and hypnotism, from all that leads the human being into being miserable in spirit and matter.

Saint Joseph, as a Guardian of hearts and protector of all souls, is eternally willing to help beings come to know and  transcend the human condition, which being immature and imperfect, prevents the evolution of consciousnesses and deep awakening.

Dear children, this is how, in this time, Saint Joseph offers Himself to humanity, to teach you how to overcome your difficulties so that souls may trust in the Grace of the Father and His Infinite Mercy.

Saint Joseph, as a server and missionary, tries in this cycle to withdraw consciousnesses from themselves so that they may embrace the cross and the victory of service, and, because of this, His Chaste Heart that is prodigious and humble may always inspire you to do what is correct, true and authentic, without entering into arrogance or human pride.

Just as Saint Joseph entrusts souls to My Immaculate Heart, today I entrust you all to the Chaste Heart so that you may learn to love the Divine Will of not being anything and not wanting anything for yourselves.

Your Heavenly Mother does not come here today to Mount Shasta to see your deepest miseries, but rather your Mother of Love comes to remind you every day of your essential purity.

Attaining this purity, the human condition will no longer take first place in the world, and, at last, the soul will rule planetary life, and the Plan will be fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who is united to the responsible and to the simple,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is near, it seems that everything precipitates, to the point that new changes turn up for you. The important thing at this moment is that you have the assurance that while by My side, nothing will happen to you, because I always place you inside My Heart so that nothing can perceive or observe you.

Thus, at this time, I am finishing forming up the last praying armies so that they may accompany the Heavenly Mother in this imminent battle of Armageddon. I wish that you, dear children, could feel the confidence that everything is in its place, even when it sometimes does not seem to be. Each signal that you receive within you is important because they will place you nearer to or further away from Divine Will.

For this reason, on this day I come to tell you that the stages of My Plan of Peace are taking place and that all of you, in due course, will be benefited by the results of this pilgrimage. It is thus that after so much time, your Heavenly Mother has managed to come and address matters of humanity that seemed impossible to resolve. In this way, I teach you to have faith and to practice it above all tests and difficulties.

May the Mirrors of your hearts shine before Mine today, so that all of this may be a precious offering of love and of reconciliation with your Father God. On this day I leave you an open path so that you can again find your essential purity, a key that will easily open the doors to the Brotherhood, just as happened today.

Remain in My arms during this day so that I may keep contemplating you, and My gaze be able to protect you and distance you from all evil. Be brave and keep being so, for the total triumph of My Most Pure Heart.

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

Today I present Myself before your hearts as the Mother of Guadalupe and Mother of all your Aztec spirits.

I come on this day to Mexico to bless it again and to remind you about your essential purity, because in spite of all you have experienced over the centuries, that purity has not yet been dissipated by My enemy.

By opening your hearts to Mine, My children, I wish you to feel that in this moment your nation must be protected from the influences of other nations.

With this I want to tell you that, for your hearts and lives to be protected from all things, you must keep alive the devotion and the love that characterize you as a nation and as a people.

In the simplicity of your heart, I wanted all of you to recover the values of faith and of purity, so that all the descendants of the Aztecs who live today in Mexico may be able to express the inner love that you achieved in times past.

It is through the spiritual union that your original peoples had with the Universe that the key is to be found which will open the new doors to the future, and where all of your souls will recover the sense of being present and collaborating in this planetary cycle.

I have come as Guadalupe to unite what the white man was decimating in the indigenous consciousness.

For this reason, children, today is the day in which your Aztec consciousnesses, in the name of that incalculable love that you have built inside of yourselves as a people, must forgive the consciousness of the Europeans for having destroyed an entire millenary culture.

In you, My children of Mexico, is the potential for being able to live and express the Mercy of God.

It is in this way that your Mother of Guadalupe, surrounded by all the stars of the Universe, returns to your nation to establish this definite act of forgiveness and of reconciliation as an important moment for liberating all of the past.

Your devotion to the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe has generated an intimate and beautiful filiation of all your people in the Mexican nation with the Mother of God.

Because of this, My children, thanks to the Celestial Father and to all of My children that have collaborated so that this sacred mission could be fulfilled, I was able to return today to your land to fill it again with the codes of love and of pity.

Through this special Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the nations that most suffer from chaos, may your hearts be exalted with the joy and delight of participating in the spiritual triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you from Mount Tepeyac,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Mexico

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Original Purity is what humankind from the surface cannot lose, and it is that Divine Purity that My adversary tries to decimate every day, making it disappear from the consciousness of many.

That Original Purity allows the Plan of God to be reformulated in humanity time and again. It is what makes it possible for consciousnesses to evolve, as established by the divine Law of Creation.

Dear children, this Original Purity is what is being attacked first by My adversary in the souls of Venezuela. This Purity is trying to be dissipated through the conflicts, the absence of love and the confrontations among the people of this country.

In this hour, your Heavenly mother works untiringly to be able to reverse this situation; your Mother of Love fights against Her eternal rival. Everything is allowed.

It is for this reason, My children, that on this day I bring you an awareness of the true need for cooperating and helping those most in need.

Essential Purity must not disappear from the planet nor from humanity. Work every day to protect this divine energy; at least, children, do it for those who do not protect it and who experience the fear of these times.

Dear children, I give you inner freedom so that, as collaborators of the Plan, you can be attentive and awake to the great service for the planet and for this needy humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When your hearts show themselves as children, I cannot see your faults, because they are erased from the Universe the moment you enter into prayer.

It is for this reason that with that inner youthfulness, the Father loves you more and more, because you manage to express the purity of the heart and this is reflected in the life of each being.

Do not lose time and love being like children in the arms of your Heavenly Mother, because in this way, with your innocence, you will allow the positive action of the Law of Grace to be drawn to you.

In your inner youthfulness there is no error, no evil, and no pain. Yearn every day, dear children, to be together with your Heavenly Mother so that I may teach you to find the path of love and of peace, because as long as you attain this state of an inner child and of innocence before My eyes, you do not need to worry about anything, because your Most Holy Mother will guide you to the Celestial Kingdom.

It is this inner and sublime purity that I hope will be born in you every day, because in this time humanity needs these codes in order to purify itself.

My Beloved Son will always be your example and company to live these sacred attributes of upliftment and of union with the Creator.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who loves you in the original purity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The spiritual value of the essence of the soul

Each child of Mine holds in their interior an essence that was created by God to evolve and to have the experience of living love and redemption.

This inner essence of each soul is the one that holds the knowledge about spiritual life and it is the one that provides the awakening of the consciousness.

Therefore, the awakening to the essential life leads each being to discover the gift of purity and the opportunity to serve.

At this time the essence of each being is very valued because it also holds the experience for the next and future humanity.

Through prayer this sacred condition is created of knowing the most profound of each being and of discovering, on this path, the divine reality that lives in each soul, the one that disposes itself to take a step to this spiritual knowledge.

The essence is like the master key for the walking of all consciousnesses, without it, it would not be possible that the hearts would learn to love and to discover the truth within themselves.

As the Mother of the essences of the world, I lead you towards My Heart for you to always be in God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and within My arms I carry My Son in universal representation of all the children I have.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I help the consciousnesses that most need a way out.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I protect each soul upon My chest, I protect the hearts that consecrate themselves to My Motherhood and I dissipate from their lives all the obstacles that My eternal enemy imposes.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and with My crown of stars, I illuminate the inner paths that the good souls must tread until they meet Jesus.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I offer the childhood of My Beloved Son to each devotee so that they may find their purity and sobriety even in the smallest details.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I prevent many dangers that My children in the world would be exposed to. I decree the infinite Love of God throughout all existence, and thus I neutralize the contrary currents of evil that seek My little ones.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I help each awakened consciousness to be transformed with humility, to come to know their human condition so that, with effort and love, they may transcend it and thus close the doors to the past.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I guide the hearts that ask Me to do so, I build the foundations of love in all those who open to experience Christ.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and in My silence, I prevent many things through divine thought, and thus I establish the Celestial Kingdom in each small heart.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I move all perdition and deceit away from the path of My soldiers.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and amidst the world chaos, I build the bridges of peace among hearts, My Heart triumphs in each child who humbly experiences Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who protects you always and everywhere,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 



It is time to recognize the Truth of God, My children, to remove from your consciousness the ignorance about itself and to experience divine filiation as an everyday principle.

It is time to recognize your own essence and in humility turn to the Creator of all things, He who dwells within yourselves, and let Him expand and definitely establish His Reign.

I have come to the Kingdom of Lys, beloved children, for a Universal Purpose rather than a human purpose. I have come because this is My spiritual and divine Kingdom, where that which is most pure in each consciousness is held. It is from the Kingdom of Lys that I safeguard the essences and protect all My children from themselves and from My adversary.

The keys that open the doors of this Kingdom are faith and ardent devotion, and it is this faith and this devotion which I came to renew within My children so that, through their awakening, the doors of the Kingdom of Lys may be open for all of humanity and for all the Kingdoms of Nature, which also have their purity safeguarded in Lys.

While the critical times begin and many of My children are lost in the darkness, especially in the north of the planet, it is necessary that the doors of Lys be open so that, in recognizing their own essence, discovering and experiencing their filiation with God, souls are not extinguished and discouraged in the face of challenges and the abysses into which My adversary propels them.

Children, we are in a great battle for the triumph of Peace and you must be aware of this. The Kingdom of Lys must count on awake soldiers on the surface of the Earth so that, aware of the spiritual and physical situation of the planet, they may be guardians of the spring that flows from Lys to sustain souls in truth and in love, and that they not allow themselves to be lost nor deceived by the confusion of these times.

My children, the Purity radiated by the Mirrors of Lys is indispensable in these times of obscurity and darkness for a large part of humanity. And when I speak to you of darkness, I am not only referring to wars, hunger, to violence, but I am also speaking about ignorance, the indifference to God and the growth of capital powers, which blind the eyes of those who committed themselves to My Son and to the Creator, to experience Christic principles and awaken a love that opens the doors to infinity for a union with God.

The Mirrors of Lys, with their divine potential, must dissolve the darkness that does not allow My children to find the truth about themselves and about life on Earth. And for those Mirrors to be active, children, there must be pillars of prayer and of faith that support them and that, with purity of intention and humility, offer the Father their awakening and their surrender to be His instruments in the world.

It is for a universal and divine reason, My children, that I awaken the Kingdom of Lys and I establish a new Home on the surface of the Earth, not because that which I have already achieved as Divinity in Europe through Fatima, Lourdes or Medjugorje was not enough, but each of My Homes has a unique function: to awaken certain souls and to manifest a divine principle.

Now is the time for a more profound awakening for Europe, like in America. It is time for My children to be more aware of the battle of these times and to unite through universal ecumenism to spiritually sustain the planet and prepare to fertilize the ground of the Earth for a new life.

Children, it is for the simple reason of elevating you and awakening you that I am here. As a Celestial and Universal Mother, I seek to lead you to the Truth of the Creator.

This evening, may the Mirrors of Lys be ignited within you and reflect Their Purity and Their Peace in your essences so that you feel and live an awakening to higher life, and may your souls, which are thirsty to serve the Father, finally find their path.

I love you and bless you, placing the Flower de Lys in your essences, a flower that awakens purity and truth within you.

The One who always guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


There are two things in this world without which human existence would have no meaning: love and unity.


Many believe that I come every day to the world to say the same things to you. In truth, I come to tell you that which you have never learned. I come to teach you to be real children of God. I come to teach all to step out of the illusion of the world and recognize the truth of the Universe. I come so that, in a simple, humble, and sometimes even practical way, you may learn to express that truth that is hidden in your essences.

Humanity, My children, still does not know almost anything about itself; it is ignorant of its origin, of its past, and above all, what it itself is; it is also ignorant about the illusion that it generates in the world, what that illusion does to human life, to the life of the Kingdoms, to the consciousness of the planet. Many times, children, the human consciousness does not have access to the purity within itself, but it does have access to those spaces of the consciousness that are full of misery, of energies that need to be purified and transformed by the power of Divine Mercy. And many have asked themselves why they cannot find that purity within themselves and why they always tend to manifest the miseries, the mud of the inner world. Because you came to the world to transform that mud of the consciousness. So it needs to be before your eyes, so that you may see it, recognize it, and thus, transform it. But humankind identified with that mud, held on to it, and once again impregnated their consciousnesses with the desire for power, with envy, competition, the lack of love and fraternity.

In order to find your essence, you must look for it. It is much easier in these times to allow yourselves to be carried away by the miseries and illusions of your own consciousness, because to find the essence, you must move past those layers of illusion through effort, persistence, and perseverance, and sometimes this causes you pain.

To break through your own barriers, you must be strong, brave of spirit, but meek of heart. The courage of the spirit is nothing like the courage you think you know. Many believe that to be brave is to impose their personality, their own ideas and energies, but in reality, the brave one, children, is the one who lives humility, the one who places their head on the ground and asks for forgiveness, help, mercy.

Brave is the one who, in the face of the miseries of others, does not judge, recognizes their own imperfection and loves.

Brave is the one who, when judged, asks the Father for forgiveness because of the lack of love and understanding in the human consciousness, but does not feel wounded, because they are not free to judge and does not understand all things.

Brave of spirit is the one that loves the Plan of God above their own life and loves it not only in themselves; they love the manifestation of that Plan in each creature, in each essence; they know that the Creator has need of each heart, of each soul. They know that the divine Essence is not only in themselves, but in each being, in each heart.

Brave is the one that gives up their own sword to live love; the one who imitates the example of Christ, that lives His Gospel and that, when they receive a blow to their cheek, offers the other, the other side. And they do not do it through pride, do not do it because they believe themselves to be better that the rest. They do this because they understand that in that moment, the one who is striking them is far from God and needs an example of meekness to wake up and step away from the ignorance they are in, because humanity is unpredictable, and each day the blindfold is put on the eyes of one of your brothers or sisters, and even on your own eyes. Just the example of love, of unity, is what removes the illusion that the blindfold on human eyes represents.

When My Son carried the Cross and I was no longer in this world, from the Kingdom of the Heavens I observed and prayed for the ignorance of those who were not able to understand His sacrifice. But once crucified, those human beings who hated Him, understood His Love, because after the whole martyrdom, He asked for forgiveness from His Father Who was in the Heavens because of human ignorance.

That example of forgiveness must be re-experienced every day by those who believe in the sacrifice of Christ; by those who know that the Creator abandoned Him on the Cross so that, with all His humanity, He could live love and awaken the true divine archetype in the human consciousness, the likeness with God, thus demonstrating to each heart that He was not the only Child of the Creator, He was the firstborn, the first, the One Who would be the example and the source of the awakening of all of you.

Until today, you have not understood this truth and venerate the Son of God in the Body of Christ as if He were eternally the only one. That inability to understand the Plan of God is what causes Our Lord to re-experience His Passion, day after day, and humanity only cries out for His Mercy, but does not understand that those who are on Earth also must be the living mercy.

Do not cry out for the Mercy of Christ to resolve the problems of your daily lives, to achieve a little peace. Cry out for Mercy for something deeper, so that He may transform the human consciousness, withdraw it from ignorance and so that you may live the divine archetype for humanity.

Cry out for the Mercy of Christ, that this world may step out of illusion, may recognize universal life, commune with all existence; begin with the love for the Kingdoms, recognizing that not only humanity must evolve, but all that is life must reach God.

Cry out for Mercy so that humanity may understand universal evolution, the different ways the Creator expresses Himself.

Today, children, I want to renew your attitude toward prayer, because the time in which a new world must emerge is coming.

The portals to a new life will open before human eyes, and if you do not ask God for the grace to recognize higher life, you will be afraid of entering those portals and will miss the opportunity of entering universal life and finding the Consciousness of Christ again, which is no longer the Consciousness of Jesus, it is beyond Jesus. He is the Cosmic Christ, the Solar Christ, part of the Mind, the Heart of Divine Creation; a living part of the Source from which all things emerged.

To understand what Christ is today, you must understand what you are, because if you always see yourselves as material creatures and do not manage to withdraw your consciousness from common daily life, how will you understand that, on descending from the Cross, Christ rose and, on reaching the Heavens, His Ascension never ended?

Listen to My words and let them resonate in your consciousnesses, to wake them up, at least to an interest in this spiritual search, this true transformation, because the knowledge already exists in your consciousnesses. Many are living libraries, full of information, but lacking in experience, in an experience, for example, of unity with God and with His Truth. I tell you this, children, not to humiliate you, criticize you. I tell you this because the time of this world is already mixing in with the time of the Universe. The hours are no longer counted by the clocks in your homes.

Those who observe the flow of life and the planetary events can understand what I tell you. More and more, the ignorant are sinking deeper into the abyss of chaos. Each day this reign expands in the consciousness of the blind and those who do not understand and do not know love.

For this reason, the time has come for the disciples of Christ of all eras to also deepen their mission; that they also be completely permeated by the unity with God, by the living of His Love.

Today, what I tell you has the intention of transforming the human consciousness, because soon I will have been coming daily to the world for one year, and many are moved by My words, although few are being definitely transformed by them.

In order for Me to receive the permission from God for continuing to come to the world, and in order for My Apparitions to not end, some of you must live My words, or at least, strive each day to do so.

The time on the planet of the Divine Messengers depends on the response of the human heart, for if you generate merits for a deeper teaching to descend to Earth, we can continue with you. But if you do not live nor seek to live what we tell you, if you just feel peace in the moments when We are with you, and in your daily life, you forget these divine principles, how will We come before God and cry out to Him to continue among you?

Children, humanity needs divine help and Guidance; for this reason, today I ask you to strive in your hearts to live love and unity among you and with each human heart. I ask that you make the effort to pray more each day not only for yourselves, but for the whole planet. I know you are learning to cry out for humanity, for the consciousness of the Kingdoms, and for that I thank you and return to the world. Now deepen that prayer, that awakening, and in each instant live in offering for the consciousness of the planet where you are.

With My Heart exposed to your eyes, I present an offer to you of lifting up a petition to the Father. That by the union granted to My Most Chaste Heart by God, your offerings reach the celestial altars, so that the Creator may hear you.

Feel the Presence of God, because His Eyes are upon humanity, upon the Kingdoms, upon the planet.

Feel that His Consciousness reaches not only your homes, the Marian Centers or the Light-Communities. Feel, children, that through your offering, the Light of God, the Father of all Creation, reaches each consciousness, all life.

And offering this moment as reparation for all the wars and conflicts of the world, pray with Me:

Celestial Father,
Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You,
guide us through the path of love
so that Your Will may be done.

Now, offer the Father the Blood of His Son, spilled in the lands of the East. Offer Him the Body of Christ. Ask the Creator that this Body and this Blood, which one day divinized the planet and gave you the opportunity to live redemption, may in this moment enter all the shrines of the Earth.

May the Living Presence of Christ today be able to permeate the heart of all those who seek peace, irrespective of their religion, of their belief, or of their ignorance, whether that search for peace is for themselves or for all the planet. Ask the Creator to grant you, as humanity, the grace of living peace and of being in likeness to His Son.

May this Grace manifest in these elements, of which you will commune as human consciousness, and in this way, you will understand a great mystery, the mystery of unity that the Creator grants all souls, among themselves and with Him.

Pray as My Son prayed and listen to His Voice, that still echoes among the valleys. Ask God for this echo in the East of the planet to free souls and lift them up to the Kingdom of God.

May these elements synthesize, within each one who listens to Me, all the words that I transmitted to you today, and beyond them, all that as a divine principle, I brought to the world today.

By the power granted Me by God, as His servant and mediator, I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And I thank you for persevering and for uniting with My Chaste Heart.

Continue in peace and cry out for peace every day of your lives.


Dear children:

I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I purify My children from all debts and sins.

I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I baptize My children in the name of Christ.

With water I give life to spiritual creatures and constitute the inner fusion with the Celestial Father.

Dear children, I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I heal the deepest wounds.

I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I sanctify My children and pour out all My Graces upon them.

I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I divinize everything they touch and moisten, because within the essence of water is purification, as well as the elevation of life.

Dear children, I am the Lady of the Waters, and through them I mirror My attributes of light to the world.

Anyone who unites to the divine consciousness of water will be able to feel its purity and chastity; it is through this sacred element that God created where everything can be regenerated and renewed.

I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I erase the evils of this world through the light that physically emanates from them.

As the Lady of the Waters, I invite you to protect from yourselves everything they hold so that, in the future life, the new humanity learns to love the sacred power of this element.

With this water, you will wash your feet from the past and you will renew yourselves in essence and in life because water, when it is sanctified, allows to dissipate and clean every inner situation.

Renew yourselves, renew yourselves through water, and may all purity emerge from your hearts so that there may exist a little more peace.

As the Lady of the Waters, I purify and consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for protecting all the waters of the world and for praying for them!

Who heals you spiritually,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

After a heart opens to find its original purity, it finds peace.

This is why, dear children, that in this time, souls that live in peace manage to express their purity to the world, which helps in the extinction of the evil that it generates through its actions.

I invite you on this day to seek this purity within yourselves, and to not miss the opportunity to find it again; in this way, you will provide an impulse for your brothers and sisters to also be bearers of purity, which will save the world from its constant moral and social self-destruction.

My children, as Your Mother, I remind you of the importance of your lives becoming future seedbeds for those who must remember that they were created by the essence of the Purity of God.

When you take the definite step for your hearts to become lighthouses of the world and of original purity, everything will then be able to be regenerated, even before the glorious coming of Christ.

In spite of everything, do not cease to think about the fount of this original purity, and in this way, My children, you will also be helping the world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

For the awakening of original purity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To My missionary of peace children


As an inner synthesis of the mission in Paraguay, recognize everything that in the last days has been transforming within each one of you and offer it to God.

Offer to the Father your expectations, your aspirations of having done more than you did, of taking to your brothers and sisters a more concrete aid, that would bring them a more worthy and healthy life.

Offer to the Father the aspiration of having taught and of having learned with the original peoples, of giving them love and charity and of receiving a learning of simplicity and purity.

Offer to the Father everything that in the last days was healed and transmuted in the human consciousness as the mistakes from the past.

Offer to the Father your efforts of each day, for following what I had told you and also every time in which you forgot My words.

I would like that this mission would mark an inner deepening of the missionary of peace task, a greater disposition of the apprentices of the Christic charity in fulfilling a spiritual role and not only a material one. May the mission, that happens in spirit, be an increasingly priority in your lives.

Each time that you learn to value what happens in the invisible worlds and understand that it is there that the real mission has its results, as Divinity, We can open other paths in the human consciousness and liberate situations each time more profound and rooted, each time more ancient and unconscious for the present humanity.

Children, there are not many missionaries of the present days who serve in matter being conscious of spiritual reflections of their mission. It is therefore that the Creator is so attentive to your movements and follows you with so much love by means of Our Presence and Our Words.

May the missionary of peace spirit expand itself in the human consciousness and may your disposition in deepening the inner transformation – as a form to give a more crystalline service each day – be as a code for humanity that will impel it; an example that gives other servers a spiritual meaning to their own service.

If you dispose yourselves to live the transformation and assume taking steps for your own redemption, you will help many others, who ramble in the world without knowing what to do and who, by your examples, will discover the essence of service, that is more than a social act, it is the path to the Christic life.

I thank you for continuing and for never giving up the transformation.

Believe, children, that the redemption is within reach of every one who says “yes”. And if, at the same time in which you walk towards the redemption of spirit, you do true service, you will open the doors for the redemption of the blind and indifferent ones.

I encourage the whole Planetary Mission Network to continue deepening themselves in essence of the service and to make contact with the indigenous peoples as a form of repairing everything they have lived in the four corners of the world.

Your Father and Companion in missions of peace,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
