The Infinite Light of My Immaculate Heart will prevail and reign through the absolute love of all My children, given and dedicated to the life of prayer that must be done with the heart.

Dear children,

Yesterday, in the feast dedicated to My Immaculate Heart, I visited you to invite you again to live from the loving and redeeming fruit of prayer. All humanity must return, through My Love, towards the arms of God and towards the Merciful Love of My Son, who wants to awaken you to the reconcil- iation with life by means of a pure act of forgiveness which must emerge from each one of you.

The Heavens observe the Earth and My Maternal Heart par- ticipates in it. Dear children, may the bravery to want to live in God the Father day by day and to be in the Kingdom of His Grace all the time, also awaken in you. If you only awaken this simple aspiration in your little hearts you will discover the path of purity in order to then find peace.

My children, each act of giving and charity elevates you as faithful servants. Therefore wait for the coming of the new always in the prayer of the heart.

As the Mother of the Holy Faith, I contemplate you and direct My prayers to God for each one of you. Therefore, if your hearts elevate themselves, My Mantle of Peace will be able to help other hearts in need.

So that the world may live in the Peace of God, it must pray a lot and for this the existence of Marian groups of prayer will allow the descent of the Celestial Love over the Earth. In your hands is the key to the union with God. By means of the exercise of prayer you will help the world as My Immaculate Heart has been doing for so long.

I love you and shelter you; just be united to My Heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Today I want you to follow God above all things and all causes. May your hearts live in the absolute trust of the coming of His Higher Kingdom. May you be in constant prayer with My Son because in this way, dear children, you will honor My Immaculate Maternal Heart.

I want you as good worshipers and vigilantes of the heart, that you pray always for all those who at the end of this time quickly separate themselves from the purpose of God.  I want you, as souls that walk to My Virginal Purity and that in constancy, to transform life into a temple of prayer and that in restoring communion with My Son you offer it for the conversion of humanity.

Today I come to ask you that in the divine commitment with Me, to make My Immaculate Heart triumph in all the hearts that are empty of God and even more those who, subjugated by the modern world, lose the light of the spirit.

For this dear children, I want that, as you have been called by Me, the other children of Christ may be called to the Venerable House of the Father, to the eternal refuge of the love of God. We are already at the time of elevating all the souls towards the Kingdom of Heaven and this will start when all the praying groups, favorite to My Immaculate Heart offer and surrender the prayers for each of the children that are in the world and for those they do not know and who need the Mercy of My Son.

Today I want you, living from the gift and the source of life that is presented by Jesus Christ, as faithful servers to My Immaculate Heart, to build towers of light on Earth through the sincere act of the prayer of the heart. With this little act of surrender to the life of prayer many causes written in the hands of the justice of God may be restored. Unite, only unite the love in your hearts with the Great and Immense Love of God!

Now is the time to light the Divine light of the Heart and to pronounce only peace for everyone.

I thank you!

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

My children,

By the great and immense love of God the Father today let us celebrate the memory and the anniversary of My Apparitions in Fatima. May Peace be the principle for each one of your lives so that through the presence of My Immaculate Love your hearts may be rekindled.

Dear children, today I bring you the memory of Fatima because there was where My Maternal Heart triumphed for all Europe. With this I want to tell you that there My Heart founded, for the world, the school of prayer, an exercise that for a long time I have been inviting you to contemplate and pass through with the heart.

My children, through Fatima you may find the merciful love of My Heart because today I remind you of how important it is to live in the prayer of the heart. Through this path you are now passing through My Universal Light may help many of My children that must reach the state of peace.

In the praying answers of each one of you, God the Father may pour His prodigies and His gifts over those children that do not live the One God. In this exercise of prayer, you will be strengthening your lives for the total consecration to My Immaculate Heart, but also the prayers will come to all those who, in emergency, are in need of salvation through My intercession.

Dear children, the path to Fatima is a path towards the depth of the heart, it is where, through the exercise of prayer, you may find purity and devotion, necessary instruments for the redemption of humanity.

In My Son you will find the fire that may illuminate and sustain you in the face of everything. Collect your hearts into My Heart and live with Me and in joy this victorious memory of My Heart in Fatima for the whole world.

Pray, pray, only pray.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Daily Messages

When a flower opens up it expresses the love of the Creation, thus dear children, your lives must be manifested in beauty and purity as the flowers.

Dear children, with immense trust I place you all close to My Immaculate Heart so that you may take the steps towards the Heart of My Son.  Know children, that in the path of prayer your lives will approach the consecration of your souls before the kingdom of God.

The fruits that My Son has entrusted you with such a long time ago and that are called talents must be awakened by the imperious exercise of prayer.  But, My children, so that these sacred fruits of the talents awaken in each one of you, first the soul must renounce and die to itself so that it may be born under the Grace of the Holy Spirit.

Each path that My children pass through brings to them big and hard lessons that in some cases strengthen the spirit and give firmness to keep going through the path of consecration.

I want to tell you dear children that this is a special time of Graces such as Conversion for each one of My children of this humanity.  For this today I invite you to remain in the joy of donation and service to God the Father because thus your lives will be led to the sacred feet of Christ.

Your hearts are true little lights that at each moment must be lit up again to shine in this world through peace.

For all this know that My merciful love day by day wants to help the hearts of this world.

So, your hearts must be persevering and firm as the trees that elevate themselves to God.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

When the souls open themselves up to answer My call of Peace God’s Will is manifested in all that is Creation and Life.  The hearts receive the Law of Love and of Grace because your lives are touched by the merciful love of God through My Son. Christ teaches you to walk in truth, in purity, and in transparency because your lives for this time must be as crystalline as water, as pure as the soul, and as joyful as the heart.

My children, for the answer of all of you to My maternal call today I thank you for the perseverance and the for faith of all of you. While you keep imitating the path of My Beloved Son, you may aid humanity, not only through the prayer from the heart but also through the humble service of each one of your little hearts for all My children that are spread over the face of the Earth.

For this dear children, allow that from you may shine My Hope for the conversion of all, in this way My Peace and My Maternal Heart will aid everyone a while longer and the conflicts will disappear before the presence of My Immaculate Love.

Today I give you the light from the Fountain of Graces of God the Father so that all of you as ONE may walk in the redemption of life and of the heart.

Know dear children and remember that you count on the loving help of the guardian angels.  They are the breath of God’s Love on Earth and they wait to be welcomed and received by each one of your little lives.

I always bring you close to My Son, the Resuscitated Christ, so that in communion and in prayer with Him you may find the new path to God.

I thank you for answering My call.

Light for the whole Earth!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. 

To those that are fallen, I will raise them. To those that are sad, I will cheer them. To those who have lost hope, I will give them hope. The ones who suffer, I will relieve them. Dear children, these are promised from My Son.

For this, pray, pray with the heart so that all My children may receive this precious and merciful act from My Son.  My Heart serves you as a support, as a guard and as a salvation, so do not fear the falls of life.  Today I invite you, through the Divine Spirit of Christ, to rise from where you are and walk again, held by My Beloved Son’s Hands of Light.

You dear children must build in your hearts through prayer the promises of the Live Christ as a preparation for the new time of peace and in honor of the return of Jesus, which is awaited by all.

Today each one of My little ones must see themselves as a disciple who having received the instruction of the Master of Love, now awaits in vigil the coming of the next call.

Thus My children, My Heart of Mother in this time brings you again to the call of prayer, to forgiveness, to reconciliation and to mercy; may your hearts purify the feelings and all intention become pure and crystalline as the water of a charming river.

Open your hearts, day by day, before the Voice of My Heart because know well that God calls you so that your lives manifest the gift of peace and of meekness for this time.

The world may receive from you the prayers, but even more it may receive the effort to transform life into an instrument of My Peace.

I prepare you with love and I guide you with immense maternal love.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Dear children,

Daily I address My words to your hearts because they have the gift of wisdom and understanding. Therefore, little children, know that the true words that come from My Immaculate Heart want to awaken in you the precious gifts that My Son has given you.

You must open your hearts day by day as the roses open up in the morning when they see the sun, and this may happen through the prayer that is born with the purity of the heart.

Dear children, you know how important Inner Peace is in these times. So that it may exist in all My children, I form you in the school of prayer so that your hearts may also call other children who must awaken in time to the life of prayer.

For this reason, I leave you the mission of praying for all of those children who are waiting to be healed from the sorrow and alleviated from the loneliness which invades their lives day by day.

All My children will be under the spirit of Grace in order to receive the strength to begin the path of the rehabilitation of the heart. This will happen when each one of My praying children extends their hands and delivers the love from the heart to those who, in truth, still cannot recognize the Face of the Lord.

Because of all this, My children, the task of giving to others must be broader in order to reach the hearts that are most distant.

Today, dear children, I teach you the path of charity through service and prayer because this last time is of immense Graces for the conversion and the healing of the heart.

I hear the supplications of My children and I send My praying Marian soldiers to work through the peace of the heart. Walk, children, towards the Eternal Light of My Immaculate Heart!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Contemplate My Immaculate Heart so that your lives may be converted into crystalline sources of purity and peace. Allow your hearts to live the conversion of the heart through daily prayer offered to the world that lives without peace and without redemption.

My children, prepare your hearts through the glorious joy that My Son will bring to you with the motive of helping the world that needs God. My children, may you all have meek and patient hearts so that the changes that need to happen in your lives may happen in Peace and in the Presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Dear children, continue penetrating the Heavens through the simple instrument of prayer. In this way all souls that need Light in the world will receive, by the expansion of My Mantle of Light, all the Spiritual Graces for the redemption of each heart. Beloved children, love My Son perpetually. In this way you will open the Heavens for the descent of the Rays of Mercy that many of My children need.

If you still live the changes of transformation, live them in absolute joy, because this will indicate to you that the Good News will be coming to your lives.

Dear children, unite your hearts in Light so that God may show you the victorious steps of His Will and His Mercy.

I only ask you, little children, that in the Easter that is approaching, you renounce that which you have not yet renounced, elevating thus your hearts towards the Creator.

Be in My Perpetual Peace.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


The enemy wants to overthrow My Plans of Peace. For this reason, dear children, I count on each one of your prayers. This will allow the Light of My Immaculate Heart to continue to be poured upon the world. Live in My Peace, My children, and no longer allow yourselves to offend God. Open your hearts so that My Rays of Grace and Mercy may purify you.

My little children, do not fear for all that which you cannot yet resolve; if you trust in the Purpose of the Father you will be able to be guided towards the Light of God.

Dear children, My Immaculate Heart must be the bridge for your lives that will bring you close to My Son. While the world still does not hear the voice of this Faithful Servant of God, I ask you to pray. Pray with the truth and the transparency of your hearts, because if you do, God will avail Himself of each one of you.

My children, it is enough that you live within My Immaculate Heart, because in this way your lives will be transformed into flames of peace that My Heart will extend over the world. For this to happen, dear children, your hearts only need to seek to live in the purity and in the absolute love that My Son radiates to your lives.

Know, My children, that it is now time for the conversion of your hearts, hearts that form part of this humanity.

Conversion is to live in prayer. Conversion is to redeem oneself. Conversion is to accept the call of God.

Whenever you fall into fault against God, just repeat in your hearts:

Request of Redemption to the Celestial Father

My Lord,
My God,
Father of the Celestial Universe,
redeem my heart and purify my life
so that, absolved by Your Forgiveness,
I may recognize that Your Love protects us
and Your Merciful Peace
reconciles us with the Light of Your Glorified Son.


Dear children, I follow you closely in this Redeeming Easter of Christ.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


May the Lord bless you, because My Works of Peace are being fruitful.

My dear children, for this month that is beginning, I call you to meditation in the groups of prayer. I call you to an exercise of contemplation, which will be conducted by the presence of the Heart of My Son.

Dear children, if you seek Christ, your hearts will rejoice. To live in the joy of the heart, you must pray so that the whole world may live in peace.

Little children, each group of prayer must radiate its seed of peace so that it may sprout through your prayers. When it sprouts, it will be open to what is new and in it will bloom its first vocation: the eternal prayer. Dear children, take care of this seed of talents and fruits, which is to be found in each one of your hearts.

My dear ones, share the fruits that you are receiving through prayer and through peace. Give your hearts in the name of peace and thus, all your brothers and sisters will be able to be permeated by Grace.

Beloved children, at the moment of group prayer, your hearts will be partakers in a loving encounter with Christ. For this, little children, I invite you to witness the Sacred Heart of Christ so that He may inspire you on the path towards the pure and the sacred. When you manage to live in Him, the relief of all pain will be able to come as a sparkle of Infinite Grace. I prepare you for the Works of God, works in prayer and in the giving of self. In this way, I will be following each one of your steps.

Dear children, My call is responded with joy by the children in Medjugorje and now it is being responded by all the faithful of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. In each nation, a spiritual gift. In each heart, a path to redemption.

Children, I conduct you through the path of faith; the Lord needs the experience of peace in each one of your hearts. This will help the sick world. It is time to heal all through the word of prayer. Within prayer lies the exit to reach the Kingdom of God.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Who adores you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

For the Lord it is important that your hearts be converted into flames of Peace. To convert the heart, it is necessary to pray in the name of My Immaculate Heart of Peace. Thus, I will guide you as the Mother of all the hearts.

Today I invite you, My little ones, to pray with Me without expecting anything else. In this way your little hearts will be invaded by the Supreme Will of the Lord. Today I call you to internalize the exercise of prayer as a praise to God. He wants to see His children surrendered and as pure as the crystalline water of the rivers.

I assure you that when your hearts become crystalline through prayer, in each one of your lives, the path of purity will begin. Purity will protect your hearts so that they do not unite to human actions that, in this world, have distanced humanity from the Beloved Heart of God.

Therefore, in each apparition I come to radiate to you, from the Heavens, My hope for the true transformation and conversion of all the hearts that in this last hour must defy their steps and direct them towards the consecration to the Lord. But if your hearts are in Me and not in your own selves, you will be able to recognize the Divine Love of My Heart, and thus you will understand the adoration that I have towards each one of you.

I only ask you, My dear children, that you place your hearts and your feelings in the universal prayer to My Immaculate Heart. In this way and in this exercise, you, My little ones, will be dedicating life to Love and to the Redemption of the world. Remember, My little ones, that all are within My Heart, and that I await, at each new day, that your hearts may radiate peace and purity.

Many hearts and souls lack purity from having been invaded by the will of humanity; thus they have been distanced from the Divine Will. For this reason, My little children, to be able to help the world and the spiritual conversion, I invite you to turn towards My Heart as little children. In this way, in prayer and love, the Celestial Father will pour His Mercy over the world.

Your hearts must be that which they have never been, in order to be able to live in another law, and under an Infinite Will.

Let us pray for the peace in each heart.

Who guides you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
