My children,
The Divine Messengers have reached places on the planet where perdition and evil reign.
At this time, We send our missionaries to these places which are the most difficult, so that they may help us generate a powerful channel of liberation, capable of redeeming the most impossible things in the world.
While your Heavenly Mother makes them face these difficult realities of the human condition, at the same time the missionaries face their own inner processes so that through them they may become detached from the conditions that have made of humanity a decadent civilization.
For this reason, I ask you today to light the inner ray of neutrality in your hearts, so that all that is within and outside of yourselves may be purified in a harmonious and peaceful way without the need of coming to conflict or blame.
Each servant soul at this time will also learn to bear their own inner and outer conditions, and they will also have to deal with the different situations, experiences never lived before, to the point of knowing how to neutralize them through high degrees of love.
In this way, along with Me, I encourage you to loosen this very long chain of human mistakes. Through faith and Divine Mercy all will be resolved. Know that I am with you now and always; I do not abandon you.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who contemplates you in Mercy,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Every day when you pray with the heart, the Father can make many miracles through your supplications, inexplicable spiritual movements that reverberate positively upon the planetary consciousness.
When prayer rises from heart and soul, God hears attentively the voice of all supplications and thus many situations can be solved. In this way, I invite you every day, My children, to deepen in the life and art of prayer that will lead you to find a path that you have lost before, the sublime and inner path of the communion with the Creator.
At this time, in which evil is triggered with its fury in the mind of the humankind of the surface, I invite you, dear children, to intensify your inner prayer so that all souls may be possible bearers of the Grace and the Mercy of God.
Today, and through this simple but inner exercise of prayer, an inexplicable opportunity to the world, especially to America, has opened, something that touched the Heart of My Son and for which I have come to announce it. And even if you do not know directly what it is about, trust and wait, because in a short time you will see it manifested.
This is the divine reason for which the Heavenly Mother is inviting you to continue praying with the heart for other positive effects as this one to be able to reverberate in the human consciousness and beyond it.
I leave you this reflection for you to meditate on the important moment of prayer for which you are called to live today. May this not be erased from your consciousnesses. May your hearts live this divine proposal to continue imploring for a humanity that is asleep.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today My Maternal and Divine Consciousness descends to the world as a great Mirror of Universal Light to reflect on it, and especially on human beings, all the divine attributes that this race does not yet manage to live or practice.
It is thus that through each prayer pronounced every day by My prayerful children, your Heavenly Mother has the permission to help souls find not only the path to peace but also the essence of their existence.
My children, knowing that humanity lives today one of its great failures due to the lack of true higher love, your Mother, as the humble servant, kneels before Her Beloved Creator to offer Herself as victim and mediator before all the outrages that the Heart of God Himself receives.
Thus, through an inexplicable Grace, the Queen of Heaven and of Earth can succor and help the ignorant souls that are most in need. When you truly pray, I can be that Mirror that through your hearts and lives can reflect the essence of the Love of God to the world. In this way, so simple and sincere, many situations can be avoided.
It will be more difficult and arduous for those souls that, being in the illusion of life and that do not seek God, miss the opportunity of knowing the true love that arises from the Heart of their Master. It is this Love of Christ, dear children, that brings Me here every day to help the suffering world and still indifferent humanity.
It is in this way that, through your hearts, I can establish the Kingdom of God so that more souls may find it again in this hour, in which absolutely everything, from spirit to matter, is at stake.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While My mission of peace in the world spiritually progresses, all that is outside of this Purpose is removed and transmuted by those whom I have chosen to accompany Me on this sacred task.
Meanwhile, your Heavenly Mother carries out this sacred mission with good results, which on the inner planes widely favors the souls of the whole world.
Thus, today I bring you the awareness that, despite everything, what is taking place is part of a cycle of sacrifices, so that greater situations are not triggered in humanity and especially on the planet.
I want to encourage you to serve with greater surrender because in this way your hearts and lives will be within the Purpose, responding to the Call that God will give you, day by day.
By living this absolute sacrifice as Christ that Your Lord experienced, all will be consummated and, by means of your surrender, the planet will be maintained in greater balance.
Have courage and bravery.
I thank you for accompanying Me.
Who consoles you and heals you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am present, dear children, in the places where the greatest suffering for the planet existed.
I am present where the different cultures and peoples have forgotten that, despite the similarities or differences, all were siblings and children of the same Creator.
For this reason I came to this place, now My beloved Sanctuary of Guadalupe, to make both the conqueror and the indigenous understand that all came from a same God and from one single consciousness.
It was thus that I asked for the construction of a temple in My honor, to prevent the human race from losing control of itself and causing all future generations to become a humanity compromised with evil.
That is why, today, after more than five hundred years, your Heavenly Mother comes to close this cycle in human history, unforgettable and sad for the consciousness of the planet.
I have come here totally present and I will continue doing it from a higher plane, because My children of all cultures and of all peoples will still need My divine and maternal intercession.
Now, being here among you, I have opened the doors to liberate from the terrestrial purgatory all the conquerors, the indigenous, and the religious that at that time, with little consciousness and wisdom, were involved in the Guadalupan events.
It is thus that in this hour, dear children, I have asked you to come to this historical Sanctuary so that a cycle would be definitely closed through a moment of simple prayer, in which My angels removed the pain lived in the spaces of this nation and the planet.
Therefore, in the face of the mistakes experienced between the indigenous consciousness and the white man, through an act of pity and mercy, I invite you to transmute for Me. Just as I do with you every day and so that I am able to keep coming to bring peace and reconciliation between cultures.
Thank you for having reciprocated to something spiritual and internal.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When your Heavenly Mother visits the nations of the world, and especially their peoples, it is to deactivate the spiritual chaos that reigns in the human consciousness; a chaos that feeds on suffering, indignation, and pain.
Thus, from time to time, at the request of My Most Beloved Son, I send you on a mission of peace, so that My plans of love and of redemption may be fulfilled in humanity.
Each time that I visit a new nation, a fraction of the human condition is transmuted. It is for this reason that your Mother summons all Her instruments incarnated on the planet so that spiritually and without any condition, only for the love of Christ, you may help Her to liberate earthly hells with the goal of avoiding a third social war in the Americas.
With simple actions and pure prayers, your Most Holy Mother collects all supplications of the planet to place them at the Feet of the Creator, and in this way expand His infinite and most powerful Mercy where it is most needed.
In the face of the great and last planetary imbalance, dear children, I invite you to keep truly praying, in a spirit of effort that cannot be measured or valued.
Dear children, I invite you in the name of humanity to embrace the sacrifice for the victory of My Immaculate Heart.
In this way we will avoid that millions of ignorant souls blind to the true spiritual life should lose the opportunity of awakening before it all happens.
With My celestial gaze, I am accompanying and helping you, seeing the inner effort of all; this is why I thank you for helping Me every day.
Who shelters you with Her Light,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Each time that I visit some nation to pour My extraordinary Graces over it, first I must liberate it from the greater forces that have imprisoned it for a long time.
For that, My children, your Heavenly Mother uses the Mirrors of prayer, those that open each time souls sincerely unite with Me.
In this way, a great portal is established through which all that is impure and malignant is transmuted and elevated in dimension, far from the planet.
This task, which is occult and deeply spiritual, is done through the human instruments that I have chosen for this purpose; it is a mission that goes beyond the understanding of the consciousness; in turn, the soul that is chosen by Me to help Me in this spiritual task can no longer have personal will, because in that being, in that soul, non-material laws are in action.
It is in this way, dear children, that today I teach you to value the sacrifice and the renunciation for which you will never receive a reward or merit, since it is a task of absolute surrender to the Plan of God.
It is the same case as those consciousnesses that receive stigmata from My Son to fulfill a mission of redemption for humanity.
Open to this mystery, dear children, at this time I invite you to offer all that satisfies you and that promotes human freedom. My wish is that My apostles, on living the sacrifice of their lives, know that they will lose nothing, but on the contrary, will be able to be inwardly closer to Divine Will, something that humanity does not live and for which it suffers and suffers.
Today I leave you this reflection so that you may renew yourselves through it every day.
The server of Christ is where they are called, and above all, where they are needed.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Liberator of Love
Dear children of Costa Rica and Central America,
Your Heavenly Mother comes today to this meeting with you with the mission of proclaiming peace, in you yourselves and among your Central American peoples, so that finally a stop may be established in the conflict, and peace may be sown in the nations of this place on the planet.
With a merciful gaze, the Liberator of Love hopes that Her children of Central America may, through forgiveness, dissolve the wounds generated by the different guerrillas in the last forty years of history.
The Lady Liberator of Love comes to Central America to stop the unforgettable punishment and suffering that My children have experienced.
It is only through a just cause of love that the Lady Liberator of Love wants to bring to an end a sorrowful past that has remained engraved in the hearts that had to go through these events.
Now, with a gaze of hope, you will see on the horizon the awaited help from Heaven, which finds you open of heart to carry out this mission of reconciliation and of peace together with your Heavenly Mother.
I need, dear children, you to banish from your memories all those events that you have lived as peoples and as nations.
I come in the name of My Son to heal the pain through the infinite love of My Heart.
For this reason, on this day, free of all that you have lived and united with Me, let us profess our filiation with the Celestial Father. With His Mercy, and with charity and love, open the doors so that your civilian enemies may receive the opportunity for spiritual and inner liberty.
As Lady Liberator of Love, I wish you to learn to live a state of consciousness and of love that you have never experienced; this is why, with all the simplicity of the Heart, I teach you, My dear children of Central America, to bring events to an end, and to be reborn in spirit under the Grace and the Reconciliation of God.
I wish, My dear children, that with My visit to Central America and to Mexico, you may take a definite step and leave behind a history of struggles and of power that only sickens the good heart.
My children, I know that for you it will take a great effort to detach from the past of your peoples. Do not fear! I am the Liberator of Love, I am She, the same women of Nazareth that surrendered Her Beloved Son for you, to generate your salvation and your freedom from an age-old prison of human error.
Dear children, this act of forgiveness that I ask you to live today will lead you into finding mercy, and those same opponents of yours will also be deserving of an inexplicable Grace, because My Son has asked Me to call those who are the worst and those who are most imperfect, because in them resides His redemptive Project for the end of times.
All this is possible simply through love and through peace, something that I hope you will undertake, because living those attributes will help your nations very much, so that they may be liberated from the captivity in which human beings have placed them.
Remember that I am the Lady Liberator of Love and that I just wish what is best for your lives and for your peoples. I just wish you to live holy peace.
I thank you for responding to My call.
In the name of Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
First will come My Beloved Son to pour out the Mercy needed by the most lost souls.
Afterwards will come your Heavenly Mother to reaffirm in this people the Kingdom of God, and so that the seekers and non-seekers of My Heart may at least receive the Grace of final atonement.
Why do I tell you this?
Because the time of definition is already happening, and My most lost children will have the opportunity of not condemning themselves.
It is in this way that the Father sends us to assist Central America and so that at least a spark of light amongst so much darkness can be rekindled, and in the name of many, can achieve redemption.
That is why the last time for repentance is approaching and will catch many of My inattentive children by surprise.
We come here to be able to repair something on time; the hour indicates a greater rescue and all will be at stake.
But while your hearts are united to Mine, nothing will happen to you; you will be able to stand before the great planetary and human chaos and My sword will defend you.
Be brave and persist; you still do not know how much I am doing through the extreme efforts of My servants.
I greet a nation in need of the true and pure love of the heart.
I am always with you and I help you.
I thank you for responding to My Call.
Who gathers you together in the Lord,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day, your Heavenly Mother accompanies the beginning of the humanitarian mission for Venezuela.
I have sent hundreds of angels to guide and inspire My missionary daughters of the Christic charity, who are those I have called again to alleviate the suffering generated in the whole of My beloved people of Venezuela.
Under the special companionship of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, My missionary daughters of the Christic charity, together with the missionaries of the Fraternidade will, through sacred service, enter into the hearts that are most wounded by the social crisis of Venezuela.
The most important thing for My missionary daughters will be to teach rebuilding life from scratch, so that the hope and above all the love that My children of Venezuela have lost may awaken again.
Today, from the heart of Colombia, from Bogota, your Mother of the Andes and of the Americas prays together with the blessed and devotees so that essential peace may be established in the whole of the Americas, with the goal that My Immaculate and Pure Heart may triumph.
Today I bless all the missionaries of peace who, from the city of Boa Vista in Brazil, will give testimony of Christic charity and of mercy to all My beloved children of Venezuela.
I only hope that, through this test that My dear Venezuela undergoes, the Brazilian nation and her people may also awaken to service for the wounded Human Kingdom, so that once and for all they set aside indifference.
Let us pray and let us not get tired of doing so, because prayer will make you worthy and simple in the face of all Creation, just as I am simple and humble among you, because I love you and I never get tired of loving you.
I thank you for accompanying Me in both missions.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The triumph of My Heart is near at hand and all will see it.
On the threshold of the great mission to Central America and Mexico, your Holy Mother prepares Herself to enter the locale of this region and thus to be able to alleviate it in its millennial pain.
The triumph of My Heart is close and all will see it.
Thus, dear children, on this day of preparation, I invite you all to place yourselves under My mantle so that, united to Me, you may see and feel inwardly the whole protection of the Cosmos.
On this day, the triumph of My Heart is being prepared and it will take many by surprise.
Dear children, your Heavenly Mother will also accompany the humanitarian mission for Venezuela, and in the month of November the bases will be installed for this task that is just beginning and that is supported by the Celestial Hierarchy.
In this sense, dear children, at the door of the upcoming events, your Heavenly Mother invites you to continue with faith and love in the face of all the need that you will find.
The most important thing to Me, children, will be the relief of the suffering through all the love that you can express to the marginalized and the immigrants.
I want your hearts to beat with love, just as My Heart beats for joy at seeing that both missions are being carried out.
As you will see, this is the Will of the Celestial Father with the goal that the whole of humanity and the planet may be benefitted and may awaken to the moment of their redemption.
I wish My legionaries and representatives of peace to go on these missions.
Remember this, because it will be important that through an aligned and correct attitude the expansion of My work beyond the Americas be strengthen.
I thank you for responding to My call.
With you and in you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While the battle between light and darkness unleashes over the surface of this planet, I wish that all those who pray in the world maintain the conviction of praying with fervor, love, and devotion; in this way, your Heavenly Mother can count on all your prayers to have the Plan of Love of God triumph in the world, and above all in humanity.
My children, through your prayers and daily sacrifices may all the barriers and the obstacles that are imposed by My adversary by means of conflicts and disharmony be transcended in the powerful action of the fire of prayer.
It is in this way that gradually, dear children, your Heavenly Mother will keep all the spiritual plans, as well as the mental and material ones, under a certain order.
Each one of you in this cycle must set, as a spiritual exercise within My discipleship, the goal or the inner purpose of overcoming and of abandoning indifference in the face of the events that daily precipitate in some nations of the world.
It is in this way that, with the minority of soldiers awakened to My call, I will have the redemptive Plan of My Beloved Son triumph before His next return.
My children, with all the devotion and pleading of your spirits, pray with love and trust so that the very prayer of the heart can guide you in this moment, and above all, can spiritually help a great many souls, which in this same time are passing through the cycle of planetary tribulation.
Open to hearing the voice of your Heavenly Mother, I ask you, dear children, that you keep My requests well in mind, because they are divine lights in the middle of the darkness of these times.
With the faith and the love of the heart, My adversary will lose the battle; believe in that.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who is among you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Blindness of humanity starts with the indifference and omission of the souls towards the sacred Kingdom of God. Thus the souls uninterested in knowing their real purpose lose the total vision of their horizon and of their inner universe.
At this time the Celestial Hierarchy tries to sow new codes as seeds of light in arid deserts, and it is the prayer of all those who correspond to the Plan that allows all to be balanced.
Thus, Your Heavenly Mother knits upon the planetary consciousness a network of light capable of supporting the currents that will come in aid to the entire humanity.
This universal action generated by groups of prayer that have contact with this cosmic frequency allows the Laws to change and the foreseen events not to take place on Earth before their time, in spite of the great mental and spiritual indifference that might exist.
Dear children, the Celestial Father rejoices when the major part of the consciousnesses respond to the celestial Call and do it with sincerity and truth. This also generates an inexplicable fusion between the spiritual and human planes. Thus, codes of light from the seventh celestial Universe descend and provide that all the planet receives an undeserved Grace.
The open and available heart is allowed to go through the thick layers of the global indifference with its prayer, and makes all the Creation, from now onwards, to count on spirits decided to fulfill the Plan.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union with all the servers of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Open the eyes of the heart today and also the ears to see and hear the call for peace. This call supposes an effort from everyone to materialize the plans of peace of Your Heavenly Mother. To fulfill this important call will demand from you not only time, but sufficient love to face the battles.
For the devotees of Aurora there will be no lack of motivation because the own ray of the Sacred Center will shape the consciousnesses as the first soldiers at service of the Plan and of its evolution.
To be a warrior at this time means to fight only with the forces that come from love and freedom, to be able to perform the task.
Aurora establishes its commands of prayer through the sacred instruction and the confluence of impulses that lead to fulfill this purpose of peace. Therefore, the self-summoned to Aurora must appear and present themselves to receive the due instructions; in this way their hearts and minds will be prepared to respond to the call of the Universe.
So it is, dear children, that the Light of Aurora reflects its rays upon the consciousnesses that open themselves in humility and service to receive them, and they mirror them as support for aid and redemption of the hearts. The Light of Aurora expresses itself as a flame of prayer for those who invoke it with their soul and without interest. This Light of Aurora will guide you and place you on a secure path to respond to the call for peace.
It is therefore that all the soldiers, awakened or asleep, start to hear the warm vibration of the call, because the time has come for all the disciples to line up for the missions they must fulfill. In this way, the planet and humanity will be protected and helped before the great moment of their purification.
I thank all the praying soldiers who respond to My call!
Who awakens you to the celestial commands,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The triumph of My Heart will happen in those who listen to Me…
The triumph of My Heart will happen in the children of the world who listen to Me and accept My call as something primordial for their lives; thus, little by little Your Mother of Heaven, when She is invoked in prayer, will be able to dissipate the darkness of the nations and establish the Kingdom of God in the world, a Kingdom that is awaited by the innocents.
Through the spiritual exercise of the Mystery of the Rosary for all the nations of the Americas, the one that started in these last days, the universal Divinity has placed all Its attention on the response, inner and soulish, that the hearts have given before the call for prayer that has been made by Your Heavenly Mother.
In this way, through the response of the different nations of the Americas, the adversary started to lose the power of regional and worldwide action, weakening all its malign networks, the ones that previously interfered in the consciousness and in the awakening of the peoples.
The answers manifested by all those who consider themselves in this moment children of Mary, allowed that the foreseen events in the Apocalypse of John were transformed by the intercession of Mary and by the simple prayers of the open hearts.
In this week that ends today, the angels of some of the nations of the Americas recovered the spiritual strength to be able to act, and the guardian angels of the praying people implored for the presence of fourteen of the principal choirs of the ultraterrestrial Heaven, thus Your Heavenly Mother, being in charge and in command of this whole divine summoning, received celestial permission to expel certain malign creations that would compromise even more the debts of the consciousness of the nations.
Due to the prompt response of the self-summoned to this task of prayer for the different nations of the Americas, from this day on, the praying people will obtain the celestial merit of becoming mediators together with the voice of Mary by means of the unbreakable column of prayer of the Holy Rosary.
In this biweekly recitation and entreaty, proposed for the next six months, the Americas in total will receive the Grace of rethinking in time, of being able to change some habits and customs and to welcome in the spirit of each nation, an unexplainable atonement in face of the committed faults. This will lead, dear children, certain people, nations and regions of the Americas to be relieved during the process of planetary purification.
If this channel of prayer for the nations, as it is being activated, would include more consciousnesses in this impulse and in the planetary network for peace, it will be so, dear children, that through the prayer of the Holy Rosary and through the means of communication, I will be founding a network of planetary prayer. A network in which all the pilgrims, devotees, praying people and children of Mary will have the opportunity to pray united for the same aim, that will be to cause the triumph the Immaculate Heart of Your Most Holy Mother.
If everyone fulfills these requisites of participation and of compromise for the expansion of this network, the results that will obtained in less than six months will be gradual; this means that all the Americas will be praying united as one heart and by the same aim together with the visionaries to whom I have confided all these souls for them to reencounter God and His blessed Path of love.
It will be in this way, dear children, as everyone prays the Mystery of the Rosary, that the possibility of intercession of the angels of nations for certain decisions that unfortunately would compromise each individual in each country, will increase.
The formation of this planetary network, through its members and devotees of Mary in the different nations, will allow to create a bridge of light with the Universe, the recovery of the spiritual principles for many consciousnesses and, most of all, the integration among cultures and the inner filiation with God.
This purpose of the network of the planetary prayer will receive an impulse for each praying person on Earth. This will be the way that each praying being will come to know the talents that Christ deposited in their heart and will be able to embrace this call as something real and necessary in these times.
The triumph of My Immaculate Heart will happen through the response of all.
I thank you for responding to My call!
I great you on this birthday of Mother María Shimani,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My children:
While your hearts and lives purify themselves, I call you to live the spirit of inner transcendence, an act of love to surpass all the tests and internal difficulties. That is why, dear children, I offer you My Immaculate and Maternal Heart as a safe refuge during the inner cycles of the storm.
My Grace gathers you every day and I come for you to accept My Immaculate Heart as a protective shield against all evil and as the source of the Love of God for the world. Enter My Heart through prayer and vivify at this time the light of the attributes that I want to shed over you.
To consecrate yourself to My Maternal Heart is the first step of the praying soul, for afterwards sharing with Your Heavenly Mother the Gifts of God until now unknown by all.
While you study on Earth at the school of self-purification, dear children, unite your hands as brothers and sisters and implore for My Chaste Heart to help you at this acute time on Earth.
By working in your daily consecration to My Immaculate Heart, you will allow Your Heavenly Mother to intercede for humanity at this time.
Just as it was in the beginning of the daily messages of peace, after so long I leave you basic keys to work until the end of your days in the consecration to the Maternal Heart of Mary. These principles of a good Christian are also considered for those who consecrate themselves as Children of Mary.
The seven principles to consecrate oneself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary every day are as follows:
1. To have a life of prayer.
2. To be a peace maker.
3. To commune daily with Christ.
4. To perform an act of mercy a day, be it to serve, to help, to take care of the sick people, to visit those who are imprisoned in jail, or to help those lost by drugs.
5. To pray a mystery of the Holy Rosary for peace.
6. To confess faults regularly to the Sacred Heart of Jesus be it with a priest or in profound solitude.
7. To welcome a pilgrim giving them repose and shelter on the way.
These seven principles were taught to the eleven apostles, after the Assumption of Your Heavenly Mother. It was the merciful legacy that Mary left you to live the apostleship of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you infinitely,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Everything is going through its Judgment
Dear children of Mine,
Through My plans of peace and prayer with all the souls of the world, I prevent you from entering into the Judgment.
But now all is already in Judgment…
As Your Mother, I reveal new projects to you that must follow the perfect order of the Universe and in this way everyone can be within the Law.
But now all is already in Judgment…
I prevent souls from continuing to submerge themselves in the darkness of these times and I call all the lost sheep to return to the path of Christ.
But now all is already in Judgment…
Every day I invite hearts to follow in the footsteps of the Heavenly Mother, thus in these times your footsteps will be protected by the Light of My Maternity.
But now all is already in Judgment…
Hearts condemn themselves each passing day and justify themselves through their actions, carrying all of humanity toward Universal Judgment.
But now all is already in Judgment…
There is no consciousness, race, religion, or nation that is free of Universal Judgment; that is why Your Heavenly Mother motivates you to develop projects of light that are united to Divine Will so that in this way you do not enter into the Judgment.
Dear children, the time that was foreordained for certain events is arriving; Your Most Holy Mother together with Her angels is uprooting the networks of evil through the prayer meetings.
But now all is already in Judgment…
Souls cannot lose the Grace of converting their lives through the sacred atonement that comes from Heaven.
Before everything happens and entire nations enter into their Judgment, pray, pray from the heart for the needs of the planet, so that at least the angels of the Universe come to the call of your voices.
Everything is now in its Judgment, inside and outside of human beings; the Judgment of purification has come, and at the same time, that of the evidence.
Before the Great Judgment is established in the world, prepare your hearts in adoration; now everything is in its Judgment, and hearts cannot be distracted by the things of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who prays now and always in the face of the Judgment of the final times,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The art of My adversary may leave you tired or defeated because of so much praying, but know that never will the Love of My Son stop being present in the heart of the one who cries out for Him.
In this crucial time when humanity is defying the hand of destiny, I ask you to offer each situation for the full triumph of the Project of the Creator for this still unredeemed race.
Dear children, at this moment Your Heavenly Mother is finalizing the first stage of the mission in Turkey, where many experiences and inner growth happened so that all, as one mind and one heart, could grow.
The mission that was carried out in Turkey in these last times has left doors well open for Christic charity, and above all, for peace to be re-established in the hearts that cry out. This was possible because the missionary heart is one alone, and responds to the commands of Heaven.
Dear children, while millions of souls in the Middle East are trying to escape from planetary horror and from war, know that the opportunity for liberation and mercy that they received through this mission meant the permanent offer for transmutation of the psychic maladjustments and of the precipitate actions that are causing to a change in the destiny of many families.
My children, in this hour may your feet be firmly on the path of My Son, in this way you will be invisible and will be protected from any wile of the adversary.
We are already working with all beings of goodwill so that the involutionary kingdom may be banished from the human consciousness, and above all, so that the meaning of living in this world and with this humanity can be re-established.
Everything must be re-built, but first hearts will be purified so that they do not miss the opportunity of being reborn to higher life.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who maternally uplifts you to the Universe,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of refugees
Dear missionary children,
In these last days in Turkey may the fire of your prayers intensify in the simple offering of your hearts for the conversion of sleeping hearts.
My children, Your Heavenly Mother will receive the plea and the love of each one of you in Heaven so that I may, in Glory and Mercy, intercede for the greatest number of souls possible.
My Heart rejoices because it has seen the effort of all those who pray and of the missionaries to establish a greater time of peace in this world.
Truly unite heart to heart with each one of your praying brothers and sisters, so that will be established on the inner planes the great network of light and love that will equally unite all of you through the holy impulse of My Immaculate Spirit.
Just as Saint Joseph, the Worker of God, has asked each one of you, pray for all that is happening today in the Middle East; in this way you will allow the Sacred Hearts to spiritually assist the souls that have no escape and that are imprisoned in the hands of enemies.
Dear children, each one of these souls, completely forgotten and incarcerated in the distant deserts of Syria, hope that at least somebody will remember them and will pray so that, in spite of martyrdom or decapitation, they may soon come to meet God.
Those souls are truly brave on facing their enemies, because at the most culminating time of their lives or their deaths, they give testimony to the sovereign presence of Christ in their hearts, and nobody can take this away or erase it from their souls, because in those moments Christ is also dying again with each one of them so that the enemies can be saved someday or at least at the expected day of the Final Judgment.
This is an everyday reality and it does not stop. Now, dear children, do you understand the importance of truly praying?
Know then that the most forgotten souls wait for the prayers of all praying beings. Let us be one in these times, one in Christ, and one in God, for the victory of the Kingdom of Adonai in the world.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who awakens you to the Higher Truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of refugees
When Our Lady finished transmitting Her daily message, She remained a time in silence until, opening the Heavens, She began to show us all of Creation, from the existence of the One Source, the presence of the Son, Jesus Christ, touching upon each one of the Archangels, the angelic legions, the suns, the stars, and other things. And in that moment the Mother began to transmit the following prayer:
Universal Prayer of Faith for Planetary Purification
Prayer to be recited during the cycle of purification and the Armageddon of humanity, at least once daily
I trust in the Almighty,
because His Hands of Mercy extend towards me.
I trust in the presence of the Powerful Son,
because Jesus Christ, Our Lord, will redeem us.
I trust in the authority of His Ministry.
I trust in the divine preaching of His holy Words
and, above all, I trust in the Omnipotence of His Christic Love.
I trust in the Omnipresence of the Holy Spirit,
because Its seven Gifts can descend over the whole planet.
I trust in the power of Its Science,
because it reveals the whole Universe to us.
I trust in the existence of Divine Wisdom,
because day and night it guides the Hierarchies and creatures.
I trust in the Fear of God,
because I know that the Father will never allow me to be separated from Him.
I trust in the seven Gifts,
because they are the visible rays in the manifestation of the Work of God.
I trust in the Sacred Feminine Source.
I trust in the universal sovereignty of the Mother of the World.
I trust in the conception and in the incarnation of the Son
that Mary, forever Virgin, gestated in Her most pure womb.
I trust in the Reign of Peace and in the living of all miracles
that the Most Holy Mother has accomplished in me.
I trust in the truth of Her Words
and in the sublime manifestation of Her holy maternity.
I trust in Her Omniscience,
because She is the creator of all works of light in the world.
I trust in the power of Her Infinite Love
and in the intercession of Her Consciousness, for each one of us.
I trust in the charity of Her Guidance and in the humility of Her Works.
I trust in Her Celestial Authority,
because She converts hearts and saves lost souls.
I trust in the existence of all the Archangels,
because they serve Our Father God.
I trust in the Celestial Commands and in all the legions of light
that carry out the project of the redemption of humanity.
I trust in Archangel Michael,
because He is our protector during the battles.
I trust in Archangel Gabriel,
because He is the Announcer of the Divine Word
and the Judge of all fallen angels.
I trust in the magnitude of Archangel Metatron,
because His Divine Fire illuminates our spirits and guides our paths.
I trust in the divine science of Archangel Raphael,
because He cures and heals all that has been created.
I trust in the power of Archangel Uriel,
because He protects the inner worlds
and strengthens our essential union with the Creator.
I trust in the presence of the Guardian Angel,
because They obediently serve and protect each one of our steps.
I trust in the continuous prayer that Their divine voice pronounces.
I trust in the protection of Their wings in the face of the attacks of the enemy.
I trust in Their holy patience, in Their divine consolation
and in the sacred refuge that They have for us.
Yes, I trust that all of this exists and I will fear nothing,
because I am a child of God and I am part of His Sacred Creative Work.
May the Most High have pity on me when I do not respond to Him.
May He give me the strength and courage to purify myself.
That in surrender, in trust and in renunciation,
I may discover the true way out towards inner freedom.
May the Will of my Father be fulfilled in this sacred humanity.
Dear children on mission,
Turkey has shown itself to you as an organized nation, from the humanitarian point of view, to be able to help in the great immigrant crisis that has still not ended.
While the disagreements and immigrations continue, the world will not have peace. For this reason, your Heavenly Mother implores the Eternal Father to establish His Justice in the face of so much cruelty and annihilation of good souls.
My children, the time is indicating that we must continue to pray without ceasing to open in the Heavens the extremely powerful stream of Divine Mercy that will be able to lead to Heaven the souls that were imprisoned and decapitated by the adversary.
The board of the Armageddon is still at stake to define who will win the last battle in the coming time.
While chaos manifests in the world, and above all in the lives of the refugees, dear missionary children, may your main purpose be maintaining inner peace wherever you go and the warm smile of love and of fraternity that My children of the Middle East need. It is in this way, My children, that your Heavenly Mother is able to embrace everybody and place them under Her protective Mantle.
Dear children, the Turkish nation has been a school of maturity and of inner definition for each of you, just as it was for your Heavenly Mother when She was in this region to finalize the synthesis of Her existence.
May your synthesis be to define yourselves as a missionary group for the end of times, available to accomplish the call of the Celestial Hierarchy, just as you have done until now.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and guides you, together with you on mission,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more