Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Withdraw from your weaknesses the strength of the spirit, and let your spirit lead and guide you to the fulfilment of the Spiritual Purpose.
Rise from your falls as many times as necessary, but do not set yourself up as a victim, but as being responsible for your own actions.
Allow the power of Divine Mercy to transform all your miseries, so that you can be freed from yourself, from your own resistances.
Everything can be renewed, remember this. Nothing is fixed or permanent, the universe is dynamic and changes all the time.
Be brave enough to recognise your shortcomings, but do not punish yourself with your thoughts.
Be determined to achieve the inner freedom that I offer you. The desert is for the brave of heart, it is for those who are not afraid to be others."
Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Your Master and Lord, together with the whole Spiritual Government of God, is today gathered in this place of the planet to contemplate and evaluate the planetary situation.
In an extraordinary way, I present Myself here, given the emergency of these times, so that, in the face of all that which you can see and are participating in, you may not contemplate it as something normal. I have told you many times that this is a definitive time, and it is definitive also for the Spiritual Hierarchy.
In the face of what the world still does not want to change, the Hierarchy encounters great resistance. This prevents the Spiritual Laws from descending to Earth, prevents the Fountain of Grace from flowing as a powerful wellspring in all souls and in all hearts.
We are making a decision at this moment, which encompasses not only the planet, but also the Solar System, contaminated and interfered with by the emanations of conflicts and wars; for the great spiritual veil is still being torn, and there is no one who can stop this.
This is why the Hierarchy must impose Its hands so that this situation on the planet does not precipitate itself. Thus, I come to announce this moment to you so that all of you may accompany the Hierarchy in all that it observes and contemplates, especially the risks that humanity is living.
I cannot fail to tell you this reality, because the times urge, because humanity places itself in a dead end, even although all Inner Centers of the planet are already working.
I come as a Messenger of Peace. I come as the Mediator between souls and the Laws. Because if there is no change in this situation of the planet, many will pay the price of a few, of those who are not aware of what they are doing.
This is why, companions, it is time to be vigilant, because while everything happens in the world, it is necessary to pray more and more, so that the balance of the planet, which is at risk, may be maintained at a minimum harmony, although this is insufficient.
These are times of tribulation, but also times of opportunities, of the decisive and last Graces that I Myself will pour out upon the world so that the souls and hearts that accompany Me and all their families may have the necessary strength and the unshakable faith to face these times of darkness, just as your Master faced it from the Garden of Gethsemane up to His Death on the Cross, until the last moment of His expiration.
I come to place you, time and again, in this school of inner growth, so that your own miseries, which are small in the face of the great miseries of the world, may be dissolved and transmuted by the power of the faith you have in Me.
Thus, I will always help you, although this planet may be at war and in conflict, although the crises of the peoples and nations may continue, although many of My brothers and sisters continue to disappear in the Mediterranean Sea without the majority helping them.
The pain that My Heart feels today is indescribable. That brothers confront their brothers, that peoples and nations raise their weapons to defend themselves from something that does not exist, that only My adversary imposes through these ideas in the minds of those who govern the nations.
Today, I come to attend to more than one situation of the planet. In truth, in these times, the Hierarchy attends many situations at the same time, given the emergency and the risks that this surface is going through.
This is why the Inner Centers of the planet, known as Retreats of the Spiritual Hierarchy, do their utmost and a little more so that the imbalance on the surface may not swallow the whole of humanity into an abyss without return. I must tell you things as clearly as they are, because many in this cycle still live illusions and lose their sense of discernment.
It is time to survive. Everything is at stake, but we must not challenge the times nor the events, because the one who raises their sword will die from the sword. And this is not symbolic, companions.
It is time to be clear about what must be done, and what must not be done. Because as time is precipitating itself, decisions must be made with caution, so that no one is harmed. And this begins in what is small, in what might seem to be unimportant. It is from there that the Hierarchy begins to work; it is from there that it begins to make Its decisions, invoking the Light of the Holy Spirit of God, so that each step and each decision may be guided.
Today, the Council of the Spiritual Government of the universe is gathered, together with your Master and Lord, the Christ, so that once again We may avoid a greater disaster and, in some cases, a disaster without return; because the human being still believes they know everything.
Arrogance and impunity blind some hearts that rule the nations of the world and believe they will remain unpunished. But it will not be like that, because Divine Law must not be tempted, Divine Love must not be outraged, Higher Will must not be denied.
I would like you to be with Us as you have never been before, because all need help, all need Mercy and Redemption.
Today, from this sacred place in the Alps, which has been exploited and violated without respect for the laws of nature, I come to restore Creation, to restore the human consciousness, which has been corrupted throughout the ages, which has distanced itself from the Truth, making life artificial. However, the essence of life can never be corrupted, the angels of the universe will not allow it.
Know, companions, that I continue to be attentive to the voice of your supplications. Because while you are here with Me, listening to Me so closely, there still are many souls that cannot hear Me or feel Me, that cannot receive even a drop of My Love because there are situations that prevent it.
Think, then, for a moment, what your Lord feels in His most absolute silence, when He sees that His own family of humanity, to which I belong, destroys itself, losing its sensitivity in the face of so much suffering.
I cannot fail to come at this moment, and I again withdraw in the Heart of the Father, where I can find strength, so that My brothers and sisters may also have strength.
I thank you for accompanying Me. This is very significant for Me and also for the world, wounded and outraged by evil.
May hope not be lost.
May joy not be dissolved.
May Peace be established. Just as Peace is in Heaven, so may Peace be on Earth.
I bless you and encourage you to continue on for the advent of the One Thousand Years of Peace. I bless the Alps, humanity and the whole Earth.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear children,
While the world, and especially some nations, face the evil and chaos of these times, I call upon you to be bearers of My Peace.
While wars provoke fearful profits to those who promote arms and generate inexplicable suffering to the majority of My children, I call upon you to be ambassadors of My Peace.
While impunity blinds many ambitious minds and hearts, and causes pain and anguish to numerous peoples and families, I call upon you to be instruments of My Peace.
While abortion and the discarding of the newborn and the unborn become normal, indifferent and dark habits, I call upon you to be the Light of Christ's Mercy.
While entire regions dry up overnight, and cities and towns are destroyed by the fury of climate change, I call upon you to be ambassadors and protectors of Creation.
While indignation, hunger and misery undermine the gift of human and spiritual dignity, I call upon you to be representatives and guardians of the Values of God on Earth.
While souls face harsh trials and many discover their weaknesses, miseries and illnesses, I call upon you to be bridges of love and healing for this suffering humanity.
While roads, borders and oceans are closed for refugees and exiles, making the world insensitive and indifferent to the suffering of your neighbor, I call upon you to be intercessors of Peace and Mercy; because without instruments in My Hands, your Heavenly Mother will not be able to intercede.
May all voices and hearts unite in a single prayer, saying: "Lord, have Pity and Mercy."
I will always pray for you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Today, as Mother of Mercy and before the infinite ocean of My Son's Mercy, I collect from the hearts the offers and prayers that are addressed to Christ, so that, in this time, He transforms human misery into Mercy and into Compassion.
For this reason, My children, once again, the life and spirit of each one of you is before the threshold of Divine Mercy, waiting for the Law of Atonement to act in humanity in the face of so many events that are taking place in the world.
May their souls be depositaries of the Love of My Son and of His Unfathomable Mercy.
May your acts, gestures and actions be merciful so that this civilization, of the present times, may recover its contact with the essence of Love-Wisdom, so that evil, hatred, revenge and impunity may be dissolved in the human heart, and so that each of My children may remember that they can return to God and know Him within themselves, in the depths of silence and supplicating prayer.
Dear children, Divine Mercy still must to be known in the world, it must be practiced and experienced by all; because as long as there are no merciful souls, there will be no peace in the world, the war will not stop.
Mercy is the door of salvation that My Son opened in His Side, where the tributaries of Water and Blood are mysteries of expiation and forgiveness for those who surrender to the Love of Jesus.
Children, may Mercy be the announcement of hope and peace for the wounded world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My children,
I am here again to be with you and, through you, with all of Africa, with all peoples and ethnicities, all cultures and beliefs.
Because I Am the Universal Mother, the Mother Who welcomes all within Her Heart, without distinction. The Mother with a heart open to receive the supplications of Her children, to calm the suffering, to relieve hearts, so that through Me and My offering you may again find the path of Peace.
Today, I want you to enter, through My Heart, this magnificent universe of Peace that, in these times, is unknown to most of My children, due to the conflicts and wars, due to the divisions in families and peoples, due to the constant struggle for survival.
This is why I invite you to be in My Heart so that, through My Heart, you may be in the Heart of My Son, Who again sends His Faithful Servant and Mother of all of Africa to be with Her children, with those most in need of spiritual consolation, with those who have always cried out for divine intervention.
Behold, I Am your Mother. Enter My Heart, enter the Eternal Temple of God, which offered itself to the Father to conceive the Messiah, your Savior and Redeemer today; the One Who carried the Cross for you and Who today keeps carrying it for the whole world, due to indifference, omission, war and the conflicts of the world.
Enter My Heart so that you may be liberated from chaos.
Behold your Celestial Mother and your Eternal Servant, the one Who will lead you to God so that you may be guided to His Celestial Kingdom, where there is neither evil nor adversity, where you will find the spiritual happiness you so much seek and expect.
Today, in a special way, I am here with you, My children, due to the emergencies of the planet and also the emergencies of the Kingdoms of Nature, which, in spite of their expression and agitation in these times, humanity does not want to listen to or to acknowledge the seriousness of these times.
Remember that the planet where you live is not only a planet, it is a state of spiritual and evolutive consciousness that is being very transgressed and wounded through the hands of humankind and of those who extract its riches to generate poverty and misery in humanity, because only very few become enriched, and the majority become more and more impoverished.
But I do not invite you to be in indignation, I call you to live compassion so that you may learn to live in Christ and someday you may be merciful, just as He is with each one of you.
Today, I come with this call for humanity. Humanity does not pay attention to the imbalance of the planet, it pretends to be deaf in the face of war and the conflicts of the world. The prayers are still insufficient to deter the chaos in humanity.
For this reason, together with My Son, since years ago, we have planned this meeting with you, here in Angola, because, although it does not seem so, in what seems to be the void of your hearts, there is an inexhaustible spiritual wealth that God placed in each one of you so that, in these definitive times, you might learn to serve Him, adore Him and recognize Him, just as you are serving, adoring and recognizing Him at this moment.
Therefore, My children, I invite you to live in the spirit of perseverance and faith, even in those moments when all seems dark and gloomy.
Prostrate before the Eucharist of My Son, recognize His Presence in the Tabernacles of the Earth and your lives will always be liberated. Because in each Tabernacle of the Earth, I have many Angels of Heaven present, who adore the Eucharistic Body of My Son with one purpose, peace and balance in humanity.
And although in these times everything is triggered throughout the world, because everyone lives the time of Armageddon, I invite you to go through this Apocalypse with intelligence, with a spirit of service and pure prayer.
Because the prayerful word will not only keep you united to the Creative Source, but it will also keep you protected from all evil, from the harassment that My enemy wants to make to all souls of the world, especially those that have decided to live Christianity.
For this reason, maintain a spirit of faith ignited and never allow yourselves to give up.
Like today, may your arms rise to the Heavens to receive the Graces of God, these Graces that I am bringing again to each one of you today so that, next July 25, your Heavenly Mother and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the important support of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, may complete this sacred task in Angola and Africa so that the fruits of the redemption and conversion of hearts may awaken in all those who need them, so that they may be elevated in consciousness, united in love and brotherhood.
My children, I invite you to move forward, in spite of these difficult and traumatic times, in spite of all that which the systems of the world do in villages and nations.
Place yourselves in another spiritual dimension and thus you will not be embraced by chaos.
Always raise your heads and look at the sky and, at each new day, aspire to again meet Jesus, aspire to His Return, which is near, closer than it seems. Because when He returns to the world, He will not only bring in His Spirit the Spiritual Government and once again renew all things, but He will also put an end to the chaos of this world, to misery, suffering and disease.
Hearts will no longer be poor, they will be filled with the wealth of God, a spiritual and inexhaustible wealth that will prepare you all for the New Earth, for the emergence of the New Humanity.
For this reason, My children, apostles of Christ, feel that you are partakers of this planetary transition, because this humanity in transition, which serves and prays to God, is preparing the bases for the emergence of the New Humanity.
Therefore, everything you offer and do for God, at this moment, in a constant and persevering way, will grant the Graces of the Father to the world and to the whole human race, and those Graces will build the new consciousness within humanity.
Together with you, I work for this to happen, I pray for this to happen, I supplicate to the Father for this to happen, because My Heart and the Heart of My Son are tired of the suffering of souls. Therefore, I bring you My hope and also My eternal joy, I bring you the bliss of My Spirit and the ascension of My Soul.
Just as the Archangel Gabriel gave it to My Heart during the Annunciation, today, as the Mother of the World and Lady of all of Africa, I come to announce to you the arrival of the New Time and the fulfillment of the Word of God within the hearts that have said yes.
Before I leave, I want those who will be consecrated as My children, Children of Mary, to come closer. You may approach My Altar so that you may be blessed and then anointed by the priests, to consummate this moment of consecration to My Immaculate and Maternal Heart.
Come here, My beloved children.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And for this consecration, our Holy Mother of Heaven has asked you to repeat the song, “Mary, work a miracle.”
Through these souls that I consecrate today, I form a new Rosary of Light group so that it may be a mirror of My Heart on Earth, so that it may reflect the attributes of Heaven, which not only Africa needs but also the whole world.
This is why I consecrate you as My children, children of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart; and I give thanks, as the Mother of the Universe and the Earth, for the opening of your hearts, at this moment, which brings the healing and cure that you need.
I renew you in faith and I consecrate you in God’s Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My blessings for Sister Lucía de Jesús, daughter and spouse of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph.
Peace, for this suffering world.
Peace, for all hearts that agonize.
Peace, for those who do not have Peace.
Peace, so that the New Humanity may emerge.
I thank you for having responded to My call.
And once again I bless you, under the luminous Sign of the Cross, the Cross of the Redeemer: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart simply to confess your deepest miseries, like a child who can divest themselves of their shame with their father.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart to present your defects and difficulties to Me, the vices you have not overcome, your most entrenched fears, your lacks of understanding most difficult for you to shape, your resistances hardest to break, your walls, your limits.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and, even though you cannot manage to say anything, offer Me your silence, your incapacity to surrender, of letting go of the reins of your life, of exposing your heart and feeling yourself to be weak and small.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and show Me your sorrows, but also your joys, tell Me about your defeats and also your victories, so that I, child, may dissolve your illusions with My Love, strengthen your virtues with My Grace, and show you in the mirror of the Reliquary of My Heart that to be human is more than what you have discovered about yourself up to now.
Let Me show you your truth, what hides beyond your appearances, what is hidden beyond your confessed weaknesses. Human beings are not just a mixture of miseries and virtues, of flesh and spirit, but they are the spirit, overlaid and hidden in what until now you believe is your only truth.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart not to find Me, but rather to find you, and in you, God.
You have My blessing for that.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let your miseries be transformed into Mercy.
Let the spiritual power of the Blood of My Son remove the impurities from your consciousness so that the Divine Light of His Sacred Heart may find deep spaces to enter and transform you.
Miseries are accumulated residues from sins, mistakes, indifference.
Allow the redeeming Grace of the Water of Christ to wash and purify you because, for something new to enter, something old must leave.
You are, at this moment, at the doors of the surrender of your being and your consciousness.
Let the transforming and merciful impulse of My Son redeem your being and make of you a new vase.
Let the infinite Mercy consecrate you definitively and convert you into the aspiration that God has for your being.
I am by your side to accompany you. This is the great moment, for this to take place.
Your faith must be unwavering.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My sons and My daughters:
In this end time, build your strength and your faith in My Immaculate Heart.
I will be your refuge, I will be Who will take you to God. And, although the Mother of God is retreating, perpetual prayer will be the bridge that will unite us between Heaven and Earth.
Life will show you everything that still needs to be transformed. Miseries and deserts are within you so that, step by step, you may go beyond them and redeem your consciousnesses.
This is an abnormal end time, because everything that was always hidden and outside of the Law will be shown.
Continue to pray for Peace in the world, so that humanity may internally be prepared for everything that is now coming.
Trust. The Mother of God will never abandon a praying soul.
Offer yourself in sacrifice and in reparation for the offended Heart of God; thus, the sins of the world, which are many, will be placated.
Remember your Guardian Angel.
My Love can be within you, go ahead.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
On each new day, may Mercy be for you like a light that is kindled in your darkest, most hidden and deepest abysses.
May Mercy be the symbol that you always receive from God of an opportunity to begin again, and more than that, My child, that you always receive from the Father the possibility to go deeper into your healing and transformation, and cure wounds within you that you sometimes do not even know exist.
May, in each new day, crying out for Mercy be your hope, so that you may look to the miseries of the world and also to those that persist within you and that, beyond this, child, your eyes may return to the Heart of God, to His Gaze and to His Love, and that your confidence may be in His infinite Mercy.
Much beyond all the human sins and deviations, the Heart of God, by means of His Son, continues shedding Blood and Water upon the world. May this fountain not pass you by unnoticed, but may it find within your heart a new vessel, clean and empty to be filled.
Thus, with every new day, may your faith be placed upon Divine Mercy. And much beyond all the sins of yesterday, may you know today that you can begin again, repent yourself and walk to the ever-opened Arms of God.
Your Creator is patient and tireless. Therefore, child, go to His merciful encounter, and remember to carry in your heart the cry for all souls.
You have My blessing for this.
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
After nine days of prayer to the Saint Raphael the Archangel, on this day and through the 1000 Hail Marys, your Heavenly Mother completed another stage in the spiritual mission of assistance to humanity.
With each Hail Mary done from the heart, at this moment, one more soul receives the opportunity of being free of their spiritual and material captivity. In this way, My Maternal and Immaculate Heart triumphs in the life of those who turn to God in these times.
Through the 1000 Hail Marys, the Celestial Hierarchy also intercedes for those who are unprotected and submerged in material misery, an effect of inequality and the culture of discard.
It is for this reason, beloved children, that your prayers reach Heaven and all those intentions change into Graces and into expiation for those who really suffer the consequences of these times.
In these hours, while the 1000 Hail Marys take place, the Eternal Father contemplates the effort and the dedication of His children, at a planetary moment in which only faith and hope will be able to change the current destiny of the whole race.
It is in this way that the meeting of today prepares you for the events that will take place during the month of May. Moments in which the Hierarchy will give more impulses and instructions so that in 2020, souls may finish their training in this school of transition of the times and the cycles.
I again give thanks for the adherence of those who prayed today with Me for peace and the healing of humanity in need.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Enter into my heart like in Jerusalem,
multiply the bread of virtues
and satisfy the hunger of my soul.
Heal the deepest wounds of my inner leprosy,
caused by misery and sin
that lead me into falling, again and again, upon the ground.
Let me touch Your tunic, hear Your Voice
and receive Your Gaze.
Let me feel Your Kingdom,
experience it and discover it
revealed within me.
Reflect the Celestial Truth
within the mirror of my heart
and call me to follow Your footsteps
upon the hills and up to the Cross.
Let the power of Your Presence
perpetuate the covenant that you made with my small
and poor spirit.
Make my being sacred, Lord,
in likeness to You, Child of God,
so that I may serve You, love You
and with You renew life
throughout the Universes.
Let My prayer be the perpetual prayer of souls that aspire to follow in the footsteps of Christ.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
make of my heart Your new and eternal Jerusalem.
Enter into me with Your glory and majesty.
Direct Your steps towards the temple of my heart,
and, there, tear down every lie, vanity and selfishness,
all pride, arrogance and misery that separate me
from the true essence that dwells within me.
Allow this temple to become sacred through Your Presence,
Your Word and Your Heart.
Let Your Words find an echo within me
and, forever and ever,
may they resound in my consciousness
and become Life within my life.
May this Palm Sunday take place not only in memory but in the heart, in the consciousness and in the life of all the disciples of Christ.
You have My blessing for being the eternal and renewed dwelling place of the Lord.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let your soul be enraptured by the Love of Christ. Do not fear, do not resist. Give Him your shame, your fears, your deepest aspirations, your goals and everything you are, including miseries, skills and virtues.
The time is coming to be washed by the Blood of Christ, permeated by His Love and renewed by His surrender and, more than remembering His Passion, to be with His surrender, His Love and His Cross.
Thus, child, the time has come for a definition of maturity in Christ, to deepen your consecration and to not be afraid of growing in Him and for Him.
Let yourself be new clay in the Hands of the Potter, because He knows the Purpose of God for your life and can shape your consciousness according to Divine Will.
Pray and speak the Poems* with love that the Lord gave you, because through them, He teaches you the spiritual meaning of surrender and of humility; in this way, a surrendered soul communicates with Christ.
Do not fear to live the experience of surrender. In what is left for you of this Lent and this deep desert, begin to walk, in your heart, with decided steps to Jerusalem, confirming and re-confirming your surrender to Christ each day.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*Saint Joseph is referring to the Poems of a soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, transmitted by Christ Jesus in the months of July and August of 2018.
Children, lent is a moment of the desert, but also of an ecounter.
A moment for finding the spirit of humility, experiencing the vastness of the Universe, the sublime Laws that make us small, the Thought of God that makes us so fragile in the face of His Will.
Lent is the moment for walking in the immensity of Divine Words, written in the Book of the Plan of God for this humanity; to understand that one must walk within these lines and that the letters of the Celestial Father are like markings upon the floor, in which your feet fit perfectly. Just follow them.
During Lent, false beliefs about oneself and all the fortresses built in the sand of the human ego are overthrown. All this falls down; the fragility is revealed, but also, child, God is revealed.
You must learn to experience Lent, when the consciousness is willing to find that which is sublime and perfect and, although it reveals all the apparent human misery, it brings you the assurance of the Divine Presence and the freedom of knowing that everything is written.
And for the one who walks in the letters of God, in spite of all the battles, challenges and tests, there is the incalculable triumph of the Love of your Lord, that has no measure in this world, but only vastness.
Lent, then, is this moment to recognize the dust and leave to the dust what comes from it; but also, to recognize the spirit and open the way so that this spirit may be expressed in all that you are.
Experience Lent fully; feel small, fragile, nothing, but be able to surrender this smallness to the greatness of God and to confess:
I recognize my fragility and misery;
I recognize my imperfection and illusion,
and made of completely nothing and dust, here I am,
as an offering at the Altar of Your Spirit
so that It may be revealed within me,
and that Your Breath may make the clay alive,
and that Your Life be wholly within me
so that I may become Your instrument,
and Your Will may be done.
This should be the prayer of the hearts surrendered in the face of the desert, which are willing, during Lent with the Lord, to be prepared with Him for the cross of the world.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Only a brave heart is capable of facing the greatest miseries within themselves. And as much as most of them are unknown, only a heart that truly loves is capable of traversing, beyond itself, all difficulties.
Even while within difficulties and going through purifications, only a heart that constantly gives of itself will make possible the transformation of its small consciousness, even if it believes that in recent times it has not managed to take even one step.
But, what is it that moves this kind of heart, so capable, to go forward?
Beyond their imperfections, what moves decided hearts is that they never give up nor desist from the Christic path, because the Christic path is for brave hearts, those which go beyond their own fears or impossibilities.
There is something that supports decided hearts, and that is love; love for life, love for nature, love for all Creation and for Christ.
These hearts are allowed to move through difficult obstacles because, beyond their miseries, they know that their only and deserved goal is the Lord, contact with the depths of their being and of their consciousness.
But this aspiration of brave hearts is not personal, rather it is felt for all of humanity, for those who in this period are prisoners of themselves and do not know how to walk freely, without chains or ties.
Brave hearts will always take that step for others, so that their brothers and sisters may also manage to do so.
These hearts I call "victorious hearts" because upon them is the concretization of the Plan.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Pray for the souls that need liberation.
Pray for the hearts that need help to disconnect from darkness and to embrace the path of light, of good and of the Love of Christ.
Pray for those who purify their past and who ignore the mud that emerges from within.
Pray for them to have the courage for standing before themselves and of tirelessly aspiring for transformation.
Pray for those who need to surrender before God and surrender your heart also.
Pray for the neighbor, always with consciousness of your miseries, so that your prayer may lead you to a humble spirit.
Pray for peace and for Grace within the hearts of your brothers and sisters.
Pray for them to achieve sanctity and to overcome themselves in love, every day.
Be a caretaker so that Grace may remain within your neighbor. Love to see the growth and evolution of others. Allow your prayer for the neighbor to be converted into your greatest service.
Who knows, maybe there are others praying for you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Who will give you something bigger than what I can give you?
Who could be more than what I have been and what I Am?
I Am everything for you, without limits nor rules, without conditions nor clauses.
I have all the time to attend you, to listen to you and to welcome you.
I have something very special for your being and for all of your consciousness.
I have been by your side since you were born, wherever you went and wherever you decided to pilgrimage to, everything is under My Sight.
Nevertheless, I do not judge your acts, miseries or defects. I accompany, with ardor in the heart, every new step towards the redemption and the elevation of your being.
I know it is not easy for you to live on this planet with all of your miseries and, above all, to be here in this cycle.
But all effort, renunciation and surrender that you make to My Heart will always be well received, and wherever you are and wherever you go, you will be blessed by My Spirit of love and of charity.
Feel yourself on the path of transformation, of renovation and of healing.
This is the time to discover within yourself the Grace that God has given you to continue acting in your life.
Go ahead and rely on My Faith.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I do not come to seek desires or expectations, miseries or errors in you. I come to seek your heart so that, under any circumstances or in any situation, it may be with Me, regardless of results or consequences.
I know that you are a being on the surface of the Earth wounded and hurt by all humanity. For this reason I understand and accept you as you are, and I hope that My acceptance serves as a consolation and encouragement for you so that you continue to transform, so that the world may also transform and achieve redemption.
In your noble heart lies the truth about what you always were and what you will be, because the truth of your being is spiritual and not human. Thus, continue to perfect yourself daily for Me, so that I may make you a participant in My designs and My treasures.
If you trip again and again on the same stone, be thankful, because you will be receiving the chance to be more humble and of recognizing your miseries for those who do not recognize theirs, nor want to see them.
Be glad, everything will pass, and if you obey Me as up until now, you will be what I so wish for.
I love you.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
If you have eyes to see Me in your brothers and sisters, if you have ears to hear Me in your brothers and sisters, if you feel My Love radiate through your brothers and sisters, why do you doubt I am here?
My Omnipresence is unknown to the world. My Omnipotence has not yet been fully revealed to humanity.
I am present and silent in all places where two or more gather in My Name to recognize Me and call Me Shepherd of souls.
I contemplate, I accompany and I pray for each one of the inner situations of My apostles, in the same way that I prayed for the apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane.
I see and I observe all the needs. I take into My Heart all the situations of life.
Receive, then, My absolution on this blessed day so that, from My Love and My Compassion, you may learn to live. In this way, you will have the courage to face your own miseries without defiance, and without rejecting them or denying them. You must transform them with the patience that faith gives you and the wisdom that love gives you.
Continue, every day, to live the path of redemption for Me, your faithful Friend.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
God will always accept the degree of your surrender and everything that you may want to offer.
Your offerings will always be precious to the Heart of the Creator. But in these times, children, you are called upon to give everything of yourself for love, for love of this planet, for love of the Divine Project, and for love of the evolution that, before the beginning of the Earth, was already waiting, so that this project that your souls are experiencing could be concretized and triumph in the Cosmos.
Thus, in this hour, in which the cycles are accelerating and the transition of the times and the absolute definition of beings are drawing closer, let each one of you know that which you will offer to the Creator, that which you will offer to the Universe, to evolution, to life.
Today, children, it is no longer about crying out because of your own miseries and asking for forgiveness for your own sins. Your miseries will be healed in service and this must be your prayer for yourself. And your sins will be redeemed when you are capable of forgetting about them in order to cry out for this world.
The abysses are full of souls that clamor for peace, and on this day of Mercy and of Grace, your prayers are like the balm they have been waiting for, for a long time. Your prayers are like the soft breeze that enters where there no longer was air, there was no breath.
Feel the souls whose sin is considered eternal and unforgivable; feel their pain and despair. Today, children, this pain is relieved and the despair is transformed, because Mercy crosses the dark spaces and grants a new opportunity for those who have condemned themselves to punishment and darkness.
May your merciful prayer stretch out beyond this day, for many souls will continue in the abysses, crying out. For you, every day must be a day to plead to God for those most in need.
Let your priority in this time be the rescue and salvation of souls, because the time will come when you will no longer be able to clamor, because everything will already be defined.
Today I bless you and leave you My Grace, so that you may deepen in Divine Mercy and so that each day it may be more alive within you, not only as a prayer, but as a way of being.
Be merciful, in this and in all times.
I thank you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more