Even if you fall before Me many times, My child, I will not cease to recognize you, for I know that, beyond every mistake and every test, your heart wants to be close to Mine, and I recognize and appreciate that very much, so that the soul may feel the reason for surrendering their life to Me.

Stay by My side and you will see that everything will be transformed from time to time.

You must remember your miseries so that vainglory does not enter your life.

Feeling imperfect or moribund is a state of consciousness that leads you to remember of God and beseech Him.

He expects His children to be converted in order to represent and recognize Him as their Creator, so that Grace may exist in life, and that inexhaustible source may continue to transform the human consciousness.

This is the time to recognize the truth within oneself and to participate of the demanding changes of these times, so that the soldiers of the last times may awaken in humanity.

I thank you for keeping My aspirations in your hearts!

Who blesses you, 

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Enter into dialogue with God every day, place yourself before the Father in confession and ask to remain in His Grace.

Child, human beings are on their way to express what they truly are, during an intense purification of centuries of existence, almost always permeated by illusion and deceit.

Do not allow your being to remain immersed in the superficialities and miseries when you have the possibility to transmute and sublimate these energies, if only you are willing to be humble before God.

Talk to your Creator. Look for the perfect thought that He emanated by idealizing your being. Feel the sublime Love of the Father and the perfect purpose that He still expects you to express.

Be willing to find within yourself the Divine Will. May the presence of God, His Universe, His Infinite, no longer be mere theories and knowledge for you.

Let your being experience that which cannot be explained and which is not in any sacred book, because those who have experienced it, can only be silenced.

It is time to deepen and not to regress. It is time to decide to take the steps in the right direction and not to follow the known paths that give you a false sense of security.

In this time, everything must be new. The unknown awaits for you to reveal its mysteries. And that which has always been silent in your heart will finally be able to express its truth. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Today, at least for once, I would like you to step out of yourselves, your small miseries and see the great miseries of humanity with Me.

Therefore I make you apostles of the word, in truth, in fidelity and in service, and even if often you do not reach these attributes, I know that you try to experience them every day.

For this reason, by approaching your lives to these attributes, you will be part of the stream of My Mercy as servers in all corners of the Earth.

Today I have come with all the hope and Mercy in My Heart to make a special request to the missionaries who in a few months will experience the humanitarian mission in Lebanon.

My request is that as My servers you may not only expand Mercy in that place, but also for the first time, this Mercy may piously reach the African continent, especially Luanda, Angola.

I would like the suffering and extreme pain that is experienced there and reflected on the faces of My poor lambs, to be relieved.

Truly, I come to ask the group of missionaries that after visiting Lebanon, they go to Angola to carry all love and Mercy possible to the suffering and marginalized hearts.

I consider this day special for Me, because the Father of the unfathomable Mercy granted this very important Grace to my flocks from Angola.

I wish that through service, pity, love, healing and Mercy you may reach everyone, because it is through you that I will be able to bring relief and light to the forgotten souls.

I thank you for considering my appeal!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus 


When the Universe makes you see something within yourself that you must transform, do not justify your faults because of your human condition, which makes you feel incapable of transforming.

Life places you before your miseries because your heart is full of the Grace and the Mercy of God. Through you, child, the Creator not only transforms and converts the faults of your heart, but also the ones of all those who really do not open to transform themselves.

Decide, within your heart, to be another, according to the designs and the Will of God. Decide to allow the blessings that the Creator gave you to become fruitful, like the gifts of Christ that, multiplied within you, become a balm for all souls that thirst.

Decide to love the Plan of God, to love and respect His Will for your siblings and pray that this Will be fulfilled.

Pray, crying out for yourself.

Pray, pleading for another.

Pray, begging for the world.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Today, contemplate the Eyes of God, which are set on the world. The Father observes the lack of love and ignorance of His children, but moving beyond all of that, with His Gaze, He touches the purest essence of His creatures.

Contemplate the Eyes of God, which are set upon the world, waiting for souls to perceive the collapse of nations, which announces the beginning of a definitive cycle for humanity. The Creator Father waits for the eyes of His children to also lift up to the Heavens, and in a sincere prayer, understand, within themselves, the true meaning of life.

Do not seek outside yourself for support and sustenance for these times. Seek your sustenance, child, in the gentle and compassionate Gaze of God, which reaches the four corners of the world, impassive in the face of the atrocities caused by humankind, because the Father, Who sees all things, penetrates far beyond your miseries and stands firm in the truth of hearts.

Contemplate the Eyes of God, fixed on the truth that exists within beings, and see, reflected in them, what you truly are. When you seek God, you find yourself, you find your true self, you find what makes you like the Father, you find the meaning of your existence. For this reason, child, in this cycle of doubts and confusions, when souls walk lost and directionless in the world, place your gaze on the Gaze of God and, like Him, hold your heart in the truth.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Songs of Figueira - "At the Supper"

In this song, we enter into the temple of the heart and we withdraw during the night to pray with the Master.

The soul leaves behind miseries and fears to accompany the Master in the great ceremony of Communion.

In this song, the expression and the manifestation of the Communities-of-Light is prophesied and confirmed, these being guided by the Hand of the Great Shepherd who, gathering the People of God, celebrates with the self-summoned.

The preparation starts with a daily prayer to receive the Master of Love at the great conclave. He demonstrates His Love for all beings and withdraws, as Spirit, into the soul of each being.

When all are called, the room of the great encounter is revealed so that they may enter into communion with the Most High and thus souls may remain in the Lord.

He reveals the great moment of Communion, offering Himself to the Father, but also asking all to be vigilant and to pray always so as not to lose the way towards the Heart of God.

The Lord shows Himself to be loving and resplendent, and receives into His Kingdom all who have been called to serve Him, bringing them before the Throne of God so that they may receive the Graces from the Celestial Father, and thus revere Him forever and ever.

This song demonstrates the fidelity towards the Lord, a fidelity that we can live through daily prayer and thus find the path of return towards our origin.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Pray, in these times for your enemies, for those who once carried the same banner as you, and spoke of the same faith as yours, but then turned their backs with their rebellions and false comments.

Pray, as My Son did, even on the top of the Cross, and ask for forgiveness for those who offend God with their words and their slander.

Pray for all those who do not truly love the Will of God, as it is demonstrated, so that the grace they once received not fall upon their heads like a rain of never-ending justice.

Pray, child, because the end time is coming and those who lament will be more numerous than the happy. You will see it with your own eyes.

Pray, child, for those who, with no conscience and in great ignorance, repudiate Christ, for those who reject Him through His Work of Love which, in these times, He carries out, and which is not accepted by the ungrateful.

Pray for those who think they are secure in their salvation and for those who think, up until today, that after their lies and deceits, especially those who were previously in this Work, will in the end victoriously win.

Woe to them, poor miserable souls; I do not wish to remember what awaits them!

Pray, pray a lot, because prayer will always do miracles and all will pass.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Peace, child, is the state that your heart attains when it unites to the Truth of God.

Peace is the unalterable state that is born from the certainty of a higher reality that transcends human existence.

Peace is a state that awakens or is born in hearts when they open to love and to know the Plan of God, recognizing its greatness and perfection and, as a consequence, recognizing the human smallness.

Peace is a state that the heart finds when it knows it is fulfilling its part, every day, and that it does everything it can for the evolution of beings, for the awakening of love, for the expansion of fraternity.

When the heart is not at peace, it is not because peace is lacking in the world, it is not because God deprives it of peace; it is the being itself that moves away from it for knowing it is at fault, for knowing that it does not do everything it can, for knowing that it is not giving all of itself.

Discover the path to peace through transparency, sincerity, truth, self-giving.

The heart that confesses finds peace because it returns to Truth, because it strips away its lies and vanities before God and renews itself, it becomes worthy of recognizing peace, of being within peace and multiplying it.

The world is in chaos, in pain and suffering. The souls are in agony, in definition, in fear, but it is possible, in spite of all this, to be in peace, to find it and live it, because peace does not depend on the world, it depends only on you.

Peace is not the end of wars and of a humanity living according to its tendencies and superficial needs, because a heart can have everything, all the things it desires, it may not live among conflicts and, even so, it may not know, not find and not live peace.

Peace is an inner state, fruit of the union with God and of the transparency before Him.

Therefore, child, today I invite you to rediscover peace within you, confessing your miseries before God, divesting yourself of your characters to make space for an unknown transparency, which is the door toward true freedom.

Experience being free in a world that has become its own prison.  Experience being in peace and being an instrument so that God can make the world know peace through you.

Enter into a new cycle of true aspirations, of true actions, of true love, of true peace.

In this way, human beings will fall at your right and at your left, but the peace in your heart, which does not have its base consolidated in the things of the world, but rather in your inner union with God, will never be knocked down.

Persist in the search for peace, but follow the correct path. Transparency and truth are your vehicles to attain peace.

You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Feel My Heart within your heart, and live an inner communion with Divine Life.

Feel My Heart within your heart, and perceive the Universe, broad and infinite.

Feel My Heart within your heart, and see how wounds close.

Feel My Heart within your heart, and comfort your spirit.

Feel My Heart within your heart, and contemplate the Love of God.

Feel My Heart within your heart, and glimpse the powerful light of Heaven.

Feel My Heart within your heart, and participate in the communion with the saints.

Feel My Heart within your heart, and feel how miseries are purified.

Feel My Heart within your heart, and confirm your faith even more.

Feel My Heart within your heart, and walk toward hope.

Feel My Heart within your heart, and let us pray for peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Go and seek the Heart of God beyond the human miseries.

The errors are a way of recognising your own imperfection and seek, beyond the superficialities, that which is real, which is true.

God, child, offers you to learn through the knowledge of His Grace, awakening in your heart a profound faith in your Father and Lord Who, from the beginning of His Creation, until today, finds ways of demonstrating His Love to His children.

But it is also possible to know God through tiredness, through the constant errors, through the miseries that overflow the human condition without an apparent solution.

There the heart seeks a hope, something that is more real than its miserable condition, something that dissolves, with its truth, the illusion and the mirage of the labyrinth of vanities.

There is when the heart halts and thinks: God.

There is when the consciousness, that knows the occult meaning of life, finds a space, between the distractions of the personality, so that it descends over the being a drop of Grace, and this drop starts to transform everything it touches.

A drop of God satiates the thirst of the souls and gives them back life, but a river of the Divine Presence turns them into His instruments, living sources in a world that has thirst for Truth and that dies for not seeing the source before their eyes.

He who was thirsty and was satiated can no longer see the thirst before his eyes and do nothing, because he knows the emptiness and the illusion, and this makes him despair.

But know, child, that everything has its time and freewill gave men the election of knowing God through love or clamouring for Him in the deepest of the one own miseries.

Know, however, that the Gaze of your Father is always attentive on His children, it does not halt and it does not get distracted. A simple movement is enough for Him to respond with a river of Graces to those who deserve Justice, because the Creator of the world is the God of Mercy and His Heart is renovated and it rejoices in the awakening of each human heart.

Choose, today, to surrender to knowing the Love of God and hold on to it by the power of His Grace or continue to descend deep in the abysses and to clamour to God consumed by your miseries.

The Father will never choose for you. He will only wait for your gaze to meet His, for your hands to reach out for His, for your heart to transcend time, tiredness, distraction, vanity and ignorance and, in a sincere prayer, return to the Father.

Go toward God.

Your father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Let My Liberating Power extract, from your being, the old vestments of the past, so that the true purpose may emerge in you, and thus the new being may be born.

Sometimes to deprive oneself of the past is more painful than crossing an entire desert, thirsty and without water. But My Liberating Rays descend upon those who are Mine so that they may surrender everything to Me and thus My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may triumph.

Dare, companions, to let My Liberating Rays divest you of the past, so that your true and only essence may be revealed, and with it, all the treasures of the Love of God enter in you.

Do not think you will die before you reach Me due to being divested. The spiritual death of the past begins by accepting the designs of the Great Master.

This is the hour in which your Lord will cause Truth to emerge within His Own people, which is to say, the truth of being able to know pain, misery, and bitterness. And all of that together will be liberated by Me, so that the grand mission, of representing Me in the world and in the most crucial moment of My Church, may be fulfilled in souls.

For this reason I divest you and I deliver you to My Father, empty of everything, so that your testimonies be the true example of your lives.

To truly be by My Side, I will need up to the last drop of your effort; in this way, My Plan will be fulfilled as it is written in Heaven.

I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Seek the Truth and it will be revealed to you.

Search deep within yourself, as in the firmament of the Earth, which hides the depths of the Cosmos, the answer to your innermost concerns, the calm for your anguish and the meaning for your life.

Seek the Truth and it will be revealed to you because this is the time for unraveling mysteries. The Law dictates that nothing be hidden any longer, neither from the eyes, nor from humankind’s heart. And, little by little, this revelation will manifest itself on the surface of the Earth.

From the peoples of the beginning of the history of humanity to the present days, many mysteries were born and flourished. They are called "mysteries" because the human consciousness does not know them. But that which is a living part of the history of each being will no longer be a mystery.

The mysteries of human life are those facts that hold the true potential of humanity, as well as the reality that their existence did not begin with Earth, but rather in the depths of Divine Thought, before everything was created.

What you consider a "mystery" must be unraveled, because this is the cycle of the Truth, and the first Truth is that each being must know itself, understand its history, its roots, its errors and difficulties, and also recognize the virtues and Gifts it has received from God, throughout its evolution.

To know the Truth, you must thus seek it, knock on the door of the inner mystery and humbly allow it to reveal itself.

Ask God for the Grace of being in peace, in the face of your deepest miseries, whose roots transcend life on Earth. And also ask for the Grace of humility, to recognize that this human project is unique and that you are part of a Divine Treasure ready to manifest itself.

The gold of your spirit can become a precious celestial gift that, illuminated by the Light of God, causes hope to shine in the abysses. But you can also allow this gold to turn into dust, cause ignorance and indifference to make of you an eternal and permanent mystery to yourself. And even though all may be revealed, your eyes will see nothing.

Let your heart, child, open to the new cycles; that your concepts of life, of knowledge, of existence, and of spirituality be renewed. Because you are facing a cycle in which the Truth will emerge, and, even though it is held within you, you have never been absolutely united with it.

Everything will be new. Everything will be renewed and will show itself to the world as something unique, although obvious from the beginning, for there is no being on Earth that does not feel at their core that their ignorance hides a higher reality.

This reality will emerge. This Truth will show itself. Mysteries will cease to be mysteries, and you will finally know yourself and recognize yourself in God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the wind of the Spirit of God blows on the world, it removes the covers that hide the abysses, the miseries, the lies and the selfishness of humankind. Everything seems chaos and restlessness, but the Divine Presence comes to renew and clean the Earth.

When the Spirit of God blows inside beings, it expels from within them what does not respond to the Divine Will. Everything moves, everything seems unquiet and restlessness, but I tell you, children, that it is the Spirit of God removing from your inner worlds the impurities and miseries that were hidden even to your own eyes.

When the Spirit of God blows over the world and within the beings, do not look only at the wind and do not regret what it removes from place; let it blow, move and transform, open the doors and the windows of the house of this world and let the Spirit of God clean you inside and outside.

This is the time for the Spirit of God to come to the world, with fire, with wind, with rains of Graces and purifications. Do not look at the sludge, but the pearl which reveals itself when it is cleaned from human consciousness.

Look at the Purpose, have it always above the events of this world and you will not confuse with punishment what God sends to transform you and remove you from stagnation and from human inertia.

The Spirit of God will come with fire, with wind to clean and renew, to burn and remove from darkness, from ignorance the lukewarm who only pointed out the mistakes of others and the mistakes of the world but did not perceive their own drowsiness.

My children, all of you are living parts of the Heart of God, principles of perfection born from the most sublime Source of the Universe. But as pearls lost in the swamps of the Earth, the perfection hid within you and in these times, the purification of the planet is nothing but the coming of the Spirit of God to rescue these lost pearls of the Celestial Necklace.

For this reason, do not look at the sludge and do not be afraid of wind, fire or the rain that washes the world.

Look at the fortitude which arises from the overcoming of difficulties. Look at the humility that arises in the heart that sees its defeated pride and its illusions placed on the ground by the Grace of awakening.

Look at the faith that arises in the heart of those who trust without understanding and walk without seeing where they will go. Place your eyes in the Triumph of God which is designed in the unknown and in the unpredictable of your hearts.

The Spirit of God comes to return the sacred of your spirits, in order that in the Return of My Son, your essences can be the greatest offer of love that you can make to the Redeemer of your souls.

And defeated, surrendered and humiliated by the Divine Presence, see emerge from your chests what elevates you, makes you to be born again and resurrects your small spirits from death to life.

Let yourselves be blown, burned and washed. Let the Spirit of God that comes to the world transform your lives and let yourselves be renewed in it for a new and pure stage of evolution, of true return to the Heart of God, when, disillusioned from the joys of the world, you will know the celestial rejoicing of being united with the Father.

I bless you and renew you, under the Presence of the Spirit of God, which comes to transform you.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Enter into My Heart and you will find your home, your origin and your principle, your path and your truth.

Enter into My Heart and you will find the new, what you most seek, what your soul and spirit most need, so that in this acute cycle you experience the Plan of God.

Enter into My Heart and empty yourself of everything, up to the point of knowing who you are and all that you should lose so that I can work in you.

Enter into my heart and calm yourself. I have already seen your tears and your weeping, because I come with My Mercy to heal the impenetrable.

Enter into my heart and be silent. Seek within Me the great refuge of God, the dwelling that many do not seek because of their preferences, desires, and their external life.

Enter into my heart and satiate me. I thirst for your love and your truth, so that you finally merge in Me.

Enter into my heart and do not worry. There, a treasure is stored that was thought for you by the Father; the principle of your essence, at the moment you were created in the womb of your mother.

I come with My Mercy to erase the past, not only in your consciousnesses, but also in Spain and beyond.

Enter into my heart and commune with Me. I already know your imperfections, your trials, your miseries and your difficulties. I smile at each one of them because you think you cannot overcome them.

Enter into My Heart and surrender, because in this way I will teach you to find meaning for life, the spiritual path, the goal of your soul and your spirit.

Enter into My Heart and you will take refuge in God, because there, in My Heart, nothing else matters but that you only unite with God, the Creator, because you will be doing it for those who do not, for those who do not experience Him and also for those who do not seek Him.

Enter into My Heart and you will find the way out, the liberation from your hell, the surrender of your fetters, the elevation of your spirit and the redemption of your whole being.

Just enter into My Heart and let Me act for a moment, because that way you will not know your life from now on.

As many times as you enter My Heart, I can be in you, I will govern your consciousness, your feelings, your thoughts and all your senses. And you will perceive in each moment what is not good for Me, and united with Me, you will transform each aspect of your being, until the point of not being able, in a short time, to recognize yourself.

If you just enter My Heart, you will know your virtues; you will also know your miseries so that you can transcend them one by one.

If I achieve with certitude that many more enter into My Heart, the whole planet will not be lost. I will find instruments and servants totally surrendered to Me so that I can act through their lives and make of each stage a new path and a new opportunity that you have not experienced in this life yet.

Enter into My Heart, because there is the Door toward God.

In the Heart there is a living love, in the mind there are only empty ideas. If you enter into My Heart, I will be able to give you wisdom and fullness.

My Heart was pierced by the spear of humanity, by sin, by impunity, by false power, and My Heart poured water and blood, virtues of mercy and divinity for all souls.

When souls do not enter into My Heart, I can do nothing, only contemplate them, pray for them so that they can find the way to the temple of My Heart.

Today the flocks are scattered. Few want to know who they really are and what they came to fulfill in the name of My Father.

If you enter into My Heart, all this knowledge will be revealed and you will be free from ignorance, illusion and all that is not real. You will perceive a different life, you will find meaning in your paths and you will be able to experience the Gift of Fear of God, because you will be able to feel when you are moving away from Him and when soon you will have to return to His Divine Heart.

If you enter into My Heart and empty yourself completely, I will be able reach more hearts that are troubled, sick and that feel lost with a great lack of love and with no mercy.

Today I come to deliver, as My Holy Mother said, the last keys to the salvation of humanity, because the portals of My Divine Mercy are still open. And it will be in this Source that your sins will be dissolved, that your faults will be forgiven and that all mistakes you have made against love and unity can be liberated. And you will attain the atonement you need to take new steps in this work, which I am decreeing for the end of times.

You can enter more easily into My Heart if you are humble, if your souls resign themselves to the Will that I bring to you and that until now you never experienced.

With all of this message, today I want to tell you that once again today a cycle is over. Today the doors must be closed to the planetary difficulty, to all that is debt on the spiritual level, inside and outside the beings.

Thus today I implement a new, more demanding and more risky cycle, for the victory of My Sacred Heart in the fallen ones of humanity, in the lost stars, in the suns that have extinguished, in the spirits that have not reached the Heart of the Creator.

The souls that are here today, before My Celestial Presence, all of them are precious to me.

I want you to seek your virtues, because in truth you will need them for the times that will come. You will be very much needed and urgent for your brothers and sisters on the path and for all the beings that are around you in this life that you live today.

The virtue of strength, the virtue of faith, the virtue of unity, the virtue of wisdom, the virtue of discernment, the virtue of science and especially the virtue of love, which unites all others through My Merciful Heart.

Practice them with effort and determination, because if you enter into My Heart, you can know them one by one and they will be close to your lives in the moments when you will have to make great decisions that could change forever the course of your lives.

With these virtues, souls of My Heart, I invite you not to make hurried decisions, asking your inner world what you truly must do to be able to follow the path that My Hand is indicating in this final stretch, in this last part of the transition, in the last five years.

At the most crucial time of the world, you must remember these words and how many times I have invited you to enter into My Heart of Light. For if you do not do this now, in the next time you will regret it for yourselves, for your families and your acquaintances. Bring everyone to My Heart.

I do not want to have thorns in My Spirit anymore. The horrors of the world anguish me, the blood that falls upon the planet as well. The Sacrifice to the Kingdoms and to Creation, all this distresses My Heart.

If you enter into My Heart, despite what may happen, I will feel fulfilled to be closer to you and your brothers and sisters. Because if you are in my heart, you will realize how far you are from me, many times.

I do not come here to claim anything, I come to reestablish the covenant of your souls with My Soul, the union of your hearts with My Heart.

Do not lose the sense of what I am saying.

Enter into My Heart and you will be on the right path. You will not lose the school that I come to present to you, so that at this moment you can live it.

If many more enter into My Heart, the world should not suffer so much.

Today humanity provokes the wrath of God; from the most insignificant things to the most grave situations, such as war, refugees, the blood that flows in the world and the sacrifice of animals.

As long as the world does not change these attitudes, do penance and truly repent, peace will be lacking very much, and I will be alone in the consequences, until what I desire is fulfilled.

Times have changed very much and souls do not want to see it. Many think that everything remains the same: in society, in nations and even in religions.

When I return, as soon as My Father asks, I will have to break many structures, from human life to religions.

God is found in what is simple and not powerful.

You may have built many churches to Me, but I am in just one and it is in the hearts of My companions.

Take care of this true Church. May your feelings become more and more fraternal, your attitudes become more and more peaceful, so that I can count on you anytime, anywhere, no matter what or how much it may cost.

The Work of God, through the Sacred Hearts, is the most difficult to materialize on this surface. That is why, in this last time, we came to meet that which is in flames, which burns in the fire of friction and which is impure and unjust.

In this way, I come to deliver the last treasure I have left, the most precious for My Father: it is My Heart that suffered for you, that was pierced by you and that resurrected to demonstrate to the world the eternal life.

Repentance is born out of true honesty, of a transparency that has no limits in this material life.

I come to deliver these words to those who lovingly want to receive them, meditate on them and reflect on each decree that I have given to you today.

Now, with your meek hearts and your more open consciousnesses, on this day we celebrate Communion with My Body and with My Blood; an act of reparation, penitence and surrender to My Merciful Heart.

In these simple elements is the renewal of life, what nourishes the spirit and makes the essence of My Divinity show in you.

Today I come to renew the Church all over the Earth and all those who join it under My Heavenly Universe.

May the angels now descend and purify the elements, which will be converted into My Body and My Blood, for all beings of good will.

Find in this Sacrament what is simple, humble and pure to the eyes of the Creator.

As in Jerusalem and Emmaus, before and after I was resurrected, I met with the apostles and later with the pastors, so that they would feel and see My true Being, who was the living God in each particle of My Consciousness and in every earthy and human being that would live the Passion for you, in order to redeem humanity and liberate evil from the planet.

After two thousand years, My enemy has seized the world, but his scepter will be broken by the stroke of the sword of Saint Michael.

All that he holds in his hand, through the ages and times, will be defeated by the power of the love of the Source, when I return to the world and when I return to collect all those who belong to Me, through the centuries and ages.

Then you will see those who will resurrect from nothing. Everyone will be amazed at what they will see around them. In that hour nothing will be hidden, everything will be evident to all and there will no longer be white and dark, but when I return there will be the eternal, God.

At that time, I took the bread and thanked the Father for this sacrifice. He blessed it and I decreed to My apostles: "All take and eat of It, for this is My Body that will be delivered for you for the forgiveness of sins."

In the same way I took the cup in My Hands, I thanked God for this sacrifice, He blessed it with the light of His angels and I gave it to My apostles decreeing: "All take and drink of it, for this is My Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, the Blood that will be shed for all humanity for the remission of sins. Never forget to do this in My Memory. "

This is the Sacrament of Renewal. Happy are those called to live it. Blessed are those who receive it to experience their redemption and conversion, until My return to the world is fulfilled. Amen

So, take My Words to the heart and may the Father, through His Son and the Holy Spirit, always bless you, so that you can find in your path My Path of Light, which I show you today, inviting you to return to My Heart, and this way we can be one forever.

Spain vivifies My Mystery. May the wounded hearts of My Church be open and feel in their interior the truth that I bring to you, because what is alive is what is inside the beings and is called love of the heart. May this love emerge in those who do not have it and may many more be encouraged to attain it, healing their wounds of incomprehension.

May faith, unity and fraternity enlighten you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for being with Me and all those who have been with me through this means of communication.

Today I emit an irradiation to all my friends.

Believe that it is possible that the Kingdom of God approaches a sick humanity that needs so much love, forgiveness and reconciliation.

May your sincere hearts sing today and may they join this Work that must embrace all of humanity, all languages, all peoples and all beliefs that seek to live love and solidarity. So be it. Amen

Song: "Sincere Heart"


Children, the larger the commitment of a soul is, the larger will be the challenge of its consecration, because more souls are linked to its step and so being, its definition will result in the awakening and redemption of many beings.

The larger the commitment of a work is, the larger will be the challenges to manifest it, because the adversary of God will not silence before the echo of the Voice of the Creator.

I ask you to be firm, brave and united in heart; that you maintain your strength in Christ, in the Universe and in all the revelations you already know so that in this way you will understand that the triumph of God goes beyond this life.

Humanity lives extreme opposites of awakening and of profound ignorance, of love and of much evil, and the battle between the establishment of peace and darkness will take place on all levels of consciousness.

What should never exist in your hearts is rage, because all rage that comes from the human heart only feeds what the adversary is trying to build.

You will not be indifferent to what happens in the world and, facing the attacks of the adversary, you will increase in yourselves the power of peace, of unity and of love. You will take advantage of each test to grow and to strengthen your own faith and thus you will not allow the adversary of God to find fuel to continue lightening the fire of illusions, perditions and mistakes.

Each being will be known for their own fruits. This work will be recognized by its fruits because it will sow peace and will make it flourish and multiply in the hearts.

While the falsehood emerges from the beings and all the lies become visible to everyone, the virtues must also emerge. Unite only to the light and do not see the lies of others as a form to defend and to justify yourselves, because this battle must not be competitive on your side, not even in your mind.

To dissolve darkness and to let evil poison itself, it is necessary not to drink from this poison but rather to drink from the Fountain of Christ that in silence and on the cross wins the battle of falsehood, attacks and defamations.

Children, pacify your interior and pray for your brothers and sisters. Today the Heart of God is more wounded and Christ prays before His Father for the ignorance of those who once more allow themselves to be instruments of evil.

The Lord hopes that there is unity among His companions and this must be built by those who are more conscious of this need. Therefore, pray and ask for the Christ to enter into the hearts of all men and women, purify your miseries and make true those who say they follow His Name.

Never lose sight of the example of the Redeemer and remember not to feed evil, not even in thought.

The Sacred Family returns to teach you that only in love, silence and living the truth, that you already know, you can make the Plan of God triumph.

Follow Our example and do not fear to live and announce what we ask you for, because – in spite of all resistance from humanity in losing its power over the things of the world – there are many who need to awaken in order to fulfill their mission.

One day everyone will make use of what We taught you to take the last step, no matter if you had been against or in favor of the Work of God because the truth will emerge beyond the human will.

I love you and leave you My Blessing,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When Christ calls us to live His Path, we must respond and follow Him in whatever way because in Him we will have the inner strength to transcend and overcome all miseries.

Christ calls the sheep for them to convert themselves into His apostles and in this way to retransmit the impulses He wants to pour over all of humanity.

Christ calls the sheep to the consecration for them to vivify Him and to feel all the greater and infinite love that does not exist in the world nor in any other consciousness.

Christ calls His disciples for them to offer Him their swords and so that, surrendered before the Lord of Mercy, life can be redeemed.

When Christ calls consciousnesses for them to change their lives and experiences overnight, it is because these consciousnesses that are called receive the unique impulse of taking a great and last step for the Plan.

Christ calls to reveal the true and sacred task of each consciousness.

He calls for each soul to discover the warrior of mercy that exists in their being.

He calls His apostles for them to be at service of the Supreme Lord, the Eternal Father. Therefore, I ask My children not to refuse this call, because it would be the difference between offering life for the evolution of the planet or to spare efforts and miss the opportunity.

I pray every day for the souls that awaken for them to feel confidence and to be secure of taking the expected step.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

The terrorist humanity does not know the power of the Justice of God at this time and it launches itself into the emptiness, overthrowing all the principles of a true humanity.

Panic and fear embrace many hearts because the time of Apocalypse has already begun. Unimaginable things can already be seen in the streets of the world and fear drowns the majority, who is indifferent and does not pray.

The hearts seem to lose the meaning of their existence and fear the death generated by terrorism.

It seems that the flame of faith fades little by little and the souls that do not accept Me are unprotected and without My shelter. The time of chaos has already arrived and many prefer to deny it for not wanting to face their own reality.

The miseries seem to multiply themselves more than the roses and the valley becomes the scenery of constant outrages.

Humanity feels the awakening, but soon deviates itself losing the meaning of the true path of redemption.

All offend God to some degree and when the majority moves away from God, this jeopardizes the life of all.

This difficult and cruel time precipitates upon those who are fallen spiritually and the bombs and attacks explode before their faces.

Nobody turns to God and everybody gets lost in darkness. While this separation of hearts happens for not thinking not even for a second about God, I fight day and night together with My hosts against the plans of My adversary.

Nobody knows the power of the Justice of God; while there is time, repent and ask for forgiveness for those who offend and outrage the Heart of God.

Pray with more consciousness and determination so that the world tests that are approaching do not surprise the majority again.

My Heart feels again the pain of the world and the causes of so much human indifference. I only pray for you and for all My children to be prepared and thus be able to face the final time.

I thank you for following Me!

For peace in times of attacks,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Joyfully fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to you, the mission of living on Earth, the principles that come from the Heavens and the manifesting a New Humanity in the world.

Many wonder every day if they are doing that which they are supposed to be doing as souls and as spirits; they wonder where they should be, with whom they should be, and doing what. But few, very few are striving to truly open their hearts to attract an archetype of life that does not yet exist on the surface of the planet.

If you want to live that which God has thought of for you, then begin by making your heart available for something new. Seek within you that which must be forgiven and that which you must forgive. Seek within for the strength to overcome yourself and become meeker, humbler, more helpful and peacemaking.

Seek to break the barriers within you which separate yourself from your neighbor, and work within you all that which you judge in others. Have the mirror of your heart turned towards yourself every day, and before you become angry or criticize something you see in others, observe the mirror of your heart and see yourself reflected in that defect which you cannot bear.

Seek to understand others as you understand yourself: just as you know that you have infinite difficulties and miseries, others also have them. Just as you try to take steps and strive with a good heart, others also do so.

It is only mutual understanding that opens the heart to experience love.

If you do not succeed in controlling the reactions of your mind and your emotions, do not worry so much, but let them be short-lived, and may energies such as anger, envy, greed, or even the feeling of superiority not keep your permission to remain within you.

Child, if you love the Plan of God or at least if you want to love it, then always reflect on the fact that the Creator needs a race of Christs, and not just one, and it will not be enough that you be Christified. Remember that you do not need to be better or worse than anyone else, but that both you and the one you have by your side must reach the goal of union with God.

This is the great mystery of human existence, and for this reason, you came as a spirit to this place, to heal past mistakes in the universe.

For the Plan of God to be fulfilled, human beings must help one another. Child, remember this every day, and before setting traps along your path, by wishing that this or that person would disappear from the Earth, remember that, without them, your life has no meaning either. 

Remember that it does not matter how imperfect you or others are because there is something within each being that makes them in likeness to God and opens the portals between dimensions so that all Creation may be united with the Father.

If you want your spirit to draw closer and your soul to guide you along the path of the Will of the Creator, first open up to transformation, to the experience of love and fraternity, and then the universe itself will lead your steps and you will not have to be so concerned about yourself.

Listen carefully to My words and listen to them, again and again, because it is much easier to forget them than to be truly transformed by them since your humanity is not used to seeking the Divine, but only that which magnifies them and affirms them as matter.

The illusion of illusions is not to seek to be nothing as humanity, believing that life begins and ends in you. You do not know what it is to truly be a human being in likeness to the Father, because, for this, child, you must live unity with Him: die to yourself and be born again within the Creator.

I leave you My peace and My blessing so that you may discover the truth about yourself, forgetting that which you think you are.

Open to be nothing and there you will find Everything.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Greater misery than the material misery is the lack of compassion and of unity among human beings.

To lack the necessary is the consequence of an even greater lack, a lack that is not individual but that is human: a lack of love in the hearts.

To be poor and miserable physically, children, is not the greatest of evils. To be poor of virtues and miserable in spirit is what hinders the human being to share bread for the body. Where there is no compassion, there is no equality. Where there is indifference, there can be no fraternity and balance.

Do not be indignant about the inhuman misery in which your brothers and sisters live, if compassion and fraternity are still missing in you – and with this you collaborate in the growth of indifference and of social inequality in which you live nowadays as a civilization.

Children, may there be more action and less emotion in your lives. May you be more ready to act and not let yourselves get involved by feelings that do not make the spirit grow. If you are facing the misery of your brothers and sisters, do not only give them bread, but, besides bread, also give your own life, offering your transformation in reparation for the lack that exists in the human consciousness and that results in this misery that impregnates matter.

Love, feel your neighbor with compassion, be fraternal, overcome the indifference, overcome selfishness, surrender to fraternity and erase from your consciousnesses the fear of missing something in the future – this fear that makes you keep everything for yourselves. These codes, children, are the ones that make the difference – when deposited in the human consciousness.

Why do you complain so much about the governmental systems and become indignant with the social misery, if you do nothing for the human consciousness to be different, and even nourish the old patterns that maintain them at this point of involution?

It is time to grow and take steps in a very neutral form, understanding the point in which you are and doing an effort every day for humanity to receive new divine principles.

Do not search for virtues for yourselves – to affirm the other’s misery and to highlight yourselves -, search to be virtuous so that the whole of humanity may be so; in this way, children, you will reach true virtues.

Serve and feel in the heart the sorrow for the material and inner misery of your brothers and sisters, but do not remain there. Change, grow, fly and take with you each human heart.

The goal is not only your own sanctification: the goal is the conversion of all of humanity and the Christification of a whole race, that will be able to love their neighbor as they love themselves, and God above all things.

May peace and unity be in your hearts.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the soul faces its own darkness, its eyes can see nothing. There is no comprehensive clarity to it. The darkness of the soul leads to the darkness of the senses, of the thoughts, of the heart.

I do not tell you about the spiritual darkness that precedes the encounter with God. I talk about the darkness of these times, in which the soul enters when it is submerged in the abysses of its own consciousness. As that darkness comes from itself, there is no light that makes it see, or a Grace that withdraws it from obscurity. It is the soul itself that must turn its eyes to the heights and discover, beyond itself, the light that shelters it.

The soul transits through its own abysses many times without perceiving, but when this soul has already known and experienced the presence of light, it will cost it a lot to face darkness bravely, and also to accept that such pitch darkness comes from itself.

For the soul that enters in its own abysses after having defined its adherence to light, the time has come for taking one more step and allowing the light - which before illuminated and caused everything that was superficial and visible to shine- to now reach the dark abysses and make luminous that which the eyes do not want to see.

After bringing into light that which used to be in darkness, it will be up to each soul to love its dark aspects, just as it once loved its virtues and skills because in the same way as everything that was already positive in the soul was transformed, consolidated and ennobled in the presence of the light, so must the dark aspects receive in themselves part of this healing fluid that comes from the source of Love-Wisdom, in order to be transformed.

In order to love, you must be brave. In these times, learn to love like a maternal heart, which in spite of seeing the deepest and most unexplainable miseries in her children, never stops loving them. A mother loves, not for her child to continue being miserable; she loves because she knows that, in order for her child to be worthy and find the truth, they need to be loved, especially by her. 

When the consciousness is transforming itself, the awaken soul must act like a mother because, so that their aspects do not generate resistance and allow themselves to be shaped and corrected, they not only need serenity, but the love of their own soul above all.     

When the soul is immersed in darkness, it needs the silent and patient love of the fellowbeing, like a mother when she sees her child entangled in themselves and blind.

Feel what I tell you in your hearts and keep this in mind. If you do not comprehend what I tell you today, you will comprehend it tomorrow.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph




Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
