Dear companions and servants of Christ,

Today I want to teach you something that I learned from My Son Jesus, when He was still a child.

Jesus began to discover the essence of the Divine Plan of God for humanity at five years old and He was capable of seeing in the hearts of humanity the Perfect Thought of God to each one of them.  That was how the little Jesus would seek seeing in each being only their perfection and, even if this being resembled in nothing the Thought of God to him or her, Jesus would only see the Divine Thought.  And it was so much love that would be born in Jesus on seeing the Perfection of God in each creature, that this love, by itself, would start to expel from the hearts of humanity that which was separating them from God.

To this mystery, I want to invite you today, because, throughout the centuries, humanity only responded to the capital stimuli and very little to the divine ones, and it was in this way that in the human heart only grew the habit of always searching for the worst in the neighbor, as a way of feeling better than the others. 

For this reason, the beings do not known the Love of God for His creatures, because the consciousness that only glimpses the miseries of each being cannot understand how God loves such miserable beings, and wonders from where the redeemed humanity will emerge, if everyone around is lost in shrotcomings.

Today I tell you that inside of each soul are latent the Perfection of God and the possibility of living and manifesting that perfection.  You must learn to seek what of the most wonderful a consciousness expresses, because there are the eyes of God.

It is because of this possibility of uniting to the principles of the Creator that He aspires incessantly that from this humanity be born the new man and the new woman, capable of transforming all of His Creation.

Learn to banish from your own interior the need of observing and seeking the shortcomings of others, but, on the contrary, rejoice with the manifestation of a virtue in the neighbor and imitate them on what they express with perfection.

Find in the attribute that each being manifests the possibility of the emergence of a new race and aspire from all your heart that each one be able to grow in virtue.  Help each other so that you may mature under the spirit of fraternity and love, and erase from your own consciousness and from the human consciousness the evil of the permanent competition.

If you follow such simple examples, little by little you will learn all that Christ taught the Sacred Family and you will be able to attract the Christic Spirit to the planet.

I love you and bless you, under My Divine Humility, so that you may be fulfilled by this celestial balm and may understand and live what I tell you.

Your Father and Companion, Saint Joseph, Humble and Chaste Worker of God


Sister Lucía de Jesús: When Saint Joseph appeared today, He presented Himself in a way I had never seen before.  He was dressed with a white tunic and a brown mantle that was held on His left shoulder and fell upon the tunic.  He had in His right hand a branch of tuberose a little to one side, with three little flowers almost on top of it.  His eyes were shining like never before, with a very light honey color.  He looked younger, about 40 years old.  He had the hair just above His shoulders and was standing on a green field among the clouds.  He said that this was the image of the day when He was chosen to marry Mary in the temple and that this was the face that He wanted us to know in this time, because it would give us the impulse we need in order to start a new cycle.  That moment represented to Saint Joseph the beginning of a new and definitive cycle, when He entered into the development of the archetype of God for humanity.

Today I come to meet you with this face because it is in this way that I will talk to you from now on, bringing to the world the impulses of the first steps of the sanctity of My Chaste Heart.

With this symbol, I want to demonstrate to you that the first step to start a new cycle, a new life, guided by the Will of the Most High God, is the transparency in the heart, in the mind and in the senses.  Being that transparent, do not hide from your fellow humans what you truly are and never try to hide yourselves from God.  It is by being true and transparent, before everyone and everything, that you will be able to begin this path.

Do not be afraid of proclaiming your own faith and spiritual journey; and do not live according to the tendencies of the world just to not look different to the eyes of people.

If you do not seek to hide yourselves from God and offer Him every day your own miseries, as well as your virtues, you will know then what must be transformed and what must be strengthened, under the spirit of humility and prayer.

May the simplicity of the heart open the paths so that you can be truthful, without fear.  If you aspire to this, you will discover in yourselves a potential that has always been hidden by the layers of the fake faces that you would like to appear to the world in order to, thus, feel as a common part of this degenerated humanity.

Feel now as a part of the Project of God and open yourselves so that, little by little, you may be able to lose what you appear to be today, in order to discover what you truly are.

I bless you and impel you,

Your instructor and guide,

the Most Chaste Saint Joseph

In the end of the message, Saint Joseph transmitted the following prayer:

Prayer to begin the spiritual trajectory toward the discovery of the New Human Being, which, in truth, is the beginning of the manifestation of humanity, which has never before found a space to descend to the consciousnesses of this world. Those who pray from the heart will open new doors for their own transformation.


Inspirational Prayer of Saint Joseph
to manifest the New Humanity

Saint Joseph,
may Your humility reflect in our hearts
as a symbol of simplicity
and the recognition of the greatness of God.

May Your sacred face inspire our paths
and, through You,
may we discover the essence of the New Humanity:
expression of the perfection of God,
profound likeness with the Creator,
living manifestation of the fount of His Divine Mercy.

In Your Chaste Heart,
Saint Joseph, Servant of God,
may we learn to let ourselves be guided
by the Sovereign Will of the Creator.



Dear children,

With Africa in My Heart, I prepare all of you so that in the spirit of prayer, you may peregrinate with Me to this beloved place so that the souls that suffer the most, may receive the moral and spiritual help that they need so much.

You, My children, strengthened by the codes of light of My Immaculate Heart, are already prepared to continue to find Africa in each brother and sister, in each soul and in each place of this world.  The need of collaboration and charity is immense on all the levels of the life of the souls that suffer.

As your Mother of Consolation, today I come closer to your humanity in order to reveal to you and remind all of you about the places that need humanitarian and spiritual help.  The society of this world prefers to turn its face around in order to not find the true misery that is not just physical, but spiritual, what generates the loss of the dignity and of the love that the souls deserve.

But our Celestial Father that is in the Heavens sends His Divine Messengers so that through Them you may recognize the immediate will to respond to a need that embraces other levels of consciousness.

My Children, on this day I already show you in My Heart, the Africa in need, the one that throughout the ages was degenerated and lost the possibility of receiving the charity that the souls expected so much.

In My Immaculate Heart lives the Africa of the poor and of the indigent.  From the internal heart of My being, your Celeste Mother expects that all of Her soldiers may feed the hungry belly, heal the depleted body, wash and purified the wounds of the dying and mainly, reflect the light of the Kingdom of the Heavens, which is within you, on all those that live eternal darkness.

For this, dears, may this sacred encounter motivate you to renew your vows with selfless loving service for the humanity that is buried on its own desert of aridity and despair.

I ask you, dear children, that you may be able to see in My arms, this great Africa, the one that, because of humanity, has not been able to fulfill the designs of the Creator.

As the Mother of Peace and of Mercy, I come on this day to pour Graces on everything that seems impossible to be solved.  But know, children, that you, awakening to the selfless love for the interior Africa, will help Me so that the most basics needs may be able to be supplied by means of the servers of peace.

On this day I prepare you to embark on a new mission that all will be able to accompany closely.  With this purpose I tell you that from the first day of the mission until the return of the missionaries who will take Me as light in their hearts, you must pray the Holy Rosary, that is, the fifty beads of a mystery in an African language, offering to the Creator a supplication and an internal wish so that His Infinite Mercy may be poured over the places that were hurt by My adversary the most.

May this day of celebration and renovation have as a consequence for all, the immediate response to a planetary emergency of help for the recovery and for the spiritual resurrection of the human dignity.

Remember, children, that love is capable to transform everything, as in the Love of My Son it is found the key to revert everything.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who congregates you on the favorite Cenacle of the Heart of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the New Humanity



I speak directly to your heart, because I know it will always know how to respond to Me.

I am present in all the Blessed Sacraments of the Earth, waiting for many more to decide to know Me in the silence.

If souls truly surrendered a little more to My Heart, I could solve all the problems you experience; but the enemy always articulates its game to confuse those who are Mine; it just has to touch the open wound for the miseries that many experience to begin to show.

Child, you must know that in the Blessed Sacrament, your consciousness will expand, and you will soon know, through Adoration, how to discern My Infinite Will.

Through Adoration, you will be able to feel the path to be trodden.

You will know how to distinguish when I desire that you do some things but not others, when you must be attentive and silent.

Those who risked becoming immediately consecrated to My Heart and proposed to live the vows that daily reformulate selfless life, all of them will have double the work of controlling, in themselves, the needs and ideas that may emerge in their consciousnesses, because a completely consecrated being waits every day for the sign that comes from the Heights.

Of all of them, I will always expect a little more, to the point of their being prepared to seek Me and find Me in their inner heart. In them I pour out My Celestial Graces. By them and through them, when they truly respond to Me, I can work and make life miracles happen.

Now, let your focus concentrate on the power of Adoration; through it many tempests will dissolve, and you will find the remedy to heal spiritual ills.

I became a Living and Glorified Body so that souls, through the Eucharist, where I am always present, could physically unite with the universe and the spring of My Mercy.

In truth, today I suffer for those who are deceived and lose the strength of sanctification. I long to be able to find apostles trained for this end time. They will be sought like sheep among wolves, but My shepherding is true and will lead them on the path of redemption.

Thus, seek Me through Adoration. You will thus be confirming My Presence throughout the Earth, because in Adoration, a bridge of union is established with the Heavens, and the soul communes with Divine Principles unknown to it, but which are placed in its heart.

When you are alone, restless or weak, find Me in Adoration. My Heart is the Blessed Sacrament for the world, and all must penetrate the dimensions through contemplation. It will be the shield that will free you of all evil. It will be the star that will illuminate the next dark night.

But in truth, the majority of souls are adoring modernities and great electromagnetic discharges hypnotize the lower consciousness. Because of the influence of these involutionary means, Heaven cannot open over the dome of each spirit and a great distance is established between matter and the very divinity of each being.

I am observing how many are deceived; the prophecy of the Apocalypse is unfolding with strength and determination over the planet, but only the wise of heart will perceive these things. In them, I place the power of My Trust, but I know they will always be more tempted than those hypnotized.

Whomever concentrates their heart and their gaze on the Blessed Sacrament will not be lost, they will know how to distinguish the seeming from the real and will have spiritual tools to overcome the time of deception.

It will not be necessary to be surprised by what I tell you; this is only a small sample of the current illusion of humanity. No matter how confused the times seem, I am present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth and the soul that thirsts for Me will just come toward Me. In this way, it will not deviate from the path, will be freed from being tempted by the demons of sensuality and pleasure, which in this cycle will be creating sub-levels of malice and of conquest in good souls.

But whomever observes carefully will be able to know and will be able to feel what is correct and what is incorrect. I have the Divine Authority to dissolve all the cruelties of space. It will be enough that more hearts bow down at My Most Holy Sacrament so that, in profound honoring and Adoration, I may uproot the influences of evil and more souls, which die from such a bitter thirst, may be revived by My Water of Life.

These are no longer remote times; they are times of battle. Heaven and hell play for the reign of the Earth. The more temptation, the more the weakness; the more Adoration, the greater will be the unwavering strength of the spirit.

For the consecrated there is no salt other than Me. I am the only complement to life which will not fail you and will not cause you to suffer. For this reason, in seeking the salt of this world, many orders are weakened and buried in the arid sands of the Earth, without finding a way out.

I aspire that those who listen to Me be intelligent. I tell you these things to avoid new falls in you.

Faith will be the instrument of your Adoration and elevation to My Kingdom. You cannot image how many times I have called at the door of hearts and have only seen the results of long passions that blind and distance those who are Mine from My Eternal Heart.

God, your Father, allowed Me to give you these warnings, because you are now ready so that in the next month, seven years of abnormal and infinite Graces will have been accomplished. I say abnormal because only the Virginal Purity of My Mother made it possible to put out seeds in the deserts without water.

Now that many have blossomed through Divine Love, give of your human love so that, through My Heart, it may be purified and sublimated in the Greater Kingdom.

Pay attention; I am not asking you for the impossible; now, in this era, this would be of no use. I come to reactivate the final Message which I once gave in Rwanda. Aurora, the inner dawn, will be the bridge of redemption of all those who once were deported to Earth by God.

I come to rescue the unrescuable.

I come to give life to that which is already dead.

Woe be to those who will not repent! It will be late for them to recognize My Glorious Countenance at the moment of the Return.

While everything happens, seek the spirit of holiness. In this way, you will please Me all the time and I will be able to rest in your hearts.

In Christic Love, I always bless you.

Do not be discouraged, you will be able to do everything through My Heart of Peace.

The Glorified Christ Jesus


In the hour of the Divine Mercy My Heart descends to the Earth and illuminates it with infinite repairing Graces for all of the souls.

But that sinful and offended soul that approaches to My Source of wonders during this hour of Infinite Mercy will be able to recognize in My Consciousness the Divine Love that heals and redeems all of the lives upon the Earth.

For this, during the hour of Mercy give Me your miseries, those that My Heart knows from the beginning so that in this way, by means of My Mercy, they may be liberated and redeemed.

I Am the Light for the world and for the hearts. That one who is directed to Me will find an answer and in this way they will unite their heart with Mine, and together we will get to know in depth the celestial universe and, consequently, the Source of My Mercies.

But there must exist in you an absolute trust in My Presence and in My Redeeming Work. It must be fulfilled in those who in truth may always be merciful with their familiars.

The Source of Piety hopes to rescue you from perdition and from the spiritual deviation that the enemy propagates as idea and thought. The one who really seeks the answer about the subjects of life, I tell you that they will find it in the Unfathomable Source of My Divine Mercy.

I want that your souls make the decision to be rays of My Mercy for the entire world. For this to happen your trust in My Being will be enough and to not fear that I will remove what is old and arid in you because I will always quench your inner thirst.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Most Sacred Heart!

Merciful Christ Jesus


My friends:

To take your own cross and follow Me will be a spiritual challenge for many but those who reach it in the name of this humanity will be sanctified. 

For this, companions, My Redeeming Spirit returns to free My children from temptation, from desire and from the persecutions that the enemy projects over many consciousnesses. For this time of highest purification everything is kept under the keys of human control and ambition, but this will be released and will be visible to the eyes of those who never wanted to see the misery of the world.

As one time My Being carried and took the Cross of the world I today return to discharge the weight of the cross of My children so that in this way the souls may find the path of the Father that in this time they must wander.

My companions, I am calling you to assume the inner cross that the Father gives to you to transform your consciousness. I leave to you today the lesson of a persevering spirit, patient and compassionate that must find comfort in the path of tests and learning of the inner life.

Today I gather you around My Spirit to tell you that in love I observe your steps and delays. It is time to take a leap to live the transcendence of matter and thus reach the sublime light that you need for your constant walking towards God.

Before all these words of Mine will transform you because in My message you will find the keys and the rays that will unite you with the vast universe of the Creator. For this watch attentively to My words that will follow and thus allow that, as a Christian example, you may later say what you live in truth.

My Heart calls you to renovate your vows with Me all of the days and to learn in the peace of the heart. My Heart wants to take you as true disciples that in wrong and in right must continue on the path of the redemption of consciousness.

My dears, for this silently I am returning, to awaken in you love, reverence and gratitude for what you have received from God and from My own Redeeming Consciousness. To be able to enter in these three states of devotion I ask you for humility enough to recognize the interest that your hears offer me when, for example, comes the precious time to reunite and pray with Me.

My Paternal Heart contemplates all the realities, but know that day by day I Am your path, your truth and your life. I Am the Source that elevates you and takes you out from sin so that in unity and reconciliation you may walk towards Me. I Am here waking and getting closer to reveal to you the path to the true consecration of heart and of spirit.

Meditate on My words in group, gathered in My name and as souls in order to understand the path and the instruction that My Heart wants to show you day by day. Now I wait for your preparation to receive me in your little dwelling places.

Under the Mercy of God, let us be merciful and blessed.

Thank you for having consciousness of My words of love and for guarding them in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer. 


My dears ones,

My second coming will place into evidence all the miseries of My children, and I, in Glory, will collect each one of them, to transfigure them in My Redeeming Love. In this way My Glorified Heart will be able to approach those who, out of fear of error, have distanced themselves from My great Compassionate Love, which I have for all souls of the world.

Even the soul with the most inveterate faults is loved by Me because behind each life there is the essence of God, a vital part of the purpose of the Almighty. For this, My dear friends, trust Me, so that together with Me you may go through the inner shipwreck, the one that many children of My Heart are living.

For those who suffer the most, you must always pray.

For those who darken themselves the most by their actions, you must pray and keep vigil.

For all souls, you must be united to Me in spirit and love, so that I may be able to lead them to the life of all of My servers who will help Me take care of all flocks.

For those who are most awakened, My Heart will ask them for more, because they have confirmed with My Heart the surrender and the consecration to the Will of the Lord.

Before the Master of Love comes among the clouds, the servants of Christ must mature their consciousnesses and hearts before the great moment. For this, you have Me present in the silence, radiant in the Eucharist, open and available in confession, wakeful and guarding in prayer.

I want you to imitate Me. I want that you live Me in a truthful way so in the moments of greater test and definition, My Heart may be able to show you the way out, the path to paradise and redemption. I hear you every day, and I know, through the Love of My Father, how much you suffer and how much you have grown by having full trust in My Sacred Heart.

The Worker wants to build temples of clay, temples of humility, in simple hearts.

Under the Holy Spirit, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Christ Jesus


Dear children,

Today I call you to live in the Eternal Grace of God, of His providences and of His splendorous gifts, one of them being Peace, the Inner Peace that I, as Mother and Queen of Peace, want to awaken in your hearts.

But if your hearts have little trust in My Maternal Purpose, how will My Peace reach you?

Your hearts must become new, pure and crystalline containers so that My Son may fill you with His Merciful Graces of Redemption and Forgiveness.

When you, My little ones, reach the inner state of emptiness of self, I will be able to say that your lives are truly surrendered to the Will of God.

While the world faces its own miseries, I come here to your encounter to guide you towards Eternity.

Dear children, the only thing left in this time is to pray more, to pray much. As representatives of this humanity you will be able to intercede with Me for all the other children who must receive the Grace of Reparation and Redemption. I count on you until the last moments of your lives. My Maternal Heart, like the Most Holy Heart of Jesus, knows the origin of your little essences well.

Dear children, I tell you that it is time to act as true soldiers of prayer, consecrated to the Light of My Immaculate Heart. Day by day I try to correct your lives with harmony, as a kind Mother, so that you may find the only Celestial Door that will take you to the feet of God.

My children, today I call you to live each prayer with fervor because the Heart of My Son Jesus is listening attentively to the supplications of this world.

Trust Jesus, trust His Unfathomable Mercy!

My Immaculate Heart takes care of you so that all may be saved, in Jesus and for love of Jesus.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

The one path of salvation: Jesus. The true and strong hope in everything: Christ. The firmness before the trials and the challenges that My children may live: Jesus Christ.

He is the Primordial Sheppard for your hearts. Christ is the lodestar that is announcing itself to the world for the second time.

For this, dear children, today I invite you to pray so that the lodestar of Christ, which is His Sacred Heart, may be among you as it was once among the apostles. Now not only your lives may be consecrated to the purpose of Christ for this time on Earth, but also each of you may in trust, be a faithful friend of Jesus.

I want, My children, that you may learn to love through the example of humility that Christ expressed when He lived in the world and shared His prodigies and teachings of love with Me, His Mother. As on the Cross, until the last moment, He contemplated the misery of humanity through His Infinite and Divine Mercy.

Dear children, I want to make you learn that through the daily act of prayer and aspiration to stay always in Jesus, this will help you transcend the human limits that in many children prevent taking the steps to the Eternal God.

You are still in the last time of Grace, for this I call you so that through sincere prayer you intercede for all the children who are far from God and even more, for all those who do not want to listen to this Servant of God who comes again to the world to give you forgiveness, salvation and aid at the end of this time.

For this, dear children through daily prayer your little consciousnesses prepare themselves for the new times, where faith and love in My Son will be the keys for the great salvation.

It is time, little children, for all to run to the Fountain of the Mercy of Jesus and that your hearts place themselves under the eternal rays of reparation and of forgiveness. For this, as Mother of Graces, I illuminate your path so that you walk through the right path towards the Savior.

I count on all your prayers. I bring you all in My Maternal Heart.

Thank you for answering My call.

Peace for all My little ones.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

In spite of everything My message of Peace and of Salvation must reach the world because humanity will need the Keys of redemption for this time of deep changes in all the hearts.

Still humanity does not know the great sufferings and pains that many of My children live. Because of this today I call you to pray for the miseries that trap the heart of many of My little children, so that My Heart may free them and help them through My Original Immaculate Purity.

Dear children, to accompany the relief of these great pains, the prayers will allow you to keep your eyes open so that wisdom guides you to the place where the needs of the world are.

Today the world needs true prayer from all the devout servers of My Immaculate Heart because in this way My children, God the Father will help all the hearts in the world with His Graces of Peace and Redemption.

I only ask you to keep watch for the presence of humility because it in truth will give you the courage so that each one of My children may answer My emergent and urgent requests.

Know that I only want to see the world reborn before the merciful eyes of God so that He may pardon you and free you of all inner situations.

For this My dearest children, you have My Immaculate Heart donated, opened and surrendered for love of you.

Be sincere among your hearts and may the ray of mercy from My Son purify and free you of all faults, so that together with the Holy Spirit you may be free of yourselves and glorify the Father eternally, with the angels, the archangels and the cherubim.

Let us thank the intercession of the Divine Spirit for this time.

Glory to God in the Heights!

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


My words of Peace want to be like the Heavens in the hearts of all souls. I want you to be able to recognize the Celestial Peace so that through pure prayer, done with the heart, you may live peace on Earth.

All My children already know that we are in a cycle of changes for the world. Therefore, month by month and day by day I prepare you.

But I do not see your hearts paying attention to My daily words, words dictated by the Love of My Immaculate Heart and which come from the Heavens, a place where day by day I invite you to enter with trust and truth.

Dear children, God the Father has granted Me this Grace of being among your hearts, and My Heart has worked so that your lives would have the necessary keys for the conversion of the heart.

The world is blind, but not all My children are blind or deaf. I hear you from the Heavens when your hearts place the voice of prayer on the highest celestial state. Because of this, dear children, My Heart rejoices when I see perseverance and hope, essences of peace necessary in these times, permeated by joy.

Dear children, embrace My Heart with love, and place in It, day by day, the miseries that make the lives of many hearts suffer.

Through fasting many world circumstances will be resolved, above all the loss of souls. When your hearts enter the path of surrender and giving, wounds in the heart must be healed, and through the exercise of prayer they heal quickly.

Dear children, remain with the flame of the heart ignited and walk, walk until you arrive before the Heart of Christ, to adore It and love It. He awaits you in silence.

Thank you for responding to My call. Light for the hearts in the world.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
