In simple places and with simple hearts there I will always be, in silence and peace, attracting the Kingdom of God to the world.
With those who effort, in spite of their imperfections, and give the best of themselves in small and large things, I will always be here, because it is their effort that will open the doors to Heaven, and not the perfection of their hearts.
With those who aspire to build a new life and find the new time, I will always be there, for this is My Mission: to lead you by the hand to this encounter with the Truth. And even though My voice goes silent, even though My presence seems to hide, do not be deceived, for I will always be here, whispering the Designs of God into your hearts, inspiring you to continue upon the correct path, alerting you when you deviate, and bringing you peace when it seems that you have lost it.
I will always be here, with My hands in yours, raising the bricks to construct the new dwelling places and rebuilding that which is real and pure, when it breaks through the struggles of these times.
Pray with Me always, even if it be in the silence of your hearts, and you will discover, children, how My silence echoes more than My voice, and what I will allow you to understand within your hearts will be clearer than all the words that I have spoken.
Through this inner, profound and true contact with Me, you will consolidate the union with God and will mature as His children and as His companions.
I have told you: I am merely His Servant, a Servant of the Divine, His Messenger, His Laborer. Through a request of His, I have come to meet with you and now that you are before His Sacred Heart, the time has come for each one of you to live this encounter with Him.
I will accompany you always, with love, with joy. I will adore God for your triumphs and will plead with God in the face of your defeats. Together, children, we will arrive to the New Time, when nothing more will be hidden, when everything will be revealed; when all eyes will see, all ears will hear and all hearts will know the truth about themselves and about life.
For this, I have brought you up to this point. For this, I came to the world for such a long time. And also, for this, I will make My silence known, because everything is part of one Plan; a Will that will be understood as it is experienced.
So that you live this, I bless you, embrace you, and leave My paternal love for you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Everything that I do at this time, in any place, among you or in some way, must be considered as a miracle of Mine, because in such an acute moment as this one, in which your Lord comes to the world to find it this way, only the action and power of a great and unknown love will allow that something, however small it may seem, can be solved.
Thus, I surrender to the world again, but this time I will not be nailed to a Cross, but I will be within you when you allow me so, for you to give testimony of Me, under any situation or reason.
The time to give testimony of Me has come, and at this moment I will be able to verify where My treasures remained.
This is also the time for you to live experiences that you never wished to live, because I need these experiences in order to justify and compensate for the errors of the entire humanity.
This is the time to give your life for Me, and it is the time to know that I will be by your side to support you, just as My Mother was until the last moment of My expiration on the Cross.
I know that for many of Mine this moment will mean effort and determination. I will give you all I have so that you can undergo it for Me and make My redeeming Project triumph.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Companions of Mine,
I acknowledge, at this hour, your true effort and sacrifice out of wanting to fulfill My Divine Will, which is the Supreme Will of the Father, the Will which congregates you and allows you to accomplish the different stages of the Plan under divine protection.
Therefore, companions, today I can regard, contemplate and appreciate the inner and physical effort of My apostles, which fills My Heart with sweet hope and attracts even more the sublime action of Divine Mercy to the world, an opportunity which spiritually embraces many souls and takes them before the Presence of God, for them to be before His compassionate Love.
It is in this time, while sacrifice is experienced, that My Heart grants you the inner strength for you to overcome obstacles and barriers and thus you, companions, can make My Sacred Heart triumph within the essences of the world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Who will give you something bigger than what I can give you?
Who could be more than what I have been and what I Am?
I Am everything for you, without limits nor rules, without conditions nor clauses.
I have all the time to attend you, to listen to you and to welcome you.
I have something very special for your being and for all of your consciousness.
I have been by your side since you were born, wherever you went and wherever you decided to pilgrimage to, everything is under My Sight.
Nevertheless, I do not judge your acts, miseries or defects. I accompany, with ardor in the heart, every new step towards the redemption and the elevation of your being.
I know it is not easy for you to live on this planet with all of your miseries and, above all, to be here in this cycle.
But all effort, renunciation and surrender that you make to My Heart will always be well received, and wherever you are and wherever you go, you will be blessed by My Spirit of love and of charity.
Feel yourself on the path of transformation, of renovation and of healing.
This is the time to discover within yourself the Grace that God has given you to continue acting in your life.
Go ahead and rely on My Faith.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
And now that the most important stages of the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe have been accomplished, according to the Will of the Heights and because of the inner adherence of all those who collaborated in this manifestation, this is the moment of the pause, of stillness, and of experiencing an important spiritual synthesis in order to see, in the events of the last pilgrimage, the evident signs that the Hierarchy left so that the next steps may be accomplished.
This pilgrimage was characterized by all that it transmuted while going through different cities, cultures, and peoples; and also, it stood out by all that it, through the Hierarchy and the Angelic Universe, managed to deactivate that was negative in the consciousness of a people and a nation.
In this sense, the last Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe seemed that it was not going to be completed until the group unity and the unity of inner spirit, with the sincere collaboration of everyone, allowed the destiny of different peoples and nations to be taken toward the threshold of a new opportunity through Divine Mercy.
For this, the endless days of transmutation, of travels, of going from country to country, generated in an evident way the possibility for the Hierarchy to be able to increasingly embrace complex and grave situations that were compromising the continuity of certain nations and peoples on the surface.
And so, during this last pilgrimage, the Hierarchy used certain divine and cosmic instruments, such as the Great Mirrors or the Celestial Doors, so that great Light Consciousnesses, in absolute silence and meditation, could help in the process of liberation of nations, which took place through each song offered.
The mental, emotional and psychological effort on the part of the pilgrim group, within the goal of embracing and of learning the native language of each people, meant for the Divinity the possibility of the Message of God and of His Celestial Messengers to be able to reach the whole world by means of an ardent devotion and love for the Divine Hierarchy.
The commitment consciously assumed by praying for such different new nations and peoples also generated a greater opening so that, over time, the field of work can expand through new seeds of Light that will be sown in Europe, Africa and Russia.
In synthesis, the victory of Christic Love was great, at a planetary time in which hate, vengeance and conflict knock on the doors of millions of homes in the world.
And so the nations that are freed become potential mirror consciousnesses so that not only the peoples may receive new attributes of life, but also the world can be supported in this cycle by an unbreakable faith and by an unquenchable love that is born from each heart redeemed and touched by the Grace of God.
Infinite thanks to all the servers of Christ on Earth!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
May the universal Peace of My Son be in your hearts and may this Peace help to strengthen you in this time and in the sacrifice for Christ so that, permeated by the universal Peace of the Lord, you learn every day to endure the challenges and tests of these times.
In the universal Peace of My Son, may you find the trust of God which will renew you and fill you with all of His Gifts so that the path of apostleship may be experienced, each day more, with greater surrender and willingness in the face of the needs of humanity and the planet.
Dear children, today God, in His universal Peace, contemplates the true effort of His creatures, of all those who make themselves available and offer themselves as disciples of My Son.
As Mother, I protect and cultivate the inner peace in you so that, in spite of the adversity of these times, My dear children, you always have the enthusiasm and courage to every day better serve the Lord of Love.
Today I leave you the universal Peace of My Son so that it may inwardly be diffused toward all corners of the Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While more souls enter My Universe of Light, more events from the past are dissolved by Christic Love, and thus I triumph again in the face of darkness, and souls recover their spiritual meaning of being here in order to stop being disoriented.
Souls walk towards the inner planes to have an encounter with your Master and Lord. Even though it may not seem so, this is what happened with the souls of Croatia and is also what may happen with the souls of Hungary, strategically imprisoned in a system of human self-destruction.
But My Mercy shall reach all those who wish to receive it, and even more.
My Mercy shall fill all spaces when My arrival is announced, just as the arrival of your Heavenly Mother to Croatia was announced through the diffusion of the heart, which was to share Christic Love.
This is the last time in which souls will unexpectedly receive the impulse of awakening directly from the Source so that each one may take on their commitment with the Celestial Father and be a part of the soldiers of Christ of the end of times.
But this impulse shall happen only once and will not be repeated.
Therefore, the more the diffusion group is aware of the work it performs on the inner planes, the greater will be the effects for the Work of the Hierarchy in the whole world.
I thank you for all the efforts made; I thank you for keeping My words and impulses in your heart.
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I do not wish you to someday feel frustration, discomfort or despair because of being tired, for I reached the cross being more exhausted and destroyed than all of you; that is why, on this day, you have the opportunity of suffering for Me.
I know that for your inner nuclei, it is sometimes too demanding, but it is time for you to see that you lack nothing, absolutely nothing, and that My Father Himself, through your Heavenly Mother, takes care of even those details.
Remember all those brothers and sisters of yours who have nothing, who receive nothing and who are in worse conditions of spiritual and material life.
I have called each one of you so that you give Me something from within you, and many have not yet given it to Me.
I do not seek your material or intellectual development. What I always seek is that your hearts, fully offered for humanity, also be with Me at this time in which perhaps your cells want or aspire to do other things.
I promised you My Kingdom through sacrifices bearable to you. Now is the time to offer yourselves completely into the Hands of your Redeemer so that miracles and greater interventions may take place.
I promised to tell you the truth; I recognize the other efforts, but today I need you to individually place yourselves before Me and ask Me: "Lord, what more should I do?".
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and you will know that it has no limits. You will know the cross was not the first nor the last offering of your Lord and Creator Who, throughout all existence, surrenders to His creatures.
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and for this Creation and you will experience for yourself the essence of surrender and of love for evolution. You will know every effort is little for all beings to have the Grace of becoming closer to God.
In His agony, Christ united His human heart to the Love of God, and even though fear and anguish sprung from His bones, gushing as blood through His skin, nothing was enough to cause the potency of the Love of God in His Heart to fade away.
His thought remained upon compassion, His gaze remained upon Mercy. After having taught humankind about the Laws and also having revealed His Justice to them, during His moment of great surrender, Christ did not emanate anything other than Forgiveness, Redemption, Love and Mercy.
That is what you must experience in these times. That is what will make you Christs of the New Time, apostles and latter day saints.
Let the world know everything that you have received. Teach your neighbor, by means of examples, about the Laws and sciences you have learned and, in the time of great trial of this planet, do not emanate judgments, but forgiveness; do not emanate indignation, but compassion; emanate mercy and do not fear. Renew yourselves and multiply the Love of God in your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
God recognizes the true effort of His children, and by means of these efforts He grants the peace and reparation of all the faults that His own children might have committed.
In this effort is found the impulse of transformation and of change.
In this effort is found transcendence and the spirit of ascension.
Fix your gaze on the occult sense of the effort and from it you will retrieve the spiritual fruits for your transformation.
But something essential exists that moves the realization of this effort, and that is called love.
If the effort did not have love, it would be an empty effort, it would only be a material and not a spiritual effort.
Allow then, for your memory to register the importance of doing everything for love, for compassion and for Mercy. Thus, you will save time and space. Your energy will not be empty because the effort will always be full of determination and momentum for serving Me, in every moment.
Think about what I say and you will give Me the reason.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
For Me, it is not important that you make mistakes many times, what is truly important is that you try, again and again, to come out from the point where you once were, although many times you do not know how to begin to change.
Attitude and inner effort alone are worth much more than hundreds of words. Therefore, persevere with faith. With faith, cry out and never lower your arms.
Your Lord God deeply knows your being and He, who is infinite in Pity and Mercy, will help you.
Allow, then, that inner change begin to take place within you, no matter the results or delays. Just place in your heart the aspiration that someday you can live My Divine Attributes.
Keep yourself firm in prayer and strong in faith. Thus, day by day, you will conquer new results; because in truth everything starts in the small, in what is invisible, simple and truthful.
Everyday, give yourself more and more to God because, in this way, your consciousness will be within the revelations of His Mystery.
In the end, everything ends in love, because it will be love that one day will manage to free you and lead you to the goal.
Trust in Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
While in the world the nations seek blind ways to establish human power and design wars and chaos to submit the souls to suffering and dispair, you, child, must put your heart more and more inside the Heart of God.
In prayer, recognize the Power of God, which is beyond any human power.
Remember that your life must be the bridge to a new life on Earth and that your heart must be the beginning of the new humanity within this life.
May the vices and temptations of this time not stimulate you to forget The principal motive of your existence. Everything on this Earth will pass; only the learning of love that you have lived in your heart will remain.
Your effort and your endeavor are what will count in the book of Divine Justice as merit to balance the life on Earth so that those who do not deserve will receive an opportunity.
Assume the place that corresponds to you within this end of the cycle. God is calling you to be the precursor of the new and not to be feeding the old man, his vices and vanities.
Find the Power of God in the renunciation, in silence and in prayer. Find your freedom in what unites you with the Father so that, no matter what happens in this world, your spirit, soul, mind and heart are always a stronghold that helps others not to lose hope and to know that in the most difficult moment of life on Earth is when Heaven will open and, walking through the clouds, will descend the Son of God, bringing with Him His Kingdom to establish it within this world.
Trust that, although it is all so unknown, parts of the age-old prophecies that are still waiting to be fulfilled, will be fulfilled.
Pray and grow in love so will your heart be ready.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
All effort done for God's Plan, that is true, is much more recognized than hundreds of sins because behind the true effort is the love of the human heart.
This effort which is offered for an unknown cause is considered as part of a profound change of consciousness and part of a profound change of humanity.
This is how the Celestial Father gladdens His infinite Heart because His children who make an effort show, each day more, by means of love and dedication in life, that everything can be overcome and redeemed.
This is the time in which the sincere efforts of the hearts is considered and appreciated by the Higher Spheres, because even though it is a material effort, it also holds the internal effort which leads to the profound change of being and of all its most immature aspects.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of the good students, of those who make an effort every day to pass through the tests, and afterwards are trained in love and truth.
I am the Mother of the good students, of those who dedicate their time to learn to understand life so that some day they may be good people and souls at the service of God.
I am the Mother of the good students, of those who with care and dedication offer their consciousness to learn to develop and to place it humbly at the service of God.
I am the Mother of the good students, I am the Mother of those who, in spite of going through the learning of a school, dedicate their life to the service of others.
I am the Mother of the good students, I am the Mother who follows those who one day will be mature consciousnesses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Within the Superior Universes, the so-called Source of the Creation acts, universally, regenerating the principles and the spaces of manifestation that form part of the spiritual development of the constellations and the planets.
In this current time, the struggle and the effort to be connected with the High will demand dedication, striving and dynamism so that the currents contrary to the Light, which circulate around the planetary life, do not affect nor deliberately deviate the servers.
If some form of deviation or personal abandonment of the purpose takes place in this time, it is a consequence of the lack of inner and spiritual connection with the Source.
On the other hand, the cycle of self-purification is leading the human consciousnesses on the surface of the Earth to face itself and know that which was before unknown and hidden to it.
We refer to having consciousness and clarity concerning who each being of the surface truly is on a spiritual, mental, soul and material level.
Knowledge of the spiritual, mental and material aspects of the human being is something that used to be overlooked, because it acted in an unconscious way.
Now, due to the universal crossing of time and space, these aspects, which beforehand acted alone and with great occult power over the consciousnesses, are coming into evidence so that the human being may face them, purify them and liberate themselves from this constant oppression.
What happens nowadays is that the majority of humanity does not know, nor have the consciousness about how to solve a situation that, during long periods of time, has been compromising the possibility of their awakening and their surrender.
So, however much a minority is aligned with the Divine Purpose and has the inner tools it needs to carry forward the manifestation of the Plan, this part, which is the more conscious minority, does not know how to proceed nor act to solve its intensive process of purification.
For this reason, the Supreme Source of the Creation has, at its disposal, great re-transmitters of attributes and codes of light, the so-called "Mirrors".
The Mirrors are the support and fundamental bridge of union for the current planetary transition because the most sublime Mirrors of the Creation will be the indispensable support for the evolution of love within the terrestrial consciousness; just as they will be the pillars that will sustain the bridge that humanity itself must build through prayer, liturgy, Sacraments and service for the neediest.
Without these attributes widely applied in daily life, the human being will not be able to sustain itself.
Up to now, the Kingdoms of Nature, just as the vast oceans and seas, were the spiritual and internal consciousnesses that sustained the human being of the surface.
However, this cycle has changed, as the degradation, the mistreat and the lack of care for Nature have generated debts that are unpayable by the human race. And this has consequences, again and again, on the planet, reflecting on the changing climatic phenomena, the accelerated melting of the poles, the terrestrial and aerial contaminations and the collapse of all the environments generated by noise and visual contamination.
All of this planetary context drowns the Earth, as consciousness, the Lesser Kingdoms and all of humanity.
The moment has come for each being of the surface to counteract this evil caused to the planet and the Creation.
The moment has come for each soul to assume its own purification and transition, and to not feed on nor depend on anything or anyone.
The instruments to know how to create the spiritual condition have been taught; now it will only depend on the entire human race to be able to reverse and transmute what has been generated.
The Mirrors will be, in these times, the primary spiritual support of alignment and of balance.
The Mirrors will be able to unite with the mirror of the heart of each being so that, little by little, and with determination and consciousness, they may change the vibrations of the planet and the human race.
Within the Mirrors, you will find greater support for the end of times and the key that will open the right door for you to reach the Celestial Brotherhood.
It is time to work consciously.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
It gladdens Me to know, from the depths of My Heart, that I will be with you again in this month of March so that, from Mother to children, we may share the Graces of God again.
It gladdens Me to know that you will gather, once again today, to pray and cry out for peace, Mercy and Justice for the world.
It gladdens Me to know and see the efforts that you made everyday, and especially during these last months, for your humanity and for the planet through the Prayer for Peace in the Nations.
It gladdens Me to know that there are decided souls, willing and adhered to the Celestial Hierarchy in order to be able to carry forward the manifestation of the Divine Plan on Earth.
For this reason, dear children, today I give you thanks from the depth of My Heart and My Face does not cry for an indifferent world today, but it cries with joy for the reception and the response of My children to the call of the Mother of God.
I impel you to continue building the Plan for these coming months, because greater and more determining challenges and commitments will come to all, so that you may keep maturing in faith, in prayer and in the inner communion with the Sacred Heart of the Heavenly Father.
Know, My dear children, that I am with you in the joys as in the difficulties, in the triumphs as in the defeats.
May the Love of God always reign in you, may the Love of the Eternal Father impel you to live the challenges and to transcend the crucial tests of these times.
I am with those who pray, with every heart and soul that opens day by day to discover the mystery of praying with the heart.
Let us keep walking firmly towards the goal because the planet and all of humanity need beings of love, souls that live love and spread it in order to be able to dissolve the pain and the suffering generated by the chaos and the wars in the nations.
But remember, My children, that at the end of everything, My Immaculate and Maternal Heart will triumph.
I thank you for responding and for living My call!
Who blesses you under the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Be guardians of peace in the world and pray for those who proclaim peace.
Pray for those who struggle for a planet of fraternity and hope because, without knowing, they are opening the path for a New Life and a New Time.
Pray for those who sincerely love life, the Kingdoms of Nature and the human beings and who, day and night, search for ways to expand respect and love for the world.
Pray for those who do not pray and silence those who do not respect their fellow being and who, with their word, create a lack of union and of love.
Offer spiritual repair for this world. Believe that through your prayers new laws will be attracted from the Universe to transform material life, which is out of alignment and imbalanced.
Pray for the protection of your brothers and sisters who, in the four corners of the world, take forward planetary tasks with the faith that Love will be established on Earth.
Trust that all effort is valid and even the smallest one can transform the destiny of this humanity and of this planet.
That your prayers be each time more sincere and embrace this world.
Children, pray for peace and be the peace of this planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I know that sometimes you get tired and fall asleep before Me, but do not worry, My Apostles also fell asleep during the culminating night of My Agony.
Now your tiredness is understandable, it can come from sustaining the fulfillment of the Plan for a long time, of living the permanent purification, of struggling and fighting against My enemy; facts, that the majority of humanity does not know and ignore, because it is spiritually asleep.
I come to encourage you, so that, regardless of how you are, you continue working for Me for love, so that the Purpose and all the Wills that My Father desires to concretize in humanity, are fulfilled.
This is the time of great changes, of challenges, of deserts and tests.
Follow My Path despite all the fatigue. I assure you that the victory Of My Kingdom is within you.
In My Arms you will rest and restore your consciousness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
While on one hand, the greater part of humanity is submerged in suffering and pain, on the other hand, there are souls that clamor to the Heavens, and this request, which comes from the heart, is what allows the maintenance of the spiritual and mental balance of humanity.
Although there are painful events, the requests of the praying souls allow the attraction of the divine, angelic and cosmic intervention towards Earth and, in that way, souls are benefitted.
I come today to thank the wonderful work that each praying soul, each group of prayer and each country is offering to My Heart through the Prayer for Peace in the Nations.
In recent times, the hearts that sustain this work of prayer have managed to establish in themselves a spiritual affiliation with Me; this also allows the defeat of many evil plans and also strengthens souls in the fulfillment of the Purpose of God.
For this reason, My children, I send and pour out My blessings upon each child of Mine who each day strives to relieve My heart of all that it sees in the world, as well as strives to open the door so that I can intercede for all.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today My humble Son, Jesus, surrendered his place of being in My Arms so that I could have in my arms the most suffering souls of Venezuela.
In My Heart I bring, to everyone, the spirit of temperance and faith, attributes that for these difficult times will help you acquire the necessary state of consciousness which will place you, day and night, to live great tasks.
My children, today I can also feel the alliance of love on the part of all those who offered and endeavored to respond to My call for peace in My beloved Venezuela.
Like rain, My Grace descends on the people of Venezuela who urgently need to reconnect with God in order to get out of chaos, conflict and social war.
The Lady of Coromoto places, under her mantle, all of those who need support and protection against the forces of chaos, which are losing space and action again due to the internal union amongst the praying hearts of different nations of the world.
I invite you, My children, to double your efforts, there is still time to be able to avoid suffering and chaos in the nations of South America.
May your prayer be that column of light that unites you to God.
May your prayer be the way to speak lovingly with God so that the Celestial Father may respond immediately.
In the end, everything will pass, and the souls must only remain with the memory of love in their hearts, they must have within their memory the moments of joy that they lived during the times of great oppression.
Your Mother and Lady of Coromoto extends Her Mantle from the Sacred Savannah, sheltering under It the sacred tepuis all the way up until the Caribbean Sea.
Everything, absolutely everything, will be transfigured, and if that unity and internal strength of the prayerful people continues to be offered for Venezuela, many more unjust situations will be avoided and entire families of Venezuela, who had become spiritually destroyed, will recover the meaning and the joy of having come to the Earth.
Apply, My children, the gift of forgiveness so that the sentiment of wrath is transmuted. May forgiveness, beyond the events, lead you to the Love of God because in the Love of God you will achieve the peace so awaited for by all.
My children, I am with you at every stage and every moment. Remain united to My Heart.
I love you, and I give you My Maternal Consolation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Coromoto
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more