
Make of humiliations an opportunity for your consciousness to understand what really is meaningful and valuable in life.

You are not on Earth to be honored, elevated or glorified by the eyes of humankind; but rather you are on Earth to experience a love that transcends understanding and the senses, that transcends logic and limitations, that transcend all love reached within the world and beyond it.

For this reason, when you are humiliated, let any need for recognition for glory, for a human response for your efforts, for your love, be broken down within you. Allow your heart to be placed in what is real, in what is eternal, in the Love of God, which is not based on human merits, and remain there, in the experience of humility that each situation in life leads you to experience.

Through your example, let the world come to know the Love of God. Follow in the footsteps of your Lord, Who, as a response to the scourging and the Cross, poured out Blood and Water, forgiveness, redemption and Mercy, for all beings, without distinctions. That is your eternal example; do not want another.

Do not seek to be elevated like the saints in the eyes of humankind, because what brings about sanctity in beings is not the opinion of humankind, but rather the sacrifice, the love and the unity with God, many times experienced in anonymity, in the ignorance of the world.

Thus, take your cross, embrace that cross with love; pray and ask for the Grace of knowing how to be in the likeness of your Lord, each day. And when you are humiliated, do not look to the thrones of the world, attained by human glory. Look to the Throne of Heaven, upon which is seated He, Who was abused, misunderstood, humiliated, scourged and died on the Cross, but He rose, not because of what He received from beings, but from the unfathomable Love that emerged from His own Heart.

Christ returned to the Father, not because of what He received from the world, but because of what He knew how to give, for He gave everything, all of Himself, for love. This is your Way, your Truth and your Life.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


XXIII - Surrender: the Key to a New Stage

An awake and serving soul, that sought to fulfill its mission and express the Will of God through many ways, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, in spite of praying, seeking an evolutionary life, always making my heart available to You, aspiring to permanently serve, I still feel that I am not able to completely manifest my mission. Tell me then, how do I do this."

And the Lord responded:  "Up until now, little soul, each of your efforts have been valuable, each transformation experienced has been like a gift at the foot of My Altar, but at this stage of your evolution, you must begin to understand and live the deepest meaning of surrender, of the giving of self and evolutionary life.

The moment has come to place within My Hands that which you most appreciate: your self-love, your way of seeing evolution, everything that you believe you know, everything that you consider good and that makes you a good soul before others. The time has come for you to place within My Hands not only your miseries but also your virtues, your need to show everyone how you live them, and even if you think you are setting an example for your neighbor, this is no longer what I need of you. Your greatest example will be hidden, but will resound throughout the planetary consciousness, throughout Creation.

Give Me your way of living and of expressing yourself, your way of serving and loving, your way of praying and knowing the universe, because I aspire to make all things new within you so that you may achieve a higher knowledge about existence, and so that you may experience a higher degree of love. You must leave behind all that you have lived up until now, giving thanks for and revering everything that has learned; surrendering it at My Feet, like a ladder that allowed you to reach Me but that you must now leave behind as to climb a different stairway, which leads to a deeper union with Me.

This begins, beloved soul, by being aware of the need of becoming new and leaving the past behind. When I then feel that your heart is ready and divested of all that you previously lived, I will show you a new path, I will have you come to know new sciences, I will reveal a higher Love to you, the fruit of your surrender and renunciations, the fruit of your emptiness."

May this dialogue, children, teach you how to perceive that this is the moment to be renewed in God, to give thanksl for what you have learned and to surrender so that a new stage may emerge for you and for all humanity.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To overcome mistakes and to persist, children, is a way to grow humanly and spiritually. 

Many times your personalities and even the resistances of your soul lead you to fall into deep dark abysses, from where you can only come out through humility, obedience and when you embrace and welcome the desert. 

When a consciousness makes a big mistake along the spiritual path it tends to want to give up everything, because it is easier to succumb, once and for all, into the abyss rather than to rise up with effort and courage, with humiliations and obedience, going against everything that once magnified it. 

But when this consciousness repents and embraces the path of return to the Heart of God, however painful it may seem to be, and when it places its feet upon the footsteps of humility, surrender and obedience, it is then, children, that this consciousness will truly know the Love, the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God.

It is then that you will grow as a spiritual person and forge within yourselves a fortress that is not human but divine. 

It is then that you will learn that it is better to fall and rise a thousand times than to succumb to the abysses of the world, because these abysses only bring suffering and sorrow, anguish and pain, whereas rising from them brings a growth forged by fire, which imprints upon the soul the unity with God. And though beings are always tested along their paths, this soul will already know what to do when it falls and, at every fall, it will grow more, humanly and spiritually.

Learn from your mistakes. Do not yield before human weaknesses but affirm yourselves in humility and obedience and thus, you will continue in ascension to the Heart of God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Sometimes it seems like you walk and walk, and your spirit turns away from God.

Sometimes you feel that you strive and break, and your heart retrocedes in love.

Today, child, I come to tell you that the human condition is very deep, with many layers to be transcended, ever deeper within your being. It is a long path, made up of many stages that your heart must mature, but your heart also must allow itself to be inflamed by the Love of God.

Each offer you make, each surrender you make, opens a new space within you to be healed, liberated, transcended. These are the chambers of your inner castle, which safeguard your essence and its mysteries.

Live each stage of your surrender, deepening into your union with God. Let your soul be a friend, sister, companion, wife of Christ, until one day it blends with the Lord and there are no longer limitations of His Love within you.

Walk, even if it seems that you will never get there.

Know that this is a profound inward walk toward infinity, and do not stop your steps.

Fix your gaze upon He Who calls you. And let all the obstacles, resistances, all the pain of the torn away layers, all the sorrows of the knocked down walls be sustained in the Heart that is before you upon the horizon of your surrender, your beginning and your end. In this way, you will grow in spirit, but also in love.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Starting now, child, prepare your heart, not only to re-live the Passion of your Lord, but also to receive from Him the last and most important impulses, which will prepare your consciousness and your spirit for the time that will come.

In the same way that, in Jesus, God built the strength that allowed Him to carry the Cross of the redemption of the world, now He sends His Son to strengthen and to shape the spirits that committed to Him in the renewal of His Love and in the revelation of the deepest mysteries of His Universal Gospel.

For this reason, be aware of where you are and for what you were called for, and allow your soul to deepen into the mystery of your existence through prayer and gratitude, through the daily effort to be ready, to be before Christ.

May this Lent have for you a new and definitive meaning of truly having your heart ready, as the Heart of Christ, to bear the weight of the cross of these times and to renew His Love.

Experience the cycles with attention and with humility, simple, but vigilant of heart. Everything in your life has a spiritual meaning; human evolution is a great and constant ceremony of opening paths toward God. Participate in this ceremony with your heart.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When you call upon Me, I come to meet you, with My Chaste Heart safeguarding each small and great effort you make to fulfill the Purpose of God.

With love, I contemplate that which you were able to achieve and, with pity, I contemplate your deepest weaknesses, your most ingrained miseries.

With a gaze of Grace and Mercy, I contemplate each one of you because whenever you stand before God and open the way for His Messengers, the Creator Himself pours out upon you the celestial purpose that He has for your lives, since the beginning.

Your Celestial Father rests in the hearts that strive, and even though you are still ignorant of the truth and many times are lost in the illusions of this world, it is your efforts, children, the constant effort that brings you close to God, that causes you to restore His Holy and Eternal Heart.

Your Celestial Father has a time for everything and, with love, waits for each one of your steps. What matters most is that you are always walking, and that you always have your feet and your heart pointed in the right direction, which is the surrender to God and the effort to love and serve better, each day.

With this small but yet deep movement of going toward God and your fellow beings, every day, God Himself, children, will also come to you. And even though it may be silent and invisible, the meeting will take place.

My Chaste Heart rejoices today, not only because of all the material tasks and the physical efforts that you made this morning. I rejoice to see striving spirits, your hearts bowed down trying to overcome yourselves, in spite of your limitations.

I do not say these things to exalt you, but rather to encourage you. This is the path, the path of love and surrender, of self-giving and of sharing life and bread with your brothers and sisters.

And let your aspirations not turn toward anything but the manifestation of Divine Will, even though, children, for this you are diminished and others grow.

Be foundations when it is necessary to reach a heart that is in need of support.

Be hands that uplift, inspire, that give of themselves and take the risk of supporting all those who are trying to walk.

Let each one make their effort without forgetting others. Walk looking forward, but knowing that you are always opening the way for others and not just for yourselves.   

Today, children, I leave you My blessing, My grace and My peace.

I know that many of you are going through deserts and challenges. Thus, may My love and My presence be water and renewal in your lives.

Pray with Me, for I am your intercessor before God.

I do not come to the world for anything but to serve. I could be perfectly united with the Creator, but I am here to take you by the hand, because this is Divine Will. And so count on Me, on My love and on My intercession.

I bless you and I thank you for not stopping your steps.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In simple places and with simple hearts there I will always be, in silence and peace, attracting the Kingdom of God to the world. 

With those who effort, in spite of their imperfections, and give the best of themselves in small and large things, I will always be here, because it is their effort that will open the doors to Heaven, and not the perfection of their hearts.

With those who aspire to build a new life and find the new time, I will always be there, for this is My Mission: to lead you by the hand to this encounter with the Truth. And even though My voice goes silent, even though My presence seems to hide, do not be deceived, for I will always be here, whispering the Designs of God into your hearts, inspiring you to continue upon the correct path, alerting you when you deviate, and bringing you peace when it seems that you have lost it.

I will always be here, with My hands in yours, raising the bricks to construct the new dwelling places and rebuilding that which is real and pure, when it breaks through the struggles of these times.

Pray with Me always, even if it be in the silence of your hearts, and you will discover, children, how My silence echoes more than My voice, and what I will allow you to understand within your hearts will be clearer than all the words that I have spoken.

Through this inner, profound and true contact with Me, you will consolidate the union with God and will mature as His children and as His companions.

I have told you: I am merely His Servant, a Servant of the Divine, His Messenger, His Laborer. Through a request of His, I have come to meet with you and now that you are before His Sacred Heart, the time has come for each one of you to live this encounter with Him.

I will accompany you always, with love, with joy. I will adore God for your triumphs and will plead with God in the face of your defeats. Together, children, we will arrive to the New Time, when nothing more will be hidden, when everything will be revealed; when all eyes will see, all ears will hear and all hearts will know the truth about themselves and about life.

For this, I have brought you up to this point. For this, I came to the world for such a long time. And also, for this, I will make My silence known, because everything is part of one Plan; a Will that will be understood as it is experienced.

So that you live this, I bless you, embrace you, and leave My paternal love for you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Unite to the Love of God for this planet and you will know that it has no limits. You will know the cross was not the first nor the last offering of your Lord and Creator Who, throughout all existence, surrenders to His creatures.

Unite to the Love of God for this planet and for this Creation and you will experience for yourself the essence of surrender and of love for evolution. You will know every effort is little for all beings to have the Grace of becoming closer to God.

In His agony, Christ united His human heart to the Love of God, and even though fear and anguish sprung from His bones, gushing as blood through His skin, nothing was enough to cause the potency of the Love of God in His Heart to fade away.

His thought remained upon compassion, His gaze remained upon Mercy. After having taught humankind about the Laws and also having revealed His Justice to them, during His moment of great surrender, Christ did not emanate anything other than Forgiveness, Redemption, Love and Mercy.

That is what you must experience in these times. That is what will make you Christs of the New Time, apostles and latter day saints.

Let the world know everything that you have received. Teach your neighbor, by means of examples, about the Laws and sciences you have learned and, in the time of great trial of this planet, do not emanate judgments, but forgiveness; do not emanate indignation, but compassion; emanate mercy and do not fear. Renew yourselves and multiply the Love of God in your hearts.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While in the world the nations seek blind ways to establish human power and design wars and chaos to submit the souls to suffering and dispair, you, child, must put your heart more and more inside the Heart of God.

In prayer, recognize the Power of God, which is beyond any human power.

Remember that your life must be the bridge to a new life on Earth and that your heart must be the beginning of the new humanity within this life.

May the vices and temptations of this time not stimulate you to forget The principal motive of your existence. Everything on this Earth will pass; only the learning of love that you have lived in your heart will remain. 

Your effort and your endeavor are what will count in the book of Divine Justice as merit to balance the life on Earth so that those who do not deserve will receive an opportunity.

Assume the place that corresponds to you within this end of the cycle. God is calling you to be the precursor of the new and not to be feeding the old man, his vices and vanities. 

Find the Power of God in the renunciation, in silence and in prayer. Find your freedom in what unites you with the Father so that, no matter what happens in this world, your spirit, soul, mind and heart are always a stronghold that helps others not to lose hope and to know that in the most difficult moment of life on Earth is when Heaven will open and, walking through the clouds, will descend the Son of God, bringing with Him His Kingdom to establish it within this world.

Trust that, although it is all so unknown, parts of the age-old prophecies that are still waiting to be fulfilled, will be fulfilled. 

Pray and grow in love so will your heart be ready.

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Be guardians of peace in the world and pray for those who proclaim peace.

Pray for those who struggle for a planet of fraternity and hope because, without knowing, they are opening the path for a New Life and a New Time.

Pray for those who sincerely love life, the Kingdoms of Nature and the human beings and who, day and night, search for ways to expand respect and love for the world.

Pray for those who do not pray and silence those who do not respect their fellow being and who, with their word, create a lack of union and of love.

Offer spiritual repair for this world. Believe that through your prayers new laws will be attracted from the Universe to transform material life, which is out of alignment and imbalanced.

Pray for the protection of your brothers and sisters who, in the four corners of the world, take forward planetary tasks with the faith that Love will be established on Earth.

Trust that all effort is valid and even the smallest one can transform the destiny of this humanity and of this planet.

That your prayers be each time more sincere and embrace this world.

Children, pray for peace and be the peace of this planet.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To follow the Plans of God, remain in prayer, and allow your spirit to constantly drink from the Fountain of Peace of the Universe.

Live each moment like it is unique, allowing your heart to be renewed in faith and in union with God.

Each day that goes by, the spiritual trial that the planet will experience is drawing closer, and each step taken by beings on the evolutive path or against evolution is what defines the destiny of the planet and the seriousness of the trials that it will go through.

For this reason, child, each time you perceive that the world is destabilizing and nations are spiritually lost, make the correct effort in order to deepen your spiritual life and always remain in prayer.

Throughout the whole way with the cross of these times, there will be tests to overcome, temptations to conquer, doubts to dispel. And every time hearts are confirmed in their faith and love for their fellow beings and God, they will transmute some part of human sin and damnation, and they will generate merits so that this planet may remain in peace.

The response of the hearts at each new day is indispensable. The renewal within beings is what renews the Love in the Heart of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the Celestial Universe, in the most intimate of Divine Thought, there is a sublime archetype of higher life, where creatures live love and respect, in spite of differences, and they walk towards the goal of unity with God, having as their greatest aspiration that their fellow being may come to unite with God.

In this higher life, peace dwells in the hearts of humanity, for there is no need for competition, vanity or arrogance among them. There is no need for control, power or malice among them. The peace that comes from the aspiration that all achieve love is born in the Heart of the Father and is manifested in the hearts of beings.

The Father has this archetype of life held within Himself and, every now and then, He puts it in His Hands and offers it to humanity, because this is the Will of God for humanity.

The Lord does not offer His purpose to evolved beings, those wise in love and grace; He offers it to those who have erred the most, who have sinned the most and who have distanced themselves from His Heart the most. Beings who, gathered together on the Earth, every day receive an opportunity to be redeemed and to live this perfect archetype that God has for them.

For this reason, children, today I come to show you this divine aspiration so that you may love it and unite to it, also aspiring, deeply, to express the Will and Love of God.

Place this goal before your hearts and every day ask the Father for the grace of being able to live and express this divine archetype for humanity. Ask God to awaken within you this unique and perfect potential to love, which dwells in your hearts and makes you in His likeness. And believe that, through a daily effort to love, it is possible to transcend the current human condition and to embrace the divine archetype of life on Earth.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When God thinks about human beings, He remembers His beloved children, fruits of His most pure aspiration to grow in love and to renew all Life into a greater Love.

When God thinks about human beings, He contemplates all the movements that have happened in the Universe, as on Earth, in order for His creatures to have an opportunity to love, and how these events made all Life, beyond what you know, transform and leave the point in which it was.

When God thinks about humanity, He remembers the Sacrifice of His Son, Who expressed with plenitude what it means to be a human being, and this fills His Heart with a divine hope that renews Him; waiting for His triumph in the heart of humankind.

When God thinks about humanity, He contemplates the true effort of His children and searches all the merits reached by them, so that by means of the acting of the Universal Laws, the human beings receive His Grace and His Mercy, infinitely.

When God thinks about humanity, He thinks about what the human beings really are. The Eyes of God contemplate the world and see what it is, and not what it seems to be.

The Eyes of God contemplate the world and with compassion He aspires that humankind may one day see through His Eyes, and may live the Revelation of what Life really is.

In your prayers, place your eyes inside the Eyes of God, to find inside of you the Truth; to look at your brothers and sisters and see what they really are; to wake up every day and know that the life on Earth is a Grace conceded by the Universe, for it to be part of the Renovation of God. And for this, children, it is enough to love, it is enough to renovate and to overcome yourselves in love, every day. 

Place your eyes on the Gaze of God, if only a little, and cry out for the grace of knowing how to see with eyes full of Truth. Because in these times of illusions and  obscurity, in order not to get lost on the path, children, you should not only be with your hearts in God, but with your eyes in His Gaze and consciousness inside of His Truth.

You have My blessing you for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When God calls you to serve, listen to His Voice and follow it.

Every day, the need for service in this world will increase, and as time goes by and your hearts open, you will be more apt and prepared to serve because, in truth, you will be ready to love and give from yourselves those things that are the true treasure of the human heart, that you so often do not know.

You will not be known in this world for your service, but for the love that is in it; love that arises from the Heart of God and flows, indistinctly, into the heart of all those who open themselves to respond with sincerity to His call.

Through this Work, God wants to teach you and to teach all humanity that when one responds to a divine call, there is no merit on a single soul, there is no Grace on a single being, but upon all those who open themselves to stop being what they are and become instruments of God.

A mission requested by the Divine Messengers is the announcement of the Love of God to humanity; Love that flows through the human heart and permeates entire nations in its silence; embraces souls and hearts with Its Grace, even if all of this is invisible to the human eyes.

A mission asked by the Divine Messengers is a sign of God that His Mercy is still acting in the world, both in the heart that is called to serve and that receives the Grace to redeem itself through service, and for those who are served and seemed to be forgotten by God and by the world, but are not.

Your Father and Creator would like to have many arms, many feet and, above all, many hearts to send to those places in most need in the world, as a sign of His Love and His Mercy for the hearts that have lost hope. But while not many hearts open to give themselves, those who already do it must multiply themselves in an extreme giving that, in the silence of their actions, generates merits for the redemption of those who do nothing for this planet.

Today, children, We call you to service and to multiply not only efforts but, above all, surrender and love. Today we call you to not want to be protagonists of a service before the world, but to go beyond childishness in the life of service, and as mature spirits in Christ, to convert yourselves into instruments and vehicles of Love and Mercy for those who are in most need.

And, thus, the world will know you and will exalt God. Souls will find you and will know God. Hearts will receive your service and will thank God. And you will serve a child and, in it, a culture, a nation. You will serve a people and, in it, a whole humanity. You will serve the Kingdoms of Nature and, in them, a planet that needs healing.

Allow that, in this new cycle of service, your hearts grow and be more than yourselves in service; be parts of God, bringing renewal, redemption, and peace to this world.

You have My blessings for this.

Your Father and Companion in each mission,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Human growth is often difficult and painful. To go through so many stages of physical, emotional, and mental maturing require effort and dedication from those who experience them.

Spiritual growth is similar to human growth: beings experience different evolutive cycles that demand from their consciousnesses an increasingly deep and consolidated maturity.

In physical human life, the being that grows is progressively assuming their role in society, and is responsible for sustaining it and for building its future. In the spiritual life, the being that grows and matures, gradually assumes its responsibility before the Plan of God and recognizes itself as responsible not only for its evolution but also for the evolution of all humanity, the planet, and as a result, of the universe.

This last evolutive cycle of the awakening of new suns sets the threshold between the old and the new humankind. Children, it will be the time to spiritually cross this threshold and face the changes that this will bring about in your lives; to face the resistances and obstacles imposed by yourselves for this maturing, just as a young person who is in the transition to adulthood, and often resists taking that step.

Many want to live a spiritual life; they aspire to know the truth about themselves, about this world and many others, but children, what you must understand now is that this step in the spiritual life that allows you to know the truth about all existence generates a commitment that requires certain effort and transformation.

This is what happens with many youths who want to live by themselves, have their own houses, their own jobs, but they do not understand that independent life will demand immediate mental and emotional growth from them. 

It would not reflect the reality that consciousnesses with a certain degree of instruction did not have the same degree of conscious commitment to the Plan of God. Children, this is the Law of the Universes, of life, of Creation.

So that new worlds may be revealed to your eyes, you must spiritually mature. And as the change of times is urgent right now, and the truth emerges even for those who do not want to see it, the very condition of the planet will demand from all immediate and concrete spiritual growth.

This growth is nothing more than a true transformation in the consciousness, a response to the Creator, with daily examples that you understand the times in which you live and your responsibility to the Plan of God.

Children, I tell you these things because now we are in the last time, and you will not read as many instruction pages as before, because everything has already been said and it is time to put it into practice.

For the spiritual growth of humanity,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



So that the human indifference towards higher life not cause humanity to lose the possibility of coming to know and experience this life, those who are awake must redouble their efforts, multiply their tasks and overcome their own limits, every day, so as to respond on behalf of those who ignore the celestial call.

In addition to their own purification and their own weight that they must endure in these times, the new apostles and disciples of Christ must withstand the purification of the planet and carry on their backs those burdens that others who had committed themselves to Christ do not want to bear.

In the Universe, the responsibility of the manifestation of the Plan of God was equally shared among those who committed themselves to render this service. But when they arrived on the planet, with veils over their eyes, their souls became confused, they forgot and remained asleep or imprisoned in their personal likings and in their ways of understanding this Plan.

Children, when a soul that had to fulfill a certain mission changes this mission to adjust it to their own will and their opinion, this, for the Plan, is considered an indifference towards the Truth of the Creator, even if they believe they are serving God.

There are many souls that had committed themselves to the Lord and that, throughout their experiences on Earth, fulfilled in part what God had asked them; but now, in the culminating moment of the Divine Plan, they have become lost in the strong influences of chaos and have cast aside fidelity, exchanging it for superficiality.

I tell you these things first for you to be attentive and always be guardians of the Divine Plan, and also for you to know that the Creator will count on you to fulfill that part of His Plan that was left behind due to human indifference.

May the love to the Plan in your hearts be greater than your self-love so that you can imitate the example of Christ and not only carry your own cross, but let God place upon it the weight of the indifference and ignorance of His Children so that they not become lost but rather have an opportunity to awaken.

The Creator counts on you, children, for a response and a greater responsibility. It is time to serve, to love, and to surrender to the Divine Plan. 

Your father and companion on the Evolutionary Path, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



When the universe gives you graces, distribute them to the world through merciful acts, prayers, silence, joy and the experiencing of virtues.

When Heaven opens Itself before your eyes, even if often the limitation of the human eyes cannot see It, contemplate with the inner gaze this unfathomable Grace of the Divine presence and cry out for the planet, for the ignorant, for those asleep. Offer the Father a true transformation, a true miracle for His Creation. That by contemplating the world His wounded Heart may find a relief in your permanent effort.

I will not ask you, My child, that you do not fall or do not sin anymore because this world will always lead you to fall and, even if you do not want it, a part of you always sins because in some form it collaborates with the human degradation.

What I will ask you today is that, if you fall, that you get up; if you sin, that you clean your stains with the Forgiveness and the Divine Mercy, with the true repentance, this one that will help you not always to make the same mistakes.

Your weaknesses are the same as many of your brothers and sisters of the world; therefore, find the strength to surpass them in the permanent offer to do it for others, for those who are blind of spirit.

Today, child, I will offer you a path of reparation, a path in which your life becomes a planetary service, in which all your acts, thoughts and feelings are offered to God to repair something. If you do it so, you will make fewer mistakes and you will meditate before acting, because your consciousness will remind you that everything you do is for God.

Offer to Father your daily attempt to overcome yourself and, if you are not able to do so, offer Him your intention and persistence. Never give up, child, because the merits are found in the heart and in the consciousness of those who have pure intentions.

Many times the sincere intention to overcome something and the eternal attempt of doing so is worth more than the act of the one who overcomes themselves easily every day. A sinner who tries to get out of sin is worth more than the saint who is so by nature.

Make of your life a permanent repair of the Wounds of God and may He find in you a true relief.

I leave you My Blessing and My Grace, for you to take fruitful steps.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



To overcome the indifference of the human heart, start with yourself. Observe every time your heart closes to planetary reality or when you think you care about the world, but your actions show the degree of importance you give to yourself.

Indifference numbs the consciousness and does not allow it to evolve. It is not necessary that you get emotionally involved with what happens in the world, but rather let such events lead you to transformation and impel you to never stop your steps.

Indifference is one of the great evils of humanity, even worse than ignorance, because the one who is indifferent already has a certain degree of education, and yet keeps thinking more about themselves and their own needs.

Child, indifference will lead many beings who believe themselves to be spiritual to the abyss of planetary consciousness. Be careful so that you are not taken and carried away by human indifference. Try to follow your consciousness and heart, and when you know that you must do something, do it promptly; do not ignore the needs. When you perceive that someone needs you, go in assistance, without fear. If you know what is happening in the world and that while at this very moment you are before the words of God, others are being tested in their faith, and on their knees, they choose to die with Christ rather than living without him, then pray truly, without ceasing.

If you already know the role of the indigenous consciousness on the planet and you also know how much the indigenous people suffer from neglect and indifference, then act, serve, pray, assist, offer your love. Show those brothers and sisters that they have vital importance in the spiritual life of the planet and that their way of being should not be sold in a tourist way, to amuse the unconscious.

When you stand before an indigenous brother or sister, learn from them and, in your learning posture, let emerge from their hearts the purity and wisdom they have to transmit to humanity.

If you know that effort and perseverance are the keys to overcoming obstacles in this time, then do not become discouraged when you are in difficulties.

If the trial is greater than your faith, turn to unity with your brothers and sisters, a unity that, when it is true, opens the doors to God, to the descent of His Will.

Unite your heart to the heart of those who are with you. Make this Work a stronghold in which the King of kings will dwell, in His expected return. Trust in the victory and value love.

Do not think about what others will do for you; practice what you know and overcome the indifference that in different circumstances manifests itself in the hearts of all living beings.

Be the one who transcends the laws of this world; in this way, I will be able to reveal universal mysteries to you, and the events of the world will be the signs for you to read and take the next steps without fear and with bravery.

Unite to God, unite to this universal mission.

Live under the grace of Divine Mercy.

For the awakening of the human heart,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May each day of your lives bring you new opportunities for experiencing peace.

May each test bring with the gift of overcoming, and the blessing of transcendence.

As humanity, you are walking towards Bethlehem, having to experience efforts, sacrifices, the overcoming of limits and trusting in the protection of God. You are faced with the mystery of the New Humanity, which you know to be a reality, for it is already being gestated and at the point of being born within the womb of Divine Creation, which expresses within all creatures. However, you do not know what that New Humanity will bring to the world, how it will grow, how it will develop or how it will fulfill its mission.

You are on the road to Bethlehem, looking for the cradle of humility so that God may return alive to His Creation. As human consciousnesses, you always want the best for God and for His Plan, but the Creator will surprise you, bringing His Son into that which is simple, small, poor of self, humble. Christ will be reborn in the hearts of those who do not fear giving the kingdom of their own inner self so that a Universal Sovereign King may establish His Reign. He will come to dwell within the hearts of those who do not fear being defeated and that, out of love, become eternal servants of that beloved King of the Stars.

You are on the road to Bethlehem: you are no longer what you were as a race or as a human consciousness, because God has already begun to descend towards the earthly spheres. However, you are still before the mystery, that for you is the rebirth of Christ, of the multiplication of His existence, which will be renewed in the hearts and in the flesh of many.

I come to the world as a guardian of this divine principles, which is the Christ within you, because I have already walked towards Bethlehem, I have already experienced the anguish of not knowing what the world would become after the birth of Christ, and the fear of not being worthy to hold such a King, hidden in such a small creature; the fear of not being a good guardian for the Child God and of not managing to let Him grow and manifest as the Lord expected.

But that fear was defeated by Faith and by the Love emanated by Christ, Who even though being so small and fragile, He never hid His Glory and His Filiation with God. The fear vanished when I perceived that God is the real operator of His Will, and it is enough to flow in it for His Plan to be accomplished.

I tell you all of this because you are on the road to Bethlehem, faced with a great event, marked by difficult tests and severe lessons, which lose their severity in the greatness of the return of Christ.

After some time, those hearts that have opened will begin to understand what the Will of God is, on Its own; that He not only "commands" but He also sends the means and fosters the fulfillment of His Works. It is only necessary to trust and let the Lord make of your lives simple instruments for the concretization of His Plan, which is already a truth and a reality that needs to manifest.

Do not stop walking towards Bethlehem and, now that you already know where God wants to be born, do not seek comfort, luxury, nor the refinement of good dwellings, according to human concepts; follow the path that leads you towards simplicity, peace and true humility, for it is there that God will manifest His Glory.

Praise be the Lord, Who returns to the hearts of humankind, to one day return, not just in Spirit and Divinity, but also in perfect likeness to His creatures, in sanctified and resplendent flesh and humanity, showing humankind the path of their evolution.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, who prepares for the birth, the rebirth and the return of Christ, Our Savior.



Today I will only ask you to every day try living the Divine Purpose; to try to be meek of heart, pure of intention and truthful on your path.

Try, every day, to live fraternity and love, to recognize the presence of God in others, and, thus, to be humble before everyone.

I ask you to try thinking a little less about yourselves and each day cease to do something that is a self-priority in order to serve others.

Try to love the Kingdoms of Nature more, to observe them, even if for a brief moment, every day, allowing your soul to be inspired through them.

I ask you to try praying from your heart, to talk with God before His Celestial Altar, to offer Him the best there is within you to balance the faults of humanity.

Try to find in those who are most lost a heart in need of peace.

Try to dissolve hatred from your hearts, as well as anger and rancor.  Understand that everybody makes mistakes out of ignorance and that love, forgiveness and reconciliation are capable of healing things that are completely unknown to you.

Try, every day, to forget the past, not to be indifferent to all that you have lived nor to forget those who have accompanied you in other times.  Forget the past in order to free the spirit so that you may live something new.  To forget the past is to free the mind, the emotions and the heart from all that has happened.  The lessons and memories remain in the consciousness, but the spirit frees itself in the certainty that what is real still awaits its awakening.

Dear companions, today I ask you to try to be simpler of heart.  Try to accept the corrections of life and immediately straighten your paths without fear, without rancor, but with much peace and gratitude for taking steps in your lives.

I ask you to try to love the Creation of God more, His Plan and the greatness of His Purpose for this planet.  Try to let yourselves be permeated by the Mercy and the Love of the Divine Messengers.

If you try every day to live a higher principle, Heaven will listen to your hearts and, with the first step that you take in the right direction, God will take charge of making you reach His Divine Goal.  The secret is to not stop trying and persevering, every day, even if you fall and get up innumerable times.

Try today to feel My Chaste Heart, and from the blessing that I deliver to you, make every day the perfect impulse for your elevation and permanent transformation.

I love you and I bless you always.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in the eternal attempt of taking humanity to the Heart of God

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
