My Immaculate Heart radiates Love to the world.
Dear children,
Today I invite you in a special way to unify your hearts to the Light of My Maternal Love that also springs in the Center of Devotion in Medjugorje.
For this reason I invite you to pray for all the Marian Centers where My Immaculate and Helpful Face(*) is present for the life of all souls.
As the Queen of Peace today I call you to pray lovingly for all the pilgrims who, united to My Immaculate Heart, make an effort to live the science of faith and the devotion of the heart.
My Maternal Heart descends one more time upon this world, as also day to day, through My announcements in the daily messages.
Today, My little ones, My Immaculate Heart reflects itself upon the Marian village of Medjugorje.
Therefore I am inviting you to enter into the Kingdom and the Spirit of My Peace that are present in Medjugorje. There, it has been thirty years, and here in the Americas, five years, that God has been sending Me towards you to teach you to live in daily communion with My Son and to live in reconciliation and peace. Souls easily forget the essence of these important attributes for the heart.
Dear children, today I invite you to remain within the devotional heart of Medjugorje because thus you will find My Maternal Presence in your lives.
Remember that God contemplates the exercise of your prayers, that God expects the greatest effort and giving of the heart from all His children so that the designs of His loving Will are fulfilled.
Therefore, dear children, live Medjugorje as a school of prayer to live the Peace of My Maternal Kingdom.
I thank you for responding to My call for one more month!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
(*) Tr: “Faz Inmaculada y Auxiliadora” in Spanish - may refer here to “Mary, Help of Christians.”
Dear children,
Today I call you to prepare again and with joy My merciful arrival in the city of São Paulo. You, My children, can help Me in this mission of peace through the sincere act of prayer.
I want you to be more open so that, as instruments of My Maternal Light, My Immaculate Heart may reach spaces of this city that need much compassion and love. Still, dear children, few are the servers of Christ that, looking around themselves, can clearly see how much prayer is necessary for their poor and sick fellow humans.
Therefore, dear children, as praying souls that will receive once again the Grace of My visit, I ask you to prepare your hearts in prayer and, in this exercise, raise your hands to plead to God for the Grace of Conversion of many of My children in Brazil.
I love with fondness this nation that welcomed Me as the Only Mother for all. But still, a little bit more effort, love and dedication are necessary for the ones who are in most need and for those who are most distant from God.
You know that there are infinite ways of being a server of Christ. Today I invite you to be constant guardians of prayer so that it may never lack in your homes. The times that will come and that were described to My daughter Lúcia of Fatima are close. But all will depend on the attitude of souls before the simple life of prayer that I ask you to live as something primordial.
Your hearts are already enveloped by My Maternal Joy for visiting you once more in this needy city of São Paulo. May this visit be a new reason for you to meet the One and Only King of Life, of Truth and of the New Paths: My Son Jesus, the High Priest.
I thank you for the response from all!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
With joy I prepare My Immaculate Heart for the 25th and 26th of this month, the moment in which I will appear to the whole nation of Brazil. The Lord will be granting you for these days the special Grace of forgiveness and conversion of the heart. All of this will begin, dear children, with the practice of daily prayer. In this way, little children, more Graces will be poured in several nations that are in need of peace. My call to peace is for all humanity, but first this state of peace must begin in the depth of your hearts.
Rejoice your hearts on this day, My dear children; shine like the stars in a perpetual prayer for the world and for all souls. You know that I have appeared to many hearts and at different times in the world; today I am arriving again in the world from the Heavens by means of distinct but united apparitions. My Heart wants to permeate all the children because My claim to all of you is the call of attention to the daily task of prayer.
Dear children, your hearts are in time to convert pain into joy and suffering into the giving to God. Your efforts as souls surrendered to the Will of the Supreme will help you in the real transformation of your hearts. Love the Divine Will. Love the Infinite Will that comes from Our Celestial Father.
Little children, today I invite you to prepare your hearts for the encounter with Me this month. Joy and gratitude will be the keys that will open the doors to the new.
Dear children, God the kind Father has granted Me the Grace that we may meet in Figueira on the 25th and 26th of the coming month of February. There My Immaculate Heart will give you peace through My voice.
We are in a time of Redemption, My little children. Your hearts will not be able to miss the call that I make for each heart.
The world will be able to live in peace when all souls seek prayer daily. In this way My Immaculate Peace will be life and hope for many.
Thank you for responding to My call.
I listen to your prayers.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Let us celebrate today the presence of My Immaculate Heart in the world. Today unite your hearts in fraternity so that My Merciful Light may reign among them. Today make a vow with Me to help Me through the most holy prayer so that My Heart may triumph in the hearts that I seek, day by day, among families, peoples and nations.
Carry in your hearts the presence of your guardian angel so that they may guide you along the paths to the Lord. I need your hearts, My little ones, in order to alleviate the world in pain and especially to give love to those who are distant from the Lord. I am bringing the Good News from the Heavens and I wait for you all to submerge yourselves in the Kingdom of My Peace so that I may accompany you in your steps.
Let us remember the efforts that your hearts should make for love of your brothers and sisters, those who do not know love and who are distant from it. In this way, My dear ones, My Heart of Love and of Mother will be able to radiate to the children that I want to reach through you.
Remember the works of charity; they are pleasing to Our Lord because they give redemption and healing to the creatures.
Who loves you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more