Dear children,
In this month of May, I invite you to return to My Immaculate Heart so that, together with Me and in prayer, you may contemplate for a moment that which the Celestial Mother contemplates of the wounded and martyred humanity.
I desire that you enter into My Heart so that, through Me, you may grow in love for the life of the spirit, and especially for the life of service.
It is at this crucial moment that My dear children must remember that they must come out of themselves in order to recognize the reality for themselves; that same reality that the Sacred Hearts recognize in these times.
Therefore, My children, in this month of May in which the seeds are being planted, after the offering of My Son to each of you, you must know where you will sow the seeds you received from the Redeemer, and if these seeds, which are gifts and Graces at the same time, will be deposited in the right place.
Dear children, this is important: in this time of so many transgressions against human life and the inner life of souls, it is necessary to keep in mind that nothing is lost or wasted, because these are the last impulses that come from Heaven.
As a Mother, I am here to accompany you, to be able to lead you towards Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
To the young seekers of the Great Peacemaking Heart of Christ
A peacemaking heart is one that is clear, within itself, about the path it wants to travel.
A peacemaking heart is willing to go beyond itself, for the sake of good and peace in humanity.
A peacemaking heart recognizes the need and attends to it in order to alleviate it.
A peacemaking heart does not defend itself, nor does it justify itself. It always seeks to be attentive to inner signals.
A peacemaking heart knows why it is in this world and what it has come to humanity for.
A peacemaking heart rejoices in the achievement of others and strives to help others surpass them, because a peacemaking heart knows that it has nothing to gain and nothing to lose, since its ardent aspiration is to help everyone achieve their dreams.
A peacemaking heart loves Creation and secretly works so that every day nature is repaired.
A peacemaking heart does not raise its voice nor does it assert its own ideas, but is receptive and open to learn from possible differences.
A peacemaking heart keeps alive its aspiration to serve God's Plan and never stops holding the banner of peace.
A peacemaking heart seeks the Footsteps of the Master, because in them is the way, in them it finds the truth, in them it will understand life, experiences and learning.
A peacemaking heart works to achieve its goals and strives to express its gifts and talents.
A peacemaking heart does not retreat, but walks, keeping in mind that each of its steps will be blessed by the Great Light.
A peacemaking heart drives change, renews the ways and concretizes the aspirations of the Great Peacemaking Heart that is Christ.
May the seekers of the Great Peacemaking Heart, who in these days gather and unite for a Greater Purpose, receive the blessings of their Heavenly Mother, so that all young peacemakers may be the new seeds to be planted in the coming Promised Land.
Who blesses you this day and thanks you for responding to God,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Fifteenth Poem
Venerable Holy Virgin,
may all the gathered souls
be a precious Rosary of Light
so that, being in Your humble hands,
we may be a constant offering
of prayer and service for humanity.
Dear Heavenly Mother,
as souls, may we be beads of the Rosary of Light
so that, as Your redeemed children,
we may glorify the Celestial Father
for His Infinite Work of Mercy.
May our hearts
love the power of the Holy Cross,
which will protect us and grant us
the profound Peace of the Lord.
We aspire, Most Holy Mother,
that our entire beings may be part of Your Rosary of Light
so that You may count on us as Your praying armies,
untiring servers of the Divine Word of prayer,
so that our families, peoples and nations
may also be part of Your spiritual Work
of the Rosaries of Light.
Dear Heavenly Mother,
may Your maternal blessing be in us
so that we may recognize Christ in the fellow being.
Thus, we will all be able to be part
of the sacred family of prayer,
and Your gifts of Love and Peace
will be poured out upon us,
consecrating us again as Your children,
souls of the Rosaries of Light.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Since the beginning of life, while the Creation was still a feeling in the depths of the Heart of God, your Celestial Father had already manifested the principles of Healing and Redemption, Gifts that come from His Love, for all that was being generated within Him.
The Creator knew, My children, that by sending His children to learn, experience and grow, among the dimensions, He would also need to create the forms, by which they could return to His Heart.
Therefore, upon manifesting life, the dimensions and all forms, for beings to be able to evolve, your Lord also drew upon your paths the return to His Sacred and Infinite Heart. For this reason, He filled the hearts of humanity with occult gifts, and filled the planet, in which they dwell, also with occult sacred spaces; spaces that hold the Gifts of God, the fruits of His Love, those which allow creatures to return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Aurora, beloved children, is not only a place of peace. Aurora is a Consciousness of Healing and Redemption in which your hearts can experience, to return to God. Aurora emerged from the Heart of your Creator, even before your lives were manifested.
Contemplating the challenges of the planet and the veils that would be covering the eyes of His children, preventing them from seeing and knowing who they truly are, the Creator manifested the Consciousness of Aurora; a Consciousness that supports you within It, as the womb of a mother supports her children. Aurora gives you all that you need; within its Heart, the veils are torn, so that you can contemplate the truth about yourselves.
Aurora, My children, reveals to you your more impure human condition, so that you may first come to know the wounds that are to be healed, and know where that which must be transformed lies. But then, from the Heart of Aurora, emerges the balm that assists you, that closes that which was open, that heals even the deepest parts of your beings, liberates that which was impure and prepares you so that, through your surrender and service, the Consciousness of Aurora may expand and reach the four corners of this world.
Contemplate, beloved children, the Consciousness of Aurora within you, but also feel that you are inserted within it. In the Heart of Aurora, all life finds Healing and Redemption to discover the truth about itself, and thus return to God.
Open your hearts, so that not only this place may express Aurora, but that your lives and this planet may also be fruits of the Gifts that your Creator deposited within Aurora.
Just as this place is sacred, the whole planet is sacred, dear children, but in order to recognize the mysteries of God upon the planet that receives you, you must first live them within yourselves. In order for the veils to be torn, those which cover the sacred that exists in the world, first the veils that cover your own eyes must be torn.
Allow the hands of Aurora to extend, in front of your faces, and pull the veils that were making you blind, so that you can see, feel, experience and live who you are and, more than that, what the purpose of this life is.
All that I tell you is filled with a profound and inner truth, which is a truth you can come to know through the surrender and relinquishing of your lives.
To live Aurora, you must surrender before God and cry out for His Gifts, for the Gifts that He gave you, through the sacred places that hide in this world and in all Creation.
The Time of God has come, beloved children. A time in which, not only chaos will be fulfilled as it was predicted, but Redemption will also be fulfilled.
With My words, I lead you to live the Scriptures, I lead you to be live the prophecies, because it is through you that everything will be fulfilled.
I carry you in My arms to the desert, because you still do not know who you are. The moment will come when you will have crossed the desert, and I will show you the Truth of God upon the horizon, and you will discover, My children, that not only can you be in My arms, but you can also walk with Me towards the Promised Land.
After the desert, I will show you the New and Eternal Jerusalem, which is in Heaven as on Earth, and as two realities that unite into one, the Promised Land will emerge and everything will be fulfilled. Everyone will know who they are, everything will become clearer, and what weighed in your hearts before, as doubts and fears, will dissipate.
From the lights of Aurora will emerge lights of a new life, and from Heaven the principles of the New Humanity will also descend to Earth. This will be the Kingdom of God, beloved children; an ever present Kingdom, revealed to the children of the Supreme, those who know that they are His companions and fruits of His Love.
May My words resound within you, not just as a promise, but as a truth that leads you to cry out to Aurora, for Healing to take place and Redemption to be fulfilled, so that your eyes may be worthy to see and your hearts may be worthy to feel everything that I have told you today.
I bless you with the power of Aurora and the Grace of the Spirit of God.
I love you and thank you for coming to meet me with your hearts.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child,
May your heart pacify so that it may always reach the meekness and the inner light that will allow, in these times, to attract the maximum Grace of God towards this planet.
Therefore, look for this pacifying spirit through the Heart of My Son, because in this way, you will build within your consciousness an unbreakable strength that will also help other souls to encourage themselves to take the same steps that your consciousness is invited to take.
Walk in the direction of the Heart of My Son, there you will also find the Gifts that will make of this humanity a possible sanctified humanity in spirit, in soul, and in body.
In this way, everything will be under the guidance and the company of Jesus, who will safeguard you at each new step.
The pacifying spirit will allow to rise again on this planet and within this humanity the spiritual values that the human race itself is losing at this time; in this way, the path may be opened even more for the christic consciousness to act in the inner worlds of essences that, in this cycle, must awaken to greater expressions of love and unity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Crossing Infinity, until it descends to the Earth, the Bird of the Sun emerges, more beautiful than an Eagle, more brilliant than the stars, faster than the comets, and more silent than the breeze of the wind, when it touches forsaken hearts.
This Bird comes from the Heart of God. It descended from the highest of dimensions, silently journeyed through the whole of Creation, until it reached the Earth.
Its flight covers the East and the West, the most obscure and hidden places, as well as the most populated and known to humankind. Its Heart does not make distinctions between beings.
With Its wings, it embraces Its children, and these are among humankind, but also in nature. They are alive on Earth, but Its children are also those that have already left it and those that will arrive throughout time.
This Bird was sent by God; Its flight represents the freedom it achieved for not being within Itself, but rather for eternally being a Servant and Slave of the Creator. Divested of all things, all things belong to It, because without wanting anything, everything was given to It by God.
The Greatest Treasure in the Universe comes from Its Womb. She gave life and freedom to Him Who came to give life and freedom to the world, as well as to all of Creation.
As It is more brilliant than the Sun, this Bird no longer hides, and at the request of the Lord, Its silence gave way to a song that echoes throughout the dimensions. Its voice must be heard by the whole of Creation, because Its melody is the announcement of a new time, a warning and a sure path to follow, in order to not get lost.
I Am, My children, the Bird of the Sun sent by God. My brilliance expresses to you the perfect unity with His Holy Spirit, from the moment in which He fertilized My Divine Womb to gestate a new life, the beginning of renewal of the whole of Creation.
I Am your Celestial Mother, and just as I travel throughout the whole planet, seeking the souls that must find God again, I also come to this place to summon My children to live consecration to My Immaculate Heart.
I come to teach you to pray, to strengthen your faith, and to unite you even further with the Heart of My Son.
I come as a Divine Breath, to dispel the darkness from your lives, to remove pain and loneliness from your hearts, and to give you a hope that is not to be found in this world, but rather in the Heart of God.
I come for the youngest, who are lost in the clutches of the enemy of God, and every day enter more deeply into their captivity, thinking that they are finding freedom and independence. I come to withdraw you from the ignorance that changes the values of life, so that you no longer deceive yourselves, and do not let yourselves be deceived by the stimuli of this world.
We are in a last time of Mercy, beloved children, before Justice is precipitated upon the world.
For this reason, I come as the Bird of the Sun, lighting up the abysses and dark hearts, so that all may have the opportunity of finding Me.
I want to see you united, in a fraternal life between religions, cultures, races.
I want to see you learning from one another, sharing among yourselves the Gifts that God gave you to manifest in this time. I come to teach you to discover these Gifts: the Gift of Love, the Gift of Piety, the Gift of Charity, the Gift of uplifting through song, the Gift of uplifting through prayer, the Gift of Healing, the Gift of Peace, among so many more, My children, which you must yet discover in your little hearts.
Allow yourselves to be guided by your Celestial Mother and do not fear the unknown. I do not come to deviate your paths; I come to straighten them and make them direct and safe to the Heart of God.
Trust in My Immaculate Heart, just as you trust in the One Who sent Me.
Through the laying on of My Holy Hands, I bless you, I free you, and I protect you, so that each day you may find the path to begin again.
I thank you for coming to meet Me.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
So that there is always protection in certain spaces of the consciousness, and that this protection be maintained, not only in it but also around it, prayer and peace are needed.
When this protection is altered by situations of the external life, or for lack of a true life of prayer, situations begin to emerge that were not foreseen by the consciousness itself or by its surroundings.
It is essential, in these times, to assume an ardent life of prayer, so that, thus, protection can exist in everything.
In present times, to not truly assume the life of prayer, means to leave behind the possibility of receiving certain gifts, that will help to neutralize or to keep in balance all the currents that are contrary to what is evolutionary and elevated.
By remaining on the path of prayer, realities and experiences will be others.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
To be deserving of all the Graces, first, you must take care of them. This will represent throughout the Universe the true care for the spiritual Gifts that you receive.
The Graces I bring you are not the same as those from the past. Everything renews itself from the moment that God grants an atonement to the soul and to the heart that needs it.
Graces must be protected from the adversary because he will always try to deactivate them within the consciousnesses that had once received them.
Graces are like delicate flowers in a garden, which must be sheltered and protected by your prayers.
They are the greatest treasure that descends from Heaven in these times, even though humanity is indifferent to how much it receives through Divine Providence.
I would like those of My children who are closest to Me to be guardians of all the Graces that I give to souls because, in truth, I tell you, that in the face of the time of purification that approaches, that source of Grace will cease upon the whole planet so that souls may offer to God the Gifts they received directly from His Heart and, thus, the great moment of the redemption of humanity may arrive.
Be attentive to the times that are approaching, because, in this way, you will be prepared.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you in Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the doors of the Heavens open and may souls commune with the Love of God.
May life be regenerated and receive the sacred Gifts that will strengthen it.
May the Sanctified Spirit descend and fill all souls with love.
May everyone be able to achieve the path of ascension so that, having broken the chains, inner freedom be able to express itself.
Everything is rebuilt and it is time to participate in that; everything is finally converted into what the Father of Love needs.
The last work of the end of times is being carried out, and all receive the opportunity of accompanying it.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who uplifts you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While My Maternal and Divine Light penetrates the Earth together with Saint Joseph to redeem the fallen and lost hearts, My Heart joyfully receives your prayers and chants. When the offering is sincere and spontaneous it pleases very much the Heart of God.
Thus, dear children, every day I teach you to love a little more and to lose the fear of doing it because if you loved your brothers and sisters as I love each one of you, many of the sufferings would end.
I invite you, My children, to strengthen the commitment with the Eternal Father of forming a sacred spiritual family, bearer the same codes of the ancient people of Israel; people that at that time vivified the Word of God and made it flesh within them.
I invite you to love the knowledge, but also to live it, for it to be in you a source of conversion and an example of redemption.
In this moment, dear children, the Sacred Hearts approach to this part of the planet for the great need of awakening and redemption.
I need, My children, you to be able to follow each step that the Messengers of Heaven take, in this way you can contribute to the development of the Plan that is not physical, but internal and spiritual.
Everyone without exception is called at this time to provide their virtues and gifts so that My Son will be able to achieve His redemptive Work at these times.
For this, start to love in a different form than you have loved until now, may your human love be transformed by prayer and be transfigured in each new consecration.
I will help you to follow this infinite path towards the real Love. I will motivate you and impel you to concrete in yourselves what the Father so much expects from you; for it to be possible, hand Me what you are and thus I will be in you the image and likeness of God.
Encourage yourselves every day to say yes to Me.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who always blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
At the Marian Centers of the world consecrated by Your Heavenly Mother, by Christ and by Saint Joseph, are spiritually kept precious pearls of Light that, lit in the essences of souls, awaken conversion.
Those are the treasures of Heaven that My Divine Soul comes to pour each time that I am present among My dear children; it is in this way that My Maternal Spirit establishes at each Marian Center one Gift of God that allows to awaken the redemption of the hearts and of all consciousness that pass by them in prayer.
The Sacred Family made use of these treasures of which I speak in order to carry out the redeeming work of humanity. It is in this way that the spiritual relics are to be found deposited, for example, at this Sacred Marian Center where the Celestial Hierarchy still develops a planetary task in union with all the consciousness that are here to sustain the vortex of light that is opened over each Marian Center.
In these final times when humanity will define its next destiny, I ask you, dear children, that you never get tired of being guardians of all the treasures and all the Graces that the Celestial Messengers have poured with much love.
In this time when redemption and the planetary healing are essential, may your hearts always renew and be guardians of the divine legacy that will have its fruits and its victory in the next humanity.
As once I told you, dear children, you are guardians and successors of a divine knowledge that is kept at all the Marian Centers.
In prayer, work every day so that this knowledge and these divine codes expand more and more in the world and in the consciousness that need it the most.
May the living remembrance of the treasures of the instruction always motivate you to take your steps toward My Son and for the fulfillment of the sacred Plan of Love.
May the flame of your hearts never be extinguished and may it always be united to the flame of Your Heavenly Mother, thus We will reconstruct this humanity.
I thank you for responding My call!
Who impels you to move forward,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I am your Mother, Who heals you and redeems you in the Love of God so that, being free of the past and the chain of all the errors committed, you may feel more free than all the birds in the sky.
It is in this way, dear children, that I try to lead you every day on the path of the rehabilitation of your consciousnesses through the sacred path of prayer.
The soul that perseveres and works to build that prayerful path will draw to themselves the Gifts and the Graces of Heaven, generating a luminous field of peace around themselves through so much prayer.
At this stage, My wish is that each of My children assumes this task as the most important in this planetary time, which has need of much prayer on the part of humanity itself.
Thus, My children, I help you to detach from the errors of the past and to heal you within, so that finally, the New Christs present themselves for the mission of the end of times, where My praying soldiers must be those mirrors of prayer that attract Celestial Peace to the world.
In this way, My beloveds, I teach you to work in simplicity through the opportunity to learn to conquer the universe of the Love of God through service to the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who motivates you always to service,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am that great Mirror of Light that ignites others with love and faith.
I am that Mirror of the Universe whose prayer draws the Consciousness of God towards the world.
Therefore, dear children, open the mirrors of your hearts so that they may refract the truth of what you are, and, with each prayer, pour out the attributes of the new humanity.
I form the Mirror groups of those who pray so that they may be a network for the elevation of humanity.
Dear children, each verbalized prayer can draw the Gifts of God towards this planet, thus, the prayer of the heart is the right means for each soul to learn how to light up in devotion and love, just as the Mirrors do.
In this time, try to be a part of this Mirror network of those who pray. This Mirror network elevates its word and its prayers so that the critical Gifts and Graces that the world needs may draw closer.
My children, it is time for you to enter this school, not only forming groups of prayer but also making the commitment to keep vigil, so that each Gift of God becomes present in humanity.
If each soul offers its prayer out of love, just as the Mirrors of Light of Your Heavenly Mother offer themselves to intercede for humanity, miracles will happen, and consciousnesses will have the Grace of being able to respond to the Call of God.
Being a Mirror of prayer is the goal of every disciple of Christ. It is time to open the doors to this sacred knowledge.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who radiates the Mirror of Love to the world,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Every day I come from Heaven to call the apostles of Light, the unconditional servers of My beloved Son, for the urgency of having servant souls requires going beyond the knowledge and training received.
Thus, every day, through the prayer of the heart that I have taught you, I come to awaken the gifts that still sleep within your souls, souls suffocated by the pressure of the times, by modernities, by sin, because of forgetting God.
My co-redemptive Plan of salvation, in this apocalyptic time, is directed at the immediate rescue of essences under the control of the adversary.
For this to be possible, in the face of the emergency experienced by humanity, My Heart comes to call the apostles of Light, so that through service, prayer and the missions of charity, you may help the most unprotected and ignorant of heart, who are in need of relief, healing and Mercy.
Dear children, the time for showing your gifts and placing them at the service of the Plan has now come. There is much to do and humanity does not want to hear or see out of shame, since the planetary reality that is overwhelming it, obliges it to forcibly change.
But meek and prayerful hearts in these times can be the example of a consecrated and happy life in the Arms of the Celestial Father.
It is time to take care of the planet; it is time that the warriors of Christ awaken to the call and come out of their homes to serve; Pity and Mercy will fill all needs.
I thank you for responding to My call!
One Who educates you in service to Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children:
With a joy that moves My maternal Heart, I invite you to seek on this day the true fusion with the Holy Spirit, so that under this Sacred Presence, full of love and of truth, you can walk towards the discovery of this Grace that comes from beyond the spiritual plane and that is born from the Divine Source.
Saint Joseph knew together with Mary the expansion of these Gifts, gifts of humility, of charity and of wisdom which brought to the world the Mercy of God and the good for all souls.
At the doors of this sacred knowledge, dear children, I invite you to seek the truth that dwells in the Heart of God.
Each time you ask the Chaste Heart to intercede for humanity, you are simply calling uponthe inner merits that Saint Joseph attained as a man of this Earth and, in the same way, your prayers attract the infinite gifts of the Holy Spirit of Joseph, as was the gift of consecration that He lived out of love for the project of humanity.
Dear children, open the doors of your hearts to find this divine reality and embrace this path towards the discovery of the true essence of all things.
Saint Joseph wants to help you to be simple, humble and good. There will be no other inner path nor other divine philosophy that you can follow, other than the holy path that Saint Joseph lived for all.
Christ is unique and there will be no other Messiah like Him, who has lived and preached among you. Christ is Glory and Divinity, and He will now only return to the heart of the one who, being a sinner, asks for His Divine Mercy to be forgiven.
Children, emulate the path of the Sacred Hearts, but do not want to be something that in truth you are not, be humble, serve and embrace with love the cross that My Son gives you. Follow Him, pray with fervor for this decadent humanity and replace in your minds all the ideas of a spiritualized life for your true self.
Your Heavenly Mother, Saint Joseph, the Worker of the poor, and Christ, your Lord, who is seated at the right of Abba, wish to inspire you to live a life of holiness. If at least somebody were holy and silent, the world would change and the path of humanity would be safe.
Believe, feel and see that Christ, the Glorified King, Holy Mary of Aurora and Saint Joseph the Worker visit you in this house as in other places of the world, that are today Centers and Marian Sanctuaries of Grace and of Mercy.
Recognize the Work of the Celestial Messengers, to which you are called to participate in humility and without realizations. The only miracle for your beings is the loving offer of Heaven on the path of forgiveness, redemption and conversion.
I thank you for having responded to the call of the Divine Messengers!
Who unites you to the only celestial truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Raised to Heaven be the hearts that are persevering and consistent with My call, as they will be crowned on the day of their Glory by the Celestial Queen.
Raised to Heaven be the innocents, because on the day of their judgment they will reach the Mercy of God.
Raised to Heaven be the missionaries of Mary, because having crossed the threshold of the material life they will reach the day of the perpetual unification with the Supreme Divinity of God.
Raised to Heaven be all the created kingdoms, because all those who have worked tirelessly to save and protect them will receive the great day of liberation and relief.
Raised to Heaven be the worshipers of the Eucharistic Body of Christ, because arriving to the Kingdom of God they will remember the moment when the doors were open to the redemption of the whole humanity.
Raised to Heaven be the humble, because on the day of their death they will see the Celestial Spheres of the Creator arrive.
Raised to Heaven be the constant and perseverant, because on the day of their judgment they will be able to get to know the Glorious Face of My Son and in their lives there will not exist any evil.
Dear Children,
Today I wish all to be raised to Heaven in spirit of peace and love so that, once for all, you may see appear in your lives the virtues and gifts that you will awaken in this time. Of these gifts, your Heavenly Mother, is served without forgetting the inner potential that each child expresses for this sacred Marian work.
You, My children, are the perfect pieces that I have chosen from this vast universe to take you to service and to total redemption of the debts. You have walked by My side for a very long time, for this, feel now in your hearts the fruit of the truth and of the divine purpose that I have deposited in each of My children.
But precious fruit will still wake up during the time of your purification. I Am your Guardian and Mother of Mercy, with maternal love I have chosen you from so many millions of souls so to that the work of your Heavenly Mother may be able to be fulfilled.
Children, it has come the time in your lives for you to see the fruit of My loving work in you instead of looking all the time to the thorns that are nailed in your feet. To arrive to the school of peace you must pass through the school of purification, of surrender and of renunciation.
For each of you I have special love and predilection, because you are My children and I love you as no one has ever loved you. My Love is divine and pure, it is simple but true, in each meeting with Me I give you a little more of the Love of God that I received when I was in this sacred planet.
Love conquers all, who lives love is not afraid of falling or collapsing in the inside. My maternal hand is stretched out to help you in the name of the Love of Christ because He is the one who sent Me to intercede for all.
I thank you for answering to My Call!!
Who blesses through the power and through the immovable force of the Love of My Son Jesus,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace
Dearest children of Cordoba and of the whole world:
In the name of the Love of Christ, Your Lord, I gather you to renew you by means of the Source of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
My Immaculate Heart attracts to your lives the gift of Piety, the gift of Strength and the gift of Science; these three gifts will be the ones that will renovate the life of the consciousnesses that participate in the Plan of God and in consequence, many hearts will see themselves benefited when My servants live and work through these three gifts.
As Queen and Mother of the Holy Spirit I call you on this day to reinforce the efforts in the mission of the prayer of the heart. My Divine Spirit will guide the steps of the souls who are willing to be active representatives of the Spirit of God on Earth because, in this time, only through the strength and the wise power of the Holy Spirit will be resolved many confusing situations.
Now the Holy Spirit embraces you and welcomes you in the Essence of the Love of God, so that in this era your walk in the Plan of God is totally defined and confirmed.
New soldiers must arise from the planetary chaos, for this My Holy Marian Spirit will accompany the servers that lovingly diffuse the Science and the Life of the Holy Spirit.
My Heart invites you to think and interiorize in the heart the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wishes profoundly to be a part of your lives and to transform that which still has not been transformed; for this your determination will be necessary, so that He may work.
Beloved children of Cordoba, in this way My Immaculate Heart returns to your dwelling places to light the Fire of the Holy Spirit. Only in the Holy Spirit of God may you find the inner strength and the determination to proceed accomplishing the Plan of the Father.
Cordoba and the North of Argentina have the mission of representing the Holy Spirit through His gifts and of being groups of pioneering souls of the divine gifts.
Through the daily prayer to the Holy Spirit and the invocation of the Supreme Consciousness of the Spirit of God, new and renovated sources will arise for the conversion and the redemption of the hearts of your nation.
The Celestial Universe of the Holy Spirit waits for you, so that the gifts that Argentina needs to live and to profess from the heart may descend and be materialized through your lives.
The Queen of the Holy Spirit comes from Heaven to give you this luminous impulse of devotion and of loving work dedicated to God the Most High.
May this day, of encounter and of celebration with the Holy Spirit of God be the reason for the renovation and the confirmation of your lives to the Sacred Universe.
I thank you, dear children of Cordoba for having trusted once again in My call!
I bless you in the name of the Holy Spirit of God,
Your Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Holy Spirit
Dear children,
As the Mother of Heaven, today I invite you to an inner encounter with My Son through the adoration of His Sacred Water and His Divine Blood. Contemplate these two principles of the glorification of Jesus so that your hearts may fill the soul under the Gifts of Christ.
Today also, My children, meditate and feel the gift of the transfiguration, because in your union with Christ you will understand the Wisdom of God. May the Holy Spirit participate in your lives and, united to the Sacred Water and the Divine Blood of Jesus, may you drink from the Fount of Salvation and wonders in the name of humanity.
Dear children, today I call you to consider in your prayer all the Gifts from the Lord, the Most High, Gifts that manifest themselves through His Favorite Son.
In your sincere union with Jesus, you will help to balance many souls that must reach the Light and the conversion through peace in this time. A soul that is truly on the path of conversion is permeated by the Merciful Love of My Son. He is the one who in truth guides them and conducts them towards the Doors of Heaven.
Dear children, today live this union with Christ from heart to Heart and from spirit to Spirit, because in this spiritual exercise of unity you will concretize in your hearts the beloved and honorable Will of God for your lives.
Be partakers in the time of Divine Mercy, and through prayer, propagate the Spirit of Peace to all those who need it.
Today again I form instruments that live the path of salvation and that, united to Christ, must radiate the inner love from the heart. Souls cry out for help, although many hearts are blind to this inner call.
This is why today I call you to prayer for all of them so that your brothers and sisters may also be participants in the merciful time. Be vigilant in the prayer of the heart.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Today I call you to live in the Eternal Grace of God, of His providences and of His splendorous gifts, one of them being Peace, the Inner Peace that I, as Mother and Queen of Peace, want to awaken in your hearts.
But if your hearts have little trust in My Maternal Purpose, how will My Peace reach you?
Your hearts must become new, pure and crystalline containers so that My Son may fill you with His Merciful Graces of Redemption and Forgiveness.
When you, My little ones, reach the inner state of emptiness of self, I will be able to say that your lives are truly surrendered to the Will of God.
While the world faces its own miseries, I come here to your encounter to guide you towards Eternity.
Dear children, the only thing left in this time is to pray more, to pray much. As representatives of this humanity you will be able to intercede with Me for all the other children who must receive the Grace of Reparation and Redemption. I count on you until the last moments of your lives. My Maternal Heart, like the Most Holy Heart of Jesus, knows the origin of your little essences well.
Dear children, I tell you that it is time to act as true soldiers of prayer, consecrated to the Light of My Immaculate Heart. Day by day I try to correct your lives with harmony, as a kind Mother, so that you may find the only Celestial Door that will take you to the feet of God.
My children, today I call you to live each prayer with fervor because the Heart of My Son Jesus is listening attentively to the supplications of this world.
Trust Jesus, trust His Unfathomable Mercy!
My Immaculate Heart takes care of you so that all may be saved, in Jesus and for love of Jesus.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
With the Redeeming and Saving Cross of My Son in My hands, today I tell you: convert yourselves in the name of love! What do you expect from this path?
Little hearts, the moment has come to raise the heart to Heaven and to entirely abandon the illusions of the world. You and all My children are called to the time of conversion, a path that leads you to Redemption in order to find the absolute forgiveness of God.
For this reason, dear children, watch, watch and watch with the light of the heart so that nothing may be lost in your lives. I invite you to live from prayer in order to find in it the Divine Power of the Holy Spirit. Remember that the world is changing and you need to strengthen the life of the spirit to be able to glimpse the loving Kingdom of God.
My children, seek quietness and peace before each situation. Persist in God’s Purpose and, in the inner hope, receive the Love of My Son in your hearts.
Stand up, My little ones! It is time for the conversion of the heart! It is time to open the Door of Heaven through prayer. Each time that your hearts pray, the Lord allows Me to pour the gifts over all My children.
You can be faithful servers of My Plans of Peace. Know, dear children, that I want to lead you to eternity, to the discovery of the Love of God in your hearts.
I need you in Me, I accompany you, I understand you, I shelter you. It is time to change, to accept and to grow as a kind soul in the arms of God.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more