Monthly Messages

Dear children,

My Heart of Mother returns to Italy, as in previous times, to bring to all of its people the Love and the Light of God. Love and infinite Light that you need as a society and religion in order to be able to live a transparent and true redemption.

For this reason, My children, I have asked the pilgrim group to come to Italy to bring this message from Heaven. Not only because your people must mend the faults committed against hundreds of immigrants, but also because you, having been people of immigration, should consciously work with forgiveness so that peace does not disappear within this nation.

I Am your intercessor and mediator Mother. I Am the Light that wants to take you to My Son so that, repented in your heart, you may profess your love for Christ and attain reconciliation. 

But first, My children, this act of true repentance must begin within the Church of My Son. It can no longer keep hiding its acts and mistreatment because, otherwise, it will also lose the Peace and the Mercy of God.

No religious person has spiritual immortality. This is the time of massive spiritual illness in which My adversary infiltrates to destroy and tempt many priests.

In Akita, La Salette and in Fatima, I announced about the need for all to return to God as soon as possible, so that you could see His Face of immense Mercy and Forgiveness. But many did not listen to Me.

I returned once again to the world, through Medjugorje, to announce to you that through the donation of My Heart you would attain peace and less than a quarter of humanity put into practice what I had said.

In order not to lose My children, I returned once again to the world, but this time on a key date, August 8, 2007, a day in which I brought to humanity the revelation of the Universe and of its mysteries, and ardently asked for My Voice, Soul and Heart to be taken to the entire world by means of the Pilgrimage of Peace.

Many have welcomed me and keep doing so, and the consciousness of hundreds of souls in the world keep awakening. But the Church sacrificed Me completely, judging My presence and closing the doors to My universal message of peace.

This was the test for this religion, that of recognizing the ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of the Most High, or of denying Her with defamation and lies. 

But the perpetual and maternal Light of My Heart has prevented My aspiration from being interfered with. Because behind the chaotic and grave scenarios in the Church and in the world, Your Heavenly Mother has created a powerful network of planetary prayer formed by all the praying beings of the Earth. A network of prayer that, until today, sustains and maintains, by means of the heart of each child of Mine, the spiritual and divine mission of the Mother of God in humanity.

The ecumenical movement of prayer that I Myself have founded on the surface of the Earth, through the prayer groups, is the one which allows the pilgrimage for the nations of the world and for the Voice of the Heavenly Messengers to be spread in all languages and to all peoples, so that no child of Mine remains without hearing Me.

For this reason, My children, I am returning once again to Italy to grant it the Grace of reconciliation and of the imminent forgiveness that it needs.

Everything that will happen in the meeting of prayer today will be the result of an immense love for God and for His Divine Lady.

There is still time to reconsider and amend yourselves. Do it, My children!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




Here, in the Presence of My Son, this Pilgrimage for Peace is coming to an end, which has left Graces, treasures, and spiritual fruits in the most simple consciousnesses of the world.

So that all of this spiritual impulse may have continuity in the nations of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, the Children of Mary must continue to work so that the Work of the Mother of God reach more hearts, promoting meetings of prayer, of service, and of union with the Kingdoms of Nature.

If this is maintained and continues to move forward in the loving and unconditional company of the members of the Light-Network, more conditions will be generated, in a next stage of the Pilgrimage, for the Work in this part of the world to be mature and to embrace more children, as God expects.

Through the visit of the Pilgrimage Virgin to the homes, hospitals, homes for the elderly, and institutions for minors, as well as jails, your Heavenly Mother will be able to be instilling Graces of conversion and of love in more hearts.

Ecuador will be the heart of this task, so it therefore must have arms fully open in order to disseminate the Work in the other nations.

For this, I come to ask for unity among the nations, in order to conceive in these peoples the sacred values of faith and of a commitment to the Plan of God.

I am grateful for all that has happened and I hope that all of My children accompany Me to establish the triumph of My Immaculate Heart in the Americas.

I thank you for having received Me!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

I have waited until this day to tell you that My Maternal Heart is already palpitating spiritually in Central America, awaiting more souls to collaborate with the concretization of the designs of your Heavenly Mother.

For this reason My Divine Consciousness is gathering all the powers of Its Grace to pour them out as most potent rays of mercy and redemption upon the nations that I will visit during the month of November.

Your Most Holy Mother thus prepares the field of the human consciousnesses to be able to sow the new and last seeds that will be born in the inner gardens of My Most Beloved Son, those that I come to sow and cultivate in Central America for when the Christ in His Divine Glory returns to be able to find a place within humanity where to re-found His Holy Celestial Church.

My Marian mission with the world and with all souls is preparatory and co-redemptive, it is a mission that after so long shelters all those who are spiritually marginalized and all those that often lost the opportunity to return to the Celestial Father.

Dear children, therefore today I come to announce that the prayers with the brothers and sisters of different nations and the visionaries of the Order will continue for an indefinite time, since the fruits of this task have reached joy and gratitude in My Immaculate Heart.

It is so, dear children, that this task will expand itself to each praying being that every fifteen days, in the world, wants to unite with Me to this network of prayer for peace.

Now for Europe, Africa and Asia new consecrated beings will assign their lives to exercise this chain of prayer, so we will constitute a chain of prayer for the planet and for humanity through the Mystery of the Holy Rosary.

I thank all the praying beings for having followed this last cycle of preparation, now a larger door opens itself to shelter everyone.

I thank you for following Me.

Who loves and blesses you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Lima, Peru, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Operative Groups of Prayer for Peace

In these times, My Divine Plans are to form praying souls, and at the same time operative ones, who take on the task of prayer as an essential commitment in their lives.

The operative groups of prayer are formed by consciousnesses that have already lived a life of prayer for a long time, or by souls that are just beginning the path of the life of prayer.

All souls that are placed in these groups wake up the gift of their devotion and are able to deepen on the path of contemplative life.

At this time, in which the planet has need of true pillars of prayer, the Divinity summons souls from different places so that they take on the fundamental task of responding to the greater call.

The operative groups of prayer are formed through their response to a planetary or universal purpose. The operative groups of prayer are based on a devotion to the Sacred Hearts, and they come together to build that bridge which will unite the Earth with the universe.

Thus, the groups work without receiving anything in return, because they understand that the need for prayer in these times is real.

The operative groups of prayer may also be spiritually integrated by different consciousnesses from different parts of the world that are connected to the Heart of each Divine Messenger, thus spontaneously creating a network of prayer that unites souls with God.

All the groups of prayer have a profile of union with the Divinity; what is important is that each consciousness enter this school so as to be able to receive the spiritual impulse that will sustain it in the end of times.

The groups of prayer exist as a loving service to the planet and to an indifferent humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united to the groups of prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am that great Mirror of Light that ignites others with love and faith.

I am that Mirror of the Universe whose prayer draws the Consciousness of God towards the world.

Therefore, dear children, open the mirrors of your hearts so that they may refract the truth of what you are, and, with each prayer, pour out the attributes of the new humanity.

I form the Mirror groups of those who pray so that they may be a network for the elevation of humanity.

Dear children, each verbalized prayer can draw the Gifts of God towards this planet, thus, the prayer of the heart is the right means for each soul to learn how to light up in devotion and love, just as the Mirrors do.

In this time, try to be a part of this Mirror network of those who pray. This Mirror network elevates its word and its prayers so that the critical Gifts and Graces that the world needs may draw closer.

My children, it is time for you to enter this school, not only forming groups of prayer but also making the commitment to keep vigil, so that each Gift of God becomes present in humanity.

If each soul offers its prayer out of love, just as the Mirrors of Light of Your Heavenly Mother offer themselves to intercede for humanity, miracles will happen, and consciousnesses will have the Grace of being able to respond to the Call of God.

Being a Mirror of prayer is the goal of every disciple of Christ. It is time to open the doors to this sacred knowledge.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who radiates the Mirror of Love to the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
