Dear children,

In the great battles, prayer wins through the love that each soul pours, from within, for the other souls.

My little ones, today I invite you to pray with sincerity for the restoration of all souls that were immersed in the path of festivities through the impulses of the earthly life. I call you today to the reparative prayer for all hearts that, without knowing, have lost the brightness of the flame that united them with the Creator God.

Therefore, My little ones, to relieve the pain of the souls that have distanced themselves from their true Father of Love, I call you to collaborate in humility with all these souls through your union with the Heavens in the daily exercise of prayer.

Many hearts on this day will feel distanced from everything and they will not be able to understand why. For this reason, My little children, I call you, who by Grace have known the power of prayer, to exercise the love in the heart for all brothers and sisters who through these worldly festivities are deceived by the false love.

To come to know the Divine Love, we must pray and thus tepid souls will be able to strengthen themselves in this last hour in the world. My Blessed Mercy is being poured over all hearts, but now My Immaculate Heart needs true missionaries of prayer.

With the praying beings in the world, the planet will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, after everything that will happen with humankind and the peoples. But if there are not true hearts donated to prayer, it will cost much to the world to surrender itself at the feet of the Supreme God. Humanity in each little heart is being called by My Immaculate Heart to consecrate itself to God in the redeeming prayer.

Still there is much to learn in this world, but My Heart prepares the hearts for the final time. I am in each one of you, perceiving and loving you as the Mother of Peace. It is necessary, My little ones, that all come to know the Kingdom of Peace in order to recognize thus that the Light of God is close to each soul that seeks it.

God loves you. God wants to redeem you. God awaits each heart to surrender itself before His Merciful Love. There is still time for all hearts to convert themselves. Heaven is opening its doors for those who, even without understanding, may aspire for their own rehabilitation. The Divine Lord awaits you for the supper of communion with His Most Holy Heart.

Who contemplates you from the Heart,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


I come from Heaven towards you, as the birds at dawn. I am the Lady Clothed with the Sun, the One that announces the Hour of Eternal Peace to the children on the Earth. I am the Bright Star of love for your heart. I am the Servant of the Lord, the One who brings to your soul the Mercy of the Heights.

May your heart honor the Lord God, Almighty over all existence. May your soul praise the wonders that it receives by Grace. I offer you My Immaculate Heart so that your inner world may become a reflection in the dark night.

Awaken before Me to life and await in My hope the return of the Savior. Only find relief and love in My Words. Embrace with trust My Protecting Mantle. I come from Heaven with the divine hope of a reunion with each one of My children. I prepare hearts for the new time and the immaculate fruit of prayer is the key that opens the Doors of the Heavens.

Smile daily at My Face. I know the awakening of your True Love for Me. I know how many steps you have taken in con- secration. I know how much you have walked seeking refuge and Light for your heart. I come towards you from the Heights to give you the Redemption and the Peace of the Greater Heavens. I come from Heaven so that you may recognize the presence of My Maternal Heart.

Dear children, the Lord blesses you today consecrating His Graces of Love and Peace for your hearts. When you elevate your hearts in unity towards God, Divine Mercy that is Work and that is Life, will be able to penetrate the hearts that are asleep and in pain. For this reason I come to you, to announce to you that we are now in the Time of Peace, a Peace that will be gestated through constant and loving prayer from all souls.

Today I call you to elevate the heart through the sacred attribute of prayer and in this bridge of elevation, My Immaculate Heart will assist you. Many are the souls in need of your prayers. Each word of prayer realized with firmness and love has repercussions in the life of the world. Therefore, My little ones, in this tough time in which humanity lives, each true prayer will be able to assist the souls that, on Earth, lose themselves in the influence of contrary actions in the world.

For this, My dear soldiers of Light, you must affirm your hearts in the depths of My Heart because I, the Mother of Peace, will listen to their echo. The hour of salvation is the last Grace that will come from the Heavens to the hearts that are still distant from God.

Know, My little ones: God loves your hearts despite the offenses that many children commit daily towards His Heart. For this reason I invite you to pray for the worldwide restoration of the unprotected hearts. My Maternal Light is descending over Uruguay, especially over all the hearts that month after month wait for Me in the Home of Adoration.*

May the shine of your eyes imitate My Eternal Light in your pilgrim lives. I will be waiting for you soon, at the end of this month of December. New flowers will open for the pure spirits that live in the Lord. I call you to live in God.

Who guides you and loves you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


* Located at the Marian Center of Aurora in Paysandú, Uruguay.


My dear ones,

The Lord has a predilection for all hearts, even more for those that accept His Immense and Glorified Love.

Today I call you to remain in the glory of the Lord, to praise Him and honor Him for His good works. He has given us life and existence. He has radiated Our Hearts with His Infinite Grace. He loves us and wishes to radiate to each soul, the Kingdom of His Love.

Therefore, My little ones, the first lesson for the disciple is the gratitude of the heart, in order to be able to learn to love all creatures in this way.

Today I give My Immaculate Love to you so that your hearts may recognize God, as much in the works, in Love, in Light, as in the instruction. Your eyes will remain more luminous and joyful when the Lord sends you His Glory.

For this we must pray daily out of love for all the souls that have seen God but that have not listened to Him. Today let us go, My dear ones, to the rescue and to the redemption of all the hearts that are lost without perceiving it. I ask you to allow the Source of Mercy to spring up to all fallen hearts.

The Lord has given you much; now is the moment and the time of eternal giving. Thus you will know the prodigious ministry of charity. Thus you will know God in all creatures. Thus you will be able to see the expansion of Divine Love in hearts.

Who loves you unconditionally,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Union bead

Eternal Father,
I offer You the Body and Blood,
Soul and Divinity
of Your Dearly Beloved Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins
and those of the whole world.

Blood and Water
that flowed out from the Heart of Jesus
as a fountain of Mercy for us,
I trust in You.

On each decade, let us pray

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion,
have Mercy on us
and on the whole world.

At the end, let us pray

Holy God,
Mighty God,
Immortal God,
have pity on us
and on the whole world


Padre Celestial

Lord, heal me, entering with the power of Your Love
into all my atoms and molecules.

Lord, heal me, burning, with the fire of Your Holy Spirit,
each particle of my small being.

Lord, heal me, reduce my soul to a true nothing
so that I may recognize Your Greatness and infinite Majesty.

Lord, heal me and show Your Face to my impure eyes
so that I may recognize You as the Father, the Truth and the Origin of all things.

Lord, heal me and remove from me all that believes to be separate from You.

Show me, O Lord of all Creation,
that You are in all things;
You are behind all illusions, hidden in the essence of each being.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

