The greatest service you must learn at this time, as good servers of God, is the service of transmutation. And by this, I mean the service of turning into light that which is darkness, into peace that which is unrest, into love that which is indifference, into charity that which is selfishness, into compassion that which is anger, into faith that which is lack of faith in God and hopelessness. For this, you need not go far, but you must only be true to yourselves and to God, because the world so needs it.

My dear companions, it has been two years since you stood before My Chaste Heart for the first time, and much still remains to be accomplished in this world, until the last time the voice of the Divine Messengers echoes in the world. But for this time to be of Mercy and redemption for all, it is necessary that some beings learn to live the sacrifice and surrender of themselves.

Many do not understand the essence of true sacrifice, because for each being it is manifested in a different way. For those who have difficulty in praying, the sacrifice will be prayer; for those who have difficulty in loving, the sacrifice will be learning to love; for those who have difficulty in meeting the need of others, the sacrifice will be in all things to serve and, for this, you will not need to go to the streets, or to distant countries, since at times you are blind to the need for help of those next to you. Every little action of your lives will balance the need of the world, because all the grievances and disagreements that occur in the world are the fruit of the lack of love and Mercy among beings.

No longer weep for the evils that permeate the Earth, but dissolve from your beings the roots of these evils, so that within the human heart a true molecule of love and fraternity may arise.

As the Father of those who suffer, I also come to meet those who have everything, for they have God so that, awakening their conscience, they may understand that in order to change the world, they must change themselves. To change themselves, they must go to meet that which they are not yet, and to discover it, they must experience the sacrifice of performing works of love, where they do not know how to love.

Each one will know of themselves where they lack love, which part of their interior and exterior does not know how to love, and there learn to serve others and God, the Kingdoms of Nature and the planet. By changing themselves, they will transform humanity.

And many will ask: Why is it necessary to go to Africa?

To meet the history of humanity, to touch a suffering ground with your feet, because, just as you find a space of yourselves in which you lack love, you must reach the spaces of planetary consciousness to which love and Mercy are so much lacking. You will plant there a seed that will grow in the spirit of the nations and will generate merit for those who suffer unjustly to receive an opportunity for redemption.

There are things in this world that you will only understand with your heart.

To those who will go to these places in the world, I tell you: first of all, love one another and all those around you. Your training this time should be to learn to love; only in this way can you carry love. I am not telling you to sanctify yourselves, but to strive to do so.

To those who will remain, I will invite you to find the Africa that exists in every corner of this world, and also to plant there a seed of love to blossom in the invisible part of the planet, in the center of its heart, so much in need of peace.

This is what God most expects for the humanity of this time: that you learn to love and to sow love in those who have forgotten of His Most Sacred Heart.

Who blesses you always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant of God.


The moment you feel you need help, I will send you to serve, so that in this way, you learn that there are greater evils in the world than the evil you carry in your hearts.

However real each one's suffering is, there is a greater suffering on this planet: the suffering of the Heart of God because of all the essences that go out, all the spirits that miss the opportunity in this time of continuing on with their evolution and of returning to their celestial origin.

I want you to remember, every day, that you are missionaries of My Chaste Heart; missionaries of this infinite plan of love for which you came to Earth, the accomplishing of which must take place in this time, through those who will transcend themselves, who will love the Hierarchy, God represented in His Messengers, so that in this way, the Divine Consciousness is brought to this world, which is going out because of the actions of the darkness that lives in the hearts of humankind.

Today I come to meet you and I place Myself over these children of Mine who responded to My call, and are in such need of My help and the love of each one of you so that, in this time, they achieve a true awakening of their consciousness. I am the Father and Instructor of all these souls because their feet walk upon My Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of God that manifests in this world through My Chaste Heart.

Today I tell you that the celestial mysteries are much greater, but that those who know how to listen will understand the depth of My Words and of My Intentions, which I want to become alive in your beings.

I ask you to not be concerned about all the events in the world, that you not be afraid, because as much as some souls do not achieve the goal, some others that would not have the opportunity to evolve, will have it because of the perseverance of your souls, through the effort of each of your beings.

This is why I ask that, in the face of the unfaithfulness of beings, you be faithful. In the face of ignorance, show yourselves to be aware of the Plan of God. In the face of fear, demonstrate trust and faith, which are the signs of the heart that knows it belongs to the Plan of God and will follow His Voice in every moment of their life, regardless of any event of this world, events within and outside of yourselves. To those who persevere in faith, the Divine Messengers will dispel all difficulties since, through prayer, they will discover fortitude for this time of chaos.

My dear companions and servers of God, the goal is still within your reach; I only ask that you walk, even if you do not understand; this path is drawn by the Creator. Also my Son, Christ Jesus, many times did not understand the Plans of God until He was able to live them, and in this way, when they became flesh in His body through the living manifestation of Divine Will, He not only understood but lived God within Himself.

I am inviting you for this path because I want to learn through you, just like I learned with My Son Jesus. I know that each of your souls holds a unique potential, which must manifest in this time, regardless of what you have experienced until today. I call each of you present here to take the opportunity of beginning again, to discover the new, to discover the Kingdom of God not only in the most sacred histories, but in the depths of your hearts; for My Presence brings you this opportunity, and this Grace is no coincidence.

You said 'yes' to Me through the response you gave the universe, by your presence in this place. I want you to understand, with your heart, that this is a sacred place and will always be so, for here rests the Consciousness of God. In the depths of this Center is held Divine Will and the secrets the Creator has for manifesting in each of His creatures. If you are here today, it is because those secrets must be revealed to you, at the exact moment when your souls are prepared to discover what you came to do in this world.

I want you to know that the past does not matter, what you have experienced until today does not matter, being unable to comprehend how you got here does not matter. What I am giving you on this day is the opportunity to restart, to discover the life of the soul and the spirit, to know what you truly are: divine essences of the Creator, seeds of this New Earth, which through love and unity, redemption and reconciliation with God, will manifest in a future time and close to this world.

I want to teach all the souls of this planet, in light of the difficulties of the heart, to discover the joy of serving, of forgetting the self, for in this way, you will draw closer to the Divine Thought of God for this race. In the simplicity of the heart, let the darkness in souls go out, let all that does not correspond to Divine Will rise up to the skies, to the center of the universe, for love is capable of opening that door that gives beings the opportunity for redemption and reconciliation with God.

As I always say to you, someday, in this very vast universe, you will understand the grandeur of what you experience in this world, and you will truly know that you were companions of those who represented the living manifestation of God in this world.

I know that for many, My Words are incomprehensible; simply carry them in your heart and feel My Presence, because what you can live in your beings is the manifestation of the transformation that My Presence brings about in your lives.

Do not worry about anything. Even the children present here are receiving My Grace, My paternal Spirit, which is awakening their little spirits so that one day, they may be able to manifest the New redeemed Earth.

I want to thank each one of you for persevering in this plan of love, and My missionaries for accomplishing their mission, which is not only carrying food to those who are starving or shelter to those who are cold. I entrusted you with a mission to rescue souls and lead them to God, and today, that mission has begun to be fulfilled.

May others of My children dare, in this time, to join these missionaries and through service, discover the Presence of God in all the souls of this world.

I thank you and bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We are grateful, Saint Joseph, for all that you give us.


However mystery it may be, it is when you cry out for the souls of the world and forget each one of you that the Divine Messengers can come to the Earth to help you profoundly, unite with each one of your souls, healing everything that is there to be healed, and go beyond you, into the great cities, into the little towns, to the distant peoples so forgotten by this world, but never forgotten by God, for the Eye of the Lord sees everything.

For this reason He sends His Messengers in this time, so that they may teach humanity to cry out for this planet, to open the doors to redemption, because now the time has come for you, as humanity, to achieve redemption, redeem this planet, the Kingdoms of Nature that are so much in need of your help, of your understanding.

That is why today I tell you that you must not tire of crying out for the world, that you not be afraid of forgetting yourselves, because when you cry out for the world, We also hear your pleas.

We know the needs of each of the servers and deeply value those who forget about their own needs to ask with their heart for the needs of the neighbor, for the need of the Planet.

It is in this way, My dear ones, that you will learn to be companions of the Divine Messengers because you will be following in Our footsteps, just as We taught you so long ago.

When We were in the world as the Sacred Family, We never worried about any of Us; however God never forgot Us; on the contrary, He was present in Our homes all the time, because when We cried out for the need of the neighbor, of the Kingdoms or the world, He would always hear Us and was always at Our side, and His Presence would dissolve all the difficulties, opened the way for Us, never let Us be lacking in anything.

So this is the teaching that I leave to you. Although many, on this day, wanted to cry out for Uruguay, for this city, it was the cry out for Africa that brought me here. I wanted to come at this time so that you could receive this learning. Feel My Presence and how your hearts have opened before the pressing need of the world. This is how I want to see you every day, with your heart united with the heart of the neighbor, to the need of each brother or sister, for in this way, God will be among you; it will be in this way that you will learn to serve through the heart, through true prayer, for many times you can serve physically, but the heart is not open to serve, but rather to the obligation and the merits that this service generates for yourselves.

Sometimes, My dears, you need to first discover service through prayer, that which is in the invisible, that only faith can make you feel, but that, when you discover it, it remains engraved in your consciousnesses forever, because the spirit knows the truth of what you live.

After discovering service through prayer, you can continue with service on this physical plane, and not only feeding bodies, but also souls; you will not dress people, but rather will pour the Presence of God over them and will cover them with His Divine Love and His Infinite Mercy, which in this time waits for open hearts to descend over the world.

Engrave My Words in your essences because My Presence causes you to understand what you would not, in other ways. Engrave in your hearts all that you feel when with Me, for I come to the world representing the path to the New Humanity, and My Presence among the beings of this Earth has the goal of impelling you into a new step in your evolution.

Do not seek the path through the mind; do not just ask yourselves all the time how you will achieve this archetype of the New Race; but rather live what you feel in your hearts. Do not be afraid to be exposed to the world; live what your essences dictate, which is the echo of the Voice of the Creator. In this way, you will achieve a likeness to Him.

Now I ask you to put into practice everything that I have told you this day. Recognize the opportunities for service your neighbor and do not miss them. You do not need to go far, you do not need to go to Africa to do the Will of God. Recognize that Will in every action of life and do not fear to accomplish it, even though it goes against everything you think and what you have built over your beings until this day. An act of obedience to the Will of God is worth more valuable than a whole lifetime of good works, but works conceived for yourselves.

Continue to sing and help Me in this hour, crying out for Africa and feeling how My Most Chaste Heart reaches the whole world, not only that continent; but cry out with the soul, with the spirit, with the heart. Through the eyes of the heart, you will be able to see how I can reach every home of this world, and through the purity of intention of My Heart united with the Heart of the Creator, assist these many souls who are lost in the illusions of this world.

Cry out in this hour for the poor, for the rich, for those who are hungry and for those who are fed up with the illusions of gluttony; cry out with the heart for all the families of the world, and you will know that My Chaste Heart will include each of your families in this prayer.

I thank you for having responded to this call for the whole world, through the Uruguay nation.


While the Devotional to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph was being prayed, Sister Lucía de Jesús, Mother María Shimani de Montserrat and Mother Constância climbed onto to the stage and knelt down before the altar.

Following a sign, the choir and the rest of the group approached the stage and began to intone songs while Sister Lucía remained concentrated in prayer.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

The angels are placing in our hands what the Hierarchies are calling "the Plan of God for each one". And Saint Joseph is requesting that one by one, you come to fetch it; it is a parchment of white light. One by one, you will take this parchment and, says Saint Joseph, you will take on the responsibility for knowing the Plan of God for your soul.


It will not be in this world that you will understand what you experienced today; it will be in a future time, when you are able to see this open parchment before your eyes and are able to contemplate all the opportunities you had for fulfilling each one of these words, these universal principles which the Consciousness of God the Father sent to each one of you.

In any case, the Hierarchy waits for you to be able to be suns on this Earth, so full of darkness.

The Plan of Abba, thought of by Emmanuel, manifested by Adonai, must be accomplished in each one of your souls, your beings; it must be a reality in this world through those who have been self-summoned to accomplish it.

The Plan of God is a gift to the universe and an opportunity for your beings, for God is Love and aspires to manifest His magnitude in those most in need of redemption. God aspires to Be in each one of His creatures.

In your hearts, reflect on and feel what you experienced today, for there will be no more explanations, neither from inner teachers, nor incarnated teachers, that will allow you to understand the grandeur of this moment. It will be the pure and simple heart which opens that will understand higher reality.

This is a gift, but also a responsibility, for many walk through this world without even knowing of the existence of God, and you today have received His Higher Will into your hands from His faithful Servant, so that you may be aware of it and be able to exactly live what the Divinity thought of for each one of your lives, in this world and in others.

What you have received today are little pieces of a great Universal Plan, and joining the parts that correspond to each one, that Plan is manifested. It is for this planet to fulfill a large part. All of the universe has moved forward without pause for a long time, but for a great step to be taken, it is necessary that this planet fulfill its part.

Great is the darkness, for greater shall be the Light that will emerge from it. Great are the difficulties, for greater shall be the goal to be reached. 

You must accomplish in a short time what the universe has already accomplish so many centuries, so many eons ago, a time that is not measured by this material time, a time that simply is. You must move beyond the lessons of those who are very knowledgeable. These must be through Love.

Throughout the civilizations of this Earth, you had many opportunities. You heard the Voice of the Hierarchy so many times, just as you hear it today. You were close to achieving the goal so many times, just as you are today, but you allowed that opportunity to slip through your fingers and this parchment returned to the Heart of God, because once again, the forces of this world were greater than your capacity to love and to surrender to the Plan.

This time I ask that you try to defeat them, for the Voice of the Hierarchy will not return to the world again. You will not have the opportunity to experience everything you experienced to relearn, again and again, what you should have learned long ago.

In the universe, we did not know if this Plan would ever be concretized, but today we know that it is possible; all that is needed is that you want to defeat and break the structures that bind you to yourself in order to definitely surrender to this Plan.

Here is this Instructor speaking to you, Whom you have listened to for so long, but know so little about. My Consciousness is not of this world, but it has lived in it and knows how difficult it is to overcome the forces of matter; but it also knows that t is possible to overcome them.

That is why I return to the world, again and again, even though there is a possibility that I might not be here anymore.

I am here because I love you, just as all of the universe loves you, that permanently observes you, waiting in prayer, that you may cross this threshold, that you may come out of the illusion of this parallel time that holds you back, that you may unite with this universe, the Supreme Consciousness of Abba, so that the Creator may return to be ONE with His Creatures.

I know of your efforts, which is why I come to help you. Receive today the Light of this Kingdom, which you proclaim with devotion, for it manifests in all the spaces of this place.

Honor the soil you walk on, honor the Voice that speaks to you, honor the Heart that welcomes you, the Heart of Mirna Jad.

I thank you for being here and I tell you that this is not at a farewell, for the Hierarchy is permanently at your side and always will be.


Today, in a divine and omnipresent way, My Chaste Heart descends to the world to gather the prayers offered by your hearts to the Celestial Father; thus, in a special way, I am present in the two Marian Centers, so that humanity may understand the emergency of being able to serve in these times.

Today, My most chaste Essence gathers all the lost essences of Africa and of the world, elevating them to the reparative Celestial Kingdom, so that the angels of the Lord may rebuild them and re-integrate them into the cycle of their original evolution.

Today, My Sacred Heart of divine lilies opens like a flower for you, so that you may hold the original purity that God granted everyone.

My companions and children of Christ, have faith, and the certainty that your holy service and effort will come to touch the heart of the whole universe, so that in this way, the Graces of Heaven can be poured out.

The Most Pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary has sent Me to remind you, on this sacred day, that you are to only seek the awakening of the original purity that will allow you to be transformed and redeemed.

As a faithful carpenter of God, allow Me to take your lives so that the new instrument, free from malice and hate, may be able to emerge and become a celestial gift for God.

My Chaste Heart promises immediate assistance for those who always remember to open the doors of their hearts so that God may labor. In this planetary hour, in which essences are distanced from their real purpose and mission, I come so that you also remember to pray for those who do not pray to God, nor do they remember the spring of divine existence.

After the last mission of charity carried out in Brazil, where My Chaste Heart granted a time of peace and Mercy for all the forgotten and displaced, for all of Africa, through all the servers of the Plan, I am preparing to gestate its great cycle of redemption, forgiveness and peace. So that this may be possible, I come to ask all My companions on the path and the Humanitarian Fraternity to dedicate three prayers a day to My Chaste Heart, so that I may intercede with God and grant the sacred mission in Rwanda and Angola.

I have come to the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit to ask all the missionaries to raise their inner offering to God the Father in order to help and to collaborate in Africa, in the coming year of 2015, in honor of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

If the offering of all the servers is sincere and firm, I promise to descend in glory in Africa and free what is still not free from the spirits of My children.

For this special meeting, I am grateful for the collaboration of all who, in charity and for the good, made the mission in Brazil possible.

From the Most Chaste Heart of God, I bless you.

Your faithful Instructor, Saint Joseph,

Father of Love and Unity


There is no evil that can enter the consciousness of a server if they do not open the door to it. Because, although they will know the chaos in its maximum expression, they will never be penetrated by it if they keep the door to darkness closed and keep the door of the heart open to superior Light.

My dear companions, in these planetary times, you will not experience greater evil, except the one the being causes to themselves, because both Light and darkness will be available in big flows for the choice of the server incarnated in this world.

Concerning this particle of your consciousness which still aspires to surrender to material desires, if you do not allow it to come to the light, you will always face the risk of being before a mistaken choice.

As Father and Instructor of your souls for such a long time, it is up to Me not only to awaken you, but also to warn you when you cannot understand the true path to be followed.

This is the planetary moment in which the Law of duality will manifest its greatest expression, and all beings will see, within or outside of themselves, a situation of choices and definitions to be taken, because the universe awaits you to dictate the next steps of humanity.

If each server knew that their choices define part of the destiny of humanity and, more than knowing, if they lived according to all they know, they would not limit their efforts to surpass the barriers of incomprehension and of self-love and reach a state of absolute adhesion to the Plan of God, independently of the form of their participation. 

My dear ones, these are times in which the smallest movements generate the greatest universal repercussions, because, just as one of you that reaches the Christification will be able to change the destiny of this universe, also one of you that abandons this boat of salvation will prevent many souls from attaining redemption and the possibility of returning to the celestial origin, souls that often, if they were awakened, would have a vital role within the Plan of God.

As your Father, I warn you and ask you to try to see life in this world from a broader point of view. Awaken to the Law of spiritual cause and effect and remember all the souls that depend on a definite "yes" of those who will be loyal to the Plan and remember the so many others that will miss their evolution for not having the possibility of finding a superior truth.

Today I come to meet you to enter within the consciousness of humanity and give it an impulse towards the awakening of a new race, full of the Spirit of God, but many have forgotten that I am here.1

Is everything already solved within you, have you become self-sufficient or have you forgotten the life of the spirit, before all the demands of life in matter? Will you conquer yourselves, to discover the power of faith or will you regret before the fallen structures and the missed opportunities for not having corresponded to all that was given to you?

This is not a moment of reflection because you have already had over 25 years to reflect. This is a moment of definition and of an active awakening.

Do not walk backwards and do not stop your steps. 

After opening your heart, you must become soldiers of this plan of Love, but many have not even allowed themselves to open their heart.

After becoming praying beings, you must conquer yourselves to surrender completely to God.

My Words sound clear in the hearts of those who recognize Me.

I Am your Father and Instructor and I leave you My blessings for the coming days.

The most chaste Saint Joseph


1 Saint Joseph refers to the questions that can be made to Him through Letters to Saint Joseph


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

When hearts say 'yes' to the coming of the Celestial Messengers, several knots are untied in the world, because it is as if the whole of humanity emitted its 'yes' to the Celestial Universe.

As a Chaste Heart, I come to meet with your beings to place in each of your essences the principles of a new life. I always call you to come to be around Me, to kneel at the celestial altars and before the doors that open into Heaven, because My Presence in the world represents a new step for humanity.

When I was on Earth, I experienced the simplicity, the purity and the humility that all of humanity should express as a race. My Heart was a human heart, like this one which beats within your beings, but My faith in the life I lived, in the God Who guided My Heart, made it possible for Me to transform all those human aspects that permeated My Heart.

For this reason, it was asked of Me that I return to the world because I know how humanity lives, I know about each test your hearts experience, and I also know that, in spite of all the opportunities given to you, it will be very hard for you to continually live the true transformation of your life. But it is necessary to persist because you do not know what takes place within the invisible of this world; the reflection of your smallest actions has repercussions on all of this planet.

The Grace of receiving the Three Divine Messengers will be registered in the history of this nation, as well as in the history of each of your souls. These codes that We place in your lives will never be able to be put out, even though you lead a common life in the world. All I ask of you, My dear companions, is that you lovingly cultivate these lilies of peace that today I pour over your essences, for they represent the purity you must experience as humanity.

Today I want to tell you that the Heavens are gladdened, that the angels sing and glorify the Creator, because humanity is taking its steps. Even though you do not perceive it, souls are walking toward the Kingdom of God, and through you, many other souls will receive the opportunity to awaken.

This is why I ask you that, just as the Sacred Family so long ago was an example and reason for conversion for all those that approached us, the faithfulness in your hearts also be a reason for the conversion, also be a light that guides those who are in darkness. Because today I tell you that a time of chaos, a time of profound darkness in the world will come, but after a deep and cold night, a new sun will shine, because after all darkness, the light must come.

This is the Law of the Universe. Thus, I only ask that you be persevering, that you never desist from this path of prayer that the Divine Messengers are building in your lives. Study the Messages that were given to you, for in these Divine Words can be found the keys for all transformation, to open all the doors that separate you from the universe, from your Celestial Origin.

My dear ones, today I tell you, as the Chaste Heart, as a Heart that has already been a human heart, that it is possible to live the transformation of your life, that it is possible for a new human being to be born within your souls, who will represent the perfect manifestation of the Creation of God in the universe.

All of Heaven awaits the step of humanity. Great is the suffering that you have experienced over the centuries; also great is the destruction that you caused in this world because of the unconsciousness and thoughtlessness toward all the Graces you have received. But that darkness is great because great also must be the Light that will emerge through each of you.

I want to thank you for having come to this meeting, for having shattered the doubts that the mind imprints on the heart, for having opened the door of your lives, of your houses, of your families for the entry of this higher Light, because through that simple act, the Divine Messengers can transform the destiny of this nation and free all that was imprisoned in this world, even if invisible to your eyes, all the suffering that still exists, an ancient suffering that marks the heart of this nation and that through the descent of the Sacred Hearts, must definitely be extinguished.

I thank you for being here, for saying 'yes' to a higher life, because your souls could once again draw close, because this thread that connects you with the cosmos can exist again, linking each of your essences with its celestial origin, the divine essence from which you came and to which you must return when the time comes.

Now, I ask that you sing joyfully and with devotion, because the Virgin Mary and Christ Jesus wish to accompany Me in this hour, wish to come to this place to end, with the blessing of the Holy Spirit, this cycle We carried out in this nation.

Sing to the Sacred Family and wait, for a new portal will open in Heaven and new Graces and blessings will be poured out over this world.

Song: Sacred Family


Words of the Virgin Mary:

Continue to play.

Dear children, your beloved Celestial Mother is speaking to you, coming here to meet with you to pour out the blessings and the Graces over your souls that you must carry to the four corners of this world.

Today I bless you with the Light of the Spirit of God, so that today and forever, this Holy Spirit can become life in your beings and can be carried to all those who have need.

Thus, go and serve, carrying the divine actions in your hands. Go and live in fellowship, in unity with all the hearts of this world, serve without distinction of race, belief, social status; serve the poor, but also the rich; serve the sick, but also those that are healthy, for there are many illnesses in this world that your eyes cannot see, but that your hearts can feel, because suffering, pain, fear, the lack of faith, the lack of compassion are also illnesses that exist in this world, but which can be healed through love, faith, compassion, joy, the faithful commitment to the Heart of God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Our will is to heal and cure your hearts: and today, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth, we consecrate your families of the whole world as the New Humanity.

Words of Saint Joseph:

As first Father and Priest of Christ, in the Presence of Jesus and of Mary, of Love and Purity, we will bless a small soul that, for all your spirits, will represent the healing of your inner children.

With joy, devotion and ceremony, let us celebrate this meeting, this Will of God that is known to everyone today, to the simplest of heart, to the humblest of heart, to the purest of heart that are always able to see God.

Let us prepare for this blessing and close this Sacred Meeting.

My Chaste Heart, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, present today in Paraguay and in the world, ask all the faithful to kneel for this blessing.

Let us sing.

Song: Sacred Family.

Prayer: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.

By this flash of Light that permeates you and this meeting with the Sacred Hearts, may you serve as a testimony of life for all in the times that will come and up to the time of Paradise.

We bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While We rise up to Heaven, listening to your pleas, together with the angels, sing to the Sacred Family of Nazareth.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

To end this meeting, we would like to tell you a little about today's Apparition. Before Saint Joseph came here, the angels began to make lilies rain down on us, and those lilies entered into our essence and disappeared.

After Saint Joseph transmitted His Message, He showed how that Light of the Divine Messengers expanded beyond this place and touched not only this nation but also many other parts of the world.

As we were able to hear and feel, the Three Divine Messengers were with us today, giving us this blessing, this water of life, which baptized not only the child, but all of us present here.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We wanted to add that when the Three Sacred Hearts announced Their Presence, at Their feet appeared the image of Paraguay, and a river of precious and luminous Blood began to bathe this Nation, Blood that was coming out of the Heart of Christ.

And what we also remember is that when Saint Joseph was telling Sister Lucía that He was a man of this world, He showed many scenes of His life, here on Earth, which still are not very well known to humanity, and that He one day plans to reveal so that we can come to know Who Saint Joseph really was, and what mission He accomplished with Mary and Jesus in that time, and also, what the task is that He comes to carry out at this time of humanity as a Divine Messenger.

And to bring this to a close, we want to thank all the brothers and sisters of Paraguay that made possible the concretization of this Divine Plan, all those who prayed, all those who worked, all those who disseminated it and dared to take a step in this call; because, in truth, we will only understand what occurred here, in this nation, in the long term.

From today on, may our true motive be the search for those Three Sacred Hearts, the perfect union through prayer, and let us find in Them the possible hope that we need to find.

If we continue to give our permission for Them to work on us, many keys will certainly be awakened in our lives, which will serve as examples for others.

So, we invite you to carry this Presence of the Sacred Hearts with much gratitude and peace, and let us give thanks.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!



Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Saint Joseph asks that we sing with joy in the Presence of the Three Most Sacred Hearts.


Sing with the heart, while the Most Sacred Hearts pour out over your souls and over all humanity celestial blessings. May this afternoon, your hearts be joyful, because Heaven has descended to Earth and your spirits once again impel you.

I thank you for responding to Our call!


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, Saint Joseph came accompanied by Christ Jesus and Our Lady, the Virgin Mary. For a time, They were observing us. Their Most Sacred Hearts were exposed and radiated a lot of Light. During the prayer, several portals around the room opened through which other beings from the Celestial Kingdom entered and began to work with us.

When we saw that the portal was opening for the arrival of Saint Joseph, we observed that in reality, three portals were opening: one of a rose color, one of a blue color and one of a golden color. The Most Sacred Hearts arrived here through these three portals. It really seemed like Heaven merged with Earth, because the energy of the Celestial Kingdom was not only here on the altar; through all those portals that were opening, the whole room lit up, and the Kingdom of God descended to the planet.

Saint Joseph called the monks and began to transmit His Message.

(Sister Lucía de Jesús begins to read the monthly Message of Saint Joseph of September 19, 2014.)

At the end of the Apparition, from the Heart of Jesus came a ring, which gradually grew, becoming very large; it was over a red pillow. From the Heart of Mary came another ring. Those movements took place at the same time, and the Virgin Mary, looking at Jesus, says to Him: "This is the ring that I offer you in the name of all of humanity, sealing this union with You." Those rings joined together and descended over the group; then they disappeared.

Mary was explaining to us that this consecration of today is not only of the Grace Mercy Order, it is of all of humanity.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

To explain what this ring is about, we want to share that today the Grace Mercy Order will take a very important step, because its pioneer spirits accepted an invitation of Christ Jesus and will carry out a perpetual spiritual union with the Consciousness of Christ.

And in spite of none of us being prepared for this step, in our heart we open a space for giving up our own will so that Christ can make of us the instruments He needs.

We don't know what will happen afterwards, but in the same way that some years ago, nine of us bowed down for the first time to Christ, and had no idea of what would happen, today, many more than nine will make this commitment for all the times that will come.

We invite you all to be inwardly with us, because even without knowing much, we believe what the Hierarchy tells us: that this will be a step for all of humanity.

We thank you all and ask you to pray for us, so that we can remain firm until the end.  And we thank the Most Sacred Hearts from our hearts for Their constant company. Thank you all very much.


Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,

Today I come in the Presence of the Most Holy Mary and Her Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to share about the opening of this new cycle, not only for you but for all humanity, that crosses the threshold of the old human to definitely tread the path of Christ.

Everyone rejoice! And glorify the Creator, because through pioneer souls, His Plans are being accomplished, and His miracle of transformation is becoming a reality for all the consciousnesses that dare to say "yes".

My beloveds, Our Presence comes to tell you that one day, in the Celestial Universe, you will comprehend the Graces you received today.

Know that from those who are given much, all will be asked. Today we offer you the Grace of union with Christ, which the consciousness of the Order is carrying out. But in the near future, you will understand that this Grace came to strengthen you and so that you do not desist from the path when facing the great tests of humanity.

The consciousness of humanity, through its representatives, will finally yield at the feet of the Redeemer, so that in this cycle and for all eternity, you live the union with Christ, so awaited by all the Celestial Kingdom.

To human eyes, it will seem a simple action, but in the eyes of God, it is the first definitive step in the fulfilling of His Plans.

As the Most Sacred Hearts that guide humanity, we invite you all to feel yourselves part of this great step, to commune of the Celestial Joy and, as humanity, allow to be born in your hearts the hope that what is perfect and descended from the Heart of God will finally have space to take shape in humanity.

We know that you will not understand the greatness of this moment, and may this ignorance at least preserve your humility. But each day, seek to go deeper into your heart so that you may correspond to the offer that was made to you, and that your lives be sacred like The One that comes to them.

My beloveds, with Our Hearts in Our hands, we offer humanity the possibility of merging with each of Them, and that the celestial attributes that are placed there may not be a reality only for the Kingdom of God, but may this planet no longer be so distant from that Most Sacred Kingdom and may it find the sacred and the Divine within itself.

I am deeply grateful for your acceptance to continue on this path, for taking in your hands the alliance ring with Christ and, in the name of humanity, eternally merge with Him.

In humility, the Most Sacred Hearts bless and thank the Grace Mercy Order and all this workgroup, because, in spite of yourselves, you continue on this path and, even without understanding, you respond to Our Call.

May Divine Grace be upon you and upon all of humanity.

Your beloved Father and faithful Instructor,

Saint Joseph, in the company of the Most Holy Mary and Christ Jesus


Saint Joseph appeared with a censer in His right hand and with a staff in His left hand, making a prayer and asking us to start writing down. While He prayed, by His right and His left sides would pass souls that were being rescued from Africa and from the Middle East. Then, He transmitted the following devotional:

Devotional of Saint Joseph, so that all of the souls of the world will receive Forgiveness
To be prayed, above all, for Asia and Africa

First decade
By the Merciful Power of the
Celestial Father and under the intercession of
the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all souls receive Forgiveness,
for Reconciliation with God.

Second decade
By the Merciful Power of the
Celestial Father and under the intercession of
the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all souls receive Forgiveness,
to achieve Peace and Redemption.

Third decade
By the Merciful Power of the
Celestial Father and under the intercession of 
the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all souls receive Forgiveness,
for the absolution of their sins and the
dissolution of all suffering.

Fourth decade
By the Merciful Power of the Celestial Father
and under the intercession of  
the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all souls receive Forgiveness,
to be healed from all evil
and so that all sorrow may be erased.

Fifth decade
By the Merciful Power of the
Celestial Father and under the intercession of
the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all souls receive Forgiveness 
and the assistance that
they need to return to the Kingdom of God.

Union bead
Lord, may Your infinite Mercy be poured upon
the souls of the world 
and may they be forgiven
by the strength of Your Divine Love.
Under the intercession of Saint Joseph,
we clamor to You.

This is a prayer that I transmit to the world, so that all beings are able to receive the Grace of being intermediaries between God and humanity, and so that, through the devotion of the hearts ,all souls of this world may receive the opportunity of being forgiven and rescued by the merciful Spirit of the Father.

My dears, I want to teach you to be missionaries by means of prayer also, which crosses the spaces and reaches all the continents of this world; whose power heals and redeems all of the Kingdoms of Nature, without distinction.

I want you to learn to be missionaries also in your hearts, and to cross the boundaries that separate you as humanity, because for the Heart of the Father, your hearts are represented by a single human heart that must begin to pulsate to the rhythm of the Divine Creation of the Most Sacred Heart of God.

Missionaries are those who fulfill their mission before God and who assist Him so that other souls may awake to their own mission.

Missionaries are those who dissolve the barriers, the limits, and through the love that is born in their hearts, are bearers of God for all the creatures.

If you aspire to serve and to live a life of absolute service and charity, begin by discovering that the greatest of services is found in the transformation of yourselves into an instrument of God. The greatest service is found in awakening first your own spirit for the Divine Love, and in this way you will be able to bring the Heart of the Father in all acts of life. Your lives will be turned into a permanent act of charity and of service.

My dears, begin by the most simple things in life; with the small deeds, with transparency, with humility; in this way you will be constructing within your hearts a fortress to be used by the Creator in order to dwell among humankind.

Each one of the attributes that I have given to you along this period in which I have been with you is a brick of this construction that, at the request of the Celestial Father, I am accomplishing in all those who open themselves from their heart.

Each one of the keys that I have handed to you opens the same door. If you engage yourselves in living one of these attributes, you will advance towards experiencing all. For this reason I have given you so many ways of travelling this pathway, so that each one, according to their own possibilities, be able to open the door that will make them meet with God and fulfill His Divine Plan of Love.

Do not waste the words of Those who, in humility, come to your assistance, but rather, with care, seek that they will become life in your beings.

I leave to you today My Love and My Peace, and I ask you to accompany Me in prayer for all those who are in the world being instruments of darkness. That the souls may be forgiven for everything, and that they may again find the path from which they got lost, so that they may return to the Heart of God, to living the Divine Laws.

I wait for you in prayer and in service, in humility and in fraternal and Christic charity.

Saint Joseph, Most Chaste and eternal Server of God


Today I will bless this Communion with Christ, consecrating it so that it may become a path for all souls that aspire to achieve transformation. May these molecules of Christ enter your beings and transform your lives forever, for, in each of those little pieces of bread, there is a mystery of infinite Love, there is a part of the Heart of God, which was given by His Son through His Holy Cross.

As Teacher and Father of each soul of this world, and by the power granted Me by God to come to the Earth and bless beings, today I consecrate this Communion, so that it may serve as a source of redemption and freedom for your souls.

I thank you always for persisting in responding to the call of the Divine Messengers. May the celestial impulses enter into your consciousnesses and come alive in your beings.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

At the request of Saint Joseph, we will once again listen to the song 'Father of the Missionaries' so that He may pour out His blessing over this world.

Song: Father of the Missionaries

Today the Apparition of Saint Joseph was a little different than it usually is; something happened that was similar to what we perceive in the Apparitions of Mary. While we prayed, already at the end of the prayer of the Devotional, we saw a part of the planet, a part of Africa, and we saw that a portal from Heaven was opening. Suddenly, Saint Joseph began to descend through that portal; He came with a thurible in one hand and a crosier in the other.

Saint Joseph came alone, I mean without sheep, because He wasn't shepherding, but rather He was coming with many angels. He positioned Himself over that place in Africa, and while the incense from the thurible He brought was spreading, He began a prayer. While He prayed, the souls of that place began to rise up to His right and to His left and entered the portal through which He had come.

Afterwards, He positioned Himself over a part of the Middle East. We saw a place at war, a city in ruins, wounded people, and Saint Joseph was doing the same thing: He prayed and was rescuing souls through His prayer.

At one point, the angels asked us to kneel, to follow along with this prayer that Saint Joseph was doing. And when the portals gradually opened to here, Saint Joseph continued with the same prayer.

Today we perceived His Omnipresence because while He was here, at the same time, it was as if He continued in those places of the world, and for a time, we continued to see that souls were still being rescued and went by Him on His right and on His left to Heaven.

(Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the prayer that Saint Joseph was speaking: the Devotional of Saint Joseph so that all souls of the world may receive Forgiveness and she reads the Monthly Message of August 19, 2014.)


God, Our Celestial Father, has a special mission for each one of His creatures, one which the Divine Messengers seek to manifest in this time in your hearts simply through Our sacred Presence, which activates the divine codes latent within all beings.

Today I gather you all here so that through your hearts, the celestial mission may be accomplished. I come to assemble your souls and your spirits so that, in this final time, you wake up to this commitment that you made to God a long time ago.

My dear ones, today I want to gladden your hearts because the purity of My Most Chaste Heart is penetrating your lives little by little; it is transforming your beings so that the lily I am creating in your consciousnesses may blossom, this lily that represents the purity, the charity and the humility of My Heart.

Together with the Divine Messengers, I want to place the Greater Will of God in your lives, so that it may be accomplished in all the creatures of this world, because in the great celestial mystery, when one of the human beings takes a step, no matter how small it may be, the impact in the universe and in the consciousness of all of humanity is large.

Thus, on this afternoon of infinite Mercy, in which the Three Most Sacred Hearts will step on this sacred soil, I simply ask you to encourage your hearts to experience the unknown with joy, with intensity, because the adventure is great for those willing to love.

These are times for completely trusting in the Heart of the Hierarchy, of fearlessly following Those Who descend from the Heavens to instruct your souls, your spirits, your lives.

Although many inner movements may take place within and outside of yourselves, although one day you may reach a point of not being able to control the forces that move the world and also move matter, I simply ask that you continue walking, just as you are doing.

Do not be ashamed, do not be worried, do not be afraid of accepting each other, just like the Divine Messengers accept your hearts and welcome your souls. For in the near future, you will be able to understand, when the divine essences manifest, that the sacrifice made to walk as a group, to not ever let go of the hand of your sibling who accompanies you was small, because Divinity, one day, may manifest through those hearts that today can manifest deep darkness.

Today I want to tell you that a new humanity must emerge through all the lives of this world, a new redeemed race. But for this, persistence is necessary, an example of life is necessary, with patience, with love.

It is necessary, My dears, My brothers, sisters, and companions, that you never tire of walking, that you never withdraw from those beside you, because no matter how many imperfections they have, something unique, divine, is held within all beings, and there is no creature in this world that does not have the possibility of manifesting it.

It is only necessary that you want to live this divine life, that you want to take those steps toward the Celestial Kingdom, that you want to draw that Kingdom to the Earth, and in spite of the chaos, of all the pain and all the suffering that you may experience, overcome the difficulties through love and manifest the Divine Kingdom in this world.

Because today I tell you that you may experience infinite pain, but supreme will be the love that will come afterwards.

 These are times of intense inner movements, so that afterwards, great movements on the planet may come. It is necessary to learn to overcome the tribulations that are happening today in your lives, so that you may teach others to overcome the tribulations of the world when the time comes to do that.

Today I want to thank you for listening to these few words. If your hearts could see what My Most Chaste Heart brings to the world while it pronounces them, you could understand that the time I spend among you does not matter; one second of the Presence of the Divine Messengers could change the events of the world and completely transform your consciousnesses if you truly opened yourselves to experience that transformation.

I hear many hearts that cry out to Me and say 'yes' to this affirmation of My Consciousness. With joy, I receive your pleas and send a ray of My Chaste Heart so that it may manifest chastity in your lives like a divine purity, like a profound humility that little by little, you will see unfold in your beings. Simply be patient.

May the light of My Chaste Heart illumine your lives, bring aid so that you may resolve the questions that afflict your hearts today.

Never forget that I accompany you always as father and instructor. And besides being able to listen to My Words on the 19th of each month, seek My help each day, because I can speak to your hearts. You only need to call Me and become silent so as to be able to hear Me.

May the blessing of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be poured out over your consciousnesses so that today and always, you manifest the Divine Purpose in your lives.

I thank you for accompanying My Chaste Heart and helping My mission in the world.


I summoned you here to bless you and to assign you a new mission, for in the depths of your hearts you have already discovered the essence of charity, and, little by little, you awaken the love that God expects His creatures to experience.

My Heart is gladdened by the works of charity that you are carrying out, and today I ask you to accept My offer: that you go to the sectors of this world, especially of this country, that has such a need for charity.

For a long time, My Heart waited for you to be able to reach those who live in solitude; besides physical water and physical food you can take to these brothers and sisters, carry the Water of Life and the Universal Love that emerged from your hearts after these recent years of charity.

Today I want to unite the daughters of Christic Charity with My children who responded to the call for service in these last years during which My Presence was here.

Today I unite you, My dear ones, so that you can unite those two forms of consecration, that you can become complete, that you can learn from each other, and together, carry charity into this world.

I want to thank all of you who are in My Presence today and to bless your little hearts, which are responding to My call, and, thus, to the call of God, which manifests through the Voices of His Messengers.

I thank you and I only tell you to always persevere!


Sister Lucía:

We are going to share with everybody the Message given by Saint Joseph.

He came to us today with much joy!

At the end of our prayer, the Devotional to the Most Chaste Heart, when the doors were opening, we could see different levels of fields of lilies, like within each of the doors of the Universe that were opening up here, with different colored lilies.

And Saint Joseph came through those doors until He reached this very room.

He came with a white robe.

The first thing that manifested by His Heart Center was a lily, and when that lily, which was closed, opened up, within it appeared His Most Chaste Heart, which radiated to all of us.

After making some requests and giving some instructions, Saint Joseph transmitted His monthly Message of June 19, 2014, to us.


These words emerge from a question asked by a daughter of Mine because the time has come for you to learn to serve with pure love.

I want you to discover in charity the simplest and quickest path for the transformation of the deep aspects of the consciousness.

Service, My beloveds, is the doorway for those who have decided to find the Living Christ within themselves and within all beings.

Always seek first the need of your fellow being, always, even though strength fades away from your arms and even though the body does not allow you to continue. When that moment comes, enter the heart, for it can go places where the body cannot reach.

When the last drop of sweat spills for having served those who knocked on your door, then submerge into that space that will never bring you weariness, that is inexhaustible, infinite, where charity is to be found in its most pure essence: enter into the heart.

If you ask Me how to serve with joy, I will just answer you to seek those who are really in need and that exceed all the limits of suffering which your hearts can conceive; because for many, it is difficult to find the entrance to the heart when the service they can provide is a daily service. If your hearts still have not opened, go towards those who are in so much need, those that, from so much suffering, not only pay their spiritual debts but those of the whole world as well.

When, before those brothers and sisters, you may have experienced the love to be found in your hearts, for you have discovered it in the need of loving, then do return and see that around you there is always a heart in need of your support.

Notice that you are always faced with hearts and consciousnesses that represent universes within them, and joyfully serve these, as well as the ones greatly lacking in love.

Serve, by knowing that through works of charity, unity emerges, for whose manifestation this world was created. Serve, for in charity love sprouts as an inexhaustible source in your hearts, and once you discover that source, it will never be able to hide in your inner world; it will always be there, willing to become greater and infinite, ready to show you that love can be given to all equally and that the need of the rich in their poverty of spirit is as great as the poor, who dies in famine and loneliness.

My dear ones, thus loving everyone, you will cause the rich to discover they can provide for the needs of the poor, and also the poor that can supply the needs of the rich, who has not known the joy there is in living in simplicity.

Charity leads you to unity and love, and I will always guide your hearts and your beings to these principles. Just allow My simple words to echo in your hearts and be transformed into a source of transformation and impulse so that you may definitely live that which you came to manifest in this world.

I love you and thank you for experiencing the joy of finding My Most Chaste Heart.

Saint Joseph

Monthly Messages

Today, feel in your hearts the courage that I bring to your lives, so that, through the sublime humility and purity of My Heart, you may be able to understand all that Heaven sends you as learning in this time.

My dear companions, walkers of this path of Christification, the moment expected by this humanity has come, of taking great steps in its evolution.  But for this, it is necessary that you live the adversities inherent to the path of transformation that you are treading.

As instructor of your little souls, I want to conduct you, above all, to the union with God.  Be united in life to the Heart of the Father, in the same way as did the Son.

Today I want to say to you that the moment to take a great leap has come, and not little steps anymore.  The moment has come to forge with intense fire your souls, souls that must know how to persevere in their path, beyond any earthly event.

The moment has come for your hearts to be able to seal their own commitment to God and, through this faithful and lasting commitment, to elevate all of humanity, so that it may take this step in consciousness.

My dears, your souls lifted the hands in the Kingdom of the Heavens, when the voice of the Creator summoned those who wished to be pioneers in the Redemption and in the transformation of themselves and of a whole race.  For this, you must be conscious of all that you are learning, what you do so that one day you may be able to conduct a whole humanity lost in its own darkness.

The instruction that I bring to you on this day is that it is time to renew yourselves, to renew the spirit of consecration, to renew the offers of your souls, to renew your commitments to God the Father and His Messengers, because, in this time, the Divine will be your only breath.  In God, will be the refuge of Peace for your souls, in God, will be the strength that you need to move forward.

And you will ask yourselves: how to come to God?  You will come to God through the purity of intention, the permanent aspiration to serve Him.  You will come to God, when you strengthen yourselves through the difficulties and, before each trial that approaches, reconfirm that Christ is your path, truth and life.

My dears, many are the paths have men and women have tread to come to the Infinite; many have been the messengers sent by God to instruct and conduct humanity.  But it is inherent to this time that God Himself speaks to you, through those who have merged with Him in soul, spirit and divinity and with Him form only one consciousness, only one word and only one truth.  For this, in this time, after so many paths have been presented to you, the trails have been united in one single and great road, through which will walk all the beings, in which will be found all the teachings, all the sciences.

This is the time of Love and of Unity, because all the true knowledge will come to the world to carry humanity to this Principle.  From the North to the South and from the East to the West of this sacred planet, all the teachings that have arisen and that have been sent by the Supreme Divinity have come to conduct you to this moment of living Love and Unity in your hearts, in your essences and in your lives.  For this, do not fear living the unusual, only seek in all to find Unity, amongst yourselves and amongst the kingdoms of nature.  Love each other, understand each other and, each one in their own possibility, unite yourselves in the same walk.

Love and Unity are the keynote of this time, this is the melody that will open the doors of the Heavens to you, sing together this song.

I thank you for coming to My encounter, for recognizing My presence and for opening your hearts to the voice of God that is manifested through His humble and chaste servant.

Saint Joseph

Monthly Messages
Special Message of the Most Chaste Servant of God, Saint Joseph, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My beloved companions,

If you truly aspire with your hearts and souls to live at this time what God has planned for humanity, here I am to instruct you.

My word is heard in the four corners of the world, by a special request of God, searching those who are faithfully determined to take the steps in the consciousness and to finally cross the threshold between the old and the new human being.

Bravery is necessary and also a lot of courage to take the steps that all humanity would need to take in this time. And, from the Heavens, the Most High Lord contemplates the souls and consciousnesses that are thirsty for the water of a new life and that can no longer wait to take the definite steps in their transformation.

Therefore, as the faithful Father and Instructor of souls, I made an offer to Our Lord, an offer that humanity never received throughout its long existence and that demonstrates to the world the urgency of the times in which you live.

Through My humble consciousness, the Lord will send divine impulses directly to His creatures, for them to be able to change the patterns of life and behavior that hinder them to live the plans of God on Earth.

Therefore I tell you, companions of My Chaste Heart, that during a period that will be determined by the answer of your hearts, I will be accompanying you more closely and directly, I will instruct you on this path of the transformation of all aspects of the being.

The Lord allowed My Instruction to reach, in the first six months, the missionaries, residents, and families living in the Light-Communities, in this way, healing the heart of the heart. My first disciples will place, in a simple way, the questions of their consecrations and their lives, all that which they do not understand and that need assistance to daily experience and practice.

I ask you to write to Me with love, those who really aspire to take the steps of their transformation, those who are determined and really willing to experience the Instruction that was given to them throughout the last years. My fatherly answer will reach everyone so that all humanity feels contemplated by My humble Instruction.

My beloved ones, the current times ask for true and urgent transformations, and the Universe gives you all the necessary keys to open the doors of a new time and to be able to bear the transformative currents that this time brings to the world.

Do not fear. As Father and Instructor, I will always be at your side, but do not deter yourselves and walk with firm steps.

I guide and love you.

Your Faithful Companion, Saint Joseph



Today I asked you to draw closer to My Heart so that you could feel My Presence in your lives. But in truth, I tell you that this is a symbol of your union with Me because I am always together with all of you. My Presence is a part of life on Earth, and the impulses of My Heart are always with those who seek to be consecrated, are always with those who seek to walk.

Today I ask that you come here because I want to show the world that there are beings that respond to the call, beings that heard the voice of their heart and that risked responding to this commitment they made with the Divine so long ago.

My dear companions, it has already been a year that My Presence has been among you, has been directly with the hearts of the world. Thus, today I want you to rejoice and to open your hearts and souls, so that My divine codes may permeate your essences.

Many think that they have come to meet Me, but today I tell you that I assembled your souls so that today you could be with Me. God requested that the Messengers of Heaven wake up all the souls of this world; thus, We never tire of coming to the Earth, and if there is a soul that responds to this call, we will continue to come to give humanity an impulse, for one being represents all the beings that exist in the world.

Today, in your hearts, I want you to hold the importance of the journey of your consciousnesses, that you do not stop, that you are persistent, that you are brave on this path. I know that for many, it will not be easy, that others cannot manage to find a path of simplicity, but I simply ask that you open your eyes, especially the eyes of the heart, to perceive that Divine Hands are permanently extended and come to your aid whenever you need an impulse.

Today I ask, My dear ones, that you do not fear entering this path which is unknown for many, and for others, not so much. Today I tell you to risk, with love, surrendering your lives, to take a step, even if small, in the name of all of humanity, because human beings do not walk in the world; and while others go backwards in their evolution, I need a few who dare to walk, to forget the past and open the way for a new life on Earth. Many times, in that meeting with the Divine Messengers, They erased the past in your lives, and in this way, allowed your souls to enter into a new cycle of evolution.

Today, once again, I gather you together so that, celebrating a year of My Apparitions, you may have clean lives, your hearts pure and ready to enter a new path. But on this day, I ask that you do not waste the opportunity that is given to you, for many times, humanity has wasted what the Divine gave the world.

This is not the first time the Messengers have been among humankind, but this will be the last call that God sends the Earth, for a new time must emerge, new souls must enter the evolution, a higher evolution, and it is in this way, My beloveds, that a new race emerges in the universe and that love will be able to open the doors again that separate creatures from their Creator.

Today I bring an impulse from the universe so that your consciousnesses are able to recognize a higher life, and in this way, you may receive the strength you need to break the barriers that separate you from the Divine, the Real, the Pure.

Today, dear children, I want you to come across your origin, that point in the universe from where you come, because as clear essences, you were generated from a divine impulse to manifest the Will of God on the Earth.

Today I first call to My meeting, those who were consecrated as a family, so that they may manifest a new family archetype in the world. This afternoon, I tell you that it is already time to cross the threshold between the old family and the new family. Open your hearts, because today, in your essences, I leave a new path, which you will find if you meditate and seek what I place within you.

I also call the missionaries, for they have already found a new impulse because they listened to the voice of their souls and knew to find My Will in the invisible. Today, My Consciousness expands and My Heart reaches to the neighborhood of São José, to definitely consecrate it and to tell My dear missionaries that other houses will emerge in the world.

Thus, today I ask that those who accept being definitely consecrated, those who were waiting for an impulse from My Heart to take this step in selfless service, come to meet Me. The world has need of your surrender and the sincere offering of your hearts, for there are many that suffer, that do not know the love and charity they need from those who carry My Presence, as well as the Presence of Christ, to the hearts that suffer.

Today I bless you and take you to My meeting so that you may enter into My Heart and so that this Most Chaste Heart that is before your eyes today can enter into your essences.

Today I also call those of My children who carry forward My work in the Light-Communities, and through them, My Consciousness reaches each of the Communities.

In consciousness and soul, I call so that the consecrated members of the Community of the Holy Spirit, the Community of the Brotherhood, come to this meeting. I call so that the consecrated members of the Community of Fraternity come to My meeting. I call so that the consecrated members of the Community of the New Earth come to My meeting, and I bless all of them so that you may definitely manifest the archetype of life on this world that the whole of humanity is to live in this final time.

Today I tell you, My beloveds, that in this meeting, we are many more than you can see, that to My meeting I call all those that accompany Me with their heart and are willing to consecrate their lives, in their cities, in their homes, carrying in their daily lives the codes I place in their hearts.

This is My Message for this day. In truth, I leave an impulse for humanity, and through your hearts, may the consecration of the world to the Most Sacred Heart of God be able to manifest.

Today I tell you, My beloveds, that I will continue being present among your hearts, that month after month, My Voice will return to echo in the world and that, in a special way, I will give impulses to those who aspire to take a step in their lives.

Today I ask you to trust in the Presence of the Messengers of God on Earth, for I will be able to manifest in your lives that which you hold in your essences, and that it is already time for you to definitely live what you really are.

Your small souls are clear in the light of God today, and I remove the veils from your hearts and from your consciousnesses so that not only God, but also each one of you can recognize what you truly are and can discover what mission you have come to fulfill in this time, where you are to go, what you are to do, in what way you are to take your steps.

Ask yourselves, My dear ones, and constantly search, because this response is available in your little hearts.

I will bless these images as a symbol of My Presence, but I would like to remind you that My Presence is in everything, and I am not only this community, but I am in the heart of all those that aspire to manifest a new life.

Those who open their eyes will be able to feel how My Heart draws closer and blends in this time with your essences.

I deeply thank you for opening the doors to My Sacred Heart. May My Presence eternally be in your lives. I love you and bless you.

Your beloved Instructor, Father, and Companion, Saint Joseph

Song: Sacred Family

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We are going to tell a little story about today's Apparition.

When we began to speak the last prayer of the Devotional, the Doors of Heaven opened in a different way. It was as if there was an explosion of Light, and we could see the whole path that led to Paradise. For this reason, at that moment, we stood up and knelt here at the altar.

Many armies of angels started to arrive. In front of them came an Archangel who was indicating to us that first, the families were to approach, then the missionaries; it called the three brothers that coordinated the Light-Communities and then called on all to come.

At that moment, Saint Joseph appeared. He radiated a lot of joy, He was dressed all in white, with a white robe and a white mantle that rested on His shoulders. He appeared with the Child Jesus in His arms and with His Most Chaste Heart manifested, surrounded by small lilies. While He spoke, His Heart radiated a brilliant and intense light to all of us.

As He spoke about the house of the missionaries, we could see the neighborhood of São José and how His Heart radiated to this place, those houses, not only the house of the missionaries but also the houses around it.

While He was calling the Communities, we could see, we don't know how to explain, all the brothers and sisters of the Communities: the residents, the monks, and the regulars that live in them. It was as if this room was much fuller than it is now. His Consciousness began to enter the hearts of those brothers and sisters and into the hearts of all of us.

At a certain point, Saint Joseph showed how His Heart began to grow, and He was gradually drawing the souls of each one so they would enter into His Heart. At the same time, an image was superimposed over that one: His Heart was multiplying; little Hearts of Saint Joseph were entering into each of our centers. All of this was happening while He spoke His Words.

In the end, He asked that the children of the Figueira Community lift up their images. He came a little closer and could touch them with His own hands, blessing the images.

Then, in the end, He also blessed the flowers and asked for the brothers and sisters there, the residents of the Community, that for Him, represented seeds that had already grown, have already given of their flowers and fruits, in the case of the families that gave new seeds, that they give the flowers of those seeds as impulses to each of us. It was a work done by Saint Joseph, which we are not very sure what He wanted to do with this, but we hold this impulse left by Him in our hearts.

Saint Joseph confirmed that He will be with us, even though He did not say for how long, every 19th day of each month.


My beloved and so loved brothers and sisters,

On the anniversary eve of My Apparitions, I want to leave you a present, another service to be provided to the world; and I speak about the Sacred House of the Merciful Service of Saint Joseph, which must be done through a spirit of humility, charity, and service, and will work together with the sisters of Merciful Service in the city of Caracas, Venezuela.

That house will be guarded by My simple Consciousness, which will take on this whole region of Venezuela through the love and the charity radiated by My missionary children and by My consecrated daughters of the Grace Mercy Order.

That house will be a reflection of the life of the Sacred Family and will radiate the simplicity, the charity, and the humility to the world experienced by the Sacred Hearts so long ago.

Here you will learn to live a life of humility and austerity, but full of joy, because the life of the Sacred Family was a life full of the Spirit of God, which brings a vivification to the human spirit.

My dear ones, in this way, I want to expand the spirit of charity throughout the world and awaken in hearts the vocation of selfless service, because today I tell you that real service, done with love, transmutes and transforms the human condition.

You will soon see the fruits that emerge from trees that are planted with love, and the need of the world itself will show you the path to follow. My fatherhood will guide the brave hearts and will bring you the sustenance needed to continue forward.

The world is in need of firm hearts ready to transform the malice and the lack of love that are in hearts; for this you can count on My intercession.

Today I was before God, and through the feelings and impulses of hearts and souls, I interceded for the world, so that more beings could be freed from the situation they live in. For the world itself, this generated the merits for the opening of a house, renewed by the Spirit of God and protected by My Chaste Heart.

You will walk under the guidance of My Spirit, and you can always count on My most sacred intercession.

Your beloved Instructor, Saint Joseph


That My Heart, full of Peace, may radiate today to the world the calm and the faith which the beings need in order to strengthen their spirits for the times that will come.

My beloved companions, with joy in My Chaste Heart I come in a special way to prepare the anniversary of My Apparitions among the servants of Christ.

I contemplate today the fruits of My instructions in your little souls and as a living testimony of the presence of the Messengers of God on Earth, today I ask you to commune with the example of those who walk towards a new life, so that they may bring to the world the inspiration and the courage that it needs to initiate a new walk.

I do not want to demonstrate favoritism nor generate in the hearts vanity and separateness.  With this action of Graces I want that all My children of the world may discover a way to answer to the Divine call and that through their brothers and sisters on Earth, incarnated under the same human condition, they may discover that it is possible to walk towards a Divine life, even amid so many imperfections.

My dears, that to be a living testimony may be the main goal of your hearts; that the miracle of conversion and persistence in constant transformation may be the true aspiration of each soul.

Today I bring you the example of those who took a small step, a first step, and that in this way have propelled all of humanity to a true walk.

I do not ask perfection of you.  I conduct you to persistence and to sanctity, and today I say to you that the Saints and blessed ones from the Celestial Kingdom did not reach perfection, but faithfulness, humility and persistence, so that before all the temptations of the world, they could overcome themselves and seek eternally the resemblance with God and with His Son Jesus.

Many are the paths to an encounter with Christification because many are the attributes that each soul is capable of manifesting in life, and each being in this time must find their own way to be consecrated to God and to be converted, little by little, in the living and renewed Christ, that the Lord hopes to find in all of His creatures.

God sent His Son not just so that He would be praised and adored over the centuries, but so that He would be imitated and renewed in the different times and lives of each one.  The life of Christ renews itself in your hearts, and each one must find Him in their possibility of loving.

For this today, My beloveds, I ask you that with joy you may let yourselves be propelled, and that the fruits of this last year of precious instructions that the three divine messengers gave to the world may mature in your essences, in your souls, and that they may reflect above all, in your lives upon the Earth.

The continuity of this divine mission depends only on the answer of each heart.

I accompany you always and I welcome you in My Chaste and great heart.

Saint Joseph


My beloveds,

Today I come to announce to you the Power of Mercy that all must attain in this time and I reveal that I come to the world at noon time because this moment is known in the Universe as the primordial hour in which the Kingdom of God made itself visible to My eyes, and the Mercy that flows out from the Primordial Source permeated each space in My little being.  At this instant I was able to see the Celestial Greatness and all of Its mysteries, that were revealed to Me.  I received the Grace of being before the Consciousness of God because I recognized My littleness and Its Greatness.

The Lord allowed the most simple of His servants to enter totally into His Kingdom and there was nothing that was hidden from My eyes and from My Heart.

I understood then the essence of life upon the Earth and how that experience would commit Me with God for all Eternity.  The Lord showed Me there My true Self and He revealed to My Heart His plan of rescue for humanity, a Plan that would be carried out through the Christ King, incarnated in My Son Jesus.

From then on My eyes began to see the world as it is and all the pain and anguish that I would be able to feel for the chaos of My time were converted into Mercy.  I would no longer be surprised by the evil of the world, but I lived to convert, as long as I was able to, through the example of Love and Charity, this evil into Mercy for the souls.

My dear companions, today I tell you this because for all must come the time of being completely filled by the Mercy of God.  To all must be revealed the Kingdom of the Heavens because to Him you must return in this time.  But the key that allows you to receive this Grace is humility and the incessant search for the consecration of life.

Recognize each day the Greatness of the Universe and be willing to get to know something that you have never found on this Earth, because the Universe of God is as unpredictable as your hearts and so little known by humanity as the human being is by itself.

Today I want to give you an impulse to seek a life of humility and of service, a life of charity, of love and of conversion because it is to those who are willing to be nothing that the Celestial mysteries will be revealed.  It will be to those who become empty of heart and of spirit that the Divine Mercy will be able to fill totally.

At this moment of life upon the Earth there is nothing more important than walking in the direction of a superior life.

All of the Keys are being given to you, only be persistent and win on each day a little more of yourselves because your own cunning is what separates you from the victory in Christ and from the true Redemption.

My dears, count always on My intercession in the face of the difficulties of life.  I will listen always to your most sincere pleas and I will carry them with Love to the feet of the Creator, that for the humility of His Servant must concede Grace for the creatures of the Earth.

I love you and I conduct you to a Celestial life.

Your beloved Father and Instructor,

Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
