The return of the Musical Kingdom of Peace
That, on this day of Glory, the voices of My children rise to the Heaven and may the angels of the sacred melodies announce, with their trumpets, the upcoming birth of the inner Christ.
May the Sacred Star of Bethlehem radiate its divine attributes over souls and may the singing hearts feel motivated to express gratitude for the immense Love of God.
May the ears of all the participants of this Meeting open up and hear the offering of love that the singers of Christ will impart.
May all the melodies that will be offered today be the great inner offertory of the believing souls for this Christmas.
The music that cures the hearts returns today.
Today will return the melodies which will uplift the consciousness of humanity in ardent faith and unwavering trust.
May the purpose of cure for this planet, and for this humanity, be lived today and may the hearts be reborn in the Divine Fire of Christ.
May the doors of the inner worlds open and may the essences receive the sacred impulses of redemption and of compassion.
All the fallen stars shine today because the melodies offered raise the essences in redemption.
That is why I order that the angels of harmony and of song impregnate, at this moment, the offertory stage so that subtle liberations can be realized in the hearts that need healing and forgiveness.
The Musical Kingdom of Peace comes back and returns today, and the Universe opens its gates to receive from the simplest and the most humble all the gratitude and the love of their heart, on the eve of this next Christmas.
The Meeting of singing souls and of the essences of devotion returns today, and a ray of Grace and of Mercy enters in all the spaces to consecrate and bless, on this day, all those who have responded to the call of the music of Love in order to heal the aching humanity.
May all My children feel participants of this moment and may faith confirm, in all hearts and lives, their union with the Plan of God.
I bless you and may this day be the beginning of new and enriching experiences of love and of healing that must be sown in this humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Work of Mercy of My Son will expand, and it will reach more souls that will awaken, that will be aware of the importance of redemption and will change their lives overnight.
The Work of Mercy of My Son goes hand-in-hand with the Work of Redemption, which will touch many hearts, especially those that have distanced themselves from God and from His Divine Love.
The Work of Mercy of My Son comes in this end time to appease Justice, and thus, give souls time to receive redemption and atonement.
This Work of Mercy is filled with the Love of God, which in this period grants the spiritual and inner remedy against all the evils of the present time.
Who lets themselves be pervaded by the Work of Mercy of Jesus will no longer be able to recognize themselves in their life, for they will have entered into the depths and the core of the Heart of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May your heart always reflect the energy of Love, because this way you will help rebuild this planet and its humanity.
May everything be repaired, healed and cured in the energy of Love.
May the Love that your heart should live be the premise of these times.
May everything be renewed so that the very essence of life be raised as a spiritual offering to the Feet of the Creator.
Always walk along the path of Love where you will find the inner strength needed to transcend time and overcome the trials that will come to confirm your spirit in the divine life.
May each stage of life be a sacred opportunity for redemption.
Each experience lived will make your soul a triumphant spirit, which will soon be close to Christ to celebrate eternity.
May the energy of Love rebuild all things and may your brave heart receive the sacred energy of Love to revive the eternal Love of the Creator every day.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The responsibility to love
Love, dear child, just as the Celestial Father loves you, and He will soon liberate you from the chains of separation and division.
Love, just as My Son loves you, above every error, every test and every hostility; because love will always save you when the sincere act of union with the neighbor emerges from your little heart, the unconditional acceptance of the new times, an undeniable action of good and charity.
For this, in this time, practice the school of love so that, in each new step, you encounter the path of unity and fraternity with your companions.
When this happens, I assure you, My child, that there will no longer exist any differences between your consciousness and that of your brothers and sisters because love will reign and the truth will liberate you from the prisons of life.
Therefore, seek every day to love with holy madness, living each experience as an opportunity of redemption.
May your heart feel that, without pure love, it can not live.
May your consciousness recognize, in this cycle, that without love it will be nothing and life will have no meaning.
Love a little more than you live, because if you truly love, nothing will ever happen to you in that which I ask you to do, and you will receive each new mission with immense joy.
May your little feet not tire of walking in the direction of the path of Love.
It is already your responsibility to live in Love and to be in Love at all times because in this way you will learn to be more considerate, good and merciful with the errors of others.
May your consciousness elevate you to the Plan of Love.
May your human heart, that is sometimes hard and rigid, open so that, in the deepest recesses of life, the Codes of the Love of God and of Your Lord may be deposited.
Participate, then, in the bursting current of Love.
Witness the victorious miracles of love and redemption that your brothers achieve.
No longer be miserable, now define your being as a merciful being, considerate in pity, humble in resignation and serving before any call.
It is the time to make your life a great instrument of God.
It is time to live that which is true and comes directly from the Universe of the Creator.
Before the door of Mercy shuts completely and the door of Divine Justice opens, decide to return to the school of love of the heart so that, despite your emptiness of the abysses or your human errors, you can help your Celestial Mother to make love triumph on this planet and in this humanity.
Let love tear you from within.
Let yourself be truly loved more and you will no longer place a thousand shields to defend your aspects.
Be free of yourself, once and for all, and you will achieve the Kingdom of God.
Your Mother sends this message to all the religious of this Order and to all those who seek, above themselves, to live the consecration to the Plan of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Olam, the Sacred Eternity of God
Dear children,
One of the Aspects of God, Olam, leads the earthly humanity to the elevation of spirit and of the senses.
Olam represents, in this Universe, the possibility for each creature, created in His image and likeness, to discover within its inner universe the aspect of immortality, that is to say, that which is eternal, which nothing can dissolve.
Olam brings eternal life, eternal service to Creation and consecration to the supreme Life of divine existence.
Within the Universe, the spiritual aspect of Olam helps correct the path of evolution, it helps each human being to stay within the path of awakening and the evolution of consciousness.
Therefore, Olam represents in these times the time of the correction of the essences of the Universe and the time to again direct them towards the threshold of eternal Life, a place in which the spirit of each creature will hold forever the remembrance of the Love of God and His divine spiritual Science of divine Alchemy, which conceives in the essences the new patterns of eternity and ascension.
Olam brings, in these times, the readjustment of consciousnesses of the Earth to the cycle of the end of times. This sacred Aspect of God facilitates the intimate affiliation of each soul and each spirit with the Celestial Father.
Olam means this fire that, being eternal, sublime and divine, purifies the human consciousness and elevates its plane toward a spiritual and unique level.
Olam is the essence of our inner resurrection to the light of the Spiritual and Mental Universe.
Olam is the path to find the Dwelling of the Elysians.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Science of Superior Love
Dear children,
I come from a dimension that you do not know, a Divine Universe where you have never been as material creatures, but only as a unique part of the Consciousness of the Father, before your lives manifested themselves. And it was there, in the origin of your existence, that you experienced and felt the Science of true Superior Love.
Today I speak to you about the Love that comes from the Heart of God, a Love that transcends all that has already been experienced by His creatures in this Universe and in all of the others.
With My Divine and Celestial Word, I come to make you feel that which is concealed, hidden within your hearts.
Today I bring in My Hands the seven keys that open the doors of your chests and in this way, places you before an unknown reality, even though it comes to something, children, that is within each one of you.
Today I want to teach you the Science of Superior Love, which in truth is the science of the return to the Heart of God; the path that you must begin to tread still in this life, so that, crossing the portals of Eternity, you find a safe space, where you will be able to continue your own redemption.
The Science of Superior Love begins to be lived when the being emits their “yes” to the Universe, recognizing their limited human condition and their great need of God.
It is there, children, where emerges in the interior the Principle of humility, which little by little breaks down the false fortress of arrogance, of haughtiness and of human pride.
Before recognizing oneself as small and poor, with sincerity of the heart, there is no way of giving place for this Superior Love to develop within you.
When the being recognizes themselves as miserable, they are capable of seeking the healing for their miseries in service, in forgiveness of their failures, and of the failures committed by their brothers and sisters. Because upon recognizing their imperfections and allowing to be born in their own interior the Principle of humility, no matter how small it is, the being can also comprehend the imperfection and the misery of others.
The more you serve and find within you the spirit of abnegation, the more you will live in the Science of Superior Love and you will let universal chemistry take place in your spirits and, above all, in your personalities, which so many times impede your walk to the return to the Origin.
Discover on this path the power of prayer, the selfless prayer, which seeks no other thing but the redemption of the world.
Let your anxieties for getting this or that convert into a possibility of union with the Divine Word, for the redemption of Life, for the forgiveness of human errors, which did not begin in this world.
Little by little, you will discover that the roots of your miseries cannot be found only in what you know about yourselves, but that they enter mysteries of human consciousness that seem unreachable for you.
But when you reach this moment, when it seems impossible for you to be healed, because it escapes your possibilities of comprehension, it is there, My children, that God will make you know something more about yourselves, something beyond your miseries and imperfections.
This is Superior Love, which is also beyond what you know of this world, and at the same time, has as dwelling the depth of your hearts. Place that is hidden from you today and which you do not know, even if you think you know how to love.
It is when the being gradually unravels their miseries and breaks down the barriers of their ignorance that the Science of Superior Love is revealed, because you become meek and humble, before the One who Is the Only One that can help you: God Most High.
The Creator will then strengthen you and encourage you to go beyond, to unite yourselves to His Spirit and to Universal Life.
And to find in the true meaning of the existence of the Earth your strength, not only to live your own purification and the purification of the planet, but also to give testimony in the Universe of the redemption of your spirits.
All that I tell you today, My children, is for you to raise from the abyss of ignorance and of resistance, and to open yourselves to the living of Superior Love.
In this way, I will lead you to the awakening of greater truths and you will discover that today I did not only speak to your souls and to your hearts, I spoke to your spirits, to your old Warriors and universal Commanders, to your essences and to this which you do not know and which comes from God, to awaken today the Science of Superior Love in your lives.
Encourage yourselves to comprehend what I tell you with your own experience. Take a step in trust and in faith, in service and in abnegation, in redemption and in the purification of your miseries and live the Science of Superior Love.
I bless you and guide you on this path and I thank you for coming to meet Me and for trusting that, from today on, your lives will never be the same.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Today I take you all to the very important and luminous moment of the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan, an event that, through the Savior, led the whole world, during that time, to regain the spiritual dignity and the merit the Love of the Creator.
The Baptism of Jesus instituted the divine and spiritual purpose of that sacred Sacrament so that souls, through the Sacrament of Baptism, would recover the inner dignity of being children of God.
Fort this reason, the sacred Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan not only signified the initiation of the Divine Son in His public task, from this moment on and for the next three years, but it also opened the doors so that the Holy Spirit could work in the world until after His Ascension.
The power of the Sacrament of Baptism and the profound humility of the Divine Son represented, at that time, the possibility of reintegrating the human consciousness into the universal Laws through experiencing the Commandments given to Moses, but with the fundamental key Christ revealed during His public life: “You shall love God above all things, as well as love your neighbor as yourself.”
At that planetary moment, this closed the cycle of acute perdition in which the whole planet through ignorance. found itself
The Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan also represented the reintegration of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which humanity once lived in the beginning, through Adam and Eve.
The Sacrament of Baptism, instituted through the Baptism of Jesus, brought to the world the opportunity of learning every day to love the life of the spirit and to not be separate from it in spite of what may happen.
Christ represents the Sacrament of Renewal through the Sacrament of Baptism. He is the beginning of our spiritual path and, at the same time, He is the end of our trajectory on this planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, I take you all to the moment of the exile of the Sacred Family to Egypt, a moment in which the incarnated Divine Son brought to humanity of that time the faith in the one and only God.
Through the exile of the Sacred Family to Egypt, the human consciousness learned to recognize the presence of the sacred Will of the Creator through Christ, which must be irrefutable and broadly accepted by all human beings. In this way, the human consciousness will be free of constant errors and full of the Will of God.
That was how the Divine Son, with His Presence in Egypt, brought to that time the dissolution of atheism and through christic energy, the establishment of an inner and sacramental union with the Almighty.
The presence of the Sacred Family in Egypt marked a before and an after for that ancient people, accustomed to a superficial and pagan form of belief.
The Divine Son in Egypt, even being silently small, brought to the world the possibility of understanding and living the spiritual vision in an evolutionary sense rather than that of appropriation, such as the Egyptians conceived the stars of the universe to be.
The Presence of the little Child Jesus brought order to the system of beliefs and also to the universal cosmic vision; because He, in that time, manifested the correct alignment with Laws and with Rays.
Jesus opened the source of renewal upon the planet, so that consciousnesses could be healed and given relief from their suffering.
He gathered together all the consciousnesses of various paths and placed them in the Hands of the Eternal Father, so that they could have the opportunity of feeling the Love of God and thus recover their affiliation with Creation.
The presence of the Sacred Family generated the spiritual rebirth of the origins of this Project, so that the human race of those times could recover the principles of this school of love and of forgiveness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am the Doorkeeper of the Universe and in My Immaculate Heart I keep the keys to the Heavens, the same keys that Peter received as an inner and spiritual legacy from My Beloved Son.
These keys, which are bathed in the Love of My Heart for all the children of the world, are the ones that allow Me, as Mother and Mediator, to intercede for the salvation of souls and for the redemption of hearts.
In the same way, with My own Hands I can undo the knots and the most hard bindings of humanity, and simply with the opening of a brave heart, I can intercede for that consciousness and liberate it from its constant captivity.
Today I come as the Doorkeeper of the Heavens because at sometime of your lives you will face this mystery, which will be revealed and will need your attention for you to be able to recognize it.
I Am the Doorkeeper of the Heavens, because I desire that many more hearts may be able to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens and thus live in Communion with the Highest so that redemption may finally be established.
I Am the Doorkeeper of the Heavens and I try to lead My children towards the truth of the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A path to the Heart of God
Dear children,
I come to open a path for you to the Heart of God, because the Consciousness of your Most High Father aspires in this time to reach each human heart, to Himself be the principle of renewal that awakens and transforms you.
So great and so deep is the Love of the Father for His children of the Earth that, while hope is being lost in the hearts that see the growth of pain and of chaos, the Heart of God grows in hope, grows in Love, grows in compassion for His children.
The Creator also learns from humanity and is renewed through His children, from those who follow His footsteps, to those who deny Him, who do not seek Him, and do not know Him, because these children allow a Higher Love to arise in the Heart of God.
The Creator of all things, apparently so distant and hidden to the human heart, waits to be revealed to humanity, as in old times, and even more deeply. This is so, My beloveds, so that hearts may definitely awaken to unity with the Creator.
In the times of the Patriarchs and of the Prophets, God manifested to His children in order to lead them into a new cycle. Humanity of that time needed to stop being so primitive and confused by the small amount of love that existed within its heart.
There the Creator began to build a path for the human heart, because humankind did not know Love, true respect – beyond that which was imposed on them by the human mind – and they did not know compassion, which was only humbly born in the hearts of a very few.
God spoke through His Divine Aspects and also through His Archangels. El Shaddai manifested to the Patriarchs a long time ago, so they would begin a new cycle, a path of coming together with the One God, Who loves, supports and guides all.
Today, My children, El Shaddai again approaches and is revealed to human hearts, so that a new path may be shown to you. Humanity already understands the existence of the One God, Perfect and Merciful, and now it must come to know His Universal Aspects, the cosmic and higher Truth that hides in Eternity, where the time of this world cannot reach, where the clock does not keep track of time, and evolution is what determines the growth of creatures rather than their age.
El Shaddai came to the world so that humanity could awaken to that eternal time, in which souls recognize the path of redemption, and this path is strengthened through knowledge of the higher life, by fraternal life and by the transcendence of the degenerated condition of humanity.
Today I tell you, children, that in this place, God avails Himself of the purity of the children, of the effort of the young, and of the love that is born in the heart of adults, who in spite of their imperfections and difficulties, do not lose hope of being different and of someday expressing what God thought for your souls.
As long as there is this spirit of hope and this fortitude that is based on unity, God will be here, and day after day, will show you the miracles that are possible through His Presence.
Tread this path to the Heart of God with humility and with peace. Do not feel the abandonment of the world, do not become involved in the chaos and in the scarcity of love on the planet. Be a source of the gifting of peace and of hope, because one who is willing to give will always receive what they need from God.
I love you and infinitely thank you for accomplishing your mission and for opening the doors of this House to the Heart of God.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
God is merciful. God is compassionate. God is just and kind. He loves everything that exists and lives. He expresses and interrelates with everything that vibrates in the Universe of His great Love.
From the Father emerges the Source, which is born from His Divine Heart. From the Source emerges the manifestation of the Gifts and the realization of His Works of mercy through the impulses that are emanated by His Eternal Thought.
The Lord is just and kind at the same time because He reveals to us the sense of being with Him through the Laws and of being in justice, practicing each one of them.
If humanity respected, lived, and adopted the Laws, many things would not happen. And if they add to that the prayer made with the heart, the course of the events would change.
Therefore, the attention in the Designs of God will always make you be in His Purpose and not depart from Him.
Prayer builds that permanent consciousness of being close to the Father and of seeking His Kingdom all the time, a place where the spiritual consciousness of each being will be protected in these times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Receive in this hour all the Strength and Love of God, in order to overcome the tests, definitions, and unexpected events.
Receive in this hour all the Trust and Grace of God, in order to carry forward His Plan in a world of chaos and abysses.
Receive in this hour all the Faith and Wisdom of God, in order to step by step, materialize the Divine Designs and make of each moment an opportunity for redemption.
Receive in this hour all the Intelligence and the Science of God, in order to manifest at each stage, the Will of the Creator and thus allow hundreds of souls to be benefited by this action of service and charity.
Receive in this hour all the Life and Regeneration of God, in order to express the spiritual and inner healing that this race sorely needs.
Receive in this hour all the Mercy and Peace of God, in order to gather together the self-summoned from different schools, experiences, and paths, and in this way manifest the new flock of the Lord for these times of definition.
Receive in this hour the Unity and Fraternity of God, in order that the Plan of Redemption may be carried forward for this world and all humanity, so that higher Love and the inner and definitive union with the Consciousness of the Father may be experienced.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and protects you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Spiritual and inner treasures were pricelessly given to hearts that opened to receive them during these last two days of merciful prayer. Uncountable fruits were given into the hands of those who were consistent in the task of merciful prayer.
Now the time has come to be vigilant and make of these spiritual gifts true jewels that come from the Spiritual Universe for the most needy. All this is the work of the Divine Source, because of the Purpose and, at the same time, because of Justice.
Who has ears to hear must hear for the Lord has invisibly given an inner legacy to the souls that said 'yes' to Him from the beginning and responded to Him. This is cause for joy because something so spiritual and important that would never have been received by souls was today perfectly placed in the essences that once again opened to the Love of the Creator.
A new phase begins; souls will no longer be the same as yesterday nor as in the past; they are now different, as of today.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My eyes show the Love of God for the world and all His creatures.
My eyes show the pain of the Father for all the children who are daily lost.
My eyes show the coming of the Kingdom of the Heavens.
My eyes show the path toward eternal faith.
My eyes show consolation for the souls of the world.
My eyes show the pain caused to the Kingdoms.
My eyes show devotion for prayerful souls.
My eyes show the path of sacrifice.
My eyes show the planetary reality seen from on High.
My eyes show the concretization of My call.
My eyes show the path of constant and service only to God.
My eyes show the clarity and light of the Heavens.
My eyes show the love I feel for My children.
My eyes show the constancy of reaching all the way to the end.
My eyes show the moment the planet is facing.
My eyes show pain for the indifference of humanity.
My eyes show the perpetual supplication of a caring Mother.
My eyes show the presence of the Mercy of God.
My eyes show patience for those who are slow in their awakening.
My eyes show the essence of compassion.
My eyes show the hope of a New Earth.
My eyes show the moment of a great definition.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
My Love and My Grace are like a rain that wets the earth to allow the life of humankind to be more fertile and fruitful.
That rain of Graces, which comes from My Heart, is poured out upon humanity most in need of forgiveness and redemption.
Thus, the rain of Graces I bring allows all things to be renewed and makes each moment an opportunity to meet again with God.
The rain of Graces of My Heart waits to change the world and awaken consciousnesses to their true reality.
This rain of Graces can heal a being or the whole of the planet, because it is based on the Love of God, the Love He has for His children.
Seek this Grace of being in God, for it will allow everything to be renewed and everything to be transformed.
May the Grace of God be your companion.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
On this day of Resurrection, the holy women entered the sepulcher on finding out about the disappearance of Jesus.
The Lord had risen, thus testifying to the Love of the Living God for humanity.
Mary Magdalene went fervently in search of her Beloved Lord and, not finding Him there, realized that something had happened.
In this way, Mary Magdalene remembered that Jesus had told her that He would be present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth. Thus, the Master of Love wished to have her understand that He would always be alive in the heart that opened to remember Him and re-experience Him every day.
This mystery of Christ revealed within consciousnesses and in Mary Magdalene the exact faith in the Purpose of the Eternal Father and in the expression of Divine Trust.
Then, after Mary Magdalene had searched for Jesus so many times, Our Lord made His first Apparition close to the Holy Sepulcher.
That in this encounter Mary Magdalene was able to see the Lord alive, meant the opportunity for the world to believe in the occult aspect of the Resurrection after death.
Through this mystery of the Resurrection, as He did with Lazarus, Jesus taught that the corporeal life that becomes corrupt can transfigure into something incorrupt.
Thus, through this passage, the Lord came to teach that other universal and spiritual Laws can be applied in consciousnesses, which first must believe in them.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
May the doors of the Heavens open and may souls commune with the Love of God.
May life be regenerated and receive the sacred Gifts that will strengthen it.
May the Sanctified Spirit descend and fill all souls with love.
May everyone be able to achieve the path of ascension so that, having broken the chains, inner freedom be able to express itself.
Everything is rebuilt and it is time to participate in that; everything is finally converted into what the Father of Love needs.
The last work of the end of times is being carried out, and all receive the opportunity of accompanying it.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who uplifts you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When souls unite under the same Purpose and open the doors to the Love of God, and cry out for It, the Kingdom of God is established.
It is thus that in this cycle the true science is to be found in love, which is capable of understanding, accepting and including a fellow being as they are. In this way, consciousnesses participate in the Christic school, which gives them the impulse to move forward without preconceptions and with a joyous heart to discover within themselves a potential, unknown to the being itself.
In this way, the bonds of fraternity may be woven and the bridges of brotherhood among consciousnesses or very different people may be built.
As from this new cycle on, that has begun for humanity, acts of fraternal unity will allow consciousnesses to be drawn closer to God and His Purpose. Souls will find true meaning in their existence and will have more clarity in their individual and group mission.
This unity will be the driving force that will move consciousnesses away from their static position and will place them at the service to God.
I thank you for responding to My Call.
Who encourages you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the hand that directs everyone with love towards the House of the Celestial Father. I am the guiding hand that moves souls away from the paths that are not of God.
For this reason, I present Myself every day to guide you towards the Love of the Father, where you will find faith and rejoicing for your little lives.
I stand as your Mother, wherever you may call Me, and I protect each detail so that souls that trust in Me may be in Peace.
On this day, your Heavenly Mother continues, together with Her children, on a pilgrimage with the goal that the doors may be opened even more in North America, and where souls may heal and redeem themselves.
Thus, today I arrive at a place where they need Me and where they have called upon Me, over and over again. Thus, I approach My children in order to give them the Love and Mercy of God.
I am happy to be able to descend upon Oklahoma, in this way, many souls will be reconciled.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who protects and guides you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am The Virginal Chalice
I am the Sacred Virginal Chalice that holds within itself the redeeming and divine codes of the Most Precious Son.
I am the Chalice that pours out all the Graces on the souls that open to receive within themselves the Mysteries of God.
I am the Chalice that holds within itself the essence of the Divine Life of Christ.
I am that Sacred Chalice that with Its Immaculate Spirit, attracts all the Laws of the Mercy of God, so that souls may find their liberation and their peace in these times.
I am the Sacred Chalice that carries in the Universe the principles of the new life and of redemption.
I am She Who brings in Her Virginal Chalice the Most Pure Love of God so that souls may recognize It by means of My presence in the world.
I am the Sacred Chalice of humility that travels throughout the nations carrying to all spirits the most precious experience of Christ on Earth.
I give to drink to as many as cry out for pity, and I pour out on souls the gifts of rehabilitation.
From the beginning of everything I am that Sacred Chalice that gestates spiritual and non-material life.
Through My pure womb I create the redeeming spirit in each heart that opens every day to come to know My maternal love.
I am the Sacred Chalice of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
I am the instrument that clothes the Precious Son with all glory, love, and divinity.
I am the Chalice that protects and holds the precious codes attained by Christ, and I am the Chalice that pours them out over the planetary consciousness.
In that Sacred Chalice are kept the most important memories of the redemption experienced by humanity.
I am the Divine Chalice that, by means of the Divine Blood of Christ, refracts the subtle Mirror of Redemption for the world, in order that souls may awaken to their moment of redemption.
I am the Sacred Chalice that gestates rehabilitation in the consciousness, opening the doors to the Compassion of the Father.
I am that sacred instrument of God that day by day pours out the Graces of the Universe into all hearts of the Earth.
I am that Sacred Chalice that holds the essence of forgiveness for the creatures that need to live inner peace.
Today your Heavenly Mother presents Herself as the Virginal Sacred Chalice, so that souls may drink of the Fount of My Graces, for the purpose of alleviating hearts and of resurrecting the spiritual life of consciousnesses.
Thus, dear children, the Mother of the Almighty will accompany you today from the Marian Center of Figueira, so that souls may feel that I Am Omnipresent and Omniscient on the whole planet; that I only seek unity among the peoples and the nations so that love may triumph, and that evil may be defeated by peace.
Dear children, on this day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, your Mother blesses all of Mexico and all of its people, with the mission that sincere hearts embrace the Grace that they will receive today.
The Sanctuary of Guadalupe is today clothed in the presence of Heaven, and in the essence of each soul leaves the experiencing of divine communion with Christ, your Lord.
May the humble smile of the Mother of God and of the always Virgin Mary, Mother of Guadalupe and Lady of the peoples, be today reflect on all faces.
May all the nations of the Americas today feel united under the light of the Servant and Slave of God.
May peace be established in each human heart now and forever. Amen
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you and consecrates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more