Confederate brothers and sisters,

Your Master and Lord of Mercy once again touches Portuguese lands with His feet of humility so that your hearts may prepare for the different phases of liberation that the Lord of the Universe will carry out within the European Community.

This is the reason for which your Mother and Mine, have chosen this nation to begin because from here you will be able to receive the necessary impulses so that the whole mission may be developed as foreseen.

Thus, all that you may offer God, no matter how small it may seem, will help and will contribute a great deal so that not only the nations that we visit but also all of Europe may receive the spiritual help that has been assumed by the Highest since the beginning.

Now, your Master and Lord, in a place so similar to the Garden of Gethsemani, prepares to immediately begin with the mission entrusted by the Divine Father.

And so, I have chosen to withdraw, in these days, into the valleys of the region of Algarve, so that, among the olive orchards, I may reflect upon the next steps of the rescue operation for Europe.

As of now, I am grateful for your company and union with Me on this sacred mission.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you with His eternal Light,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


May the agony of the world find the Peace of God's Heart.

In fidelity to His Path and to His Will is found the strength to overcome the harassment in the Gethsemane. And beasts and thunder may roar, the floor may tremble under the feet of the chosen, but they will not falter. Their strength lies in the memory of the overcoming lived by God Himself, through His Son.

The time for confirmation has arrived, just as it arrived for Christ in Gethsemane and for all those who have committed themselves to Him throughout the history of humanity.

God offers you to drink from the Chalice of sacrifice and surrender, of effort and overcoming, of understanding, of unlimited forgiveness and love. But in this Chalice, children, are also found faith, fidelity and strength. There is found peace and the flame of compassion, which ignites the spirits and helps them to persevere.

The Chalice of God is not filled only with trials, but also with Gifts. His instruments have everything that they need to fulfil His Plan; It is enough that each one is willing to do their part and to discover in themselves the potential of love and surrender that is still hidden in the human condition.

This is the Gethsemane of these times, in which the souls confirm themselves, accept the Chalice that descends from the Heavens in the Hands of God and drink of His offering. Ignited by the Love that comes form the Creator Himself, they take their cross and follow Him.

Feel part of the Consciousness of God, which renews itself. Let the potential that you do not know emerge from yourselves. Let the monotony of your lives give space to a Universal Mystery and allow yourselves to be called by God as His elected, His apostles and truly His children.

May each principle lived by the only begotten Son manifest and renew itself in your lives. You have the doors open for that.

Your Father and Companion,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Community of Luz-Saint-Saveur, High Pyrenees, France to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The Signs in the Sky

The world will wake up one morning and will see the sign in the Sky that will indicate the moment of the return of Christ.

Many eyes will open and hearts will be redeemed before this visible sign of the universe.

While the sun rises on the highest peak of the hill, the sign of the universe will become more and more visible and it will not be erased. It will be the moment in which all will be transformed, and that which had remained hidden, out of nowhere, will be seen.

This sign will leave three more signs, visible throughout the world. They will not be able to be mistaken nor interpreted as natural phenomena, because they will have such a high degree of splendor that they will resemble nothing of this world.

In the meantime, a star, similar to the great Star of Bethlehem, will announce the opening of the portals of the universe.

When you see this great and unknown Star shine so bright in the sky, kneel down upon the ground and make penance, manifest deep repentance in the name of humanity because this will be the sign that Christ is now returning.

Similar things to what happened at the Birth of Jesus will occur at the final hour, because when the Child of God was born, He was Alfa, now, at His Return, He will be Omega.

Prepare your hearts with time for this moment.

Allow purification to take place so that you will be free of yourselves.

In total, four signs will be shown throughout this universe so that humanity may understand it is time to awaken and abandon illusion and inertia.

These signs will bring with them something new and innovative. But, at the same time, they will move all that is obscure, unjust and unloyal from East to West and from North to South.

It is thus that, because they are the signs of the universe upon the planet, they cannot be erased, altered nor hidden.

These signs will have the strength of hundreds of horses and an expansion greater than all the oceans.

This will be the moment in which you should be praying without distraction because the impulses will remain and that which is in vain will be transmuted.

The signs will reveal unknown mysteries, open inexplicable doors and allow the sleeping humanity to awaken and finally turn its attention toward God, as it will be unable to escape anywhere.

This way, regardless of how human beings become conscious of all their sins, all will be revealed in this world.

So, the great world lie, created by the beings of the surface, will be removed, and all will become conscious of the illusion that has been created for centuries.

When Christ returns many things will move, even the most incredible ones. Because as Christ is the living Law, where this Law is present, there will not be anything unfair or hidden.

Therefore, purify your hearts with time so that these events may not surpass your expectations nor surprise you from night to morning.

Keep watch, just as the guard does, who takes care of the house during the night.

Enter into vigil and prayer because this way you can be guided, step by step, until the end.

The signs of the universe will allow the planetary reality to become clearer and more evident in the face of all lies, frauds and injustices that will be revealed.

May the hearts be merciful as God is merciful because, this way, you will not fall into temptation.

I come to ask you, in essence, the same that Jesus asked His Apostles while He agonized in the Garden of Getsemani, because, at this time, your full correspondence, attunement and unconditionality will be necessary.

The most humble will help the most asleep.

The wisest, who will be moved by the Holy Spirit, will help the most ignorant.

The simplest will show all the way out towards the new and future cycle of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Holy Mary, Pure and Faithful Mother

Dear children,

In these times of great challenges and tests, may you learn to live through the example of your Pure and Faithful Mother.

May a healthy and true intention that faithfulness reign exist in you, just as the faithfulness of My beloved Son and of His Heavenly Mother reached the foot of the Cross, only aspiring to fulfill the Sacred Will of the Father.

In these extremely harsh times of transition, may sacred faithfulness motivate you to guard the Plan of God and all the souls of which it is composed, obeying each spiritual and inner decision that is made by the spiritual and planetary Hierarchy.

In this way, in humility, you will learn, as the Sacred Family did, to follow in adherence and union all the steps that are indicated for the fulfillment of this Work, which is worldwide.

Dear children, I wish the sincere aspiration to awaken in you of respecting and following to the limits of consciousness and matter all the decisions that are made, because behind something apparently incomprehensible to the human mind, a divine and sacred Purpose exists.

In order that each one of you in this time fulfills the aspiration of your Heavenly Mother, I invite you to lovingly respect the Law of the Hierarchy and to not step outside of that precious Law through your actions, thoughts, and assignments.

I invite you to lean upon the faithful example of Christ and of His Universal Mother, which leads all of humanity into finding salvation and the Mercy of God.

For that reason, My children, may your consciousnesses and especially your hearts be awake and more attentive so that the doors to betrayal and to indifference among beings of the good not be opened.

I only ask that you have enough maturity and love to behave in an evolutionary manner, as souls that are within the path of brotherhood and of unity.

I do not wish to see any other Judas in this time with My eyes of a Mother.

Learn to forgive injustice and you will be able to be wise in spirit rather than in expertise.

Know that each one of the servants and of the consecrated of Christ, our Lord, is spiritually responsible for this Work, which is a miracle of infinite love of the Hierarchy, being able to gain results and thus be fulfilled.

Dear children, today I speak to you through My Aspect of faithfulness and of purity so that you believe that, in truth, it is necessary to protect the Work from yourselves.

Seek in each new decision the purpose of Higher Love and do not remain in the superficiality of things.

You were born to reach faithfulness in the end of times. This causes this Work to be purely true and transparent before humanity.

I wish that in this cycle of changes and of renovation, you may take steps towards a deeper unity, because this way, you will be protected in the desert, along with your Heavenly Mother, escaping from the claws of My adversary.

Evil does not know love and fears christic love. Evil does not know unity and fears the unity among souls which congregate in Christ.

Lastly, be merciful, and you will not lose discernment.

Love the divine and human decisions that are made, because if you accept without understanding, judging, or betraying the Work, you will have the same discernment that My beloved Son had during His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Do not challenge the adversary, be meek in all things and you will always achieve peace.

With My Spirit of Faithfulness, I ask you to unite with it so that you are not so unprotected.

The divine Work has not yet ended, and you are a part of a new story that is being written.

Meditate in humility, and My maternal words will resound in the depths.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Do not fear! Do not fear! The truth is announced to the brave hearts, that they are capable of knowing the end times and, even so, accept to live them with the peace of the heart and in deep surrender to God.

Children, why do I reveal to you the final events? Because it is part of your redemption and of your path of transformation in Christ that you are aware of these times, just as My Son knew the Cross He would carry, not only to Calvary, but until the present day.

The passion of these times will be long for many and will forge the inner strength of those who have yet strengthened themselves to fulfill the Will of God.

Nothing will be like the battle you will live after the one thousand years of peace; however, the transition of times and the expiration of ties will allow you to overcome obstacles that will come from beyond this life and beyond this world.

My soldiers are ready to overcome the temptations of the adversary, but what will cost you more, My children, is to overcome within yourselves that which still aspires to live these temptations. Temptation itself will not be your test, but rather the battle with your most human nuclei, which tends to respond to this temptation.

In the previous cycle, you found yourselves in the first hours of Gethsemane, learning to overcome the temptations, to renounce, to surrender your own lives. Now, you are in the last hours of the agony in the garden, in the moment in which My adversary presents to you the temptations of the world and the Creator presents to you the cross.

The great test of these times will be to renounce the worldly pleasures to find in the cross a hidden joy, a victory that is found hidden in the transcendence of self, of suffering, of pain, of the apparent failure; the victory that is found in the experience of forgiveness, humility, compassion, pity, in the abandonment of self; a victory that begins when you say yes to the higher will and you embrace the cross of these times, which is your own purification and transformation so that, through persistence, you can overcome the darkness of your own bodies and of human consciousness as a whole , so that light can emerge and triumph in every space of your beings.

My children, the Bread has already been broken at the Table of the Lord; you already know the need to surrender your own life, for the love of your brothers and sisters who live in ignorance, and for the triumph of the Creator in each human essence. The first temptations have already been overcome. Many can now stand the solitude of this Gethsemane of current times, and others are learning to find the true fortitude in God, and not in humankind, nor in humanity itself.

Now, the time has come for you to say yes, the last yes, the definitive yes.

Soon the Pharisees will come into their lives, into the planetary consciousness, represented by the currents which will descend through the battle between chaos and Divine Light, and they will definitively place the human consciousness in its passion, in planetary transition, in the moment of carrying the cross and transcending all appearances, to overcome, through faith, the tests that will present themselves.

My beloved soldiers and children so dear, always strengthen yourselves in My gaze, in My presence because I will accompany the Calvary of these times.

It will be My Pity that, united with the forgiveness of your hearts, will open new doors for human evolution; it will renew the principle of Mercy in a new Divine Attribute, which will not only convert the errors of consciousnesses and individuals but of entire civilizations.

This Divine Attribute will generate merits not only for the redemption of the human race but also of all consciousnesses that, in all the Cosmos, open themselves to this supreme transformation and reconciliation with God.

The triumph of the Creator in the human heart, in an entire race, will announcement the greatest miracle of love in all Creation. This triumph will generate a universal redemption.

Finally, the trumpets of the one thousand years of peace will sound, so that the new army can be formed and, under great degrees of love, may prepare itself for the final battle, before the supreme Triumph of God.

Feel within My Words the importance of life on Earth, the importance of life for each of you, and go forward proclaiming the Will and the Plan of God, accepting this Plan with love, beyond the appearances and the challenges through which it will place you.

Always say yes and do not look back. Find the strength to go forward in the Peace of My Immaculate Heart.

I will always accompany you from calvary to the resurrection and in the thousand years of peace.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


The School of Mary. The School of the Humble Hearts

The first step to find humility is to not lose faith, it opens paths for the souls to materialize their steps.

The school of humility that I offer you is one of constant emptiness, and to be empty there must not exist self-aspirations, only the path of renunciation. Renunciation is the principal key to find humility that in many hearts is hidden by the existence of other interests. Humility cannot be dominated nor conquered. The spirit of true humility is born from the banishment of one’s own self so that other Laws may act.

The Lord, in His original conception, is humble; if He had not been so, how could He have created all the worlds?

Humility is the shield against arrogance and pride, aspects that cloud over the purpose of the souls without allowing them to see the essence of the mission of each one. Those who search for humility must know that they will have to start divesting themselves of their own beliefs, appearances and aspirations.

Christ lived humility as a final test when in the Garden of Gethsemane He accepted to drink the bitter chalice of redemption. If Christ had not been humble, He could not have performed such a task of liberation!

Humility has at its base the emptiness of oneself and faith, which are the attributes that offer the best foundations for the souls to purify themselves. A humble being is always the last, even if the Universe puts them in first place. Therefore, the work of humility must be loved to be able to be known afterward. If there is no love to search for the spirit of humility, the task will remain undefined.

Heaven knows that humility is not a school that everyone looks for very much, as are power and arrogance, which have a great spiritual error as a result.

The service to the Kingdoms of Nature, due to their own expression, has a direct door to humility because the younger Kingdoms must be treated with much love in order for them to express to consciousness the beauty of their humility. Through those Kingdoms, the souls not only avoid fifty percent of their errors, but they can also take more secure steps to find, through humility, the school of service to others and to Creation.

The younger Kingdoms are the reflection of the creative humility that the human being does not have; they teach the humankind of the surface about the spirit of constant self-giving, which is also a faithful attribute to live in humility or at least to approach it. Therefore, My children, in these times, I invite you to rethink about where the aspiration to continue searching for humility has gone.

Humility can save many souls.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who invites you to enter the school of humility and of goodness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, received in San Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My Most Sacred heart becomes distressed when souls do not want to listen to God. But I already knew this, I knew it would happen in this century and in these times. During the Agony I received the revelation of the one hundred and thirty-three main pains that humanity would cause to the Heart of the Creator.

Today I tell you, companions, that what happens and is visible to the eyes of the whole world is the sharpest pain that My Heart experiences. For this reason, today I have come to show you My spiritual agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, an agony that wounds My poor Heart because of the sins and injustices of the world.

Everything that happens today is because the majority of souls, in this time, did not recognize the offer of My Love. This is not a punishment; it is a consequence generated by humankind that separates itself more and more from God.

Like the immigrants in the ships, I am in a shipwreck, because, like a seafarer, you have lost Me at high sea. I was not seen in the eyes of the smallest, nor in the heart of the mothers who seek consolation. I was exiled from this humanity for being a foreigner.

Know that I am present in the heart of the most unprotected, for I expect to awaken them someday so that they may give living testimony to the world.

Thus, I present Myself to you so you may understand that everything is not what it seems. Humanity covers its eyes in order not to see the result of decay without limits.

Who will console My Heart that is overflowing the chalice of injustice?

Who will live for Me in order to be saved?

It is time to grow inwardly and not let your own life cause you to perish.

Follow Me along this path and do not continue on the one that takes the world into unconsciousness and lack of faith.

Companions, be My witnesses, My true witnesses before the cruelty of the world.

Open your arms and in your hearts feel the pain of the Redeemer.

I have come to San Carlos because here there are sheep that should follow Me, and, in this time, they must profess their true faith, a faith that will help the world and all of humanity.

May this new Marathon be dedicated to the reparation of innocent souls, for now I am among those hearts, suffering the horror of the world.

Be good prayerful beings and help Me continue to pour out Mercy for the world.

I leave you with the sacred vision of My agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Who will drink of the bitter Chalice with Me to save humanity?

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you, children of San Carlos, for being with Me!

The Glorified Jesus Christ

I leave in silence so that you may feel My wounded Heart.

I bless you, now and always, in the name of the Love of God.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, today the Master came here, to San Carlos, in a special way, and we want to share a brief story with you so that you can better understand the Message He brought us today, which is different than all the Messages He has given up until now.

When the Master arrived here, He came revealing us the scene of the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

He did not come as He has come at other times, with all His Presence, to speak to us directly, but rather He was on top of a stone, He had His Gaze focused on Heaven, on the universe, and He spoke with Adonai. He was like this for a very long time, throughout the whole time that we were here, waiting for Him to begin to speak.

We were asking ourselves what it was He wanted to say with this. And we understood at the end that He wanted to share a pain He experiences, at this moment, with us, and He needed us to be aware in order to collaborate.

And after He showed that scene for a long time, He showed that He carried a crown of thorns on His Head; and we asked Him: but was the Crown of thorns not afterwards, during the Passion? And He said that this Crown is the one humanity places on Him today, and He suffers many agonies caused by this world, just as His Mother Mary suffers them.

So, at that moment, He turned His Face toward us; He was crying, with Blood on His Face and His Heart was overflowing with great sorrow, which was unknown why. He said it was a spiritual agony He was experiencing, something that would be inexplicable for humanity to understand, but that He would try to explain to us, through words, what He was feeling from humanity, at this moment.

In this Message, He included some very symbolic examples, that we have to pay attention to in order to understand, through those symbols, the Message He wants to give us.


Dear children,

Like the sound of a harp of light, I bring to your souls the most pure and harmonious sounds that exist in Heaven so that, in this way, you may receive the balm of My Motherly and Spiritual Healing.

Children, everything foreseen has already begun, and at this moment, humanity faces the result of their actions and their decisions, which in this hour, will make millions of souls deviate from the path that My Son offered them.

Many of My preferred children will experience the yoke of suffering, transmutation and surrender caused by the immense load that exists on humanity and due to the absence of servants, obedient to the requests of Heaven.

It is for this infinite reason that Your Celestial Father, Adonai, decided to pour out codes of transmutation so similar to those which My Beloved Son experienced and felt during His last night in the Garden of Gethsemane.

With His own Holy Hands, the Father will be placing you on an unknown path never before experienced by anybody; because just like many Blessed from the past, you must cross the same portal so that God may recognize that it is fair to pour out Mercy and Liberation over a world completely paralyzed by the insignia of My adversary.

Thus, children, prepare yourselves; the hour will be coming and God will make you repositories of His most Precious Gifts so that, in the name of His Beloved Son, you may prepare your beings to help the evolution of the Plan of God.

In this way, My children, in a spirit of surrender and the giving of self, in spite of the uncertainties and the circumstances, you will now be prepared to take on the end of a cycle and the beginning of another.

Your Heavenly Mother will assemble you in the Healing Spirit of God so that, experiencing your intense purification and inner liberation, you may serve the Kingdom of God in fullness and love.

Children, the last battle has not yet begun. Before this happens, I come from Heaven to pour My instructions over you, which will allow you to be ready for the calls of Heaven.

Do not be discouraged. The Lord will be with you, accompanying you even though you do not feel it; His Presence is silent.

I thank you for persevering in responding to My call!

Who unites you with the Blessed Heart of God,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
