Enter into dialogue with God every day, place yourself before the Father in confession and ask to remain in His Grace.
Child, human beings are on their way to express what they truly are, during an intense purification of centuries of existence, almost always permeated by illusion and deceit.
Do not allow your being to remain immersed in the superficialities and miseries when you have the possibility to transmute and sublimate these energies, if only you are willing to be humble before God.
Talk to your Creator. Look for the perfect thought that He emanated by idealizing your being. Feel the sublime Love of the Father and the perfect purpose that He still expects you to express.
Be willing to find within yourself the Divine Will. May the presence of God, His Universe, His Infinite, no longer be mere theories and knowledge for you.
Let your being experience that which cannot be explained and which is not in any sacred book, because those who have experienced it, can only be silenced.
It is time to deepen and not to regress. It is time to decide to take the steps in the right direction and not to follow the known paths that give you a false sense of security.
In this time, everything must be new. The unknown awaits for you to reveal its mysteries. And that which has always been silent in your heart will finally be able to express its truth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If you believe in everything that My Father has thought of manifesting on Earth, it will be fulfilled, because it is already foreseen.
If you pray for everything that must descend from the Heavens and manifest on the Earth as part of the Creator Project, it will be fulfilled, because it is already foreseen.
If you believe that for God there is nothing impossible, and that His Will will be realized, it will be fulfilled, because it is already foreseen.
There is nothing that you need to worry about because everything will be fulfilled, it is already foreseen.
Unite yourself to the powerful current of manifestation and let it work through you.
Never oppose, nor mentally judge the Plans of God, because you would be going against the movement of the Divine Providence.
Never want to control the gifts of God nor His Laws.
Unite unconditionally to the requests of God and you will be part of the manifestation and of an infinite abundance. This way, you will learn how the Universe moves and when the Universe will be expecting the realization of the Divine Will.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In silence, deepen in the spiritual discoveries that you are living. Do not let the impulses and the revelations pass as the blow of the wind, but rather let them remain within you, fertilizing your spirit, as does the Breath of the Spirit of God.
Let your soul sigh, relieved for receiving the balm of revelations that make it remember the meaning of life and feel that there is a hope of returning to the Heart of God.
Meditate on your spirit and on the higher life so that it may strengthen you and give you the possibility to stand firm enough within the divine purpose to help others who will lose their faith when everything is chaos and imbalance.
See beyond the horizon of the Earth, and all that is before it, the clear rising of the sun, which will come to illuminate a new life. Keep firm within you the knowledge of the true meaning of the events of the world. The planet is purifying to liberate itself. Those who will lose balance are who have built the foundations of their dwelling in the sand of their own skills and certainties, and not in the Rock of the Will and of the Plan of God.
Know that everything is part of a Plan drawn up from the age of the patriarchs and described in their words, although little understood by men.
The Old Testament was fulfilled in the New Testament, and the New Testament is fulfilled now so that, through this planetary moment, a new sacred history can be written, and in it may be found the prophecies of a new life and of a new human that will return to the Time of God and open the doors for all beings to unite with His Heart.
Hold on to this divine purpose and strengthen your being in faith, sustaining peace in your spirit.
For this, God calls you by your name and allows you to listen and read His holy Words. You are called to be an apostle of the last times, a saint of the last days.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as I speak to the spirit and the heart of the Earth, I speak to the human spirit and heart. As part of a Project and of the one Will of the Creator, children, you spiritually enter into a consciousness that is given an impulse, according to your steps and, in the same way, it becomes stopped in its evolution, upon your regression.
This consciousness, this human heart, balances the evolution of humanity, allowing some to benefit from the inner steps of others but, at the same time, when they make great mistakes and abandon spiritual commitments assigned in the Heart of God, in the womb of His Creation, this causes all the beings within this Project of Love to also take a step back on their path.
This is why today I open My Heart to direct my words to the human consciousness so that in these times of definitions and tests, you do not lower your arms; so that you do not desist and do not lose hope because this is the threshold of your evolution. For this moment, you have grown and walked for such a long time in this sacred school of Love.
I am speaking with the spiritual consciousness of humanity so that you no longer just look to yourselves but rather contemplate the difficulties, the errors and the suffering of fellow beings with a look of compassion, and that by recognizing that evolution is built in perfect balance amongst beings, you offer the Universe a greater step and a greater love for those who were not able to walk nor experience Love in this world.
Now, children, it is not only about personal healing, redemption and evolution. Now it is time to take a leap as humanity, and that is done with love, with persistence and, above all, with the Ray of Willpower that comes from the Heart of God.
You are still in the time of healing and redeeming, you are still in the time of loving. But that healing, that redemption and that love must be extended beyond your own heart, and reach the human heart.
Pray for all, heal for all, love for all. Walk so that all may walk.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I do not search for transcended nor realized souls. I search for imperfect, true and simple souls, because in them I will be able to realize My Plan, as their lives are transformed into the perfect model of the Creator.
That is why, all the imperfect souls, in redemption, have a place in My Heart, because their effort and dedication to follow My principles allows them to take forward the Will of God.
I come in search of imperfect souls that do not fear to follow and realize My Will within this material plane.
The moment has come to know deeply the spirituality of the Universe in order to be in tune with the cosmic life and thus manifest it on the surface, in the sacred spaces where the Hierarchy will perform the great part of the Plan that corresponds to it, with the immediate collaboration of all.
I thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Enter into your heart and strengthen your faith and unity with God so that the things of the world and of humanity do not shake you, but only what comes from the Father may move your inner world, transforming you and molding you according to the Divine Will.
Pray and unite to the sacrifice of Christ, to know how to silence when it is necessary and pronounce only words of Love and Truth, when it has to be.
Learn to love humility, sacrifice and surrender and, above all, allow your heart to experience all these things without any recognition from others.
Pray and create a bridge of love between your heart and the Heart of God so that you learn to communicate with Him and receive from Him the impulses and the Gifts to think, feel and act, to live.
Do not be distracted by the things of the world, but let yourself be overwhelmed by the things of God. May your heart be a door to Infinity and your being as the beginning of a new life.
Let go of what belongs to human life and embrace what comes from the Universe, fruit of the Love and renewal of the Father, because what must be manifested on this Earth has never been known; it in no way resembles what has been experienced up until today, upon the world and beyond it.
God calls you to be the precursor of a new existence. Therefore, child, pray and let everything in your being be renewed: body, soul, mind and heart. May every space of your being be reborn for a new life.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Never tire of fixing your consciousness in God, beyond everything that happens within you or around you.
That spiritual attitude will allow the higher Laws to come to the aid of your consciousness and any situation, spiritual or interior, may be resolved.
Trust absolutely in the nonmaterial purpose that God created for your existence and, based on that truth, carry forward this life full of challenges and trials.
But never get discouraged nor fall asleep. Make every moment count as if it were the last; make each stage of life result in the learning of love and of forgiveness.
God does not seek the perfect things within you because He already knows everything, He already knows everything that you do not know within yourself.
Therefore, the Celestial Father is waiting for the right moment to ask His children for new steps. But those steps will be taken and delivered as you love detachment in your lives.
Because, in truth, few will be those who will give everything to the Lord for the constitution of His Purpose and for the divine realization of His Will.
Therefore, as a Mother, I know what it means to divest oneself and how much that causes pain, delays and stagnation. But the light of the spirit of faith will prevail. Be calm and trust, there is no obstacle or barrier of consciousness that cannot be overcome.
Do not stop rowing until you can find the safe harbor of the Lord's Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The first step to concretize a request from God is faith.
The second is love.
The third is unity with your brothers and sisters and of everybody with God.
The fourth is perseverance when facing the first tests.
And the fifth is overcoming, in the face of each inner resistance and each external challenge.
Trust and have faith in the Divine Will. Love the Plan of God, even though you do not understand it. Allow yourself to be surprised by the magnitude of the Will of the Creator, and how he traces the path of human redemption.
Those who know how to obey the Father fulfill their souls in the concretization of His Plans.
For this cycle, children, invoke the protection and the support of Saint Teresa of Jesus, because her pioneering spirit knew how to respond to Divine Will in each instant of her life. And the difficulties and the challenges did not matter: her adventurous soul always continued forward. In this way, the inner steps taken by her spirit opened the doors for humanity to continue having an opportunity to live and experience Christic Love.
In this cycle, the Creator asks great things of you, because the time has come to forge in you not only an experience of love, but also the manifestation of the Christs of the New Time. This begins by loving the Plan of God and unconditionally obeying His Will.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
Feel your heart as a part of the Plan of God. Contemplate within yourself a principle of His Will, and try to know it and then manifest it.
Feel your being as a participant of a great history of redemption, in which the evolution of the universes is drawn toward.
Feel the life on Earth as a part of this sublime truth and reality to which beings will one day awaken to.
In the way that you can, try to leave the smallness of superficial human life, without judging or criticizing others, but by just looking within for the path that will unite you to God, and will allow you to know His Plan and His Will.
Evolution in spiritual life starts with a true relationship between your heart and the Heart of God. Something that is built by the silence of your inner world and that, little by little, leads you to face life in a different way, seeking, knowing and loving superior life.
When this knowledge comes from God, you learn how to love and respect your brothers and sisters so that, based upon your love, they may begin to grow in spirit.
Reflect, child, every day, on the immensity of the cosmos, on the greatness of the Love of God for you because, by Him being in the vastness of the Infinite, He concentrates His Eyes upon Earth, and upon the smallest of the creatures that He places His trust in.
Love this divine project and love the Will of the Father, thus, you will attract this Will to your life and you will know where you must be and what you must do in these times of transition.
Love is the key to all understanding and the light that brings discernment and inner clarity.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Trust in God and in His Plan beyond all things. Seek the foundation and renewal of love within yourself above all events, inside and outside of yourself.
The planet has already begun its period of purification, and your inner world will also see emerge those things that you have not wanted to see and alter within yourself.
Know that everything will happen for a higher good, for the establishment of a new life. And simply let your heart flow with the Laws that will begin to establish themselves in the world, in spite of their being invisible to the human eye, because they come from a universal and divine reality.
May this cycle be marked by faith and by the love for the Plan of God, in the certainty that every transformation occurs so that this Will may be accomplished.
Do not lose sight of this Greater Love, this purpose that comes from the Father and, with gratitude, focus your living heart on the present, going through each instant without losing the aspiration to love, without losing the hope that love is the first Law that will govern life on Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Learning to surrender the heart
Humanity, children, is still learning to surrender to the heart to God. Some surrender because they have no other path or other choices; others surrender because of all that they have already suffered; and few surrender for love because they were not defeated by their inertia nor by the suffering in life, but rather by the Love of God. This surrender is what the Lord asks for us to experience.
When Christ says: "Surrender to me", He is not talking about following his path because there is no other choice, because of fear or through insecurity; He is not talking about choosing His path because you have suffered enough that you do not want to look for anything else but peace. Christ is talking about understanding the real meaning of life; about knowing that you are on Earth for a higher purpose, which is the renewal of the Love of God.
It is knowing and having faith in this Love, which ousts all human authority from your life, that you will begin to truly and spiritually surrender to Christ.
Surrender is an inner decision that is born of the discovery of the Love of God and of the eagerness to live in that Love and for that love forever.
When a being is surrendered to the Love of God, they understand all things to be vehicles to reach him: the difficulties, the tests, the humiliations, the overcoming of resistance, the constant deepening of the surrender, everything becomes a vehicle to renew the Love of the Father because all of that partakes in His Plan and comes into the lives of His children and servers, to guide them to the greater purpose, the Divine Will.
Therefore children, in these times, surrender to God wholeheartedly and without fear, trusting in His Grace and in His immeasurable Love. Allow the Father to show you this Love before which everything becomes small, everything loses its value and its meaning. And surrender to it. You will thus discover that there is nothing more wonderful within the evolution of beings than that of being flooded and filled by God because you were created for that, you were created to love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
When there is unity of purpose, it is possible to carry out the Plan of God and, thus, it is possible to fulfill the Divine Will in its different stages.
For that reason, children, the unity of purpose among beings is a reassuring sign for the Universe of God, because it is the evident answer that souls, beyond personality or ego, are understanding the meaning for which the Superior Will brought them to Earth.
Unity of purpose allows us to place our attention and our consciousness in the Purpose that Christ must carry out in these times. This unity generates adhesion and, at the same time, attunement among the consciousnesses that integrate it.
It is this time, this unity of purpose will allow souls to go through the end of times having very present the goal and meaning of being able to manifest the Plans of God on Earth.
The unity of purpose collaborates so that any consciousness may focus its attention on the realization of the greater designs, and by living this unity, every day, it may come out of itself to become part of the whole.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Series – Divine Revelations of these times
My Divine Conception in union with the Most Holy Trinity
In the elevated spheres of the Spiritual Universe, a place in which the Living God is present, there are great spiritual matrixes, which encompass great spaces of the Trine Consciousness; because these matrixes are the faithful reflection of a Principle and of a Purpose of the Divine Will.
With forms of great crystal cities of light, these matrixes, which are spiritual and divine, formed by the contribution of the Gift of each Creator Father, that is, by the intervention of each archangel, guard elevated principles and attributes of the Divine Mind with the goal of being able to project and manifest the Plan and its different manifestations within the Universes.
From one of these ancient matrixes of the Spiritual Universe, arrives the Immaculate and Pure Essence which comes from the Divine Conception of the Mother of God.
These immaterial spaces, within the sublime spheres, can only be visited and contemplated by the archangels since it is from these spiritual matrixes that the principles of the Creator Source also emanates because these great crystal cities of light are united, in vibration and in a spiritual way, to the twelve main Sources of the Creator Father-Mother.
This entire evolutionary system of life is a great current of elevated spiritual energy that nourishes the spaces of Creation and, at the same time, moves towards the other constituted Universes: the Spiritual Universe, the Soul Universe, the Higher Mental and the Cosmic Material Universe.
It is in this way that all existing life is benefitted by these impulses which eternally emanate from the Creator Sources of the Spiritual Universe.
In this sense, just as the Creation and the Universe feeds and nourish themselves on divine principles that the Only Mind constantly emanates, the creatures, created in the image and likeness of God, have the inner potential to establish a contact with the meaning for their existence, that is, to resume union with their purpose of life.
The Essence of the Mother of God emerged, manifested itself and sprang from one of these most potent matrixes so that we could live, by the Will of God, an experience of love on Earth.
This Divine Conception of the Mother of God was formed without any stain, as it did not have any experience of suffering, duality or errors.
The Divine Origin of the Essence of the Greater Mother was constituted based on an extremely high degree of purity, of love, and of humility; which led her to incarnate on Earth as a purely immaculate and humble Being.
This characteristic, unusual within the Creation of the Project of God, had an unknown meaning and purpose to the human being, up until the present time.
Within the revelations delivered to the Most Holy Mary, through Archangel Saint Gabriel, it is expressed that the spiritual constitution of the Mother of God is a faithful mirror of the ardent desire of God for the creatures of Earth to know the Love of the Father in a maternal and cosmic aspect.
All of the simplicity and poverty that the Mother of Jesus could manifest during Her passage on Earth were reflections of the fulfilling of this project thought of by God, to defeat evil and duality, by means of the arrival of the Messiah, the Savior.
For God, first it was important for the spiritual, universal and divine contribution of the Creator Fathers, of the Archangels, so that this experience of divine maternity and of unconditional love might have a lasting result throughout the times and the ages.
The recognition that each being of the Earth can make of maternity, and of the affiliation with the Mother of God, spiritually allows God to grant His Divine Presence in the heart of humanity.
Thus, evil is once again overcome by the power of maternal love, by that unconditional motherly love that is capable of giving life to each one of her children.
In synthesis, the desire of God for humanity to have a material and spiritual Mother, like Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was to break the chain that was formed at the beginning with Adam and Eve so that, with humanity being able to recognize the Mother of God, the Mother of all, the maternal love might dissolve the roots of evil, and the causes of all errors, time and again.
In this way, the project, thought of within the Source of Creation, through the matrixes and with the spiritual contribution of the archangels, by indication of the Eternal Father, constituted the Essence of Mary as a possible and evident result by applying the same experience of love in all creatures, permitting the actulaization of the Plan and the transcendence of duality.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Walking toward Bethlehem is moving toward a meeting with the unknown, empty of expectations and completely certain that the Plan of God and His promises are being accomplished.
Walking toward Bethlehem is following the Will of the Father, manifested in the events of your lives, with peace and gratitude, in the certainty that everything is fulfilled according to celestial designs.
Even though the path is long and tiring, even though the inns have their doors closed, and humiliation is the chalice that God has given you to drink, continue to walk and trust.
Walking to Bethlehem is gradually setting aside your dreams, aspirations and desires; setting aside your plans and thoughts about how the Plan of God is to be accomplished, because the Creator will always surprise you.
Walking to Bethlehem is gradually allowing yourself to be transformed and polished by the path so that, when arriving at that humble manger, you finally understand the Will of the Creator and give thanks for His Wisdom.
Walking to Bethlehem is being able to welcome within yourself the difficulties and tests, and even after so many humiliations, being ready to forgive, just like the One Who is being gestated within you, and will come to forgive all things.
Walking to Bethlehem is being able to say 'yes' to God and persevere, even when humankind says 'no' to you.
Walking to Bethlehem is giving permission for a new life to emerge and not being afraid of all the corrections and transformations that this new human will cause within you and in the history of the Earth.
Reaching Bethlehem is giving birth to the first step of a new cycle. It is there, in Bethlehem, where you will understand the Divine Will for this planet, for you will find humility, simplicity, unity among the peoples, cultures, religions and hearts, and, above all, the love that renews all things.
Allow yourselves to be guided toward Bethlehem, and there, everything will begin to be accomplished. This path is held within you. You have My blessing for finding it.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Through My Love, I give you the keys to expand and open the consciousness toward all the knowledge of the divine and the cosmic.
These keys which I give you will help in the concretization of the aspirations of God, which must be fulfilled through the unconditional surrender of the followers and those close to Christ.
To open the consciousness and to expand it means to be able to recognize within the self, the Plan of God, which is to be designed and formed with the unconditional dedication of each being that risks living an unknown Will, which goes beyond forms or the movements of the consciousness.
This is the time of definition so that the doors may open and souls may recognize that it is now time to take on the Plan and, mainly, the moment to live a transformation of consciousness which will be the means to manifest the Divine Plan within humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Wisdom is a gift that comes from the very depths of the Heart of God. It was with Wisdom that the Creator expressed the manifestation of His Spirit as a Creator Source for Life.
Wisdom is a gift that unites you to the Divine Purpose and leads you to think within the Thought of God and to feel within His Heart.
Wisdom causes souls to read within the sacred books of the Divine Plan and thus, although their minds are not aware, their hearts, which are bridges between the soul and material life, can definitely grasp and feel the Divine Will so that they may lead their lives according to that Will.
Wisdom comes to the world through Grace and Mercy, and crying out for that Grace, you can achieve it. However, children, it is granted to you for a reason. To receive the gift of Wisdom, you must be pure of heart and free of personal intentions and self-will.
Wisdom descends upon those who make their lives available to God and offer them for the fulfillment of His Plans.
In these times, Wisdom is no longer just a divine gift that the soul receives to accomplish a spiritual task. It is a necessity of the human consciousness because it will unite you with God and will allow that, in the depths of your beings, the bond with the Creator will never be lost, no matter what happens around you.
Therefore, children, cry out for the grace to receive the gift of Wisdom in your hearts. Offer your lives to God so that He may make them instruments for the expression of His Will.
In a time of profound ignorance, indifference and inner confusion, be instruments and vehicles of Divine Wisdom on Earth.
Hearts need guidance to reach God and, until everything happens, until the return of the Redeemer is a reality, wise hearts available to God are needed to be the light of the world in times of darkness.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To concretize the Work of God is not what is difficult; what is most difficult is to keep all united under the same purpose as the Work gradually develops and expands according to Divine Will.
But, while in the walking toward this purpose tests and challenges are undertaken, creatures have the duty to overcome them with love rather than with indifference.
For this reason, every test that comes is an opportunity for liberation and transcendence, in order to defeat the duality that exists within each being.
Each stage is an opportunity for maturity and growth, since in all things there is a why and a reason defined by God, as a Will for each one of the souls of this beloved planet.
In this sense, the Work of God is based on love and on the experience of each being, and each life story is related to God through the different manifestations of Divine Will.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Holiness is to stand before God and, in confession, to recognize without fear your own faults, weaknesses and imperfections, not hiding from yourself or from others the small or great miseries that bind you to this world and prevent you from reaching Heaven.
Holiness is to be aware of the Divine Presence and to live under His Gaze, to be ashamed, repenting and confessing in the weaknesses, and at the same time welcoming, revering and thanking the Gifts and Graces that come from the Father.
Holiness is to surpass, each day a little more, the layers of material illusion, to fix your eyes and heart on the Purpose and Divine Truth. Gradually, human forces, tendencies and conditions lose their place in the hearts of beings, and this space is filled by the freedom to love and serve God.
Holiness is to recognize that the path is long because the deviation was great but, above all, to trust in the miracle and the Mercy of Christ, without conditions or limiting the actions of the Lord in your own life. But, on the contrary, always letting Him have the possibility of turning the stones lost in the mud into crystalline and pure pearls, full of His Truth and Transparency.
Holiness is to know that you have never reached the necessary point and not stopping your own steps, nor the Grace of God in your lives, in the certainty that at some moment of evolution, Unity will come and, on that day, Creation will be recreated. And, allowing the Father to have renewed His love, He will reinvent Life in a new degree of Love.
See holiness as a horizon that calls you. This is a path and not a utopia.
Seek service, love and transparency, and, without realizing it, you will experience redemption and, more than that, you will return to God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
On this day of grace, My dear children, your Heavenly Mother descends with all of the Treasures of Heaven, to place them and store them within this new Marian Center, which will timidly be born through the efforts and the prayers of those who may want to reciprocrate with Me.
For this reason, on this day, I bring in My Hands seven of the hundreds of celestial spheres that are kept in the Greater Kingdom, so that, sowing them in the spiritual consciousness of this Marian Center, they may open and radiate the celestial principles for which they were brought here.
This spiritual science, that today, the Ever-Virgin Mary awakens over this Marian Center, will help the purpose that this simple but humble space will fulfill within the Divine Will.
The purpose of the Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation is to attract from the Divine Universe the powerful and healing currents that will help in the restoration and rehabilitation of the Minor Kingdoms and the Greater Kingdoms, as the devic, angelic and human are.
This Marian Center will shelter souls in the service of prayer, but will also safeguard the essence of each one of the Kingdoms, which needs help and spiritual assistance, so that in the next phase of the planet, the essence and the matrix of the Kingdoms may develop another degree of evolution.
Thus, everything that may be generated here, in this Marian Center, will have its repercussion in the immediate future as well as in the distant future. Everything is part of a spiritual and divine construction.
The Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation will contribute through sowing the bases for the life of the Kingdoms in the next stage of the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call for the salvation and healing of the Kingdoms of Nature.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I speak to the heart of the old human so that they may yield and become new, renewed in God by His deep Love.
I speak to the lapsed heart of a lost humanity, so that, knowing itself to have strayed, it may seek the path of return to the Heart of God and enter the path of its redemption.
I speak to the miserable, to the sinners, and to the indifferent, so that they may know that by recognizing their miseries, sins, and indifference, they may change and create reason for Mercy to descend upon the world and permeate not only their being, but all life.
I speak to those who consider themselves small and to those who consider themselves great, so that each one, yielding up their vanities, know that it is not by wanting to be small or great that they will reach God; it is by being nothing, disposing with greatness and smallness to the Father, knowing that everything only gains meaning in God.
I speak to the world by a higher Will, making My voice the echo of the Sovereign Voice of the Creator because He sends His Messengers to warn and guide humanity. Therefore, listen to the Messengers of God, as the Voice of God Himself speaks to you. In gratitude, revere the grace the Father grants you.
Know that if you are hearing these words, they are for each one of you; it is God Himself who called you by name to listen to His Voice.
I speak to you, My child, because this is the Divine Will. It is enough now that you follow these words, so that you understand what the Creator expects of your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more