In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the universe, which belongs to you and this is still unknown.
From the universe, I have come to bring you My Message of awakening, in the face of a planetary scenario that only provokes chaos, conflict and confusion; a scenario in which the human consciousness in this time must make a great effort in order to elevate and transcend itself; in which the abysses of the earthly consciousness absorb souls and make them lose track of the Christic Path.
Time and again, I approach the Earth’s orbit to contemplate the world and humanity, knowing that this moment would come, because I already knew it since the Garden of Gethsemane.
Today I come dressed with My violet garment, with the flame of the violet fire of the universe so that the waves of adversity may be transmuted and liberated from the earthly consciousness, so that My apostles and disciples are not absorbed by evil.
I have always spoken to you about the importance of entering My Heart. This is the time, this is the moment; but in order to cross the door of My Heart and be protected, you must surrender, you must yield, you must humble yourselves.
The door of My Heart is so small, that you cannot imagine. It is through the door of humility that you will be able to enter My Heart and there you will be safe from any harassment.
Although the human consciousness commits itself, day by day, to that which is not evolutionary nor spiritual, I come again to the world to make it remember what I left here more than two thousand years ago.
The Blood of the Lamb was shed upon the surface of this planet and this has incalculable value for you.
Invoke the power of My Blood and be bathed by it, receive the Christic Codes of Light that were achieved through the sacrifice of your Lord. In this way, from the consecrated consciousnesses to the consciousness of humanity, everyone will be filled by these Codes and be able to straighten their paths, until they can meet Me in the inner planes.
I know it is not easy to liberate oneself from the chains of oppression, of harassment and of darkness, but you have the tools to do it.
The power of the word of prayer will lead you to be at another point and in another state of consciousness.
The commitment to the life of the Sacraments will lead you to be protected and blessed by My Gifts.
To love the power of the Cross of Emmanuel and of the Cross of your Master and Lord will free you from sin.
A life of charity, of surrender and of service will remove you from yourselves so that you may learn to truly love.
Thus, with these simple tools that We have taught you, you will be able to survive in this fierce battle that is taking place on the planet, which many do not see and most do not want to accept.
This is the time of Armageddon, it is the first time of the book of the Apocalypse.
No longer let your eyes be covered by the blindfolds of illusion. Tear up these blindfolds and free yourselves forever from that which is superficial.
May your hearts not become points of indifference, of insensitivity nor of despise.
I have given you all that you need and a little more so that you may come to this moment. Do not fear knowing yourselves just as you are, and not what you appear to be.
Through the spirit of My Truth, become free from yourselves, and thus you will free the world from suffering.
Many of Mine throughout the whole world were assigned to live this time, they were anointed by My own Hand of Light, under the impulse of My Divinity, so that they would never forget the commitment.
Now it is not time to be busy with yourselves, but rather with My Plan. It is time to love the proposal that I gave you seven years ago.
I still wait that you can be My Word, My Message. I still wait that you can be My apostles, as many have been throughout the times. But this, companions, has a price; it is not a favor, nor is it an emotion.
To be under My Government means responsibility and discernment. To be under My Government means love and unity, transparency and truth, because evil does not know these attributes.
If your lives are these attributes, as imperfect as they may be, you will be protected and you will not suffer. For a moment, look around you, and you will realize what I tell you, it is not necessary that you go far to perceive it.
Each one of you must purify your lives during this Lent, but let this be a true purification and not a mental one.
You must feel in your own flesh the need to be different, the aspiration to fulfill My designs and at least reflecting on Earth a little love, a little light; because the world lacks this light and lacks this love, and you know this.
May this Marathon number ninety represent discernment for all, the action of love in all things and needs, the responsibility to live the commitment and not to escape the commitment; the affirmation to be My apostles, and someday be the New Christs, the Christs of the New Time.
I know that many of you have thought someday that you would not come to this moment, nor to be so aware of the responsibility of being with Me, of being by My side; but this is what God needs.
His celestial treasures cannot be kept just anywhere nor in just any consciousness. His celestial treasures must be kept in the most humble, the most simple but truest hearts.
If humanity could understand the need to live change, that which is happening in the world would not be so.
Many think that the Celestial Father does not want to dissolve everything that is happening in the world, but this is not true, companions.
Humanity generates its own sufferings, and these sufferings fall upon the most innocent and the poorest among the poor.
A true King would never be born in a palace. I need you to be humble, just as I had to be in the manger in Bethlehem.
God does not hide in material wealth. God is present in the spiritual treasures, which can be the very example of souls that are converted and redeemed.
May the sacred violet garments of Christ make you understand, in this Lent, that you are already in the time of a great transition, a transition that is more definitive and profound than it seems to be.
Open your inner senses to understand all that I tell you. Do not try to understand with your mind nor with your external senses.
In this Lent, open yourselves to be transfigured by My Light.
May My apostles hear the call of the Lord of Israel and may they prepare the spaces for His arrival.
This is the time marked for My Return. It is the time when many of Mine will have the opportunity of learning and of growing, if they so accept.
I will no longer force you to follow Me. Your feet must walk by themselves, just as I have told you, that for faith you must walk upon the waters, just as the apostle Peter.
May this Marathon invoke the Gift of Discernment of the Holy Spirit so that the consciousnesses, from the consecrated consciousnesses down to all of humanity, by irresponsibility, by indifference or by lack of common sense, not miss the opportunity that the Father has given them.
At the doors of this Sacred Week, and after so many Sacred Weeks, the moment has come for you to carry your own cross and to be brave, to learn to endure the fire of purification and to learn to transcend yourselves, to free yourselves from yourselves, forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
May the suffering of the serving hearts of My Son be placated.
May the transitory experience of this planetary moment be offered beyond its repercussion so that the Eternal Father receives it as justification and atonement for all the mistakes made up to the present by this suffering humanity.
This is the time of the victim souls of My Son; it is the time to offer yourself to mend the injustice that embraces the hearts of all humanity.
I am by the side of every servant of Christ who lives, like the rest of the world, the experience of being in chaos.
This is the long-awaited hour of tribulation for all, but it is also the time to bring out the talents of holiness that My Son placed in you long ago.
I know that you have never been through something like this as humanity, but you must remember that, as essences, you were waiting for this moment to arrive in order to serve unconditionally so that My Son's Redemptive Plan may be fulfilled.
I ask you, My children, not to abandon the cross of this time, because at the end of the path of this world calvary, you will meet My Son and He will free you from this situation forever.
Only that for each child of Mine the time has come to go through their test of Christic love so that at last the consciousness is confirmed to the Plan and the Will of the Lord.
This is an unknown time, permeated with signs that, no matter what, will lead towards the change of consciousness through that which is unpredictable.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
When you do not have quietude within, seek to return to the peace of your heart so that every experience you go through serves the growth of the goodness within your being.
I know the human being cannot understand the reason for some painful experiences. But they must know that there are causes and conditions that generate these experiences as a result.
At this moment, you must perceive with clarity the causes and consequences so that all that you carry out may be beneficial to your being, within the values of the common good, justice and, above all, love.
The recognition of the roots of the causes and consequences that you yourself can generate for your material and spiritual life will help you step out of ignorance and out of the permanent inability to understand or accept the experiences.
The real path of transformation means seeing beyond oneself, understanding one’s fellow being, seeking the beauty of the differences that may exist between human beings.
After all, it is necessary not to cease to seek the truth, and the truth lies in self-knowledge and in seeing, at each moment, all the good that can be learned. Thus, you will gradually free yourself from suffering.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You have come to Me, barefoot, to the Temple of My Heart.
Behold My Temple that welcomes you, just as it welcomes the world and its needs.
I Am the Lord of the refugees and of the innocent, of those who have no land, of those who have no home, of those who have lost everything and tread the path of this world, seeking an opportunity and hope.
I will again return to multiply the bread and the fish, to give manna of eternal life to those who are hungry, to those who have lost hope, to those who are in exile.
I want you to know that, through this Work, the missionary hearts, the eternal volunteering of serving others in an unconditional way, will always be renewed.
This will be a source that will always be open to give an impulse to other consciousnesses for humanitarian service, for extending their arms and hands to help those in need, the millions of the needy throughout the world who keep being punished by a system of adversity and control.
The Temple of My Heart, which is the very Eucharist, contemplates all these needs, in the end of times: the crises that the world experiences, the disturbance of the men and women of the Earth, the despair of the innocent hearts, who only hope to eat and drink water in order to survive.
For you here, and for your brothers and sisters who listen to this Message and have everything, it is time to give thanks, but also to share. It is time to revere and glorify the Grace that you have received throughout the times, and it is your spirit of volunteering and selflessness that will mend and heal the wounds of the refugee hearts.
It is not only food and water that will save lives, not only protection and refuge will support the innocent and the children, but also the Love of My Heart that you can mirror into the world will redeem humanity.
Upon seeing the suffering of the world and the refugee camps, the pain of My Heart is indescribable, and this goes beyond life in matter or the organizations that carry it forward.
The world has still now known the true Celestial Government, the one that was thought of from the beginning so that all of you could be happy in the Holy Land. But humanity has gone astray and, as it has been throughout the generations, the most innocent suffer the marginalization and slavery of these times.
Who will deter this perpetual agony?
Who will relieve the suffering hearts?
Who will step out of themselves to see the need, the great need that the world experiences?
On this day, I come in a special way, because you cannot be without guidance and without instruction.
All that you have received throughout the times must not be considered only as the expansion of your consciousness, but also as your response, your generosity and service.
The souls that do not truly understand Me and do not truly listen to Me, have to go out to the world to see the reality, and face this reality until it hurts.
I chose you for a reason, that still today you do not know, for a reason that is written in the Sacred Books of God, which is a part of the recovery and spiritual integrity of the old People of Israel, which, spread throughout the world, has become lost, even though I died for you on the Cross.
It is time for you to place before your eyes the planetary situation, the need. When you serve and welcome those who suffer, your inner situations or your problems will dissolve.
Because the true universal family must be constituted by the emergence of a small group that will carry forward this Aspiration of God, so that, in this way, the New Humanity can arise.
The Plan of God is written through your actions and your adherence to the Most High; there is no other way that allows the Plan to be fulfilled, but through the readiness of your hearts and lives, for what is necessary.
If I had not come to the world, in what situation would your consciousnesses and your civilization be?
You could not imagine, companions, because it would be something more serious than what you live today as humanity.
Being able to acknowledge the Grace that fills you and blesses you, divesting yourselves and coming towards Me barefoot, towards the Temple of My Heart, is a sign that you can understand My Message and that you accept to live humility, so urgent and necessary in these times.
Humility must not lack in humanity, because it would be the victory of chaos over humankind.
To few souls of the world, I come to ask for what might seem impossible, that which will spiritually lead My Plan towards triumph in the inner planes, and will lead them to experience the Christic path.
I do not need great movements to carry forward My Work, I only need you to accept to live My Will, as much as you do not understand it, because in My Will lies your protection and your support.
I know it is not easy to obey the commands of the Lord and the guidelines of the Most High.
There is no being on the surface of the Earth that has not undergone this experience, but it will be after they fulfill My Will that they will understand the Plan and the meaning of having received the Call that comes to converted hearts.
As the Lord of the refugees and the innocents, I come to ask the world to open its eyes to this need. It is not enough for a few to help, neither for the wealthy minorities to take advantage of the world crisis.
If you open your eyes to the necessity, although they are not Christian or spiritual, you will comply with the attribute of charity, and many serious situations that the world keeps generating today will be forgiven by My Mercy, and will not be corrected by My Justice.
But you must first believe in what I am telling you and in what I am proposing to you because the opportunities are unique and will not be repeated.
If you open your eyes to the necessity of the humanitarian crises, at least those who are within this Work and follow My Call will leave their homes and families to serve Me, and help those who suffer.
Those who cannot serve me from anywhere, due to a disability or any other reason, let them pray with Me and adore the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, so that the Grace of My infinite Mercy may permeate the Earth and the souls that suffer, so that the traumas of these souls and hearts can be healed, in the opportunity of a new hope.
As long as nations do not repent from their acts, peace will not come; and only those who fulfill My ardent aspiration will be bearers of peace, and able to bring the Peace and Love of My Heart to the great refuges of the world, where there is no longer Light or hope, only agony and hell.
Just as I told the twelve apostles, today I tell you: “Go, two by two, or go in group and serve, so that someday you may live your redemption by means of service, for those who suffer and become desperate.”
The triumph of the Love of God will take place through your surrender and service, through your total and unconditional 'yes'. Thus, you will be before the doors of My Mercy, and the infinite ocean of My Compassion will fill you so that, in service and in silence, you may reach those who suffer.
This critical time is the beginning of something more difficult, but, through prayers and the surrender of hearts that are sincere with Me, many situations and events will be deviated, by the power of Mercy.
Thus, My sorrowful Blood will cease to be shed upon the world so that My Rays of Mercy may illuminate the souls and grant them peace.
No longer be tempted or deceived by yourselves or by My adversary. You have the tools to overcome it.
I have given you the Sacraments so that you would live them, so that you would be sanctified in My Name and be under the protection of the Holy Spirit, which is this Divine Spirit that speaks to you today, just as it speaks to the world, for it to awaken.
I sanctify you with My Light, and invite you to the renewal of the missionary heart in the most difficult times of the world and of humanity.
Trust My Words and the bridges of hope will be built so that the most innocent and the refugees can cross them towards the New Earth.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Unexpectedly, today I present myself to humanity, to call it to repentance.
Before now, the cup was almost full; now the cup is overflowing. Be aware of what you are doing, stop the attacks of brother against brother.
The nations and some of their leaders are already more than puppets in the hands of My enemy. A hidden and evil network subdues the innocent: children are abandoned, human beings are despised and rejected at the borders because they try to escape famine and persecution.
Do not play with nuclear weapons anymore. You, human beings of the Earth, are not aware of what a mere slip would generate upon the entire planet.
In the mid-1940s you were warned about the consequences of using nuclear energy, and you did not listen to our messengers. Now you run and compete, threaten the world and conduct hidden tests in places upon Earth that are already highly contaminated by so much radiation.
When will you realize that power does not belong to you?
Stop and listen to the Voice that comes from the Heart of the Universe.
You no longer have anything else to experiment with and to create. At this moment, recognize that you have failed at your experiments in laboratories and with humans; and that the current pandemic is the result of malpractice.
What else do you want to have?
There have been previous humanities that transgressed Creation and hurt themselves.
You are the fifth and final race. The danger is no longer in your paths; now it is in your hands, and you cannot control it.
Abandon the social and conquering arms race that you still promote in many nations. No longer attack the seas and the oceans. The planet is heading to an unexpected salinity.
The Earth cannot endure any longer, and it will reflect its agony. You cannot imagine this world without fresh-water, or in long dark days due to the spread of the ashes of all volcanoes.
What will you do if that happens?
As long as the Kingdoms of Nature remain the focus of an unlimited exploitation, blood will continue to be shed throughout the world, and it will continue to be in the news.
You have lost the intuition of your souls; you no longer have the sensitivity to listen to God within yourselves.
Your lives are darkened by ambition and injustice, while thousands of people in the world are hit by marginalization, exile and exploitation.
The same hands as always enrich themselves through global suffering, but that will end. It will be one of the first corrections that I will impose on humanity.
Today I speak to the whole world, I do not speak to just one religion. I speak to all believers and non-believers, to those who have wasted their lives for pleasures and desires of the world, I speak to those who feel satisfaction in doing evil.
There is no angel or Hierarchy that will stop the overflowing cup. You are at the edge of the great abyss.
My Heart not only sustains the suffering and agonizing world; My Soul endures the injustices and the contempt of those who abandoned me and did not believe in Me. They did not hear My message. They judged My work and My dedication, and My enemy deceived them.
Therefore, be attentive. Everything I have given you throughout these years was to prepare you for this time, and most of you let My Words pass you by and you lost them.
Now, with little time left, reconsider, correct your mistakes and ask for Mercy, because no one knows Justice and, even so, souls challenge it, out of ignorance and indifference.
In truth, I tell you that I can no longer justify before My Father everything that you do. The time has come for everything to be defined between you and God.
But if love, tolerance, respect and care are experienced in your lives, you will suffer no more; because everything that will come will be the result of pride, exploitation and the evil of those who continue to live them.
I can only tell you to repent, so that in these acute moments, you not lack peace.
Hold on to My Words. Be the New Testament so that the whole world stops suffering its own consequences.
On the twelfth anniversary, together with the Mother of God, and for an undetermined period, we will give you Our final Words, so that you may listen to them carefully, and your consciousnesses may understand the message.
For this reason, responding to the Will and Justice of the Universe, and for everything received at each new meeting, you will listen to our Messages after prayers, which will be delivered beforehand, since for an undetermined time, I will protect the visionary, so that he may help Me to sustain this moment, in prayer and in silence, so that My Graces may reach other parts of the world.
It is time for you to live My Messages, especially the last ones.
My Heart has endured offenses from very close companions, something that has opened the Wound on My Side. The offenses of those who leave hurt My Heart, because I give them life and, instead of living in Me, they let themselves die.
May discernment and peace guide you in these difficult times.
May this Marathon be the synthesis and confirmation of your lives before the Sacred Heart of the Lord.
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The descent of the Celestial Church, in this culminating moment of humanity, will bring the Divine Grace so that the souls of the world may turn to God in an inner action of true repentance and reconciliation.
The Celestial Church will bring a moment of inner quiet and reflection toward the planet so that as many souls as possible will reconsider and repair their lives, in all that they have experienced, so that they may be restored from suffering.
The coming of the Celestial Church will impart blessings and Graces within the hearts open to recognize this important spiritual event.
Within the Celestial Church, one of the Aspects of God will be present which, during the days of the Sacred Week, will remain in contemplation and available in order to hear the intentions and the prayers of His children. God the Father will open a spiritual space to attend to His creatures.
During the descent of the Celestial Church, Guardian Angels will have the Grace of being able to carry into the Church of Christ all the pleas of those who pronounce them in an impersonal way and as a spiritual benefit for the healing of humanity.
With the coming of the Celestial Church, many movements will occur for all, not only inwardly, but also outwardly, and in prayer you must accompany these movements.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church is what first descends upon the orbit of the Earth, and the material universe feels the movement of the most powerful divine energy.
The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church penetrates the intermediary spaces of the consciousness of the planet and this resonates within the human consciousness, which begins to feel the time of definition.
The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church reaches the spaces of the most difficult suffering. Souls in agony breathe in the relief they so much search for; peace reaches each one of them.
The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church transmutes the contrary currents that oppose good and love.
The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church has an impact on the human aspects so that they surrender and become sublimated.
The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church prepares the divine descent of the King of the Universe.
The doors of the House of God begin to open; the angels assemble in praise and adoration so that souls may hear the arrival of the Church of the Lord.
The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church gestates the Temple of Devotion within inner worlds that will await the coming of the attributes and the gifts that will institute the last apostles of Christ upon the surface of the Earth.
The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church gives impulse to the awakening of the consciousness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
As the Celestial Church spiritually approaches the planet, the greater will be the inner and physical movements of humanity.
It is like a great Light that enters into the abyss and the darkness of humanity to turn night into day.
It is at this moment of worldwide inflection when souls must aspire, even more wholeheartedly, to allow the Celestial Church to free them from the chains of errors and suffering.
The Celestial Church will descend with Creative Power and give those who welcome it an impulse so that they may profess their faith and trust in the Eternal God.
While the Celestial Church begins to open its main doors, the angels come out from within it, descend to the Earth and prepare its solemn arrival.
But you, My children, must sustain this moment, since the Light and the darkness will meet, and from that point on, the last cycle of the battle will be opened, which will define love or indifference within humanity.
The more works of prayer and of good that are carried out in the world, the greater will be the spiritual and inner effect of the Celestial Church; and the souls that had no possibility of salvation will be considered.
At this moment, all those who adore the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar will be collaborating consciously so that the Celestial Church may reach all hearts possible.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Tabernacle of My Heart wishes to be present at all the Marian Centers and Monasteries of this Order.
You will be able to find Me in the Tabernacle, as well as in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
My Presence in the Tabernacle is eternal, and it is there where souls must seek Me and recognize Me to be able to feel Me within themselves.
The Light of My Tabernacle is not recognized by many souls in the world.
In the tabernacle of My Heart, I have a space prepared for each soul: a purpose.
Before departing and leaving the world, I want you to fulfill this request, because this is not only for your religiosity, but also for the souls of the world that, at this moment, need to discover the mystery held within the Tabernacle of My Heart.
In this Chapel, which has been built in My Name, I also wish to see a Tabernacle; as well as in all the religious houses of your Order and the Marian Centers, because the Tabernacle of My Heart is the visible sign of ecumenism and the peace amongst religions.
You will be able to gather in front of the Tabernacle of My Heart at the most difficult moments, as well as in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Blessed Sacrament and the Tabernacle of My Heart are the greatest legacies that I have left for humanity throughout time.
Many good souls have been converted in front of the Tabernacle of My Heart, and I have communicated with them throughout time, in the presence of the Tabernacle of My Spirit and of My Divinity.
In the Tabernacle of My Heart, souls will be able to be consecrated, even though they do not live a religious life, because that which is consecrated is your soul. This must be the aspiration of your lives within the universe of consecration.
Many difficult situations that the world is experiencing could be resolved if souls venerated the Tabernacle of My Heart, where I too will be able to sanctify you with My Spirit and with My Peace.
Today, through My Chest, I reveal to you the Tabernacle of My Heart, the light of the Grace that descends to the world, by the merits of the Passion of Your Lord and Redeemer.
In the Tabernacle of My Heart lies the synthesis of My experience and My life on Earth, from when I was born up until I ascended to the Heavens.
I know that souls sometimes do not place their attention upon the significance of the Tabernacle of My Heart; so today I reveal it to you and share it with you, because the Marian Centers and your religious houses will be where you will be able to find Me.
The Tabernacle of My Heart is a bridge to the Heavens, to the Universe, to Greater Life.
In the Tabernacle of My Heart, you will not experience adversity or disturbance.
In front of the Tabernacle of My Heart, your ideas will become clear, and you will have discernment through the impulse of My Grace and My Wisdom.
I need the world to understand the significance of the Tabernacle of My Heart, because souls do not yet know what I keep within It. Within it is not only My Body and My Blood, but also there is the spiritual life of Your Lord, which is omnipresent and eternal life.
John the Apostle got to know the Tabernacle of My Heart on the Cross. My Mother allowed him to know it at the culminating moment of My agony while, in the deepest core of My Being, there was loneliness and abandonment from humankind.
In the greatest darkness and suffering on the Cross, the Tabernacle of My Heart emerged as a spiritual and divine form. And that elevated fallen souls from the abysses and many souls achieved the victory of redemption by means of My Blood. Even though this took place more than two thousand years ago, it is still alive.
Today, the Tabernacle of My Heart is here so that it may be venerated and adored by good and humble souls.
In the Tabernacle of My Heart, you will be able to find the humility you need and the surrender you require to experience and go through these so unknown and unpredictable times.
Around the Tabernacle of My Heart, that will be able to be present at the Marian Centers and in your religious houses, just as it is present in the churches of the world, is where the angels contemplate God in His second person, the Son, Who gives souls and hearts filiation with the Eternal Father, reconciliation and forgiveness.
Whoever has faith and adores Me in the Tabernacle of My Heart will be healed spiritually and the illnesses of their bodies will inexplicably disappear.
There are souls in the world that came to serve Me through their suffering. The souls of people are afraid to have this experience because it is something similar to what I lived, from the Garden of Gethsemane until the death on the Cross.
I will not rest until you learn to surpass Me in love and in service.
Before closing My cycle with you, I leave you the greatest legacy of the spiritual universe, that is the Tabernacle of My Heart, so that the Holy Eucharist may be not only adored, but also recognized and loved by humankind.
The Tabernacle of My Heart is the refuge for your sorrows, the relief of your agony, the healing of your wounds, the love for your consciousnesses, the wisdom in your confusion, the clarity on your paths, the eternal surrender of your souls.
Within the Tabernacle of My Heart lies My whole life and My existence.
The Tabernacle of My Heart is full of Mercy for souls.
My Being is full of Light for hearts, but many do not accept it.
Let this last Marathon that you will experience with Me not only be a synthesis, but also an opportunity to remember what you have lived with Me throughout these years, from the sacred pines of Aurora, to going through all the cities that the Pilgrimage for Peace visited.
In each moment, this mystery of the Tabernacle of My Heart was present, accompanying you and serving souls most in need, especially those that seemingly did not need it.
In front of the Tabernacle of My Heart, you are crystalline. I can see and recognize everything, there are no limits or appearances.
in front of the Tabernacle of My Heart, your souls can govern you, and they can learn to do so in these critical times.
In front of the Tabernacle of My Heart, you will not forget your commitment in the moments of the greatest tests, because I Myself will remind you of what you came to serve and offer Me.
It is through the Tabernacle of My Heart that I will leave My representatives on Earth, all the adorers and those that venerate My Sacred Body in the Eucharist.
Through the Tabernacle of My Heart, you will find the Celestial Kingdom, and you will be strengthened in peace for the moments of the greatest tribulations.
Now, in the Tabernacle of My Heart, I wish to have your experiences of love and forgiveness, because this will recreate both Creation in this school of Divine Love and the expansion of consciousness, through the impulse that the Love of God brings to the world.
The last thing I want to tell you, companions, is that you must value all that you have received from My Person and from My Divinity during these recent times.
Let this moment of the farewell of Your Master and Lord be an opportunity to definitely assume your commitment with Me, in the work of service and prayer, because the spiritual exercise of the prayer of Mercy will continue on.
Now the time has come to engage and become responsible as adults on the spiritual path. Up until now, everything was a preparation.
I will withdraw, not only because My Father has called Me, to prepare Me for My Return, but because you have already learned how to sustain My Plan of Love in humanity.
Definitely be the Love that I have given you in the Sacraments and through each word, each message and instruction. In this way, from the Heavens, I will have a place and space in your souls, where I can reflect Myself and refract the Light of My Mercy.
I thank those who have committed to Me during these years of merciful prayer, and those who will continue doing so, understanding beyond themselves what this means for this moment of the planet and humanity.
I can only be in what is simple, austere and humble. This is where I can return, so that souls may find Me, and live Me.
The self-giving of Your Master is eternal and unconditional; such must be your lives and consciousnesses, because today you will not understand what this means, but tomorrow you will know. This is a promise.
May your lives, experiences and prayers continue being written in the Books of the Wisdom of God, so that humanity may yet have the chance of being redeemed. So be it.
May we pray in this Marathon, as if it were the first time, knowing that I will be attentive to each one of you, and waiting for you to respond to Me in the same way as when I called you for the first time to this spiritual exercise, knowing that I will avail Myself of this moment of prayer to help the planet and the souls, so that the salvation of hearts may be fulfilled.
May My Peace be reflected within you. May you be bearers of My Peace. May My Peace multiply and expand throughout the world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thirty-first Poem
Humble Servant of God,
Immaculate Mother of suffering’s relief,
place us in Your arms, at this moment,
so that we may feel
lovingly protected by You.
Relieve our hearts of any desolation.
You are the powerful Mother
who sustains us and loves us eternally.
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation,
may we find the path of return to God's Heart.
Most Holy Mother,
guide us with the Light of Your Crown.
With Your feet, step
upon all that causes pain and despair;
relieve suffering.
May our faith be renewed at each moment.
May our souls be on the path
towards the Celestial Kingdom so that,
while we serve our fellow beings
here on Earth,
we may learn to love
the Will of God as You do.
Free us from the chains and illusions
that imprison us.
Make us aware of our service
of love and selflessness for humanity.
Correct our paths so that
we may only be on the sacred path of Your Son
where we will live the Spiritual Communion with Him
as a part of His Celestial Kingdom.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Song: Mercy, Christ Jesus.
Our Father, in Aramaic (repeated three times).
May the Holy Spirit reside in your minds and hearts, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come down from Heaven to be in this meeting in order to tell the world that in this cycle everything is allowed. My Father has thus decided it. Humanity needs to grow within in order to be able to express what it came to do in this world.
I need you to be here with Me, in vigil, because in this vigil you will always find peace and you will have the wisdom for knowing how to make good decisions.
The planet is like a fragile crystal that is at the point of breaking, just like all that is within it.
But you, through merciful prayer and through your faith, have learned to strengthen yourselves, and that strength must not be lukewarm, but rather it must be firm, based on what you believe and live, based on what you practice and offer as a service to the world, as well as to your brothers and sisters.
For this reason, everything is allowed so that humanity may learn what it has not yet learned. This does not mean that you continue to suffer, because you are still governed by a basic law, which is free will. In that choice that humanity makes lies condemnation, damnation and darkness.
But today I invite you to position yourselves above this law and unite with My Divine Knowledge, with My Word, so that, through love and truth, you may learn to decide wisely and with discernment, without having to be touched by the action of this law.
I know that not all of you will manage to do so, because you are still in the moment of overcoming duality. Until I return, that will not happen, and hearts will have to experience what they need to experience in order to be formed as true servers, as long as you decide to follow the path that I offer not only you but also to the whole world, to all peoples and all religions, because I am not only the Christ of the Christians, I am the Master and Lord of all souls.
In souls there is no religion, no doctrine; there is faith, trust and unity in the Eternal Father; it is there where I am. And thus I seek to always be in your hearts and lives so that you may reflect the gifts that I have been giving you for some quite time.
My treasures, that are inner, deep and non-material, will never be lost. When souls do not live the talents that I give them, I gather the gifts and the virtues from the hearts that do not fulfill My Purpose, and that does not mean that I abandon them.
In solitude and silence, I stop to observe you, up to the point where you learn to take steps, just as I taught you from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the Cross.
In each instant of your lives, redemption can be experienced.
At each step of your lives, there lies the opportunity for freedom, when you are under the Law of Love and Truth.
This world suffers and it is in pain and sorrow, not only in consciousness, but also in soul, because the planet is part of everything, and you are part of that great consciousness of the planet, which is ill and needs healing.
In maintaining your faith and your trust in Me, the bridges will always exist through which I will be able to descend in order to help you and assist you, even though you do not feel Me, do not perceive Me, even though I am in silence.
For this reason, this is a definitive moment, in which the planet is facing an unpredictable event, facing an uncertain destiny, without knowing how it will continue during the times to come.
But you, who have grown in the love of My Words and My Wisdom, must not focus your minds upon what will happen, but rather on what is happening. In that will be the lesson that you need in order to grow, learn, and once again be able to overcome the obstacles and the tests in the infinite trust that My Heart offers you.
Perhaps what I tell you today, companions, you may have heard at other moments, through other Words that I have already spoken. But know that, in everything I tell you today, there is the answer that each being needs, according to their school and their moment of purification.
Do not believe that I do not see what is happening to you, what you feel inwardly, what is happening in your minds, what your souls are living, what your spirits aspire toward in order to find the truth.
This is why the Hierarchy, in one attunement and vibration, unites at this moment, under My consensus and authority, to bring to the whole world the last impulses it needs so that humanity may awaken their consciousness even more and perceive that it is not under the Law and that it must return to it.
In this way, the times and the moments of uncertainty, of suffering, of pandemics and of insecurity will end. Because, in this way, you will be open to receive Me at that great moment of My Return, which is not far away, each day it is closer, and you must keep this in mind because I will not alert the world, nor will I alert you. I will arrive in the most needful and urgent moment, even though everything may appear calm.
In that moment, I will be able to return to correct this world, as it has never been corrected.
And thus, the judgment of Love will come, and all will become aware of it; it will not matter whether you believe or do not believe, that you know or do not know anything. All will be equal in the Gaze of the Father.
I will never bring you a punishment, through Love, I will bring you the Truth that will set you free, forever.
And you will be what I need, what I have so waited for, what I have so longed for over the last more than 2000 years, because if I am here today, it is because My Father asked it of Me and He showed it to Me clearly in the Garden of Gethsemane, before delivering Me to the Cross.
I still have Chalices full of Mercy so that souls may drink of them.
The love that I have placed in each of the Chalices is so much that they overflow with the power of the Light of My Blood.
These Chalices, while not drunk nor considered by souls, pour out the Codes of My Passion and of My pain for the world.
This is the sacrifice that I want you to be able to live with Me; something that goes beyond you and your consciousnesses, your knowledge or your intentions.
The Chalices of sacrifice will be what will save the world and grant a spiritual and special reprieve for a large part of humanity, through the consecrated, priestly and missionary lives.
Thus, the more difficult the moment is, the harder the tests are, and the more painful it is for you to know the truth as it is.
This is the time and the great opportunity of giving all for all, as I did for you without thinking for a second of retreating or desisting. Because I knew, companions, what would come after. There was no human pain, feeling or thought that got in the way of Me carrying out My task for the world, just as today I carry out this task for you and with you.
My last Words are being written in the Book of God, and you must be a part of that story, which is being written through My Work.
In this Marathon of Divine Mercy, let us cry out for divine discernment, for universal wisdom, so that everyone may make good decisions in this crucial time in which prayer and service will be the shield that will protect you and the impulse that will unconditionally carry you by My side.
Today I do not come to see your errors, your traumas or your deserts, because I already know them.
I come to give value and power to each Code of Light, of Love and of the Word that I have placed in your hearts, because I believe that you will practice them and take responsibility for that, knowing that I have need of mirrors on Earth, of servers and missionaries on the surface, to heal the pain through the Love that I gave you and which you will always be able to give, without fear.
Dare to love, more than I love you.
Dare to surrender, more than I surrendered.
No one has yet surpassed Me in Love, and I hope that will be accomplished someday.
Today, from the world, I take the suffering that it experiences so that it may be healed and liberated, transmuted and sublimated, and so that, in this Marathon, My disciples, friends and companions may renew their inner vows with Me.
In this month of June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may souls remember that in My Heart there is a place for each one, a place that waits to be occupied by you.
I thank you for praying with Me, for praying for the world, so that the Project of Your Redeemer may be accomplished in humanity. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
XXIV - The Only Purpose: Live Love
A soul that aspired to one day be able to live unity with all beings and with God sought within each religion points that could unite each one of them, in love and respect. And one day, in prayer, the soul questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, You are the same God for all true religions. You are the same One Who inspires hearts and souls along the path of return to Your Spirit of Love. Tell me, then, what is there in each religion that unites us, that makes us all Your Children?"
And with love, the Lord responded: "What makes you My Children, little soul, are not the religions, but life itself. The fact that you exist in the vast Creation makes each being a child of God loved and favored, created for a purpose and with a mission.
Religions are impulses that I have given to humanity time and again so that souls would remember the path toward their evolution, but it has not only through religions that I have sent these impulses to the world; I also done so through nature, silence, service and, oftentimes, through suffering, because some of My children have chosen this path to awaken and perceive that they were not understanding life in the correct way, and that they were missing the true meaning of their existence.
Through religions, I have sent impulses to the world and as human beings grew and evolved mentally, emotionally and in soul, these impulses were able to become more expansive, more clear, more direct.
Through Krishna, I led them to an awakening of a simple degree of love, a love for life, for the elements, for energies. I led you to a broader perception of existence, and I began to create a path of return to My Heart. However, each being understood religion in a different way and manifested it according to their possibilities, which oftentimes were not pure like My impulses are.
Through Buddha, I taught you unity with the All, the compassionate love and peace. I taught My children to live in communion with the universe and to step out of the constant rounds of errors and their consequences. You were then ready to understand that it is you yourselves who are responsible for your lives, and through your choices, you attract to yourselves the rays and the impulses that elevate you or correct you, according to that which you choose to experience.
But not all of humanity evolved, not all opened to love.
The human mind developed, and with the mind, its wickedness developed rather than its love. Instead of My Children living in communion with life, they wished to possess it and manipulate it. For this reason, they made ways of getting what they wanted.
Through the Patriarchs, I again gave impulses to beings, correcting their paths; impulses that were also experienced according to their understanding.
Until I sent My Son to the world, not only with a teaching, but with a Grace. Different from all previous religions, it was not through knowledge or a constant effort to elevate yourselves that you would reach Me, but rather through a grace and the Mercy that a surrendered heart can receive.
The Love of Christ did not come for a few; it came for all. It did not come for the East or for the West; it came for all life, for all the beings that, in spite of their sins, knew how to say yes.
In previous times, humanity reached divine dimensions through a constant effort for elevation. Through Christ, the Kingdom was revealed to you within your own hearts, and throughout human evolution, My impulses continue to be renewed.
I begin to gather within My Children all the knowledge and all the degrees of love because the time has come for a synthesis of life on Earth, the time of the narrow and only doorway through which all beings will reach Me. And this doorway, beloved soul, is the love within your hearts.
This is why I Am the God of Life, because I love all and I have taught all how to love. This is the path for reaching Me. Therefore, come, in spite of differences. Come, in spite of knowledge. Come, in spite of the impulses that you have received, because all of them have had one purpose; that of leading you into loving."
May this dialogue, children, teach you how to understand the cycles of life and their true meanings, and to know that in spite of all the complexity of human existence, for everything there is one purpose, which is the living of love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XV - Choose God at Each Instant
A suffering soul, that in this life seemed not to know the joy and the love that others have the opportunity to experience, questined God a question, asking Him: "Lord, I see the world and I find inequality, souls that rejoice and souls that despair, souls that are strengthened by You and souls that lose their strength and do not find meaning for their own lives. Tell me, then, You, Who are the God of all, the same and the One, what is the reason for the imbalances of the world?"
And contemplating the sincerity of the soul´s suffering, the Lord responded: - "I Am the God of all beings, the Father and Lord of all life, the Only and the Triune God, the God of Love and Truth. But life, little soul, is designed by Laws that maintain the balance of the evolution of all consciousnesses and lead them according to their own choices. My Love for souls is the same; with the same hope, I wait for hearts to return to Me; but the suffering or the joy in this world is not a decision that My Heart makes regarding creatures.
What is bliss for you? Where do you see that humankind finds joy in their hearts? Because to be in true joy, a soul only needs to be in Me, and although they may suffer with the pain of humankind, My Love in their heart does not let them perish.
The suffering of the world, little soul, must make you understand the fragility of human life that is distant from Me. The true pain that souls feel is for being distant from My Heart or for ignoring My Presence. A soul may have everything in matter and still be profoundly empty and unhappy, just as a soul may not have anything and yet possess the greatest of all joys, which is to be in My Heart. But this, little soul, is a daily decision, a constant and permanent, of souls that choose to be in Me rather than in the world.
For this reason, when you feel emptiness and suffering in your heart, ask yourself not where I Am, but rather where are you. My Heart is in you, but are you in Me?"
May this dialogue remind you, children, that you must be in God to understand that life is made of Laws that do not descend at random from the universe but rather are attracted by each soul that chooses, through their actions, thoughts and feelings, that which they will attract to their own lives.
Know how to choose God, every day, at each instant.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
VIII - Pray without Ceasing
A soul that was awake and willing to enter the celestial mysteries, prayed every day to God and asked for His help to detach from the world and to not fear Heaven. That soul feared suffering, the transition of the times and the change on the planet, because all this was unknown to them.
So, one day, questioning the Lord, the soul said: "Lord, I believe You are God and that beyond this life there is a greater Life. I know we are experiencing a great illusion but, immersed in it, I am not able to understand the truth. I fear the change of the times, I fear the suffering of the world and I fear everything that we are supposed to experience before the Return of Christ. Will you be able to defeat this fear in my heart?"
And contemplating this little soul with a gaze of compassion, the Lord answered: "When a heart is within Me, it experiences everything in a different way. For them, suffering transforms into an offering and loses its weight, converting pain into a greater Love.
The transition of the times and all that humanity will have to go experienced through will be experienced in a different way by those who are within Me. Their eyes will see the confusion of the world, and within them will lie wisdom. Because I tell you, beloved soul, that it will not be the plagues, the movements of nature or the signs in the sky that will cause souls on Earth to suffer. It will be the ignorance and their disconnection with higher life that will cause them to be lost.
The foundations upon which they used to sustained themselves, tirelessly seeking a life of pleasure and comfort, will no longer exist, and this will be the greatest sorrow of humanity, the root of all suffering.
That heart that is within Me will not fear, because I will give it peace and will strengthen its faith. And the more you pray, the more you will be within Me and I will grant you wisdom. And within the confusion and darkness of the world, your souls will be like beacons showing the way, and you will thus be the salt of the Earth and the light of the world. And My Words will be fulfilled, and the fulfillment of the prophecies will also bring you peace. For this reason, do not fear, but pray and be persistent in your fidelity, because I have chosen you to be a light at the table, and this is your destiny."
May this story strengthen you, may it dispel your fears and place you in the correct direction so that you may pray and not stop praying, and thus find peace.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While walking with the Cross, in the Heart of Christ, beyond suffering and pain, there was peace and compassion.
This was a constant exercise of His Divine Spirit within a human body: to transcend in each second the dimensions of chaos, ignorance, evil, while the beings that surrounded Him were absorbed by obscurity and He had to enter into dimensions of peace, compassion, wisdom, Truth, where His Eyes could see every occurrence as it really was and not as it seemed to be.
The Eyes of the Christ of Calvary contemplated the world and saw a more complex, deeper reality; They saw the evil of beings and saw essences trapped within the yoke of this evilness; He knew the evil spirit that guided every action of those who mistreated Him, and He knew that the way to liberate those essences was Love, not only the Love of the Cross, but the Love of all eternity; Love that would begin to be born with His example, like a source that would emerge with the last drop of Blood, which would be poured out of His Body, but would stream through the souls that, over the centuries, would respond to His Call and follow His example, renewing and multiplying this Love.
In each obstacle of life, child, may your eyes be the Eyes of the Christ of Calvary, contemplating the Truth and not the illusion, placed on the dimensions of peace and not of hatred, knowing that healing comes through living Love, in the example of each second of life.
This is how you will fulfill the Plan of your Celestial Father and be one with Him at all times.
You have my blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children,
While the spiritual practice of the powerful novena of the Saint Raphael the Archangel continues on, I invite you to reinforce your commitment every day with the Holy Rosary.
Do not forget that the Rosary is the weapon of defense of each of My children and, above all, in this time of definition.
At the same time, the powerful novena continues to work in the consciousness of the planet, and the souls that were restored are now in a safe place, in which nothing dangerous can happen to them.
The powerful novena is also reaching other spaces in humanity, where suffering, poverty and illness are creating a lot of instability and chaos.
Saint Raphael the Archangel goes to meet those souls that are not prisoners of the pandemic, but are punished by the culture of discarding and of loneliness.
So it is, that the prayers embrace and take in other situations of the planet that are also in need of healing, of love and of redemption.
I ask you not to give up and that your prayers continue to touch the Heart of God so that He may have Pity and Mercy for this suffering planet in agony.
May the healing Light of the Saint Raphael the Archangel continue to descend upon the planet so that hearts may awaken to the call to change and to forgiveness.
I once again thank all those who pray for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
On this day, while the novena to the Saint Raphael the Archangel is again taking place, I invite you to maintain your fervor, devotion and faith in the Heavens so that the planetary situation may receive the intervention of the Universe at this moment of humanity.
Meanwhile, Saint Raphael the Archangel is leading an important angelic operation for the purpose of capturing the streams of chaos that make use of suffering and the uncertainty of humanity, so that those streams may be evacuated from the planet through the angelic armies of Saint Raphael Archangel.
This whole operation will help to decompress and alleviate the planetary psychic plane, but will also extract millions of souls that are prisoners of these dissociative currents.
The powerful novena offered to Saint Raphael the Archangel acts in spaces of the planet that the human being cannot reach, but the faith and devotion, of those who fervently pray, allow that, at this critical time of the planet, a state of Grace and of spiritual atonement may be granted through the work and action of Divine Mercy.
Let us continue to pray with the spiritual conviction that all the pleas are heard by the Eternal Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In the Holy Week that is coming, Jesus, My Son, hopes to enter into each one of you and stay during these days so that His companions may re-experience the sorrowful Passion with Him. Not with the intention of remembering the suffering, but for the purpose that you keep in mind the sacrifice that He lived, for each one of you.
Thus, in the same way, I invite My daughters, just as were the holy women of Jerusalem, to allow Christ to enter into them so that they may inwardly accompany Him in the spiritual and planetary task that He will carry out through the prayerful and loving offering of each one of His companions.
This is one of the last Holy Weeks that humanity will remember because these will be moments in which they will be defining their next steps. But if Jesus, My Son, manages to enter into each heart, He will perform wonders and give the Graces that many need so that His Redeeming Project may be fulfilled.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, I pray with you, My children, prostrated upon the ground before the Majesty of God, to again ask for all My children and, together with the angels, we make the loving offer to God so that He, in His unfathomable Love and Pity, may have Mercy upon the whole world.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for a humanity sick in spirit, confounded and deceived by the mind, shaken by its emotions.
I pray, together with you, so that all lies, which are provoked and subject the majority of humanity, may dissolve by the power of Truth, the Truth that each one is, from their spiritual essence.
Prostrated upon the ground, I pray for the nations and for all their inhabitants so that souls may again seek God and no longer the idols of communications nor the fanatics of the end of times.
I pray, prostrated before God, so that the light of discernment may invade, with its power of wisdom, as many souls as possible so that, in this way, My children may not again enter the endless chain of sufferings.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for all those who occultly promote and generate evil in humanity by means of global actions that only harm and frighten humanity, so that harmony and inner order may be established.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for the Kingdoms of Nature, those which most suffer the effects of pollution and the contamination of humanity. Something that worsens, day by day, and that no longer has a return.
I pray that the consciousness of awakening propels My children towards awareness and mutual respect among the Lower Kingdoms and humanity so that Creation may have its essential and fundamental space to regenerate itself.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for all those who suffer and for those who have suffered in recent times, so that these anguished souls may attain liberation from themselves and may find the path of forgiveness and inner healing.
I pray for the Church of My Son, extended throughout the whole Earth, so that the Holy Father may have the force of determination and bravery to purge from the bosom of the Church that which is not of God, just as My Son expelled the merchants of the Temple.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for countless causes, requests and appeals.
I invite you to pray together with Me, on this day of Vigil of Prayer and on all days that will come, because, although it may not seem so, prayer will be your defense weapon against My adversary and all his wicked plans that he carries forward.
Prayer will always be the fortitude for your spirits and consolation for your souls.
Never cease to pray because, in this way, you will be protected and supported from the extremely hard consequences that the planet will experience and from the barbarities that the anti-Christs will commit.
Love prayer and you will not recognize yourselves. In this way, you will also help all souls that suffer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When a being enters the desert, even if they have simply touched its sands and felt its heat, they can no longer turn back.
The desert can appear to be dangerous, full of sufferings and woes. But today I tell you that there is no greater suffering for a soul than to enter the desert and not deepen into its experience, to not surrender to God and discover its mysteries.
The soul that steps upon the desert but does not walk in it and rather remains imprisoned by its fears does not let go of the crutches that supported its steps, nor does it discover its true support or know what it is like to walk on its own feet.
This soul, defeated by their fears, without wishing to let go of affections, sensations, the past within themselves, ends up seeking more crutches and more chains; the sensations they did not find with the crutches they hold in their hands and the chains fettered to their feet.
The soul becomes a prisoner of itself, each time emptier, more enslaved and more fearful, simply because they did not manage to yield to the infinity of the desert that appeared before them.
God calls on you to mature in the desert, to set aside human emotions so as to discover and consolidate your heart into Christic Love. But for this, children, you need to let go of your crutches, break the chains, experience the void and walk through it, even though you do not feel support under your own feet.
This is called experiencing faith.
Do not be slaves of yourselves. Recognize that there is no other executioner but pride, vanity and ignorance of hearts that believe they are safer when they are full of themselves, but do not perceive that they do not even know themselves.
I leave you My blessing so that you may cry out for freedom and live it.
If you feel that your feet are on the sands of the desert, walk and do not pause your steps. Consolidate the union with God and strengthen your own faith. This will allow you to be truly free.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more