Thursday, June 26 of 2014

Monthly Messages

Today Our Lady appeared as the Lady of Charity which is a new manifestation that is approaching to us, it is another face of Her task that She is inviting us to know.

This manifestation of Our Lady of Charity existed in the world and She asked the sisters of the Network of Prayer to transmit to all the groups of San Paulo the story of this manifestation that happened on the Island of Cuba, because the groups will realize a task with Our Lady of Charity.

Today Our Mother came with a child in Her arms, but it was not the Child Jesus.  She was dressed in very simple clothes as in the era of Nazareth.  The child that She brought in Her arms was an African child, who was two years old.  Our Lady was tightly hugging this child and presented him to us.

Afterwards She indicated a task for this group which was transmitted in the message that She gave to us.  In the moment of the message She told us that humanity did not have the consciousness of how many faults it still has as humanity, primarily among the nations.  She said that when She manifested as Our Lady of Charity it was for us to have a conscious reference of how to alleviate the offenses that we have with Africa, which in that case of Brazil are still not resolved.

The Father made a request to Our Lady and granted Her for this group of prayer to pray for the souls of Africa, and that if the group would do so it would help to resolve many things.  She said that She especially needs that this group unite itself with Our Lady of Charity and that, when the group of prayer becomes acquainted with this face of the history of Our Lady it would understand what She is asking through this message.

She not only wants that the group continue working as it has done until now, but that it grow a little more in its tasks.  She proposed to accompany them in this prayer for Africa.  This path of prayer that the group will realize and that will be for an indeterminate time, should be done through the intermediary of Saint Joseph; He must be the regent of this work.

Mary said to us that everything should be entrusted to Saint Joseph.  That which Saint Joseph receives from the groups, will also be received by the Divine Mother.

We asked for how long this task of prayer should last and She answered that each one will know how to make their offer, it may be days, weeks, months or years, depending on the commitment that each one wants to make for this request.  She only needs this help.  She knows our potential.

At the end, Our Lady said something important: that the groups of prayer of the State of San Paulo have this important task to link themselves with the manifestation of Our Lady of Charity and that it was not by chance that Our Mother had requested to reopen the work of service in San Paulo.  She not only calls us to serve but that She is calling all those who once served through the Nucleus of Figueira in San Paulo.

Our Lady said on this evening that She would like that all the groups from San Paulo become at some moment only one group, for this She will peregrinate for all.  The task of Our Mother is to awaken the talent that the groups of prayer cultivated by means of spiritual work.  Mary comes to open this door and so that we may have consciousness of what we have to do in this time.

       Remember, My dear children, that I come to the world to alleviate and separate you rapidly from the severe consequences that are brought by the sins committed by all of humanity.

Opening My arms of a Mother on this evening, I comfort and encourage you for the permanent search of the truth that exists in your hearts.  When the thirst of a soul is quenched, another thirst awakens in those souls that do not live the Love of God.  In this way I guide you as the flocks of My Son so that you may fulfill a part of the Divine and Great Will of the Eternal Father.

For this today I manifest and announce to this group that it lives, without knowing, the gift of healing of all things in life through faith, the primordial energy that always allows you to go ahead and overcome the tests.

My dears, that which strengthens faith is the renunciation of that which the soul most desires, and primarily the personality.  I, with My Glory and Love, come to teach you how to die to yourselves, this will help so that your spirits may be born to the mission that they have come to accomplish.

On this evening I gather you under a fundamental purpose, which is to serve your familiars by means of faith and of the power of prayer that I have revealed to you in these last times.

God wants from this group a growth in the spirit of humility and of charity, in this way as souls they will be able to answer to My call.

My dear children, while a great part of Africa suffers spiritual misery, I recommend to you to pray for these brothers and sisters, imploring to the most Chaste Saint Joseph for all these precious essences that live the affliction in their own flesh and suffer from material and spiritual hunger.  If you, at least for a determinate time answer to this, My special request, your nation will be liberated from the grave faults that it caused Africa through slavery and the spiritual colonization upon these brothers and sisters.

I will give thanks that your faith will embrace My Divine Mysteries.  We will meet in the prayer of the heart and in the inner silence.

I thank you now and always for answering to My call!  

Your Pilgrim Mother, Lady of Charity