Dear children,
It is time to expand the heart and the consciousness in love and in service to God. This is the time for, within you, there to be a space to receive and feel those who arrive.
It will be in this way that, just like My Son when He surrendered for you, you will be able to feel your neighbor, you will be able to participate and welcome the other's suffering and pain so that it may be transmuted and liberated in love.
Each being on this planet has a place within the spiritual path and this place, still unknown, is waiting for the consciousness to awaken to the Truth that comes from God. A Truth that will liberate you, forever, from the chains of error and illusion of this world.
Therefore, to those who have already awakened, I invite you to be conscious and keepers of this purpose for those who will arrive upon the Path of My Son, which is the same as your Path; seeking an opportunity, relief and hope for this crucial time of the planet.
As a Mother, I open My Heart again to welcome those who are just arriving and need great faith and fortitude to learn to detach from everything that binds them to the world and to perdition.
These souls that are just arriving and awakening are the ones that most need consideration and support so that they can feel that someone is there to sustain them in their trials and to help them in their transcendence.
The youth in the world need to be guided onto the correct path because, day by day, thousands of youth go astray in the illusions and in the promises that the world offers to them. Therefore, as the Mother of all, I open My Heart to accompany and sustain those who will awaken and arrive before the presence of My Son to say "Yes" to Him in a complete way.
It is the time of revelations, but it is also the time to support and accompany, from the heart, those who seek to find an inner and spiritual meaning for their lives. This is the task and the commitment of those who already serve Christ, day and night.
The youth in the world need to be listened to and understood, they must not be rejected or omitted. When they have a shoulder upon which they can lean and cry, they feel relieved and encouraged, beyond their youth, to change and mature.
Children, this cycle of youth and welcoming has arrived for all.
As of now, I thank you for imitating and accompanying Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more