Wednesday, April 25 of 2018

Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Córdoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the Peace and the Love of Christ be in your hearts, dear children.

On this day, and for the second time, I return from Heaven to talk to you about My Projects of Love. Those projects that God has asked Me to disseminate throughout the world through My living and maternal Word.

The new Community of Mary will not be only one, but rather many; and it will be the prelude for many events.

This is why it was a project prepared for this time, because the Designs of God had to be generated in your hearts first, so that you could accept them and then live them.

Each Community of Mary will be a flower in My Garden; there will be a gift that I will leave for each one of them, knowing that they will have their doors open to receive My children of the world, who will need much consolation and protection.

Thus, I need you, dear children, to understand My Projects beyond the material plane and to know that all Designs of God come from the Source, brought by the angels of Heaven through My messages, through My Words that can echo in the hearts of humanity when they hear them openly, within their consciousnesses.

The Communities that exist will be the foundation for such a manifestation. I want you to understand, dear children, that I will bring the refugees of the world to the Communities of Mary; not only those who experience wars, persecution or death, but all those that will take refuge in My Maternal Heart in the end of times, when everything will be seriously unleashed throughout the world.

The Communities of Mary will also be islands of salvation, they will be refuges in which peace may be found, and you will be the precursors of that movement. This is why I need your response to not only be concrete but also deeper, a response that is born from within you and that is free of doubt or of questioning.

How would the world find its salvation if there were no islands of salvation?

The founding of My Projects first begins in you, in your inner universe and in your consciousness; from there, everything will unfold and many will be able to tomorrow see an opportunity to return to the House of the Father and, especially, to be in the Arms of God, receiving His Divine Consolation and His Calm.

Remember what My Son told you a long time ago: "Everything you do for the least of your siblings, you do so for Me, twice."

And this is not a theory, My children, it is a living reality for whoever aspires to achieve the ministry of Christ in these times.

If the Communities of Mary manage to be expressed according to My Designs, the Gifts and the Virtues of God will descend upon them and, especially, upon the souls that are in most need of inner healing and peace.

From that point on, each one will mirror its attributes for the whole world, in the most crucial times for humanity, in which despair will reign due to the lack of inner serenity or tranquility.

But those who pray to My Immaculate Heart every day will know what to do and, during the severe movements of the planet, they will have direction and guidance to continue forward, helping other souls to find the path; souls that are so different and heterogeneous from your own souls; souls that have not known peace or any respect for Creation.

Just like at Calvary, I worked for a lost world, for a self-destroyed civilization, in this time and in the end times, I am working for a future and New Humanity that must not only be present in spirit, but also in matter as something concrete and realized.

I need you to love My Mysteries, because in My Mysteries, which are the Mysteries of God, are My Designs and, through your lives, I will be able to write the Projects of God.

With My own Hand, I will guide you along the path and will lead you to meet the Will of the Most High, in which everything can be expressed and realized, just as He wishes from His deep and eternal Heart.

Meanwhile, and while the Communities of Mary do not manifest, I ask you to pray with Me so that God may express His Will within the humanity of the Earth and the ideas of human beings may not prevail; ideas that have led them to perdition and deceit, stepping out of obedience.

I need you, children, in the firmness of your hearts, and I tell you again: it is time to live the Plan, just as God has thought of it from the beginning and for this cycle of humanity.

If the Communities of Mary manifest, sacred tools of the Universe will come to the Earth from the spiritual and cosmic plane; and souls will be able to continue walking on the pathway of trust, protection and peace.

Although wars may shake the world, a part of the race will be protected because it will have, in obedience, understood the Will of God and not that of humanity.

Secondly, My maternal, spiritual and divine Principles will be projected, which are attributes that I live in the Universe and that I reflect to all the worlds and all the galaxies. Something that is still unknown to humanity, because the Church, and, above all, the race, has detained itself since My Assumption.

But after this event many more things happened, which I come to reveal outside of the Church so that any being of the surface of this planet may have knowledge of Truth and of reality.

A reality that the Mother of the World lives, since the moment of Her Assumption to the Heavens and within this local Universe, which is a living part of the manifestation of God.

The Communities of Mary will be a Mirror of these higher realities, and still, you will not understand everything that I tell you, because it is still a mystery that will be unveiled in these end times.

I ask you to take in My Words as true treasures because this is the last universal impulse that your Heavenly Mother will give for humanity and the planet.

And, from these Christian Communities of Mary, the Source of happiness will emerge, for serving and experiencing God in the heart of the simple and the humble; for carrying forward each daily task, knowing that it is a part of the Plan that is being built in the human consciousness and in those who participate in It.

I have waited for this moment for so long and I know, in the depths of My Spirit, that still humanity will not understand what I tell them; but those who love without understanding will understand all things and will not hesitate on their path nor in their spiritual decision to follow the Steps of the Celestial Father.

In the name of My Son, I come to build new things, new spaces, granting renewing Graces and renewing impulses that will remove souls from the planetary inertia and from indifference.

You are participating in the same timeline as God, the one the Father has built throughout times by means of the eternal time, the eternal present; and in this eternal time, He has called His children so that they may carry forward His Will and fulfill His precious Designs.

You, My children, become aware, awaken; you are in this story that the Father Himself writes with His Hand in the Book of the Soul of the Earth.

Remember that Heaven and Earth shall pass, but the Word of My Son will reign.

And the Communities of Mary will be a mirror of the Attributes of Christ, once given to the first Christian peoples that lived the spirituality of the Lord after His Ascension to the Heavens.

The story of the past is again being built with souls so different from one another, with hearts that try to mature on the spiritual path and carry forward the Divine Purpose.

A new opportunity that the Celestial Universe is granting to the humanity of the Earth is again being built, in spite of their serious errors and the assaults made upon Creation and the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Mercy granted by Christ to the Mother of God, at the foot of the Holy Cross, is poured out through this project of the Communities of Mary; happy will be those who live in them, empty of self and free from expectations; for they will allow the Gifts of God to descend and, in the souls, the true Christic path will be built, which will take them to the formation of a New Humanity, far from error and self-destruction.

Thus, the angels offer themselves to carry forward this design that flows out from My Immaculate Heart today and which is a spark of the Fire of the Love of My Heart, of the living Love of a Mother Who loves Her children unconditionally and Who never loses the hope that Her children will take their steps toward the Lord, knowing that there is still much to do upon this planet, and with this sick humanity.

On this afternoon, I come to confess My great aspiration to you and I leave for My children the ardent desire of a Mother Who will only try to establish peace in these critical times.

May each flower from each Community of Mary express itself, and may that flower first open in the hearts of the simple ones who hear the Word of the Mother of God.

I leave you My Peace and My Blessing, knowing that My Plan must first mature within you so as to later be able to manifest upon this planet.

Those who have not felt welcomed in the communities, come back! because it will be I, your Mother from Heaven and Earth, who will hold you in My arms so that you may dare to live the Plan of God and fulfill His Designs, as it is written in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Let no one else feel offended nor rejected; let there be no indifference or omission but rather welcome and the joy of taking Christ to the hearts of those who suffer and who seek peace.

The first attribute of the Communities of Mary shall be: "love your brothers and sisters as they are, and do not try to change them, according to your wishes."

In this way, you will clearly understand what I am telling you.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And finally, may the advent of the New Humanity be fulfilled.

Friday, April 13 of 2018

Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the silence of the heart, may the Words of the Mother of God, the Mother of Heaven, be heard, Who speaks to Her children to lead them on the path of good and of peace. 

But while a large part of humanity submerges into the illusions of the world, I come to call those who listen to Me, those who have been brave by My side, those who unconditionally follow My steps. 

I come to speak to you with the Voice of My Heart and of My Soul. I come to express My Message to the world at the request of the Celestial Father. 

You must be brave and move forward; you must continue to gestate in your spirits the second coming of Christ, for He still waits to be able to experience it together with you and with humanity. 

However, as long as your efforts are poor, lacking in enthusiasm and dedication, poor will be the results for this great planetary moment. It will depend on you, My children, that everything may be accomplished. 

There is nothing more Heaven can do, but to only wait for the response of the creatures of God; to only listen silently to the prayers of those who have committed with Christ for these times. 

In truth I tell you, dear children, what is being done is still not enough. The consciousness of equality must reign in you, for this will protect the Work from the enemy itself; for this will balance all of you under the powerful impulse of Fraternity and of Good. 

I dedicate this message to those who truly want to listen; to those who will dare to cross the thresholds of indifference and of human ignorance; to those who will risk transcending times, experiencing transformation within themselves and making Our Words come alive, one by one.

Children, the Universe needs a greater integration from you, and not only good or passing moments. 

It is necessary that the Plan of God incarnate in your cells and you make It part of yourselves, for thus you will be able to represent Christ on the Earth and become His true followers, become His true Church, become His true testimony. 

He hopes everything He did more than two thousand years ago has not been in vain and, even though humanity still does not know all of the Mysteries of Christ, one day humanity will be aware of what the true Surrender of the Lord meant, on all the planes of consciousness and in the essence of the spiritual plane.

I need, dear children, to shift you out of mediocrity, from what is tepid and unsafe; this is why I must talk to you with a celestial transparency and immediate clarity, free of confusion or of opinions. 

I need you to understand and to comprehend what I tell you at this moment; the continuity of the Work is in your hands, because you were called to live it and you yourselves have taken it on, without thinking about what it would be or what it would mean; from there comes your responsibility and your commitment, from there comes the value of what that means for this time, so crucial in humanity.

I do not mean to say you will be the liberators of these times, because the only One is Christ, Our Lord and King of the Universe. 

You must be multiplied sparks of that Divine Plan of God, that from time to time come to humanity to give it the impulse to change, to a redemption of its debts, and to a forgiveness of its sins. 

The Graces that My Heart brings are inextinguishable, the Mercy that My Son brings is non-transferable, there is nothing that can change it; taking this step into total surrender will depend on you, as it corresponds to each one in this cycle.

Because God does not expect saintliness from everyone, but does so with consecration, the absolute experiencing of the commitment with My Beloved Son and to His Plan of rescue. 

Each thing you can give to the Plan will be welcome; but not with what you have left over, but with what spontaneously comes from the heart, and is real. 

The return of Christ will be a laborious task and the fulfillment of this Plan must be born from you, so that it may manifest on the surface of the Earth. 

Thus, you will lack nothing, because in truth, humanity owes a great deal to the Universe, as well as to the Kingdoms of Nature, which still continue to suffer the consequences of these times.

It was said that after the last Sacred Week with the Lord, the cycle would change; here is this cycle that has now come, which your inner eyes need to see and your hearts need to feel, without fearing to know what this represents for Creation. 

This is why you must work upon an immediate inner divestment, not wanting anything for oneself, but rather everything for others, sharing what one has and experiencing the love that others live within themselves. 

In this way, the great current of Light will be transformed, the great current of Light will be renewed, and your feet will walk free of the past and the errors, because you will be at the service of Christ, in fullness and joy. 

And in spite of what may happen in this world, you will not desist, but rather, each test will be taken as a confirmation of your trust in Christ, because you will not fear what you consider you might lose. 

Everything that was given to you must someday return to the Father, and that day is near, that retribution is close, because now you are aware and you are not in the worldwide ignorance. 

The Plan of God is a definitive consciousness that very few dare to cross with resolve; but now the moment has come for all, that they be able to cross this portal toward a total living of the Plan, making it a part of your lives and of your daily lives, and not setting it aside as something secondary or momentary. 

The Plan will be fulfilled with the collaboration of all and I will not tire of repeating it, dear children, because it is necessary that your other cells awaken and be able to recognize the Truth that arises from God, through My Immaculate Heart. 

In the name of My Beloved Son, I come to reinforce His requests and His pleas. 

The planet must still sustain itself, although it may seem that it will sink and will then lose everything. But it is that strength of consoling love and of the commitment of humankind that will make it possible for the planet to sustain itself, with this indifferent humanity, that only seeks God when it needs Him and that does not cross the doorway of repentance. 

I want you, children, in the freedom of the heart and the expression of the soul. 

The end time approaches and it is time to take on your commitments, so that Christ may work in you, without limitations and without obstacles, so that He may fulfill the promise of His return to humanity, and everything may finally begin again, as it was thought of in the beginning, in the origin of this race. 

And in that absolute surrender, you will participate in the Communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and will thus be renewed. 

May My Words awaken you, may My impulses lead you to walk towards this objective of being true forerunners of the second coming of Christ, carrying it forward in the time left to us, so that the majority of humanity may be saved and recognize its filiation with God; and thus, evil may end in hearts and in the world, and peace, brotherhood, and goodness may reign, which are part of the project of this race and of the New Christs. 

I thank you for listening to me with an open heart, living My Message and putting it into practice, applying it every day through effort and dedication, without allowing My Words to be dissipated from your consciousnesses, but rather, on the contrary, their being fire and light in your spirits. 

I give you Peace in the name of My Son and in response to His request. 

There is still much to be done and we await your responses, as you have done in other times, always giving a little more of yourselves, without fear of losing anything, but rather being a part of the Universe of Love. 

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
