Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VII

Through the integration brought about by a meeting between the Light-Community of Aurora, the local community and the public institutions, a project must be proposed for the improvement of the entries and the roads to the Marian Center of Aurora, something that will also benefit the other inhabitants of the area, keeping in mind the important task of spiritual support that this Center currently fulfills.

For that reason, given the needs of this time, the improvements of the entries and in the roads of the area will help to better include the Marian Center of Aurora in the local and spiritual scope of the region.

This project of improvement of the roads will also require a better channeling of the water, as well as a reinforcement of the structures of the bridges and the rest of the elements to bring greater order to the region.

The improvements of the roads will also require that the collaborators in the Work be more present in Aurora, with the intention of being able to carry forward some periods of work in the cleaning of the roads and of the entries that lead to the Marian Center.

For this, it will be necessary to organize a schedule of meetings among all the collaborators of Uruguay, of Argentina, of Paraguay and of Brazil so that they may give the first impulse, demonstrating to the population of the area that it is possible to improve the conditions and quality of life by maintaining a balanced relationship with the ecosystem.

This basic organization will stimulate the population to give of themselves, in service, to maintain the spaces in harmony where they frequently live. For this, they may offer their own work tools to collaborate in the improvements to the roads.

It will be necessary to remain firm of purpose so that these goals may be achieved and do not remain unresolved. For this reason, it will be important that the coordinators of the areas of the Light-Community of Aurora bring a local and regional assembly together with the city organisms, with the intention that the region of San Mauricio be considered a space that needs a better territorial organization, and thus, it may be contemplated as a region with international activity, given the presence of the pilgrims.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VI

Today, from My Merciful Heart, emanates a Green ray of healing, for My wish, amidst many aspirations, is to be able to manifest the counterpart of healing on the surface at Aurora, that is to say, that part of the external and inner healing that the bodies of people need to recuperate and heal.

For this reason, this part of the project of the manifestation of Aurora is very important to Me because its aspiration is that in the area of Redención 1 the House of Healing and of Restoration be built, completely consecrated to Brother Pio; for finally it will be his place, within Aurora, where his presence will be able to heal souls.

The House of Healing and of Restoration in Redención 1 will be of very great support for the subsequent stage of spiritual healing that Aurora offers. That House, which will have Brother Pio himself as a guardian, will receive the hearts that have gone through a process of spiritual liberation.

This simple but harmonious House will fulfill one of the most important tasks within the spiritual task of the Kingdom of Aurora. It will be in charge of the external and internal phases of purification and of rehabilitation, having as a basis the knowledge received by Friar Ameinó through the external therapies; as well as having an outpatient area to attend to the local community and the collaborators who may be in Aurora.

The House of Healing and of Restoration will be the first headquarters of the health and healing sector in Uruguay, and this House must have six consulting rooms, two hydrotherapy rooms, an outpatient area, an infirmary area, and an area for the making of natural remedies, as well as for the processing of all medicinal herbs. It will also have a smaller external infrastructure that will house four rooms with a little kitchen, a few bathrooms and a laundry room for the patients who will be in treatment for some days in Aurora.

If this building can be concretized, I could tell you that fifty percent of the task of the Kingdom of Aurora would already be accomplished.

The House of Healing and of Restoration will not only weekly attend hearts that arrive for the healing process, but will also serve for treating the members of the Light Community of Aurora and the local community.

I will await with joy for the concretization of the House of Healing and of Restoration of Aurora. This impulse will also permit for the repair and reconstruction of the buildings that already exist, and which need immediate maintenance so that the brothers and sisters who live there are able to carry out the assigned tasks.

I will count on the honorary help of architects, engineers, builders, workers and collaborators who may want to spend a period of time in Aurora to evaluate, together with the coordination of the Light-Community of Aurora, this project of your Lord.

I thank you for striving to fulfill the task of Aurora for Uruguay and for the planet!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part V

At the highest points of the House of Redemption, within the three areas constituted as Redemption 1, 2, and 3, systems must be installed to obtain alternative solar and wind energies.

For this reason, some of the consecrated and residents of the Light-Community must know how to work with these resources through an academic formation about renewable and alternative energies.

This experience in Aurora, after a while, will also allow us to perceive the different alternative energies that can be developed in the other Light-Communities.

It will be an indispensable and essential resource for the Light-Communities, in the long term, to be able to count on these means which nature and the climate offer within each region of the planet.

In this sense, the academic formation of the residents and of the consecrated, focused upon the alternative energies, will allow for further development in the field of knowledge and of intelligence, with the objective of seeking the resources to cover the needs of each Marian Center, as well as of each Light-Community.

For these coming times, it will also be necessary to have an awareness about the correct use of electric power, which supplies about 98.9% of the needs of humanity since its exacerbated consumption harms the Kingdoms of Nature and all of the ecosystems.

Bringing to conscious awareness the fact that everything necessary for living is within the Kingdoms of Nature, the human being will awaken their sleeping senses, which will help them to perceive reality without the need to harm nature.

It is time for human beings to learn to respect Creation and all its components through a more equitable and harmonious way of life.

To develop alternative energies in Aurora will require the formation of a group of brothers and sisters dedicated to academically instructing themselves, as well as for developing the necessary projects.

Aurora has the potential for the utilization of alternative energies through the Sun, the wind, and water.

I thank you for considering all of the Projects of God!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Believe in the power of love and of renunciation that God has given you.

Believe in the realization of His Projects in your life and in planetary life and, from that point on, continuously express the absolute faith of your heart; a faith that will allow you to defeat the duality within you, to then defeat it in humanity.

Let the belief in the realization of the Plan within your life be kept alive; thus, you will allow the currents of the Universe that foster the concretization of the Plan to also come to your aid, just like those currents which come to meet you today.

All errors made exist to learn about love and compassion. They are the most immediate and painful method that humanity chose for being able to realize their mistakes. But the Father, who is full in Wisdom, offers His infinite Mercy so that His children may abandon this vicious chain of errors and thus achieve freedom of spirit and of soul.

Trust that it is possible to change the cycle you are in, and, through the Universe, receive all the help you need.

Because the ardent desire of God is that His smallest children may surpass Him in love so that, once again, evil may be defeated and Creation recreated.

Follow the path to the Heart of My Son because there, everything will be healed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To those who have already awakened - Part 1

To those who have already awakened corresponds, within the Plan, the greater commitment, solidarity, cooperation, and the effort to always do the best.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, giving greater support to those who do not support themselves; it is up to you to do the impossible so that each stage of the Plan may be fulfilled.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to unite and fraternize more with fellow beings; you are responsible for making a greater sacrifice for those who do not truly do so, to be able to compensate for the inequality that exists between what has been received from the Universe as a treasure and those who do not surrender sincerely to God and create conflicts.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to always keep in mind that you are serving God and not someone in particular; that the Work is not personified in any consciousness, sympathizer, or leader, because the Work is of the Hierarchy and not of humanity.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, being conscious that everything you do, think, or express will influence in favor or against the Plan, depending on the pure or impure intention that is placed upon it.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to safeguard, shelter, and protect those who have just awakened and yes want to live the change. They must be protected from those who have become crystalized in time and space with their forms, ideals, and projects which are not merged to the Will of the Hierarchy.

That protection of those who have just awakened will allow the renovation, in a permanent way, of the Work of the Hierarchy.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to know that everything that is done or said, be it evolutionary or negative, will influence in favor or against the Projects of the Divinity, and that it will help or hinder the realization of the Purpose.

This attitude, in one way or another, will weigh positively or negatively in the consciousness of who emits it. Therefore, to those who have already awakened corresponds, as a discipline, to never forget that you are in a place that does not belong to you, that it was granted by Grace and Mercy, and that this place, task, or mission cannot be in vain, but rather must receive the value and the respect with the love and the reverence that the Hierarchy deserves.

To those who have already awakened will correspond, remembering that everything that happens in this cycle will be registered in the Universe and that one day everything will be evaluated by Divine Justice.

To those who have already awakened corresponds; having more humility, resignation and much gratitude, thus the Work will remain alive in time.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Córdoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the Peace and the Love of Christ be in your hearts, dear children.

On this day, and for the second time, I return from Heaven to talk to you about My Projects of Love. Those projects that God has asked Me to disseminate throughout the world through My living and maternal Word.

The new Community of Mary will not be only one, but rather many; and it will be the prelude for many events.

This is why it was a project prepared for this time, because the Designs of God had to be generated in your hearts first, so that you could accept them and then live them.

Each Community of Mary will be a flower in My Garden; there will be a gift that I will leave for each one of them, knowing that they will have their doors open to receive My children of the world, who will need much consolation and protection.

Thus, I need you, dear children, to understand My Projects beyond the material plane and to know that all Designs of God come from the Source, brought by the angels of Heaven through My messages, through My Words that can echo in the hearts of humanity when they hear them openly, within their consciousnesses.

The Communities that exist will be the foundation for such a manifestation. I want you to understand, dear children, that I will bring the refugees of the world to the Communities of Mary; not only those who experience wars, persecution or death, but all those that will take refuge in My Maternal Heart in the end of times, when everything will be seriously unleashed throughout the world.

The Communities of Mary will also be islands of salvation, they will be refuges in which peace may be found, and you will be the precursors of that movement. This is why I need your response to not only be concrete but also deeper, a response that is born from within you and that is free of doubt or of questioning.

How would the world find its salvation if there were no islands of salvation?

The founding of My Projects first begins in you, in your inner universe and in your consciousness; from there, everything will unfold and many will be able to tomorrow see an opportunity to return to the House of the Father and, especially, to be in the Arms of God, receiving His Divine Consolation and His Calm.

Remember what My Son told you a long time ago: "Everything you do for the least of your siblings, you do so for Me, twice."

And this is not a theory, My children, it is a living reality for whoever aspires to achieve the ministry of Christ in these times.

If the Communities of Mary manage to be expressed according to My Designs, the Gifts and the Virtues of God will descend upon them and, especially, upon the souls that are in most need of inner healing and peace.

From that point on, each one will mirror its attributes for the whole world, in the most crucial times for humanity, in which despair will reign due to the lack of inner serenity or tranquility.

But those who pray to My Immaculate Heart every day will know what to do and, during the severe movements of the planet, they will have direction and guidance to continue forward, helping other souls to find the path; souls that are so different and heterogeneous from your own souls; souls that have not known peace or any respect for Creation.

Just like at Calvary, I worked for a lost world, for a self-destroyed civilization, in this time and in the end times, I am working for a future and New Humanity that must not only be present in spirit, but also in matter as something concrete and realized.

I need you to love My Mysteries, because in My Mysteries, which are the Mysteries of God, are My Designs and, through your lives, I will be able to write the Projects of God.

With My own Hand, I will guide you along the path and will lead you to meet the Will of the Most High, in which everything can be expressed and realized, just as He wishes from His deep and eternal Heart.

Meanwhile, and while the Communities of Mary do not manifest, I ask you to pray with Me so that God may express His Will within the humanity of the Earth and the ideas of human beings may not prevail; ideas that have led them to perdition and deceit, stepping out of obedience.

I need you, children, in the firmness of your hearts, and I tell you again: it is time to live the Plan, just as God has thought of it from the beginning and for this cycle of humanity.

If the Communities of Mary manifest, sacred tools of the Universe will come to the Earth from the spiritual and cosmic plane; and souls will be able to continue walking on the pathway of trust, protection and peace.

Although wars may shake the world, a part of the race will be protected because it will have, in obedience, understood the Will of God and not that of humanity.

Secondly, My maternal, spiritual and divine Principles will be projected, which are attributes that I live in the Universe and that I reflect to all the worlds and all the galaxies. Something that is still unknown to humanity, because the Church, and, above all, the race, has detained itself since My Assumption.

But after this event many more things happened, which I come to reveal outside of the Church so that any being of the surface of this planet may have knowledge of Truth and of reality.

A reality that the Mother of the World lives, since the moment of Her Assumption to the Heavens and within this local Universe, which is a living part of the manifestation of God.

The Communities of Mary will be a Mirror of these higher realities, and still, you will not understand everything that I tell you, because it is still a mystery that will be unveiled in these end times.

I ask you to take in My Words as true treasures because this is the last universal impulse that your Heavenly Mother will give for humanity and the planet.

And, from these Christian Communities of Mary, the Source of happiness will emerge, for serving and experiencing God in the heart of the simple and the humble; for carrying forward each daily task, knowing that it is a part of the Plan that is being built in the human consciousness and in those who participate in It.

I have waited for this moment for so long and I know, in the depths of My Spirit, that still humanity will not understand what I tell them; but those who love without understanding will understand all things and will not hesitate on their path nor in their spiritual decision to follow the Steps of the Celestial Father.

In the name of My Son, I come to build new things, new spaces, granting renewing Graces and renewing impulses that will remove souls from the planetary inertia and from indifference.

You are participating in the same timeline as God, the one the Father has built throughout times by means of the eternal time, the eternal present; and in this eternal time, He has called His children so that they may carry forward His Will and fulfill His precious Designs.

You, My children, become aware, awaken; you are in this story that the Father Himself writes with His Hand in the Book of the Soul of the Earth.

Remember that Heaven and Earth shall pass, but the Word of My Son will reign.

And the Communities of Mary will be a mirror of the Attributes of Christ, once given to the first Christian peoples that lived the spirituality of the Lord after His Ascension to the Heavens.

The story of the past is again being built with souls so different from one another, with hearts that try to mature on the spiritual path and carry forward the Divine Purpose.

A new opportunity that the Celestial Universe is granting to the humanity of the Earth is again being built, in spite of their serious errors and the assaults made upon Creation and the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Mercy granted by Christ to the Mother of God, at the foot of the Holy Cross, is poured out through this project of the Communities of Mary; happy will be those who live in them, empty of self and free from expectations; for they will allow the Gifts of God to descend and, in the souls, the true Christic path will be built, which will take them to the formation of a New Humanity, far from error and self-destruction.

Thus, the angels offer themselves to carry forward this design that flows out from My Immaculate Heart today and which is a spark of the Fire of the Love of My Heart, of the living Love of a Mother Who loves Her children unconditionally and Who never loses the hope that Her children will take their steps toward the Lord, knowing that there is still much to do upon this planet, and with this sick humanity.

On this afternoon, I come to confess My great aspiration to you and I leave for My children the ardent desire of a Mother Who will only try to establish peace in these critical times.

May each flower from each Community of Mary express itself, and may that flower first open in the hearts of the simple ones who hear the Word of the Mother of God.

I leave you My Peace and My Blessing, knowing that My Plan must first mature within you so as to later be able to manifest upon this planet.

Those who have not felt welcomed in the communities, come back! because it will be I, your Mother from Heaven and Earth, who will hold you in My arms so that you may dare to live the Plan of God and fulfill His Designs, as it is written in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Let no one else feel offended nor rejected; let there be no indifference or omission but rather welcome and the joy of taking Christ to the hearts of those who suffer and who seek peace.

The first attribute of the Communities of Mary shall be: "love your brothers and sisters as they are, and do not try to change them, according to your wishes."

In this way, you will clearly understand what I am telling you.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And finally, may the advent of the New Humanity be fulfilled.


In His deep and eternal Silence, God has already decided.

The world must begin again, but this will not yet happen until all of the blessed wake up in every corner of the Earth and until the second coming of the Son of God is proclaimed.

You and the world will decide what step to take for this new time.

The time is already past; the indicated moment is finished and the Fount of My Mercy will be preciously poured out over those that seek it and for those who cry out for it for their siblings.

There is no other way out, companions, than to resort to My Sacred Heart, wounded and injured by the events of the world that are being precipitated in the human consciousness day after day.

Today I am in the place where I preached and proclaimed the teaching of the Our Father, where I pronounced the blessings for all of you, for all souls throughout time.

At least please My Heart by living a blessing; let it be real, spiritual, and deep in your lives. Let it reflect on your countenances and be manifest the truth that many need.

But the world does not understand; it is blind, deaf, and closed to hearing.

You have the keys to open the last doors through which I will be able to enter the save the rest, on that never ending-journey of the Armageddon.

Today I wish you to place your heads on the ground to plead with Me for those who do not plead, that ask for nothing, and who boast about themselves all the time.

Drink from the Fount of My humility and open to recognize it, for it will be the foundation of the humility that will make you free, and you will walk with assurance toward the Kingdom of My Father.

Do not waste time, companions, the last ship is going by and you must announce this to humanity. My last ship of Mercy is wishing to receive those who must take refuge in My Spirit and in My Divinity.

At least fulfill the petition of having Me truly be known to the world through your examples and actions of charity, which gladden My hurting Heart.

From this mount, I again emit My petition to the world; be blessed and live the blessings.

They are the precious Laws of the intercession of My Divine Mercy for the times of today, which are still valid for everyone.

In your hearts build the real temple that you need in order to be able to receive Me in spirit during the most critical hour, in which hearts will become desperate for not having sought Me in time.

You must be that light for the world that many will need; there is no false light, but only a true light that shines from the heart for the souls most lacking.

In this way, I will be able to pour out My Rays upon those who have never found Me, and will perform wonders in the hearts that accept Me to experience their redemption.

The pain of God for the world and humanity is incalculable.

The pain of God cannot be measured because it is in His Heart, a Heart that has created all things for this world, for the whole Universe.

Have you not asked yourselves, what does God feel for this world, which has been so blessed and happy through the work of the Eternal Father?

You know, companions, that humanity deviated from the Law and does so more all the time, without conscience or wisdom.

But I come to seek the most precious fruits in the least prepared, which must be as an offering at the foot of My Altar, so that I may offer them to the Celestial Father as a last promise.

If your hearts do not change, the world will not change, because the world has already heard the Voice of the Messengers of God and few understand It, in humility.

I do not come to ask the impossible for anyone; you already know this and I have told you this many times.

I come to seek something unknown to you.

I come to seek something within you and that belongs to the Creation, for the manifestation of Its Work in all of the Cosmos.

This is why I show you My Sacred Heart as the Merciful Lord, so that you may follow My Steps toward the house of the Father, where all His Projects for this humanity reign.

Who would wish to be a depository of the true treasure of Heaven if hearts are still full of other things?

Your inner emptiness is essential for the times that will come.

The forms and the experiences must be at the foundation of My Mercy, so that all may be concretized, as I have foreseen it from the beginning.

I Am the Lord of Mercy; I Am your Shepherd.

Today I come to give My last word to the world, for hearts have already heard Me.

I have need of your purity and innocence to carry out My Works; thus, you will banish the old being, and the real spirit will emerge that has come to this world to serve Me within the Plan of God.

I cannot make this offer to everyone, for hearts have their degrees of love still to be offered to Heaven. But you, who have the Grace of receiving Me and hearing Me, what are you waiting for?

I said I would come to search for talents, not of your skills, but of your non-material spirits; the talents of your dwelling places, of your true task before the Celestial Father.

Adonai continues to entrust Me with the world, even more for these more difficult times.

But those who do not manage to love their siblings, let them reframe their paths, for there is no time to lose; the world is in need of a great deal of help rather than conflicts; these are already enough, and this too wounds the Heart of God.

Do not lose the inner strength for transformation, and open the doors to eternal life, where real things reside which will free you for the coming time.

Today I am on the Mount of Beatitudes, still waiting for the one hundred and forty-four thousand to awaken and reach Me to offer Me the results they have worked upon.

Mature your consciousnesses through determination and sacrifice for others; this will cause you to conquer Heaven and you will not be lost in superficial things.

Follow in My footsteps with care and attention; I do not want you to trip or fall to the ground; this may still happen until the next life.

But I come to lift you up from where you always place yourselves through your own decision. My treasures must not be wasted; My precious pearls must not be lost in the hands of the distracted.

The jewels that I give you are unique; they are the same that I received before coming and incarnating on Earth; they are the same jewels that My Mother and Saint Joseph received to concretize the Project of the Sacred Family.

The jewels are the virtues of sanctity, of consecration, and of an uplifted life; this is what the world has completely lost in this cycle. You must also not lose them, and if this occurs, what will come of My Project?

I do not want to cease to look at the world with My Eyes of Mercy; do not tempt God, do not try to intimidate Him; I do not want to look at you with eyes of justice.

This is why I came to the world and suffered in agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, in complete loneliness and abandonment.

This is why I was surrendered as a divine being for thirty-three coins.

You, will you surrender Me?

You, will you want to exchange Me for anything? I hope it will not be this way.

My Spirit fills you, but also corrects you. From you I need a life and an example that you have never experienced in any period of the world.

For this reason, I come at this moment to gather you together in My Cenacle of Love and of Compassion.

I was humiliated and punished by humanity; I was whipped and martyred by each one of you, today present in the world.

If I had not trustingly offered Myself, how would you have been able to know My Sacred Heart, that is the manifestation itself of My Divine Mercy and of My Glory?

I had you know My Mercy in the last century, but many did not truly search for It. Thus, in this year of Mercy, I open the door again to you so that many more may assemble and be rescued by the Merciful Light of My Heart, meek and peaceful.

Now I have you know My Glory so that you may be able to be uplifted a little more, for the Glory of My Heart was achieved with My Death on the Cross, when I spilled water and blood, Rays of Mercy to save the world.

My Heart was Glorified when the human heart ceased to beat. Feel and think for an instant on everything that My Heart experienced during the Passion in such a short time; and in spite of the assaults, of the indifference, and of the punishment directly aimed at God through His beloved Son, the Mercy of My Heart, the Glory of My Spirit, did not abandon you.

The Glory is what allowed My Ascension through My Mercy.

I had to ascend to the house of My Father because it was time, and you could not accompany Me. But now, in Glory, I come back from the house of My Father to remind you of the commitment to the Project that still is not finished and has not been accomplished.

Do not try to understand My Mysteries; hold them in your heart, where all things really reside, where the Truth of God and of His Origin lives.

Thus, I come for all those who reside in My Nuclei of Love and also for those who listen to Me with the love of their heart; so that you do not deviate from My Projects, but also so that you may accomplish them as they are written in the Heart of My Father. For I come to help you so that this may be concretized, and the whole world not be lost in the abyss of its darkness that is already embracing it.

I need the equality of your hearts, and not the indifference in the face of the things that happen in the world. You may become sensitized at this moment, but after leaving this meeting, where will My Words echo? Will you ask questions about what I tell you all? Will you ask within yourselves what the next step and path is?

The Laws are shown in the Works of the Light, which is where My adversary cannot be active. If you are in the Laws of the Light, you will be on the correct path.

I come to prepare you to help those who will most need it, for the world must be sheltered in the heart of the Sacred Centers for the coming time.

For this reason, with the infinite patience of My Heart and the Compassion of My Spirit, I wait for you to uplift yourselves, so that you may ascend, so that you may climb to the top of the Mount of Beatitudes, where everything is written.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 28th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the city of Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

For the Amazon, I would give My Life again, but I know that I cannot. I would wish to do it so that humanity could understand the value of the Creation of God, which is the true witness, which is the faithful example for all creatures of the Earth that need the Lower Kingdoms to be able to evolve in spirit and in soul.

The lung of this planet is so important that souls do not even perceive what it is that is taking place in all of this region. And how the Heart of My Father, which is blessed, is also transgressed by the hands of humankind when each of them destroys the Creation!

How will the world be able to be in balance and in peace? How can the world free itself of the wars and persecution, if humanity still does not understand what it is doing? Even if the majority perceive with their heart that things are not well in these times.

That is why I come to change your lives according to a perfect model, just as I did with the apostles in the past, who accepted Me washing their feet, who accepted dining with Me, eating of My Body and drinking of My Blood, to revive their spirits in redemption.

The unknown power of redemption, which comes directly from the Heart of Adonai, is offered to all the souls of the Earth in this last definite hour, in which all the hearts of the world must define their paths for the good or for evil. There will no longer be any halfway, illusion will no longer exist. The material life that all souls are submerged in daily will also not exist, separating them from the Heart of My Father, from the true Light and from the true Love that nurtures each created consciousness, in this and in other universes. What more will we be able to do, companions, so that the planet may be completely transfigured? If with twelve people I was able to achieve the Passion, carry out wonders, and transmit the Gospel of Peace to the four corners of the Earth; with each one of you, companions, under the Spirit of My Divine Consciousness, I will be able to do many more things for this humanity. But it is few that want to faithfully follow My Heart in complete surrender, with total trust, and with total love for My merciful Heart.

 In this hour, companions, I come to show you the times of emergency that all are experiencing, the lack of peace in the world, and the lack of unity among the hearts of the planet. 

I came to teach you in the past about fraternity. I came to show you the path for healing your lives, and I still have not tired of coming to seek you time and again, knocking on the doors of your hearts to call you to the ministry and to the service for humanity.

I know that many of those present are waking today to this purpose. But those already in My Purpose, are they doing everything that I need for these times?

I need you to be My apostles of the Truth and of Love, that the flame of your hearts never go out, because it will be the flame of your hearts, companions, that will be seen by many of My children. I will be able to enter all the dwelling places so that hearts may be revived and life may become divine, according to the Principles of God.

I will not cease to walk by your side. I am untiring, companions. I come from the Celestial Universe to visit you in Divinity, in Spirit, to be able to give you My Peace and My Love. The Peace and the Love of God must be your only purposes. There is nothing more to be done in this humanity, while Love, Peace, and the Truth are lost through the annihilation and the mutilation of all the Kingdoms, and of human beings themselves, who forget they are brothers and sisters, created by God in His image and likeness since the beginning of the Genesis Project.

But I know that many human beings from Earth do not want to focus on what I am telling you today, because their interest is in the material life, in their own realization, in the conquest of false project that will collapse from their own weight in this last cycle of the transition.

Forgive Me, companions, for the strong Words that I speak. I come to wake you up to a greater consciousness, for humanity is not interested in what we are saying. Very few read the messages so as to nurture their spirits and thus find the foundations for the new evolution of the soul, that will be able to transcend these end times, amidst the tribulation and the darkness. For who is with Me will fear nothing.

My Heart is powerful and invincible. I welcome all hearts into My divine Spirit, so that they may always know what to do in each moment of life, in each instant in which God calls on them to serve.

Now feel My Sacred Heart that descends to this world in an infinity of Love, in a power of Grace and of Mercy.

Take My Heart with your hands and place it in your hearts. Feel the fire of My Heart that transcends the times, that is an eternal fire that transforms and redeems all things in the souls of the Earth that open to recognize the King, from the beginning to the end.

Take My Heart with your hands and feel the splendor of the Light of God that comes to tell you that you are worthy children of God, that you should remember this filiation with the Most High, which many of you lost through the adversities of My enemy.

Take the Heart with your hands and feel the love that beats within each one of your beings. Feel the fire of My redemption, the fire of the Love and of the unity that comes to lead you on the only pathway that will take you back again to the Heart of God.

Feel in your hands My Heart that suffers for the world, that suffers for the ignorant.

Feel My Heart that transmits Its Peace to you, the Peace of the Kingdom of God that is very forgotten by all the beings of the Earth.

Feel My praying Heart that prays for you with patience, with love, with compassion.

This is the Heart of Jesus that saves you.

This is the Heart that surrendered for you and suffered for the world up to the last hour of death.

This is the Heart that triumphed and defeated evil, by the power of the Love of God.

This is the Heart that persevered for each one of you.

It is the Heart of your Master that comes to call you to the awakening, to an awareness, and to unity.

This is the Heart that lives for you, that thirsts for your hearts, for your souls, for your infinite consciousnesses.

This is the Heart that accepts all things, that loves all things, that understands all things.

It is the Heart that forgives, that frees, that expels evil, that brings peace and serenity for these times.

This is the Heart that comes from the Universe to remind you of life, the precious life that God gave each one of you.

Let your lives be like My Heart, for redemption is possible when the soul humbles itself before the Redeemer.

This is the Heart that waits for you. My Heart is the doorway to the new humanity.

This is the Heart of the Son of God that was among you and promised to return in Glory to save you and take you to the Kingdom of God.

Accept My Heart, and never forget It. Those in My Heart will have eternal life.

And so, I listen to your pleas, dissolve your doubts, heal your wounds, fill your hearts with My absolute Love.

And in this way, I wait for you every day of your lives so that you may keep Me in mind now and always, until I return in Body, Soul, and Divinity from the Heavens. And with My Angels of Light, we open the doors to the Throne of God so that His Graces may descend over the hearts that do not deserve them, for the work of your prayers, in these two days, granted these Graces to the greatest sinners.

Each time a soul receives a sacrament through a simple teaching that I left for the planet, the spirit has the opportunity of walking in My trust and of never separating from Me. This is the spiritual principle of the science of My Sacraments.

I bless you.

I thank you for this opportunity of My Divine Mercy having approached this city and all of the Amazon.

Each one who prays is left with the mission of continuing to pray for the Lower Kingdoms of Creation, for all the angels that work for this project of the planet. 

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and be the peace, now and always.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
