Monthly Messages

As souls who serve lift the banner of persistence, of wisdom, of humility and of bravery of the heart, so that you may continue marching towards My Kingdom, towards the Redemption of this world.

O souls summoned by God!  To learn in this world about Love and Unity, I ask you to not lower your arms, to not tire of walking, because the trajectory of your lives will still be long.

Some will leave soon, leaving for the Earth the legacy of their learning.  Others will proceed in this world to learn a little more of everything that this planet may offer you.

I have gathered under My mantle those of My children that with bravery have surrendered all to Me and walk with faith towards the manifestation of the Great Plan of God.  And today I push them to take a step in their consciousnesses, an inner step, more than that of a physical step.

May each one of you seek, within My presence, the strength to transform that which until today you have not been able to, because I bring to your lives the possibility of an intense and permanent transformation.

I want you to manifest in these fields the Kingdom of Universal Healing for the souls in search of Redemption, and that all may be healers of this world together with those who, in the planes of the spirit, work tirelessly for God.

I see many hearts that are distressed from not being able to discover the path to take the steps in their lives.  Today I say to you My little ones, that you are upon one of the most sacred areas of this world, one which makes your consciousnesses live in a permanent state of purification.  But gladden yourselves, because this purification will allow that in a future time you may serve God with perfection.

In your lives begins to emerge all that humanity as a whole must transform.  Because of this at times it becomes so difficult to walk towards the New Human.  Make use then of all the impulses that God has given you and is giving you until now so that you are not taken by the waves of imperfection that exist inside each one of you and that, once in a while, come to the surface.

My beloveds, it gladdens My Heart to see such a great family, such determined hearts that have accepted to accomplish the Greater Will.

I want you to be able to trust more in each other and that, together you may establish in these fields the Kingdom of Our Lord, of Our Heavenly Father.

Risk yourselves to live the true fraternity, to love with the heart each day a little more.  Let the virtues that you guard under seven keys emerge.  Live something new every day, renew the adventure of being surrendered to God.  Overcome the barriers of life, face the difficulties and do not hide from them.  Go towards what seems hard to you and overcome the fear of taking a new step in your consciousnesses.

Love the kingdoms of nature and discover in them a source for the transformation of your souls.  If you want to take a great step, allow yourselves to know more deeply the kingdoms that surround you.  Share your lives with them and ask the Father to open your heart, so that you may finally understand in what way you must act with these beloved kingdoms, these expressions of the Divine Love that are so reviled in this world.

My beloveds, within My words I give you many keys, take them and open the doors of your hearts.

I thank you for being at My side and for being faithful companions of the Messengers of God.

Mary, your Mother and Universal Queen

Monthly Messages
Message for the apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted by the Most Holy Mother of the Sun, the Virgin Mary, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

I am the Mother of the Sun, because I am the One who gives life to the creatures of the world.

I am the Mother of the Sun, because I am the One who rises, every day, awakening within the lives of those who lived in darkness.

I am the Mother of the Sun, because I am the One who hides behind the storms and ordeals of My children, waiting for them to be able to live their learnings, to once more bring warmth into their lives.

I am the Light that illuminates the world.

I am the announcement of a new cycle.

I am the manifestation of a new time because from My womb come the divine archetypes of Creation.

I am the Maternal Heart of God, sent to the world to give a rebirth to those who are dying in life, to resurrect those who surrender to the death of the spirit provoked by this world.

Now I will ask you:

Who will open the doors and windows of the inner dwellings to let My Light enter?

Who will watch for a greater time of Peace, to await with love for the arrival of the Universal King?

Who will endure fear in order to be before that which is Divine and unusual in their lives?

Who will sustain their spirits while seeing the structures of material life crumbling to the ground?

Who will want to be reborn in the Light of the Sun of a new day?

Who will let themselves rise and cross the portals of a new time?

My children, My Words are not only written letters on paper nor are they sound that dissipates into the infinite. My Word has transformed your lives and your hearts and continues performing real miracles in the world. But today I come to tell you that the power of My manifestation is yet to begin because I come at the request of God to dissolve the layers of the illusion of material life and to bring to the light of the eyes of humankind the entire life of the spirit that they were not able to find throughout their existence.

I speak to those who listen to Me and also to those who never came to know Me, for they will search, and find in My Words, written in the past, all the events that they will live in the present.

My Word will echo throughout the corners of this world, from north to south and from east to west, they will recognize Me. They will recognize all the Divine Messengers because within their hearts they will receive the confirmations that will dissolve doubts and that will not let the mind digress because great is the Divine Force that will pulsate within the hearts of humankind.

Today I come as Mother of the Sun because I find in the world abysses and despairs in the hearts of humankind. I see darkness and lack of faith and, at the request of the Lord, I am clothed with His eternal and infinite Light. As a lighthouse, I indicate to the world the path for the most secure harbor of these times and for all times to come: it is the Heart of Christ, living and manifested within everyone.

My children, I want to thank you for listening to My call throughout all the spaces of this world and I ask you to spread My Words and take them to all those whose need them in order to come out of the ignorance in which they live.

The day will come when I will unite My manifestations of the world and multiply the faith of those who trust in My Heart today. They will be one army of Light, walking towards My Kingdom.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Sun

Monthly Messages

I want that from an old tree, new branches may sprout.

I want that the old souls may peregrinate with Me through new paths.

I want to cause to be born inside the heart a new heart.  May the old heart not lose its wisdom, but that it may demonstrate having to be born in itself this new heart, that beats in the rhythm of the Greater Will and that accompanies attentively the movements of the Universe.

I want to strengthen those whom I have chosen to be the columns of My temple and that for so long have been prepared to live that which happens today in the world.

I want to be the light on the path of My children, so that they may recognize in the treading of My steps, the teaching of other times.

I wanted to come to the encounter of those who did not fear, even while thinking that they were afraid, and that followed Me, even believing that they did not know how to find Me.

Now, children of Mine, it has come the time to see following upon My steps, and to perceive that on this path through which I have guided you are found all the teachings that with other faces I have to you.

If you are capable of following Me with confidence, feeling your way in the dark, now allow My light to switch on the inside of your beings and show you the way to live what you learned yesterday, but with the heart of today.

My children, I invite you to service, because you will be able to see and feel in this simple action, what the Divine Messengers have constructed in your beings.  When you return to serving, be attentive to what exists in your hearts and that before did not exist and discover that blessed is the heart that thinks it has not been transformed, because it will always cultivate simplicity, humility and what is most important, it will never stop walking, because it knows that it has not come to its goal.

My beloveds, I agree to come to encounter you, to contemplate each precious pearl that has arisen in your hearts and to find you here, at My side, even after so much incomprehension.

I want to answer the question of a daughter of Mine that thinks she does not live what has been taught to you for so long.  And today I say to you that you have lived it, when you overcame your expectations about the instruction that you were receiving, when you overcame yourselves, in all that you could feel in your hearts and crossing this threshold that many are still crossing, you found Me in your lives.

My beloveds, I am the same in Heaven as on Earth, in the Kingdom of My Peace, as in the Infinite, in the Universe.  My words penetrate and transform those who say yes to Me, even without knowing why they do.

Today I come to your lives to renew your commitments with Me, to say to you that I am by the side of each one of you, in the same way that you were by My side and that forever I will accompany you, in this life and in the other, because you have generated the merits to be closer to My Heart.

In humility embrace My call and continue to trust in this path.  Soon more comfort will come to your lives when by yourselves you discover that the theories have become life in your beings, and that the teachings beat in your hearts and are reflected in your actions and feelings, because you are being able to trust in God, more than in your own selves.

I embrace you with love and I bring all to My Heart.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


My beloveds:

It gives joy to My Heart to be able to come to so many places of the world at the same time; in this way you may understand how infinite is the Mercy of God that will never leave His creatures unaided.

My Heart comes to the world to bless the lives, convert the souls and transform the destiny of beings.  I only ask that you give Me the permission to do it.

My children, why do you fear My presence so much, if the only thing I bring to your lives is the Light, the Peace of My Kingdom?  Nothing bad will happen to the one who accepts to follow this path outlined by God.

I am not here to form new religions.  I am here My beloveds, so that your little beings may understand the Kingdom of God and the Celestial Mysteries a little more, because a majority of beings walk through the world in complete spiritual darkness and My Light comes to illuminate their paths.

My children, I do not want to create a new Church, but I want to bring to My Heart those who were not able to understand the teachings of My Son.  The Divine Messengers are renewing the Faith of this world, so that you may understand that the life of the spirit is much more ample than that what you all know.  Just open yourselves from the heart and permit Me to come to your lives.

If you follow Me in trust, even if your eyes cannot contemplate the end of this path and you do not know what you will find in the next turn, little by little, you will be able to discover the greatness of this work that My Heart is building together with the Most Holy Hearts of Christ and Saint Joseph.

My beloveds, your souls will soon be able to see how Majestic is the construction the Lord is creating in the interior of His creatures.  But today I say to you that there are still very few who truly want to follow this path and who do not mistrust, not even for an instant, what I am building in this world.

It is necessary to have, in this time, a simple and humble heart, because those who recognize that they know nothing let themselves be guided and will come more quickly to the Eternal Temple of God.

Today I ask those who were afraid, to follow My steps – those that humbly hold these Celestial hands that are extended to the world – and that, instead of suffering for something that has not died, discover how alive and ample has become the teaching, and embrace the joy of the permanent renewal of their lives and of the possibility of sharing in the Redemption with many souls that otherwise would not have awakened.

I want to give thanks from the depths of My Immaculate Heart to all of those who from the North to the South of this country are opening the door of their homes to receive My dear children and say to them that, in truth, you have opened it to Me and that it is I who is entering more profoundly not only in your homes, but also in your lives and in your souls.

Receive with love My blessings.

I thank you always for coming to meet Me and to answer with love to My Call.

Who loves you always, Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Monthly Messages

From the tiny seed was born a great tree that received water, sunshine and that grew and strengthened itself in the Gifts that God the Father infused with His deep love and fondness. This tree lived days of rain and of full sun, days of winter and of dry weather, days of great sorrow, days of joy and of perfect communion.  A few branches dried out; others sprouted anew; some were renewed, others let themselves fall.  But since God is so perfect, all the branches, leaves, and fruits that came from that tree returned to her, to her interior.  Despite being dry, they were transformed and became a source of food for her roots.  The fruits that were not harvested, the leaves that dried and the branches that broke off, are the sources of the fortification of this tree.

Children of Mine, from such a beautiful tree comes each one of your souls.  Today your hearts are born again, because they already are ripe fruits, renewed by the seeds of life that they brought within them.

A tree created by God with such care and love shall never perish.  Yes, the Lord permits her to live days of winter and days of summer, days of drought and of abundant water, so that she will know how to be strong; this tree can only prepare her branches and fortify her trunk when subject to strong winds that make her grow.

Children of Mine, know how to recognize yourselves as part of this tree that I present to you, and know how to recognize that the natural cycle of life allows her leaves to wilt, her branches to be renewed, and each of these parts, when they touch her roots again, will be transformed into nourishment and a source of life and renewal.

In this way must be your hearts.  Those that one day wilt should not fear being transformed so that they will once again be part of the composition of this tree.  Know that she would never be alive if she had not been renewed.  The trees of yesterday may be transformed into the branches of today, these that sustained in themselves many leaves and that one day may dry, so as to then form part of the trunk of this beloved tree, a trunk that is formed by many branches, leaves and fruits that have permitted themselves to dry, fall, decompose and be reborn like a new living cell of this beloved Figueira.

Dear children, praise and love the cycles of life, which are so mysterious and perfect.  Love living according to the Will of God, and allow yourselves to flow in that Will, as pure and crystalline water, which lets itself be molded according to the Will of its God.

My beloveds, these are the times that you longed for so much; times of living love, charity and fortitude for which you have so much prepared your souls and your lives.  For this reason, rejoice your hearts and, from the chaos in which the world is found, within and outside of you, know how to recognize the Will of God, Who is asigning each one of you as it corresponds to them, and challenging each soul so that He may fortify it once again.

For a tree to be firm, God sends to it all the winds that will attempt to bring her down; for her to be strong and to be able to live under any circumstances in this world, God will deprive her of water, so that she will learn how to live in times of drought.  Then, He will again deliver to her the fountain of life so that she will also learn that her Lord observes her and knows the point until which she will be able to endure it.  Never will He leave her helpless.

Dear children, as a good Father, the Lord releases His children so that they will learn to walk.  He will let them fall, but will never allow them to remain on the ground.  He will always extend a hand to them so that they may stand up again, and once again follow this path of eternal learning.

My beloveds, your hearts are part of a favored project of God – that which He has in His hands all the time.  All I ask of you today is that you will never desist, that you may learn from the facts of life and that you be strengthened through them.  That the strong winds may be the excuse, the reason to more deeply extend you roots. That you will make of the dry season the reason to wait even more in God for the moment in which, by Grace, He will send you fresh waters.  And when these come, you will drink of this water of life, of which each drop is a precious treasure and an eternal fountain of renewal and perseverance.

Today I say to you that the winds that pass through you lives are still not those that come to try to knock down all that was erected by God.  This wind will come at the moment in which you will be ready and strengthened to live it.  It is necessary, dear children, that as humanity you learn to live love under any circumstances, and that you love God in all the situations of life, knowing to recognize His light even in the midst of darkness, discovering that which He wants to teach you through each learning  that He sends into this world.

My beloveds, persevere always; this is all that I come to tell you.  Always persevere in the love of God, and choose to live it, always choose love.

I thank you and shelter your lives in My arms.

Mary, your Mother and Lady of Figueira

Monthly Messages

Today, you have seen My Glory cross the heavens of this planet and of this nation, in this way to hear and feel, through your hearts, the will of God, that I bring in My Divine word.

I Am the Mother of the World, I Am the Universal Mother.  My gaze contemplates each particle of life existing in this universe.  My Heart loves and supports all the creatures of God, all the consciousnesses of all the kingdoms of nature, that, with profound love, were gestated in the maternal womb of Creation, in the feminine Source of Life, in My cosmic Heart.

My children, today I come to reveal to you not only with words, but also with the profound feeling of your souls, the true face that today lives My Universal Consciousness.  Today I want to make known to you that life does not begin and neither does it end in this world, that life continues beyond this universe; and, after this world, you will discover others that will lead you to new learnings and that will bring you to continue on the path of evolution that you have been treading since your origin in the Heart of God.

Today, I want that you bring My words only to the heart and permit that the codes that I deposit in My word may be imprinted in your lives.

Soon will come the time in which you will be able to confirm for your minds what today you live in your little lives.  Soon will come the time in which you will look from Heaven and will be able to contemplate with compassion all that you lived on this world and you will see that, in a planet that was sick and that lived in profound darkness, a new Light came and illuminated the abysses, rescued those who were lost, liberated those who were imprisoned in suffering and ignorance, elevated those who were fallen and made to be born from the old human a redeemed race.

As Mother and Lady of this world, I come with the Mission of conducting all the souls to the Celestial Kingdom and also to transform the heart of those who, with bravery, will persevere and will see descend the Kingdom of God to this Earth, rendering it similar to all the Divine Kingdoms that exist in the universe.

My beloveds, with love recognize that you know nothing about the universal life, that you are, lost in looking, but full of hope, at a heaven that today is opened before your eyes and your hearts.  Recognize, in humility, how little you know of and live the Divine Life and in this way, as children, let yourselves be guided by the One that, sent by God, descends to this world to remove the veils that cover your eyes, to remove you from all of the ignorance that you live as humanity and in which you are submerged each day a little more, without realizing what you are living.

Do not fear to recognize Me as Your Mother and Lady, because My love for each being of this world is greater than what your hearts can conceive.  So much so My beloveds, that I have come over the centuries to conduct humanity and, each time My presence comes to the world, I bring humanity one step further in its consciousness.  And now, I come to your encounter, manifesting all the faces through which you can understand Me, but in the end, I will unite all My manifestations in the world and I will show you the Face that unites all the faces: My Supreme Universal Consciousness.

I only wait and prepare you each day, so that you may receive Me in truth.

I love you and thank this nation, because it called Me in spirit, trusted My sacred help and today it sees, before its life, the answer of My Heart.

Mary, Mother and Lady of the World 

Monthly Messages

My children,

I come to this town to awaken the codes of light that one day My maternal presence deposited here and that, over the course of the years were lost, because men and women, little by little distanced themselves from God, closing in this way the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens.

My beloveds, precious treasures sleep under the mountains of this city, treasures that must see the light, so that they may serve as help for this humanity in so much need of Redemption.  I am referring to spiritual treasures, presents that God sends to His creatures that lose themselves in the world so much.

Dears, as Mother and Lady of Montserrat, I bring to the world the celestial melodies that heal and redeem the hearts, that awaken the little souls from the sleep of profound illusion that they are living in this world.

Mysterious truths are before the eyes of all the beings and the moment has come for humanity, as a whole, to be able to access these truths.

My children, for this it is necessary that a few take the first step towards this awakening of the consciousness and, without fear, remove from the eyes the blindfolds that keep them in profound darkness.

My dears, a new time is approaching this world, a time that will bring pain for the hearts that resist transformation, but which will bring strength and spiritual growth for all of those that, with faith continue their luminous path, guided by the Most Holy Hearts of Jesus, Joseph and Mary.

On this day I come to alert you once again that it is time to grow, because the planetary moment needs to see you ready to face the trials that will come. From the north to the south and from the east to the west of this world the hearts will begin to feel the tribulations that come to their inner world.  Many will need help, because they will not understand what will happen to them; others will not be able to keep themselves in healthy balance, which will generate many conflicts in the world.

For this, My children, I come to ask you, with all My Immaculate Heart, that you do not wait for someone else's transformation to take your own steps. Do not wait any more to find a reference in this world, because there will be no creature on this Earth that will be outside of this purification that will be lived and that already is being lived in many beings.

Walk without looking back, forget the past, which will be balanced by the present and future actions.  Forget the mistakes, the fears and the pains that you felt in a time that has passed, because it is the moment to take by the hands Those who come from Heaven, offering to you Their help and, without looking back, nor to the side, fix your eyes on the goal and continue with firm and rhythmical steps, without haste and without pause.

Come dears, because My Heart waits for you to trust you with a new mission, to prepare you to cross this planetary threshold between the old human and the new redeemed race.

My words echo in this way, in this place, because I speak what you need to hear in this moment. I want that those who hear Me for the first time may receive an impulse from My Heart, so that they may awaken immediately and soon be placed in their rightful place, in this army of Peace, that fights with love, unity, fraternity and prayer, so that the Plans of God are accomplished in this world.

My children, today I say to you that the Plans of the Creator will be accomplished under any circumstances, because the Law dictates the prevailing of the Light.  But it is the Will of the Lord that His redeemed Earth be born with beings that were able transcend the old race and, through love and forgiveness, overcome the past and manifest the new future.

I give immense thanks to this city, because spiritually, for the second time, it has opened the doors to Me, claiming in this way so that Redemption may descend over this world.  For this, today I say to you, My children, to wait for My presence with love.

Blissful are those that receive from God the Grace of being before His Servant and receive the sublime redemption for their lives.

I love you and I will always love you, because I am Your Beloved Mother and Lady of Montserrat, the Virgin Mary

Monthly Messages

My children:

I come as Queen of Peace in order to, with My Peace, dissolve from your hearts the anguish and the fears that the enemy causes.  On this day, I ask you to strengthen the trust in My Heart, because a time has come of greater spiritual challenges for the world and My little soldiers must maintain themselves firm in prayer and without fear, raise the flag of Peace and of Redemption for the world.

The time has come, dear children, of purifying the evils caused and that are carried as a nation and as humanity, as a weight of infinite suffering that is reflected in your lives, in your hearts.

God gave you a unique opportunity of Liberation and of Redemption, for this, as Your Mother and Queen of Peace, I come to encounter all My children, to announce to them that this time has come and to indicate to you the correct path to follow, which is the path of permanent prayer, of unity, of love and of peace.

My children, construct in your hearts the precious fortress of prayer and have this goal as the priority of your lives, because prayer acts with a hidden power in the hearts of the beings and many times they may not perceive its work, but when they are faced with a time of chaos, they will be able to feel and see arise in their hearts this unbreakable fortress, the unshakable and absolute faith, fruit of the heart that prays.

My beloveds, I send you to announce My presence in the world and to announce the coming return of My Son, as one who sends sheep among wolves.  So I do because history must be renewed and your commitments with Christ and with God must be ignited again. The new Apostles must awaken to again surrender the life for Christ.

Beloved children, in this time it is necessary that not even one soul be forgetful of the existence of God.  Each creature of this world must know of the Good News of the return of My Son; all the beings must be touched by the faith of those who have been before My presence and, through the certainty of their hearts, must awaken to the Divine love.

My dears, dissolve the fears, because I will always support you.  My maternal eyes observe you day and night and My Heart takes care at each instant of your lives.  I only ask you that you let yourselves be conducted by My maternal love and follow in trust the steps dictated by My Heart.  Soon you will understand what I say to you, soon you will be able to see and feel in your hearts what I am constructing in your lives.  For this go without fear, and announce to the four corners of the world that the return of My Son is near, that they prepare the hearts and the spirits to receive Him, because He will seek in each soul the seed of Redemption that he planted so long ago, with the arms on His Cross.

My beloveds, today I thank you profoundly for trusting in My words, for opening to Me the doors of the heart and for letting yourselves be guided by My maternal love.

I love you and I bless you always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Monthly Messages

Children of Mine,

Recognize before your lives the awakening of a new sun, the dawn of a new day, the appearance of a new time that is announced through My Holy presence.

I Am Immaculate and free of sins, the Blessed Servant of God, that in the name of humanity has lifted Her word to the Creator, glorifying Him and accepting, for eternity, that His Holy Celestial Will be made in Me.  In this way, My children, I give to the world the living example of how all beings must act in this planetary moment.

A new Christ must be born, this time in the hearts of all men and women, but it is necessary that you follow the faithful example of the Servant of God and, glorifying the Creator, dispose yourselves to accomplish His Most Holy Will.

A path of profound Peace awaits you, because those who accept to accomplish the Will of God, live in His Heart and nothing will be able to destroy the union attained with the Heights.

The one that assumes in his or her life to accomplish the Plans of the Creator becomes a bridge between the Celestial Universe and the surface of the Earth and, through the example of their heart, full of peace and charity, brings to their fellows the Peace of My Kingdom, the Peace that is unknown to the world.

My children, My presence announces a greater time of Peace to the world, because My Heart seeks the reconversion of the souls, the reconciliation of each heart with God.

Peace must arise from the transformation of your lives and, when you take a step further on this path, the Creator can intercede for the whole world, because each one represents all.  The step taken by one generates merits for all of humanity; for this do not tire of walking.

Know that the key for all is in the example that each one can give through their actions, through their feelings. The greatest way to transform the chaos in which the world lives, My children, is by being the living testimony of the presence of God in all creatures, by being the living testimony of the return of Christ in each heart, in each essence.

As Mother and Queen of Peace, I announce to you a greater time of Peace, because I bring you conversion and Faith, I bring you the possibility of living in fraternity with your fellows, of reconciling yourselves with your families and of forgiving all of the past.

It is time, My children, to renew your lives and, with trust, to follow the path marked by My son Jesus Christ, because it is time for humanity to awaken to their true mission in this world – that of being a race of Christ’s and not just of Christians.

Seek Peace and walk so that a new time may arise in this world.  Fight with the sword of love and the shield of perseverance, because the enemy will try to deviate you from the path, but help will always come for those who with fervor cry out to the Heavens for Divine help.

I am beside all of you and I will always be, for all of Eternity.

Your beloved Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and of all the hearts


I Am the Aurora of the Dawn, the one that lights the hearts of those who cry out for My presence.

I Am the radiant sun that warms the souls and purifies the life of those who committed themselves to Me a long time ago, in order to feel today the power of the fire of transformation.

I Am the Blessed Universal Star, proclaimed Queen among men and women and among the angels, proclaimed Lady and Mother of all creation.

I Am the Heart that beats inside the hearts of men and women, that renews and gives life to those who live in Me.

I Am the living sap that nourishes those who are hungry of Spirit and thirsty of God.

I Am the Divine Presence in your lives.

I Am a Universal Mystery to be revealed to humanity.

Under My mantle are guarded infinite mysteries; behind My eyes are protected universes of radiant light.  In My Heart is hidden the profound and unfathomable source of Peace, from which comes the Peace that is poured in the world through the hearts of those who pray.

I Am, My children, the example of Maternity.

I Am the Greater Mirror, in which the hearts of the world must be reflected.

I Am your beloved Celestial Mother, the one that conducts you to a new life, a new humanity.

I Am the one who gestated in the womb the Son of God, the living Archetype of life on Earth and that returns to the world over the centuries to make to be reborn through My Heart those who must be the image and likeness of the living God.

My children, find in My Celestial Heart the rest for your souls.  My arms are tireless and are always ready to support the soldiers who return after each battle lived on Earth.

A great battle is to be lived in the heart of My little children, a battle against themselves; a battle to overcome the forces that tie them to the old humanity; a battle to balance all the evil that men and women have caused in the world.  And for this battle, My beloveds, prepare the most powerful shield and the sharpest sword; protect yourselves with the shield of unbreakable Love and in your hands hold firmly the sword of prayer, prayer without hour, without fatigue, prayer of the heart, of the soul, of the spirit; prayer made with devotion, with bravery, defeating darkness by the fulfilling of the light.

It is only prayer, My children, true prayer, that will be the support and the refuge in this time.  Only prayer will calm down the inner despair that many will live.  Only prayer in all the moments of life will bring you clarity for the situations that apparently will have no solution.  Only prayer lived through unity, fraternity and donation of self will be able to heal the evils that exist among brothers and sisters and in this way will bring the reconciliation that the souls and the spirits need to live in this world.

My beloveds, I Am the Aurora that dawns in your lives and with Love announces to you the arrival of a new time, full of transformations and of great victories, that will be reached by effort and by persistence.

Today I ask you to be more vigilant than ever and that you never lose in your hearts the hope and the joy of starting over, once and again, this eternal path of intense purification of the aspects of the being.

Be persistent!  Be persistent because an eternity of infinite Glory at the side of My Son waits for you, so that strengthened by the Most Holy Spirit of God, you may live other instances of eternal transformation.

I love you and I bless you always.

Your beloved Mother, Mary, the Aurora of the Dawn for the life of this world

Monthly Messages

Children of Mine:

I come today to your encounter as the Mother and Virgin of Perpetual Help because from the Heavens I have contemplated the need for assistance that exists in the world. The Lord listened to the pleadings of the souls that suffer and sorrow in this humanity, and for this He has sent His Savior Servant to assist the poor in spirit and in heart.

My beloveds, this world is already crossing the threshold of a new time and many can feel this change in their own interior.  At the same time Infinite Graces descend from the Heavens; the Lord permits that His children be tried by all means and that from the depths of the interior may emerge all miseries.

But this takes place, My dear ones, because it is at this moment that all the assistance that you may need is available.  For this, as the Mother of Perpetual Help I say to you to not fear to purify yourselves; that you do not resist in the face of the trials that come into your lives, but rather that you clamor for the Celestial assistance and that you cling to all the Graces and the Divine Instructions that the celestial Messengers have brought to the world in recent times

This is a unique moment for all of humanity.  The Voice of God resounds through His Messengers in all corners of the world, so that there will be no one that will not have the opportunity of awakening and of finding help to live this transition that is initiated first in one’s own inner world.

As Queen of Peace I invite you to live the Peace of the Heart of God in your little lives, and to bring this Peace to all those who lack this Divine attribute. The time has come for the peacemakers to raise their voices as the Messengers of God do, and to announce to the world that it is possible to have a life of profound Peace even in times of transition.

In every moment of your lives you ought to know to choose between participating in conflicts and collaborating with evil, and with overcoming the negative currents of the world and living the Peace, thus dissolving all the plans of the enemy.

The world needs Peace and those that come to My encounter receive from My Heart the intense Peace that exists in My Kingdom; they must be capable of persevering in this Peace and of setting the example to the world of how to reach it.

Children of Mine, these are not normal times for this world.  When My eyes turn to Earth I feel in My Heart the suffering of My children and I find in the necessity of the world the valor to return again and again, and unwearied, give an impulse to your little hearts.  Today I ask that you see the world by means of My eyes and that you feel through My heart the pain in which the souls live.  Thus, you shall find the strength that you need to rise as many times as are necessary and attempt, until the end of your lives, manifesting the Plans on Earth.

My beloved, today the Queen of Heaven comes to your encounter and says that God does not contemplate the number of falls of humanity, but rather the capacity of getting up and returning to comply with the Greater Will, independently of your weaknesses and imperfections.

As Mother of Perpetual Help I say to you that I am at your side and that I will be here always, helping you with that which you will need.  All I need is that you call Me and clamor for My assistance, and soon after I will be visible to the eyes of the heart that seeks Me.

Today I place this entire city under My mantle and I embrace with love each one of My Children who with devotion and simplicity generate merits for the Salvation of all souls.

I thank you, My dears, for having responded once again to My call.

I am always in your little lives.

Your Mother, Mary, Holy and Virgin of Perpetual Help


When the soul finds the path of devotion and of faith in its life, it also finds the plenitude of My Kingdom.  Devotion opens one by one the doors that humanity closed and that unite it to God.  Devotion is one of the manifestations of the soul that, full of joy, finds in God courage and its refuge of Peace.

Children of Mine, let yourselves be permeated and overcome by the devotion that enters into your lives.  Permit that this manifestation of love be greater than the earthly forces of shame and fear, because God contemplates the sincere intentions of the hearts and knows that which truly goes on in each interior.

Devotion is the manifestation of the love of the soul and each soul has a precious form of expressing itself when it is before God.  Let that your hearts be free in this expression of love and thus allow a holy madness to enter into your lives and to impel you to realize great surrenders of your inner, sincere acts of service to your neighbor, and self-sacrificing service to your little brothers and sisters of the kingdoms of nature.

My beloveds, the devotion that you begin to feel in the heart will open the door so that God will construct in your souls an unshakeable fortress of faith and courage, because through devotion you meet with states of purity that are hidden in your inner world and this, which is pure and that is kept in your essences, reveals to your hearts that which in truth they are, and in this way, strengthened by the truth, nothing is able to deter you on the path to the spirit. Notwithstanding your facing hard trials and powerful enemies, the faith in the truth will always be more powerful, and will pulse to the rhythm of the heart that already fully trusts in God.

Children of Mine, do you understand then My plans for Peace?

My soldiers discover in pure devotion the entry into the great fortress of the spirit.  My Plan is silently manifested in the life of the beings.  To those that open themselves up to live with intensity that which is granted to them to live, a transformation will come without their realizing it, children of Mine, as a result of the grand action of the universal love.

As Mother and Lady of this sacred Figueira I say to you that My plans begin to be manifested in the interior of My little soldiers because the Marian Center, which is the expression of My Love for the beings of the Earth, now begins to spiritually merge itself with the essences of those that walk with Me.

If you walk trusting in My Heart; responding one by one to the celestial indications; you shall understand how our Lord works secretly in your souls and, through you, in all the souls of the world.

On this day I thank you, dear children, for truly opening to Me the doors of the heart, and for allowing that many evils be liberated from your lives and thus from the entire world.

Today I ask you that with greater fervor you accompany Me because My Heart, united to the Kingdoms of Love that pulse in this planet, will liberate a great evil of the world, and will alleviate the suffering of many souls.

Know today that on this hill lives a great channel of planetary liberation that you must sustain through true prayer and the unconditional love of your hearts, so that, in addition to My direct presence in this place, the world will keep being liberated from all the evils because endless is the necessity for liberation of this Earth.

Thus I count on your hearts to be the living extension of My Immaculate Heart in this world.

I love you deeply, I bless you, and thank you for responding each day more to My Call.

Mary, Mother and Lady of the Most Sacred Figueira

Special Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The Children of Mary are the expression of My Love for humanity; they are the ones who must be a living testimony of My Presence in the world, souls that committed themselves to Me a long time ago, to be part of this Marian army.

The formal consecration of a Child of Mary does not mean the expression of a preference. It is an impulse that God sends to the monads of some of His children and, in this way, also gives an impulse to all of humanity.

 All are potential Children of Mary, but some have the commitment to express this consecration in a formal manner because they will be the reference for many in the end of this time. This is a form of consecration requested by God for these souls that are called to activate the Marian Spirit.

To be a Child of Mary is not a material commitment; it is a purely spiritual commitment that souls have to My Marian task. Upon them, I will build the foundations of the temple that I will erect throughout all of humanity.

These are souls that were willing to face great tests, which they will experience in the end of times, and yet, they ardently persevere in their love for My Heart. They are called slowly, because each soul has its moment of confirmation, and only God knows when that moment has come.

Let those who are not called to specifically fulfill this task not be distressed, because if that does not happen, it means that it is not yet time, or that another part of the Plan of God is theirs to fulfill; a part that only their soul will be able to accomplish, and which will be a fundamental piece in this great work of God.

My children, do not wish to guide the Plans of the Lord, which are hidden and mysterious. Simply surrender your souls and your lives into His Arms and allow Him to place you in the correct and necessary place for this time. Later you will know what is yours to do if, with trust, you do what I tell you.

I love you all and I thank you for having faith in My Heart.

Your beloved Mother, the Virgin Mary

Monthly Messages

Enter into My Heart of Light, because there you will find the answers that you so much seek for the doubts and questions that disturb your little life.

Enter in trust into the protection of My mantle, because it is there, under the protection of My maternal essence, that you will be safe to grow and mature the consciousness.

My children, it gives Me happiness to return to this house of Mine and find hearts strengthened by the learnings of life.  It gives me happiness to see that many have woken up to the life of the spirit and to the life of the soul, through prayer.  Some do not even perceive, but they are entering, each day more, into the essence of My Kingdom.

My little ones, this is a sacred path, the one that was chosen by your souls, that have awakened in time to build in the interior the strength of prayer and to learn, through union with God and service to others, the Love that the whole world needs so much.

While many deny God and seek to flagellate His Most Holy Heart, I travel the world in the Divine Hope of awakening the greatest number of souls and, through the intercession of those who pray with fervor, to be able to rescue those who clamor day and night for help.

My children, today I say to you that because of your most sincere prayers, My redeeming Light is being expanded throughout the world and, by your constant efforts, My maternal presence will be able to arrive to those who are lost.

I want you to know that upon your answer depends the expansion of My Marian task over the world.  Each time that a soul takes a firm step towards the Heart of God, I receive from the Lord the permission to be a longer time over the Earth and to balance situations that many times already seem not to have a solution.

I want to let you know that My maternal Heart has accompanied the meeting that occurred at the Marian Center of Figueira and with attention observed the fruits, converted into transformation, that have arisen in the hearts and in the consciousnesses by means of the instruction received in these last days.  I have contemplated with joy the inner step that you took towards a greater comprehension; in this way, you are approaching God's Purpose for this time.

My children, know that when a drop of the Universal Truth is poured and is molded over a consciousness, the whole planet receives the possibility of waking up to the Universal life.  For this I count on the support of those who unveil My words, who know how to read between the lines of My divine Word and that, in this way, permit that all of humanity may receive the possibility of discovering a little more about the Divine Truths that are available to those who seek for them with the heart.

My beloveds, as Our Lady of Figueira I collect in My Heart the beautiful fruits that were born in the last times and I ask you to continue to deepen in this path that  conducts you to the meeting with the Spirit of Christ, because in this way you will generate merits so that all your brothers and sisters who live in ignorance may have in their lives a chink of light that may illuminate the heart and bring to the soul the Peace that it needs to come out of the darkness and of perpetual suffering.

Pray much and discover in prayer the true power of the word that God gave to His creatures.  The world needs the intercession of all the beings and yes, their sincere prayers can change the events that are predicted and that by Divine Justice, already descend over the Earth.  For this I ask you, My beloveds, pray, pray much and seek with determination to find the power of prayer in your lives.

I thank you for uniting yourselves to Me in this intercession for the nations of the world.

Let us pray, because the world is in need.

I love you and I will always love you.

Your Most Holy Mother, Mary, Lady of Figueira


Today My mantle extends itself over the world, sheltering all the helpless of spirit and of heart.  The ray of Brotherhood that is born in My chest is radiated to those who are lacking love, and matures in the heart of those who walk the flame of fraternity and of unity with the beings among themselves, with the kingdoms of nature and with God.

My children, as Queen of the Brotherhood I bring you the Peace of My Kingdom and I deposit in your hearts the brotherhood that the world lacks so much.

A heart that lives in Brotherhood is that which knows how to recognize the need in the situations of life and overcomes them with its actions and with its most pure intention.

A heart that beats in the rhythm of universal Brotherhood is that one which overcomes tiredness and discovers the love of sacrifice, when it is before the need of its fellow human being.

Brotherhood is born in the discovery of the Divine in each being.  Brotherhood clears the eyes that cannot see the presence of My Son in each heart.

Brotherhood grows and matures in the beings that aspire to love their fellow human beings above all things and that discovers in the service to the brothers and sisters the nourishment of its soul.

In Brotherhood is the key to enter into a superior life.  It is by seeking to love one’s fellow human being and to serve them that you will find the door that will bring you to the Kingdom of the Brotherhood.  It is by starting to be fraternal and a partner in this world, that one day you will achieve the merits to know the superior and universal Brotherhood.

My children, today I bring to you the Kingdom of the Brotherhood so that there may be manifested in your hearts the permanent and inextinguishable aspiration to serve one’s fellow human being and to love them, constructing a new life in the world and attracting to the beings the brotherhood that is lived in the Universe of God.

I deposit in your hearts a new seed that must be cultivated by your souls through the permanent search and the perseverance in living brotherhood and fraternity among the beings.  This will be reached when you recognize the perfect Plan of God for each sister soul, when you recognize the crystalline essence that shines in the center of each being and that was created by divine hands to manifest in the universe a principle of love and of unity.

My children, today, at the request of God, I present to you a new face of My Kingdom, that brings to you the archetype of life that all the worlds must manifest.

It is already time to awaken for the new and to let the old be extinguished from your hearts.  Do not fear to discover new beings in yourselves, because all that you need to take this leap is already available before your eyes and your spirits.  Only open the arms and the heart and receive with love the offer that is given you.

I am the Queen of the Brotherhood, the always Virgin and Blessed Mother of Christ and of all the beings.  From My womb come all things, because in this way it was conceded by the Lord to His Universal Servant.

My beloveds, I welcome you today in My maternal arms and I receive you with love in My Kingdom of the Brotherhood, so that through the “yes” of those who represent humanity, little by little, a new life may arise on Earth, so that a greater time of Peace may be conceded to the world.

I love you and I thank you always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of the Brotherhood


Children of Mine,

For My Immaculate Heart there are no obstacles that separate Me from My children. There are no barriers that are strong enough to prevent Me from approaching to your hearts.  The only thing that I ask you is for you to call Me. 

If there are still doubts in your hearts regarding My presence, ask with love for Me to dissipate them because then I will do that.  If for some reason you feel something in your hearts that separates you from Me, only hand Me this difficulty, because great is the Power of the Creator that heals and redeems all, that restores and reconciles all with His Most Sacred Heart.

Beloved children, in this time I place at the disposal of your souls the greatest celestial Graces and the only thing that I ask you is to be willing to face the barriers that the mind itself places before the heart because, in spite of not having anything external that prevents Me from approaching to your little hearts, only you can give Me the permission to act in your lives.  And even if it is a little yes, little by little you will surrender your beings to Me and you will see how I can take care of them and protect them under any circumstance.  You will see how within My mantle all true needs will be contemplated.

My children, a celestial life waits for you even while you are on Earth.  However, for this life to arrive to the world it is necessary to not detain the steps and to not ever think that you have already reached the goal because there is still a lot to be unveiled, there is a lot to be lived by the human heart and it is necessary to have hearts that are willing to take one step more on the path of consecration and of surrender to God.

Today I contemplate the need of the world and I see many of My children waiting to wake up, many that are ready to open the eyes and the heart, but that wait for the coming of those who may be able to show them the path.

My children, never detain yourselves.  Surrender to Me every day your little lives and allow yourselves to dive even more profoundly into your own inner world because there are those who wait for this one more step from those who are already on the path so that they may be able to get out from the darkness in which they live.

For this I call you day and night with urgency, to the permanent conversion, to surrender and to sacrifice, in order to be the example to the ignorant and the light on the path of those who are in darkness.

My beloved ones, I count on your hearts to be the apostles of the New Time, those that surrender their lives without conditions, without time nor space, those that seek nothing for themselves and whose luggage is the aspiration to fulfil the plans of God.  Carry in the heart My Message and the hope for it to touch the brother and sister souls.

Ignite in the chest devotion and joy so that the cold hearts may feel warmed up whenever they are before you.  May the whole life be a permanent spiritual exercise of love and charity.

Let us, dear Argentina, raise up the flag of Peace and of victory of Light, and may the Mission that I have given to you be the opportunity of awakening the souls that are around the world, waiting to receive a call.

Ignite the heart and activate your spirits!  Clamor for My presence and know that I want to get to absolutely all of My children.

Do not be preoccupied with the critics nor with the judgments, and neither with the denials.  I will arrive to each heart as soon as you get to known about My presence in the world and I will place in all of them the seed of a new life.

I thank you for answering with joy to My last call.

Your Mother, Queen of Peace and of all of the hearts


My children,

I come to bless with the Spirit of God those of My children who open the heart and the soul to Me.  I come for those who do not know Me, but that still clamor inside for My presence.  I come to the world for those who are lost, because in the search to quench the thirst of the spirit they confused themselves and drank from the water of the world, instead of the Water of Life.

Today the Messengers of God return to Earth so that Their voices may echo in all the corners of the world and even the smallest and most lost of the beings may find themselves with the Divine.  At the request of the Lord this Greater Light is expanded and seeks tirelessly for all the beings.

It is time to awaken from the sleep in which you live.  It is time to open your eyes because even the blind will be able to see, the deaf will be able to hear, even the hard of heart will be able to feel when the Redeemer of the world comes near. 

Those who were not able to recognize Him in the beginning return to recognize Him in the end and those who committed themselves to Him in the beginning also return to prepare the path with flowers and fruits, with prayers and love, so that His feet may come to the world and His steps may definitively remove from the Earth the impurities and imperfections that prevent the beings from growing and evolving, as the Divine Will impels them to do.

My beloveds, permit yourselves to listen to My voice that resonates in your interior and open the hearts so that My love may enter and transform all of that which prevents you from walking to My Son.

I want to see in each being a temple of eternal prayer, sacrifice, surrender and love, because these are the keys that will bring you to overcome the limits imposed by matter and to reach the profound Peace of My Kingdom.

I see in the world crystalline essences born from the Heart of God, with the purpose of manifesting, not only for themselves, but for all of the Universe, a perfect and pure love, a unific love.  I find in each one of your beings the possibility of a superior life.  Will you be willing to see the world through My eyes?  Will you be willing to find in each brother and sister the Living Christ and to see Him return in the essence of all the beings?

My beloveds, the Christic Spirit has already come to the world and has left in each essence the seed of the awakening of the spirit.  Those who know how to cultivate Peace in their hearts will allow this Christ to blossom and grow within and they will merge with the King of kings, because they will recognize Him when they are before His eyes.

On this day, I want that you rejoice your little hearts and prepare yourselves with love to receive Me, because the intensity of My presence in your lives depends only on the openness of your hearts.

Your beloved Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace


Children of Mine,

I come to the world in this time so that those who clamor for Mercy may receive from the Divine Source this fountain of Life.

Today I say to you that there will always be, in the darkness, a possibility of finding Light, because your little hearts contain in themselves a precious treasure – Love – that brings to you the possibility of opening the doors of Heaven and to arrive at the feet of the Creator.

My little ones, today I am the mediator between your hearts and God, but the moment will come in which all of you will be mediators between the universes and Him.  I come today to teach you step by step to open your hearts and to show you the path to awakening; but the moment must come in which your beings will have matured and will no longer need mediators in order to find God, but you will be the mediators and the intercessors that, before Him, will beg for all of those who did not know how to find Him.

This mission goes beyond this life.  I prepare you for something greater than the life in this world.  I prepare you to be mediators and intercessors in the universe, and to find all of those who have been lost from the path of the Father and that suffer in the darkness.

My children, I come at the request of the Lord to prepare the path for My Son, who will teach you definitively how to follow His steps; which will open to you for eternity the eyes and the heart; and which will make similar to Him the one who says yes to Him, without fear nor conditions.

Today I say to you that for this reason, you are living such hard trials at this end of the times, so that before such great difficulties you may surrender yourself to God and clamor so strongly for His presence, awakening in this way the potential of Love asleep in your hearts.

Do not fear the times that have already come, only be open to live them and fully feel the clamor that is born from your hearts and that opens one by one the doors of Heaven.

Feel! Clamor! Ask! Beg for Divine Mercy!  Surrender yourself to God that knows everything and knows you as none of you know yourselves, and that even still loves you in each detail of your beings.

My beloved ones, trust the Plans of God and permit that He may awaken in this race, that is perfect, the hidden potential in the interior of each being.  Say yes to God each day through the example of donation and surrender.  Give to the world witness of Faith and show to those who are lost the path that they must follow.

I accompany you and I will always accompany you and even if My lips one day may be in silence, My Heart will never stop uttering fervent prayers to God, so that even the last of My children may reach Redemption and may accomplish the perfect Purpose of the Creator.

I love you and I will always love you.

The beloved Mother and your companion,

Mary, Queen of Peace and of your lives


Children of Mine,

On this day, a radiant Sun crossed the world, illuminated the lives and the hearts, removed the souls from darkness and rested over Venezuela. This Sun, that burns in Divine fire and comes from the Holy Spirit, comes to light up the hearts of the children of God, which are dimmed out of fear and by the lack of Faith and of Hope.

This Sun came to show that, to the one who asks, it always will be given and to the one who calls with fervor at the doors of Heaven and clamors for the help of God, He will always send help, listening with Love to the prayers of His children.

My beloved ones, I want to invite you to persist in the Spirit of Pacification, because the one who seeks Peace and lives it radiates to their brothers and sisters and brings to the world the possibility that others may discover the Power of Peace and may live it.

Confirm day by day the union with Me, because My Heart vigils this world day and night, always attentive to a sincere call, a prayer filled with faith.

Children of mine, these are times of chaos in the whole world. It has been permitted by God that humanity may learn through the consequences of its own acts.  But today I say to you that this learning is not for all, because there exists the possibility of learning through Love and Peace.  You only need to walk towards this goal and in your lives sow actions that generate fruits meritorious for a life of Peace.

Peace is reached through the union with God, because if you are united to Him, you may understand His Plans; if you are united to God, you may find His Will in all the events of life and in everything you will find the perfect offer to be realized to the Lord, for all of those who live in the world and suffer even more, because they suffer in ignorance and in the lack of God.

My beloveds, to find the path of Christ, discover the resemblance that there is between your lives and the life of the Lord, and ask with fervor that He may help you to discover this unity between the Calvary of Christ and the Calvary that the whole world lives.

You must, in this time in which chaos is growing, learn to transcend the limits of the events of life and, as My Son has taught you, “to be in the world, without being of the world”.  Know that every experience brings learning and all learning brings a strengthening and an inner maturity.

A soldier will learn to be a soldier, battle after battle, and the soldiers of Christ will learn to merge themselves with Christ when, battle after battle, they may overcome themselves and their enemies, by loving them.

My dears, these are times of the discovering of love and of finding it in all, because all the difficulties of life bring to you an opportunity to love.  Just as My Son, embrace this cross that is being given to you as humanity and know that even in the time of Christ many carried a cross, but few knew how to love it and to find in it the liberation of the world.

Who will offer themselves to renew the sacrifice of Christ?  Who will find in pain the will to relieve the pain of the other?  Who will know how to forget themselves in order to truly love their enemies?  Who will be the sun of the new time that will remove from darkness those who did not know how to find the Light?  Who will accompany Me until the end, who will proclaim Peace and will live Hope in a world that is destroying itself?  Who will bring My Kingdom to Earth?  Who will summon themselves?

These are questions that your hearts must know how to answer in this time.  And to all of those who say yes, I say to you, that I will always be with you and that I will always accompany you.

Just pray, pray much and live Peace in your hearts.

This is My last call: Peace.

I love you and I bless you always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


My little children of Manaus and of the whole world,

As a faithful servant of God, I come to the world to light in the hearts the flame of Devotion, of Love and of Peace that day after day is being extinguished in the creatures of the Earth.

I come at the request of the Lord to remove from sleep those who are asleep and who do not accomplish the mission for which they are in this world.

My children, today I say to you that, for each creature of the Earth, God has a perfect plan, a learning to be realized and a mission to be accomplished.  And it is with the accomplishment of the mission of each being that the Plan of God for this Earth is constructed; only thus is manifested the new world, thought by the Lord.

My beloveds, today I also say to you that this world that humanity has constructed has only destroyed, over the centuries, the union that existed in the beginning among the creatures and their Creator.  Each day the hearts are seeing themselves more distant from the Divine and submerged in the endless illusion of the material prison that they have built for themselves.

And today I come to the world bringing between My arms Hope and, in My womb, a new race; a race that must arise from the rebirth of the souls that today live upon Earth, souls that must be renewed and redeemed before God so that, through His Holy Spirit, they may be born to a new life, a life that is the image and likeness of the Divine life.

My beloveds, I ask you to not fear to listen to My words, do not fear to follow My steps of pilgrimage, because in this time My voice echoes in the whole world, in search of the awakening of the souls, and I will not tire until the last of My children have listened to My voice.  I will not be able to walk in your shoes, if you do not want to follow Me, but to all I will show the path and will make the offer, so that they may have the opportunity of recognizing this awakening and electing where to follow.

My beloveds, there are no mysteries in My presence.  Those who open the heart, feel Me and I can dispel the doubts of their inner; those who open the path to Me, will see My acting in their lives and in their homes; those who permit Me, will see in themselves the miracle of My conversion; those who pray with Me, will see in the world the Power of My intercession.

Children of Mine, I will not ask you to repay anything, I will offer you all, I will give you sacrifice, but also Peace and the strength that will bring you to overcome all the trials that may come your way; I will show the path for the forgetfulness of yourself and I will fill all with Infinite Grace, Grace that is born from the donation to others, Grace that is born in service and in Jubilation, which is for the hearts to encounter  Christ in those most in need.

Feel today My Love in your spirits, My Mantle over your beings, My support, My help and, above all, My Peace.  Because for this I come to the world, to be with My children and to help them to cross the threshold of a new time.

I love you and I bless you today and always.

Your beloved Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
