In the history of humanity, will be written each detail of the days on which the Queen of Heaven extended Her reign over the world, and by means of Her infinite Love, conquered the hearts of Her children one by one; awakened them to their true celestial origin and guided them to the fulfillment of the Plans of God for each one of His creatures.

On the 31st of December of all the years of this world, the Love of God will descend once more over the world and over the consciousnesses of the creatures.  It will awaken the codes deposited by the Mother of Heaven, those which remained latent in the depth of many beings.

My children, in all these years that I have been among your little souls, the light of the Universe expanded itself, not only in your lives, but over all souls of the world, delivering to each one of them, the opportunity of being once participants of the Plans of the Lord and being able to become aware of their mission and the mission which this planet must accomplish before the whole universe.

My beloved, now that My Heart begins to retire to the depth of your beings, I want the world to understand the true motive of My Presence here on this Earth, which is not only to deliver a time of greater peace to humanity.  The peace that the world will live will be the result of the conversion and awakening of souls.

I have not come to the world only to teach you how to pray, but prayer is the basic principle that opened the doors of the inner universe of your beings, so that in this time you could express the truth of your consciousnesses.

All this time, as in all centuries that My Presence permeated the world, I have been preparing the hearts and making them faithful to God, so that in the final times they would not have fear of understanding a superior truth, which is far beyond from what humanity comprehends as superior life.

I want those who feel ready, to take a new step in consciousness and allow the true awakening to be a reality for their lives.

Time has come to forget the past and release all the roots that bonds you with the mistakes made by your own selves and by others, so that you may untie the knots that do not allow you to get out from this purely material reality, reality which is so far from what you truly are and from what you must truly manifest.

​Each 31st day of December will open a new cycle to humanity, through the impulses that My Immaculate Heart will send you.

You will discover year after year what really happened with your lives and with the planetary life while I was here in this world.

You will discover who I really Am and the greatness of the moments in which I gathered you around My universal mantle of light.

You will discover that in My words there were truths that you could have never comprehended, until you opened the heart and the consciousness to do so.

You will discover that you believed to already know what I dealt with in the world, because some already had a little bit more of knowledge about the superior life, but that only the living of the superior principles and of everything learned would allow you to be true knowers of My words and the words of the Divine Messengers.

You will discover that I Am more than the presence of the Virgin Mary of Nazareth and that, despite having been the same, you will comprehend that God was in Me, as in His Son, and with a different mission, He expressed Himself in His Servant.

You will discover that this world is sacred to the eyes of God and that the whole universe awaits the life thought by the Creator, that today is so distant from the human reality, to be manifested here.

You will discover that the seeds have grown and borne fruits, and then you will comprehend what you are, where you come from, what you must manifest and to where you will return when the time comes.

I love you and ask you that despite of yourselves you persist and put all the love in the fulfillment of what I tell you, because God speaks in the Word of His Servant and reveals His Will to the world.

Completely surrender yourselves to the Divine Will and allow the Mother of the World to gestate the Trinity in your consciousnesses.

I bless you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


May My eyes be the living sun that illuminates your paths.  Through My presence in your lives, there will never be darkness that confuses you or lack of faith that separates you from God.

My beloveds, may the rays that come from the sun of the world be the same that come from the Heart of God, by means of His Servant.

Feel these rays of the sun of this world which represent My Fire and the Fire of the Heart of My Son, which come to the world in order to liberate it from all evil.

I come among the clouds surrounded by Celestial Light in order to announce a new time of great changes, a time which you must enter consciously.

I arrive in this city in order to show you that not even the greatest beauty built by the hands of humans can be compared to the Celestial greatness.

All of what you can see around you, built by human hands, are illusions that imprison the heart to matter and to material desires, while all that comes from the Divine Creation liberates the soul and makes it come out of itself in order to merge itself with the Source of Creation.

My beloveds, My presence arrives to this city, as a last hope in order for this nation to awaken definitively to its mission.

I know that many think that there are greater illusions in the world, greater wealth, greater perdition, but I say to you My dears, that this nation represents for God one of the pillars of His redeeming project and must comply with its primary mission in this time.  For this, here, in this nation, I create one of My main houses of the world so that it may radiate conversion and awakening for all.

I hope to find here a strong group of prayer able to balance, through faith, all the lack of union with God that exists.  But for this dear children, I need souls that are truly committed to the Divine Purpose and that do not hesitate to abandon all illusions and mundane desires in order to dedicate their lives to the fulfillment of the Plan of God.

Today I want to leave you an impulse for the total consecration of your lives to God, in this way you will be able to balance the faults of this world.

In this time that will come only a true and full consecration will be able to balance the evils of the world.  It will be necessary that besides prayer, there is a consecration of the souls that surrender themselves completely to God and renounce all of what this world can offer them in order to live a life that goes against all of the human currents, those which purify and renew them.  Thus, little by little, this humanity must become sacred.

My beloveds, My voice echoes in this world with softness and purity, with love and with forgiveness, but there will be the time of Justice and those who did not reconcile themselves with God will have to live the consequences of their union with evil.

I warn you in this time, in order that there may be no doubts in your hearts.  As your Mother it is up to Me to tell you the truth.  For this, give thanks to God for My words and be consistent with what your hearts dictate.

I love you and I will guide you every time you want to follow My steps.

May this nation be consecrated and this city be redeemed by prayer and consecration of the hearts that are faithful to their Creator.

I bless you today and forever.

Mary, Mother and Universal Queen


I want to call by the name those of My soldiers who must answer to the commitment that they have with Me and for this, My voice echoes in the interior of your beings as an unknown impulse that invites you to prayer, to service to the most in need, to reconciliation with your families, and to the understanding towards the other.  These, children of Mine, are the manifestations of My impulses in their hearts.

I want to build in My children the principle of the new life which will not be in any way unattainable by the souls of this world.

I just ask you for prayer, to strengthen the spirit, to purify the past and to generate merits for the redemption of the souls and of the whole world.

I ask you for fasting to balance the injustices of the world.

I ask you to be peacemakers, to break for good the chain of evil that ties humanity and impedes the evolution of all the kingdoms of nature.

I ask you for reconciliation, to open the doors to new opportunities for the souls.

I ask you for fraternity, to build the basis of the new life upon the Earth.

I ask you for love, so that it may be the air that will breathe the new world and without which this universe will not be able to exist.

I ask you for conversion so that you may stop being what you are and abandon the impulses that this world has built in yourselves, in order to be just like what the Creator has thought, living in this way all the principles that today I have delivered to you.

Is it too much what I ask you?

With everything that the Celestial Universe has delivered to you, just follow the words of those who were sent by the Lord and, in this way, all the Graces that I have deposited in your essences will be able to sprout, grow, bloom and bear fruit so that other souls may reach the same awakening or an even deeper one.

My beloveds, listen with attention to My words and seek between the lines the truths that in other times I did not reveal to the world.

This humanity has already been in evolution for a long time.  The moment has already come that a new and very great step may be taken by the consciousnesses of this world, and for this, it is necessary to be open of heart and to know that you know nothing.

Trust in what I tell you and in what I will tell you in the times that will come.   I want to prepare you for this end of cycle so that the events may find you ready.

Do not despair.  Do not seek for solutions outside of the heart.  The only preparation that I ask you is prayer, fasting, peace, reconciliation, forgiveness, love, and fraternity among the beings.  Thus, you will be able to cross the old time and to enter into the new time that will lead you.

Do not forget, My dears: pray, serve and act always with love.

These are the keys for the times that will come.

I love you and bless you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Blessed will be those who open their eyes and their hearts to universal truths and that during their lives remember that an origin exists to which they must return. Children, in these times in which humanity becomes lost through the tricks of the enemy, I invite you to be soldiers of My Marian army, so that, through prayer, you can remove from the webs of evil those who become lost each day.

In this time, I want you to also be intelligent, and through the heart, discover that prayer is the key that will free you from all darkness, and will keep an illuminated path before your eyes, which you must follow so as to accomplish the Plans of the Lord and His Divine Will.

Today I tell you that, while evil subdues many souls in this world, there must be those capable of converting into life all the words that were given to them throughout these seven years in which I am by the side of you all.

My beloveds, I want you to strive, in this time that is coming, to live the attributes of My Immaculate Heart; attributes that I have given you some time ago, so that you may achieve the principles of a new race.

My words must not become beautiful words for the moments when you need consolation. My words must give you the impulse to a new time, a new race that is capable of reflecting their likeness to the Creator of all things.

My dear ones, each day humanity draws further away from their likeness with God, and the Divine essence that the Almighty Lord placed in all His creatures is beginning to go out in many. For this reason, I ask that you not spare your efforts for once again igniting the Divine essence in your brothers and sisters, and within yourselves. For this, do not tire of praying and crossing the thresholds of this universe of prayer, which is still so unknown to all.

My beloveds, respond to My Call so that you not be surprised in the times that will come. Understand now that all I request of you is urgent and vital, not only for your lives but for all humanity.

Today I want to leave My blessing upon the city of Buenos Aires and upon all homes of the world, which in one way or another have opened their doors to Me. I ask that these blessings and graces I have given you not only be in your lives, for there are many souls that do not know Me and do not know I am here, waiting for them to open the doors of their hearts to Me. Thus, go and be carriers of all the graces given so that those who have most forgotten God may be touched by the cells of His Divine Kingdom, which I leave you today through My Word, in your lives and in your essences.

Multiply the blessings that you receive through prayer and the living testimony of My presence in the world. Announce that a new time must come.

Through love, teach how to love. Through the heart, teach how to pray. Through peace, teach how to bring peace to this world so full of sorrow.

I count on your hearts, which in this time must be the entryway for My Immaculate Heart to reach the world.

I love you and thank you all for hearing My Call.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


I will always be at the side of those who cry out for My Presence. I will always accompany those who work day and night so that My Marian work may be a reality in this world.

My sacred eyes are always fixed upon those who allow Me to reach the most forgotten and allow My call to be spread throughout this world. My Mantle will always be over those who allow My Presence to be a reality in the life of all beings, because through your lives, bear witness to the Divine Presence in the world.

My beloveds, I am always present in your lives, in spite of only a few being able to see Me. I always accompany your prayers, for each one of them is precious to God. I am in each letter you write while you work; in every word you utter when you seek  solutions for the difficulties in life and in this Sacred Mission.

I want to be in your hearts, telling you how to move forward. I want you to hear My voice and not distrust that it is I Who is talking, because even though My Presence will shortly withdraw, I want to withdraw into your hearts, and even though My visionaries will one day not repeat My sacred Words anymore, My wish is that in this time, this Divine Word to be already pulsating in your beings and to be renewed every day in your hearts.

I came to the world and was so close to all of you so that you could know Me and learn to feel My Heart and know when I was present.

My beloveds, I will never abandon you, because My Immaculate Heart is omnipresent and wishes to live within each of your hearts, just like My Son. I want to make of your hearts the simple and sacred dwelling place of Nazareth, a dwelling that was the refuge of the Sacred Family, that saw the Child Jesus grow and transform into the Living Christ; a dwelling where the Sacred Family lived in perfect communion with God and managed to live the divine archetype, even while being on Earth.

My dear ones, be joyful, because today a new cycle is beginning and each time I withdraw a little more from this world, the more present I must be in your hearts. Each time you cease to hear My voice echoing in the voice of My visionaries, the more the voice should be echoing within you.

My beloveds, the closer the end times come, the more you must be prepared and strengthened to live what you must experience as humanity, and whenever you see that one of your giving up, the greater your efforts must be and the hope that one day this brother or sisters will return to their original mission.

Each time someone stops working on this Plan, you must multiply your efforts and not let the love in your hearts go out, but rather, grow in love and understanding, which dissolve the darkness and supports in difficulties.

In this time, My beloveds, I tell you that if there is no love in your hearts, there will be no peace. Love so as to always be peacemakers and understand so as to know how to love.

I thank you for opening the door of this sacred house to Me, which I come to every day, but where many still have not perceived Me.

Know that I am here all the time and want to find you in prayer and faith. Speak with Me and ask Me for advice in difficulties. I will speak to your heart.

I love you and bless you,

Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira

Weekly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The celestial mysteries are so infinite and the Graces so great that you receive in this time, that the Portals of Heaven open where there is a heart willing to surrender everything out of love for God and His most great Will.

My children, when the soul cries out, the universe sends a response.

I am here to give you My final blessing for these times. I am here because your spirits call Me, and from the inner planes of this world, the blessed, who work for the Creator for the salvation of humanity, asked for My help.

My children, on this last day of the Monthly Message, I want to tell you that there are many operators of the Lord, saints and the blessed, who made themselves available to remain in this world to help all of you. These consciousnesses, greatly sacrificing, also lived on this planet with a human heart, just like what you carry at the center of your beings, but they achieved a degree of perfect love, charity and surrender, and today, they leave you their example so that you may follow in their footsteps.

My beloveds, seek to understand My Words with the heart, and those that do understand Me, I tell you that the time has come for taking an evolutionary leap and finally live what for the universe has taught you for so long.

How to do this?

My dears, within your hands, take all the instructions the Divine Messengers have left in this world, and read between the lines of each paragraph, in this way, you will see how you did not pay attention and how much you still have to understand about this life on Earth.

My beloved children, in these pages I want to leave you infinite possibilities for awakening, but for this, you must find the beginning of each impulse that I leave for each of you.

My children, while studying My Words, you will see your own spiritual growth, you will see how I was leading you toward a life that goes beyond the intellect and material life.

My Heart united all souls, from those that only fed the mind to those who only depend on the heart and on faith. I want those who studied much, learned and discovered universal mysteries, to be able to learn to merge all they learned with faith and the heart full of the Spirit of God; and those who only depend on faith in their hearts, to be able to be assisted in gradually discovering the many mysteries that are held in infinity and within this world. These are times of spiritual synthesis, times for all to contribute, on the great table of human communion, the best they hold in their beings.

My dears, I want you to know that the doors of My Marian Centers must always be open for those that left and need to return, for those who need to leave so as to learn what they have chosen, and for those who have never come here and who are being called by the Light of the Divine Spirit of the Creator.

I want to see you strong and unafraid, but meek and peaceful. I want to find you decisive, more understanding, to know how to provide what is lacking in the one beside you at this time. I want you to be the perfect complement to each other so that together you may form this great construct that the Divine Messengers are accomplishing.

This is the time for a great step in consciousness. For those who take the risk, all help will be given. I want you to know that even those that were not capable of crossing this threshold on their own, if they reach out their hands, they will be lifted up to a degree that, through Grace, can be achieved.

My dears, in spite of everything, never cease to trust in the Plans of God, because they will be able to be accomplished, even with just one soul that says 'yes' to the Creator and lives His perfect archetype with love.

I want to thank you for still today being together with My Heart and for trusting in My Presence, beyond all doubts that the world generates in your minds.

I love you, and will continue with you until the end of days.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


I Am the Holy Virgin, Untier of Knots that comes to your lives to free them from all evil.

I Am your Holy Universal Mother, the one who shelters you under Her universal mantle of Peace, so that the sieges of the enemy may not take you out of the path in which God has placed you.

Children of Mine, I look at the world and see that many are still asleep in the illusion of the material life; others think they are awake but they are still involved in the deceptions of the enemy and in the depths cultivate the desires of achievements of the life in matter.  Very few are those who are truly awake and who already have dissolved all expectations in relation to life in matter, to surrender themselves completely to the life of the spirit.

My beloveds, I ask you to pray because within prayer you will find all the keys that you need as humanity.  It is not only to prayer of itself that I want to lead you, but it is necessary that you comprehend that prayer is the master key that opens all the doors of the celestial universe.

Prayer will bring you the awakening; it will bring the protection that you will need, especially of your souls.  Prayer will bring you the comprehension of every doubt, will bring you the discernment for more definitive decisions.  Prayer will dissolve the influences of the enemy upon your minds and upon your hearts.  Prayer will bring you healing, will bring you Peace.

My beloveds, I have the sovereignty to move all the universes and, in spite of this, the only tool that I count on is the true and pure prayer, that which can transform any obstacle, dissolve any type of darkness and activate in the universe the Mirrors of Light that radiate to the world.

Discover in this time the power of prayer.  Take a risk to surpass the limits of matter and of the illusion of the material life in order to discover the power of the word issued from the heart.

My beloveds, if you believe in My Presence and trust in My words, you will never stop praying.  Never let the enemy put in your lives priorities greater than daily prayer because, beyond that which you need to build in this world, you should build the inner fortress through prayer.

The fruits generated by the material efforts will be dissolved at the end of this life in matter, but the fruits delivered through prayer will define not only that which you will live in this world, but everything that you will be able to experience in the next, for all of eternity. My dears, dive into the universe of prayer.  Pray, pray all the time, in this way you will make room for God to act in your lives.

I Am the Untier of Knots, the one who carries in the hands the difficulties of those that surrender themselves to My path of Peace and through prayer dissolve all the knots of this rope which should take you to the superior life.  Hold on firmly to this rope that I throw to the world and allow yourselves to ascend to the Celestial Kingdom.

I love you and ask you tirelessly: pray, pray and pray, because you still have not discovered the true power of prayer. I bless you always.

Holy Mary, Untier of Knots

Message for the Special Apparition in the Marian Center of Espírito Santo, transmitted by Mary, Universal Mother and Solar Mother to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The doors of the Seventh Heaven are open so that humanity can approach the gifts that will allow it to cross the threshold that separates it from the Great Kingdom.

My children, with joy I come to the world to bring to your lives an opportunity of redemption and permanent renewal. Know that to achieve the fulfillment of the Plans of God it is necessary to renew oneself by the adherence to this Plan every day.

In this last time, all the winds blow for the strength of the soldiers of God, self-summoned for these times. Many can think that the winds blow to make them lose and give up carrying the flag that they have been holding in their hands for so long, but I tell you, My children, that all the winds and storms you have to experience in this time, within and outside of you, will forge the soldier of Christ so that the victory of the Lord within your souls can last throughout the centuries and be strengthened for when the true time comes to establish the good and the kingdom of the Universal Love in all spaces of this infinite.

Therefore, do not get discouraged in the face of difficulties. Know that the greater the proof, the greater will be the inner strength and maturing, and also the more love of the Plan of God will be molded in your essences and in all the particles of your beings.

You must experience a battle on all the levels of consciousness in this time, because even the smallest cell of your bodies will be purified so that all life that inhabits the Superior Life is adhered to what must be built in this world, and that is why I am here, consecrating and consoling you every day.

I come to the world tirelessly, because I know the greatness that will come from the soul that opens itself to truly experience the Divine Purpose within itself.

I know the Plan of the Highest, My Beloveds, because He was gestated in My Universal Womb. I know what the Thought of God is for each of His creatures, therefore I can speak to your heart about the steps that each one must take at this time to achieve redemption and peace, principles without which the Greater Plan cannot be fulfilled.

My Beloveds, through My Words I mold the Law of the Spirit of God so that you can understand it and more than that, so that you can enter into the higher universe of greater understanding to which these Words lead you.

Let me permeate you with My Divine and universal Word and open your heart and consciousness so that I can make you understand My Words and I can lead you to the purpose for which they were spoken today.

I called you to the Marian Center of Holy Spirit with the purpose of definitely consecrating it to My Heart and thus, to hand over to humanity, one more door of salvation, because from now on, it will not be the laws of Earth that will govern this place, it will be the Divine Laws and the Power of My Heart of Light that will mold the Will of the Lord in each thing. And, for every soul that approaches here I want the doors to be opened for them, knowing that you are opening the doors to their redemption.

Each word that is pronounced among you in this place must be My Word of life, that descends upon the most simple things and strengthens the union and fraternity among the beings at each moment. Each action that you experience must be an act of union with your neighbor and with God, so that the souls may receive the opportunity to mold the impulses that they receive from the Highest in the whole life of matter.

My Beloveds, I want to make this Marian Center a door to the Seventh Heaven, and make each one of you, the gatekeepers that lead the souls to a higher reality. May this be the refuge for the souls that search so much and never manage to find the Divine Life.

I love you and bless you under the Light of My Universal Mantle.

Be happy and rejoice because a new time must come for all. Always renew yourselves before My Presence, so you will not miss the opportunity to follow the path of your evolution and you will not stop in this material world.

I am more than you can see, feel or understand, but if you do not open yourselves to discover the power of My Presence, and just hold on to what the world teaches you about Mary, you will never find the path for a superior life.

Let My Words sound in your hearts and listen to them, each time, as if you know nothing, for if you think you already know everything about what I say to you, you will miss the opportunity to discover the impulses stored between the lines of My Words.

Under the Light of the Spirit of God, I bless you and I consecrate you for all of eternity.

Mary, Mother and Universal Queen


I want that My mantle of universal healing be expanded to the world and to reach the most forgotten, the sick of body, of soul and of spirit, those who die in life and those who are no longer in this world, so that all the wounds of the past and of the present may be able to heal and to be cured before My Heart.

I am the Lady of Aurora, that which dawns in the heart of those who live in darkness whenever a little hope lives there.

My dears I truly want to come to the world in order to touch each particle of life, because My Heart has a celestial power to transform everything that was created, to allow for the creation of God return to its original path and fulfill this purpose for which it was created.  But it is necessary that the hearts of the world give Me a sign, a permission, no matter how small it is.

I do not come to ask you for great works, neither for great sacrifices.  I come to ask you for that which humanity does not want to give to God, that is a humble heart, meek, kind, fraternal and serving; a heart that prays, that contemplates its Lord in all things; a heart that knows how to find and follow the path left by Christ.

My beloveds, many in the world aspire to great things, heroic deeds, which are recognized by all, great acts of service and charity, but few know that the greatest service is found in forgetfulness of self and in the love of others, those who you have on your side every day.

If you want to heal, together with Me, the indifference of the world and all the injustices engendered by lack of love, then begin by transforming the lack of love that exists in your lives, among the servants of  God.  Walk towards the living of a full, permanent love, which accepts all imperfections, in this way to heal them.

I want those who are self-summoned for this time to be carriers of the Living Message of Christ.  That His Divine Word is not only in their mouths or in their public actions.  May the actions of Christ be permanent in the more hidden actions of your lives, because these are the ones that have more value in the eyes of the Creator that sees all.

My beloveds, I come on the day of today so that the Universal Healing may descend and be expanded upon the world.  For this I speak to you about all these things, which are the roots of human suffering and of all diseases.

May love be your only remedy, and may prayer be the path to traverse in order to find this love.

I thank you always for persisting in answering to My Call, and on this day I ask you to not only come to My encounter every day, but that you live My words.  In this way you will open the doors so that the healing that I bring in My arms may be poured not only upon you but upon the whole world.

I love you profoundly and I bless you, so that you may be tireless in the face of the tests that God sends to you.

May the Peace and the Universal Healing be today in your lives.

Mary, Lady of Aurora

Monthly Message of the Virgin and Mother of Divine Mercy, the Most Holy Mary, transmitted in the city of Asunción, Paraguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

As Mother of Divine Mercy, I come to the world, with the Light of My Son, to heal and redeem all those who are so in need of forgiveness, redemption and peace, and who are on Earth, lost from God and forsaken of heart.

I am the Holy Mother of all peoples, of all races.

I am the same One who is hidden in the mountains, Caacupé, as the One who was found in the waters, Aparecida.

I am the One who delivers freedom to the 33, I am the One who comes to those who need to take a new step, and I give the world the fruits of a Figueira of love.

I am the One who brings to souls the Spirit of God and conceives the Divine Trinity in hearts.

I am the Queen of Peace, I am the Mother of the Divine Verb.

I am the Mother of the world, the universe and of all of you.

Those who decide to be under My Mantle recognize My Countenance in all the manifestations of the world and know I am the same one in Heaven as on Earth, and that I come to teach you that nothing should be separate, not in this world, nor in others.

My beloveds, I travel through the nations to unite the peoples, even if it be through their representatives. I come to build that network of light, which must light up the planet through prayer, when the sun no longer shines in the sky of this world.

I want to see in My children the light that illumines the paths of those who walk in darkness. I want to form you, so that the Holy Spirit may find a dwelling place in your consciousnesses, and others who did not have the Grace of being in My Presence may find Me in their hearts.

My dear children, blessed are they who take the risk of responding to the call of God. Now I ask you to allow that call to become a fertile seed in your essences, and little by little, be a life that testifies to conversion and faith for those who have forgotten God.

In the simplicity of your hearts, may the door be found through which My Son will return to the world. May your hearts be humble, so that they may became the cradle of the poor but blessed inner Bethlehem, which will receive the New Child, so that for the second and last time, He may remove the evil that torments the heart of humankind and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Beloved of My Heart, begin today through your little lives to prepare the path of the Lord. Once and for all, remove from your lives all that which does not belong in this humble manger of Bethlehem.

Once again, the Birth of Christ is announced to the world, and now, He will be born in many hearts, and others He will cause to be reborn in life, for redemption and the institution of Peace.

I am the bearer of Mercy, Who asks of you: be merciful, so that the Kingdom of God may descend to the world.

I bless you and thank you, because Divine Grace descended upon this place and your lives were filled by the divine presence.

I love you.

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of Divine Mercy


The miracles are for everyone because it is only the faith in each heart which opens the doors, so that Laws that are not from this world can act.

A few centuries ago I performed the greatest miracle of the conversion of this country because a simple and pure Indian fully trusted in My Presence, because he knew that I was observing him all of the time.  In this moment of danger, with faith he invoked Me and I came to him because I knew that this faith would be imprinted in the history of humanity, as it was so true and crystalline.

His eyes shone before My Presence because not only could he feel My protection, but also he saw My gaze and My maternal smile, he heard the sweet voice of the Lady of Heavens who told him: “Do not fear.”

At this moment, My mantle lit up in celestial Light and My sacred protection descended upon the world in such a way that those who were persecuting   the loyal Indian could not find him.

I tell you this story, My beloveds, because I want to repeat it every day in your lives.  But for this it is necessary that faith be greater than fear and doubts.  It is necessary to fully trust in My presence and in prayer to tell Me what you need because I will listen to you.  Issue to the Universe a petition for redemption and it will come to your aid in order to release you from all the evil that persecutes you.

My beloveds, this world is almost completely submerged in darkness.  Just a few are those who truly hear the Voice of God and follow it. The modernities and illusions distract the hearts of My children.  And even those who trust in God the Father cannot unite themselves with the others because the differences between the beliefs have separated them completely.

My beloveds, today I call you to the living unity and fraternity so that you may know that there does not exist in this world only one single true religion.  All are children of God and because they so different in this world, there are many ways to arrive to the Father.  What matters is that you be truthful in everything that you do and that your prayers are done with love, for the good and for the redemption of all humanity.

I invite you to the universal ecumenism, to be able to pulse in only one heart, with all of your brothers and sisters of the world. The army of the Creator must be one and only, independent of the faith of each one of you.

My beloveds, I call you to live a love without frontiers or distinctions of race, without religion, without  culture, so that you can enter into the Kingdom of God where all are one, the Essence of the Creator of all things.

As this loyal Indian who was for humanity as a ray of the sun, trust in My presence and in My protection.

My mantle today descends upon this city, as well as upon this world to push away from My children all that prevents them from evolving and elevating themselves to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

I love you and I thank you for the faith in the Lady of Caacupé, who is your protector for these and for all times.

Be My companions all of the days and permit other beings in the world to awaken and to receive such great Graces.

Be praying soldiers of this army of light and bring My peace for all.

Pray, pray every day with your heart.  Pray as you know how to pray.  Cry out for this world as you do for yourselves and for your relatives. The world is your great family and needs a lot of help.

I thank you for accompanying my steps.

I bless you and I love you always.

Mary, Lady of Caacupé and of all the hearts of the world  


As a bird that flies over the world I come in search of those who have not awakened for My last Call.

Many have heard the resounding of My voice throughout the centuries but few were those who could truly understand the essence of what they were living.

For the first time in the history of humanity the Woman Dressed of the Sun comes to reveal Her true Face so that the beings of this Earth may be able to get out from the ignorance in which they find themselves in life.  For this I prepared you for such a long time so that you may be able to be the hands that will remove the veils of human unconsciousness.  But for this My children, it is necessary that unconsciousness itself be healed and that your hearts have already defined themselves in this time of purification.

I need firm hearts that are aware of the essence of these times and that do not have their attention on what they live here on Earth, but on what they will live in the universe, from that which they have achieved in this world.

My children, all will be purified in this time.  There will not be a soul upon the surface of the Earth that will not live its moment of purification.  For this I ask you today that you affirm yourselves in the Power of prayer and in the love of the unknown because in this way, when the time comes to purify and to balance all the debts that you have before God, you will do it upon a strong foundation that will sustain you in the correct path and that will show you that you are living what was foreseen for you and that will soon pass.

My beloveds, if you affirm yourselves in prayer you will be able to purify yourselves in a more harmonious way because in spite of all inner suffering, you will count on My aid that in some way will lead you and shelter you always.  But if on the contrary, you do not build this praying foundation, you may be very confused in this moment, allowing the enemy to tell to your heart lies that will have a tone of plain truths, diverting your souls that for so long persevered in fidelity on this path.

I want you to grow up My beloveds, definitively.  The times of today are no longer the same as yesterday.  Do not wish to keep within and outside you the same planetary scenery because this will not be possible.

The one who may get attached to the images of the past will suffer the abrupt transformation that the world lives.  But the one who may let themselves be transformed and may allow the internal structures to be demolished will never suffer because they will be transformed together with the world and, in spite of living internally the chaos that is lived externally, they will also see in themselves emerging a new life when this life is stabilized in the world.

I do not want you to be scared with what you live, but know that many will not be able to support the internal and external transformations and purifications.  But for all the merits that you have generated, your evolution will still be able to be saved, even if it may be in the level of the spirit.

My beloveds, My words resound with the tone of these times because you must be mature to understand what truly happens in the world.  Have childish eyes no longer before the reality that waits for you to mature, but rather with firm feet.  On this boat of salvation, row, row without faltering. 

I Am the Mother of Figueira, the fig tree which gives the sap of Life so that its fruit may not wilt.  In Me are united Earth and Heaven, Spirit and matter, the new and the old human.

Understand that if My presence were not among you, the self-summoned would not be able to answer to their commitment.

I Am the voice of the Divine Truth.  That one who listens to Me with attention will find in Me each step to be taken.  In My words is found the path for the materialization of the Plans of God.  Do not be deaf in face of the Divine Word.  Follow the echo of the Celestial Messenger.

I love you and I conduct you to the Heart of Christ, the Universal King.

Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira

Monthly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

I want My Omnipresence to be demonstrated to the world and that the Power of My Heart, which is incomprehensible to many, is able to touch your lives to completely transform them.

One day, I will look down from the Kingdom of the Heavens and in the world, I will contemplate the fruits of so many impulses sent by God.

Today I want to calm your hearts, so that you may know that the steps are being taken in your spirits and that your souls are complying with the many impulses you have received. 

I tell you this, for I see many hearts that are distressed, because they believe that they are not responding to My call; but I tell you, My dears, that your souls are precious in the Eyes of God, Who does not find in the world those who open their hearts to live His Words, which descend through His Messengers.

While My Voice resounds in unison through so many hearts, it also enters into your essences and strengthens them.

I see in your lives today the fruits of prayer, because divine purity already has room in your essences, and many can confirm what I tell you.

My dears, although the times place you in many tests and the life in matter as well as the life of the spirit demand more and more attention from your beings, I want you to be firm on this path and to  count on My maternal assistance.

Many suffer because they do not truly believe in the miraculous power of divine transformation, which transforms the hardest clay into a cup to be filled by the Love of God and by His Holy Spirit.

My beloved ones, let the Gift of Hope be a reality for all the beings of this world, because it is possible to experience a special state of Grace in this time and become a sacred instrument of God, who permanently accomplishes His Plan.

My beloved ones, do not be afraid of healing your hearts and of surrendering your faults to Me. Do not be ashamed of what you once were or what you still want to be because of the impulses of the world; rather, just as you are, walk towards these arms that open to your hearts and invite them into a divine embrace.

May the power of My Immaculate Heart transform your souls and essences and give you the courage and valor to continue forward.

Do not fear, do not stop; only walk and abandon the past. I will gather up what you leave along the way and carry it to the Feet of the Creator as a sample of the transformation of humanity, so as to generate merits for others to receive redemption.

I fondly love you and I thank you, today and forever, for responding to My Divine Call.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace



Once again I come to your encounter as Mother and Lady of Kibeho, Lady of the Divine Word, so that you may know that in this time I aspire ardently to concretize My Plans for Peace in the world.  Plans that humanity was not able to follow, but the time of spiritual maturity has already come in which you may be able to recognize truths that before you did not comprehend.

My dears, My presence in the world is not only a miracle that brings you peace and relief in the daily necessities.  I want to build in this world the mirror of the Kingdom of God and in your souls the perfect imitations of the Glorious Soul of Christ, of His Most Sacred Love and Unity.

My beloveds, My Heart comes to the world with a greater purpose than that which you can imagine with your very little minds.  There is a Purpose to be manifested, a divine inspiration that comes from the mind of God for this planet with the purpose of making it sacred. 

Already, many times and in different parts of world, My voice made itself heard and My Immaculate Heart showed Itself to different children of Mine that had a commitment with Me to surrender their lives to bring to the world My message and, more than words, bring the awakening of the Christic Spirit present in each one of them.

I was in Guadalupe, in Japan, in Egypt, in Portugal, in Rwanda, in Spain, in France, in Bosnia; in all forms I tried that the souls could awaken to My Call.

I was among the Incas, among the original peoples, among the Christians, among the atheists so that there would be no one who would not hear My Call.

Now My beloveds, I Am here trying once again so that the consciousnesses of the world may open their eyes and awaken definitively.

By means of this group of souls that I have summoned to spread My Call, I come to gather all of My manifestations in this world, in order to deposit, for the last time, all the codes that the Creator has allowed Me to bring to the world and to each one of your lives.

Because of a request of Mine, this group brings as a religion the Christic Essence present in all things, so that there is not a single soul that, because of creed or religion, is not able to hear My Call.

These are times of emergency and for this reason, great is the Grace that descends from the Heavens.

Today I summon you with love so that you can be united with this army of Peace that through prayer travels through the world alleviating the thirst of the souls and generating merits so that the Divine Justice may not descend over humanity as it would merit because of its actions.

My dears, what I offer you is surrender and sacrifice, but also Peace and Fraternity.

It will not be simple to bring My words to the world.  Not everyone will believe in what I can show you when you remove the veils that cover your eyes.  But the example of conversion and of life will be the most powerful tool that you will be able to take with you in this time.

No matter what happens to you in this world I promise you eternal life in the Paradise of God, where Love is the greatest treasure, the most powerful sword and the shield of greater protection with which to fight the celestial army.

My beloveds, that God may illuminate each one of your souls so that you may be able to finally live the redemption and the awakening.

I love you profoundly and thank you for, once again, replying to My Call and for treading this path of conversion.

Mary, Our Lady of Kibeho

So that the Divine Word may impregnate your souls and your lives eternally.


My dears:

Today I want My Mantle to expand to all spaces of this world and that, little by little, you may contemplate My All-Encompassing face, the face in which I keep with Love everything that was created in this universe.

My beloveds, in order to comprehend My presence, you must contemplate the peace and the harmony that you feel in your hearts before My Immaculate Heart.

Today I reveal to you the face of the Mother of the Supreme Nature in order to give birth in your beings to the love and the devotion for these kingdoms so beloved to the Creator.

My beloveds, today I bring you together around My white Mantle of light enveloped by celestial flowers, within which are guarded the mysteries of Creation, within which is guarded the love that God places in everything that was created.

My dears, from My Mantle comes divine creativity, from My Heart comes the source of all universal beauty, through My eyes are lit up the stars in Heaven and the suns on Earth.  I Am the manifestation of Peace, which must return to the world, and through Me your hearts will attain the unity with the Whole represented in the Most Sacred Heart of My Son.

My beloveds, may you give today Glory and Graces from being assembled around this door of Peace and Mercy for the world.  You were called one by one to surrender everything for the love of God in order to by means of the prayer of the heart, discover the celestial mysteries, awaken the love for everyone, and the unity with everything that is life manifested and invisible.

Today My Heart approaches to your little hearts to heal them through the flame of My Universal Love.  My dears, may this flame lit by the Divine presence never be put out but that it may be multiplied so that other souls of the world may light themselves up before the Universal Light.

Today before the face of the Divine Creation may you comprehend the importance that My Heart reaches the whole world and that other consciousnesses receive the awakening, because it will be through the Mother of the World My dears, that the doors of the heart will be opened and will permit that the veils of unconsciousness be torn down, that the beings may contemplate the new future and the origin of their essences and, in this way the Greater Plan be fulfilled.

Know that I leave you a key to open the doors of the heart: prayer and communion with all the Kingdoms of Nature, which will always make you grow.

I love you, I bless you and I hope I will be able to count on the help of all, so that My Mantle may expand throughout this world and that I may reach more souls and more hearts.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Mary, Mother of Supreme Nature


My beloveds,

While the world agonizes and many souls suffer the consequences of their actions others are blessed by the Grace of My presence.

To the ones who sleep I give My Mercy so that one day they may be able to awaken and become worthy children of God the Father and the Savior.   To those who are awake I give My Grace so that they may be able to become soldiers of My Marian army.

Today My dears, I return to this city because I wish to find here more than the spirit of Devotion.  Here must beat the active heart of this nation, so beloved to the Lord and to My Immaculate Heart.

I still see much illusion in the world, I still see that the souls do not understand My Call because they do not allow My Word to completely transform them. 

My dears, the moment has come for My presence to become alive in the hearts of those who listen to Me. Up until this moment I have been building a union of your hearts with Mine in order to lead them to the Most Sacred Heart of My Son.  But now My dears, is the moment for this Grace that you receive of being with Me to not only be the reason for the relief of your anguishes and fears, because the world is in need of beings who are awake, of soldiers who are willing to surrender all out of Love of God and for the salvation of the souls.

My dears, I want to tell you that I do not come to the world only to find you in devotion and in faith.  I want to find the hearts more conscious of the time in which they live because much has been said and little that you could truly understand.

Those who have listened to Me did not truly believe in My words because if they had their lives would already be other lives and in their inner would dwell another strength that is not of the world.

I want that My words get to the hearts in order to touch them with Celestial Love and that they also get to the depths of your beings in order to transform you into instruments of the Heart of God.

For all the Graces that I have given to you I ask you to truly listen to My Call.   Doubt no longer about My presence because My Heart has made you feel and has touched your souls, dissipating the fear of encountering the Divine.  Now is the moment to grow up and to wait for My arrival, as a companion of Christ, the one who waits for Him so that together with Him they may be able to manifest the Will of the Father.

My dears, there was a time in which the men and women of Jerusalem listened with attention to the words of their Master.  They awakened the devotion and the trust in His Divine Word, they accompanied Him in His Passion, they cried for His death and they glorified Him in His Resurrection and after His Sacred ascension, they became His eternal Apostles, companions of His Divine Love and, for all eternity, they awaited His presence, surrendering the life so that other souls could achieve the awakening.

Now My dears, these men and women of Jerusalem must reemerge in order to wait, to sit at the table of Redemption, for the Glorious return of Christ and reconfirm the commitment that as humanity they made with His Divine Heart.

These men and women of Jerusalem must sit again at the table of My Son, share the bread and the wine, and commune with His Living presence for the renovation of this world.

Today I tell you that if in another time there were those who surrendered all to God out of love for His Son, after 2014 years this love must have matured so that in the face of the tests of these times, these men and women may overcome the fear of losing the world and of losing themselves, in order to live in Christ and for Christ eternally, proclaiming His return, His resurgence in Glory and Divinity.

I thank those who listen to Me and those who will make My words alive, who I summon to walk by My side.

Who loves you eternally, your Mother and Queen of Peace,

Most Holy Mary


Dear children,

For the world to take a step towards the Kingdom of God and get out of the situation which it experiences, the hearts that dwell in it must decide to surrender definitively to the Creator.

For the victory of the Divine Light to be a reality in this world, the human hearts must raise to Heaven a plea for Mercy and be consistent with their aspirations.

My dear ones, there is already enough lamentation in this world. Many are already resigned to the suffering which they experience, and many others surrender to the darkness without realizing it and do not find the strength to open their eyes.

I come to the world in search of souls who accept to experience the awakening, souls who no longer want to live sustained by darkness but who ardently wish to open the doors and windows of their lives for the Divine Light to enter.

Today I come to ask you to no longer live the comforts that this world offers you, but to embrace sacrifice, the permanent effort to enter as humanity into the Kingdom of God.

My beloveds, if you could see the world as I see it, you would definitely understand that these are times of emergency and you would be eager to get out of where you are and become sacred instruments of God, faithful soldiers of His army of Peace.

Dear children, do not lament over the events of the world, do not cry for your own pains or the pains of others, but rise from where you are, transformed by the Grace of My Presence, and act! Live to transform these evil events because, just as everything that happens in the world is a consequence of human actions, the reversal of these facts is also the responsibility of humanity.

I have often pronounced secrets to the hearts of My children that may one day come true, prophecies that speak of the Justice of God approaching the world, and I do not say this to cause fear in your hearts; I do not want to threaten you, I want to awaken you and make you aware of what is happening in this world that your eyes cannot see or that your hearts do not allow you to feel the seriousness of these times.

I speak to all who listen to Me because each one, to a different degree, must awaken to the reality of this life. I need soldiers more and more aware of the purpose to be manifested. Awaken! Awaken every day a little more!

My dear ones, if every day you offered a small sacrifice to the Creator, a small effort on behalf of the awakening of humanity, you would collaborate so that the suffering of this world could be alleviated.

Meditate on My Words, they never reach the world in vain. Each phrase that I pronounce holds in itself a greater purpose. He who knows how to listen will be able to receive everything that God delivers to the world, through His Messengers.

Be strong and determined, humble and servant. Be tireless, just as those who descend from the Heavens to rescue humanity.

These are times of urgency, these are times of definitive awakening.

I love you and thank you for responding to My call today, even if you do not know it.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace, the bearer of the awakening of this humanity

Monthly Message of Mary, Mother and Queen of Universal Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

There will be a time when peace will reign in this world, a time in which the Doors of Heaven will remain open, and anyone who lives on the Earth will be able to receive Its Light and commune of the divine presence.

There will be a time when, at the center of each being, the sun of a new race will shine, symbolizing a new cycle of the universe rather than just of this world.

There will be a time when creatures will recognize their Creator and will feel reverence for finding the Divine in everything created by His Universal Consciousness.

There will be a time when days of profound illumination will be born in this world, days of communion and of fellowship, days of peace.

I say this, My children, so that you may remember My Words when you feel that you are far from God. Let them be the source of new hope and may they resound within everyone that had the flame of their heart dimmed. Because I tell you that there will be a time in which this world will be One with the Kingdom of God; but before that time, other occurrences will come, to generate merits for the future. Before peace will reign, hearts will be tested and strengthened by the might of the Love of God. In the face of any situation in life, never let your hearts lose the hope of seeing the Divine Purpose manifested.

My beloveds, I come to the world to have you know the greatness of the Plan of which you are a part, a Plan that is perfect and that comes from Who is One and Who reigns among the universes.

I want you to understand that My Presence among you has a greater intention. I am here to make you strong, persevering and untiring so that you do not stop your steps with the winds that will blow throughout this world.

I want you to ask yourselves, again and again, why the Presence of the Divine Messengers are among your souls so that, in this way, the Light of the Spirit of God may be able to bring a greater truth for you to know what the reason for the focus of God's attention upon this part of His Creation.

Dear children, your souls are treasures, more precious than you can imagine. This world has an objective much greater than the life that is alive today. And the time is urgent for those that live on the Earth to awaken from the dream because the Lord waits for the response of His creatures. For the second time, He will send His Son, reconfirming His Mercy and giving the world a sign of the greatness of the life that dwells in it.

My beloveds, it is necessary that you no longer be children in the life of the spirit. You have already received much so that you can see life from another point of view. Infinite impulses came to your hearts; it is time to let yourselves be guided and, without fear, steer the ship toward a new horizon.

When there is darkness within your hearts, remember My Words: there will be a time of Eternal Peace in this world.

I love you and bless you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Message for the Apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted by the Most Holy Lady of Aurora, the Virgin Mary, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Consecrate yourself to My Heart, so that I can take you to the Kingdom of the Heavens in heart and consciousness, and so that your soul may be an instrument of God.

Consecrate yourself to My Heart, so that through you all humanity may experience the holiness and consecration of its essence.

Consecrate yourself to My Heart, so that this world may be perpetually united to the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, the One I bring as a celestial gift to humanity.

Consecrate yourself to My Heart every day, so that your soul does not run the risk of getting lost on this path so full of shadows and traps.

Consecrate yourself to My Heart, surrendering your life and all of your virtues to Me, so that I can have them available for the salvation of all souls.

Consecrate yourself to My Heart, and set an example of life for all creatures.

Consecrate yourself to My Heart, and be the thread that leads the evolution of the lesser Kingdoms, which will find in you the path to evolution.

Consecrate yourself to My Heart, tirelessly, so that the temptations of this world may not overcome you.

Consecrate yourself to My Heart and be the joy of the Heart of God, so that I may find in you the reason to intervene for humanity.

Consecrate yourself to My Heart and do not lay down your arms; be a tireless soldier of this army of Peace.

Consecrate yourself to My Heart, My son, My daughter, so that the Plan of God for this world may be fulfilled.

Walk towards the consecration of life permanently.

Always count on the help of My maternal arms when you fall on the ground and feel that the oppression of this world is greater than your ability to stand up.

Dear children, I want you to set an example of consecration for this world, so that through those who respond to My Call, this whole planet may light up and the souls may awaken to the consecration of the Divine.

Today I bring in My hands the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, which I lovingly give to the world, so that you may merge with Him for centuries to come.

I ask this planet and all the souls who listen to Me to not become distant from God, to not pretend that you do not hear My call; because each one who listens to Me has a greater commitment to Me, a mission given by God, a purpose to be experienced.

My beloved ones, My Heart arrives in the world at this time to reveal truths that have been hidden for a long time, and few hearts could unravel the mysteries that were hidden. But, for My hands to remove the veils that cover the eyes of humanity, I need souls who can help Me and who can sustain the Power of My Words.

Dear children, there must be souls consecrated to the Lord to sustain the weight of His Divine Justice and also the Power of His Mercy; who can hold those who are fallen and lift them up again.

Therefore, I want you to be strong as an Arm of God in this world, to be firm and determined; let there be no doubts nor fears in your hearts; may you not be lukewarm, may you not be weak, but may you surrender your weaknesses to the Father and open space in your hearts so that the Divine Spirit of the Creator may enter with all Its Glory and Majesty, and you become tireless and invincible in the Heart of God.

Know that from God comes all the Power of the Universe, and the one who is in His Omnipresence will not perish.

By the healing Power of the Celestial Kingdom and by the Healing that emerges from the interior of this world, I bless you and protect you. I guard you and lead you into the Kingdom of God, into His Heart.

Mary, Lady of Aurora and Queen of Peace

Monthly Messages
Message for the annual Apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted by Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

I am the Aurora that shines in the life of all beings. Those who search for Me will never perish, will never have their heart involved by darkness, because they will always open the doors for My Light to enter.

I am Fire, that comes from the Divine Fire, that restores and transforms the beings. Those who followed My steps can give testimony of the Power of My Heart. In the world there is not one who has repented after having opened their arms and their heart to My transforming Power.

I am the victory of the fallen hearts and the path of those who are lost. I am the treasure of those who are poor and the healing of the sick. I am the Mother of all the beings and in the world there is not one who cannot reach Me.

My children, resound My Words in the hearts of all beings! May those who do not feel me and do not find Me open definitely the doors of their heart.

The Divine Law allowed me to reach the world and to convert the beings, establishing peace and instituting the Divine Purpose in this planet.

After seven years of instructions, I want you to deepen your contact with Me and that you walk with more determination to My Heart. I want you to contemplate with attention My Words, delivered throughout these years, and see with joy that they have become life in each of your beings.

Go and be living witnesses of My Presence in the world. May, when they see your redeemed faces, the beings of this Earth lose the fear of following the steps dictated by God.

My beloved ones, the world still profoundly fears entering into this path, because darkness gained the heart of many beings and tied them to the pleasures and illusions that it could offer. Do not fear cutting these ties with the past. Do not fear forgiving the mistakes and erasing from your lives all the mistaken actions that you made by ignorance.

My children, the lack of forgiveness of all the past is tying the heart of My servers so that they cannot enter into a new archetype of life.

Know that the Water of Life has already been shed upon the beings. The merciful Blood of My Son enters day by day into your cells, His Glorified Body merges with your bodies in redemption through the Sacred Communion. Therefore, erase from your memories what has gone by and allow yourselves to be reborn to a new time of humanity.

Do not remember the past, afflicting your hearts for all the mistakes committed, but, yes, elevate your consciousnesses to a new experience to which the Sacred Hearts will lead you and through which you will be able to find a new future.

The time of the Return of My Son is already coming, and, with Him, the opportunity to return to the Origin and to take with you the Christic and universal Love.

My children, today I decree before God, by the Authority He has given Me, that a new life must be lived by the beings of this world and, by the Majesty of My Son, I erase the past of the creatures who cry out for redemption and I tell them to place, now and forever, their hearts and their fixed eyes on the purpose to be reached.

It is time to awaken the New Christs in the universe, it is time to live redemption definitely. I open the doors for you.

Which of you will enter?

I await for you to be able to respond to this new call.

I love you always and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
