Saturday, August 30 of 2014

Monthly Messages

My beloveds,

While the world agonizes and many souls suffer the consequences of their actions others are blessed by the Grace of My presence.

To the ones who sleep I give My Mercy so that one day they may be able to awaken and become worthy children of God the Father and the Savior.   To those who are awake I give My Grace so that they may be able to become soldiers of My Marian army.

Today My dears, I return to this city because I wish to find here more than the spirit of Devotion.  Here must beat the active heart of this nation, so beloved to the Lord and to My Immaculate Heart.

I still see much illusion in the world, I still see that the souls do not understand My Call because they do not allow My Word to completely transform them. 

My dears, the moment has come for My presence to become alive in the hearts of those who listen to Me. Up until this moment I have been building a union of your hearts with Mine in order to lead them to the Most Sacred Heart of My Son.  But now My dears, is the moment for this Grace that you receive of being with Me to not only be the reason for the relief of your anguishes and fears, because the world is in need of beings who are awake, of soldiers who are willing to surrender all out of Love of God and for the salvation of the souls.

My dears, I want to tell you that I do not come to the world only to find you in devotion and in faith.  I want to find the hearts more conscious of the time in which they live because much has been said and little that you could truly understand.

Those who have listened to Me did not truly believe in My words because if they had their lives would already be other lives and in their inner would dwell another strength that is not of the world.

I want that My words get to the hearts in order to touch them with Celestial Love and that they also get to the depths of your beings in order to transform you into instruments of the Heart of God.

For all the Graces that I have given to you I ask you to truly listen to My Call.   Doubt no longer about My presence because My Heart has made you feel and has touched your souls, dissipating the fear of encountering the Divine.  Now is the moment to grow up and to wait for My arrival, as a companion of Christ, the one who waits for Him so that together with Him they may be able to manifest the Will of the Father.

My dears, there was a time in which the men and women of Jerusalem listened with attention to the words of their Master.  They awakened the devotion and the trust in His Divine Word, they accompanied Him in His Passion, they cried for His death and they glorified Him in His Resurrection and after His Sacred ascension, they became His eternal Apostles, companions of His Divine Love and, for all eternity, they awaited His presence, surrendering the life so that other souls could achieve the awakening.

Now My dears, these men and women of Jerusalem must reemerge in order to wait, to sit at the table of Redemption, for the Glorious return of Christ and reconfirm the commitment that as humanity they made with His Divine Heart.

These men and women of Jerusalem must sit again at the table of My Son, share the bread and the wine, and commune with His Living presence for the renovation of this world.

Today I tell you that if in another time there were those who surrendered all to God out of love for His Son, after 2014 years this love must have matured so that in the face of the tests of these times, these men and women may overcome the fear of losing the world and of losing themselves, in order to live in Christ and for Christ eternally, proclaiming His return, His resurgence in Glory and Divinity.

I thank those who listen to Me and those who will make My words alive, who I summon to walk by My side.

Who loves you eternally, your Mother and Queen of Peace,

Most Holy Mary