Just as My Son, I renew all things.

Just as the dawn renews the day, the cycles of life and the very life of all beings, I renew you at each new meeting, at each new appeal of true prayer.

Just as fire revives the embers and gives new meaning to that which was dead, turning degenerate matter into fertilizing ash, so the Divine Messengers come to this world to transform it.

Many are dead in life and have not realized it, but if you let yourselves be burned by the Divine Fire that descends on Earth, first you will become glowing embers, then ash and dust, and you will seem to be good for nothing; but He who knows ash and knows dust - as a great celestial farmer - will use this powder to fertilize new trees, new flowers, new life. And you will see before your eyes how you are reborn from the nothing you have become and how, from that moment, you will truly know what life is, because only after being fruitful matter in the hands of God, children, you will know the essence of human existence.

When the embers that burned in you goes out, do not worry and do not fear; let the heart and the spirit become humble ash and dust, delivered at the feet of God, so that He may collect them and revive them at the right time.

With all the diverted paths of humanity, My beloveds, the time will come for everyone to be nothing, then to be in everything and to be everything.

If you are in My Heart and allow each cycle to be fulfilled according to the celestial laws, you will live in peace each one of these steps and even when you seem to be dying, you will know that it is like this so that one day you may be reborn in the celestial garden, giving life to many trees that will bear fruit and new seeds. This is how the Kingdom of God is established in this world.

When you, My beloveds, surrender to God, many others will be able to eat the of fruits of your surrender and also leave the new seeds of life for those who come after and who will not need to live what you have lived, because the soil will be already fertile and fruitful .

My dear children of Brazil and of the whole world, with simplicity and love I call you to trust your Celestial Mother, and in this humble way and without many secrets, I bring you close to the Heart of God, so that you will recognize your own mission and feel you are participants in the Plan of the Creator in this world.

Children, as of now, give up the old life , the old man, and allow the fire of My love to burn you and change you forever.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Sun


Beloved children,

In order for peace to be established, ignorance must be dissipated from the hearts and consciousnesses of human beings.

This sacred planet is being taken to the abyss by the actions and the ideas of those who believe themselves wise but who ignore the truth, even about themselves. How to live in wisdom, if you, My dears, do not even know the truth about yourselves, about your origin and the real reason why you came to this world?

The path to discovering the truth is considered by many to be the path of the ignorant; those who seek to develop faith in order to unveil heavenly mysteries are often considered lost and blind by the great powers of this material world.

Children, very unhappy is the heart that is blind to the things of God or has a tepid and superficial faith, only to give the appearance to society that it follows a path that leads to the Father.

My beloved ones, at this moment, on the planet, when a definition is demanded of all consciousnesses, you must give everything for love of God. The definition of your lives must be complete and absolute, because this is the only way to not be deceived by the enemy and by yourselves. Because I tell you that the very human tendencies, those that have been rooted in your consciousness for so many centuries of uncertain and diverted experiences, can lead you to the abyss, without My adversary having to make any effort.

Children, do not think that My words threaten or come to cause you fear, because, otherwise, how will I reveal to you the truth about these times?

Those who do not realize for themselves that we are in the last days of human illusion and who do not see with their own eyes the decay of the world will awaken abruptly when this chaos that expands in the world touches their lives forcefully.

My beloved ones, I just want to make peace and good triumph in your lives. I want to keep you firm for the trying times so that you may persevere with the inner light ignited and alive in the days of darkness. For many will depend on the light ingnited in the hearts of a few in order to see their own path and not get lost.

My children, it is time to hold on to the life of prayer, so you are not confused by what is coming. It is the time and the moment, especially for the Americas, to protect the Plans of God, and this will be done within each one.

Children, leave external influences and material appearances for the strategies of My adversary, because the masks of illusion will fall by themselves when, on the return of My Beloved Son, light triumphs again in the world.

Concentrate, you all, in affirming the foundations of inner fortress, the one that once built, is immutable and impermeable to harassment and doubt, which are inherent at these moments.

The adversary is fighting with all his strengths. In world events, you can see the reflection of this battle which does not only happen in the Middle East, but everywhere on the planet. Therefore, My beloved ones, in every way I insist and beg with My Heart for an immediate awakening.

May light be established in your lives and may the power of love, which is expressed in unity and fraternity, be greater than the incentives to false power, which generates the conflicts and wars that are growing in the world.

I love you and for this reasonI tell you all these things. Unite to My Heart in prayer, in donation and in service. Persist so that peace will be established. Persist to overcome the obstacles, and may My Plans, which are the Plans of the Creator, be able to be fulfilled.

I bless you, under the Celestial Light of the Most High.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Contemplate today the invaluable Grace of being in My Presence and in deep union with My Immaculate Heart. Clamor to God for an opportunity for this world.

Yesterday, when you reconsecrated your souls to My Plan of love, I removed from your lives the roots of all suffering, of all anguish, of all that had been keeping you from finding God, despite your faith and devotion.

And today, My beloved, I will ask you for a spiritual intercession in the name of all those who do not know Me, who deny Me and who do not accept My maternal Love out of fear, out of insecurity, out of ignorance or because they are blind and with their hearts closed.

I will ask from all My children a greater depth in their own surrender, a greater openness to the experience of love and forgiveness, and also for communion with the Kingdoms of Nature. Because you, children, among the majority of human beings, are few who are living a greater awakening to love and higher knowledge.

There are other children of Mine in the world who follow Me and who respond to My Call, but who are also conditioned by their lives and their cultures. Therefore I cannot ask them the impossible for the human mind, as I venture to ask you.

Your hearts, My dears, have opened to manifest the impossible, to respond to the higher designs, even if this often means that you seem to be crazy in the eyes of the world.

My Heart can count on that space of your consciousness which - despite understanding, respecting and valuing life on Earth - knows that, in truth, this is only a path, a way to something higher.

I tell you this, My children, because I am preparing your hearts for a deeper and more complete surrender to the experience of an ever holier madness – sanctified by the fulfilling of My Plans.

As the human consciousness is so far removed from the plans of God and clinging to material things, it will cost you a lot to understand the spiritual designs of the Creator, and this is why you will appear to be crazy in the eyes of the world. But those who respond to Me, even without understanding, will see the fruit and the manifestations expected by God and only then, children, you will be able to confirm the truth of what I have been telling you for so many years.

When chaos permeates the whole world, but not the hearts of My children, humanity will understand what I wanted to tell you when I promised the establishment of My Peace in your lives.

When the nations I have visited manifest, in times of trouble, the response to the operation of Grace delivered by Me, through the awakening of the spirits, everyone will be able to see that My pilgrimages were not symbolic and what I was trying to show you was not so invisible.

Children, when the conversions of those who make contact with My words multiply and radiate to others through example, you will understand the power of My maternal Word and that there is something more than simple phrases full of love in what I tell you.

Maybe you do not really understand what I ask of you today, perhaps the dynamics of the transformation of the Plan and its constant adaptation, according to the response of everyone, causes you a lot of doubts and confusion. But this time, My beloved, just fix your eyes on what I have built within your hearts and measure the truth of My presence through the love that I deposited in your beings and not through what your minds can comprehend. Because the logic of the Plans of God and the Laws on which they are based are not the same which are comprehensible to the human mind.

Those who want to understand the Plans of the Most High, before loving them and following them, will be confused. For this reason, trust the Law of Love and remember that the victory of My Son seemed to be a failure for many. In this way you will see how the plans of God are incomprehensible to the human mind that does not know how to love.

Focus today on what I will tell you and open your own hearts, not to reason but to absolute love. In this way, I will be able to teach you what is the true keynote of these times and you will know how to think and feel as My Immaculate Heart does, so that at the end of everything you know how to guide your brothers and sisters as I have guided you.

I love you and bless you always.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

In the beginning of everything, there was only Love and Unity as a Unique Consciousness. It was natural that this Consciousness expressed Its Love creating and, mysteriously expressing Its Unity by multiplying itself.

This great Consciousness was like a Sun, it was life itself. There were no forms in it, colors were not distinguished, sounds were not distinguished and, at the same time, it contained in Its creativity all the forms, all the colors and all the sounds.

In the expression of the Love of God, He divided Himself into three, three aspects of His Unique Face, three forms of manifesting His Divine Love: God the Father, who unites; God the Son, who creates; God the Holy Spirit, who gestates and supports Creation, who manifests and divinizes all forms.

It was in the manifestation of His infinite Love that God created the different races and civilizations of the universe and their diversity did not prevent them from feeling one with God. The Father gave His creatures the Grace of returning to Him, and not only in spirit; for He also granted that, by transcending forms and densities, in the sublimation of matter, in the ascension of evolution, those who experienced love so profoundly would become Love itself and would gradually return to be one with God, completely.

One experience of love leads to another, still more profound and this is how creatures ascend in the levels of the divine evolution.

To show to the Cosmos the perfection of His Thought, God created the human beings and created Earth. In a parallel time to the time of the universe, creatures who knew nothing about the universal life began to develop from the beginning of the material evolutionary scale; they did not have access to the knowledge of the Cosmos and did not even recognize the existence of other lives apart from their own planet.

To this small project, before His vast Universes, God sent His Son from the beginning. He was part of His part, essence and spirit divinized by His Origin, but without knowing it.

To discover the existence of God, it was necessary to experience love. And so it was that the human consciousness received the impulse to evolve, not by its skills or by its technologies, but rather by the love experienced by a few and that led them to transcend the barriers of the mind and reach the wisdom of the spirit, to discover and experience new laws.

The great discoveries of humanity were offered by consciousnesses that, at some level, experienced love, the love for the unknown, for the superior, for something they often ignored, because they hardly knew what the object of their love was, they just loved. But also those who did not know how to love had access to these discoveries and used them to make great harm to matter and to spirit out of them.

This is how, throughout the human development, the permanent contrast between love and evil always existed because in part, this is the human school: the transcendence of evil and of all its influences to reach love.

Children, why do I tell you this story and take you to Universes so distant from the reality you experience? Because the Lord allowed evil to be expressed on Earth with all its potential so that, at the limit of its consciousness, humanity could also express love.

You are in a time in which the manifestation and expression of chaos and evil are abominable and never seen before, and this means that the time has come to experience a degree of love also never seen before.

The time has come to surrender life for love again, so did My Son. The time has come to renew the sacrifice of Christ and, as He told you, to do greater things than He did when He was on Earth.

Do not let the expression of evil cause terror in your hearts, but rather, given the present planetary situation, allow your souls to feel the imperious need to balance what the world experiences, to serve and love as you can, to overcome the limits of your own surrender, to abandon yourselves in order to let yourselves be filled with the Love of God.

The collapse of the Earth, caused by the actions of chaos, dictates the urgent time of experiencing love and no more of learning how to love. It is no longer time to contemplate the Cross, but to embrace it.

It is time to pray and serve; it is time to know and be; it is time to understand and experience the laws of God.

May the learning of your brothers and sisters in mission in Turkey reveal to you the great need to experience love in the four corners of the world.

I love you and bless you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In order to prepare your spirits for the Armageddon which approaches the planetary consciousness, you must begin to seriously assume your own commitment to the Plan of God, showing this adhesion in the little things of your daily life.

My opponent will no longer seek you in the great difficulties because he recognizes that the power of prayer allows you to be in an inner state of vigilance in which the great attacks can be perceived. However, will be the most insignificant breaches that will break the structures which seemed to be so consolidated in consciousness.

Children, many are absolutely sure that they will remain strong and faithful until the end of this battle and they believe they are ready to endure the clashes that will come. What they are unaware of, in their spiritual immaturity, is that they will deal with situations and confrontations that are unusual even for universal life.

The planetary Armageddon now involves all of Creation of God, even beyond this universe, because everyone expects to watch the triumph of love and unity on this planet which has been transformed into a dark spot in Divine Creation.

With this I want to tell you that for God to triumph in your consciousness He must triumph little by little in each small space of your beings. The triumph of God in the human heart is something that each creature must offer the Creator by their own merit, because the Lord will not be able to triumph in a heart that does not open itself to live the absolute transformation and unity with Him.

My opponent knows well the shortcomings of humanity and, having himself created the capital forces that circulate the Earth, he knows well how they infiltrate the human consciousness and about the difficulties that everyone has to overcome them, since they have been gaining ground for eons of existence and today they dominate great part of humanity.

But this same opponent has once been by God’s side, and even if he no longer feels inside himself the potency of the Love of the Creator, he knows well that there is nothing more powerful in all of Creation than this Divine Love. That is why his reign trembles before a heart that surrenders itself to God and that launches itself without fear to the discovery of the prayer that unites it, without intermediaries, to the most potent Love of the Highest.

However, children, few are the ones who allow themselves to be taken by the Love of God and that really take a risk of being burned by the Fire of His Holy Spirit because the Love of God removes all darkness from the interior of beings, it overthrows all structures of evil built in the consciousness and often leaves the being in a state of absolute emptiness and non-recognition of the self, since everyone is so used to living under the yoke of the capital energies.

The Love of God is available to every creature: Its Divine Fire aspires to ignite the hearts. However, in order to receive this Grace it is not enough to ask for it with words. You must clamor for it with the heart and generate merits to receive it through your actions and daily effort.

In the experience of fraternity, charity, obedience, humility, meekness and peace are the keys to unite yourselves to God. In the permanent effort to transcend the dark inner tendencies, the Divine Fire descends to your aid and It deposes the reign of mundane forces in the beings’ consciousnesses.

No longer waste time, children, because My opponent not only trembles, he also acts untiringly, in despair for his imminent defeat. Because of this, be tireless also in the experience of love and unity. Be tireless in the understanding of your neighbor, in the donation of yourself, in the service to the Kingdoms of Nature, in the transcendence of you own pride, of arrogance and vanity. Soon the Supreme God will triumph in your own interior.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

While wars spread throughout the world and in the minds of many, the desire for a great global conflict reigns, My Immaculate Heart calls you to disseminate a spirit of peace, to make the great chaos, expanding each day, the reason for your immediate maturity and promptly taking your rightful place in the Army of Peace  and  of Love, guided by My Heart.

I call you to make the blood shed of the Christians in the world to be the  reason  for strengthening your own faith and proclaiming even more loudly that  Christ  reigns within you.

The battle is already occurring: there are no rules, there are no limits.

Just as there are no limits for the evil that occurs in  the  world, you should also not place limits on your capacity to love. Love without limits, without conditions. Bring hope to the hearts that have lost faith.

It is not that you will be naive about what is happening in the world or indifferent to the wars and the suffering of others, but rather, you will be aware of the battle and will participate in it, proclaiming peace, defeating the cunning of the enemy with acts of love.

Faced with religious wars, live in peace among the different religions. Disseminate respect for the path chosen by each one for reaching the One God.

When the  enemy  overthrows you and leads you to perdition, do not be discouraged: trust in the Mercy that assembled you in this world and persevere, again and again, in the living of perfection, until your consciousnesses understand that it is time to grow up and set aside childish things, so that you may be true apostles of Christ in this world of darkness.

My children, so that humanity may recognize the times it is living, you must disseminate Mercy and peace. Open the eyes of  those who are asleep, make known the times of tribulation, the spiritual and physical Armageddon that has already begun in the world, and that little by little, purifies the Earth, so that you may learn to seek God.

So that humanity may wake up, you need to act and no longer be silent, but rather, announce to the world the possibility of taking acting through prayer and through acts of forgiveness and reconciliation requested by Saint Joseph, as well as through acts of service .

The world is in need of balance and peace, but this will be granted to it through the personal merits achieved by the human heart.

Today I will ask you to make your hearts one with the hearts of the missionaries, both in the Middle East and in Argentina. I wish to establish peace, but for this, it is necessary that you generate merits through prayer and through conscious actions in your lives.

If you knew, My beloveds, of the evil that is precipitating on the planet, you would not waste time on yourselves and with your personal aspirations, but rather you would move toward accomplishing the Higher Plan, to meet the greater needs of this world.

What God needs most from everyone at this time is your maturity, your true awareness of the times in which you live, that you are consistent with all you know and that you do not just be at My Apparitions, believing it is enough to listen to My Words.

While you say you are apostles of peace and say you want to establish peace in the world, yet you are not able to understand a neighbor and defeat your own pride to dissolve the conflicts with those that you have at your side, your Awakening will never be true, and you will not be able to call yourselves soldiers of My Army of Peace, for one who is a soldier in this army lives their peace in the smallest things in life, loves a neighbor in the small details, begins their service with those they have at their side, and thus, little by little, radiates peace to the world.

May My Peace be a reality in the lives of those who say they proclaim it.

Be true with yourselves and to God, for the enemy will use your masks to defeat your hearts with the pride and the vanity that you still experience.

Seek to have humble hearts, children, only as to defeat pride, which causes the wars in the whole world.

I love you and bless you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When Mary came, She showed me an image of the Universe, and in a way which I do not know how to explain, I saw the Consciousness of God. He was withdrawing into a profound silence that, in spite of being silence, resounded across the whole cosmos and was causing the inner being of all creatures in Heaven to shudder. God held within Himself that first Thought that He had when creating the human project. He concentrated on the perfection of His Original Idea for humankind, and thus meditated.

Mary showed us that many councils gathered together, but not knowing how to assist humanity; just observing so that, in the unpredictability of the human heart, some possibilities of guiding humankind to the fulfillment of the Plans of God could emerge. Our Lady said that for all of the universe, in this moment, the destiny of the Earth is unforeseeable. She said that only God knew what would happen, but He stayed silent and concentrated all of His Love toward the essence of each human being.

It was as if, in that moment, God was not using any intermediary, for He Himself, in His silence, was attempting to reach the essence of all human beings to reveal His Mystery directly to those hearts that might perceive His Presence.

Mary explained to us that in the midst of all of the chaos and the evil in the world, the Creator Himself began to take action on Earth, trying to show the human heart the greatness of His Plan for humanity, the unique possibility that the human being holds for uniting with Him, perfectly and absolutely; the one love that is found latent within of all of us. All of this God is trying to show to us.

Then Mary invited us so that, by ourselves and in silence, we might enter into our own hearts in order to try to feel God, to search for Him inside of ourselves, and to discover what He wants to reveal to us in His silence.


Dear children,

While the world agonizes, the Heart of the Most High God goes silent, and the Creator concentrates His Divine Spirit on the true purpose of His Creation.

In these times, when humanity is at the peak of their deviation from the reason for their existence as part of a Divine Project, the Lord is trying to keep alive within Himself that divine aspiration that one day left His Consciousness to renew all of the Universe.

When He accepted the experience of the human project, God knew all the risks, but He also knew the power of the love placed as a latent possibility within each human being, in their deepest essence.

The Most High Creator allowed His Creation to run a great risk: that creatures apparently so small would have the possibility of carrying all of the material universe manifested by Him to an extreme of evolution or of involution.

Children, now in face of all that occurs in the world and that transcends the atrocities of the material life, with truly dangerous repercussions that are destructive to the life of the spirit, the Lord just observes the world and is in silence.

All of the creatures created by God are attentive to His silence, which reverberates as a great mystery within all of Creation.

The Lord knows that this is a definitive moment, even for His Divine Consciousness. The silence of God holds within itself a certainty of His triumph, in spite of making all creatures inwardly tremble.

When God is in silence it is because only He knows what will happen. The universe, however, only attentively observes the movements of humanity and waits, second by second, for the way in which it can guide it on the best path.

While the councils gather, and the masters and guides, among the Blessed, renew their plans, God just is in silence.

I say this to you today so that you may feel the silence of God; so that you may feel His Eyes set on your hearts all the time. Not only the intercessors for humanity pray for the awakening of the human heart; God too, in His silence, concentrates all the Power of His Creative Consciousness to safeguard, within Himself, the perfect archetype of humanity.

In the silence of the Creator, He unites with the essence of all the creatures of Earth that aspire to fulfill His Plan. Therefore, children, if you hear these words today, meditate for an instant on what I tell you and unite with the silence of God.

Observe your own essences as a true and pure connection with the Most High. Find within yourselves the union with the Father, and thanks to this union, allow the Creator to awaken in you that unique thought that He has for each one of you.

In the center of the universe, God is in silence, and in His silence, He multiplies Himself in the center of each creature.

I know that what is taking place in the world disturbs many hearts and also the consciousnesses of those who know of the gravity of the times; however, My beloved ones, if you truly want to help humanity, feel God in your own inner being. Imagine the Creator of all things in His deep silence, which reverberates loudly within all beings.

The Universe comes to a halt before the power of the silence of God. He is trying to make Himself heard by His children; He is concentrating the power of His Love for humanity and for the infinite cosmos with the intention of letting you know the truth. For this reason, in spite of all that afflicts your hearts today, allow your consciousnesses to uplift beyond matter; that at the same time, you enter into your own inner being and travel to the center of Creation, finding, inside of yourselves, a silent God Who stretches out His Hands to you and shows you the truth of His Plan.

While the intention of God with His silence is mysterious for all of the cosmos, He wants to enter the inner being of human beings in order to directly reveal to them the truth of His Love.

Children, will you embrace the greatness of what I say to you? Will you open yourselves to the mystery of receiving within yourselves a Creator so immense, Who makes Himself small in order to speak to your heart?

Discover today the only and perfect union between human beings and God, because the Lord is in silence in this time in order to let humankind know about the greatest mystery of His Creation, which is the unique possibility of the perfect union with the Most High.

While miseries emerge from within all, and chaos makes use of all of its strategies for conquest, God aspires to reveal His Greatness to you.

Who will open to this Truth?

I bless you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Open your eyes to see, in the sky, the Joy of God every 31st of December of the time of this world.

Rejoice in Christ and in His Holy Mother, for the grace that is granted to you, of remembering the day of your salvation and of perpetually praising Her, the One Who in humility came to the world to liberate it from all evil.

Dear children, I want that on the 31stof December of all of the years that you are still to pass on Earth, that the hearts of the soldiers of Christ be profoundly renewed; that you contemplate in your inner the fruits that have already been born for all of the effort that you have lived while attempting to follow My steps, but that you also contemplate the goals that will lead you to that which you must be as individuals and as humanity.

While the majority of your brothers and sisters prepare themselves to plunging even deeper into illusion, I would like that those who claim to be conscious, be opened to live more and more intensely the principles that lead you to the truth.

I wish that you would dispose your hearts even more to unveil, inside your own selves, the higher life, so that the Power of God inside your beings would be more and more intense.

My beloveds, on this day contemplate the world with eyes of compassion, and place your own consciousnesses into the One and Only Consciousness of God Most High, so that the aspiration that you will be someone new, and that you may lead this Earth to an intense transformation, may mature in your own interior.

The eyes of fire of the Creator observe the world, attentive and fixed on those who have let themselves be burnt by the Power of His Magnitude. The Lord seeks in the world those who will be the bearers of Truth and who will transcend the common human conducts in order to be the pioneers of the true human archetype.

Who will defeat chaos in and outside of themselves, as to make triumph the peace in the human heart, and as a consequence, in the whole world?

Peace on the planet depends on the determination of humanity in living it, because the lack of peace is caused by humanity itself, which got used to living off conflicts and competitions, even feeling gratified with the suffering of others.

I want, children, that this day be one that will remind you, every year, of the triumph of God in the world, and that independently of what may happen around you the certainty of the victory of God may never be faded from your hearts.

When you are in a full fall in your evolutionary path, remember on that day that you are on Earth in order to live the overcoming of yourselves. When you only see the darkness around you and inside your brothers and sisters, remember this day when you are here as soldiers of My Heart, so that you may be light-houses that guide the blind, and the window that opens itself in the planetary consciousness for the arrival of the Sun.

Never let yourselves dive into the darkness of the world because I have summoned you so that you will be that which no one will want to be; so that you will live that which no one will want to live, in order to change the destiny of humanity by means of your own transformation in Christ. Even if the world sinks to your right and to your left, keep yourselves in this sea of illusions as a boat that sustains in itself those who, as an example and as an impulse, will keep themselves firm in their purpose of reaching God.

On the 31st of December of all of the years that will come, transcend darkness, and be the light of the world yourselves, because She Who is Light Itself and Peace Itself has been congregating your souls and consecrating your spirits in order to make out of your lives the spearhead that breaks the barriers and that opens the doors of the world for the ingress of a new time, of a new race, based on and guided by other laws, by Divine and Celestial Laws.

I love you and for this I impel you to make of your consciousnesses the dwellings, on Earth, of the Holy Spirit of God.

Who blesses you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Praised be the Lord forever, Who consents to be born and reborn in the hearts of this world! May He be praised for all eternity, for His Infinite Mercy!

My children, while the world loses itself in hollow celebrations and profound illusions, which cause consciousnesses to be submerged in the abysses of the planet, My Immaculate Heart invites you to an immediate reparation of the Sacred Hearts for all the outrages that the enemy leads you to commit as a race on days in which you should glorify Creation and give thanks for Its Pity and Mercy.

Today I will call you to prayer and to the vigil of the heart, so that you may cry out together with Me for those who have forgotten God and for those who believe that they think of the Lord and, for a moment, thank Him, but who care much more for the feasts and things of the world, rather than for truly worshipping the Lord, Who returns in Spirit, especially during the days of Christmas. What is much more serious for God is that souls deceive themselves and proclaim a false faith, than them really experiencing it in ignorance and sin because of not wanting to know the Creator. For this reason, I will ask you to also pray for all Christians of the world, especially those who deceive themselves and are deceived, proclaiming a faith with no depth and without a true union with God. Pray for the families and for the children who do not find any other example except the contradictions that they experience before themselves and the discrepancy that exists between what they see when their parents speak of proclaiming God and what they live daily.

My beloved ones, apparently the Lord counts on many soldiers and the faithful, because there are many who have proclaimed themselves companions of Christ; however, in truth I tell you that few, very few are truly willing to renounce what the world offers to live according to the principles of the Gospel. Even fewer will be those who, at the time of the final test, will abandon themselves to choose the definite path of salvation.

This is why I ask you to pray a lot so that the Lord, who came to the world willing to fertilize the hearts of humankind with His Sacred Spirit, can do so, in order that consciousnesses are strengthened by the Presence of Christ within them and take the correct steps for their evolution and for the concretization of the Plans of the Creator of all things.

I love you and thank you always for being willing to accompany Me in this Marian mission of salvation and rescue.

Pray also for each other and for yourselves, so that My Heart may triumph in your lives and overcome your deepest resistances to living love.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

My Immaculate Heart ardently aspires that the Plan of God be fulfilled in the heart of each creature of this world and, in consequence, in each nation and in each people. But My aspiration, even being divine, is not enough because the beings of the Earth need to say "yes" to Me and follow the steps which, day by day, month by month, I proclaim to all.

My beloved children, today I want My Peace to enter into your hearts and confirm My presence to your minds. I am here to transform you entirely, but if you do not open yourselves before Me, how will I be able to make Myself felt within your hearts?

Many ask Me for confirmations that I am here. Others ask Me for miracles so that their families and friends may believe in My Apparitions, but few, very few are those who make of themselves My greatest miracle in this world.

My dear ones, I have already made many miracles in other times and I keep doing it so that those most doubtful hearts may open, at least a little bit, to My Love, but humanity has not learned to value what I have given to them and has not recognized that the miracles that I have made were the last way out for those souls that would have soon completely lost their evolution.

I summon this group toward growth, to effort and to persistence. I want to see upon your faces more than the reflection of beings converted to the path of prayer, because I am not here only to give one last opportunity to the consciousnesses that have never accepted redemption, I am congregating those who have committed themselves to Me since the beginning of this Plan of Love and planetary rescue, consciousnesses that will impel others to transformation and that will be able to give their own lives, if it be necessary, so that a new humanity may be born in this world.

I ask you to develop faith in your own hearts – far beyond phenomena and miracles – and to forge, with the Fire of the Spirit of God, your own transformation, because in this way you will awaken in your hearts the Living Christ which, as a potentiality, inhabits the depths of your essences.

It is for this reason, children of Mine, that I ask you to give the most of yourselves, that I correct you and tell you the truth, so many times, despite of it being painful to those parts of your consciousnesses that have been attached to material life and that have little interest in matters of the spirit.

For this reason, make the effort of listening to Me and following Me always, even if you do not comprehend Me. If you do not resist, you will see, at the end of it all, the miracle that I will have made in your lives and that which I will transform the clay of your consciousnesses into, when you let yourselves be molded by My divine hands.

I love you and I bless you always. Who keeps you under Her mantle,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

May peace and hope always be attributes in your hearts, attributes that keep you protected by faith because if you are filled with faith in the Plans of God, you will be able to go through the coming tests with harmony and perseverance.

My beloveds, My Heart is filled with an infinite love for humanity. This is why, day by day, I invite you to grow and mature in spirit. It is because I can truly count on each one of you that I reveal these realities of the world and ask for more awareness before everything that you receive.

Many already know that these are the final times for the evil and infidelity of the human heart towards God and His Plan, but the human consciousness, as a whole, does not want to accept that these times have arrived, so as not to leave its comfort and its own will.

These resistances weigh on the hearts of each one of My servers who try to be true in their surrender, and yet, again and again, they fall before the same tests of criticism, judgments and separateness.

This is why, children, you must make an even greater effort than what you have done so far. I know, as the Mother of all, that some steps have already been taken, but they are not sufficient for the emergence of a new race.

You must be more vigilant and silent, observing yourselves more than your neighbor, because in this way you will avoid many misunderstandings and you will close the doors to disunity and lack of fraternity that so tempt the human consciousness.

My dears, never forget that while you have everything because you are beside the King of all things, there are many more brothers and sisters of yours in the world who, motivated by false representations of God, are making each other suffer in demonic and spiritually transgressive ways. Therefore, be a little stronger and braver in relation to yourselves and do not let the enemy also work through My soldiers, removing the peace which I am trying to institute in the world.

Always remember that you are here to fulfill the Greater Plan, to establish peace in these times of chaos on Earth, just like in the universe, since what happens in this world interferes with the whole Creation of God.

I urge you to fight against yourselves when necessary, because many islands of  salvation for the spirit no longer exist on this Earth. I count on very few and they must remain faithful and strong because it is possible to establish the Plan of God in the human consciousness, through the victory of Christ in His beloved companions.

My dear children, know that the acute hour of the planet has started in some parts of the world now and will expand to the whole of humanity in a short time. Purify yourselves soon of all the evil that is still inside your consciousnesses and do this through prayer, as well as conscious transformation. Do this by loving the Plan of God, each day more, so that the true love for something superior may banish from your hearts the false pleasure of destroying the unity among beings.

I tell you all of this because you must feel within yourselves that an urgent and definitive change needs to happen. I just urge you to take your steps and do not waste time because, by the time the planetary purification knocks at your door, I need you to be ready and willing to help others, those who have not listened to these Words.

I thank you and leave you My maternal Love so that you may never give up taking the steps in your constant and immediate transformation.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Porto Alegre and of the whole world,

In My presence, and recognizing My Call, I ask that you pray for those who are not here today and who wander in this city as well as across the whole world, like souls without direction and without a clear goal for their own spirit.

Each creature that comes from God, My beloveds, has a spiritual mission to fulfill, because it is in this way, with each one fulfilling their part, that the Plan of God will be manifested, not only in this world, but also in the whole universe.

We are now in a definitive time for the planet, because after centuries and centuries of learning in the school of the Earth, the time has come for you take the exam, and for you to put yourselves at the disposal of the ones who need the virtues and the gifts of your hearts the most.

My beloveds, it may seem that I ask you difficult and impossible things, because—in a world where competition, pride and vanity have been fed for centuries —I call you to be fraternal, humble and simple so that you may accomplish together, through mutual assistance, the Plans of God for this race.

My Immaculate Heart is forming an army of light in the world, not for you to stand out among the others in the evolutionary path.  My soldiers will build the path by means of which the rescuing boat will reach this world.  With your efforts and transformations you will open the doors of this boat for humanity.  With your examples and your services you will attract the beings so that they will enter the boat and you will wait at the door until the last soul be able to receive salvation.

For this I call you to put in the most effort, but to be the last ones to receive the merits for your own effort.

I invite you to follow the Christic path in which you will offer all of yourselves for love for your neighbor, even if nobody recognizes your effort and the planetary service that you are providing in the name of God.

Dears, in a world that agonizes, your Heavenly Mother calls you so that you will be the light in the path of the blind by means of your prayers and actions.

It is already time that not only you will listen to My Call, but also that you act with valor and devotion.

Prepare yourselves to be the guides of many souls in the end of times.  For this purpose you need to not be that which you are today, because in order to guide other souls you must be empty of yourselves and surrendered to God, so that He will be the One who will inhabit your dwellings.

I bless you and place you under My celestial mantle.

You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this day I want to bring the flame of My Divine Hope to your hearts, a harbinger of faith in the hearts of the world.

Just like the Sun that shines in the center of the Universe, My Heart descends to the world to illuminate the abysms within and outside of beings, and thus be the guide for each consciousness moving toward the Most Sacred Heart of My Son and the Creator God.

I return to the world crying out to the hearts to live the awakening, because the Plans of the Most High God have still not been fulfilled on this sacred planet, and the majority of souls are not seeking the correct path to the goal that God has given them.

I ask you, My beloved ones, to go deeper into the path of prayer, so that you not be in a praying state only during your moments of liturgy and attunement. I want you to make your lives a permanent prayer.

If, in prayer, you ask for the Forgiveness of God for the world, then live forgiveness all the time.

If you cry out to the Father for His Mercy when you pray, then be merciful in each act, word, and thought.

If, in prayer, you ask of God for the Kingdoms of Nature, then take care of the kingdoms that are closest to you and radiate the love that you ask of God for these little bearers of Divine Consciousness.

If, in prayer, you entreat for the poor and for the helpless, for those who are in deceit and in ignorance, for those who live with lies and errors, then, dear ones, when you meet a sibling who lives all those things, love them and be as the hands of God that carry peace and celestial help for all those in need.

I do not ask you to do great works, because a pure seeing and a true smile can bring the presence of God to beings in a way that no great work would do.

May each one, within your possibilities, live your prayers with acts, thoughts, feelings, and words.

May God find in you, My children, a doorway to enter the world.

Indoctrinate through the experience of the word and make the power of your prayers more potent through being a living manifestation of prayer in the world.

I love you and leave My maternal blessing for My beloved children of Venezuela, who in prayer and perseverance wait for Me, trying to understand what they experience in this time, and learn from it all.

Now, My beloved ones, strengthened by My presence, may you help others so that they may find My Immaculate Heart and the Most Loving Heart of My Son.

May Peace and the Mercy of God be in all the hearts of the world.

Never lose peace and the hope of seeing the Plans of God fulfilled on this blessed Earth.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When Mary arrived here to deliver the Message for the Apparition, She surprised us with a different aspect.  She had loose hair, with no veil; She had a dark complexion and an indigenous feature.  Her eyes were brown and She was wearing a white tunic and a blue mantle with some very tiny and different colors embroidered flowers.  

Mary talked as if She were in Colombia and we saw how She was uniting the times, and at the same time that She was talking before Me, She was making Her maternal energy enter in the hearts of all those who will listen to Her today, in Her Monthly Apparition.

Children of Mine,

May the Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be always in your little hearts.

I am your Heavenly Mother, this one who arrives to the world in order to awaken the hearts to the Sovereign Truth of God.

I come to Colombia in order to transform the pure devotion of My most simple children into the source of salvation for the souls of the whole nation, as well as the whole world.

My beloved ones, for a long time I descend from the Heavens, in Spirit of Love, to show to the beings of the world the truth about the human heart. With My purity of Mother of the World and Servant of God the Father, I seek to make emerge in the hearts of humanity the original purity.  That is why I make you feel as little children, because it is in that way that you will be able to understand the greatest celestial truths – when the purity of your hearts be a reality in your lives.

I arrive to Colombia, My beloved children, to renovate an old commitment that it has with My Immaculate Heart and, as a consequence, with the Heart of Christ and with the Most High God.  I come to renovate your faith and the faith of all those who will come after you and who will awaken to the life of prayer, by means of your praying example of love and fraternity.

My dears, I seek, in this time, to make your souls return to simplicity and to love; may forgiveness be able to be born in your hearts in order to redeem the past and bring to the future the perspective of a peaceful and full of God world.

As the Mother of the World, the Mother of the Americas and the Mother of Colombia, I come so that each nation and each being of this Earth be able to fulfill the Plan that God has for His creatures.   And that, My Children, is reached in a very simple way, but with persistence and braveness.

It is for that reason that today I call you to unite to My Heart and to make of Colombia a praying nation and that, in this way, the whole world be permeated by your prayers and by the fount of peace that you may generate from here.

I ask you to unite to Me in prayer every day, to listen to the supplications that the Sacred Hearts daily delivered to the world so that a new humanity, permeated by the Spirit of God, be able to be born in the planet.

I keep today, in your little hearts, the devotion to the Holy Child Mary, so that, as well as My Immaculate Heart, you can be as children before God and, in simplicity and in purity, you may fulfill the designs of the Creator.

I love you and leave you My Peace.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



I am the Mother of all the peoples, of all the nations, of all the races. Independently of recognition of My children, I will take care of you and will always try to lead you to return to the Heart of God.

I am the Queen of Peace and of all the attributes that lead you to God, because from My maternal womb comes all the beauty and perfection that you must manifest to the creatures in this world.

Turn to Me in order to live the Plan of God, pray with Me for the manifestation of a new world. The Heart of the Celestial Father never loses hope of seeing in His children the manifestation of His perfection and, no matter how injured and insulted by the human actions it may be, the Heart of the Lord is fixed on those who can express what they truly are.

Beloved children, the Mother Earth is about to have a planetary birth labor; She will give birth to a new civilization, renewing those who disposed themselves to be others and to discover truths that are opposite to the reality of humanity. Its contractions will lead the world to shiver inside and outside of the beings, because – before the true principle for life upon the Earth is born – all that is not corresponding to the Plans of God must be purified and expurgated from the planetary body.

My Immaculate Heart awaits to be able to shelter the largest amount of souls possible; because of this I advise you and I speak not only to those who follow Me, but also to the whole world.

Many will awaken late, but a true act of love and compassion might place them in the correct path, so that they may retake their posts in the army of the Lord and may proclaim the thousand years of peace.

My words are symbolic and literal at the same time. Those who meditate on what I say will know how to find the limits of symbolism and reality.

I ask you to not be alarmed and not to be precipitated in your actions, to only take responsibility for all that you know and to fulfill your own mission.

My Immaculate Heart will try to balance the planetary situation in many ways; therefore, do not think that I ask you many things, because all that I place in your paths is for the urgency of the world and you must fulfill all that I ask you.

Unite yourselves to manifest all of the works that the Sacred Hearts have been ordering for you because in a near future, the puzzle will be assembled before your eyes and then you will understand why We asked you so many things.

I love you and I thank you for trying to materialize My Work of Salvation, which is the Work that precedes the manifestation of the Return of Christ and of the Plans of the Creator.

I love you today and always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Kneel every day before the altar of God and clamor for Piety and Mercy.  Ask the Lord to awaken humanity from the dream that it lives and to be willing to follow His Celestials Designs, no matter what they are.Son of Mine, Daughter of Mine, listen to the voice of God that speaks directly to your heart, inviting your soul to take a new step and consecrate itself to a superior life.  I ask you to be worthy of living the Project of the Creator, and through your transformation, allow other souls to find a path to Redemption.

Child, if you listen to the voice of Your Celestial Mother, it is because time has arrived to surrender yourself before God.  Wait no longer for the suffering of life to bring an insuperable learning to your spirit so that your soul may realize that it was walking through paths that did not lead to God.

Look, the world around you agonizes and your siblings suffer, day by day, the submission to darkness.  Many are in the bitterness of the wars, with the fear of death and with the impossibility of even having a dignified life according to the laws of the world.  And you, son of Mine, daughter of Mine, I have called to be by My side, and it was not by chance.

My voice pronounces itself before your eyes and speaks directly to your heart, because you have made a commitment with God for humanity and for the kingdoms of nature, for the evolution of this world and of many others.

Know, My beloved child, that the time of learning through love has already arrived for you, because the time of the true suffering for humanity is still approaching and its cycle has recently started.  You still have time to learn to love and to forgive, to be a server or servant of God.  But be brave and not delay in responding, because the clock time is no longer being counted in the same way.  Then hands accelerate and a minute has no longer sixty seconds.

I am your Mother, the Universal Queen, the bearer of a Peace that transcends any sorrow and suffering and that can persevere in the hearts of those who accompany Me, regardless of the events of the world.

For this, son and daughter, feel in My voice the urgency of the times and in My calm the last possibility of awakening humanity.

Your Celestial Mother has already shed Her tears before God and has offered Herself for your salvation and for the salvation of your brothers and sisters; but the Lord is Righteous and expects from humanity the initiative of transforming life on the planet.

The human beings must become worthy children of God, and that, My beloved ones, your Heavenly Mother cannot do for you.

I wish, son and daughter, that My love alone would touch your heart and remove you from the ignorance of the material life in order to lead you to the sacred and to the consciousness that these are times of emergency.

I wish I would make you understand, with My Holy Peace, that this, which I give to you, as blessings and graces, must be poured, through your prayers, over the souls lost in the world.

I wish, son and daughter, that the events that make your brothers and sisters agonize were enough to make you come out of yourself and serve those that you have beside you, to make you forgive what you still have not forgiven in the others and in yourself, and reconcile with God.

Listen, My beloved son, My beloved daughter, because today I speak directly to you: awake and unite to My Peace Army, because your Divine Mother no longer knows how to warn the world, and clamors to the hearts of the humanity that accepts living the Redemption.

Today I leave you My Peace and I thank you for coming to meet Me, although you know that many of those that I have summoned are not here.

Disseminate My Message of Peace, announce My Presence.  Do not allow your brothers and sisters to lose themselves. If I am here, it is to take you to God.

I love you and I bless you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Message of the Most Holy Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted at the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Account of the special Message:

Responding to a request of Saint Joseph, we were fasting and in vigil during the whole day at the Marian Center of Aurora. To prepare the procession of Saint Michael, which would take place for the first time, different groups of prayer were praying from 7 am to 7 pm, at four points of the Marian Center: at the Archangel Saint Michael Hermitage, at the "Adoration Home", at the Portal of Peace, and at the Geodesic, where there is a picture with the image of the Glorified Christ.

At 8 pm, the brothers and sisters present at the Marian Center began the procession of the Archangel Saint Michael and, at that very moment, I was with some brothers and sisters at prayer in the monastery, when I had a vision: I saw many souls in different situations of suffering, which were coming from the Middle East to the Marian Center, and were being assisted by the portals of light that were opening at the points where we had been praying all day.

After a period of time, I saw an angel dressed in white that positioned himself over the Saint Michael Hermitage. He says: "I am the Angel of Peace." Behind him, I saw a great portal to the Celestial Kingdom, through which I saw choirs of angels intoning divine melodies, in many voices. The souls that reached the Marian Center began to go through the portal behind this angel towards Heaven.

Some minutes later, I saw Our Lady appear as the Rose of Peace. In Her hands She had a great rosary and, with open hands palm down, She spoke a prayer in a loud strong voice. Mary thanked us for the prayers we did all day and, in spite of being very grateful, Her countenance still reflected great sadness and concern. Next, in Mary's hands appeared a mantle stained with blood; it was almost all scarlet. I asked about this mantle, and Our Lady answered: "This is the Holy Shroud that restored the Body of My Son Jesus."

At that moment, I saw many souls that arrived decapitated, mutilated and tortured in different ways. Our Lady was wrapping them in the Shroud of Christ and was restoring them. Those souls were being reconstituted, and then were going through the portal of light behind Mary.

What I felt was unexplainable on seeing the eyes of those souls when they saw the countenance of Our Lady and tired, moved into Her arms. Mary transmuted and transformed all their sadness and suffering and lifted them up to Her Kingdom. After a long time carrying out this movement, Our Lady gave us a special message, saying:


My Immaculate Heart was present today at all the Marian Centers of the world and in all the homes of those who offered Me a sincere prayer for peace, proclaiming the victory of My Son Jesus in all souls that cry out for Mercy and for Justice.

Know, My beloveds, that there is still much to be released, and I come to this special meeting with you so that, in My Presence, you feel the merits of your prayers.

Today I unite with those who pray in the world and cry out to the Father for Mercy for My little ones that are lost in the suffering and anguish of a constant fear of death.

My children, through My Presence here in this Sacred Center, I ask that your hearts and spirits continue to be moved to make the days of vigil a permanent practice in your lives.

The world is in agony and it wounds the Heart of God and of His Messengers. Many are losing their faith and hope in the face of an uncertain spiritual destiny. My little ones are asking themselves where God is to help them in their suffering and pain, and I tell you, My beloveds, that God is in the heart of all those who cry out for Him. Thus, carry the Peace of your Lord, placed in your hearts, for the souls most in need.

In prayer, together with Me, hold the Holy Shroud that restored the scourged Body of My Son, to restore the souls and spirits tortured by the darkness of the world.

My beloveds, you are no longer ignorant about the planetary reality; do not allow more hells to be opened in the world. Pray, pray without ceasing. Bring relief to My Heart, so that I may intercede for all.

I am counting on your prayers, on your petitions, on your most sincere praying.

If your eyes could see the light that shines again in the eyes of those who find My Immaculate Heart once more after suffering so long, you would not waste even a second of your lives without asking for the Mercy of the Creator.

Establish the Kingdom of God in the world and cry out for His eternal Pity.

I bless you and thank you for responding to My call. Never cease to listen to Me.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I want to make use of the merciful heart of My children, to mitigate the Justice that rains down over the world.  I ask you to pray with fervor, so that the ray of My Redemption penetrates the world and passes through the heart of those of My little ones who, out of ignorance and vanity, have been taken by the shrewdness of My adversary.

I want to dissipate evil with the emergence of the Absolute Light of God.  I want to dissipate sorrow through the living of the Sovereign Peace of My Immaculate Heart.  I want to expel hatred from the hearts, through the reigning of love in those who, brave in spirit, allow themselves to be transformed, in order to fulfill the Perfect Project of God for this world.

If you want to see the establishment of Peace in the world, be peaceful in your lives.  If you do not want faith to be lost from the heart of humanity, do not lose yourselves the opportunity of praying and strengthening your own faith, in order to take it in essence to the ones in most need.

My children, the world agonizes and humanity, by its actions, harms the Sacred Body of God, which expresses itself in all the Creation.  To repair this suffering that you cause to the Father, I come to deliver to you the sublime knowledge about the cosmos and the infinite, and thus, ennoble the human consciousness and take it out of the darkness in which it lives.  But the majority of humanity encloses itself in the conveniences of the life in this world and refuses to recognize life in other universes.  They prefer to disbelieve My presence rather than to transform themselves in order to enter, in essence and spirit, into the balm of the celestial truth.

Do not become comfortable in the ignorance, because I do not come to deliver to you this universal knowledge only to transform your way of thinking, nor to spread an esoteric thought throughout the world.  Do not confuse the celestial words with human concepts, My beloved ones, because when chaos grows throughout the world and the Divine Justice descends to stop it, only the certainty of the existence of the realities beyond this life and the certainty that everything you live has a superior purpose will strengthen your hearts and will allow you to walk in faith and help those who are letting the flame of the heart be extinguished.

Everything in Heaven as well as on Earth has its time.  Throughout the centuries, I let Myself be known to humanity, so that you could trust My love and My guidance; and now, My dear ones, I want to reveal to you the true existence of the universe and announce to you that there is life far beyond this one; that there are entire civilizations waiting for the growth of your spirits and, in hope, they expect you to reach the likeness to the One that came to be the example for the all of humanity and who now reigns in the cosmos, as the Perfect Principle of God, an example for the whole of Creation.

My Children, I want to announce to this planet, the existence of many other worlds, created by the angels and archangels of God, the so called Creator Fathers, who have an infinite power of creation and who create and recreate the entirety life, giving to the Lord the possibility of expressing Himself in various ways.

It was pride and vanity what locked humanity up in the thought that the universal life does not exist, and that beyond this Earth there could be Heaven and hell, at the most. Today I tell you that there are more than seven Heavens, where saints and angels continue their path of evolution, and that there are more than seven hells, where the consciousnesses that have not followed the divine principles and let themselves get absorbed by darkness, wait for mercy to permeate and rescue them.  One of those hells is a reality on the surface of this world and is distributed in many degrees, according to the reigning of chaos and to the submission that it causes to the souls.

For the redemption of that darkness, I come to the world everyday.  And I want you to know that the awakening of a few, which are yourselves, the ones who listen to Me, is what will cause the salvation of this race which is not the only one in the universe and which is so contaminated that, even being the cradle for the King of Creation, is in danger of disappearing from this infinite Cosmos, because of the self destruction which is not only physical but also spiritual.

It is for the redemption of that darkness, that I come to the world everyday.  And I want you to know that the awakening of a few, which are yourselves, the ones who listen to Me, is what will bring about the salvation of this race which is not the only one in the universe and which is so contaminated that, even being the cradle for the King of Creation, is in danger of disappearing from this infinite Cosmos, because of the self destruction which is not only physical but also spiritual.

My beloved ones, if humanity does not answer to the Call of God, His Creation will still continue its evolution in the universe, but a perfect learning of love will no longer be brought to all the creatures who await being able to meet the Father.

Listen to My voice and far beyond comprehending Me or not, allow one ray of My Heart, imprinted in this word, to pass through your souls and awaken them from the sleep they live in the illusions of matter.

Redemption, salvation and mercy for the planet.

Awakening and reconciliation with God and with His Plan of Love for those who listen to Me.

I bless you, by the power that God has granted Me.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The era of Faith has come, the era in which hearts will be tested by the Justice of God. You will thus learn to have trust in the Creator and will have knowledge of the essence of Divine Obedience, the one that responds to higher designs, beyond understanding or mental and inner adherence to everything that happens all around.

Those who open the eyes of the spirit and of the heart will be able to see the intention of God, held in the core of the events, and they will understand what no one will be able to understand; they will find Wisdom and Divine Justice in what to human eyes will be injustice and a curse.

The era of faith has come, because My adversary will attack hearts through doubt and through incomprehension. Many will search outside of themselves in phenomena, for confirmations they can only find within themselves.

The unwavering peace in the heart of My children will be the only confirmation that the Presence of God in His Messengers is real. So, My beloved ones, what I build inside each of you is purely spiritual and must be consolidated through the definitive transformation of your lives.

What is built in the human heart through phenomena can be destroyed as easily and quickly as their manifestation. But what I build within My soldiers has a clear purpose, which shall be manifested to the eyes of the world in the end times.

The first sign will be the confirmation of My words in the events to come. And the most important sign, both to humankind and to God, will be the faith in the hearts of My children and the peace that will allow them to guide those who are lost.

The clarity of purpose will allow you to see the events from a higher point of view, and you will not get involved with what is happening in the world, but will know that all this is happening for a greater purpose, which is the purification of the planet and the emergence of a new race.

This race that will emerge, My beloved ones, will be born from the seed I caused to sprout in your hearts, and will not be made up of new human beings that will suddenly appear. It will be you and your children, renewed by My Spirit of Love and by the Return of Christ the Redeemer, that will shape the new world.

And in this way, the Most Sacred Project of God will be fulfilled, in which His creatures will be capable of defeating the darkness that dwells within and outside of themselves, and through love, will bring about the triumph of the Spirit of God in the world and the Christic purpose of this Creation.

My beloved ones, keep within yourselves My words, study them and let them impregnate your consciousnesses, because they will bring the certainty of the triumph of God in the human heart, and it will be with these Words in your consciousness that you will manage to live a full state of peace in the times that are coming and in the times you are already experiencing.

Be firm in the life of prayer and do not allow the demands of the world to overcome the imperative need of strengthening yourselves inwardly. With wisdom, give priority to the things of God; in this way, you will be journeying on safe paths that lead to the Lord.

I love you and eternally thank you for responding to My call.

Let no doubt defeat the faith in your hearts. Let no concern cause you to lose peace.

I bless you, under the Peacemaking Spirit of God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When an inner sun illuminates the darkness of your hearts, this is Me, children of Mine, that announces that the end of chaos is near.

This is the definitive beginning of the end, the cycle on which all the steps taken through actions, thoughts, feelings and definitions will be placed on the scale of the Divine Judge, This One that will dictate to angels and archangels what will be the destiny of this humanity.

Before such ignorance and darkness in the heart of most people of this world, the smallest light ignited will shine as a resplendent sun and a creature who remains sane and in the balance of their prayerful soul will be able to guide the millions who will wander with no aim, with no destination, except their own abyss.

My dear ones, My Heart will no longer come to the world to warn you, because this, I have already done for the last eight years here, and for the last thirty years in Medjugorje.  Many times I have come to this world and many were the attempts to awaken you to a life of prayer, of holiness and of pacification.

From now on, the times that will come will no longer expect you to be ready, because the Justice of God will precipitate over the world and each being will live according to the merits earned on their days of existence.

Many will seek the peace of My Heart and will not find it, because they did not want, in other times, to build the path between their own heart and My source of Peace.

I will no longer be able to intercede for the world as before, because until now I have taken many steps for your feet, but the time has come for you to begin your own walk and start to generate your own merits, not only for yourselves, but for all humanity, because today I tell you, My beloveds, that in the time of Justice that announces itself, it will be the conscious humanity itself that will have to open the doors so that Mercy and Piety may descend upon the unbelievers and the dormant in spirit.

Many will regret in time and others will not; for this you must be conscious that the Justice of God will not cause harm to the hearts, but, to each one, it will give what they deserve in order to live their learning in this world.

The humanity that today inhabits the surface of the planet is very old and has had many opportunities to learn and follow the designs of God.  But many preferred to turn the back on celestial things and open the arms to illusion and to the infernal life that manifests itself through the capital energies.

The ray of the Justice of God will break the ignorance of humanity and, those who laughed so much with the king of the hells, will cry for their great ignorance.  Those who teased the Light, will blind their eyes before It, because, after everything that will happen, the King will come and give new opportunities for those who will repent of heart and extend their hands to Him, clamoring for pity.

My beloveds, prepare your hearts and listen to Me carefully, because at this time I will not be able detain the power of My words for the fear that your hearts may feel or for the unbelief that may be generated in some souls, for the incapacity of transforming themselves in order to accept My words.

It is the Will of God that the Truth be revealed to you, because it will be a part of the awakening of faith and of consciousness to see My words being fulfilled in the times to come, times in which I will no longer be here, so close to you.

When My prophecies be a fact, you will look to the skies, where I will be observing you, and some will thank, others will ask for forgiveness, but no one will be able to say that I did not warn you and that I did not let you know about the final days of this world.

But know that such as I announce the times of difficulties and trials, I also tell you that those who may walk in faith will not toddle.  Those who may make of prayer the pillar of their consciousnesses, will always be a door of peace and a guide star to humanity.  Through these ones, I will guide the world.  But you must be brave and persistent, trusting the power of My Word, that announced to you the times of chaos, but also told you that, at the end of all, your King will come, will cross the clouds and the seven heavens, will step on Earth and rebuild it, inside and outside of humanity, so that in it the new humanity may inhabit.

May Peace be the engine that leads you and keep you standing in the times to come.

Pray, pray and trust in Me every instant of your lives, because thus they will be sanctified by My presence.

I love you and bless you, so that in this cycle I shall find you inside My Heart.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
