My children,
Since the beginning of your lives, during the manifestation of your essences in the Universe, the Purpose of God and His perfect Thought have been drawn for each one of you.
Each being of this Earth, and even beyond it, has a unique mission designed by God so that through their fulfillments not only the Plan of their Creator may be fulfilled, but His vast Creation, from cycle to cycle, can be recreated and renewed, based upon new and greater degrees of Love.
Each essence bears within itself a unique gift of the Spirit of God, a virtue that makes it unique in Creation and special for God, with its place kept in His Sacred Heart.
This virtue is like a musical note within a great celestial melody. Without it, the melody would not be complete. This note is in the chord that corresponds to it, with other notes that complement it; this note is in the perfect melody, in the perfect tempo so that, upon sounding its tone, a new door may open to Life.
I say this to you, My children, so that you may understand that nothing ends. Cycles do not mean an end, but a new step of an infinite evolutionary scale, which has been manifesting in your lives since the beginning of your creation, from the beginning of the creation of Life itself.
The evolution of beings is built, step by step, since the creation of their consciousnesses and, although their mission is the same, it deepens and is perfected so that through it something greater may be constructed.
Each consciousness, as it is created, receives a lineage to express and, life after life, on Earth or beyond it, this lineage is fulfilled and manifests more or less intensely, according to the awakening of the consciousness.
The beings that you know as visionaries manifest this lineage since the beginning of their existence, because their mission is to see beyond the dimensions and to communicate the perceived Will of God to all creatures.
There are different expressions of this spiritual lineage, which does not mean that they are better or worse than one another, but just that they are in different degrees of development, according to the Will of God and the mission of each consciousness.
From their universal and cosmic life, to their experience on Earth, a visionary has been deepening not only into their capability to perceive the dimensions, but above all to love them, to love what they perceive, to love what they transmit and to whom they transmit, and to do it each day more deeply and truly.
Each stage of the evolution of a visionary invites them to deepen not only into their perception, but also into their degrees of love and humility. And oftentimes a cycle that closes means a new and deeper cycle begins.
When the Divine Messengers begin a stage of retreat, this not only means, My children, that the visionary must begin to deepen into their mission and enter subtler and more unknown spheres, which are revealed in the solitude of their hearts. It also means that all those who share what is transmitted by God must begin a cycle of deepening and inner synthesis.
A note by itself cannot contain an entire melody within a song. The whole song collects the notes and deepens into its silence so that the note can then intensify during a later moment of this great melody.
In this way, I explain to you that this is a cycle of revelations, which must not only be heard, but also deepened into.
After this cycle, while we begin to retreat, a great silence will come, a moment when Our Voices must echo within each one of you.
This echo must enter into your consciousnesses, into your cells and atoms, echoing, within each one, the experience of superior Laws, the experience and living all that We have said throughout the years. Because it is through the depths of this silence that the fortitude will be built in you, which will make you worthy, not only of sustaining this planet, but also of re-building it from the Sacred Enclaves that, little by little, are revealed to you.
Live each cycle with your spirit filled with gratitude, with your heart ready for an even greater new step. Thus, My children, Our silence will not be a reason for you to weaken, but rather to elevate.
I take this time for you to understand that evolution is an eternal ascension, and that this Law is fulfilled beyond the appearances and the small human understanding.
Live each stage always looking toward the Heights, and there the Purpose of God will be, guiding your lives.
I love you and I am with you at each instant.
My Heart, from the birth of Christ to the Cross, My children, always remained silent, and I nonetheless did not cease to feel and live each instant of the life of Christ. I shared with Him each experience, each learning, each leap into the unknown, each challenge that was overcome, and this is what I am doing today, with each one of you.
Therefore, trust in My word of Love and, even more, trust in My mysterious and consoling silence, because it is there that I sustain your cross.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call with love!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
From the beginning of the manifestation of life, My children, in the most pure and profound Thought of God, when He was gestating the Project of this humanity, within it was contemplated the existence of the original peoples; those peoples are called thus not only because they gave origin to the civilizations of this world, but also because, from the origin of life, they were thought by God to maintain the union between Heaven and Earth, union among all Kingdoms of Nature, union between the surface of the planet and the subtle worlds.
The original peoples, beloved children, are those thought by God to be the doorkeepers of the sublime worlds, of the superior realities where the sacred dwells, where beings are invited to return to their Origins in the Celestial Founts.
It is in this way that, from the beginning of humanity and up to today, the Divine Hierarchy has impelled the original peoples to find their purity and return to the Purpose that God manifested for their lives at the beginning.
Upon creating this planet and each being of this Earth, which is the bearer of a particle of the divine essence, your Celestial Father created not only the Kingdoms, the elements and the human being, a fruit of the clay consecrated by His Divine Breath. God also created subtle realities, invisible to the human eyes that do not seek with sincerity the sacred within their lives.
These subtle worlds maintain, within the planet, the Divine Purpose. Within them, communion with all kinds of life is lived; within them the dimensions unite and there is no danger, because those who enter there live pure in heart and in spirit, and only aspire to fulfill the Divine Will and Purpose.
Those who enter these subtle worlds, My children, have been divested of their personal wills and from their human condition of impurity and degeneration. In this way, their hearts find the path to express purity and unity with the Divine.
These subtle worlds are safeguarded by nature, by its strength, beauty and harmony. In the invisible of the lakes, seas, deserts and mountains, they hide, not only to sustain the planet, but also so that, through the greatness of the expression of nature, those who arrive there can feel that something more dwells there; that a sacred mystery lies hidden there, and it is as if Heaven were closer to humanity and God could express Himself.
Throughout the times and the history of humanity, many were the peoples who could enter these subtle worlds with all they were because, while humanity, in other parts of the Earth, lost its purpose, these peoples found it and deepened into it, not only through science and wisdom but, above all, through love for the sacred and divine and through respect for life and nature.
These were the Keys that allowed these peoples to live the Science of Transfiguration. And, just as My Son had once revealed It to you on Mount Tabor, they also could recognize their true face, illuminate cells and atoms and allow, not only for their heart and consciousness to vibrate in another more elevated level, but also their more material part. This part, which today seems so dense, had elevated and became transfigured in ancient times.
Through the simplicity of the heart, the original peoples discovered that the same solar essence that they contemplated and adored in the infinite sky dwelled within them. And, in this way, they lived a profound union with God, as they could understand Him.
Upon illuminating their cells and atoms, upon letting themselves be permeated by the light in their souls, these peoples attained the same vibration of the subtle worlds, and thus could not only see them, but also enter and participate in them, as representatives of humanity.
In this way, they became Guardians and Doorkeepers of these subtle dimensions, which up to today hide within the planet. Some of these peoples left upon the surface traces of their history and life, and then disappeared. But others, My children, were never known by humanity.
Today your Divine Mother comes to this place, sacred to Heaven and Earth, to reveal to you a history and, more than that, to impel your souls toward the quest for purity and for the sacred.
The time has come to unveil the hidden mysteries in the history of humanity, not only to abandon ignorance but, above all, My children, to embrace purity. And in the time to come, when the Earth will be elevated in its vibration and conducted to a new time, a new reality, may your hearts and spirits be ready, not only to see, but to participate in this sublime life.
Seek the purity of your hearts, seek union with life and nature and, just as today I reveal to you many mysteries, other truths will also be revealed in your hearts.
I bless you and thank you for coming here and for being open from the heart to the revelations that God brings to you at this time.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, I come from Heaven, uniting the faces of the Rose of Peace and of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to offer to the world that which is most pure in My Heart, that which God deposited in My Consciousness and in My Essence when He created Me, as a part of His part, emanation and extension of His Divine Spirit.
With this, My children, I prepare your hearts for the times that will come because, in the year that will come, your spirits must be strengthened in humility, made one in service, founded in sacrifice, confirmed in surrender and renewed in love. These are the keys that I bring to you today, so that you may not only support the transition of the times, but that you may triumph in Calvary, a victory in the cross of these times.
Today, beloved children, I open My Heart, and from this Heart I let you know about the purity of the origin, the essence of life, the first Love that gave an impulse to its Creator to manifest life, so that in this way you may be filled with the true essence of the existence, not only of humanity, but of all life.
I tell you today that your stories were already written in the Thought and the Heart of God from the origin. The Creator contemplates, with eyes of compassion and hope, each lesson that you live, each error and each triumph, each step and each retrogression.
All the beings of the Earth have upon their paths dual options to choose, because this is the learning of this planet, as of this Universe. You must learn to choose Divine Light, Love and Divine Will, in spite of all stimuli and impulses that lead you to live the opposite.
All the beings of this Universe, when their essences were created, received from the Archangels the Plan of God, the perfect Plan of the Creator for this new life. And they received from the Lords of the Law and from the Angels of Justice and Universal Evolution the path that represented the opposite of their evolutionary steps, a path that is written not to be lived, but to be overcome.
This is so, My children, because before the existence of material creatures, before your lives, even as essences, in the beginning of Creation, there existed spiritual, universal and solar consciousnesses that, with their errors, manifested duality.
This Universe, as a living consciousness and as a part of Divine Creation, must reverse a very ancient error, which today your small minds cannot understand but, even so, you must be conscious of the triumph that you must generate, by means of the renewal of love in your essences.
Your evolution, My children, is similar to a vast beach, where a mere speck of sand can change the destiny of all life that dwells within it. Mysteriously, human evolution is like this, and in this way you must understand that the mystery that dwells in your essences is so immense, profound and with such a great a potential to reverse the errors of the past, that your hearts get lost within it and do not realize it.
Today, My children, I come to talk to your souls, those which are capable of understanding what I tell you, those which know that, although they are small, hold in themselves a bridge to an Eternal God.
With this, I just want to lead you to an understanding of the vastness of life, so that you do not stay in what is small and superficial in this cycle that comes, but that you enter this definitive year with consciousness, My children, consciousness of the responsibility that you have towards life, not only of this planet, but also in this Universe and beyond it.
It is for this reason that I today deliver to you My Rose of Peace, and I place it in the depths of your hearts. Today, I deliver to you the gifts of My Divine Conception, so that all may awaken to what you were created for, conceived in the depths of Divine Love, and so that you may be consequent with the missions that God gave to you from the beginning.
I love you, with My Spirit I bless you and with My Heart I thank you for responding to My call.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
When the Creator thought of the human project, He contemplated from the start the upon the possibility of the His making of Himself a creature among His creatures.
The human beings were created among so many other beings and civilizations of the Universe, to express something that none of them had expressed.
They were created to unite dimensions, to express the love that overcomes the limits of all existence, and this allows beings to unite with God. They were created to express the essential likeness with the Father of all life.
The human purpose is great, and for this reason, My children, it is not attained in a simple way, although everything can occur with the awakening of consciousness and the firm decision of loving without conditions and surrendering everything for this purpose of entering the divine mysteries within one’s own heart, like in the infinite Cosmos.
Living the human potential seems to be something impossible, because most beings have not opened to truly experience the Love of God, which they are capable of finding and feeling within themselves.
I have taught you to pray, so that in this way you might cross the doors of your own heart and, little by little, you might discover the possibility of uniting with God, feeling Him and living Him.
When a being truly lives the Love of God, My children, even for an instant, this is enough to lead them to understand that any sacrifice, effort or renunciation, of things of the world and of human illusions, is small to attain the Eternity within this Divine Love.
God, knowing that His children were lost in their evolution and that they increasingly moved away from their purpose and truth, and in order not to allow humanity to again go astray, as had happened so many times, your Creator Father decided He would Himself come to the world and show them the way.
So immense and merciful was the impulse of God for humanity, an impulse never before given to any creature, neither in Heaven nor upon Earth, that the whole existence placed its eyes, heart and hope in this world.
Mystery upon mystery is the evolution of humanity, beloved children, where the errors of the past and the history of ancient universal consciousnesses stop, so that a story of redemption and the revelation of the Love of God for all life may begin.
No being of this Earth, while being alive, has yet been capable of understanding themselves and entering both into their origin and into the true potential of their essence. Only after this life were those, who received from God the possibility of living the experience of love in this world, capable of perceiving the opportunity they received.
But today, My children, you are called to live the greatest miracle of this time and of all times, the miracle of the awakening of consciousness; the miracle of the union of time; the miracle of understanding what you were before coming to this world and what is the essence and the purpose of your lives. You are called to live the miracle of Science and the Divine Wisdom, to communicate to the world His Truth, not only with the word but, above all, with your own lives.
More than two thousand years ago, at the request of your Creator, I gathered the disciples and companions of Christ so that the Consoling Spirit might pour out upon them. Its mission was to announce the Good News of the arrival of the Messiah and to manifest, in the consciousness and in the history of humanity, the presence and the example of God amidst humanity.
Today, I gather you so that the Consoling Spirit may give you strength, may awaken in you the Gift of Science, which becomes wisdom and discernment. Science to awaken, beloved children; science for you to know what to do and how to become responsible, not only for your own redemption, but also for sustaining this world in transition.
While My last words echo throughout the world, I pour upon you Graces amid Justice, I bring you Gifts among corrections, because it is necessary that you are corrected, but it is also necessary that you awaken and fulfill the Purpose of God.
Just as the Creator came to the world while humanity was straying from its purpose, and He showed them the Way, the Truth and the Life, He will come again, My children, to show you the revelation of Love within chaos, to show you the awakening of Truth during the apex of the illusion of human suffering; He will come so that you may know how to unite the times and the dimensions, and thus you may do it, not only in this world, but in all of Creation, because not only does the Earth need redemption, all life must learn to return to God, and this will happen through the fullness of your lives and the expression of what you truly are.
I love you, bless you and, with the deep humility of My Immaculate Heart, I thank you, so that you may learn that, through gratitude, Heaven opens and the Creator touches all hearts of the world.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Since the beginning of life, while the Creation was still a feeling in the depths of the Heart of God, your Celestial Father had already manifested the principles of Healing and Redemption, Gifts that come from His Love, for all that was being generated within Him.
The Creator knew, My children, that by sending His children to learn, experience and grow, among the dimensions, He would also need to create the forms, by which they could return to His Heart.
Therefore, upon manifesting life, the dimensions and all forms, for beings to be able to evolve, your Lord also drew upon your paths the return to His Sacred and Infinite Heart. For this reason, He filled the hearts of humanity with occult gifts, and filled the planet, in which they dwell, also with occult sacred spaces; spaces that hold the Gifts of God, the fruits of His Love, those which allow creatures to return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Aurora, beloved children, is not only a place of peace. Aurora is a Consciousness of Healing and Redemption in which your hearts can experience, to return to God. Aurora emerged from the Heart of your Creator, even before your lives were manifested.
Contemplating the challenges of the planet and the veils that would be covering the eyes of His children, preventing them from seeing and knowing who they truly are, the Creator manifested the Consciousness of Aurora; a Consciousness that supports you within It, as the womb of a mother supports her children. Aurora gives you all that you need; within its Heart, the veils are torn, so that you can contemplate the truth about yourselves.
Aurora, My children, reveals to you your more impure human condition, so that you may first come to know the wounds that are to be healed, and know where that which must be transformed lies. But then, from the Heart of Aurora, emerges the balm that assists you, that closes that which was open, that heals even the deepest parts of your beings, liberates that which was impure and prepares you so that, through your surrender and service, the Consciousness of Aurora may expand and reach the four corners of this world.
Contemplate, beloved children, the Consciousness of Aurora within you, but also feel that you are inserted within it. In the Heart of Aurora, all life finds Healing and Redemption to discover the truth about itself, and thus return to God.
Open your hearts, so that not only this place may express Aurora, but that your lives and this planet may also be fruits of the Gifts that your Creator deposited within Aurora.
Just as this place is sacred, the whole planet is sacred, dear children, but in order to recognize the mysteries of God upon the planet that receives you, you must first live them within yourselves. In order for the veils to be torn, those which cover the sacred that exists in the world, first the veils that cover your own eyes must be torn.
Allow the hands of Aurora to extend, in front of your faces, and pull the veils that were making you blind, so that you can see, feel, experience and live who you are and, more than that, what the purpose of this life is.
All that I tell you is filled with a profound and inner truth, which is a truth you can come to know through the surrender and relinquishing of your lives.
To live Aurora, you must surrender before God and cry out for His Gifts, for the Gifts that He gave you, through the sacred places that hide in this world and in all Creation.
The Time of God has come, beloved children. A time in which, not only chaos will be fulfilled as it was predicted, but Redemption will also be fulfilled.
With My words, I lead you to live the Scriptures, I lead you to be live the prophecies, because it is through you that everything will be fulfilled.
I carry you in My arms to the desert, because you still do not know who you are. The moment will come when you will have crossed the desert, and I will show you the Truth of God upon the horizon, and you will discover, My children, that not only can you be in My arms, but you can also walk with Me towards the Promised Land.
After the desert, I will show you the New and Eternal Jerusalem, which is in Heaven as on Earth, and as two realities that unite into one, the Promised Land will emerge and everything will be fulfilled. Everyone will know who they are, everything will become clearer, and what weighed in your hearts before, as doubts and fears, will dissipate.
From the lights of Aurora will emerge lights of a new life, and from Heaven the principles of the New Humanity will also descend to Earth. This will be the Kingdom of God, beloved children; an ever present Kingdom, revealed to the children of the Supreme, those who know that they are His companions and fruits of His Love.
May My words resound within you, not just as a promise, but as a truth that leads you to cry out to Aurora, for Healing to take place and Redemption to be fulfilled, so that your eyes may be worthy to see and your hearts may be worthy to feel everything that I have told you today.
I bless you with the power of Aurora and the Grace of the Spirit of God.
I love you and thank you for coming to meet me with your hearts.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While the world and the nations get involved in chaos, My children, I call you to enter into My Heart and find peace. I call you to cross the thresholds of human indifference that exists within you, as upon the whole planet. I call you to lose fear of what is true and unknown so that, in this way, you can look at your own inner world and find what you truly are.
May you contemplate the infinite and know that this very infinite dwells within you. And just as the stars hold in their shine a great mystery that seems to be distant from your lives, within you there is also a divine essence, whose shine, My children, holds not only the mysteries about yourselves, but about that of all life, about the Plan and the perfect Thought of God for humanity and for all creatures.
In spite of all conflicts and sufferings, in spite of all stimuli that you receive, day by day, causing one to suffer, to lose hope, to live indignation and to feel the pain of injustice, I call you today to go beyond all appearances and find that which is true, although it was nearly always hidden from human eyes.
In these times, My children, nothing else will be hidden from you, and in your hearts the divine mysteries and gifts can become unveiled, you can discover your true potentials, you can know what you were created for, what is the purpose of your lives; a purpose that is beyond the experience of forgiveness and redemption, and that is held in the expression and in the manifestation of love, in that which Christic Love awakens within you, and in everything.
These are times to be conscious of the urgency of the planet, to know and perceive that the chaos announces the Apocalypse and the Laws are being fulfilled, and they manifest that which was written. But it is also time to know the correct way to deal with the planetary situation, and this, beloved children, is not written in any Sacred Book, because it is part of the Revelation of these times; it is part of that which you must live and experience in this evolutionary stage of humanity, which you were not ready to live, and not even to know about in other times.
The Keys to cross the thresholds, that separate you from the Truth and divide the cycles of the old and new human being, are found in Our words; they are found in the state that the Divine Word places you within.
Therefore, do not only listen to that which we tell you, but let yourselves be elevated. Go deep and seek within that which only silence is capable of showing you and, with this strength, you will be ready to deepen within yourself.
It is by praying and uniting your own heart to God, and to the Divine Messengers, that you will be worthy to know what makes you like your Creator. And in this way, My children, you write with your own lives the Gospel of these times; the Gospel that is the concretion of the end, but also the beginning of the new.
I leave you My blessings so that you may be beyond every internal or external conflict; so that you may be held within My Heart and, by elevating your own spirit, you may help humanity to also be freed from the ties to the slavery of ignorance and illusion.
I love you, support you and with My Love I guide you so that you may be in God.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As Our Lady of Chiquinquirá, I come, children, to place this nation beneath My Mantle and within My Immaculate Heart. I come to extend My arms to you and to open the paths so that My children may be closer to Me, protected upon my lap and inspired by My Heart.
I come in a time when many nations agonize and collapse due to the stimuli of chaos and to the fruits of their own purification, because everything that used to be hidden now comes to light, and the spirits are not ready to sustain themselves and their nations without succumbing into temptation and into human impulses of rebellion and lack of control.
Today, My children, I come to establish peace in your hearts, and to only ask you to pray. Pray with your families, form groups of prayer in which your spirits may strengthen and help one another to reach God. Create ties of love with the Creator through the word that rises to Heaven.
Prayer, beloved children, will bring you Peace and will bring peace to the world; it will safeguard the sacred that dwells within it and will allow these Sacred Sites to keep assisting the planet with their presence and their peace.
Colombia, My children, is a nation blessed by God with the Kingdoms of Nature, which make all human imbalances capable of being transmuted and liberated. Thus, in spite of so many conflicts, there is still peace, meekness and love in the hearts of many of My Colombian children.
The prayer and devotion of your people have brought you this far, lifted you up at each fall and raised you to God, in spite of all the abysses that you have gone through throughout the years. And today I come to tell you, children, that prayer will keep being your nourishment but, as the trials of the planet become more acute, greater must be the time that you dedicate to prayer, more imbued in God you must be, in His Purpose, in His Presence, in His Strength and in His Peace.
Create, beloved children, networks of prayer for Peace, for the good of families, for the rescue of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the spirits and angels of the different nations of this world.
The times of suffering must awaken in you the missionary spirit so that each day you may feel responsible for the establishment and the support of the Plan and of the Divine Will for this world.
For all that you have experienced, My children, and as you have persevered in each test, through devotion, I can call you to take a new step in prayer, to define yourselves on the path of light and not only to strengthen your own lives and your own nation, but also other lives and other nations, through sincere prayer.
I love you, bless you and thank you for responding to My call.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When I cry for the world, it is to clean with My tears the indifference and the lack of love that blinds My children and do not allow them to see the Truth and the Kingdom of God.
When I cry for the world, it is so that I can, through the pain that I feel in My Heart, alleviate the pain that the Heart of Christ feels for seeing the planet and the evil that overtakes the hearts that He loves so much, since the beginning of life.
My tears are shed upon the world, as a river of pity and compassion. The tears of a mother for her children heal, repair and generate merits for the salvation of souls, no matter how sinful and lost they may be.
Therefore, My children, today, with My hands in prayer, I wash My Rosary with tears; tears that seek the awakening of humanity; tears from eyes that see a reality that only the Heart of God can reach.
My children, through prayer, through the awakening of consciousness and the sacrifices experienced for love, you will be able to heal this world and dry the tears that My Immaculate Heart sheds today in reparation for the Earth.
Infinite life awaits you. The Thought and Essence of God still wait to manifest within humanity.
May the agony that so many nations experience today lead you to look within and upwards, to seek the Truth that hides within you and to know that only with Truth will you be able to overcome these times, having love triumph and not strengthening hatred and indifference.
Struggle, My children, struggle for Peace, with the rosary in your hands and with the love of your hearts. Struggle, overcoming your human condition and establishing peace, as the greatest service that you can render today for this wounded planet.
While the consciousness of nations live their passion in this time, be imitators of My Immaculate Heart.
Sustain this cross in silence with the truth of your hearts. Sustain this cross with prayer and win each test through faith and the certainty of the Divine Presence. Remember that behind every cross, there is the possibility of making a new love triumph, of seeing the spring of Divine Mercy emerge.
My Heart observes you, My Love supports you, and I constantly inspire you to live the Purpose of God.
O, how many truths and mysteries I aspire to reveal to you! But the greatest among them, beloved children, lies within yourselves, and the revelation of this mystery is born from the overcoming and the sanctity of your lives.
Believe that the love, which is born within you, can give a new opportunity to the world, just as it happened more than two thousand years ago.
Just do not be indifferent. May faith not lack within you, nor the willingness to overcome and to live the mysteries of prayer and love every day.
I love you and inspire you to be true imitators of Christ and of Mary, in these times.
My Immaculate Heart supports you and I bless you with love.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May peace reign in your hearts today, My children, so that you may approach God and thus your inquietudes and fears, your abysses and anguishes may dissolve.
May faith reign in your souls and love reign in your spirits today, so that you may know that when you respond to the celestial call, in spite of all battles, all miseries, doubts and fears, the Love of God will always triumph.
Today, I come, with the rosary in My hands, to ask you to keep praying for this world. My eyes see things that you cannot imagine, that you would not accept nor believe that they exist in humanity. But your hearts and your prayers can actually reach, My children, not only the lost souls, but the deep and unknown situations that have their spiritual roots in the innermost core of the consciousnesses of the nations.
Now that you have learned to be in My Heart, to love Me and to recognize Me as your Mother and Protector, as the One who accompanies, not only the cross of Christ but the cross of each child of God, now, My beloveds, be more aware of your mission with Me.
May each day lead you to deepen, not only into the transformation and the surrender of your lives, but also in your service to this wounded planet and to its sick humanity that lacks love. This takes place by means of increasingly deeper prayer, of increasingly more sincere singing, of more selfless service, of a more complete surrender of yourselves, each day.
Pick up your rosaries, every day, and pray with Me. Pray, pleading to the Father for this world, for that which your eyes cannot see.
The Time of God now draws near toward the Earth, and the promises of a new world now approach their manifestation, in which the Kingdom of your Father is expressed. The promises now approach their manifestation and will soon become alive, the promises that together unite all true religions and allow them to become fulfilled, in one truth.
But before that, beloved children, the Book of the Apocalypse and everything that was taken out of it, by the hands of humanity, will also be fulfilled.
Many hard and deep trials will touch the consciousness of nations, like that of humanity, and in order to make of each one of these moments true triumphs of God, and not of chaos, you must be in permanent prayer.
It is possible, children, to experience the cross and allow a new Love and Divine Mercy to triumph within it, just as it is possible to live the Apocalypse and the Armageddon and make of this a confirmation of your souls before God, of the potential that is in your hearts, as His children.
You were created to love and to renew Love, and this happens beyond all circumstances of the world. It is just necessary, children, to pray from the heart, to serve with love, to surrender, to be in God, to seek the Father, each day, in each instant.
My Heart inspires you in silence, guides you to this purpose and accompanies your steps. My Love sustains your cross, My Grace helps you in your falls, My Peace renews you and makes you discover who you truly are.
Therefore, on this path, pray, My children. Pray for the world, pray for peace.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My children, feel My Love and My Peace, because I contemplate your efforts, your difficulties and your deepest abysses, into where My light enters today so that your hearts may find the peace, the forgiveness and the redemption of God.
My children, feel My Grace because, while contemplating your mission and the bravery of your spirits, which day by day stand up from the falls and try not to succumb to the temptations of the world, I pour out a divine atonement upon you. Thus, by means of My Grace, may you find the path to unite to God and may you recover hope to transcend your own miseries and reach the Heart of the Father.
My Heart comes today to the Marian Center of the Child King to send a message to the world, expressing that, to those who strive to transform and transcend, help will come, and much beyond the darkness that dwells within your inner abysses, the light of your essences will shine because God, with His own Hands, will open the paths, will remove the obstacles and will liberate the darkness so that you may recognize that within you there is a truth, which is beyond appearances and illusions.
Everyone is pure to the Eyes of God, and the stains imprinted upon your souls, by the world and by human experiences, will be able to be washed, healed and cleansed by the power of My maternal Love.
Let My Light touch you, may My Peace heal you as often as necessary. May My Love liberate you and reveal to you who you truly are.
You are My children, My little and pure children, essences that arose from My Creator Womb, from the Fount of My Purity. A part of My Immaculate Heart dwells within you. For this reason, let Me reveal Myself within you, as a light that illuminates your souls, as a divine joy that springs forth from your spirits, as a new and divine hope.
My Heart embraces you, My Love supports you, because through you I help the world. By means of your efforts, I can be before God, with the merits generated by your lives, to intercede for the most lost souls, for those who do not know God and who, day by day, move away from the purity of their essences and hearts. Through your lives, I intercede for life in this world, above all, for the children and youth who have lost hope of loving and of being loved.
The future of life upon the Earth is built by means of the effort of a few. Therefore, My children, never forget that, with each effort that you undertake, every day, My Heart recovers a lost essence, a helpless soul.
Your greatest service in these times is to live in the Love of God, it is to believe in the potential of your hearts to transcend all the past experienced by you and by your families so that, in the name of humanity, you may announce the possibility of forgiveness and the Grace of redemption.
Your hearts are favored before God. Your essences are pure to the Eyes of the Father. Today, find this purity within you.
I love you, I welcome you under My Mantle and support you, with the infinite gratitude of My Heart.
I thank you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the beginning, the Creator created essences, manifested souls, grouped them according to their missions and sent them off to fulfill them, beyond the dimensions, in manifested life. And the souls of God went off into this vast Cosmos, experienced and learned, often distancing from the Divine Purpose, and other times managing to fulfill the Will of their Creator.
Time passed and evolution took place. The souls of God still tread this path, as sheep that graze in the Gardens of Creation. Now, children, your Celestial Father calls all souls created by Him. His voice echoes within the valleys and upon the hills of the spirit, where souls can hear Him and with love recognize His call.
One by one, the sheep of the Great Shepherd begin to congregate; with their steps, they return to the House of the Father and inspire others to also return to His Heart.
This is the time to return to God, to again spiritually find the mission that He entrusted to you; to give Him all the fruits picked along the path so that the Father may make of them a new Nourishment.
The cycle has arrived for a new life and for a new time in which the sheep are congregated to strengthen one another for the great transition; because I tell you, My children, that it is with the love of each one of you that you will keep your balance and you will strengthen, in order to pass the trials that the planet must experience at this time.
Your souls will congregate at the Feet of God, without distinction, discovering the likeness that was hiding within you. You will discover that you are kindred in spirit and in heart. You will discover, feel and live the only divine filiation that make you fruits of the same Sacred Tree of the Creation.
It is by means of the love that will build up within you that you will receive the impulse to live the Love of God and surpass it, thus renewing the Divine Creation and giving birth to a new life, a new time and a new Plan.
I tell you this so that you may recognize that Christic Love will be born and awaken by means of the union of your hearts, souls and spirits in God. The cycle has come for you to live unity more deeply, because the Creation needs it so.
May the veils that separated the children of God from one another begin to fall, and may human beings perceive that differences are just expressions of the path that each soul has trodden, the way it is understood to fulfill their mission and live the Will of the Father, although so many times they became lost and were confounded by the stimuli of the world.
Now that everyone has learned enough to know that only love will allow you to return to the Father, it is time to live this love.
The planet agonizes, My children, due to the lack of love and Peace in the human hearts, and it is simply by recognizing yourselves as brothers and sisters, and by loving one another with the truth of your hearts, that you will be able to transform this, heal this agony and repair the wounded heart of this Earth.
Unity will make you free and will liberate this world; it will lead you to expand love by means of the prayer and service that will be born from your spirits.
Allow yourselves to be inspired by My words and by My Presence. Little by little, silently, I help you along this path of return to the Heart of God.
I love you, bless you and thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While in the multiplication of the Divine Consciousness, the Creator manifested His Holy Spirit, and from it the Most Pure Womb of the Creation, the Source of the Feminine Energy, the Source of Life and of Peace; He made His most pure principles of love emanate from this Source.
The Thought of God planned and emanated the creation and the destiny of the different creatures. The angels and archangels conducted His impulses of love among the dimensions and manifested the creatures thought of and loved by God, even before they could exist.
All life, children, in each one of its details, is the fruit of a perfect Love, of a unique Thought and Plan, which is the design of evolution, of the growth of beings and of their return to the Heart of God so that the Creator Himself can renew and thus, a new cycle of life may begin for all that exists.
This sacred world, loved by God, is a seed of love in the Creation. In it, your Celestial Father sees fertilized the most sacred principles one day emanated from His Celestial Source.
Each being, as each Kingdom of Nature, has a purpose, which is not only planetary, but universal.
Each creature of the Earth brings in itself, not only its experience in this world, but it brings with it the essence of life manifested in other parts of the Creation, in other stars, planets and galaxies so that, in this way, from the evolution of each creature of the Earth, all life may have the opportunity to experience love.
From the smallest seed to the greatest mountain, they each bring with them their experience on Earth and represent other points of the Creation. Because life arose from the Creator Founts that are beyond the Earth, within realities that human beings still do not know; and each element present on the planet has a spiritual function of its own for the help of the evolution of the Earth but also, My children, for the evolution of all Universes.
With this, I tell you that when you cause the Kingdoms of Nature to perish, as well as your brothers and sisters of the different cultures, peoples and nations, you are not only destroying life upon Earth and removing the opportunity for a child of God to evolve; but also, My children, you are erasing, with your own hands, the Plan of rescue and of evolution for all life upon the Earth and beyond.
The moment has come for beings to understand that the balance of life on Earth must not only exist for the planet to keep living in this vast Infinity but, above all, My children, because this world is the greenhouse of a new life of love, it is the greenhouse of the pure Love of God that must reach all corners of His Divine Creation.
The experience of life on Earth was designed by God in each detail so that, through the triumph of His Creation in this world, all life might attain a new evolutionary step and could come closer to God.The men and women of this world are the center of this Plan of Love. Within them, they hold the living flame that gives life to all things, the engine that can give each Kingdom of Nature, as each element, the impulse to find its purpose and its mission.
But the mission of experiencing love is not only for human beings. Everything that lives and breathes on this Earth has a function within the Divine Plan.
Understand the sacred that inhabits in all things, understand the purpose of your lives, to elevate and transform all life, all Creation. And thus, My children, no longer be ignorant and blind in spirit but rather living, prayerful beings, peace-makers and catalysts of the expression of love in this world and beyond it.
I love you and for this reason I reveal all these things to you.
All soil of this Earth is sacred. All creatures are sacred before God, but many have lost their purity and do not know their divine essence.
May the love within those who awaken reveal this purity in the heart of each being.
Be mirrors of light for the world, be torches that announce the way.
I am with you, and I bless you so that this Divine and Universal Purpose may be fulfilled in your lives and in all life.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Heart of Mother finds encouragement in pure souls that pray from their heart for the establishment of peace.
My Heart of Mother finds encouragement in the souls that open the Doors of Heaven with their prayers, and do not fear to know the Truth and the Kingdom of God.
I come, My children, so that your spirits may know this Truth, so that Argentina does not remain in ignorance about itself and about life on Earth, but rather that it may know who it is and what the potential is that it holds as a nation and as a people.
I come, as I came so many centuries ago, to prepare the birth of the new humanity which will emerge from within each one of you. A humanity that will reveal the similarities of your hearts with God; a humanity that will demonstrate to you what you were created for and what the purpose of your lives is.
I come to raise men and women by means of My presence; to raise a people from its darkness and from its inner abysses so that, strengthened by its best virtues, it may convert into a fertile and sacred soil, worthy of receiving the Feet of the One who will come to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth and to reveal this Kingdom within beings.
My Heart of Mother, so many times flagellated and outraged by human actions and by the indifference of hearts, is repaired by the sincere prayers of My children and, more than that, beloved children, I find encouragement and merits to intercede for the world when your spirits are open and available for a new life.
I come, to remove you from illusion and suffering, and to teach you to repair the Heart of God with your own lives. I come to open your eyes to the simplicity that there is to find and live the celestial Truth and higher life.
I come to point out the way and show you the signs in the sky and within you so that your inquietudes may find responses in the Truth that is revealed to your hearts.
Argentina is a nation filled by mysteries and hidden gifts, and the moment has come for them to be revealed, and it will be the very Hand of God, My children, that will remove the veils that cover your eyes and will show you what is hidden, although it has always been here, since before the establishment of your people as a nation.
From the top of the mountain ranges to the depths of the seas, everything will be revealed. The light that shined, hidden by nature, will no longer shine within the Earth but rather before your eyes, reflecting in the mirrors of your hearts and revealing that not only upon the Earth, but also within yourselves, a greater life was hidden.
This is a time of revelations; revelations of a Truth that has existed since the beginning of the Origin of life; a Truth from which you have distanced and which will be revealed to you so that you can return to it. With the light of this Truth, the light of My Son will also be shown to you. You will first see His splendor in the Sun of His Eyes and of His Heart; then you will see His Feet, which walk toward the Earth, and then you will recognize Him as the Son and a part of God, as God Himself surrendered to humanity.
Rejoice and awaken, My children. It is time to make of your own conversion a reason for bliss and joy. It is time to make of your own awakening a reason for plenitude; to make of your own sacrifice a reason for renewal and of your own life an eternal revelation of God.
I love you, bless and thank you for responding to My call.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As a sun born from the most pure Love of God, the Creator's aspiration of being among His children manifested.
It was to reveal the Celestial Truth to humanity so that, through prayer, hearts might find a secure path toward God.
It was so that the wonders of the Universe did not remain hidden from the eyes of humanity and so that the mirrors of their hearts might be ignited; so that their spirits might be awakened; so that their past might be redeemed and so that the new future might be built upon bases of love.
It was to reveal the Time of God and the Universal reality, that which human beings distanced from, such a long time ago; so that they might understand and experience the Divine Conception, which was not lived only by Me, but by everything that emanated from the Heart of the Father, all of you, His children.
It was so that ignorance might be dissipated, so that indifference might be defeated by the power of love; so that forgiveness might triumph over all human and universal errors; so that the path of return might be drawn and revealed to all children of God.
It was to unite all peoples, to unite hearts in the spirit of love and of unity; so that creatures might discover that they are equal in essence, children of the same Father and of the same Mother, emanations of one and the same Creator.
It was to dissipate deception and that which separates hearts from each other and everyone from God; so that they could understand and live the power of unity and be able to receive Mercy, Pity and Compassion to face the tests of the planet.
It was to deter Divine Justice and allow beings to learn through love and the Grace of forgiveness.
It was for My children not to feel lost and lonely, but for them to know that a Celestial Mother supports them and leads them toward the Arms of God and toward His Divine and Supreme Son.
It was so that hearts might find peace: the peace of being in God, the peace of knowing the Truth, the peace of doing one’s own part, the peace of serving this world and doing what is possible for the rescue of love in the human essence; the peace of knowing that you are returning to God, the peace of knowing that you are also preparing His Return to the world.
It was to awaken you and to remind you of the commitment that you made with the Creator since the beginning, since the Origin of your lives.
It was to renew your yes and My yes, that I came to the world, My children.
It was to be by your side, to open the doors and show you the path, that is why I have been here for 12 years, and I will continue to be here, while I am allowed.
As long as you pray from the heart and as long as you are thirsty for the Truth, as long as you keep serving, surrendering your lives, transforming and generating merits for the transformation of the world, you will allow Me, beloved children, to be here and to guide you.
It was for all these reasons and many more that the Creator sent Me as His Servant and Messenger, to guide your hearts and establish peace.
With your lives, I am building a perfect Plan, which comes from the most pure Divine Thought.
Feel My presence, renew before My Love and allow, My children, many more to receive the Grace of being before God and His Messengers.
There is still a lot to come, a lot to be revealed to the world; there is a lot to serve, a lot to render, a lot to love and a lot to do in this world, until you return to the Heart of God. I will accompany you.
Today, I thank you and, with the Heart full of Love, I bless you for being by My side, for being this army that fights by means of prayer to establish peace.
I love you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Just as in My Heart I had welcomed each apostle and disciple of My Son, each new soul that awakened to the Eternal Covenant, between God and men, thus children, I invite you to receive those who are awakening in these times.
My Heart of Mother and Protector, not only of the message and of the mission of My Son, but also of those who were listening to it and who were awakening through it, comes to welcome in these times all the hearts that surrender before God.
Regardless of your past in this world and beyond, My Heart contemplates your truth, the essence that you are, part of the Living God and the Origin to which you must return.
In this time, in which souls will not find meaning and encouragement in things of the world, I invite you to contemplate each heart as I used to contemplate those who were awakening through the living Presence of Christ on Earth.
Among pagans and saints in spirit, among devotees and the worldly, all of them were touched and washed by the Love of God, through Christ, to return to His Heart. Time has passed, My children, and many of these souls that had sealed a commitment with Christ have gone astray. But the time has come for them to return to His Heart; the time has come for them to take in their hands the torch that illuminates the world and announces the return of the Redeemer to the Earth.
Therefore, while receiving the souls that are arriving and are awakening, little by little, do not look at your past and your sins, but be the examples of love yourselves, that which they will need in order to consolidate their awakening and endure the transformation of their lives.
It is time to welcome and unite what is separated, it is time for the cells of God to return to His Heart. And this will occur, My children, not only with you, but with all souls that left the Divine Founts with the mission of renewing and re-creating the Creation of the Most High God.
Embrace with love the part that is up to you to do, and learn to welcome your neighbor with your heart. This will also make you grow and will also bring you closer to God, as it must be.
Together, you will return to the Origin of Life.
I bless you and thank you for imitating My example of Mother and Guardian of souls.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the Creator sent His children to the Earth with veils over their eyes, so that they would not remember their origin, He also created the Centers of Love and of Light, which would someday awaken in aid of humanity, to allow them to remember and return to the Heart of the Father.
The Centers of Love reveal the mysteries of God and His Love for humanity; they reveal the fondness of the Father for His children of the Earth, in spite of the vastness of the Creation.
The Centers of Love reveal that the Creator not only placed the best of Himself hidden in the hearts of humanity but also, children, in the depths and hidden layers of the planetary consciousness. Just as the Creator delivered a part of His Essence to animate human consciousness, He also deposited, throughout the entire planet, a part of the most sacred that exists in His Creation, in this and in other Universes. These are the Centers of Love.
Just as you look at the sky and see only the stars, in spite of the infinite life that dwells within them, on Earth, children, your eyes often cannot perceive the mysteries that hide, the life that offers itself, the Grace that develops and renews, time and again. But the moment has come to know it, the moment has come to experience this higher life, more than knowing about its existence. The hour has come to live the Centers of Love, just as the hour has come to experience what you truly are as children of God.
The Time of your Father, of His higher reality, now approaches the Earth, and for this moment you must be prepared. Let the revelations manifest and let them go beyond the planetary events.
For a long time, I have come to meet you to reveal prophecies that speak of the reality of the planet and about the future of the nations not only so that you, My children, could awaken to what was to come upon humanity, but also so that your consciousnesses could believe in Me, and thus could at least wonder about the celestial reality from which I come, and that, like so many other mysteries, hide from humanity.
In this cycle, I come to reveal to you something deeper, more spiritual and unknown and, just like the prophecies that I delivered to you in other times, that which I reveal to you today will also manifest.
Open your hearts, My children, to perceive the reality of the Sacred Centers, of the Centers of Love. Open your hearts for a truth that has not been unveiled by humanity.
Open your hearts to know who you are. Let the veils tear asunder. Let the Hands of God open your eyes and your consciousness because it is no longer the time to be in ignorance. But it is rather time to be strengthened by the truth, because it will not only make you worthy and noble, but it will be your only sustenance for the trials that will come.
In My Marian Centers, discover the Centers of Love. Perceive the reality that dwells beyond the churches raised by humanity. Discover the Celestial Church of God on Earth. Perceive the Founts of His Creation manifesting amidst humanity. Perceive the living silent God in everything that was created by Him.
I bless you and lead you to this celestial reality, because the moment to find it has come.
I love you and hold you in My Heart.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
What is a Light-Community?
A Light-Community, My children, is that space chosen and raised by God, so that there humanity can recover the spiritual principles and values thought of by the Creator in creating human beings.
A Light-Community is built first in the consciousness, then in the spirit, in the soul and in the heart of those who intend to transform themselves so that God may make of their lives instruments of peace.
When this divine principle is established in the consciousness and leads it to transformation, it also reveals other spiritual aspects that had remained hidden.
A Light-Community manifests as a spiritual space in the ethers of the Earth, in places chosen by the Creator to be pillars of peace, transformation and liberation for the planet.
A Light-Community is always sustained by Divine Grace and by His Holy Spirit, and the souls that live in it, although they one day have made the decision of being there, were first summoned by the Father within, because these souls, children, in spite of their errors and wrong paths, have offered their redemption to God, for this is to be the engine of redemption and of transformation for the entire human consciousness.
A Light-Community is the manifestation of God’s Love for His children; the manifestation of His hope that humanity may someday express His Divine Thought. For this, the Creator untiringly sends His blessings, His Light and the Divine Rays that come from His Heart upon the Light-Communities to renew the souls.
So that the Light-Communities may be what God thought, and so that souls may attain this Divine Will, My children, every day you must obey a little more, serve a little more and love a little more.
The Light-Communities, raised by God as pillars upon the world, hold many mysteries, which even those who live within them do not know: mysteries of the Divine Will, mysteries of the untiring presence of God, sustaining the transformation and the effort of His children.
Today, My children, let your souls recognize the Plan and the Love of God for them. Recognize that you were called by the Father to live a miracle of love; recognize that He Himself sustains you, in each day, and that you only have to surrender to this endless Love.
See in your lives the potential principles of the manifestation of a new life; see in the Light-Communities the sun that will shine in the darkness of the Earth and on the horizon of the human consciousness, announcing how the re-emergence of humanity must be, showing the way so that beings may enter a new time: the Eternal Time of God.
I love you and today invite you to seek the spiritual mysteries that sustain and build the Light-Communities: your homes on Earth.
I bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Take My hands, My children, and let yourselves be led by My Immaculate Heart to the Origin of Life, to the Place of protection and of Peace where your essences rested before the manifestation of the Divine Thought for your lives.
Take My hands and come with Me to the Original Source of Life, where the deepest Love of your Creator Father dwells, where unity is a living reality because nothing is separate from God.
Although you have trodden a path of evolution and so often feel separate from God, today I come to show you, My children, this Original Space in a time in which there is no past nor future, but only the eternal present in the Heart of your Creator Father.
There, unity is maintained and essences remain safeguarded with their original principles.
Lakes of Light, Fountains of Peace are your true dwellings. There are no forms, only colors, sounds and vibrations. Although the essences resound in their own note, unity manifests itself through melodies that form unique music, which is the song of God, the song of life’s manifestation.
Let your ears hear and let your souls remember this Space of protection in the Womb of Creation. There, My children, where the Feminine Energy protects you, where the truth of what you are makes you pure, there is nothing corrupt, there are no stains, there is no pain, only peace and unity with the Creator.
Let your hearts live the experience of being with Me there, because a part of your consciousness has never left the Fountain of God.
This space that I show to your heart today is the connection with the Divine, this part of your consciousnesses that dwells there, and that will always allow you to return to God and not lose unity with the Father. It is the magnet that attracts you to the Origin, the purity that makes you return to the truth of your existence.
Today, My children, receive the Grace of being in God, of being in Peace, of being in My Immaculate Heart, and I, being in you, show you oneness in life.
May the celestial melody resound in your hearts and rekindle the hope to return to the Source, rekindle the momentum to be pure and to let yourselves purify and renew, so that someday you may find the truth about yourselves again; a truth that is prior to all existence, prior to planets and suns, prior to material life, both in Heaven and on Earth; a truth that dwells in unity with the Divine Consciousness.
My Grace touches you today, your Divine Origin blesses you and thus, I heal you and love you, renewing your commitments with God so that, after knowing that there is an Origin that waits for you, you can make this superior reality known to the world.
I love you, My children, and that is why I am here.
I embrace you and have all of you in My Immaculate Heart.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the Doors of Heaven open for your Celestial Mother to come here, the Time of God unites with the time of the world and a superior reality becomes visible, transforming with its presence the layers of illusion of life on the Earth.
I bring with Me the sublime reality of Paradise so that you can feel the Grace of being in God. Each time I approach the planet, the presence of this Celestial Kingdom transforms life upon the Earth a little more and helps humanity find the Truth of higher life and live it.
I come in this time to concretize the spiritual Mission that God granted Me and to manifest the prophecies that were announced throughout human evolution, which must be lived today.
I am awakening the hearts of those who must prepare the Return of Christ to this world through prayer and the unconditional surrender of your lives, because you have come to this planet for this. Your souls, My children, have been preparing for this moment since the beginning of their creation. The time has come to manifest and live the Purpose of God for your lives, and this happens when you definitively awaken and understand the time that you are living as humanity.
I come to concede these same unfathomable Graces for the consciousnesses of nations and for the essence of the planet so that, by the intercession of a few, many may have the opportunity of returning to God.
You already know that each time I come to a nation, it is to extract, with My Holy Hands, the roots of evil, of suffering and of illusion, which for centuries have been entering the consciousnesses of humanity to stimulate them towards evil, to indifference and to the lack of love.
We are in the time of a great spiritual battle, My children, which different from the conflicts of this world, is won through love, through unity, with the heart and with persistence in the fidelity to God and to His Purpose.
This battle is deeper than what was described in the Apocalypse of John and broader than the dimensions of life on Earth. It begins in the depths of the hearts of humanity where the consciousness must struggle with itself to remain in Love and in the Divine Purpose and then, beyond the dimensions of material life, this battle acquires greater and deeper proportions, and to win it, the hearts must attain greater degrees of love, consciousness and awakening.
For this reason, I am here. I am your Celestial Mother, the One who sustained the Redeemer up to the foot of the Cross and Who, washed by His Blood, made the commitment to sustain the cross of each one of His companions until the end of the end of times. I am here, guiding your steps and sustaining your hearts and consciousnesses through My permanence in the world.
Trust in My presence, My children, because what I come to do in your lives is to manifest the Will of God and help you so that you may help this world and beyond; so that you may be predecessors of a new Love, for all Creation.
Today I would like to lead you to a deep awakening so that you may feel the Truth and the Kingdom of God. Therefore, pray with the heart, so that the Kingdom of your Father may descend here and may let you know, not only His Peace but above all His Grace, His Truth, His Wisdom and His awakening.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call with love!
I wait for you in prayer.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Behold, the Lady of all peoples and of all races comes to meet you with the potency of the Scepter of God in Her hands, with the love of the stars of the sky in Her Heart.
Behold, the Mother and Lady of all peoples of Heaven and of Earth, Mother of humanity, of the angels and of the Son of God comes to meet you, bringing Peace in Her Heart, pouring out Graces from between Her hands.
My Crown of stars pours Mercy upon the world. The scepter of God in My hands deters the Justice that descends upon the souls because, in spite of the indifference and of the ignorance of humanity before celestial things, the Love of God for His children has no end.
I come today, children, for people who must recover their Faith in God and their spirituality, extracting from its consciousness the roots of evil, of separateness, of injustice and of lack of love.
I come to show you the doors of the Celestial Church of your Creator Father and the path through which you will reach it, regardless of your culture, race or creed on this Earth.
I come to lead you to the conversion of heart, of consciousness and of life, not to show you a new religion, but to lead you to a new standard of life in which your hearts may unite with God through transparency, truth and love, and may express this unity with your brothers and sisters through service, fraternity and love for your fellow beings.
I come to unite Heaven and Earth, in the priesthood of forgiveness and healing, which My Son granted to Me while on the Cross.
I come to guide the apostles of the last times and the latter-day saints, awakening you and congregating you within and outside of the Church, because it is not only in the churches of the Earth where the children of God and the companions of Christ are. I come to get you in the four corners of the world, because the time for you to awaken has come.
My Heart prepares the arrival of the Messiah in the world and, just as I once gestated Him in My Womb and opened the doors so that His Spirit, Soul, Body and Divinity might be on Earth among those of His, today, children, I come to prepare His return, together with you. I come to announce the good news of His arrival in the world and prepare the flocks that will accompany the Shepherd in the institution of a New Life.
He will come, brighter than one thousand suns, with the splendor of God in His Heart. His Face will show itself to all with truth and power, more transparent than He showed Himself to His apostles in His Transfiguration. His presence will make visible the miseries and the virtues of human beings and, with a mere gaze, it will knock down the structures of the false spiritualities of the Earth. And those who did not know how to love will understand their errors and will repent, but for some it will be too late.
For this reason, My children, the Redeemer sends His Servant to the world, not to intimidate you, but to awaken you, to show you the path of Mercy and of the Grace of God.
I come so that your hearts may recognize the deviations of your lives and may reconcile with God, while there is still time.
I come so that there may be love in the hearts of human beings and that this same love can heal the stains and deepest wounds of the consciousnesses of the nations.
I come to tell you and show you that, through prayer, you will heal your hearts and your nations of all errors from the past.
I come so that you may repent, children, on behalf of humanity, and cry out to God from the heart for a greater Grace, because it is now in His Hands, ready to be poured out upon the world, it suffices that you just say “yes” to Him.
Today, receive My words with love and pray with Me for a greater good. Feel My presence in your hearts. May My Love reveal a new human being within you so that, from today on and forever, you may not be the same, but may be perpetually united in love with your Celestial Father.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more