Special Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Universal Mother, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The heart that unites with God knows that the Celestial Truths are still kept behind the veils of the divine mysteries for this world; it knows that during these thousands of years of existence, humanity has been maturing in its spiritual growth in order to one day manifest the Purpose of God for the human heart.

Even though the majority of humankind is still not ready to know the Truth of God, the times are accelerating, and that Truth will be revealed and will cause the awakening and abrupt evolution of those who never wanted to open their eyes to the existence of Light.

Today, My children, I reveal to you the greatness of My Heart that, throughout the universe, reigns together with Christ, together with God, and leads His divine armies for the concretization of His Plans on this Earth and well beyond it.

I come opening the path for the Archangel Saint Michael because I am the One who directs the Will of God for His Father Creators, the co-creators of all things. And I have been like this since the manifestation of My existence, at the beginning of all life, anticipating the entire manifestation of Divine Creation.

Before becoming a divinized spirit, My Consciousness already dwelled in the Consciousness of God, as a maternal womb, from where comes the manifestation of Divine Thought. My Spirit was generated in the universe, in the Source of the Consciousness of God, just as in consciousness, I had already manifested Divine Thought to all the cosmos; as an incarnated spirit in His principal project, I was to give life to the One who would represent incarnated Divine Thought, the Word of God made flesh and man.

I know that many ignore this truth; thus, I come to speak to the world rather than to just a few, because arrogance and pride caused the humility of the hearts of human beings to disappear, and thus stopped them from contemplating on and believing in the greatness of Creation, while this manifests in their hearts.

The lack of humility in the human heart does not allow it to recognize its own smallness and the greatness of God, and for this reason, many compare His Son with common humanity and His Celestial Mother with a common human spirit, ignoring the possibility of God manifesting on Earth to guide the creation of this race, which should achieve likeness with Him.

For you to achieve likeness with God, and thus reach His spiritual and divine universe, He became flesh in both man and woman, and, in this way, showed all how to follow His steps; and through the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Creator demonstrated that if humanity follows and imitates the steps of His Son and of His Divine Mother, it can achieve His state of Divinity. It was in this way that Saint Joseph, as a man, gained likeness with God. And the only key that opened the doors for this great step was the sublime humility that His Heart expressed.

For this reason, today, children, in light of the Archangel Saint Michael, abandon the path of darkness and sin; free yourselves from ignorance and open to live according to the sacred humility that God offers you. In this way, you will be ready to listen to what I must tell you in the coming days.

I love you and I lead you to Divine Truth.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I will deliver every last petal of the rose that I hold inside Me so that the ignorance of humankind may be dissipated.

As the pure and maternal Love born from the Essence of God, I come to the world to heal what is incurable, to overcome what is invincible, to overthrow what is unshakeable and which separates the creatures from their Creator.

In this final time, I will spare no effort or words to awaken the human heart and definitively remove it from darkness, from the ignorance in which it permanently lives.

Children, I will move everything, within and outside the hearts, so that the proud may live in humility, the arrogant in renunciation, the egoists in service, and those who ignore and deny the existence of God may have all evil dissipated from their eyes and hearts.

As long as there is still the intercession of hearts in the world, I will always act. As long as there is still one heart that truly prays, I will always be here.

The day of the end of the darkness of the world approaches, and all the roots of evil that dwell within beings will be uprooted by the power of My Love and Divine Justice. You will feel that the ground trembles, the interior does not sustain itself, that the spirit is troubled and the soul cannot support the clarity of My Light, but be persistent and trust in My Heart.

You will see that many of those who appeared to be brave soldiers will give up their armor; others will fight with opposing armies. Let not the example of those who do not follow Me be a reason to disrupt your paths.

You will see an evil that you did not know existed emerge within yourselves. Simply hold on tight to My divine hands and reaffirm your consecration to My Heart because I will sustain you in this purification and, although I allow you to be tested and that you confirm yourselves on this path towards the Light, I will always accompany you silently.

I will speak intense Words that will make the enemy lose his reign within the human heart. I will overthrow the arrogant and proud spirit, not to mistreat it, but so that it learns, once and for all, the path to humility.

I will allow you to live great loss in human eyes, but to God they will be unique opportunities to divest of yourselves and follow only one path. I will banish the illusion from My soldiers and I will make them mature before the Plans of the Creator.

At My side will remain only a few who will completely respond to My call, but with these, I will keep the doors of redemption open for all humanity.

It is time to define your paths, knowing that the consequences of your choices will not be seen in this world, but rather after this life.

For many, the end of everything will appear to be a great failure, and those who enjoyed the illusion of matter will exalt themselves for having chosen the path of the pleasures of the world. But, when Heaven opens before the doors of hell and Divine Justice indicates the new paths, you will then feel the merits of all sacrifice and all renunciation achieved in this life.

I do not want to cause you fear, but it is time to be true to yourselves so that you may live the awakening.

Become mature in the times that are approaching.

I will guide you as long as you say yes to Me and, with the decisions of life, you demonstrate that you respond to My call.

My blessing will be perpetuated on this sacred ground of the New Earth, an earth that must live a new cycle of maturation and inner decision. Thus, you will demonstrate to the world the miracle of love and redemption.

I trust in your hearts and know that you will follow My paths.

Your Most Holy Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

I come to the world each day to strengthen in the heart of humanity the deep alliance of the human consciousness with God; an alliance that was achieved by My Son and that was expanded to all the creatures of this Earth.

I come, sent by God, to show you the way back to the Cosmos, where the Heart of the Celestial Father lives and reigns perpetually.

I want you to know, My dears, that this humanity, as a project and preferred creation of God, must comply with a primary role in the whole Universe, and to manifest that higher will that is kept in its most pure essence, must follow step by step the example of Christ.

Each being of this Earth is the representation of a magnificent creation of God, which demonstrates His Grace and Majesty through this human project, because it is through such imperfect beings that the Lord will make emerge the most perfect flower of the cosmos.

All of you, as children of God, have the possibility of becoming a living alliance with the Father and, towards that purpose, you must always walk.

It is for this perfect principle that dwells in your hearts that you must live humility, sacrifice, renunciation and real love, because these are the keys that open the interior coffer and permit to be revealed to you what you truly are.

Children, there is a universal, cosmic and celestial life that waits for the awakening of the creatures of this world, but My adversary worked in all the centuries of human existence, so that the hearts of humanity could never approach God and much less, remember the truth about its existence and what a great potential of love inhabits its interior.

That is why many will have to battle against themselves to follow My steps, because it is much easier for humanity to let itself get down by the cunning and the pressure of the enemy, than to strive to obey God, beyond everything they think and feel inside themselves.

To My soldiers, I Will ask for a total surrender to My Immaculate Heart, because My Light comes to remove you from the blindness of this world, but for those who are used to live in darkness, it will cost to turn their eyes towards Light.

I only ask you on this time of chaos to let yourselves be guided by My Heart, because I will always be next to those that listen to Me and I will make use of them to guide those who cannot find Me.

The time has come, My beloved ones, to discover truths that will seem to be absurd to you; but trust in Me, because the greatest illusion is the one you live on the Earth.  You only have to look to your side to be able to feel the dormancy of the world.  For this, come with Me and do not miss any of My steps; place your feet on My footprints by means of the obedience to the celestial indications and you will never get lost from this path.

I will give you the truth so that you may learn to conduct yourself on these times and do not be shocked, as most of humanity, with the days that will come.

My dears, with Love I tell you that those who trust in Me have never repented.  Today I bless you with special Graces so that you keep answering to My call.

I leave My mantle upon everyone, so that your souls may become lanterns to those who need guidance, and living examples for those who do not know how to begin.  May your faith in God be a fount for those who have lost hope.

I keep you in the Heart of God.

I thank My dear children for answering to My call and today, in a special way, I thank My daughter that day by day allows Me to come to the world.

Pray so that the visionaries may continue their path of transformation and so that, until the last day of their lives, they may fulfill the designs of God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Carmelo


While the world sleeps a deep sleep of illusion, I call you to a true awakening.

While many see the hells opening up and burn in the fire of eternal suffering, I come to show you the Kingdom of the Heaven and give you simple keys that lead you to the Eternity of God.

While the world demands efforts from human beings to win in competition with others, I ask you to struggle to overcome yourselves and to be defeated by the Power of My Son.

While the world asks you to suffer in order to acquire material goods and that you give every last drop of sweat from your brows to build your own material kingdom, I come from Heaven to tell you that nothing that you accumulate in this world will enter My Kingdom, and whoever wants to follow in My footsteps must divest themselves of everything and leave to the life of illusion what comes from it and belongs only to it.

I come to the world to change the laws and reform human concepts. I come as Queen of Heaven, the Mother and Lady of Creation, to place you once again on the path that leads you to the Consciousness of God.

I am here to make you unlearn, die to the world and be reborn to the life of the spirit. But many prefer to continue holding on to their own will and tendencies rather than following the Voice of God, manifested on Earth through His Messengers.

Many believe they are following the path dictated by God by the simple fact of listening to My voice, and I come to tell you that until you live My Words, in the path is being trodden, and you will be deceiving yourselves when being in My presence and believing it is enough to come to Me.

Children, today I tell you that, throughout the history of humanity, many stood before Me, but the urgent need to follow their own aspirations was greater than the willingness to follow in My footsteps, and until today, after so many centuries of existence, humanity continues to run the risk of not accomplishing the Plans of God, and the majority of humankind does not fear losing their evolution, because they do not even recognize the existence of that evolutionary path.

With all of this, I want to tell you that I do not just look forward to seeing you before Me, because that is not enough. What is gained by coming to meet Me if after a few minutes, you will again be submerged in the energies of this world and are not capable of choosing brotherhood in the face of competition, understanding in the face of anger, love and forgiveness in the face of indignation?

To live My words, My beloved ones, is not to accomplish great heroic deeds of sacrifice and of conversion.

I want to see you choosing the Path of God when the adversary tries to convince you to follow its steps of dissociation. I want to see you saying 'no' to the illusions of this world, and 'yes' to the fulfillment of the Plans of God. I want to find you searching with all your strength for the path of Light, being a beacon for those who dwell in the darkness and not falling into the same abysses as your fellow beings.

My voice will not echo in the world for very long. God asks Me to announce the coming of the times of transition to beings, a moment when humanity will have to choose, by itself, to follow the Plans of God rather than their own. It will be only in that moment, when the power of love for the Creator is greater than the forces of chaos within the self, that His Son will cross the Heavens and will descend from the clouds, announcing His definite victory.

My beloved ones, do not play anymore with the path of evolution, because there is no more time. It is time to define yourselves.

I love you, I guide you and awaken you to the manifestation of the Plans of the Most High.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Divine Word


May you today awake to the essence of My Plan of Love.  May you today comprehend the greatness of the path on which I placed your feet, so that your souls would not get lost from God.

My mantle of light is woven in the invisible of this world and My Heart unites the different expressions of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Dear children, even if your eyes cannot see, open yourselves to comprehend with the heart that I Am the same in all of My manifestations in the world and, although for each of My armies I have a perfect plan, on these times, I come to unite in essence and in the heart all of those who answer to My Call, no matter where they may be.

Because it will come the time in which the circumstances of this life will need to find hearts strengthened by the spirit of Unity; otherwise, My children, My plans will not be able to be fulfilled.

I gather you in this time, as in all the others, for a greater purpose, for a universal purpose, but very few could comprehend what I have brought to you as a Message of Salvation and of awakening.

To Medjugorje, I have come to install the spirit of Peace and of conversion in the whole world.  Here, to the Americas, I have come to awaken humanity to the true Conception of God and so that all the Wisdom that comes from My Most Sacred Spirit could be given to human heart.  As Rose of Peace, I come to give to the world what of most pure exists in My interior, as the last table of salvation for the souls.

I tell you all of this, My dear children, because today, on this day of commemoration, both in Heaven and on Earth, I will not only ask that your hearts rejoice and pray with gratitude and joy.  Today I will ask you to deeply reflect about My presence in the world, above all, about everything that I have transformed in your lives and in the lives of so many souls.

I want you to discover in the depth of your hearts the true reason of My presence among you.  I want you to open yourselves to unite to My different children of the whole world, not only to Medjugorje, but you must be united, in fraternity and love, to all of the praying hearts, wherever they may be.

Because is through those who can be the most conscious of My Plan that I will build the Kingdom of God and that I will prepare for His Son the perfect path, with the precious prayers of the beings of this world.

Children, if you live in the spirit of Unity, you will be able to give and receive the codes of Light that I placed in My different soldiers.  You will be able to gather this puzzle that I have built in the world, with scattered pieces to the four corners of the Earth and that, only through the spirit of Absolute Unity, you will be able to gather and form the perfect draw of God to human race.

My beloveds, celebrate this day with prayers and praises, with grace and joy.  Unite to My Kingdom that ignites in light in Medjugorje, in order to redeem and save many souls, but also awake a little more to the essence of My words and do not let another year pass without being able to live them fully.

I love you, bless you and gather you in this cenacle of universal redemption.

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, Rose of Peace, Mother of the World, Universal Mother


Dear children,

I am the Mother of all peoples, all races, all languages, all beings.  All the Creation of God comes from My sacred maternal womb.  In Me all creatures are gestated; through Me are born and reborn the beings, the worlds, the universes.  In My Heart I shelter and guard much more than all souls; in My Immaculate Heart I receive and welcome all creatures of all the kingdoms of this blessed and sacred universe.

My beloveds, you might ask why so many times I present Myself to you and in My words I say who I am.  I speak about these things because God asked Me for humanity to recognize, in the end of times, the Feminine Creative Source, the Maternal Heart of God, which takes care of all that He created.

So many times I said “I am”, because humanity does not know Me and for not truly knowing Me, it does not seek Me and it does not look for My help before all the difficulties of life.

My dear ones, I present Myself to you as the Mother of Christ Jesus, because so it is.  My Son is Omnipresent and He is in everything.  His Most Sacred Consciousness reigns today in all creation and, thus, as I am His Mother, I am the Mother of everything that exists.

I ask you to receive My words in your hearts, because only there you will be able comprehend what I say to you.  The one who may not open the heart will never be able to discover the celestial mysteries and the one who does not enter into these mysteries will never be able to find the true Universal Source, that is the Consciousness of God the Father.

My words seek to lead you to the truth, but humanity is very separated from the superior reality and few are willing to deepen into something that they do not comprehend and that they do not accept, for being so far from what they live in this world.

My beloveds, My presence invites you to the complete transformation of life and of heart.  Many are the ones who do not accept Me because they are afraid of getting lost in the depth of My words and, today I say to you, that the one who deepens before the presence of the Divine Messengers and tirelessly seeks to comprehend, feel and live Our words, will not recognize themselves in a short time and they might not find themselves as they are today, because they will stop living and being a illusion, to express what they are, in essence and truth.

My beloveds, I say to you all of this, because throughout the whole history of humanity God sent Me to the Earth to lead humanity, but now, the celestial belfries are sounding and announcing that the time to live in illusion and ignorance is ending and I, as the Mother of all souls and of all beings that I am, have decided to launch Myself into the abysses of the planet and deliver the Gold of Truth to the ones that have always found themselves in the darkness of ignorance.

And even knowing that many may forever close the doors of their heart to Me, for not believing what I am saying or for not wanting to live the transformation to which I call them, I will never give up, because I also know that many will give Me their life and will make of this surrender, the reason of the conversion and the awakening of many other souls.

I want tell you on this day, My dear ones, that I will spare no effort to remove you from the sleep in which you live, that I will do everything to see you awake, knowledgeable of the Truth and of the living manifestation of the Will of God.

May today My words reach the depth of your hearts and impel you to take a definitive step.  The souls wait for the definition of your hearts to find a tangible example to follow.

I love you and I wait for you attentive, vigilant and tireless in this long journey.

Peace for humanity.

I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Before Mary appeared, Father Pio manifested himself before us.  He brought in his hands a crown of flowers and some other loose flowers.  He was praying the Rosary as he waited for Our Lady and when the portals started to open, he placed the flowers that he had in his hands on the path of Mary, and the crown of flowers, on the place where She would put Her Feet.  When Mary appeared, Father Pio stood on his knees and touched with his head the feet of the Mother, remaining like that during all the time She was present.  In the end of the Apparition, he took leave and left with Mary.

       I Am the Mother of the lost and of the unsheltered.

I Am the Mother of the repentant, of the redeemed, of the rescued.

Come to Me the sinners, and I will sanctify you.

Come to the Me the incredulous, and I will give you absolute faith.

Come to Me the fearless, because I will build over them a fortress, and I will congregate them in My army of peace, which will overcome evil through prayer and through the love of the Creator of all things.

Come to Me the imperfect though brave ones, for you will let yourselves be molded in My Holy Hands, and you will permit that I may conduct you in My arms to the Heart of the universe, to the King of kings, to Christ the Redeemer.

Dear children, I do not call to My presence the perfect ones, because This One is already found in the Kingdom of the Heavens, at the right hand of God.  I call to My side those that will allow themselves to be transformed and purified by the fire of prayer and by My most sacred presence in this world.

Today I bring before you Saint Father Pio of Pietrelcina, so that your hearts may find in him an example to be followed.  This beloved saint of Mine, My children, was capable of trusting Christ, Saint Joseph, and My Immaculate Heart, above all things.  He was willing to understand the mysteries of Heaven and to live in himself the sorrows of the Passion of My Son, notwithstanding all the evil that there was in the world was against the mission that he was receiving.

As I did to Father Pio, I invite each one of you to surrender to the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to not remain in the illusion of the days of this world, solely enclosed in the common living.

I invite you to transcend the human understanding and to comprehend the celestial miracles because you will experience them in yourselves.

But know, My dears, that those who are willing to follow Me must be also willing to face the world and themselves.  They will have to overcome the fear that dwells in their cells: the fear of not being accepted by others; the fear of not being loved by the beings of this world; the fear of not being understood; the fear of being persecuted.

Today I tell you that the Grace that I offer you is purely interior.  However, the one who may live it fully will not hesitate in denying the glory of the world and embracing sacrifice and renounce for all of the Glory that they will live in the Heavens.

My beloveds, Christ is the Path, the Truth and the Life, and He has set an example to all of how to reach the Kingdom of the Heavens: by loving without being loved; by giving without receiving anything in return; by suffering for those who persecute them; by pouring over the unjust and sinners the Mercy that was imprinted in His own blood.

And those who followed His example demonstrated again to the world that it is possible to live the transformation in Christ and to merge with Him, and even to live within themselves the mysteries of His Passion.

Come to Me the sinners and I will sanctify you.

Come to Me those who with courage will abandon the world and above all, themselves, because I will show you the Kingdom of God.

Come to Me those who do not fear renouncing and that will learn to love sacrifice, because I will show you the face of God.

This, My beloveds, is My only promise: sacrifice, surrender and prayer in order to learn to love and to forgive, in order to live redemption.

Who will extend the hands to accept what I am giving to you?  Who will come to Me everyday?

Who will let themselves be guided to the Heart of Christ, beyond the purification of this world?

I wait for you, love you and guide you always

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

A soul that prays with the heart is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it intercessor between God and the humans.

A soul that consecrates itself to a life of prayer is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it instrument of God in the world, door of His Mercy for the most needy ones.

A soul that seeks, thirsty and tireless, the Source of the Universal Life is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it precursor of the New Race, seed of the New Humanity which will live peace, forgiveness and redemption.

A soul that seeks redemption and walks towards the Infinite, without losing sight of the return to the Celestial Origin is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it light in the world, guide of the lost ones, safe path, an example to be followed.

A lost soul that extends its arms to Me is, for Me, favorite, because it represents My possibility of helping many more.  I will call it reason of My coming to the world.

A sinful soul that repents of heart and seeks the forgiveness of God is, for Me, favorite, because it indicates to the Universe that this humanity is still rescuable. I will call it Divine Hope in the human heart.

A soul that does not believe in God, that does not seek Him, that does not repent of its sins and carries on causing evil in the world will also be, for Me, favorite, because this soul will impel Me to be tireless and My Heart will not leave this world until the last one of them has been rescued.  I will call it Victory of Christ in the world and in the Universe because someday this Victory will happen.

My beloved, I wish with these words to say to you that all of the souls of this world are favorite before My Heart, each one of them will impel Me to pour over humanity a different Grace of God.

With the same love, perseverance and joy I will seek those who accompany Me and those who deny Me everyday because My maternal eyes know what they represent to God and just see, in each soul, its Divine Origin.

When My Eyes contemplate the world, they find in each being a possibility of the living manifestation of the Love of God, as well as it happened with My beloved Son Jesus because God Himself lives inside of each being, as well as He lives inside of Christ.

On this day I descend upon the world to bless humanity in a special way, I invite you to be My assistants in this blessing.   It is in this way, My beloveds, that I ask you to put inside your eyes, My maternal eyes and inside your hearts, My Immaculate Heart and in this way, see each creature with My Eyes and feel them with My Heart.

Discover the magnitude that is kept in the essence of each being and help Me to awake the purest in each heart.  Help Me to show this humanity that a Living God longs to live in its interior and this is for all, even for the most lost ones.

On this day, My dears, God calls you to contemplate Him in each being and, in this way, create a condition of Unity in order for Him to awake in the human heart and, thus, a New Race, full of God, may be a reality and not only hope.

I love you and I leave today My blessing and My gratitude to My dear Son, who with His effort, makes My coming to the world possible.

Pray, children of Mine, for all of the visionaries consecrated to My Heart so that they may be strengthened and firm in Christ in the times that will come.

May the Grace of God and His Peace be today in your hearts and in the whole world.

I bless you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


May there be opened the doors of the Kingdom of Lis, a Kingdom of Purity, a Kingdom of Love, a Kingdom of Devotion, where the souls find Peace and the union with the Essence of God.

May there be opened the doors of the Kingdom of Lis so that the thirsty, the forsaken, the lost, the wounded, the sick of body, of soul and of heart, may be able to enter to receive healing and forgiveness.

May those who proclaim My name and clamor for Mercy and for intercession before My altar rejoice profoundly today because I am opening the doors of My Kingdom on Earth, the Kingdom of Lis, the Kingdom of Fatima, and those that may unite to My purpose with the heart will serve as a bridge between this Kingdom and all the places of the world.

Children of Mine, I ask you today that, in a special way, you pray the Holy Rosary so that My Kingdom may be expanded in the world and My presence may not be proclaimed only in Fatima but in all of the hearts.

Today I want that the afflicted find comfort, that the sick be healed, that the thirsty be satiated, that the anguished find peace and that the sinners receive Mercy.

Tonight, when you light the candles to receive Me, remember that the Kingdom of Fatima is lit in devotion and unite to the font of peace and redemption that I will make descend to the world in this moment.

It is already time for Justice, My beloveds.  The debts of the hearts will be collected by the Laws of Heaven and of the Earth and in order for the Mercy of My Son to continue to be hope for the souls, it is necessary to exist merciful hearts in the world.

God is Just but also merciful when He finds in the world those that are willing to be bearers of His Mercy for all of the souls.

Admit, My dear children, that the times are already something else and that the inner maturity needs to be born in all of those that listen to the voice of God.  When I say this I am asking that you never forget the existence of a higher life, of the responsibility that you have undertaken in face of the fulfillment of the Plans of God.  When a soul does not want to grow, it forgets every day of its commitment with God and it gives itself the same permission to not comply with the Celestial designs.

You already know the part that is due to you to fulfill.  God speaks to you by means of His Messengers every day.   Uncountable were the Graces poured and infinite was the Mercy granted to the world so that you could awake and fulfill the mission of living on Earth as one lives in Heaven.  This is reached by following the steps dictated by the Messengers of God and by denying every day the love for the material things, dying to the world and being born again to the life of the spirit.

My beloved, the Kingdom of Lis is a spiritual reality that transcends My beloved Sanctuary of Fatima.  There I constructed My Kingdom in the invisible, as I have done in Heaven.  Those who believe in My words will find It.  Those who already know It will awaken It, and those who have already awaken It in their interior will live It and expand It throughout the entire world.

Sing and pray with fervor!  Today is a day of Grace!  Today is a day of Glory!

The Kingdom of God descends to the world and is consolidated in the inner of those who say yes.

I leave My blessing to My beloved children of Europe, to the children of Lis.  May they be the main door so that My Kingdom may be expanded throughout the world.

Proclaim the Kingdom of Lis!

Live Mercy, Peace and Redemption always!

I love you and invite you to the perpetual prayer of the heart.

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Rosary, Queen of Lis

Daily Messages

May the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens be opened and the sublime and celestial spheres descent in Glory to the kingdom of this world to transform and awaken all of the creatures of this blessed Earth.

My beloveds, may you all rejoice and be glad because I am descending in an extraordinary way to the world in order to pour, once again, a river of Graces upon humanity.

While the world sleeps, may those who are awake love sacrifice and the absolute surrender.

While the world let extinguish its own inner flame and faith fades from the consciousness of humanity, may those who are by My side be unshakable, and may not be any doubts from others that may take away from them the faith that I placed in their hearts.

While anguish and fear take over the hearts of those who do not fulfill the designs of the Creator, may My soldiers rejoice and, even in face of the great planetary tribulation, may they be strong, firm and confident in the fulfillment of the Celestial Plans.

While the world fears the collapse of a material system, may the disciples of Christ only wait entrusted to His return and observe each event as the true sign that this return is approaching.

While the world worries about the time that passes and the death that comes, may those who accompany Me open their consciousnesses in order to transcend the times and to enter into the infinite time, in which there is only eternity, the unity with God and with all of His creation.

My beloveds, I come to invite you today to transcend the laws of this world and all of its tendencies.  I invite you to withdraw the heart from the earthly and material loves, that embrace only what this world offers you, so that in this way you may get to know a sublime love, that knows all in depth, that lives and loves to fulfill the Plans of God and to manifest His Creation, such as He thought in His Most Sacred Spirit.

My dear ones, these are times to leave the common living and fight with the heart in order to persevere in a path that, in a short time and in an absolute way, will go against all the tendencies and the energies of this world.

You must be strengthened by the power of the word of the Divine Messengers and never let yourselves be shaken by the internal processes that others will live or by the purification of the planet itself.

Open the eyes to a reality that the majority of humanity is not able to see, and know that behind all the tests of this world there is a Great Purpose that tries to strengthen you and confirm your spirits in the adhesion to the Most Sacred Spirit of God Almighty.

May the faith in your hearts never dissipate itself.  May the hope in the return of My Son only strengthen and grow as an imperishable truth within His disciples and apostles.

Many will only believe in His return by seeing Him cross the Sky and put His Feet on the ground of this Earth, such as it was in His resurrection.  However, blessed will be those who know that He lives, such as they knew that He was the Messiah, and know that He will return, such as they knew that He would defeat death.  These are the ones who will perpetuate His Presence in the world.

Raise today to the Heavens the endless gratitude of your spirits, for being directly guided by God and by those who are the echo of His Voice and the spiritual manifestation of His Will for the entire Universe.

My beloved children, I leave you my blessing and My most precious Graces so that, with love and bravery, you may transit through the tests that will come.

May My beloved daughter that today renew herself in My Heart, be strengthened by the power of My Love.

Unite and love each other always.  Live the principles of the Kingdom of God.

I love you and I hope to find you with faith and inner peace.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May joy and perseverance never stop prevailing in the hearts of My children, because these attributes will build the unbreakable foundations of the inner fortress of those who must live the end of these times.
My beloved ones, as Mother and Lady of the Divine Word, I come to bring to the world the Will of God and His guidance to the souls who have decided to follow the path that leads to the Father.

My Heart rejoices to find you in prayer, because thus I will be able to prepare My soldiers, the faithful disciples of Christ, so that they may face with bravery the days to come.

My beloved children, many fear to listen to My words, others prefer not to believe them, because My word invites you to a transformation, My word calls you to maturity, so that as souls you may no longer be children and you may recognize the great responsibility that you carry as humanity, a humanity that must take a great leap and that often does not feel ready to take it.

But now, My dear ones, the moment to elevate your faces towards Heaven has arrived, and just as My Son told the Father, may His Will be done and may begin in this world the great transformation that will guide you to His Most Sacred Heart.

My dear ones, a very long time will pass in order for you to learn how to consolidate in your beings the Grace of becoming truly resembling to God.

Days will come in which your eyes will not want to open, in which your arms will seem to not be able to raise themselves, in which your legs will feel that they cannot walk, but during those days you must remember about moments such as this one that you lived today, in which I have come to meet you, awakening you from the sleep and bringing you the peace and the joy that must be perpetuated in your hearts.

In the years to come, you will learn that you can overcome many barriers in matter and in spirit.  You will discover that the fortress about which I spoke so much is truthful, and as well as My Son Jesus, you will be able to incarnate the Father's Will.  During days of deep darkness, you will awaken in your own heart the sun that will illuminate the world once again and that will warm up the heart of those who had their inner sun almost extinct.

I wish each one of My children to be a sun on the Earth, to dawn every day for a new time, to dissipate the clouds and the darkness with its own light that emerges from its prayers.

My beloved ones, I am building in each one of you something that you will only be able to find when you believe that you are unable to do anything else for this world.  The treasure that I have placed in your essences will be very hidden and the key to find it is the persistence in prayer and the overcoming of oneself and of all the worldly energies in order to fulfill the Plan of God, a Plan that you must love and on which you must trust for all eternity.

Although someday you may not see the manifestation of God in yourselves, be sure that this God will be hidden inside of you.

And today I tell you that you must see arise in the heart of Africa, by means of this mission, the pulsating and living Heart of God, a Heart that won over suffering and sorrow and that now elevates itself, giving an example to all on how to reemerge in joy and in peace.

May My soldiers be able to have their hearts always in the Heights and the eyes of the soul always open, in order to not only see what physically happens in this world, but to find the Glory of God behind all things and in the invisible of every event.

I thank you for the joy in receiving Me.  Remember this joy on the days to come and never lose it from your sight.

I bless you and by means of your prayers, I bring My blessings to the whole world.

Mary, Mother and Lady of the Divine Word

The Glory of God manifests itself in the world!



May My Peace reign in the hearts of the world and may they be filled with the Merciful Power that I today bring from the Kingdom of the Heavens.
My children, forever be praised Our Lord Jesus Christ, who renews His Sacrifice from time to time so that His Infinite Mercy may never stop being poured over the world.

On this day, My beloved ones, I invite you to meditate with the heart about what you are willing to suffer out of love and for the sake of the redemption of humanity.

Dear ones, many are never tired of meditating on the Mercy of Christ and rely on it as the hope for their salvation, but very few are the ones who recognize that this Source springs out from the injured Heart of My Holy Son and from His Wounds, which were opened for the final redemption of all the souls.  Few are the ones who accept to share with the Lord His martyrdoms and who offer the little that they suffer for the sake of those who just seek the constantly material comfort.

My beloved ones, on this day of Grace and Mercy for all the souls, I want you to have the Passion My Son imprinted in your consciousnesses, because from it, comes all the Mercy and all the Love that for over two thousand years have been poured over the just and the unjust souls of this world.  In this way, I want you to understand that the path to become merciful in life is found in the complete offer of oneself, independently of the state in which you find yourselves.

My dear children, My eyes contemplate the world and are almost unable to find in it, those who may wish to bear in their heads, the crown of thorns of My Son, in order to thus, relieve Him from this sorrow and to allow His Mercy to keep on being poured over the world.

Today, with the eyes and the heart turned to My beloved Africa, discover in the service the possibility of relieving the sorrow that Christ lives in the hearts of this Earth.

Remember everyday that if the Lord was capable of surrendering life in His Passion for the Salvation of the world, you will also be able to do much more than what you do, and you will be able to give to God the Creator great offers that come from the heart for the salvation of the sinful souls.

My beloved ones, I do not ask you to martyr the body, I only tell you to transcend yourselves everyday, out of love for the others and for all this humanity.  May you renounce everyday to all the comforts of this world, for the sake of the souls who do not know the power of sacrifice.

I say all this to you because, in consciousness, you are all entering into the heart of Africa and finding all the spiritual and physical penury in the history of that continent, and also, My children, the power of transcendence and overcoming that this people lived in order to keep on smiling in a world like this, a world that very few know in depth.

For this, in face of the inner Africa, know how to learn with those hearts.   And on this exchange of experiences that you live in the level of the souls, give to My beloved Africa, the possibility of forgiveness, of forgiving oneself and the others.  Thus, My beloved ones, I will be able to count with you on My Plan of rescue and of redemption.

I want you to know that you are being internally placed before the need of taking a great leap, now that you are in the heart of Africa, because now, My dear ones, out of love for God you will have to assume your own redemption and the redemption of humanity by means of the offering of self and of the transcendence of the old atavisms.

On this day of Mercy, the Lord is attentive to your prayers, and through His Faithful Servant, He announces to you that nothing is impossible, and that by asking with the heart, everything will be granted to the spirit.

Do not weaken before the tests, but just keep on going ahead, in the same way that the spirit of Africa was able to overcome itself in order to be before My Heart today by means of all of you.

I thank you for your sincere prayers and I ask you to never get tired of praying.  The world, humanity and the kingdoms of nature need you in prayer.

I bless you and I leave you My Peace.

Mary, Rose of Peace


May My Peace be established in the world, and may this Peace reign in the hearts of all humankind and in the essences of all Kingdoms of Nature.

My children, I invite you to a deep process of inner peace to thus defeat all adversities of these times.  Only Peace held within creatures will allow them to live the times of great tribulation in the world. 

Know, My beloveds, that you must learn to overcome your own inner conflicts through peace; to learn to let the reign of My Peace be greater than any tribulation that the purifications and assaults of these times may cause you.

I want you to know that the plans contrary to the Plans of God will always seek to destabilize My soldiers and defeat them through tension, conflict and the weariness of their hearts.

This is a time in which learning stages will still take place, in which you may fall and stand back up again and again.  Therefore, do not tire of overcoming your own tribulations to establish peace within yourselves, thus allowing it to reach the hearts of other beings of this world; because in the time that is to come, this peace must already be established within each one of you so that in this way you may experience a greater trial, which is to establish My Peace in the moments of planetary chaos.

My beloveds, do not allow confrontations to draw you out of My refuge of Peace, because the absolute power of My Love and the compelling force of My Holy Peace are greater than any confrontation that you may experience in this world.

As Rose of Peace and as Mother of Jesus, I want to teach you to be peacemakers in the face of any situation in your lives.

Remember, My children, the example that I set for you when I saw My Son being flagellated and crucified, for even knowing that assaulting the Son of God was the greatest injustice that was being committed in this universe, My Heart never lost Its peace, for It never lost Its trust in the Creator of all things who called us by name to fulfill His Plan, and who will always guarantee that each event in our lives will bring us the exact learning experience that we must have.

For these times and for the times that will come, remember that My Peace must reign within each one of My children and that, through them, this Peace must be expanded throughout the world.

Today you are under My Mantle.  I will protect you and will welcome you always; I will safeguard you from evil and will heal your spirits and your hearts when you are weary of this battle in order to establish the Reign of the Lord throughout the world.

My beloveds, do not give up, but rather proceed with confidence.  Understand the Calvary, which many are experiencing, as the only path for the re-establishment of Mercy among beings.  But for this, you must travel this path without losing sight of the Will of God and of His great Plan of Love, which must be reflected in your essences as pure love.

I love you and I bless you.

I give you My Peace; take it to the whole world.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, Queen of Peace and of the world


Prostrated at the Feet of the Creator, in prayer for humanity, I see the Hands of God which point to the world, marking the Americas. He asks Me to see that My prayers were not in vain.

I open My eyes and see My Mantle in the world igniting in pure Light. I see that the Light of My eyes no longer shines only in My eyes, but it in the hearts of each of My children.

The Lord then allows Me to return to Earth and, with joy, tread the path of flowers prepared by My children in prayer.

I feel the soul of the Children of Mary,  even though they are scattered across the world, today become one in the unity of prayer and in the renewal of the commitment they made to Me.

My children, today I will meet your spirits, I will gather your souls in an upper room of prayer, to pour upon the disciples of yesterday the Graces and Gifts of the Spirit of God, and thus, transforming them into the apostles of this last time.

Those who are renewed in My Immaculate Heart, I will send them out two by two, just as My Son asked Me, so that the Light of My Heart that shines in their essences may expand throughout the world, and thus not allow those who could not come to meet Me in this time to get lost.

My children, your souls will be the extension of My Immaculate Heart. Your hearts will be flowers of My Immaculate Garden, and you must take to the world the pollen which brings new life to those who are dying in the heart. Plant new flowers, which will give new fruits to the future and the promised Earth, long awaited by God.

My beloveds, many of you are being called to experience the transition to a new world and I do not promise you that you will see the new sun rise on the horizon, but I call you to be the ones who will open the doors and windows of the world for this sun to enter.

I gather you so that you may be those who will prepare the earth and, with every effort, transform yourselves and the world, working in this field of redemption. Many will not be here to harvest the fruits of the New Earth, but from My Kingdom, they will see those seeds growing and flourishing which one day they left on this planet.

My beloveds, I want to consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and this I will achieve through your hearts. I want to take you to the Heart of My Son, who will lead you to God, and it will be in God, My beloveds, that you will discover that nothing is separate and that I am within God, just as His Son is, and you will all be within Me when you return to the Divine Womb from which you came, to be reborn as redeemed beings.

You are for Me the Light of My Heart and so you must be for the world when it becomes dark. May My Mantle, above you today, become a beacon signaling the way to the lost souls.

I am counting on all the Children of Mary, those who have arrived and those who will arrive because God wishes that you may be the door to the new world, the door through which all of humanity will enter. Therefore, My children, after reconfirming your vows with me, continue without fear, living peace and taking peace to the world.

Know that, starting today, you are like a single soul, a single heart, that must be strengthened by unity and fraternity, so that the Plans I have for you and have called you to manifest can be fulfilled.

Never forget that you are My praying word of love to the world. You are My serving hands for those who need them. You are My guide for those who are lost. United with Me is how I would like to find you every day.

I love you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Receive in your hearts, My breath, the last you shall receive before the great time of tribulation.

Know how to recognize My presence in your hearts because in a future time I will only be able to pray for My children and to observe them and, in this moment, My dears, you will feel My prayer touching your essences.

Those ones who build the path that leads to My Immaculate Heart through prayer will know how to be united to My Universal Consciousness, even when I may no longer be able to reach this world as I do today.

My beloveds, all I come to build within your beings will only have its true repercussion after this life.

Know that the fact of being beside Me will not make you free from obstacles and difficulties that the world imposes to its inhabitants.  But the one who prays will see the upcoming events as someone who does not belong to this world.  And even if they are supposed to live things known as sufferings to the common humanity, they will not feel that way, but rather they will find in everything the opportunity of imitating My Son and learning from Him about true love.

My beloveds, I will not take you away from this world when the moment of the final test of your lives comes, but I assure you that the one who may persevere on the path of true prayer shall not perish by the planetary misfortunes.

I want you to know that the time of purification has already began within each being and that now is the moment to learn to withstand the storms that you live in your own interior so that in this way may you learn to overcome difficulties when they come to the whole world.

My Children, you must not fear, you must prepare yourselves because the one who is well prepared to take a test does not fear to be before it.

I come to the world in this time because I know about the great need of the hearts.  Learn to feel, in My daily presence, the urgency of the planetary moment and the infinite Mercy of God Who sends Me to the world one more time to rescue and awake the consciousnesses.

I am throwing the last nets into the sea of this world in order to take to the boat of salvation all of those who lose themselves in the waters of illusions and emotions of the life upon the Earth.

Dear children, with love I ask you: pray with a devotion that you still do not know.  Do not permit prayer to become a common routine of your days.  Know how to pray with the clamor of your spirits.

May you know, in each moment of prayer, how to feel the need of the world.  May you know, in each moment of prayer, how to transcend the limits of your own bodies, of tension and of inertia, to which the current planetary condition leads permanently.

Remember that My eyes and My Heart are attentive to the praying hearts of the world and, before the smallest door that may open, I can rescue those who are truly suffering because they have lost their union with God.

My beloveds, study My words, practice them and do not forget them, not even for one single minute.  My Divine Word comes to build the fortress that you will need in the times that will come.

I bless you today and always and await you in prayer.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


While the world suffers the consequences of its own actions, I come to bring Mercy for those who open their hearts.

While many are blind, My children, I come to open the eyes of those who can still receive a new opportunity and who accept it.

My Heart comes to announce the last time for salvation to the world. There are still possibilities for those who do not know God, but it is very little, dear children, that humanity generates as merits for the rescue of this world.

The reality has still not touched your lives, just your minds. Many know about the times that have come, but almost none of you truly understand what is happening with humanity, with the Kingdoms of Nature, and with the planet.

One who knows, in truth, and understands My Words and My intentions, makes all necessary efforts to be with Me; they do not stop to think before setting everything aside to enter into prayer when the time announces that the hour for prayer has come.

I no longer know what to say to you, My beloveds, or how to make you feel what My Heart feels on coming to this world.

I seek souls that are in true prayer rather than just verbal, souls that pray with the spirit and with the heart, to balance the indifference of this world to God.

False gods permanently emerge in this world. Modernity and mundane pleasures are becoming the goal for worship of humankind. All that will perish at the first breath of Divine Justice; there will be nothing consolidated left in the consciousness of a large part of humanity.

I have announced this in all ways, I have warned you throughout the centuries, but who heard My voice? Who definitely changed the goal of their life? Who renounced the illusions of this world to give real importance to what they would find in the next?

My beloveds, this is the world to which souls come to define their evolution. Many have not perceived they are faced with the last call and that the trumpets are sounding, announcing the end time. The Voice of the Creator resounds through His angels and archangels, that shout to a sleeping humanity: Wake up! Wake up!

What a deep sleep has overwhelmed humanity! Where are the armies of the Lord?

To those who listen to Me, I cry out: go into prayer! Go into perpetual prayer, because the whole world has need of it. Teach your children to pray, teach them the real values they must cultivate in their little souls. Do not let the children and youths become lost. This is their last opportunity for redemption; they will no longer come once again to the world. This school is at the end of its cycle; a new time is announced.

Those who do not listen to the last call will miss the boat and will get lost in the sea of illusions of the world.

Listen to My voice cry out.

To those who respond to My call, I ask that you never tire, that you persist in prayer, service, the giving of self, and in love. Be fraternal, be pure of heart. Generate merits for the balance of this world.

I thank you for listening to My call and for coming to meet with My Immaculate Heart.

It is time to disseminate peace in the world.

I bless you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


I Am the Lady of the Poor, but not only of the poor in matter. I Am the Mother of the poor of spirit, of the poor of heart.  I Am the Mother of those who lack love and peace, of those who lack fraternity in their homes and in their lives.

In this way, children of Mine, I come to demonstrate to you that true wealth does not come from this world and it will not be found in it, until you may be able to discover the most pure font from where all things come.

I Am the Lady of the Heavens, recognized by the angels and archangels; by the saints and the blessed ones; by God and by His Son; and nonetheless, I come to the world as the Lady of the Poor so that you may get to know that it is not with material wealth that a soul is ennobled.  The greatness of a soul is expressed in its pure union with its Creator, that is the true King of all things, and that reigns in all of the spaces.

I want you to know that of no value are the riches of this world, if poor is the heart.  The one who owns the most riches is the one who knows that must give and donate the most to others; not only that which one possesses, but also oneself.  That is because, I say to you on this day, there is no greater greatness and glory than divesting oneself of all that comes from this world, including of one’s own self, in order to find all of the celestial goods.

Dear children, the one who gives it all will always receive from the Lord the assistance in order to continue on the path of evolution; they will lack nothing.  Although God may permit that you may learn by means of difficulties that must forge your spirit, He will never let this spirit perish, and the flame in your heart to be extinguished.

I Am the Lady of the Poor, but also the Queen of Peace, because the greatest treasure that I bring to the world is the Peace which the hearts are lacking.  Embrace this treasure that I bring to you as something unique for humanity and multiply it by means of your prayers and of the surrendering of your lives.

My beloved, never forget that the key to opening all the doors; to understanding and knowing all things, is the prayer made with the heart.  For this, I invite you today to consecrate your lives to this infinite font of Peace and of Redemption that is the true prayer.

I leave on this day My blessing for this Marian Center that grows as it learns with the difficulties of life.

I ask to all those who consecrate themselves as My children, as a symbol of their willingness of consecrating their lives to God, that they may never permit that a true channel of prayer may not be formed here.  This Marian Center belongs to your souls and to the whole world and it must be constantly generating light and love for the Earth by means of your prayers.

For this, I ask you all to not cease to come to this place and to placing here a brick of prayer, so that may be constructed the great stronghold which this Marian Center needs in order to keep fulfilling the mission that God has entrusted it.

I wait for you in prayer and in faith, generating Peace and Redemption for the world.

I count on the answer of your hearts.

Mary, Lady of the Poor and Queen of Peace


Enquanto o mundo dorme e as almas se submergem nas ilusões da vida material, quero abrir aqui uma fonte de Graças e de alento para todos os seres. Dessa forma, filhos Meus, aqueles que têm sede de Deus encontrarão a Água de Vida, que brotará do serviço, da cura e da oração neste lugar.

Quero acender uma luz neste mundo que vive na escuridão.

Quero dar a conhecer aos homens a realidade superior que habita em sua essência mais profunda.

Quero demonstrar aos seres a capacidade de amar que existe no profundo de seus corações.

Quero que conheçam a verdade sobre si mesmos.

Quero que curem o passado por meio do perdão e que se reabilitem por meio da redenção.

Quero que encontrem aqui, neste lugar, as chaves para ingressar no Reino dos Céus.

Quero que vejam com os próprios olhos o caminho de retorno à Origem Divina.

Por isso, Meus amados, peço-lhes que façam deste lugar a ponte para o Meu Reino, o caminho para o sagrado e, de cada um de vocês, os porteiros e os zeladores que conduzem as almas perdidas ao verdadeiro despertar.

Que aqueles que têm um antigo compromisso Comigo retomem os seus postos, pois já é hora de recomeçar a construir o novo futuro que nascerá no interior de todos os seres.

Quero desta casa uma fonte de cura, não apenas para o corpo, mas também para o espírito.

Quero que aqui as consciências possam nascer, renascer e deixar este mundo seguras do caminho que as levará ao Pai, à reconciliação com Seu Sacratíssimo Coração.

Quero neste lugar a Presença viva de Meu Filho, em Seu Corpo Eucarístico, para que seja contemplado e adorado por aqueles que se consagrarão dia a dia ao Meu Imaculado Coração.

Que nesta Imaculada Casa do Alívio do Sofrimento as almas recebam a oportunidade que aguardam, há tanto tempo, de reconhecer o que verdadeiramente são, e isso se dará, filhos Meus, quando, por meio do amor que receberem, descobrirem o amor latente no próprio interior.

Que, ao receberem, os corações aprendam a dar, dar de si aos que mais necessitam neste mundo.

Os que estiverem recebendo esta oportunidade de cura espiritual e física, que estejam em permanente oferta a Deus, por tudo o que recebem. Para isso, orarão com o coração e com o espírito e descobrirão na oração e na doação de si a razão de sua existência neste mundo, pois brotará em seus corações o amor verdadeiro e profundo que o Universo tanto aguarda que possam descobrir e viver neste tempo.

Eu os amo e os aguardo em oração por este mundo tão necessitado de paz.

Jamais se cansem, filhos Meus, de entregar a vida por amor aos que não têm a Deus.

Se Deus vive em seus seres, são portadores de todo o bem e de toda a Graça, todas as riquezas deste mundo lhes pertencem, pois não há riqueza maior que o Amor de Deus vivo em Suas criaturas.

Por isso, orem e peçam ao Pai pelos que não O conhecem e não descobriram Sua Grandeza Infinita.

Eu os abençoo para que sigam em oração e entrega até o fim de suas vidas e por toda a eternidade. O mundo assim o necessita.

Maria, Imaculada Mãe do Alívio do Sofrimento 


I Am the Virgin of the Immaculate and Pierced Heart, and in this way I come to the world on this day so that humanity may be alleviated from its sufferings by means of the sorrowa that I felt in My chest, and which I feel still up to the present days.

Children of Mine, I give to the world today My Immaculate and Pierced Heart as a divine offer  in order that other souls may help Me in alleviating the sorrow of this world.

I want to offer to My children the sacrifice; the donation of oneself; the permanent service to humanity, to the Kingdoms of Nature, and to the whole planet.

I come to give to you My Heart, pierced by the sword of human sins and of the indifference of humanity in face of the sacrifice of My Son.

The times are accelerated in this world, and the consciounesses are indifferent to all the warnings of the Divine Messengers.  The gravest faults have become the common living of human beings, and the afflictions that many souls suffer no longer touch the hearts of those that might be able to balance these sorrows and torments by means of prayer.

My beloveds, the search for comfort and for one's own well-being has taken over the hearts of those beings who no longer give importance to all that happens in this world.

My Heart continues to be pierced as a unique offer that I am able to realize for the Creator, suffering in it all of the sorrows of My children and alleviating them through My Love.  But this, My beloveds, is not sufficient.  To balance the evil that is spread across this planet it is necessary that at least a few souls of the world awaken to the reality in which they live, and submit themselves to a path of sanctity by means of prayer, of service, and of total surrenderi of oneself to God.

It is no longer enough that you dedicate to Me a little prayer before sleep, or that you make prayers each day, if in the actions of your lives you destroy all that I have attempted to build in the few minutes of prayer.

My eyes are fixed on this world, attentive to the prayers of each one of My children, no matter how small it may be.  However, even those of My children that may pray the most, if they will not live the prayer in their actions, in their thoughts, and in their feelings, of little use it will be that they pray, if the drop of Love that I am able to deposit in your essence is spilled in the first opportunity, that is lost, of manifesting love.

My beloveds, I want to teach you to change the values of this life, to change the goal to which you walk. Your goal shall not be in this world.  Do not battle anymore simply for a comfortable material life, and do not gauge your effort to establish a time of peace, of reconciliation, of forgiveness, and of redemption.  This is what the world needs, and for this you are here in this time.

Do not let yourselves be deceived, because while you are distracted with illusions and mundane pleasures, the souls do not stop from entering the hells and purgatories of this world, which already are so full of lost consciousnesses as a result of the consequences of their choices.

My beloveds, pray!  Pray much! Clamor!  And be merciful in your lives.

Awaken!  Review your goals and your aspirations.

Accept in you lives My Immaculate and Pierced Heart, and assist Me in alleviating the sorrow of this world.

I love you, and I wait for you day and night in prayer and in surrender.

Mary, Virgin of the Immaculate and Pierced Heart

Message for the Apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted by Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of all the Kingdoms of Nature to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

May My Mantle spread throughout the world and all creatures who live in it understand that I am in everything that was created.

By contemplating nature, may the creatures discover the greatness of the Universal Creation, which used the Purity of Its Servant so that, from Her maternal Womb, a molecule of divine Purity could penetrate the essence of all beings on Earth and in the universe.

When I can no longer be here, manifested as a ray of sunlight before the eyes of those who can see Me, I want you to find Me in everything that God has given to the world as a source of beauty, purity and life.

I want you to commune with the Kingdoms of Nature, so that the purity expressed in them may activate the inner purity of your essences and thus, find peace and the path to redemption.

My children, My maternal Heart comes from a pure Principle of God, to which it returned after this life upon Earth to fertilize, from this Principle, all universal life. The Purity of God took on life and consciousness from the existence of the Mother-Consciousness of this universe.

I want you to listen to My Words with attention and with love, because many do not know the Principles of Creation and, however, as much as you exalt and praise God, in Himself, in His Son and in His loyal Servant, you do not understand what true existence is. And now I want to help you understand these mysteries, so that through the Codes of Light that I deposit in My Words, your souls can awaken to the divine and profound Origin that pulsates in the heart of this whole universe.

Your hearts are already on the path of inner maturing and, in the face of all the accelerated events in the world, it is also necessary now that your souls receive strong impulses from God and from all His expression in the universe.

Therefore, do not be afraid to listen to My Words, do not fear when faced with the terms and definitions that you have never heard being spoken by My Divine Word throughout the history of humanity.

You are entering a new cycle, in which the truths must be said and the secrets revealed before the time comes when I can no longer be with you. Then, you will have to discover everything by yourselves, and will only be able to confirm the truth of the impulses of light through your own essences.

Therefore, My Beloveds, My Word will descend upon souls with greater intensity. Many will receive it with peace of heart and the joy of being able to discover and experience the celestial mysteries; others will not understand Me and will doubt the truth of My Words and others will not be able to understand what I say, but will follow Me, because they feel in their hearts they must do it even without understanding. These will be called blessed because they will know how to follow the voice of the heart, beyond the misunderstandings of the mind.

My dear children, on this day, I prepare you for the days to come and ask your hearts and souls to strengthen themselves to cross the boundaries of the mind and to allow love and peace to prevail in your lives.

As Queen of Peace and of all the Kingdoms of Nature, I leave you a blessed key so that you may contemplate the Kingdoms and join them. In this way, you will be able to open your heart a little more, so that you can find Me in all that has been created and thus, little by little, you will discover who I truly am and what I have come to accomplish in your essences and in the essence of this world.

I love you deeply, because you are part of My Immaculate Heart.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of all the Kingdoms of Nature


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
