Monday, March 24 of 2014

Monthly Messages

Enter into My Heart of Light, because there you will find the answers that you so much seek for the doubts and questions that disturb your little life.

Enter in trust into the protection of My mantle, because it is there, under the protection of My maternal essence, that you will be safe to grow and mature the consciousness.

My children, it gives Me happiness to return to this house of Mine and find hearts strengthened by the learnings of life.  It gives me happiness to see that many have woken up to the life of the spirit and to the life of the soul, through prayer.  Some do not even perceive, but they are entering, each day more, into the essence of My Kingdom.

My little ones, this is a sacred path, the one that was chosen by your souls, that have awakened in time to build in the interior the strength of prayer and to learn, through union with God and service to others, the Love that the whole world needs so much.

While many deny God and seek to flagellate His Most Holy Heart, I travel the world in the Divine Hope of awakening the greatest number of souls and, through the intercession of those who pray with fervor, to be able to rescue those who clamor day and night for help.

My children, today I say to you that because of your most sincere prayers, My redeeming Light is being expanded throughout the world and, by your constant efforts, My maternal presence will be able to arrive to those who are lost.

I want you to know that upon your answer depends the expansion of My Marian task over the world.  Each time that a soul takes a firm step towards the Heart of God, I receive from the Lord the permission to be a longer time over the Earth and to balance situations that many times already seem not to have a solution.

I want to let you know that My maternal Heart has accompanied the meeting that occurred at the Marian Center of Figueira and with attention observed the fruits, converted into transformation, that have arisen in the hearts and in the consciousnesses by means of the instruction received in these last days.  I have contemplated with joy the inner step that you took towards a greater comprehension; in this way, you are approaching God's Purpose for this time.

My children, know that when a drop of the Universal Truth is poured and is molded over a consciousness, the whole planet receives the possibility of waking up to the Universal life.  For this I count on the support of those who unveil My words, who know how to read between the lines of My divine Word and that, in this way, permit that all of humanity may receive the possibility of discovering a little more about the Divine Truths that are available to those who seek for them with the heart.

My beloveds, as Our Lady of Figueira I collect in My Heart the beautiful fruits that were born in the last times and I ask you to continue to deepen in this path that  conducts you to the meeting with the Spirit of Christ, because in this way you will generate merits so that all your brothers and sisters who live in ignorance may have in their lives a chink of light that may illuminate the heart and bring to the soul the Peace that it needs to come out of the darkness and of perpetual suffering.

Pray much and discover in prayer the true power of the word that God gave to His creatures.  The world needs the intercession of all the beings and yes, their sincere prayers can change the events that are predicted and that by Divine Justice, already descend over the Earth.  For this I ask you, My beloveds, pray, pray much and seek with determination to find the power of prayer in your lives.

I thank you for uniting yourselves to Me in this intercession for the nations of the world.

Let us pray, because the world is in need.

I love you and I will always love you.

Your Most Holy Mother, Mary, Lady of Figueira