Saturday, September 25 of 2021

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

These are the times in which true definitions are presented, these are the times in which what is intermediate or indecisive no longer has space within the human consciousness.

These are the times to see and recognize your own inner reality. It is time to correct, it is time to amend, it is time to rapidly mature. Nothing can happen to you that is without meaning or cause.

Therefore, My children, every second that passes, your consciousnesses must seek and seek to live the Will of God because when that Will and that Design are not fully lived, souls suffer to the point of believing that God abandoned them.

Therefore, beloved children, learn to measure the consequences of what you decide and what you do. Do not miss the sacred opportunity to be on the path of the apostleship of My Son, the change or the passage of the inner state only depends on you.

Persevere and be firm through the Love of My Son. This will allow you to perceive, more each day, how important the redemption of humanity is so that, finally, this outraged planet may be freed from all that it suffers on the part of the men and women of the Earth.

I thank you for seeking true inner consciousness.

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, September 18 of 2021

Weekly Messages

My children,

Keep fervently praying the Rosary, for the Divine Justice to be placated, so that the mistaken humanity may not keep paying the punishment it is receiving.

I, as the Mother who sustains you from Fatima, ask you again to not only pray for peace and for the end of conflicts, I also ask you to pray for the impossible causes so that a greater number of My children may awake from this dream in which many are found.

My heart suffers from seeing that so many believing and religious children doubt whether the path they tread will lead them to meet My Son, but My enemy weaves a dark web that feeds on greedy, insensitive and even apparently peacemaking souls.

For this reason, My beloved children, I ask that your prayers may not be mere repetitions, but prayers that allow you to speak to God and console His Heart, wounded by the offenses of the world.

For this reason, I am again in Fatima, to lead all My children who accept it, toward the essential center of their inner purity, because humanity has lost not only its purity but also its innocence.

As the Mother of the Most Holy Rosary, I come once again to pray with My children so that there may be better conditions and opportunities to intercede for this suffering humanity.

I thank all those who pray with Me with fidelity, responding to My supplications that lead you toward the Peace of Fatima, the Light that leads you toward Peace.

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, September 13 of 2021


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Immaculate Heart of Mary,
path of protection and guidance,
Thank you for all that You give us!


I have come to Fatima not only to help Europe, Africa and the Middle-East, I have come to Fatima so that all of you, My children, may help me make emerge the manifestation of this Light-Community that will be important in the end of times for the entire spiritual and inner task that the Hierarchy will carry out. This is the moment and also the time for this to happen. Your collaboration at this moment is indispensable.

The Community of Fleur-de-Lys, which I have consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, has waited for a long time for this to happen. This manifestation, although it may seem material, will be fundamental for all that the Hierarchy needs to impel.

For this reason, My children, on this day, on which a new cycle begins here in Fatima, a new cycle in the whole of Europe, I call upon you and I also invite you to help me make this manifestation possible because, until this manifestation happens, the Hierarchy will not be able to continue forward with all that it so expects.

In the first days of September, you were able to hear what My Son said regarding how important it is that the roots of adversity and evil in Europe may be taken out, roots that have led to inequality between peoples and nations, especially the poorest nations.

But what I come to ask of you, for the Community of Fleur-de-Lys, is not something so grand and impossible, I come to ask for something real, something that is possible for each one of you, if, as My children, you unite within this chain of Light to concretize and materialize what this Community needs, because it might be one of the only Light-Communities, in this region of Europe, that will be able to sustain, in a spiritual and inner way, all the purification of this part of the planet.

Now, My children, do you understand what this means? It is not just a wish of the Hierarchy or a petition of the Hierarchy, it is a necessity of the Plan of God that comes to knock at the door of each one of your hearts, of each one of the representatives of this Work of the Divine Messengers so that, by means of the manifestation of the Community of Fleur-de-Lys, the Hierarchy may be nearer and closer to you, and to all that you could imagine and think of up to this moment.

It has already been an important step that the group has arrived here in Fatima, but it is not enough. My Heart keeps receiving the thorns of this humanity, the wrongs and indifferences of the human beings who still do not turn to God and only turn to technologies, being addicted to the illusion and inferiority of this world.

But I tell you, My children, that the importance of the manifestation of the Community of Fleur-de-Lys, as God expects it, depends on the step of each one of My children.

The universe has everything to give you, but you, My beloved children, are the ones responsible for opening the correct door for this manifestation to be able to come and descend.

In the meantime, beloved children, the Hierarchy will do everything possible and a little more to keep helping this humanity, this planet, outraged by this race.

I come here to open a door to the opportunity that you not only consecrate yourselves as servers of Christ but also that you consecrate yourselves as forerunners of the manifestation of the Plan, because the time of emergency demands this, thus, My Graces will be closer to My children, the intercession of the Mother of God will be closer to each one of My children, especially to those who have condemned themselves to eternal punishment.

Now, the time has come for cooperation and collaboration to be balanced, for them to be a collaboration and cooperation on the part of everyone of My children, regardless of what nation they belong to or the place upon the planet where they may live.

You, through this impulse and the request that I bring you today, will be able to consecrate yourselves as evolutive citizens of this universe, so that there no longer be differences, borders, languages or even nations, but that you can consecrate yourselves as one humanity, that you can see all this material life and also the inner life as one life, as the Eternal Father sees it at each stage of this evolution.

Now, My children, at the request of My Son, I come to tell you, by means of this Message, that the time has come to manifest in Europe that which Europe needs.

Your immediate action, your immediate readiness, your immediate availability will be what will move other souls, in the inner planes, so that they may also offer themselves. Do not wait for the manifestation to come from another place or even from unknown children.

I call your consciousnesses because you have made a commitment to Me in this manifestation of the Plan, and I want to remind you, My beloved children, that this manifestation has not concluded, not only here, but also in all the Light-Communities, in all the points of Light that the Hierarchy needs on this planet. In South America, North America, Africa, Europe and the Far East, there must exist other points of Light, however small they may seem, to carry forward what the Hierarchy has planned for this critical moment of humanity.

Our Sacred Hearts are filled with Grace and Mercy for souls, but they are still not sufficient, because few are the souls that accept this Grace and Mercy.

You, together with Me, are the builders of the new path, of the path that will be materialized and prepare the Return of My Son, and this is not only in Spirit, but it is also in that which is material, so that that which is material may also be transformed and sublimated, so that the resources of this humanity, gravely imbalanced and not well used, may be balanced through good works, good thought and even good action, to generate peace in this humanity with the higher Laws of consciousness.

This is the Message that I want to leave you today, My children This does not mean that My Heart does not have other things to tell you and share with you; but it is important, in this cycle, that you not lose the meaning of My Words, the reason for My Message, the purpose of My arrival, because you need to understand what I ask of you, because, in this cycle, in this end time, My Message must not be one more Message, kept in the forgetfulness of your consciousness.

You have to memorize My Words so that you can experience My impulses, so that you may be instruments in the Hands of God that, in effort and in sacred sacrifice, may make possible the aspirations of God, through the Presence of My Immaculate Heart.

On this day, I leave a special blessing to Europe and also to Africa and the Middle East, since the doors of the needs of all humanity but especially of these three regions I have mentioned, will wait for the help of all My children, the servers of Christ, so that you may awaken the missionary spirit more and more each day, so that you may know that you have to be present, and not absent, in the face of the necessities of these times.

Now, at the request of Christ, I want to make you grow in the maturity of the heart, in a maturity that lives the Plan of God with responsibility, in a human heart that not only opens up to the transformation of life and consciousness, but also, through service and self-giving, is transformed and consecrated by the Plan of God, just as the Eternal Father so much expects.

My Heart and your hearts must keep praying for the manifestation of the Community Fleur-de-Lys. May this prayer not only be a prayer, but let it also lead each one of you to act, to take action, as soon as possible, so that the Hierarchy may have the doors open to enter this dimension and thus be able to help even more all that may be needed and all that may be possible.

Do not forget, My beloved children, that you have the key to open the door for Us. We will be on the other side of this door, on the other side of this threshold, waiting to help and intervene, not only in Europe but also throughout the whole world.

This is the time of the apostleship.

Before blessing you and bidding farewell, at the end of this blessing, I wish to listen to a song, such a simple song, that it allows souls to unite to My Heart to receive My Graces.

This song is called "Celestial Source", and you will try to feel in your hearts as the affirmation and the concretion of this cycle of manifestation of the Community Fleur-de-Lys, as the spiritual, inner and divine epicenter in this time of Europe.

Go in peace and, in trust, let us move forward.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday, September 11 of 2021

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

Build within yourselves, every day, through the prayer of the heart and acts of love, a strengthened inner space for God.

There is no other path, at this moment, to be able to find a safe way out. Only by building an inner enclosure of love will you allow the Living God, the One who created you in His image and likeness, to come and live within you.

My children, as part of the creator universe that this humanity is, I invite you on this day to remember that, without an inner world, strengthened in faith, prayer and charity, souls will not have the means they need to face these unknown times.

Therefore, as a Mother who loves you and wishes all of humanity well, announce to all that this is the path to find God within the heart.

I thank you for responding to my call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, September 4 of 2021

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

Now, from the Sanctuary of Fatima, the Celestial Father sends His faithful Servant to diffuse the renewal of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary  throughout the world.

In this renewal of the commitment to the consecration of all Children of Mary, which will be a simple interior practice, you will allow your Celestial Mother to intercede for situations in Europe and the world to a greater extent.

Now, more than ever, your hearts, My children, must be united to Mine every day so that certain situations in humanity are avoided and other situations can be dissolved because My aspiration and desire as the Celestial Mother is that you no longer suffer.

Therefore, dear children, by reliving the renewal of your devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, you will grant the extraordinary Grace that your souls be partakers in the praying armies of the Light, of these times.

I want this devotion of your lives for Me to be able to placate any situation at this time, and that the doors of Divine Justice not open, but rather that the great door of the merciful Heart of My beloved Son be able to neutralize or transmute everything which is against the common good and peace.

In this school that the Kingdom of Fatima offers you, I call upon you, so that the mirror of the heart of each child of Mine may be that inner star that illuminates the world and attracts the sacred Spirit of Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
