In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Immaculate Heart of Mary,
path of protection and guidance,
Thank you for all that You give us!
I have come to Fatima not only to help Europe, Africa and the Middle-East, I have come to Fatima so that all of you, My children, may help me make emerge the manifestation of this Light-Community that will be important in the end of times for the entire spiritual and inner task that the Hierarchy will carry out. This is the moment and also the time for this to happen. Your collaboration at this moment is indispensable.
The Community of Fleur-de-Lys, which I have consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, has waited for a long time for this to happen. This manifestation, although it may seem material, will be fundamental for all that the Hierarchy needs to impel.
For this reason, My children, on this day, on which a new cycle begins here in Fatima, a new cycle in the whole of Europe, I call upon you and I also invite you to help me make this manifestation possible because, until this manifestation happens, the Hierarchy will not be able to continue forward with all that it so expects.
In the first days of September, you were able to hear what My Son said regarding how important it is that the roots of adversity and evil in Europe may be taken out, roots that have led to inequality between peoples and nations, especially the poorest nations.
But what I come to ask of you, for the Community of Fleur-de-Lys, is not something so grand and impossible, I come to ask for something real, something that is possible for each one of you, if, as My children, you unite within this chain of Light to concretize and materialize what this Community needs, because it might be one of the only Light-Communities, in this region of Europe, that will be able to sustain, in a spiritual and inner way, all the purification of this part of the planet.
Now, My children, do you understand what this means? It is not just a wish of the Hierarchy or a petition of the Hierarchy, it is a necessity of the Plan of God that comes to knock at the door of each one of your hearts, of each one of the representatives of this Work of the Divine Messengers so that, by means of the manifestation of the Community of Fleur-de-Lys, the Hierarchy may be nearer and closer to you, and to all that you could imagine and think of up to this moment.
It has already been an important step that the group has arrived here in Fatima, but it is not enough. My Heart keeps receiving the thorns of this humanity, the wrongs and indifferences of the human beings who still do not turn to God and only turn to technologies, being addicted to the illusion and inferiority of this world.
But I tell you, My children, that the importance of the manifestation of the Community of Fleur-de-Lys, as God expects it, depends on the step of each one of My children.
The universe has everything to give you, but you, My beloved children, are the ones responsible for opening the correct door for this manifestation to be able to come and descend.
In the meantime, beloved children, the Hierarchy will do everything possible and a little more to keep helping this humanity, this planet, outraged by this race.
I come here to open a door to the opportunity that you not only consecrate yourselves as servers of Christ but also that you consecrate yourselves as forerunners of the manifestation of the Plan, because the time of emergency demands this, thus, My Graces will be closer to My children, the intercession of the Mother of God will be closer to each one of My children, especially to those who have condemned themselves to eternal punishment.
Now, the time has come for cooperation and collaboration to be balanced, for them to be a collaboration and cooperation on the part of everyone of My children, regardless of what nation they belong to or the place upon the planet where they may live.
You, through this impulse and the request that I bring you today, will be able to consecrate yourselves as evolutive citizens of this universe, so that there no longer be differences, borders, languages or even nations, but that you can consecrate yourselves as one humanity, that you can see all this material life and also the inner life as one life, as the Eternal Father sees it at each stage of this evolution.
Now, My children, at the request of My Son, I come to tell you, by means of this Message, that the time has come to manifest in Europe that which Europe needs.
Your immediate action, your immediate readiness, your immediate availability will be what will move other souls, in the inner planes, so that they may also offer themselves. Do not wait for the manifestation to come from another place or even from unknown children.
I call your consciousnesses because you have made a commitment to Me in this manifestation of the Plan, and I want to remind you, My beloved children, that this manifestation has not concluded, not only here, but also in all the Light-Communities, in all the points of Light that the Hierarchy needs on this planet. In South America, North America, Africa, Europe and the Far East, there must exist other points of Light, however small they may seem, to carry forward what the Hierarchy has planned for this critical moment of humanity.
Our Sacred Hearts are filled with Grace and Mercy for souls, but they are still not sufficient, because few are the souls that accept this Grace and Mercy.
You, together with Me, are the builders of the new path, of the path that will be materialized and prepare the Return of My Son, and this is not only in Spirit, but it is also in that which is material, so that that which is material may also be transformed and sublimated, so that the resources of this humanity, gravely imbalanced and not well used, may be balanced through good works, good thought and even good action, to generate peace in this humanity with the higher Laws of consciousness.
This is the Message that I want to leave you today, My children This does not mean that My Heart does not have other things to tell you and share with you; but it is important, in this cycle, that you not lose the meaning of My Words, the reason for My Message, the purpose of My arrival, because you need to understand what I ask of you, because, in this cycle, in this end time, My Message must not be one more Message, kept in the forgetfulness of your consciousness.
You have to memorize My Words so that you can experience My impulses, so that you may be instruments in the Hands of God that, in effort and in sacred sacrifice, may make possible the aspirations of God, through the Presence of My Immaculate Heart.
On this day, I leave a special blessing to Europe and also to Africa and the Middle East, since the doors of the needs of all humanity but especially of these three regions I have mentioned, will wait for the help of all My children, the servers of Christ, so that you may awaken the missionary spirit more and more each day, so that you may know that you have to be present, and not absent, in the face of the necessities of these times.
Now, at the request of Christ, I want to make you grow in the maturity of the heart, in a maturity that lives the Plan of God with responsibility, in a human heart that not only opens up to the transformation of life and consciousness, but also, through service and self-giving, is transformed and consecrated by the Plan of God, just as the Eternal Father so much expects.
My Heart and your hearts must keep praying for the manifestation of the Community Fleur-de-Lys. May this prayer not only be a prayer, but let it also lead each one of you to act, to take action, as soon as possible, so that the Hierarchy may have the doors open to enter this dimension and thus be able to help even more all that may be needed and all that may be possible.
Do not forget, My beloved children, that you have the key to open the door for Us. We will be on the other side of this door, on the other side of this threshold, waiting to help and intervene, not only in Europe but also throughout the whole world.
This is the time of the apostleship.
Before blessing you and bidding farewell, at the end of this blessing, I wish to listen to a song, such a simple song, that it allows souls to unite to My Heart to receive My Graces.
This song is called "Celestial Source", and you will try to feel in your hearts as the affirmation and the concretion of this cycle of manifestation of the Community Fleur-de-Lys, as the spiritual, inner and divine epicenter in this time of Europe.
Go in peace and, in trust, let us move forward.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At all the Marian Centers, through the Reliquary of My Heart, I will be the doorkeeper and the protector, the guardian of the spiritual relics and of the divine gifts that are held within the sacred places, erected in honor of God and for the manifestation of His Plan.
The Reliquary of My Heart will be the protector of all the virtues achieved by souls. It will be the guardian of the evolution of those who said 'yes' to God, and each time that you should contemplate it with love, you will not only be receiving within yourselves that which I once achieved through humility and spiritual emptiness, but also, children, you will be safeguarded by Me, Who before God has received the authority to be your father and guardian in these times of transition.
It is for this reason that, in the face of the difficulties that seem impossible to you to transform, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart. When the desert is greater than your faith, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart. When the energies of the world within you seem to battle with your purest principles, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart.
And so that all the souls of the world may have the chance to be before the Reliquary of My Heart, I ask that every 19th of the month, in a simple way, the Reliquary of My Heart be transmitted live, for one hour, so that all those who want to be before It in silence, may do so. This practice will allow you to find peace and to strengthen all the virtues that you have already achieved with you.
In this time of transition, I will be the guardian of your souls, your father and companion who, in silence, will follow your steps so that you not become lost, but that you may be always in Christ.
It is in this way, children, that I ask that every 19th day, of each month, at 7 pm, your hearts unite in prayer. Especially those who today cannot be at the Marian Centers, so that they may also receive the Graces and the Gifts that emerge from the Reliquary of My Heart for the world.
If you do this simple exercise on the day of the Celebration of the Heart of Saint Joseph, not only for yourselves but also for all the souls of the world, you will be able to intercede with Me for the greatest sinners and for those who are self-condemned, so that those souls may open their eyes and find the light and salvation in Christ.
I wait for you in prayer and I bless you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XI - A Higher Purpose
A soul that claimed not to believe in God nor in a spiritual life, was in a state of great inner emptiness and, before their deepest anguish, the soul looked up and said: "What is there after death? A new life? From where and why did life emerge? You, Who people call God, do You really exist? Where are You? Why do You not make Yourself visible to those who call themselves Your children?"
And contemplating this soul with great compassion, the Lord responded: "From Me emerged life, a broad, deep, complex and very ancient life, previous to the existence of this world, previos to the existence of the human mind and the time of humankind, in a space where science does not reach, the mind cannot explain and even the patriarchs and prophets could not understand, for a reason that is kept within My Heart yet not understood, but only loved and experienced.
I did not create life for any reason, but out of Love. Therefore, I am not reached through an answer, but rather through a profound living of the same principle and gift that allowed Me to manifest all things. This mystery is to be found within your little heart.
Beloved soul, when with humility you embrace the healing of your deepest wounds, you will know that I Am God.
When you allow yourself to be loved by a Love that is not of this world, but that comes from the Infinite, you will know that I Am God.
When the knowledge of your smallness and fragility is greater than the illusion of your pride, maturity and vanity, you will know that I Am God.
When you place your forehead upon the ground and surrender your mortal mind for an eternal Love, you will know that I Am God.
When, in the emptiness of your consciousness and the solitude of your heart, you take the risk to look inward and discover that I am within you, you will know that I Am God and I am in everything.
Within you, I wait in silence, and within your silence, I will be able to speak to your heart. You will come to know My infinite Love and, through it you will come to know that which you call the reasons for which everything was created. What for you is a reason, for Me is a Purpose. There is no reason for life but there is a Higher Purpose: that of renewing My Love and returning to Me."
May this dialogue with God inspire you, children, to turn inward and experience Divine Presence.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a new cycle comes into your life, in the conjuncture of the stars, beloved soul, contemplate the celestial message that your Creator sends to you.
Receive the impulses that He generated in the manifestation of your essence and, through a deep communication with God, understand His Sacred Geometry and, through that, the designs of the Father for the cycles that will come.
When you become another year older on this Earth, know that your evolution is renewed and your commitment with God expands. The depths of maturity of your human spiritual being will lead you into ever greater responsibilities for God and His Plan.
So then, renew your spirit in this new cycle, letting His Love close the deepest and most hidden wounds that are still open from the experiences of life.
Surrender your most inner sorrows to your Creator, your silent feeling of helplessness when facing that which you cannot offer to God.
For an instant, allow the pain that you share with the Creator, for what He sees of the world, to be eased and healed because to begin a new cycle it is necessary to restore and ease the heart.
Reacquire the impulses lost in the battles of this life, rebuild the hope wounded by the cunning actions of the enemy upon souls and trust, little soul, that each prayer recited by those who were once lost on the path will be the merit that will open the Doors of a new Heaven to them at the last instant of their lives.
Breathe for a moment and receive the Breath of God. His Divine Love renews your consciousness and, in a profound and silent dialogue, everything is made new. This is your birthday with God.
Receive My blessing for the cycle that will come.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To choose Christ and to renounce the world is a daily choice and I would even say a choice for every moment of your life, My child.
The human heart is constantly lost in the waves of the stimuli of the world and, even though your heart belongs to Christ, a part of your mind and emotions still belong to the world and depend on that which you spiritually nourish yourself upon, mentally and emotionally, so that you may direct the energies of your soul to the correct place.
Place your attention upon Christ, on the fulfillment of His Purpose, on the manifestation of His Work, on the realization of His Will. Direct your mind, your feelings, your acts and your heart toward this path, which always has the goal of following the imitation of your Lord.
This is a path with many stones, stumbles and falls which break, in your human condition, the things that separate you from God, the structures built along the path which are left behind as you walk.
May your gaze never stray from the goal, which is the Sacred Heart of your Lord. May your life be a reflection of the constant effort to remain in Christ, and so it will speak more than all the sacred books, and you will be a pencil in the Hands of God, through which He draws His Plan within this world.
It will not be easy, My Child, but with the love of your heart, the persistence and the perpetual trust in the Grace of God, your heart will always choose Christ.
You have My Blessing for this.
Chaste Saint Joseph
The Kingdom of God begins to manifest on Earth through the hearts of humankind. Within them, they hold the perfect bridge to the Heart of the Father, the path for the expression of His attributes, virtues, gifts, universal and divine Laws.
Through the children of God, spiritually created in His likeness, His Kingdom becomes a reality upon Earth.
Way beyond the sublime dimensions and invisible realities that co-inhabit this world with humanity, children, you are the Kingdom of God upon Earth. Through your actions, thoughts and feelings, you create and recreate life.
When your spirits are aligned with Divine Purpose and can express peace, everything around you transforms.
When your hearts are aligned with God and can express love, the Plans of the Creator are realized.
Be aware that it is not enough that the Time of God is united with the time of this world. It is not enough to see with physical eyes that which was always invisible to you, because what is essential for the Kingdom of God to be expressed is that each being discovers themselves as a living part of this Kingdom.
The new life already exists. It is new because it is unknown to you, but it exists since the beginning and it is alive within each one of you.
My children, be the living Kingdom of God in this world.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With love, I contemplate the Heart of God and, standing before Him, I plead for the world.
I plead for each one of His creatures so that they not only find peace but, above all, they may awaken from the illusion and the immaturity of these times.
I plead for them to know who they are, where they are and what they are called to experience in this and in all cycles.
I plead that the suffering of so many souls may move the spirit of others so that, in love and in prayer, those who know God may cry out for peace and live it, in this way, balancing the evils of this world.
I plead for the prompt manifestation of the Kingdom of God upon Earth, for the fulfilling of the scriptures and, above all, for the fulfilling of the new and eternal universal Gospel, which you do not know, in spite of the story of your souls being written within it.
I plead for the triumph of the Heart of God in each being. I ask My Lord for His Light to illuminate the eyes of humankind and show them the truth, the way and eternal life, the path of return to His Heart.
I plead with My Lord and God, Creator of life, to have compassion for lost souls, and that they may find themselves.
My Heart, small and simple, opens to share the pain that God feels because of the indifference and ignorance of humankind in the face of so many gifts given to humanity throughout the centuries and since its origin.
In the very depths of My being, I feel the Love of God for life and, moved by that Love, I plead to the Father for all beings of all the Kingdoms and I constantly cry out for His Mercy and pity, for His compassion and love, for His peace and for His living Presence in each being.
Today, children, I plead that this same feeling of love may live within you and that you thus can unite with Me, in this perpetual crying out for Creation, because the world, the Universe and all beings need it.
May the Love of God flood you and may His Word manifest in your hearts, in your thoughts and, finally, in your mouths, as a perpetual crying out of return to the Heart of the Father.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever you are, unite your heart with God to fulfill His Will and manifest His Plan.
The Will and the Plan of God are much greater and vast than your little mind can conceive. Meanwhile, it is through the simple things where your heart finds the path to live this Will and fulfill this Plan.
The Creation of God is vast and broad within the dimensions, both in Heaven and on Earth. However, to remember this and recognize it today, being able to access these sublime realities, all you need is to be simple of heart, pure of intention and ready to love and serve more and better, each day.
Even though your physical eyes cannot see extraordinary existences and manifestations of life, your heart may participate in that which is invisible and your soul may travel though the eternal realities when you are united with God.
Humanity was created for much more than just seeing and feeling the realities of life. Human beings were created to unite these realities, live them and be within them at the same time.
Because just like the Heart of the Celestial Father, the hearts of His children have the possibility of uniting within themselves all Life, of being united with everything and participating in all dimensions of existence.
Thus, before perceptively seeing, feeling or experiencing Divine Truth, seek, child, to surrender your heart to God, and, through the yielding of your spirit and of each part of your consciousness, become one with all of Creation.
The dimensions dwell within you and your heart can dwell in all of them, and experience them when you are simple and true.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Hierarchy needs to make a decision, They must measure the consequences and what beneficial impact that it will have on the Universal Plan; because what is most important is that any decision must always be filled with wisdom and with discernment.
In all this experience, the decisions may broadly modify the destiny of a consciousness, of a situation or even of the Universe itself.
It is essential that within the decision that is taken, the sacrifice or the sacrifices that will be assumed are also kept in mind so that an inner purpose may be accomplished, assuming the consequences and the possible results.
Not all consciousnesses are ready to experience a decision or a moment that will modify their parameters or their own meaning and reality of what this represents for evolution.
With this, I want to tell you that the moment will come when the Spiritual Hierarchy itself must sacrifice or give the best It has for the fulfillment of the Purpose, since it will be necessary that certain spaces of manifestation remain ignited.
This action could take place at any moment because the need for the fulfillment of the aspirations of the Infinite is great.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the beginning of the Divine Creation, even before the existence of angels and archangels, of dimensions and stars, the Creator wrote a story within the Mirror of His Heart. He caused a thought to be born from His Love and manifested it into colors and sounds. In order to see it, He reflected it upon a Mirror that He emanated from His interior, and all began to be shaped from a pure divine feeling.
The story thought of by God and immaterially written upon the Mirror of His Heart was shared among dimensions and placed within each of His creatures. All children of God hold a part of His thought within themselves. The history of Creation shall be completed when all those mirrors gather as one again, and all that was written upon each one of them becomes manifested.
The immaterial history written upon the mirrors comes to life when beings find the Divine Will within themselves, and every step taken in the fulfillment of that Will turns into content of light, which fills its immaterial space upon the mirrors of the hearts. It is as if, with your lives, children, you were painting the drawing of the Divine Will for each one of yourselves. That Universal Art shaped in the mirrors shall be complete when all return to the Heart of God.
In order to manifest this Divine Work, search for that Will in the mirrors of your hearts and express It. Find, there, the mysteries of the Origin, the way back and the meaning of the present, of now. All this is within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I bring the Center of the Universe beneath My Feet so that you can contemplate the Origin of your origin, so that you can adore the first Thought of God, before everything existed in this Universe and in others.
With this message, I come to reveal the Truth to you, the Truth that exists within you. A Truth that is unalterable and inextinguishable, a truth that no one can change because it is a Truth that comes from God, from His Source and from His Manifestation.
In spite of the time of tribulation and purification, this Truth will never change because the Truth within you is the essence, what God constituted in each one of His children from the moment He thought of the manifestation of the Creation and all that exists today throughout the Universe, beyond your knowledge or not, because humanity of the surface has not yet discovered the Universe.
In order to know higher reality, you must first discover the Universe that exists within you. A Universe full of wisdom, of riches, of spiritual treasures and of the aspirations of God; formed by means of His Gifts and Virtues; integrated through His Wills that were preciously thought of for each one of you, for each one of His children.
Today humanity has grown as a population upon the surface of the Earth and you know that it is living an acute moment, a transition. This is a humanity that has already entered the doors of Armageddon, of the end of times, of the cycle of definitions.
But I wish that, in a part of humanity, this truth that is within you could unite you to each one of your brothers and sisters so that in these times of tempest and tribulation, of obscurity and darkness, nothing may make you vacillate nor hesitate; because when nature shows its manifestation and expression, and the elements act to purify the Earth and its whole consciousness, your faith must be unshakeable.
Believe, companions, that you have never lived this time. A time that brings revelations, not only within you, but also in the consciousness of the planet and of all of humanity.
Just as there are difficult times, there are also miraculous times, in which all are invited and called to participate in these times of miracles, in which the new Christs will emerge and sustain this planet and its consciousness, learning to overcome the end of times and learning to go through the tribulations that will manifest within and outside of you.
However, My dear companions, you must not put your eyes on what is external or on what happens to you because God knows what you are experiencing. God will always give you the strength you need in order to overcome and to help others overcome. This is part of a great chain of love that is built spiritually, through My servers and collaborators, in this Work of Redemption.
For this reason, today I want you to raise your consciousnesses toward the Center of this Universe, where not science nor any consciousness of the surface of the Earth has ever truly arrived, in order to discover and know what lies there.
In this place, known as Andromeda, is your Lord, to govern this part of the Universe with you, to teach you to be My pillars in this end time, to give strength and momentum to those who suffer, to those who have nothing, to those who are weak, to those who cannot overcome themselves.
From the Center of the Universe, I give you My Peace and in My Peace I lead you, in spite of purification and the imperfections.
Do not forget, My friends, your true essence, this little cell of light that God deposited within you, in your spirits, in the center of your souls, deep in your hearts. Neither evil nor darkness will be able to enter there; because God, from the beginning, made you a part of Him, and so ardent, loving and deep was His Wish to have His children upon the surface of the planet, as in other places of the Universe, in a way that you could know Him, love Him, contemplate Him, not only as a Divine and paternal Consciousness, but also as part of everything that exists, beyond adversity and duality.
Place your consciousnesses and your minds in another attunement and you will learn to overcome these difficult times while humanity changes its mind, day by day, and loses the direction toward the Truth.
Therefore, the time of My Return draws near, and you will not only listen to My Words, but you will also see the movement of My Lips while I am physically among you, not only in My Glorified aspect, but also in My aspect of Divinity, of the Second Person of God, the one that announced the Truth in past times and will announce it again, to renew the times within each one of you and upon this planet.
For this reason, My Work has expanded and will continue expanding, and you are the collaborators for this to take place, maintaining a primordial unity among your hearts and your lives, mutual respect among your people, fraternity among your souls, fostering mutual receptivity among your spirits.
All this will contribute, companions, to the fulfillment of My Plan in this crucial time of humanity. You will continue to learn to overcome battles, both within and outside of yourselves. You will continue to learn to heal, by means of the Love that I have taught you and that I will keep teaching you. You will keep learning to give of yourselves, to surrender in an unconditional way that will be capable of overcoming the limits of your consciousness and of your body, that will be capable of demonstrating that Love will win, once again, as it won on the Cross.
But this will not lead you to great agonies nor great grief. The planet is already suffering, humanity is physically and spiritually sick, but there are still flocks like this one, that are in the Sacred Centers, to prepare the Advent of your Redeemer because, at first, I will not come to great multitudes but rather for small groups, just as I once came for My Apostles, calling them, one by one, by their names, so that they might discover their true spiritual name that is part of the Source, of Existence, of the Creation of this Universe, of a higher and permanent vibration that is recognized by the angels of Heaven and by the great Creator Fathers.
Position yourselves, My companions, in the attunement of the Center of the Universe, of Andromeda, and you will have the tools, instruments and impulses of Light in order to keep transforming, to attain redemption on behalf of many, for those who will not undergo it, for those who will not accept it nor recognize it, but My Mercy comes for all, without exception.
My Glorified Heart opens the door to the whole humanity and it will still penetrate more within human consciousness when more servers congregate in the name of love, in the quest of the inner truth and in the sustenance of faith.
The planet must hear that I am returning and that I have announced Myself for several years through you who, under the unknown light of Aurora, opened the doors for My arrival, for My Second Coming to Humanity. I know that you still do not understand this mystery and that perhaps it seems to you that nothing is happening or that everything is just like before.
Place your eyes and especially your heart in the infinite and you will always reach the Star that will guide you, a special Star that up to now has guided and conducted you, the great Mother Star, the Universal Feminine Consciousness which, under the rays of Her maternal Attributes and impulses, has prepared both you and your brothers and sisters of the whole world, so that I may be here.
Just as the light ignited in Figueira a few days ago, today the light of the truth of Aurora re-ignites here again, within your hearts. You must not fear if the light of Aurora retreats or becomes silent because you, companions, are now prepared to represent the light of Aurora on the surface, in your conviction, in your faith, in your overcoming, in your unconditional spirit, in your inner and spiritual mission, in your service, in your surrender, in your fraternity, in your opportunity of delivering healing, relief, consolation, calm and bliss to those who have nothing within, because the world believes it has advanced technologically and spiritually, but you know, companions, that this is not true.
Therefore, God chooses such simple places as this one to be able to manifest His Word and His Message so that, among very few and in representation of many, you may know the Supreme Truth which, conducted by His infinite and superior Love, has gestated you, has created you and has brought you here, just as all of humanity.
The world has forgotten, in this time, the Love of the Father, but this infinite and merciful love returns through His Son, by means of His Word and of His Presence throughout the recent years, in which the Work of the Divine Messengers has been known and will keep being known, and diffused by the hearts that feel the echo of God within.
Do not believe that everything has ended, these last years were the preamble for the great preparation of the end of times. Service, love, charity, prayer, instruction, healing are the bases of this spiritual Work that joins many kindred Works throughout the world, and which will keep joining them to fraternize with all children of God, in the presence of the sacred spirit of the Hierarchy and of the Brotherhood, which are always present in Heaven and on Earth; which have been contemplating you, conducting you and guiding you since the beginning of your origins, since the emergence from your sources, where all was perfect, in accordance with the Plan of the Creator.
Just as evil was defeated, believe, companions, that by the presence of My merciful and paternal Love, duality will be defeated within and outside of you. But persist, persist, persist for Me. Feel that you are under My protection.
I congregate all of you, time and again, in the name of the Truth and of the Love of the Father because, just as the people of Israel were guided and chosen, His new people, His new race, His new flock, His servers of the end of times are also congregated by the Presence of His Love and of His Wisdom.
Do not forget to be mirrors of the Sacred Centers so that the Centers can be present on the surface of the Earth in this time, in which humanity places its mind and its heart in many desires and tendencies. God is tired of feeling the wrath of His children, of feeling indignation for the hearts that do not listen to Him and that do not want to open their eyes to see, on the horizon, the presence of the Brotherhood. But you, My servers and companions, old brothers and sisters of the past, who have already been formed by the light of Instruction, awaken your gifts, awaken your virtues and continue, as up to now, by means of the prayer for all nations, constructing this impulse that comes directly from the Universe.
The light of Aurora offered to selflessly serve the planet and humanity by means of the meetings and of the impulses of light in the pilgrimages. I knew from the beginning, companions, that you would not be aware of what this would mean, but you knew how to obey, adhere and love, and this is valued by the Eternal Father and by all of His Existence, just as many servers have done throughout the times to surrender to God in an unconditional and true way.
The world and humanity still need this light of Aurora. You have the Grace of making this light shine in your hearts and in your lives, in your sharing, in your fraternity, in your communion among brothers and sisters, just as the Essenes used to do.
All that I experienced while I was present on Earth, I have shared with you by means of My Messages and Words, through each meeting in this place as in others. But the moment of expansion will experience its time of retreat. There is still a lot to do before that, companions, the planetary need is very great, the need is immense, but you will never lack peace, although you may be in a battle. Trust, because I will always be there by your side to take you in My Arms to God, and to make you again find the meaning of being here.
May the hearts that are awakening listen. May the souls that are arriving unite. May the light of the Sacred Centers attract the servers of God from different places of the world, because the moment is coming of communion with the great spiritual family that is formed by all those who listen to God in their hearts and respond to His call.
At this hour, may the next Will of God be fulfilled, which will be revealed, even while being unknown to all.
Strengthen your spiritual bases, day by day, to strengthen the bases that make up the life of the community on the surface, on each space consecrated to the Hierarchy.
You know, companions, that the Sacred Hearts will be in the world for a longer time, as God grants, and this time will come when you must be the very light of Aurora on the surface of this planet and wherever you go, in the certainty of fulfilling the Will of God by means of faith. Treading the path of transformation, of surrender and of redemption, you will lack nothing.
The planetary imbalance is very great. Dissociation is immense and so is inequality. But if the little flocks remain strong, the Shepherd will always guide His sheep to take them and conduct them towards the Greater Purpose which, although it is unknown, will someday become conscious in you.
Under the light that conceived the purpose of Aurora, in the Origin of origins, from the center and from the heart of this Galaxy where My Government establishes peace and equality, I bless you and absolve you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the Creator thinks of the creation of a soul, He writes out its whole trajectory, from the creation of its essence as a particle of Divine Essence to its return to that infinite Source of Life.
The Celestial Father designs the steps of His children with love and places on their paths the learnings that they need for growing, evolving and returning to the Heart of the Father.
The celestial circumstance that forms at the birth of a being is what it needs to fulfill the Divine Will. In the stars, the Father designs the impulses of light that this soul will receive and, at the instant of the birth, clothes them with these impulses and with blessings, which are precisely those for their evolution.
These celestial circumstances are the expression of Love and of Divine Perfection so that His children may perceive that even before they come into life, they already receive everything they need to be in it and make this experience an opportunity to renew the Love of God.
The dates you call birthdays, children, are the moments in which souls remember all the impulses they received at their birth, remember the purpose of their existence, and again receive the first impulses of Divine Thought from the Celestial Universe so that, on this day, they may have an opportunity of going back to their evolutionary path and repair the deviations that they may have experienced during their learning process.
When hearts are distracted with the things of the world, these impulses are lost, as are many of the opportunities that God gives to beings. But when you pay attention to the Heavens, in gratitude and reverence, with the heart ready to receive those gifts, you may renew your spirit and your heart and begin a new cycle.
Today, receive Love and Divine Grace so that a cycle of peace may begin for your little heart. You have My blessing and My gratitude. You have the Love of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To begin searching for the illumination of the consciousness, you must love God, His Plan and His Will above all things; you must develop the perception of His Presence in all kinds of life and know that all beings need to express their potential as creatures that come from God, so that they may then find peace and express peace in the world.
Without knowing the truth about themselves, beings walk in the darkness of ignorance, confused among miseries, desires and skills, and do not express what they came to the world to express.
That is why sometimes it becomes so difficult to love and to accept a neighbor as they are. I say "as they are" because they still are not what they were really created to be, because it still hides within them. But before you can see the truth expressed in your brothers and sisters, you must first know that it exists and you must love it, feel the need for it to become alive in yourselves and in your neighbor. In this way, your search will be real and your pure aspiration will lead you to the correct path, to the path of the Will of God.
Why do I tell you this?
Because many times, your attention is on the things of the world and in human endeavors when, in reality, the human being only becomes realized when they are capable of expressing Divine Will and participating in His Celestial Truth. Then, you will be able to discern, take action and even make use of human skills in order to turn them into instruments of the manifestation of the Divine Work.
While assuming your responsibilities, deepen into the way in which you carry them out.
Look to your neighbor, seeking to feel the love and the aspiration that they find. Live life with the aspiration that its meaning may be found.
Find inspiration in the manifestation of nature, in the accomplishment of the flowers and the beauty of that percentage of life that, yes, fulfills Divine Will and has found its realization, its wholeness.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To manifest My Plan of Redemption upon the surface of the Earth, you must correspond to the Law: "As above so below, as it is inside it is outside."
Think of the concretion and the manifestation of what does not yet exist, which will materialize, because if it is the Will of the Father, it is Law, it is fulfilled in the Universe.
As of now, see the Plan of your Redeemer fulfilled in Argentina and do not think about what was has not been fulfilled.
Each of My collaborators already know that they must help to manifest the Will of God, on the material plane, through the pilgrimages.
It is the burning wish of God to dedicate a special space, during the whole month of August, to Argentina.
God knows how His children of Argentina find themselves and how they are. For this reason, His Love and His Mercy will go towards them so that, in times of tests, they can strengthen themselves and thus remain in His paternal Heart.
But if you, intelligent servers, willing to help the Plan of the Redeemer, from now on begin to use the Law of Correspondence and the Law of Mentalism, that which is in the Universe will manifest itself for the Will and the Wish of the Father to be fulfilled, that the Three Sacred Hearts may be in Argentina.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
Welcome the Science of God that is revealed and allow it to settle within you. Do not try to understand it immediately, but rather feel it and experience it, little by little, until it transforms you and reveals itself.
Learn to know, by living. Learn to welcome, by loving. Learn to transform yourselves, by being companions of God, each day a little more, and not just His children.
Aspire to be the new in this world.
Aspire to experience the unknown.
Aspire to be precursors of a new time, manifested truths, a new experience for the entire Creation.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Laws of Healing are those which are active in beings through the giving of self to one's neighbor; but not only a physical or material giving, but through a spiritual and essential giving of self, in which the being leaves a little of their own vitality to contribute toward those most in need.
The true healer will always be supplied for by God and the day will never come when they will not be able to give something of themselves to supply someone in need.
The true healer will always seek their sustenance in the Father and, understanding that all things come from God, they will never feel that they lack anything because what they receive from the Father returns to His children, and from the children, one day it will return to the Father.
Healing is the balance, the complement, the manifestation of love so that unity among all beings may occur.
A sick being is in imbalance, they lack something, and it will not always be something physical or material; many times the illness is the lack of essential energy, of love, of unity with God and with fellow beings, and healing takes place when this being in need experiences balance and receives what was essentially lacking, receives love and the divine presence.
Therefore, many times, those who avail themselves to heal feel tired, because they give of themselves to others so that balance and unity may take place.
The most important thing for a healer is to know how to seek their sustenance in God, that which they offer to others, and that this movement of the giving of self attracts greater Laws from the Universe, which supplies those in need, not only with the energy of healing but also with the energy of Grace, forgiveness, compassion and Mercy so that the wounds that are not physical may also be closed and the imbalances that always remain invisible may also be healed.
I tell you all this because, in this time, everyone must be healers, through love, prayer, service and the giving of self.
Humanity as a whole is sick because it lacks love and meaning for its existence, and the healing for this is to be found within yourselves, in the possibility that human beings have to give of themselves to others and, thus, build unity with one another and all with God, so that no one lacks anything, and all are in balance.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
See, the Origin of all life is also in you. The infinite Universe and the One and Omnipotent God are reflected in those who were created to express the likeness with the Father and to renew His Creation.
See how great of a mystery is hidden from humanity because the science of the awakening of love begins in the essence of humility. The one who is in all things, to be what He Is, lives in the emptiness of Self and allows His Heart to be shaped to the hearts of His children, so as to dwell in all of them.
Perceive then, that in spite of the great mystery of Creation being within you, God made you the least of creatures, apparently the weakest, and with the least scientific and spiritual resources. This is the great key of the revelation of the Love of God; He is delivered to the lesser and reveals Himself to the most humble.
See that Infinity is kept within you, because just as the Father manifested life and the Universes, through the essence of His Love, someday, child, from the essence of love that is awakening today on Earth, the seed of a new life, of new dimensions, of new Universes, of a new Creation, must emerge.
I know that what I tell you seems distant and incomprehensible, but when My Word pronounces truths, it awakens within you what is dormant and which must begin to express itself.
Love is the principle from which life emerges, in all of its expressions. In it is to be found the mystery of your existence, the reason for which God manifested this humanity, and in it, Himself.
Just meditate upon what I tell you and allow My words, on their own, to inspire you to love more than to understand all these things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
You who are more conscious and more blessed than the rest of the world, can never forget the Grace that you receive and the special help that comes from the Heights.
You can never forget that you are placed in the Hands of God at all times, more than the rest of humanity.
You can never forget that God called you personally so that you may serve Him in His Work of Love.
You can never forget that each element that you have or each opportunity that you are given in these current times, whether it is being in a sacred place or serving in a humanitarian way, it is a Grace that God gives you so that your virtues and talents may be at the service of charity and the good.
You can never forget that every day you wake up in a place protected by God, touched by the Grace of His Spirit.
You must never forget that you are being guided and accompanied by what comes from the Heights and that your steps are contemplated much more so than the steps that the rest of humanity does not manage to take.
Never tire of being grateful and make an effort every day to feel the gratitude of the heart. Let this gratitude, for all that you receive, be real and free of criticism and appearances.
Give thanks to God for being alive and being awake to serve Him and adore Him. In this way, you will always open the doors for the manifestation and everyone will see themselves filled by the Grace so necessary and urgent in this time.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Within the Superior Universes, the so-called Source of the Creation acts, universally, regenerating the principles and the spaces of manifestation that form part of the spiritual development of the constellations and the planets.
In this current time, the struggle and the effort to be connected with the High will demand dedication, striving and dynamism so that the currents contrary to the Light, which circulate around the planetary life, do not affect nor deliberately deviate the servers.
If some form of deviation or personal abandonment of the purpose takes place in this time, it is a consequence of the lack of inner and spiritual connection with the Source.
On the other hand, the cycle of self-purification is leading the human consciousnesses on the surface of the Earth to face itself and know that which was before unknown and hidden to it.
We refer to having consciousness and clarity concerning who each being of the surface truly is on a spiritual, mental, soul and material level.
Knowledge of the spiritual, mental and material aspects of the human being is something that used to be overlooked, because it acted in an unconscious way.
Now, due to the universal crossing of time and space, these aspects, which beforehand acted alone and with great occult power over the consciousnesses, are coming into evidence so that the human being may face them, purify them and liberate themselves from this constant oppression.
What happens nowadays is that the majority of humanity does not know, nor have the consciousness about how to solve a situation that, during long periods of time, has been compromising the possibility of their awakening and their surrender.
So, however much a minority is aligned with the Divine Purpose and has the inner tools it needs to carry forward the manifestation of the Plan, this part, which is the more conscious minority, does not know how to proceed nor act to solve its intensive process of purification.
For this reason, the Supreme Source of the Creation has, at its disposal, great re-transmitters of attributes and codes of light, the so-called "Mirrors".
The Mirrors are the support and fundamental bridge of union for the current planetary transition because the most sublime Mirrors of the Creation will be the indispensable support for the evolution of love within the terrestrial consciousness; just as they will be the pillars that will sustain the bridge that humanity itself must build through prayer, liturgy, Sacraments and service for the neediest.
Without these attributes widely applied in daily life, the human being will not be able to sustain itself.
Up to now, the Kingdoms of Nature, just as the vast oceans and seas, were the spiritual and internal consciousnesses that sustained the human being of the surface.
However, this cycle has changed, as the degradation, the mistreat and the lack of care for Nature have generated debts that are unpayable by the human race. And this has consequences, again and again, on the planet, reflecting on the changing climatic phenomena, the accelerated melting of the poles, the terrestrial and aerial contaminations and the collapse of all the environments generated by noise and visual contamination.
All of this planetary context drowns the Earth, as consciousness, the Lesser Kingdoms and all of humanity.
The moment has come for each being of the surface to counteract this evil caused to the planet and the Creation.
The moment has come for each soul to assume its own purification and transition, and to not feed on nor depend on anything or anyone.
The instruments to know how to create the spiritual condition have been taught; now it will only depend on the entire human race to be able to reverse and transmute what has been generated.
The Mirrors will be, in these times, the primary spiritual support of alignment and of balance.
The Mirrors will be able to unite with the mirror of the heart of each being so that, little by little, and with determination and consciousness, they may change the vibrations of the planet and the human race.
Within the Mirrors, you will find greater support for the end of times and the key that will open the right door for you to reach the Celestial Brotherhood.
It is time to work consciously.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When Heaven opens before your eyes, just give thanks and revere the Father, Who came to call you by name to respond to His call.
The Will of God is unique and unchangeable, but throughout the evolution of humanity, it finds different ways to be expressed and manifested.
The Will of God is like water flowing from a pure fountain, on the top of a mountain, and evolution is that great mountain through which the water of the Divine Will flows to reach beings. Although it finds different paths and flows with different intensities, the water is the same, and the fountain is eternally pure.
You, child, must receive this water that comes into your life with joy, so that drinking from it, you can be strong to follow the path that leads to the Source and walk back to the bosom from where this higher Will springs.
The Will of God is shaped by the obstacles of life and the possibilities of human beings. The fewer stones along the way, the more it flows, it reaches those who are thirsty in a greater intensity. You must only follow this Divine Will, without placing more stones within the river of life. But when the stones belong to the human consciousness as a whole, it is enough for your heart to keep drinking this water and to carry it to those who are thirsty, drop by drop. The river will always flow and you will find a wider way to expand its waters at the next bend.
This is a time of many obstacles for the river of Divine Will, but it will be enough to persist and always be willing to experience it, to generate merits so that a moment of greater fluidity of this Will emerges for all humanity.
Meditate on what I tell you and, with this image within your heart, climb this mountain of return to the Source and do not become tired of walking.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more