As Mother and Lady of Garabandal, I prepare to return and help, through you, the entire people of Spain, who have been struck by the pandemic, hit by the lack of faith and devotion, due to so many difficult events.
Once I said in Garabandal that the glass was almost full, now the glass is already overflowing.
Dear children, My return to Europe is to try, once again, to withdraw many of My children from the indifference and discrimination that they experience in this time.
I pray, day and night, and, while in vigil, your Celestial Mother prepares to begin a new stage and a new cycle with all Her children of Europe, and from Europe to the entire world, including Asia and Oceania.
Therefore, beloved children, I ask you to continue to pray with fervor for each of My intentions so that, one day, they may be converted into a reality of abundance and Mercy, for all My children.
I also ask you to pray for My Plans of salvation and peace, which the Virgin of Garabandal, the Lady of Fatima, will need to carry forward in Africa and the Middle East, through the support and the loving and fraternal collaboration of all.
The time that I will remain in Europe, sending My Messages to the world, will be long, because the northern hemisphere, including Africa, needs a lot of Mercy.
Hence, I will be grateful to you.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear son, dear daughter,
May purity be born and spring from your hearts again.
May this purity be formed by a pure feeling, by a pure thought, beyond anything impure that you experience.
Seek to believe, beyond difficulties, in the purity that God gave your soul and heart, and, through that incessant search, learn to truly love, without ceasing to love everything good or not good that happens to you.
Thus, My son, My daughter, you will go through the school of reconciliation. You will learn how to forgive everything that you experience, and, in the sincere act of forgiveness, you will be reborn again.
A pure heart is what humanity has completely lost. The lack of pure feelings and pure action leads souls into suffering, and even into the thinking that God is to blame.
The lack of peaceful and fraternal love has caused the loss of values and principles of spirituality and faith within hundreds of souls.
Be pure, not wanting to be perfect nor transcended. Begin each day with small acts of love so that, not only will you be transformed, but the world will also become transformed and return to the respect and reverence for the Commandments. Without the Commandments, there is no path to Heaven, and, without Heaven, there is no inner peace.
I ask My children to reconsider and rethink your attitudes and the way you see life situations, because when you learn to love and appreciate the differences of humanity, you will no longer know what conflict or violence is because you will have realized the Truth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Child, take shelter in My arms and feel My Peace.
Child, sleep in My arms and everything will be healed.
Child, feel My Heart because it will always illuminate you.
Child, receive My maternal warmth, which will always shelter you.
Child, receive My caress of a Mother, the Mother who will always help you grow and mature.
Child, walk safely, supported by My hands, as a child learns to take their first steps on the path of total surrender to God.
Child, receive My kisses of a Mother while you are asleep in My arms of Peace.
Child, trust what you live, give thanks without delay and renew yourself at every moment, just as Christ did on Calvary.
Child, feel within your chest the maternal caress of the Mother of God, surrender without resistance, rest in My arms and you will awaken with an expanded consciousness by the impulse of My spiritual Light.
Child, I am here, and I am your Mother, the Guardian Mother of Maternity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Breathe the pure air of heaven, breathe and enter the Atmosphere of God, the Kingdom of His Creation, the Greater Universe where there is peace, where evil does not prevail, where love expresses itself and joy is shared through being in the Presence of God.
Thus, enter the Divine State of Consciousness so that, from this place, My children, you can hear Me.
Thus, I remove you for a moment from the sphere of the Earth so that, at the moment of this Apparition, you may enter the space where the blessed ones are, as well as the angels that praise God.
Place your hands in reception to receive the pure air of Heaven, the impulses that the Divine Fountain emanates today, not only for this world but also for all Creation.
Today, I have come as the Messenger of the Universe to lead My children to the Consciousness of God, where for a moment they may be renewed and healed, where that which is adverse and contrary does not exist, because, through My Heart, I give you Love, the same Love that My Son gave you on the Cross, at the culminating moment of His last expiration.
Today, place your consciousness in that which is beyond forms and enter the Universe of God through your hearts, enter this safe feeling that brings you the confidence of believing in the Word of the Mother of God, which is the Word of the Divine Word, the Creator Word, from which all once began.
It is there where I want to have you today so that you do not identify with matter, but rather you may unite in spirit with the sacred Source of Creation, where, through Its Mirrors, I will reveal more to you about the existence of Creation, about the true existence of Creation; where the origin emerged, where God gestated the universes and all civilizations.
See yourselves, then, before the great Mirror of Neutrality, in which is revealed a part of the history of this universe, which you call the Material Universe.
I come, through this, to close your unknown wounds, to erase the past, and to place you in the eternal present, from where emanate the impulses of the Love of God for all His creatures.
Today, you can see a world in darkness, in obscurity and in suffering, but why does this still happen? If the Mother of God is here to lead you to Love and Grace, why do my children keep suffering chaos? Why, more each day, do the families throughout the world separate instead of uniting, and the project of the universal family is always seen in danger? Why do souls have difficulty living in love and being in this love always, which will help them understand all the experiences of life, the whole trajectory of the Cosmos? Who else will risk transcending this duality so that they can finally live the Divine Will?
In this, there is no mystery, but rather the revelation of the deep simplicity and humility of recognizing, within oneself, the Will that God has for each one of His creatures.
I know that for My children it is not easy to attain this transcendence, but I am here, because I am your Mother, and I come to tell you that this is possible, even in these times when the way out is not found, if your devotion and your faith were expanded, the celestial spheres would lead your spirits toward the goal and in this perfect but profound inner communion with the Creator God, they would always lead you to be in His Peace, although you may live battles and deserts, although you believe you will never manage.
I come here as a part of this emanation of the source of the Love of God, as I have come in other times and in other humanities to announce the same Message, in various forms.
Now that you are before this Mirror of the Neutrality of God, see how much history this Mirror holds, of all that has happened throughout this universe, throughout times and the different humanities.
Children, with this I want you to understand that the entire human race of this time is before the doors of living a great opportunity of redemption and reconciliation, but first, you have to learn to love so that you can know the mystery that God still waits to reveal to all His creatures, so that they can understand the infinite abundance of the Love of God.
Today I will tell you a very significant and important story for this whole material universe; a higher story, previous to your race, previous to this planet, when God still thought of that time in which His angels and archangels would carry forward Creation, especially within the material universe.
There was one of His creatures in this local universe, who was loved and recognized by many civilizations and by many origins, as well as by many lakes of Light that deeply knew the existence of this being.
But there was a day when this being made a mistake and, without realizing it, involved by his ambition and power, he forgot the essential, of loving God above all things. Thus, this creature fell, through his great errors and debts. Did Creation, by any chance, judge him for his errors and faults?
In that time, the universe was learning to live in the Law, just as today you learn to live in the Universal Laws; without knowing them deeply, you know within that they are the guide for these times.
But this being that once failed, his ambition turned him blind, it left him in a condition that no other creature of the universe would have expected, as his word, presence and action were emblematic and respected in this universe.
He was a great commander that guided and led many legions, and the center of his existence was the Purpose that in that time was destroyed by temptation and harassment.
How was this being able to return to the path he had lost?
How was this being able to realize he had fallen?
How was this being able to recover his filiation with the Father?
It is something similar to what can happen to you today, even in the daily things of life.
This being became aware of his errors when his brothers, while even being transgressed by him, helped him and did not cease to love him, because they knew that he was mistaken and that he was blind, far from Love and the Truth.
This being came to Earth in his worst spiritual and inner condition; he had not only lost the values of his loyalty, but he also lost the principles of his spirituality; and just like all of you, he came to live his redemption.
And one unexpected and extraordinary day, he lived his redemption when a potent ray of Love again entered his heart and removed the blindness of his eyes, removed the ambition of his being, because love, Christic Love, converted him completely. And then, at that moment, this being became aware of what had happened.
In the example of this story, would you be able to do the same for a fellow being?
Would you be able to go beyond what you believe you know?
If this being who had fallen recovered his mission, his emblematic spirit, once again being the commander among the commanders of the universe, how would you understand Mercy today?
Evil can appear to be strong or even unbreakable, but in essence, it is weak, because evil does not know Love nor Unity, and you are creatures created in the image and likeness of the Eternal Father, in your souls and essences, you have a molecule of the Creation that allows you to go beyond your limits and your possibilities.
This is why, My children, you are here, on this planet, to live this great process of redemption and forgiveness, because when Higher Love works and acts, there is nothing that can resist it.
Today I want you to meditate upon this message because many of you are already in the face of this time of great redemptions and inner opportunities so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled.
So, in this time, My children, may the center of your existence be love for the Purpose so that you may learn to overcome, every day, just as this commander of the universe overcame, through knowing the Love of God, which he had lost for different circumstances.
Never wish to have power or authority over anything. Always seek, by means of Love, to be empty, so that God can work through your lives.
Never aspire to have anything or to control anything, although sometimes it may be difficult for you. Remember to withdraw in holy humility and thus you will be in unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; thus, you will be able to be precursors of the renewal of this universe.
On this extraordinary day, I come with this inner and deeply loving revelation so that the consciousnesses may awaken, so that they may contemplate the universe and know that, beyond this place and this space there is something bigger that awaits you and expects you….
Thus, just as this being commander of the universe has his history and trajectory, you also have one.
Would you not aspire to know the origin of your consciousness and the purpose for which God created you?
Can you perceive, My children, that life is not only material, that true life is immaterial?
Think of this, aspire to this, pray for this so that your consciousnesses may be firm and decided at this moment of the Plan and that, in spite of the hesitations, you may know how to overcome difficulties and tests for one reason, for Love.
Today I have all the essences commune with this great Mirror of the Neutrality of God; and I want to leave you there, during this day, so that nothing dual can remove you from this space.
Remember that you have entered the Source of Creation and that your spirits have participated in this moment.
Lastly, today I wish to bless one of My visionaries, Sister Lucía de Jesús, so that this day, in renunciation and selflessness, may be surrendered at the Service of God for the souls that suffer; so that someday, in the Return of Christ, we may celebrate the redemption of souls and of the planet, the liberation of the Earth from all suffering and the trauma lived throughout times. Therefore, you must remember your origins, and although you do not understand nor know what it is about, love your origins, and unite to them through a simple and fervent prayer.
May the sacred Attributes of the Mother of God descend upon you and upon your brothers and sisters so that, by means of these Words and of this Message, the fruits of redemption may grow.
Prayer: “Universal Mother.”
I bid farewell to you, beloved children, and from this moment on I prepare you for the month of August, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy, just as it was in the month of April of this year, will give a great impulse to all, regardless of where each one is, because, through My Presence and the Presence of My Beloved Son, you will be learning to be united in omnipresence.
So that this may be possible, I will now have you enter the universe of a simple song, which will lead your souls and spirits to reach close to God.
This song is an emblem and a hymn of this Community of Figueira. It is the essential reason for the manifestation of this Sacred Center that, thanks to the Father and the collaboration of many souls, is alive and beats, like a subtle sound, throughout the universe.
I will leave you with the song “Breath of the Spirit.”
I thank you for responding to My call!
Go in peace and trust in God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Mother of the helpless and of all refugees. See under My Mantle those who most suffer the chaos of these times.
I am the Mother of the immigrants and the exiled. Through My Heart, I am with each one of them, at this moment.
Behold the Mother of the cultures and of the original peoples. I have come to be with each one of their origins, their races and their cultures so that they may recover, through the spirit, the Divine Project that the Father thought of at the beginning, and which was painfully transgressed throughout times.
Behold the Mother who cries out for those who are exiled and for those who take refuge in far-away places, losing their homes, families and all life, seeking a safe place, a place of peace where, after having lost everything, they may have the hope to begin again.
This is why I am here, for those who suffer, for those who need to find their true destiny, for those who need to rehabilitate their lives and find the meaning of being in this world, in spite of suffering.
Behold the Mother of the refugee camps, of those who are marginalized and forgotten, the Mother who deeply knows the heart of each exiled and of each family; of those who expect from those who have more, that they can do something for them, with plans of solidarity, of charity and of help to relieve the suffering.
A refugee should be understood with love in order to understand their lives and also their past, because what God mostly hopes for in this time is that those who serve the ones who are most in need may have a deep sensitivity and a very broad compassion to understand, internally, the suffering of the refugees.
As a part of one universal family, I also come as a Mother who escaped persecution in the times of My Son, a Mother that was a refugee in Egypt and that on the path of this great and arid exile I came to know, in the depths of the heart, what it is to feel disposed of, repudiated, humiliated, and, above all, omitted by their brothers and sisters, by their own people.
Therefore, My children, I know what it means to be a refugee, I know what it means to be in a land that has never belonged to me and I know what it means to lose the values of human dignity and love.
Therefore, today I invite all the servers and those who postulate to be missionaries of Love, Mercy and Charity, to first feel, within their hearts, the importance to relieve suffering before solving the problems, deeply understanding the wounds of the refugee and of the repudiated, of the one who has lost everything, and today has nothing.
But also, I am the Lady of the Oceans, of the great Universal Womb, which holds within it all the essences of this Creation: especially, the souls that risk to cross the oceans for an opportunity and do not reach the goal they have proposed to themselves. Therefore, I am the Mother of the helpless, of those who are not accepted.
I am the Mother of those who are alone, from every point of view, of the ones who do not have the opportunity to recover their human dignity. For this reason, I call those who serve the refugees, in every corner of this world, to sensitize, to go beyond the forms, methods or even the projects. To feel the refugee as a brother and not as a problem that no ones wants to assume.
Until humanity solves this situation of considering those who suffer with love and not only with science, the wars in this world will not stop and the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be limited by those who still do not want to change.
I give thank for the bravery of those who strive and of those who surrender to be little specks of sand in this vast world of problems, little seeds of light that are sown in imperceptible and even unrecognizable places, little spheres of light and of love that are lit in the great darkness of these times by means of the service for the refugees and of the needy so that the Divine Pity of the Heart of My Son may descend to Earth.
In reverence, My children, I invite you to meditate on My Words. This is how I call you to the apostolate, not only of the heart but also to the apostolate of the definitive service, of the conscious and immediate surrender before the great need of this humanity.
Do not forget what I have told you, a little time ago, that until the refugees are considered as brothers, and not only as persons or problems, the wars in the world will not stop, and the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be limited by those who do not want to change.
Today, what I present to you is one of the so many urgent needs, which you must discern with the consciousness and with the inner senses, and not only with the mind or with what you believe you know. There, you will find the path of sensitivity and also of compassion, you will find the path that will lead you to the answer of the Divine Wisdom and to the immediate answer to all the needs that are present in the world today.
Today, I also ask you within this context, My children, to pray for the oceans, not only for what lives within it, but also for the whole Circle of Fire of the Pacific.
The world, with its actions, rebellions and conflicts, attracts towards itself the most unknown hells that dwell in the greatest depth of the Earth.
Do not allow this to happen, My children, may the small sacrifices and surrenders repair these situations of the world so that the Angel of Grace may descend and not the Angel of Justice, so that all the essences, especially the most lost, may be considered by the Celestial Universe in the great plan of rescue that everyone is called to experience with Me.
I want to thank all those who have adhered to the call yesterday, to all those who readily responded to My maternal invitation, I hope and wish that this may keep happening, because, still, My maternal Heart and My whole Divine Consciousness must keep intervening in this humanity and on this planet.
I not only need that you be the prayer of the heart itself, but I also need you to be bridges that build in unity and in brotherhood so that the spiritual Hierarchy may help this world.
My Hands, full of Grace, of Mercy and Love, not only wish to pour out these attributes upon you, but also wish to pour them out upon the world, upon the places that most need them at the moment: upon the refugee camps, places that have been taken over by chaos.
Through the Work of Mercy of the humanitarian missions, many of you, beloved children, have learned about fraternity, a felt, not artificial fraternity; a fraternity that comes closer and even offers tenderness and compassion to relieve suffering.
I want all those who serve in a humanitarian way, and those who someday will postulate to serve in the needs of this world, not to forget to be tender in fraternity so that they can be compassionate with others.
I come to ask the world to contemplate the humanitarian situation so that great catastrophes may be avoided in humanity, like those that have happened this last year.
In August, I will come to ask the world, for the last time, for the reconsecration of My Immaculate Heart so that the majority of souls, especially those most lost, condemned today to hell, may have the Grace of rescue and of liberation. But also in August, I will come to ask for fasting and sacrifices, to avoid and reverse the situation of this pandemic, which still keeps taking souls to eternal condemnation.
I will come to re-establish, in the month of August, what I once asked for in Fatima; not only that Russia may be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart in a definitive way, but also that all nations, through the devoted and prayerful souls, with their fervent prayers, may reconsecrate the world to My Immaculate Heart because in the month of August, for the last time, I will have the door of My Heart open so that all consciousnesses and essences may find refuge and the path that will take them to God.
I know that you cannot be gathered with Me like in other times. The memory of these moments and of the meetings with all the pilgrims was the great impulse that used to move Me to be here, and, as a Mother, I know that many are in need of this. But while this may not be possible, My children, gather in My Immaculate Heart. There lies the Temple that takes you to the encounter with God, with His eternal Love.
Today, I ask you to gather in My Heart as souls, but also as praying souls, because it will be in your spirits where the Grace of God will be, Grace that will strengthen you in this time to live your tests and your deserts.
It is for this reason, but also for other reasons, that today I still come here, to this sacred house of the Sacred Tree of Figueira, so that you may remember every day from where to pick the fruits of conversion, in this Tree of spiritual abundance and infinite knowledge.
Children, My arms are open to you, My Heart is exposed to you. When you need, come to My arms, but be like children that lose fear of suffering. In My Heart you will always find Peace, you will always find God. Never forget this.
Today I come to celebrate, together with My priests of this congregation and of all congregations throughout the world, so that My intentions, which I have exposed and expressed to you today, may be heard by the Eternal Father. Because if humanity loses its sensitivity of the heart, it will lose peace, it will lose its innocence; and this, children, must not happen.
Also for this reason, I am here, so that you may be more sensitive in heart and less indifferent.
Before the angels of transubstantiation of the Celestial Church of Christ, let us celebrate, in simplicity, as in those times when My Son re-appeared after His Passion to announce that He had resurrected in victory and in Love within the human heart.
Let us celebrate.
Today I have called the guardian mothers of the inner Cenacle of the priests of this Order so that they may share with Me, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, this moment of ceremony and supplication to Our Creator Father so that, through the spirit of sensitivity, the principle of Maternity may give an impulse and awaken within hearts the ardent need to serve and relieve human suffering.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Lord Jesus, we offer this wine to You, with all of Our Hearts so that, like at the Wedding of Cana, You may transubstantiate and convert our human condition. Amen.
Lord Jesus, we offer this water to You so that You may also transubstantiate it with Your Spirit and, just like in the Baptism of the River Jordan, we may renew Our Sacrament of Baptism, and, by means of Your Spirit of consoling Love, all of us may renew our vows of service and of adherence to the Plan of Love. Amen.
At that night, when Jesus was gathered with His apostles, He surrendered and offered Himself to the world in this great Sacrament of Love and Redemption. This is why, moments before he was handed over, Jesus took the bread, elevated it and offered it to the Father so that it might be converted into His Body. Then He broke it, and, offering it to the apostles, He said, “Take it and eat, because this is My Body, which will be surrendered for you, for the forgiveness of sins.”
“We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen.” (three times)
Before finalizing the supper, Jesus took the Chalice into His Hands, and, offered it to God, so that it might be converted into His Blood. Then He passed it to His disciples, saying to them, “Take it and drink, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord, for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me.”
“We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen.” (three times)
Mother of the priests and all Christians, of those who have faith and trust in Your immaculate Love, as a part of this humanity, we offer this Sacrament to Your Son, for the conversion of sinners and all situations that urgently need spiritual assistance.
As Your Son taught to us, we offer the prayer of Our Father so that this sacrifice of the altar may be consummated and may be in conformity with the Will of God.
Prayer: Our Father.
May the Peace of Christ be in each one of those present and in each heart that is united at this moment.
And with the same faith that the Roman centurion had, we repeat this deep but simple prayer:
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
In reverence and love, before the Glorious Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we announce this Spiritual Communion of each heart of this world with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Most Holy Trinity,
father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits
of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion
of poor sinners.
I thank you for having responded to My call!
And I confess to you that, through this recent exercise of Spiritual Communion, My thorned Heart is more than relieved, because the only thing I wish for is that you love as I love you, that you may feel as I feel for each one of you.
So that the aspirations and intentions of your Celestial Mother may be fulfilled, according to the Will of God, I invite you to retreat with a very simple but very significant song, which I invite you to feel with the heart, called “Land of Mary”.
I bless you, under the Light of the Sacred Heart of the Lord, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in Peace!
My dear children,
I wish, with ardent love, that at the next Prayer Vigil of July 12, all Marian Centers offer at least one decade of the Holy Rosary in order to support and accompany their Celestial Mother in the sacred task of liberation and rescue of the most lost souls.
I also wish, with ardent devotion, that families gather within their homes and prayer groups to spiritually accompany this task of the Mother of God. In this way, My beloved ones, you will be united from the heart to the special mission that the Divine Mother will carry out on that day.
On July 12, the Sacred Lady of Peace will be entering spaces of humanity where many souls disappear without explanation.
As a Mother of help and protector, My wish is to be able to reach everyone who unjustly suffers from human and organ trafficking, which is a very serious arrow stuck in the Heart of My Lord.
This is why, from now on, I invite you to make your prayers fervent so that the unbreakable chain of evil, sustained by many lost children of Mine, may be cut by the powerful intervention of Saint Michael the Archangel, and thus souls may be liberated from the disguised slavery of these times.
I wish, with ardent purity, that the world will listen to My supplications; in this way I will also be able to appease this sorrowful wave of the pandemic that takes to hell many souls who do not confess nor ask for forgiveness.
From now on, and always, I will be grateful to you.
Who leads you to the Peace of the Heart of the Kingdom of God,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The Guardians and Stewards of the Divine Plan
1. Are those who obey promptly, before even thinking of obeying.
2. Are those who adhere to the Divine Will, and, from their plane, work to live it and manifest it.
3. Are those who protect, from themselves, the Sacred Mystery.
4. Are those who love the unknown spontaneously, even if they do not know it.
5. Are those who profess and live humility through the permanent giving of self.
6. Are those who work every day to be able to live transparency within their degree of consecration in order to one day live Truth.
7. Are those who ardently aspire towards the best spiritual results in their fellow beings.
8. Are those who learn to love through mistakes in order to one day be able to love unconditionally.
9. Are those who do not break the rules and inner codes that they set for themselves.
10. Are those who assume to live the pain of humanity, but work every day to transcend the human condition.
11. Are those who are not afraid of being mistaken; however, they are afraid of not being able to repair the error, but they trust in the infinite Mercy.
12. Are those who aspire to lose control of their decisions in order to one day live the divine decisions.
13. Are those who revere the Instruction and make it a part of themselves, even though they think they do not need it.
14. Are those who recognize the Power and the Glory in one God, present in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
15. Are those who do not forget others.
16. Are those who learn to be compassionate with themselves in order to learn to be compassionate with others.
17. Are those who no longer justify themselves but always make themselves available.
18. Are those who understand, beyond themselves, the Plan of God.
19. Are those who live Justice, but, first, live Love.
20. Are those who stand in solidarity with everyone.
21. Are those who, above all else, fulfill their duty without complaints.
22. Are those who do not step back, but always advance.
23. Are those who promote and gestate brotherhood.
24. Are those who eradicate, within themselves, indifference and lack of collaboration.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more