My children,
When the Father contemplates the love in the heart of His children His Plans multiply themselves within His Consciousness, reflecting the infinite love that He has for His Creatures.
In this time, My beloved children, each instant that passes in your time, in each human inner movement, the Divinity observes the steps that each heart takes towards evolution.
Each time that a sincere plea is made with the heart, it is elevated towards the Celestial Doors, a treacherous event is reversed, and the beings, the peoples, and the nations change their destinies.
I have arrived to this corner of the world in order to bring My Peace so that these nations may remember that Universal Consciousness that guided them in the beginning. Today My Love of Mother and of Instructor calls you so that in this cycle My Consciousness of guardian of souls and of your evolution may come closer to you and orient you for this time that is to come.
It will be necessary that through you, other consciousnesses may be able to discover this Grace that the Creator has for these peoples. By means of My presence amongst you, your God the Father wants that a great bridge of light be built between your hearts and His Powerful Heart. An inner and, at the same time, universal space, that will express itself within each one of you and in all that exists.
Since the origin of this planet, there have been held in this region of the world, great energetic and spiritual resources that, sustained by the Hierarchies that conduct and shelter the Kingdoms of Nature, had been patiently waiting to be activated. They have been here in inactivity and from now on they must be available for all of humanity.
The Creator has not only built here an Earthly Paradise, full of beauty, but He locked in it a spiritual treasure based on power, strength and harmony that the Supreme Consciousness of Nature, as Mother of all that sustains the children of God, was able to express in a planet designed to live a great spiritual project.
There must be born here, in this time, a new spirit, a spark of light that begins to ignite heart by heart, where the superior aspects of each being begin to awaken and to find this path towards the Creator, a path that has not been traversed by many souls. You will traverse this path holding My hand, a steady hand that will conduct you in this new phase.
And when you have felt in your heart and in your consciousness this new vibration of love, not yet experienced by the majority of you, other revelations will come. Through Me you will get to know the Universal Love – this which Christ lives in the universe. You will get to know what represents the Redemption and you will live in your beings this Redeeming Love that My Son brings for all of the human beings in this time.
I shall announce through your souls, the advent of a new spiritual stage for this Nation that, by means of the experience of a few, will live in a coming future a new expression that will form the foundations of the new civilization.
And then part of the Plan of God will be fulfilled in this world. As it was in the beginning of all, this human race will be a full manifestation of the cosmic consciousness of this planet that, by means of the true, loving and harmonious integration of the human being with the Kingdoms, will praise the Creator and will express gratitude for His Creation.
And so the Cross of the New Humanity will be the emblem that will reign from the north to the south and from the east to the west. Its consciousness of silver will shine and it will manifest the unity between all that is created by God. In this future humanity will be happy, with a spiritual and evolutionary happiness, which will lead it to unite itself to the Universe in Fraternity.
People from Norway and from the sister countries, My children:
Your Supreme Universal Mother is here to protect you and to shelter you from all evil. Only permit Me to enter into your heart. Be blessed, always defend peace between all of the peoples and wait for the coming of the Great Universal Redeemer who will bring with Him other Laws and who expects to find you prepared to live them.
Remain in the peace of God, that today gathers up your prayers so that with them may be able to be drawn a new future for humanity.
Thank you for being with Me.
Your Supreme Universal Mother, Mother of the Vikings, people of God
As the roses that open themselves during the dawn, My Heart opens itself on this day by means of the seven rays so that you My dear children, may be able to understand the sacred mysteries that I guard.
I Am the Great Marian Heart that radiates the seven rays. I Am the ray of Will-Power. By means of My Heart the Father manifests and realizes His works of Peace. In this way My Heart, by means of the Will of God, summons all of the creatures so that they may live the Sacred Will.
I Am the ray of Love-Wisdom. By means of My Heart the Father manifests the Source of His Love and of His Unity for all the Creation.
I Am the ray of Intelligence. By means of My Divine Thought the Father materializes His precious ideas and all that is thought by the Divine Mind finds space and place to manifest itself.
I Am the ray of Harmony and of Healing. By means of My Maternity the Father heals the hearts, redeems them and opens to them a door towards redemption.
I Am the ray of Science. By means of My Word the Father manifests His Scientific and Divine Power and all that has been created can live again its configuration because the Divine Science is the path that materializes the plans of the Creator.
I Am the ray of Devotion. By means of My Perpetual Prayer the Father relieves humanity. The universes, suns and stars congregate themselves in their spaces in order to give, from time to time, a spiritual impulse of light to humanity. My Devotion is ignited in the simple hearts and the power of the ray of My Devotion is able to show itself in the good souls, in those souls that know how to listen to the heart.
I Am the ray of the Rhythm and of the Ceremonial. By means of My Existence the Father orders the spiritual and material life. He gestates a unique opportunity of communing with the Greater Source in all of those who follow My call.
My Universal Heart is the regent of all of the rays because the different rays also express themselves over the planetary life and they are like great paths in order to live the experiences of faith, of love and of compassion.
I wish that you also know Me as the Sacred Mother of the Rays. In this way you will recognize in My presence the faithful and powerful Divinity of God, that from the beginning has been the Source of Love and of Truth.
God sends His first seven rays so that humanity may be able to know that it will learn and evolve by means of the path and of the life of these rays. In this way no soul will remain without receiving the opportunity of learning and of growing.
The Sacred Rays of My Heart are divine laws that will be able to consecrate your lives again.
I will thank the brave ones that will seek the rays of My Heart!
Thank you, Norway, for opening the doors to the Graces and to the Divine Opportunity!
Mary, Supreme Mother of the Seven Rays
Today, you have seen My Glory cross the heavens of this planet and of this nation, in this way to hear and feel, through your hearts, the will of God, that I bring in My Divine word.
I Am the Mother of the World, I Am the Universal Mother. My gaze contemplates each particle of life existing in this universe. My Heart loves and supports all the creatures of God, all the consciousnesses of all the kingdoms of nature, that, with profound love, were gestated in the maternal womb of Creation, in the feminine Source of Life, in My cosmic Heart.
My children, today I come to reveal to you not only with words, but also with the profound feeling of your souls, the true face that today lives My Universal Consciousness. Today I want to make known to you that life does not begin and neither does it end in this world, that life continues beyond this universe; and, after this world, you will discover others that will lead you to new learnings and that will bring you to continue on the path of evolution that you have been treading since your origin in the Heart of God.
Today, I want that you bring My words only to the heart and permit that the codes that I deposit in My word may be imprinted in your lives.
Soon will come the time in which you will be able to confirm for your minds what today you live in your little lives. Soon will come the time in which you will look from Heaven and will be able to contemplate with compassion all that you lived on this world and you will see that, in a planet that was sick and that lived in profound darkness, a new Light came and illuminated the abysses, rescued those who were lost, liberated those who were imprisoned in suffering and ignorance, elevated those who were fallen and made to be born from the old human a redeemed race.
As Mother and Lady of this world, I come with the Mission of conducting all the souls to the Celestial Kingdom and also to transform the heart of those who, with bravery, will persevere and will see descend the Kingdom of God to this Earth, rendering it similar to all the Divine Kingdoms that exist in the universe.
My beloveds, with love recognize that you know nothing about the universal life, that you are, lost in looking, but full of hope, at a heaven that today is opened before your eyes and your hearts. Recognize, in humility, how little you know of and live the Divine Life and in this way, as children, let yourselves be guided by the One that, sent by God, descends to this world to remove the veils that cover your eyes, to remove you from all of the ignorance that you live as humanity and in which you are submerged each day a little more, without realizing what you are living.
Do not fear to recognize Me as Your Mother and Lady, because My love for each being of this world is greater than what your hearts can conceive. So much so My beloveds, that I have come over the centuries to conduct humanity and, each time My presence comes to the world, I bring humanity one step further in its consciousness. And now, I come to your encounter, manifesting all the faces through which you can understand Me, but in the end, I will unite all My manifestations in the world and I will show you the Face that unites all the faces: My Supreme Universal Consciousness.
I only wait and prepare you each day, so that you may receive Me in truth.
I love you and thank this nation, because it called Me in spirit, trusted My sacred help and today it sees, before its life, the answer of My Heart.
Mary, Mother and Lady of the World
I have come from Heaven with a special request: to gather you all around My Immaculate Heart.
Today, I am calling all consciousnesses to a greater meeting. My Universal Light, on this afternoon, blesses the skies of Norway, and for you I bring a Greater Grace: I am opening new doors for souls, and this is possible through your inner 'yes'.
This Grace will reach all of you and will be able to expand toward those who do not deserve it. Thus, I call you to a greater task; and in this way, I will be able to gather you all together in the Heart of God, because God is in everything that was created here.
You must open to feel the love that nature radiates. In this way, you will be in communion with the Celestial Kingdoms; you will be able to be reborn to life and hope.
God desires that in Norway, through My Heart, which I offer you, a Pure and Immaculate Heart, you may take the steps toward the Greater Universes.
I Am the Star of the Universe, the first Star that is born at dawn, which all can see at each new day.
I Am the visible Sign for the end of times.
I Am the Revelation for your wounded hearts.
I Am the Supreme Healing that can cure you.
I Am the Source of the Love of God.
My Luminous Consciousness re-ignites hearts.
I come at the request of Christ, your Savior and Redeemer. He has asked Me to be here today, with you, for you hold in your hearts a Cell of Christ, which must be activated at this planetary moment so you may be at the service of God. I Am the Mediator that will allow this to happen.
I come to give Myself in Love to you. Christ has entrusted Me with being the Mother of all. I was at the side of the Great Redeeming Consciousness; thus, I know the condition of humanity, a condition I want to release through you, through your prayers and pleas. And that will be possible, dear children, when you dare to walk at My side. Nothing bad will happen to you.
I Am the Maternal Consciousness of Love. I want to lead you to a healing and a profound reconciliation of consciousness.
I want to make your inner universe known to you, an inner world that you still do not know, but which exists within you. It is the living and luminous God; it is the Creator, the Supreme; it is the One Who has created you in the beginning. He wants to awaken in you through Communion and prayer, through that Christic Light that exists in you and awaits awakening.
I ask those who have accompanied Me for such a long time, to be with Me in this instant, because I also need you in this Work. You opened the doors to those who are here today. Your help, giving of self and surrender have allowed My Divine Spirit to be here with you, giving you an opportunity, guiding your hearts, taking you toward the Kingdom of Light, of redemption and of conversion.
And in this way, I am here with you, calling on you to be with Me; opening a new path for your spirits, for your supreme consciousnesses that must return to the House of the Father.
In this moment of blessing, I give you My Graces and I speak to you, on this day, through this son of Mine, so that your hearts may be strengthened, do not tire of listening to Me, but rather are glad for this Greater Grace.
This is My Message for you: I will be with you in the silence, with your families, in this beloved nation that manifests the beauty of the Creation of the Father.
Thus, dear children, I hold you all in My Maternal Heart, in My Solar Heart, in My Universal Spirit.
On this afternoon, I also bless the Children of Mary who approached My Heart to comfort it and join My Mission.
May the blessing of the Sacred Father and of the Divine Son, in perfect union with the Holy Spirit, be among you, guide you and illumine you.
Know, dear children, that when you call Me in prayer or in a sacred invocation, I will be in your lives. I Am your Mother, the Mother of God, the Mother of Heaven and Earth, the Mother of Nature, the Mother and Star of the World.
Under My immaculate blessing, hold within yourselves My Virginal Purity.
For this moment, and for all those that will come, sacred Norway, children of the Supreme, I bless you and thank you for responding to My call.
I am grateful for the faithfulness of those who will follow Me in the future, and I am deeply grateful for those who made this spiritual pilgrimage, this Grace of the end times, possible in this Material Universe.
Thank you for translating My Words; that is also important for God, that My Message of Peace is able to reach the world.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
After this very intimate moment we have experienced with Our Lady, in which, in spite of the few words, we were able to feel Her very perfect Love and that majestic tenderness that Our Lady has, with which She embraces all Her children, we want you to remember what She said, because She wants to be here among Her children of Norway.
She wants you to learn to know Her as the Supreme Universal Mother, She Who brings us perfect peace, great protection and Who teaches us to discover faith so we are able to be united with the Heart of God and that nothing can confuse us, nothing can inwardly move us, no matter what is happening around us.
She wants to be at our side so we may feel protected and begin to learn new things that have to do with the mysteries of the universe. When we are able to open the door of our heart, we are going to know many things.
We who are on the pilgrimage with Our Lady, have come to know a very beautiful nation. While all peoples leave something in our hearts, these brothers and sisters who seemed so far away and sometimes seem a little different, have filled our heart.
We are very grateful for the opportunity we had, this morning, of sharing a Communion with Christ with some brothers and sisters here in the city of Oslo, and this shows us that Christ is the same in all places and that our love for Him will always unite us.
Thank you very much for having received us in this nation. We leave you all our love and all our gratitude. Hopefully, God will someday allow us to return, and we are able to pray at the shores of those beautiful lakes you have, where great spiritual mysteries are held.
The Restorative Promises of the Most Holy Virgin
Continue to pray the Rosary every day, because in this way as I have once asked in Fatima, now it is asked of you.
My dear children, if you do this there will be a greater time of peace between your hearts and the world; My Maternal Peace will especially fill the souls that have given up the path of consecration to God.
I pray day and night for you; in this time I promise great Graces to those who seek God by means of the power of prayer. If humanity does not pay attention to My requests a more difficult time will come to all, the world will be darkened rapidly and many will not be able to see the light of the sun.
But, if on the other hand, the souls that today live on the Earth – I want to say all the hearts – are united to My Heart as only one spiritual people of God, especially if all the religious leaders establish the ecumenism of Christ, I promise that before the coming of My Holy Son many souls that are imprisoned and dead in life will know who they are and where they have come from, as they will also know what they have been born for in this time.
But if all the religions do not accomplish My request, unjust spiritual decisions will fall over many and humanity will remain without spiritual instruction. So that this does not happen, I come in this last time to ask for the consecration of all My children to the Immaculate Heart; whoever does this under the immaculate spirit of peace, I promise to wait for them at the doors of the next world, that is, in paradise.
Those hearts that soon repent and seek the restorative communion in the next five first Saturdays of each month, will be blessed by the strength of the Holy Spirit; such hearts will shine with light before darkness, they will be Christic hearts.
I wish from now on that all listen to My call, because if humanity does not stop committing bad actions, especially upon the kingdoms of nature, the law that comes from the Heights will re-ordain the planetary life and many will suffer what they did not deserve, by the work and the action of the non-believers.
I promise to whoever prays from the heart every day, that it will help Me in the awakening of faith and peace in those who have lost it, especially in those who have never been open to see the Light of Christ.
I ask in this age a special devotion to the Most Holy and Merciful Heart of Christ; to whoever professes and lives it from the soul and from the heart, I promise that I will not forget their soul at the time of death. Also in the last hour of life, I will anoint with the Olive of Life all of their family and My Son will not be their judge, but their intercessor before the Most High.
Whoever accomplishes My requests will be able to form part of My Sacred Marian Army; I come to awaken the sleeping consciousness of humanity, I come to say that the time of Apocalypse has come.
A greater time of Grace and Mercy will come to the whole world, if only it accomplishes to the letter each one of My requests. If any of My requests should not be contemplated, humanity will finally know the hidden and eternal cause that has condemned it to the fire of hell.
But if there were a spirit of perseverance, of faith and of joy from your part, I promise you that I will help you even in the difficult moments, because through the power of My Son I will liberate you from all evil.
Attention to My words, because My Maternal Love will come to help all of those who will be surprised by unusual human news.
Now it only is necessary for you to look towards God and contemplate His Majesty through the Sacred Hearts. I only ask you that you meditate on all that I have said to you, because I will not be able to repeat it again.
I bless all of Barcelona and I thank you, because another city has answered to My call!
I wait all of you on the 21st of May for a special blessing.
Peace for all, now and forever!
Mary, Mother of the Most Holy Rosary and Prophetess of Peace
My children,
I come to this town to awaken the codes of light that one day My maternal presence deposited here and that, over the course of the years were lost, because men and women, little by little distanced themselves from God, closing in this way the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens.
My beloveds, precious treasures sleep under the mountains of this city, treasures that must see the light, so that they may serve as help for this humanity in so much need of Redemption. I am referring to spiritual treasures, presents that God sends to His creatures that lose themselves in the world so much.
Dears, as Mother and Lady of Montserrat, I bring to the world the celestial melodies that heal and redeem the hearts, that awaken the little souls from the sleep of profound illusion that they are living in this world.
Mysterious truths are before the eyes of all the beings and the moment has come for humanity, as a whole, to be able to access these truths.
My children, for this it is necessary that a few take the first step towards this awakening of the consciousness and, without fear, remove from the eyes the blindfolds that keep them in profound darkness.
My dears, a new time is approaching this world, a time that will bring pain for the hearts that resist transformation, but which will bring strength and spiritual growth for all of those that, with faith continue their luminous path, guided by the Most Holy Hearts of Jesus, Joseph and Mary.
On this day I come to alert you once again that it is time to grow, because the planetary moment needs to see you ready to face the trials that will come. From the north to the south and from the east to the west of this world the hearts will begin to feel the tribulations that come to their inner world. Many will need help, because they will not understand what will happen to them; others will not be able to keep themselves in healthy balance, which will generate many conflicts in the world.
For this, My children, I come to ask you, with all My Immaculate Heart, that you do not wait for someone else's transformation to take your own steps. Do not wait any more to find a reference in this world, because there will be no creature on this Earth that will be outside of this purification that will be lived and that already is being lived in many beings.
Walk without looking back, forget the past, which will be balanced by the present and future actions. Forget the mistakes, the fears and the pains that you felt in a time that has passed, because it is the moment to take by the hands Those who come from Heaven, offering to you Their help and, without looking back, nor to the side, fix your eyes on the goal and continue with firm and rhythmical steps, without haste and without pause.
Come dears, because My Heart waits for you to trust you with a new mission, to prepare you to cross this planetary threshold between the old human and the new redeemed race.
My words echo in this way, in this place, because I speak what you need to hear in this moment. I want that those who hear Me for the first time may receive an impulse from My Heart, so that they may awaken immediately and soon be placed in their rightful place, in this army of Peace, that fights with love, unity, fraternity and prayer, so that the Plans of God are accomplished in this world.
My children, today I say to you that the Plans of the Creator will be accomplished under any circumstances, because the Law dictates the prevailing of the Light. But it is the Will of the Lord that His redeemed Earth be born with beings that were able transcend the old race and, through love and forgiveness, overcome the past and manifest the new future.
I give immense thanks to this city, because spiritually, for the second time, it has opened the doors to Me, claiming in this way so that Redemption may descend over this world. For this, today I say to you, My children, to wait for My presence with love.
Blissful are those that receive from God the Grace of being before His Servant and receive the sublime redemption for their lives.
I love you and I will always love you, because I am Your Beloved Mother and Lady of Montserrat, the Virgin Mary
My children:
I come as Queen of Peace in order to, with My Peace, dissolve from your hearts the anguish and the fears that the enemy causes. On this day, I ask you to strengthen the trust in My Heart, because a time has come of greater spiritual challenges for the world and My little soldiers must maintain themselves firm in prayer and without fear, raise the flag of Peace and of Redemption for the world.
The time has come, dear children, of purifying the evils caused and that are carried as a nation and as humanity, as a weight of infinite suffering that is reflected in your lives, in your hearts.
God gave you a unique opportunity of Liberation and of Redemption, for this, as Your Mother and Queen of Peace, I come to encounter all My children, to announce to them that this time has come and to indicate to you the correct path to follow, which is the path of permanent prayer, of unity, of love and of peace.
My children, construct in your hearts the precious fortress of prayer and have this goal as the priority of your lives, because prayer acts with a hidden power in the hearts of the beings and many times they may not perceive its work, but when they are faced with a time of chaos, they will be able to feel and see arise in their hearts this unbreakable fortress, the unshakable and absolute faith, fruit of the heart that prays.
My beloveds, I send you to announce My presence in the world and to announce the coming return of My Son, as one who sends sheep among wolves. So I do because history must be renewed and your commitments with Christ and with God must be ignited again. The new Apostles must awaken to again surrender the life for Christ.
Beloved children, in this time it is necessary that not even one soul be forgetful of the existence of God. Each creature of this world must know of the Good News of the return of My Son; all the beings must be touched by the faith of those who have been before My presence and, through the certainty of their hearts, must awaken to the Divine love.
My dears, dissolve the fears, because I will always support you. My maternal eyes observe you day and night and My Heart takes care at each instant of your lives. I only ask you that you let yourselves be conducted by My maternal love and follow in trust the steps dictated by My Heart. Soon you will understand what I say to you, soon you will be able to see and feel in your hearts what I am constructing in your lives. For this go without fear, and announce to the four corners of the world that the return of My Son is near, that they prepare the hearts and the spirits to receive Him, because He will seek in each soul the seed of Redemption that he planted so long ago, with the arms on His Cross.
My beloveds, today I thank you profoundly for trusting in My words, for opening to Me the doors of the heart and for letting yourselves be guided by My maternal love.
I love you and I bless you always.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Dear children:
Thank you for having responded with effort and prayer to the call in order for you to receive Me during this month of May in Europe.
Sublime lights that are born from My Heart by means of the Kingdom of Fatima, are expanded on this day for all the souls. Celestial gardens descend from Heaven and are manifested so that the souls that have fallen may find again the path of return to God.
The Kingdom of Fatima on this day elevates, from inside of the hearts, all the dwellings, all the inner sanctuaries that are revealed and that are presented as an offering before the Kingdom of the Creator. The angels of the Kingdom of Fatima, attentive and serving, today take up in their divine hands the offerings of all of those who have said yes to the call of the Universal Mother.
Cherubs and Seraphs of the Kingdom of Fatima are congregated in the name of the Love of My Son, to traverse the heavens of Europe and give a touch of light and of awakening to the sleeping hearts; in this way all the lives that are on Earth are impregnated by the maternal strength of the Immaculate Heart.
The Voice is heard by those who have opened the heart, and all in consciousness, are prepared for the great moment of the Return of Christ. For this reason, My Immaculate Heart goes on pilgrimage together with It’s children to call them to the mission for Peace.
For each city that the Virgin from Heaven passes through, the souls recognize the merciful moment that they have been given to live and feel in the depths of their beings the Divine Grace that comes from the Universe.
New stars are lit up by the simple and loving prayer; they now will be part of the crown of victory and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
Today Fatima, the Kingdom of Peace, celebrates the reunion of the dignified children of God with the Kingdom of Love. The hearts walk firmly towards the reconciliation of life and towards the spiritual healing of their beings.
The Universal Mother, the Queen of Peace, gathers them in this new cenacle in order to begin the apostolate of Christ.
That your torches of Divine Fire may be lifted to the Heights, because the hour has come for your hearts to light up the path of those who live in eternal darkness.
Be precursors of the Marian message and be a living testimony for those who have never believed in Christ, because great is His Divine Mercy, that which congregates you and unites you once again with the Kingdom of the Celestial Father; in this way you will see how your doubts are being erased so that the new being may be born, the new soul and the great spirit redeemed.
May the Inner Sanctuary of Fatima be the sublime Light that guides you, may it be the primordial reason for living forgiveness and peace.
Blessings for all My children who are present!
Thank you for answering to My call!
Mary, Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come, in this Vigil of Prayer, to reconcile the peoples and the nations for all the suffering that has existed between the Americas and Europe. Welcome My Heart into your hearts so this may happen.
I Am the Lady of the New Race, of the New Humanity.
My Heart is the bridge to unite what had been separated. My Heart spiritually unites continents and nations; because the wish of God is that in the next time, after the strong tribulation, humanity may become one single race, a new renewed people of God, which acts and lives through faith.
Dear children, I forecast future times for you, but for that Aspiration of the Father to be able to take place in humanity, God deeply wishes that you keep praying every day.
As in other times, My dear children, I place Myself above My children to bless you with My Graces, enfold you in My Maternal Mantle, and take you into My arms so you may feel My Heart of Peace.
God deeply wishes for Spain to give the first impulse for a union among the peoples; because I have also been in El Escorial and in Garabandal, announcing prophecies for a future humanity.
Today I am here again in Madrid through different channels so you may hear My Voice again, My one true Voice which reverberates so It may be heard by your essences and may fulfill the Will of My Lord in you.
There is still much to heal between the Americas and Europe, dear children. I lovingly invite all Spaniards, and consequently, all of Europe, to receive the Lady of Guadalupe into your homes.
As the Lady of Guadalupe, I give you My maternal blessing. I want My Stars to shine in your homes, and as the song that you have sung to Me says, the crown of My head must shine in all souls, because Peace is possible in a time of chaos.
You must be the disseminators of My maternal call, a call to the heart, a call for peace. Heaven pours out its Graces through My sweet Voice and My Heart opens to welcome you inwardly.
I want you all to be able to be immaculate in the coming time and Fatima will give you that key to achieve purity.
Have you understood, dear children, why I have spent so much time in Europe?
It is a people in redemption, as are many peoples in the world who have heard My Voice, and many visionaries have seen My Face.
In this time, I have come to unite what is separate in the consciousness. My Rosary, My prayer beads reverberate all the time in the Eternal Time, producing an echo and a call to God, a request to the Most High Father of the Heights, for as Mediator, dear children, My Heart offered Itself to you to save you. But what I need is that through you, this deep reconciliation which I ask of you be able to take place in other children of Mine, and this will be possible through the power of your prayer.
Today My face reflects the joy of this meeting. Today My arms pour out the Light and the Mercy of God. Today I reveal My immaculate Love for all of you, a patient and persevering love, kind, merciful, which wants to reach all the children of Europe.
Go for those who do not listen to Christ. They need to become reconciled with God, and the first door to enter and serve all those souls will be your families, where the temple of prayer and of peace must reemerge.
The third secret of Fatima may happen, may take place, may manifest on the world. Thus, if your prayer is more fervent than the secret, the Law will change and the Mercy of Christ will take action by giving blessings and healing to all the children of the Earth.
I do not come to the world to prophecy bad times. I come to the world to remind you of the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom that is inside of you, within your hearts and souls.
Dear children, through this meeting, I call on you to awaken. In this way, you will be able to follow My steps of Light and walk on the paths of Love and of Unity, upon which many souls will walk behind you to quench their thirst for love, the peace lacking in inner dwelling places.
For this, I gather you together at this time in Europe, because the time has come for your higher commitment to manifest, that it may be concrete and visible in the world.
As ambassadors of peace and missionaries of love, may you be cells of the Glorified Body of Christ, and expand in light and in harmony over the world.
On this afternoon, I give you the keys for this to happen; the only key is prayer, perseverance and the hope of continuing onward. In this way, dear children, you will respond to My call.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
In the same way, as in a past time when I gathered together the apostles of Christ in a cenacle of awakening and renewal, today I gather your small souls together in a cenacle of redemption and life.
My children, in the past, the Holy Spirit descended over the apostles of Christ, giving them the gift of speaking in tongues, of understanding the heart of each creature that approached them. And in this way, through the creative power of the Verb of God, the Church of Christ in the world began to be built, the love that Christians manifest today on this Earth.
And today, in this time, My children, I gather you together again in a cenacle of redemption, so the Spirit of God may return to this Earth. This time, through the life example of your small hearts, which must manifest acts of love and of fellowship, Christians are renewed in the world.
Today I come to the Earth, My children, so that in this cenacle of redemption, I am able to teach humanity to awaken to the life of the spirit, to the life of the soul, to awaken to this mission each being must accomplish in this time, to awaken in your hearts and in the hearts of the world a love for this perfect Plan that God has been generating in humanity.
My children, with My Divine Heart, I aspire that your souls are able to testify to the fraternity and the unity among beings, and that in this way, you demonstrate to the world that the time has come for the Return of My Son; that His Sacred Heart is already beating and lives in your hearts, achieving in your lives the biggest and true miracle, which is the conversion of your spirits and the true love that you are capable of experiencing even when facing chaos.
My children, My Presence strengthens the absolute faith in your hearts, so that you are never afraid in the face of difficulties and in the face of judgments.
It is necessary that your hearts be certain of the consecration of your souls to this Greater Plan, so you do not fear any difficulty, do not fear the attacks of the enemy, for Love will always be greater than the darkness, and faith will always be greater than the fear. For this reason, today I tell you to only remember My Words when you are facing some difficulty. My Heart observers you at each instant of your lives, and although invisible to your eyes, My Presence will always be there.
Today I want you to learn to feel My Presence, through your heart, so that in life situations, you know how to feel when I am present, know how to hear My voice in your hearts, which is unmistakable, because Love, My children, is absolute in My Heart, and will take shape within your beings any time it is needed.
Know, on this night, that your prayers were heard in the Kingdom of God, that many situations in the world were able to receive liberation and peace. But there is still much to be freed, many souls are waiting for you to be able to pray with devotion and fervor, and even more than that, My children, be able to live My messages in your lives.
Never be in a hurry, only continue to persevere on this path, because with one step after another, you will transform without realizing it, and one day, My children, you will look back and will not find the old being.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I am traversing, in Europe, the same paths that I once travelled in the Holy Land, beginning My Christic ministry; and village after village, awakening the children who were to serve God in those times.
For this reason, I return to Spain, to My dear Spain, that heard My Voice from the beginning and which, in spite of the difficulties and indifference of their leaders and of those who guide these people, have kept their faith alive in their heart, the precious trust in the Lady of Heaven, opening the doors to the Mercy of God.
This meeting with Me, during this evening, is a special meeting between Heaven and Earth, between souls and the cosmos; a profound communion with the Heart of the Father, which will prepare you for the days of tomorrow, in which My Verb will be deeply expressed to the world, trying to awaken those who sleep. This will be possible first through you, when you dare to live My Words out of love. Thus, as I have already said, you will transform.
On this night, I bless these altar roses, and may this symbol represent for your lives the possibility of experiencing a change of heart, that you are able to be My new roses of the gardens of Heaven. For this reason, month by month, My hands heal your hearts, close the wounds, and remove the thorns; so that renewed by My Holy Spirit, you are able to reach the Throne of the Father as an offer of redemption, an offer of Grace and Mercy; and in this way, the times that have been foreseen to come, may be good times for all.
I come from that Heaven to announce a call to you. My call is that you be agents of peace so that some things do not happen.
I will thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts. I am very grateful for this night. Let us pray to the Eternal Father so that the liberation of the world may also take place in Europe. Let us pray with the light of the heart, let us open the doors to Divine Mercy.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will pray at this time together with Our Most Holy Mother. At the request of Our Lady, we will pray the "Prayer for the liberation of the World":
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.
May the Peace of My Son be in your hearts forever and may His Redeeming Light be the strength to experience transformation, the reason that urges you to continue walking in the Light.
Lifting up your pleas to Heaven, I receive your intentions in My Heart.
Tomorrow I will also receive your intentions and those of all those who have need of an encouraging word. Write a small message to Me, which I will contemplate with love. I thank you.
Song: Hail, Hail, Hail Mary.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Now we are going to carry out a task that Our Mother requested of us. The visionaries will distribute rose petals to each one, roses that Our Mother blessed and that are on the altar.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Just to tell the brothers and sisters that, for some time, Mary did not place Herself over people. This was an immediate revelation She made to us, from the moment of the Apparition.
She carried out a task of blessing Spain, mainly, and brought Her Consciousness and Her moment of Apparition in El Escorial and in Garabandal.
That was what, more or less, took place.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Sometimes we don't properly understand what is happening when Our Lady works spiritually.
Let us just imagine, for one moment, that this Higher Presence was a few meters from us, radiating all Her Light over our beings, transforming that which for us would be absolutely untransformable, dissolving inner situations that for us would be impossible, cleansing our paths, something that for us would be impossible.
So our heart must be full of gratitude, because if we continue with the Messages of our Mother within ourselves, we dedicate some of our time to pray with our heart, we will see that in the future, our lives will be different.
Let us never again forget this day, because we will soon understand why.
And now, we will do our task, while the brothers and sisters will sing.
Song: Hail Mary (instrumental).
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more