Tuesday, February 6 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Preparing the Return of Christ will not be easy. For this reason, as you know, I will count on very few at the great moment of My reappearance.

Thus, as it was written in some books of spirituality, the Return of Christ will demand the concretion of this movement on the physical plane.

Material goods will undergo a transformation, so that the First Law may re-enter the consciousness of humanity, as the Commandments are not lived by all. This sets the world apart from many opportunities, especially spiritual ones. This is why I tell you that My Return will not be easy, though not impossible. Because those who are with Me until the end must not retrogress, regardless of what I may ask them.

And this goes beyond anything material or concrete. This reaches the inner decision of doing it without conditions and without delays. Because each step that I will indicate for the last apostles will be definitive, and will bring consequences for the entire planet, as they will be decisions that I will impel you to make, so that you, the decided ones, may grow and have the Grace to closely know the Spiritual Government that the apostles also knew.

In this way, I will be able to work and act through My own, and we will not waste time, because there is no time left, in the face of the grave planetary situation.

Therefore, do not fall asleep. Do not lose the cosmic impulse of awakening, for it will come for the last time. Because you will have to be awakened, just as I asked My apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the cruel night of My Agony. Now it will be similar, although we are in another time, an end time.

Your attention and dedication, the dedication of your lives and consciousnesses, must be placed every day on achieving this Purpose, which is available to all. The Purpose of God, which levitates before your souls as an incandescent flame that can guide the path of the Last Christs, so that the Christs of the New Time may have the courage and spiritual bravery of doing whatever is needed without stepping back, but rather gradually advancing toward the goals and mainly the challenges that I will propose to you.

When I say to you that My time with you is coming to an end, it is because a new time, a new cycle will begin, and in this new cycle and new time you must walk upon your own feet, carry out what I need: the Will that is written in each one of your souls, and the time has come to express this Will on the three planes of consciousness: the spiritual, mental and material.

This great moment is drawing near day by day. The last apostles must be watchful and attentive to the signs that I will give you, in any part of the Earth and in any event.

This will prepare the planet and the human consciousness for the moment when I appear and return in a surprising way. Because in truth I tell you that no one knows how this will be, because it is prepared so that it may happen in this way.

Therefore, I tell you again that I do not need you asleep, but rather awakened. Awakened and spiritually attentive to the signs of Christ. Because anyone could be called to be where I need them, to fulfill what I so much expect, to concretize what My Father needs in this time of purification.

I tell you this as part of the preparation for the next Sacred Week, so that, after a Lent of penance and reflection, you may arrive at the Sacred Week with a decision already made internally, although you do not know how it will be afterwards. I Am calling you to an attitude of predisposition. This is what I need, so as to know to what extent I will be able to count on you.

Today, I Am gathered here with the blessed ones, so that they may serve as examples for your lives. I Am with all those consciousnesses that have entered Paradise, souls that have become sanctified, who pray for you and for the world, not only so that the so much longed-for peace may be established, but also so that the planet may be redeemed.

Spiritually count on all the blessed ones. Among them, some are family members of yours who are no longer here, because they have entered Paradise through the merit of the efforts of those who are here and faithfully keep My precepts.

Behold your family members converted by My Love, in the Eternal Paradise of God. Because although the world lives in cruelty and wickedness, there will be nothing greater than Love, nothing that could prevent the Will of My Father from being fulfilled. This is why I have brought your holy family members with Me.

Do not forget that the souls of purgatory need your prayers and so do the children who are in limbo, because they have lived injustice through premature death, and need, just as you do, to continue to ascend so that they may attain the Kingdom of the Heavens, as the blessed ones have attained.

Just for a moment, the blessed ones will be here to co-celebrate the Spiritual Communion with you, so that the offering of souls may be greater, and may prevent the Wrath of God, the descent of the Divine Justice upon nations, so that more consciousnesses may be converted and redeemed.

This is all that I need today.

Follow in the footprints of the Sacred Hearts, so that you may walk in righteousness, in the Law, in obedience to the Divine Plan, and in unity with all of Creation, so that the time of peace may be fulfilled in the whole world.

Today, at the altar of this Spiritual Communion, the Sacrament of the blessed ones will be placed and granted, so that the grave situations of the planet, and mainly of the consciousnesses of humanity, may receive assistance and a spiritual solution.

Make your own offering in this Spiritual Communion. I will be thankful.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And preparing ourselves with Christ for this Spiritual Communion, in unity with all blessed ones of Paradise, we will intone “Pater Noster” in Latin, at the request of Christ.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday, February 5 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through your heart, contemplate My Sacred Relics. Submerge into the Divine Mystery of God that I reveal to you today, avail yourself of this moment as if it were the last one.  

Behold the Chalice of Redemption, which holds in itself the original codes of the human race.

This is the Sacred Instrument that is offered, in the Hands of the Lord, to reintegrate to humanity the only true genetic code, that code that should be fulfilled and manifested through the race.

This is why I had to surrender My Blood and My Body in the most unimaginable conditions, so that this civilization of the surface of the Earth might recover its original code, that code which God created in the Source through the Creator Fathers, by means of divine and cosmic science., a code which, throughout the times, has degenerated due to different experiences and errors.

Just as it was on Maundy Thursday, when the Lord, through His Blood and His Body, would recover the original code of this humanity, today, through the Sacred Relic of the Holy Grail, the Lord prepares to recover this code that has degenerated again in recent times.

But this time I will recover it through My last apostles and disciples, through all those who will offer their own consciousnesses to be part of the re-establishment of the genetic code of humanity on the New Earth. I know that you will not understand this mystery today, because it does not encompass the intellectual and human part, but each one of your spirits can be the receptacle that receives this Creative Principle.

Because this genetic code of humanity will be recovered through the last servers, through all those who, in the end of times, are willing to go beyond themselves, transcending their human aspects and fully trusting in the spirit of My Grace, which is the one that grants this important moment to all.

Remember that, as a civilization on the surface of the Earth, and since the beginning of this Project of God, each one of you holds this code in their own genetics, through this humanity. And throughout the times and experiences and, above all, through the school of the degrees of love and redemption, this code, which is kept in the DNA itself, in the innermost depths of your consciousnesses, must be converted into a Christic Code, through the Grace and Love that I give you.

Thus, upon My Return to Earth, this will be My first and great planetary movement. Because a New Humanity cannot emerge without all possible consciousnesses, on the four corners of the Earth, recovering in themselves, this Christic Code, through their DNA.

However, lest you may think that this is impossible or unattainable, I want to remind you that you will be able to attain this Christic Code of Love and Redemption by means of your souls and even more through your higher beings, in which the sublime flame of the Spirit dwells, and provides gifts, Graces and virtues to souls.

Your souls must be the bridge for this to happen, so that, just like many saints and yogis of the East, your lives may also be sanctified in the Lord, just as the lives of each one of the saints and yogis of the East became sanctified in Creation.

So that humanity may awaken to this sacred knowledge of Creation, magnificently provided by the Ark of the Holy Covenant, and especially by the Holy Grail, I have worked eucharistic miracles in several parts of the world, so that you may believe.

I have stigmatized some consciousnesses so that humanity may believe that, just as I Am present at the Sacrament of the Altar at each new eucharistic celebration and adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, in the same way My Redeeming Christic Code can also be physically present in you. Because the one who receives this Redeeming Christic Code gradually transcends their consciousness and matter, detaches themselves from what is mundane and even from what is commonplace, sets themselves apart from the energies that do not allow their evolution.

Therefore, companions, believe that through each new Communion you receive, through each celebration in which you participate, you are before the doors of the Christic Code of the Lord, which transubstantiates you if you allow it, just as the bread and the wine are transubstantiated at the Altar.

This is why I told you that I carried out and permitted many eucharistic miracles in the world, so that no one would have any doubts that I Am present and hidden in the mystery of the Altar and, even more, I can be present and eternally alive in the souls that open their hearts to receive Me in glory.

I would like you to be attentive to the moment of eucharistic celebration, so that you may be conscious of what spiritually and physically happens during the moment of transubstantiation, as well as at the moment of receiving the Holy Eucharist.

Through the eucharistic celebration, not only does the very miracle of Love allow you to approach this Christic Code of Love, Redemption and Light, and to submerge in My Unfathomable Mercy, but your souls also stand before the opportunity of a spiritual amnesty.

Although I know that you can fall again many times, it is My wish that you may spiritually work on this in the times to come. Because you will not have a place or space, but only in the Heart of the Lord, which is expectantly open as a great inexhaustible wellspring, so that souls may receive the Graces of the Heavens.

Therefore, today I grant you and the world the opportunity to be before the Holy Grail again, that sacred Instrument that was a witness of the revelation of Christ’s Love for the souls of the whole world, which continues to be perpetuated at each new Eucharist.

If you opened your consciousnesses even more to this mystery, it would no longer be a mystery, but rather a revelation, and the sacred science of the Holy Spirit would give you more understanding and wisdom for your life situations, even for the impossible causes.

Just as today, at the center of the government of your souls, you receive this Spiritual Sacrament through the Holy Chalice, in the same way your guardian angels are your witnesses today, before the Laws of Creation, and register this unique and unrepeatable moment, which you will be able to carry in your souls forever, until eternal life is fulfilled.

This is the same thing that I offered to My apostles, although they were not ready at that moment.

But I come to seek that which dwells within each inner world. I come seeking this Christic Code that is in you, so that it may be at the service of Creation in the preparatory time for the Return of Christ.

Submerge in this reality, companions, just as your guardian angels prostrate themselves before the Presence of the Holy Grail. Because in this Chalice, which I carry in My Hands today, not only is the testimony of My Precious Blood, the testimony of My Love for each one of you, but I also deeply aspire and yearn that someday your experiences of love and redemption may also be within this Holy Chalice, so that when I return to the world in Glory, I may offer it to God, together with you, as reparation for all the errors and outrages committed in the world, especially to children and innocent ones.

Ask the Angel of Reparation, present at each new Eucharistic Celebration, to spiritually help you to live this mystery, so that it may be a reality in you, once and forever.

After living this Divine Communion with Me, you are now ready to live the Spiritual Communion, by means of the Eucharistic Celebration that you will now carry out.

At this moment, I would like for you to be in quietude, to meditate upon all of the impulse that I have brought to you, up to the moment when you will live the transubstantiation of the elements, of the bread and the wine, into the Body and the Blood of Christ. And especially at the moment when you will receive the Holy Eucharist, remembering the intention of all that I have told you up to now.

I give thanks for your being here. Continue to prepare for the next Sacred Week.

May My Words dwell in you, so that My Words may not just pass through you, but rather that they may concretize the Work of redemption within you.

I bless you, in the name of Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will prepare for the Spiritual Communion by giving continuity to the impulse that we have received.

And so that this may be a reality within us, as He asked of us, we will sing “Adonai, Holy Spirit”, while we prepare ourselves.  In this way, the Holy Spirit will help us at this moment, prepare us internally, just as it filled our Holy Mother and the apostles in Pentecost.

Let us entrust this moment to the Holy Spirit of God. 

Saturday, February 3 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Children of My Father, I come here so that, through your sincere prayers, I may meditate upon the next steps of My Plan for this entire world.

This is why I have decided to be here so that, together with Me and through your prayers, you may prepare the important task of the Lord in the next Sacred Week.

I want you to know that here will be the last Sacred Week, at this sacred place, which has opened its doors to Me so that the Master could announce His Words.

For this reason, companions, all, absolutely all that you have lived with Me throughout the times is taken into account in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and especially at this important moment, when at the doors of Lent, souls are called to faithfully do penance, to meditate on each one of their acts, to repair each one of the wounds that have been caused.

In this next Lent, souls are called to surrender at the Feet of the Lord, so that your Master and Lord may have the authority to intercede for this world, which needs it so much and so urgently.

This is why, through the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, I would like you to keep very much in mind this Message of Mine. Because in this way, consciously and united to My Sacred Heart, you will be able to help your Master to bring back the fiery bases of Heaven that will re-found the planet, and correct the Human Project after the time of purification.

I would like to feel, in each one of you, the expectation for the coming of the Lord, throughout all these meetings that you will have with Me. Because I have told you once that My task is coming to an end in the Time of the Lord.

Therefore, do not miss any opportunity and moment. Because in the end of times you will have to render an account of all that you have received, each one of the gifts and virtues that I deposited in you. Because although this may seem to you an unknown mystery, your souls do know what these gifts and virtues are.

Because this is what I come to seek in the last apostles so that, with each passing day, you may learn to live My Will, learn to fulfill My Will and learn to concretize it.

In this Lent, which is drawing near, a preamble to the next Sacred Week, I invite you to meditate and in truth ask yourselves a question:

What is the Will of the Lord for my life?

Listen to your hearts, and you will obtain the answer. Pray and ask the Heavens, because everything awaits in the Kingdom of the Heavens to descend upon your lives and consciousnesses.

What would the Will of the Lord be in the time of the preparation for His Return to the world?

For I await this great moment, when the Lord of the Universe will put an end to wickedness in the world, closing the doors to evil and attracting to My Heart, a safe place for each being, all those who are lost and suffering in this humanity.

In this Marathon of Mercy, I would like you to assume, through your sincere prayer, one soul in the world who is in need of help, although you do not know them.

Pray, placing this intention during the days of the Marathon of Mercy, that those who have been oppressed and punished may have the opportunity and Grace to raise their heads and find a safe space of hope in this world.

In truth, I tell you that all the meetings of prayer would not be enough to amend the errors that the world commits today. But it is the sincere offerings of souls that prevent situations from worsening in humanity and in the nations. Have this very much in mind, companions.

Your voices should never tire of praying and supplicating, because the voice that prays and supplicates to God is a mirror of the Kingdom of the Heavens on Earth. This is what I  invite you to become: that you may be mirrors of God’s Love on Earth, free from the capital sins, free from all division or judgment, open of heart and mind to alleviate the suffering of those who truly suffer in these times.

This is the time of spiritual assistance to humanity, because while everything happens in the world, there are still projects and ideas that are contrary to the Father, which are executed in this humanity and mainly in the nations.

However, I do not call you to battle against evil. I call you to be a mirror of Love, because it is Love that dissolves evil and all injustice in the world. For the Love of God will always give you science and wisdom, even in the difficult moments of your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters.

Because while I Am here, contemplating each one of your difficulties, which I neither judge nor condemn, the Lord of Mercy contemplates the great needs of humanity, which are many in this time.

Who will offer to help the Lord wherever and however necessary, to placate chaos in the world?

This is the time for you to be true warriors of the Light. In this way, I will avail Myself of your consciousnesses and souls, and be able to renew all things.

I want you to have these Words of Mine very much in mind, so that, when you pray in these coming days of meetings, you may try to internalize and receive in your hearts, the impulses that I leave for My last apostles.

Behold the Lord of Peace, who comes to a world in chaos and suffering, and seeks, in the good and consistent souls, the response to the Great Call of the end of times.

Therefore, remember once again: what is the Will of the Lord for my life? Ask your inner worlds, there is still a little time left.

Because you must know that, just as it is written, the time of Justice will be fulfilled in the world and, before this time comes, which is not far away, I would like more souls to have the great joy of redemption.  

Live these days with Me for all those who cannot live or experience them.

Live these days with Me for all those who are desperate and suffer, who are submerged and imprisoned in wars, persecution and death.

Live these days with Me for all those who do not have the Grace of being born and for all the children and youths who are prisoners of human trafficking.

Do you now understand the reasons for living these meetings with Me?

Thus, I invite you to come out of yourselves, so that you may give of yourselves, even for those who you do not know and who cry out for a drop of Light in the world, for a rain of hope, for a kingdom of peace that they do not have today.

May My Words make you sensitive. May My Word help you to give of yourselves, because the self-giving of souls is very vast, it is an infinite and unknown dimension, which all those who dare to serve Christ can live.

Service in the world is needed to placate the errors that are committed in humanity, so that the doors of Grace may not close, so that as many souls as possible may attain redemption.

As your Master and Friend, as your Lord, the Lord of Israel, who deeply knows the Project of His Father for all of this humanity, I come to ask you to meditate upon My Words, to submerge yourselves in My ocean of Instruction, so that you may be ready, available, surrendered to Me in the last times, the definitive times.

May the channel of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, which souls will be able to open through their prayers on these days, radiate and permeate the spaces that are in darkness, not only within consciousnesses, but also outside of them.

May the Light of Mercy renew you, bring you peace and the hope of seeking a just and fraternal world. Let us pray for this.

Upon My dear and sacred Hill of Apparitions, I have left the Holy Grail, the spiritual teraphim that again united Heaven and Earth, souls and God, in the institution of the Sacred Eucharist.

Keep this Sacred Instrument very much in mind, precious Relic of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which, from South America, will be radiating to the world until the last day of the next Sacred Week, until the day of the Glory of the Lord, when the Christs of the New Time will be able to drink from this spiritual Chalice to live the same commitment lived by the holy apostles, that of being peace-makers on Earth.

I thank you for being here today and in advance I prepare you for the next Sacred Week.

Live Lent with an open heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
