In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hope is that which must not be lost in your hearts and in the world, because hope is a Sacred Light of God that fills Creation through His patient and mature Love.
Contemplate the coming time with hope, under the spirit of My Peace, which blesses you today so that God may bless humanity tonight.
For this reason once again I express, to each one of My children, the abundant and infinite Graces that spring at this moment from My Immaculate Heart and My Hands.
May this Grace, which comes from the Light of the Hope of God, renew you at this moment, so that your consciousnesses may confirm themselves to God, to the Plan and the Will that He has written for each one of His children.
Through the Graces that spring from My Heart, I come to heal the wounded and outraged surface of the planet.
Through this special day to your Heavenly Mother, I come to appease those who struggle, I come to appease those who battle and all those who promote the inner, spiritual and physical war; because it is important to My Beloved Son that, through this future of hope that must draw near you and the world, the world and humanity may be reborn in the Love of God.
See how great this Love is, an infinite and inexplicable Love, which allows the Mother of God to be here with Her children today and with all those who attentively listen to My Words.
In this coming 2025, My Beloved Son already has a path drawn and delineated. It is the last stage of His preparatory path, the spiritual foundations that He needs to finish laying, through the souls who confirm themselves, so that He may prepare His Return, which draws nearer to the Earth with each passing day.
For this reason, beloved children, be reborn in the hope of this Love that My Immaculate Heart brings to you today. Drink from this fountain of Grace and purification, of renewal and atonement that I bring you today.
Remember what I told you a few days ago. Your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of Figueira, has opened this fountain at the foot of the Sacred Tree so that, in this coming year and in the coming days, souls may receive a spiritual atonement, one of the last and great atonements of God.
For this reason, I encourage you to move forward, regardless of the experiences you have lived, regardless of the past that has been traveled up to this very present, regardless of any circumstance or reason, regardless of any situation or even any error.
Tonight, My beloveds, in this spirit of vigil, love and celebration, before the Most Blessed Eucharistic Body of My Son, which many of you will adore in vigil and reverence, I invite you to enter the portal of reconciliation and peace.
My Son sends Me to tell you, through the Voice of His Holy Mother, beloved Mother of all of you, that you cannot enter the coming year with inner or external conflicts. You must enter it with hearts free from apprehensions and disturbances.
See here, My children, on the inner planes, this Heart of a Mother that again gives of itself to all so that you may cross this portal of Grace and reconciliation tonight.
For this reason, in the Name of God, Our Creator Father, Lord of hope, of renewal and of life, on this night of solemnity of the Mother of God, reconcile among yourselves, love one another again in trust and faith; because there is no other reason for being here at this moment and in this Work, but to prepare this fertile ground of your hearts for the Return of Christ, because My Son cannot find His companions disoriented, confounded or restless.
In this 2025, He needs to find you steady in the commitment to God; in the absolute trust that each step you take is to live a learning experience, so that you may learn to mature in love, but also in forgiveness.
I want you to reverence this Grace that My Heart brings to you at this moment, because God needs your hearts to be open, and I see here hearts that are not open. However, through My Maternal and Divine Love, through My offering and also My sacrifice for each one of My children, through faith, which is a powerful and inextinguishable power, through the power of forgiveness and of Divine Grace, I can open your hearts, because for Me there is nothing impossible.
May the walkers of the cosmos arise. May they place their swords at the feet of the Governor and Lord. May they renounce their expectations and ideals. May they relieve their hearts in forgiveness and love. May they be reborn through the power of the Holy Spirit, which I bring to you today.
And in the emptiness that you are invited to live to attain inner divestment and surrender, in this night of great planetary suffering, when many still struggle among nations and peoples, may you, who have been so deeply replenished and filled with Graces, abundant and unknown Graces that you still cannot measure, be reborn in the Love of Christ, My Beloved Son, and thus enter this new year under the spirit and the impulse of the Hope of God.
For this reason, tonight, My beloveds, in the name of a divided, darkened and disturbed humanity, in the name of a fragmented universal family, purify your hands in My fountain of Grace, wash your faces through My Light and feel the freshness and renewal of My Maternal Love, the Love of the Mother and Lady of the apostles and disciples of Christ who, in this time, already know how to say ‘yes’ to the Will of God and His Designs.
In an unexpected way, God deters the pencil with which He writes in His Book, to wait for the response of His children, His creatures.
What is it that the Celestial Father will write in the coming time, in 2025?
What will be the coherent and consolidated responses that His children will give Him?
What will be the strengthening that His children will offer to Him, before all Graces received, so that He may write His Will through His children, regardless of the errors or the lessons?
By any chance, will the Celestial Father be able to see His Mirror of Unity reflected in you, so that you may recognize the communion with the Heavens, with the Primordial Source, with the Most High Lord?
Your lives are an open book to God, in which He can read what is most intimate and inner; remember that the essence of the children of God can never die or disappear, even from those who are lost in this world.
However, you, who have everything in Heaven and on Earth and, above all, in your hearts, give honor to the Creator God tonight, for His infinite Paternity, Love and Grace for His children. Because when you believe that you will not be able to do or will not be able to live anything that He asks of you, you will be able to do it through the Love of Christ, because He will give you the strength and conviction to do it.
However, do not forget, My beloveds, to cross the door of reconciliation through My Heart and to live this reconciliation with your brothers and sisters tonight.
The doors of hope are open before the inner worlds that decide to cross them tonight, because hope is what the world needs. Souls need to live hope so that they may no longer live in depression and agony.
Through this atonement that is granted tonight in the name of the merits of Christ, God grants the opportunity of renewal.
Remember that you are here to live together, with hope. This is the aspiration of My Son.
Let us celebrate now the Holy Communion with Our Lord, so that through this Blessed Sacrament granted by Christ, as many souls as possible may live a synthesis, at this moment, in the innermost depth of the heart, to enter the portal of hope, of faith and renewal, that My Heart grants to you tonight.
For a moment, I will withdraw to tend to humanity, but I will return at the moment of the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine.
I invite all those present and those who are listening to participate in this Spiritual Communion, in the name of and in honor of Mary, the Mother of God, and in the hope that is Christ.
Let us celebrate so that the angels may make themselves present at this moment, so that peace may be established and it may be possible to put an end to wars, to inner and external conflicts, and as many hearts as possible may enter the portal of hope, which the Grace of My Heart opens tonight.
I am waiting for you.
Let us celebrate.
Upon concluding the Eucharistic Celebration, Friar Elías shared an important request of the Divine Mother.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Before we withdraw, we would like to announce to all, at the request of our Mother, that as from today, and until January 6, that is, until the end of the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, all those who come to Marian Centers and participate in them and, mainly, receive the Sacrament of Confession, Our Lady, at the request of Christ, has announced that She will give a plenary indulgence. This opportunity of indulgence will conclude at the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, on January 5 and 6, when we will have live Apparitions of Christ.
At the request of our Mother, all those who are here in São Paulo and Minas Gerais are invited to be present to accompany Christ in the impulse He will give for the next year.
And all those who participate through the broadcast are also invited to come to the Marian Centers and the Marian Sanctuaries in the world, to receive this plenary indulgence, which is a special moment of atonement and spiritual forgiveness that the Father will grant during these days.
Let us benefit from this moment and spiritual opportunity that the Hierarchy gives us.
Good night!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Through your heart, contemplate My Sacred Relics. Submerge into the Divine Mystery of God that I reveal to you today, avail yourself of this moment as if it were the last one.
Behold the Chalice of Redemption, which holds in itself the original codes of the human race.
This is the Sacred Instrument that is offered, in the Hands of the Lord, to reintegrate to humanity the only true genetic code, that code that should be fulfilled and manifested through the race.
This is why I had to surrender My Blood and My Body in the most unimaginable conditions, so that this civilization of the surface of the Earth might recover its original code, that code which God created in the Source through the Creator Fathers, by means of divine and cosmic science., a code which, throughout the times, has degenerated due to different experiences and errors.
Just as it was on Maundy Thursday, when the Lord, through His Blood and His Body, would recover the original code of this humanity, today, through the Sacred Relic of the Holy Grail, the Lord prepares to recover this code that has degenerated again in recent times.
But this time I will recover it through My last apostles and disciples, through all those who will offer their own consciousnesses to be part of the re-establishment of the genetic code of humanity on the New Earth. I know that you will not understand this mystery today, because it does not encompass the intellectual and human part, but each one of your spirits can be the receptacle that receives this Creative Principle.
Because this genetic code of humanity will be recovered through the last servers, through all those who, in the end of times, are willing to go beyond themselves, transcending their human aspects and fully trusting in the spirit of My Grace, which is the one that grants this important moment to all.
Remember that, as a civilization on the surface of the Earth, and since the beginning of this Project of God, each one of you holds this code in their own genetics, through this humanity. And throughout the times and experiences and, above all, through the school of the degrees of love and redemption, this code, which is kept in the DNA itself, in the innermost depths of your consciousnesses, must be converted into a Christic Code, through the Grace and Love that I give you.
Thus, upon My Return to Earth, this will be My first and great planetary movement. Because a New Humanity cannot emerge without all possible consciousnesses, on the four corners of the Earth, recovering in themselves, this Christic Code, through their DNA.
However, lest you may think that this is impossible or unattainable, I want to remind you that you will be able to attain this Christic Code of Love and Redemption by means of your souls and even more through your higher beings, in which the sublime flame of the Spirit dwells, and provides gifts, Graces and virtues to souls.
Your souls must be the bridge for this to happen, so that, just like many saints and yogis of the East, your lives may also be sanctified in the Lord, just as the lives of each one of the saints and yogis of the East became sanctified in Creation.
So that humanity may awaken to this sacred knowledge of Creation, magnificently provided by the Ark of the Holy Covenant, and especially by the Holy Grail, I have worked eucharistic miracles in several parts of the world, so that you may believe.
I have stigmatized some consciousnesses so that humanity may believe that, just as I Am present at the Sacrament of the Altar at each new eucharistic celebration and adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, in the same way My Redeeming Christic Code can also be physically present in you. Because the one who receives this Redeeming Christic Code gradually transcends their consciousness and matter, detaches themselves from what is mundane and even from what is commonplace, sets themselves apart from the energies that do not allow their evolution.
Therefore, companions, believe that through each new Communion you receive, through each celebration in which you participate, you are before the doors of the Christic Code of the Lord, which transubstantiates you if you allow it, just as the bread and the wine are transubstantiated at the Altar.
This is why I told you that I carried out and permitted many eucharistic miracles in the world, so that no one would have any doubts that I Am present and hidden in the mystery of the Altar and, even more, I can be present and eternally alive in the souls that open their hearts to receive Me in glory.
I would like you to be attentive to the moment of eucharistic celebration, so that you may be conscious of what spiritually and physically happens during the moment of transubstantiation, as well as at the moment of receiving the Holy Eucharist.
Through the eucharistic celebration, not only does the very miracle of Love allow you to approach this Christic Code of Love, Redemption and Light, and to submerge in My Unfathomable Mercy, but your souls also stand before the opportunity of a spiritual amnesty.
Although I know that you can fall again many times, it is My wish that you may spiritually work on this in the times to come. Because you will not have a place or space, but only in the Heart of the Lord, which is expectantly open as a great inexhaustible wellspring, so that souls may receive the Graces of the Heavens.
Therefore, today I grant you and the world the opportunity to be before the Holy Grail again, that sacred Instrument that was a witness of the revelation of Christ’s Love for the souls of the whole world, which continues to be perpetuated at each new Eucharist.
If you opened your consciousnesses even more to this mystery, it would no longer be a mystery, but rather a revelation, and the sacred science of the Holy Spirit would give you more understanding and wisdom for your life situations, even for the impossible causes.
Just as today, at the center of the government of your souls, you receive this Spiritual Sacrament through the Holy Chalice, in the same way your guardian angels are your witnesses today, before the Laws of Creation, and register this unique and unrepeatable moment, which you will be able to carry in your souls forever, until eternal life is fulfilled.
This is the same thing that I offered to My apostles, although they were not ready at that moment.
But I come to seek that which dwells within each inner world. I come seeking this Christic Code that is in you, so that it may be at the service of Creation in the preparatory time for the Return of Christ.
Submerge in this reality, companions, just as your guardian angels prostrate themselves before the Presence of the Holy Grail. Because in this Chalice, which I carry in My Hands today, not only is the testimony of My Precious Blood, the testimony of My Love for each one of you, but I also deeply aspire and yearn that someday your experiences of love and redemption may also be within this Holy Chalice, so that when I return to the world in Glory, I may offer it to God, together with you, as reparation for all the errors and outrages committed in the world, especially to children and innocent ones.
Ask the Angel of Reparation, present at each new Eucharistic Celebration, to spiritually help you to live this mystery, so that it may be a reality in you, once and forever.
After living this Divine Communion with Me, you are now ready to live the Spiritual Communion, by means of the Eucharistic Celebration that you will now carry out.
At this moment, I would like for you to be in quietude, to meditate upon all of the impulse that I have brought to you, up to the moment when you will live the transubstantiation of the elements, of the bread and the wine, into the Body and the Blood of Christ. And especially at the moment when you will receive the Holy Eucharist, remembering the intention of all that I have told you up to now.
I give thanks for your being here. Continue to prepare for the next Sacred Week.
May My Words dwell in you, so that My Words may not just pass through you, but rather that they may concretize the Work of redemption within you.
I bless you, in the name of Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Christ, we will prepare for the Spiritual Communion by giving continuity to the impulse that we have received.
And so that this may be a reality within us, as He asked of us, we will sing “Adonai, Holy Spirit”, while we prepare ourselves. In this way, the Holy Spirit will help us at this moment, prepare us internally, just as it filled our Holy Mother and the apostles in Pentecost.
Let us entrust this moment to the Holy Spirit of God.
When nature becomes stirred, enter into prayer and seek unity with the deepest Spirit of the Earth, the silent Spirit of God that permeates life and supports the planet.
Find peace in its silence, in spite of all the noise of the elements on the surface of the world. Let the wind and the seas roar, the fire crackle and the earth move. Let your heart be always in the heart of the planet, in prayer, serving for the balance and for peace.
Learn to observe and hear nature, learn to see its signs in the elements, and know that when it becomes stirred, it is because its deep Spirit is in need of peace.
Everything in Creation is life. Every soul and every spirit is part of One God. From the heart of humankind to the depths of the Kingdoms of Nature, everything comes from God, and in Him everything finds unity.
For this reason, child, feel yourself to be a part of nature, feel that your prayer calms it, that your love brings it peace and that, when you are within God, all of life can be there, in the eternal Presence of the Creator.
For this reason, pray for life, for balance and peace within all that is life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today, for you and in this hour, I bring My Solar Mirrors of Mercy that, like extremely potent powerhouses of transmutation, transform deep and unknown human conditions.
These Solar Mirrors are those that, in this cycle, are drawing closer to the planet to spiritually aid humanity and assist in the balance of the consciousness of the planet.
These Solar Mirrors of Mercy are united with the different Sources of Creation and, from the Spiritual Universe, they emanate codes and impulses that lead to the awakening of the sleeping consciousness and to the search for the path of the Truth.
These Solar Mirrors also work with the aspects of the human being, helping them in the sublimation of the consciousness so that the path of redemption may be experienced according to the Will of the Father.
To contact and unite with the Solar Mirrors of Mercy, it is enough to pray from the heart at three in the afternoon. This will make it possible for there to exist, on the surface of the Earth, at least one consciousness that recognizes this special spiritual assistance and, in this way, the necessary aid may descend for this crucial time for humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I do not come to seek desires or expectations, miseries or errors in you. I come to seek your heart so that, under any circumstances or in any situation, it may be with Me, regardless of results or consequences.
I know that you are a being on the surface of the Earth wounded and hurt by all humanity. For this reason I understand and accept you as you are, and I hope that My acceptance serves as a consolation and encouragement for you so that you continue to transform, so that the world may also transform and achieve redemption.
In your noble heart lies the truth about what you always were and what you will be, because the truth of your being is spiritual and not human. Thus, continue to perfect yourself daily for Me, so that I may make you a participant in My designs and My treasures.
If you trip again and again on the same stone, be thankful, because you will be receiving the chance to be more humble and of recognizing your miseries for those who do not recognize theirs, nor want to see them.
Be glad, everything will pass, and if you obey Me as up until now, you will be what I so wish for.
I love you.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Heart is like a sun that, radiating the Rays of Mercy, illumines the night of inner worlds, and it is also like a star that guides the spiritual steps of disciples.
You can enter into this Merciful Heart through your consciousnesses so that you may be in love and in peace, in communion with Me, every day until I return at the end of times.
Feel this Heart as your refuge, your confessional, your reason and find there the sense of living on the surface of the Earth so that, in trust, you represent Me as My apostles of the last days.
Enter into My Heart, for it offers itself as an instrument of reparation and of consolation, understanding and feeling each being, beyond errors and the past.
This is the Heart that offers Itself, day after day, for the spiritual salvation of souls; a poor Heart that waits to be loved and recognized by all, until the advent of the New Humanity is fulfilled.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I do not search for transcended nor realized souls. I search for imperfect, true and simple souls, because in them I will be able to realize My Plan, as their lives are transformed into the perfect model of the Creator.
That is why, all the imperfect souls, in redemption, have a place in My Heart, because their effort and dedication to follow My principles allows them to take forward the Will of God.
I come in search of imperfect souls that do not fear to follow and realize My Will within this material plane.
The moment has come to know deeply the spirituality of the Universe in order to be in tune with the cosmic life and thus manifest it on the surface, in the sacred spaces where the Hierarchy will perform the great part of the Plan that corresponds to it, with the immediate collaboration of all.
I thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part X
If all the previous stages are fulfilled, Aurora will be in a condition to express its task on the surface and, especially, its work with the principles of healing will be possible.
Each stage that is carried forward, within this project of the finalizing and manifestation of Aurora, will not only demonstrate to the Universe that the servers and the followers of the Work understand what the Hierarchy is talking about and requesting, but that there will also be different opportunities for Uruguay as a country, and for the region.
In this sense, it will be important that all collaborate in each one of the phases of the new manifestation of Aurora, regardless of whether they are part of a sustaining group or not. In this way, consciousnesses will be able to verify that when there is unity of purpose, it is possible to follow through with any request of the Hierarchy.
If that immediate and precise response exists, without leaving anything behind, the greater will be the awareness of the group purpose that will be built for the New Aurora.
I hope that each worker of the Plan knows the importance of building Aurora, day by day, until the purpose is accomplished, and of not ceasing to collaborate in all senses until everyone can see the Aurora Center manifested in its maximum splendor.
For this, the organization of the group through a monthly schedule that presents details, stage by stage, will help the whole Work become aware of the possible delays, as well as the different goals.
In this monthly chart, which will be attended to by an architect and by a builder, all of the Work will be up to date on what is lacking for finalizing each stage.
It is important that each server of the Work knows that, as the different phases of the manifestation of Aurora are completed, the treasures of the Hierarchy will also be established so that they may be active, helping humanity.
Each step in the manifestation of Aurora, the accompaniment and the sincere effort of the group toward the Hierarchy will grant that awaited opportunity for Uruguay and South America, something spiritual that Aurora has to offer to souls.
In this attitude of readiness, of immediate and prompt response; in this attitude that is truly fraternal toward Aurora, I invite you to be constant, without hesitation.
I thank all those who will make the new stage of Aurora possible!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Your inner world is crystalline and visible before the Gaze of God; in it is kept the story that God created before the origin of your existence.
The inner world is capable of recognizing and capturing the luminous impulses that come from the Creator Source that manifested it.
For this reason, the inner world can reacquire the principles and attributes that it may have lost through influences of the material world and its tendencies.
At this critical time, in which everything is being defined within the inner worlds of beings, it will be necessary to turn inward to connect with the Origin and thus be able to recover the impulses that, for different reasons, may have disappeared from the spiritual consciousness of the being.
The inner world, which is that space where the sacred treasure of each soul is found, serves as a bridge of contact with higher realities, and this allows that, the surface being, through it, can be in contact with higher levels of consciousness.
In this way, the inner world can reintegrate a being who may have lost the path of love and of light and have them live a great change that, being strong and radical, will cause them to transform their life forever.
In this time, the inner world waits for a conscious connection from the creatures so that inner contact may be established, that which will surpass all limits and tests.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
The time has come for you to see, within yourself, the reality of your true being and do not fear to purify it, because freeing yourself from the chains of the past, you may be able to take firm and secure steps towards the concretization of the Plan of God on the surface.
With neutrality, love, and harmony, let your story written in the Universe emerge from within you and show itself so that your consciousness and your life can make a synthesis, and everything, absolutely everything, is forgiven.
Pour your hope and your faith into My Heart, because thus I, as your Mother, will teach you to be different, from the moment in which you confirm within yourself that you no longer accept to carry so many mistakes commited.
Trust in the infinite power of the Mercy of My Son, because it will be His Divine Mercy that will guide you toward the path of redemption and of rehabilitation.
I understand that it is not easy to see the inner reality as it is, but encourage yourself to surpass the barriers of suffering so that the powerful energy of grace may act in everything, and thus, again, you overcome in the Love of Christ.
As of now, decide to change your destiny so that the Hand of God may lead you to His House.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Songs of Figueira – “The Call”
This song invokes the flame of awakening for each person of the Earth because, having this consciousness of awakening, the human being will be able to abandon the atavistic forms that tie them to the past and to continuous errors.
This is why the Voice of the Hierarchy resounds more than a trumpet. Its Voice circles sidereal spaces so that, beyond the unreal alternate time, all humanities may hear the call of the great invitation.
Hearing this call, the soul is molded and formed as an instrument capable of receiving the luminous impulses that will allow it to transcend matter and the planetary psychism.
The call of the Hierarchy appeals to the awakening of consciousness because behind this important awakening lies the impulse that the spirit needs, to begin to become part of the inner commands of the Hierarchy.
This call invites human beings to have compassion towards their own planet and for its humanity.
It is a call for becoming conscious in order to be able to modify the tragic destiny of an Earth warped and colonized by error.
In this context, and even with these events, the song reveals the emergence of the New Christs who, amidst struggle, dissociation and traps, will overcome in the name of Higher Love that can and does transcend everything.
Thus, the Hierarchy, which is one operative Consciousness, awakens the spirits, present on the surface of the Earth, so that in their inner worlds they may hear the call of the Higher Light.
From sidereal space, the emergence of this group of consciousnesses will be seen, that will immediately respond to the Voice of the Hierarchy and that, beyond everything, will fulfill the requests of Divinity, in order to root out ignorance and dissolve the pain that leads souls to perdition.
This song reveals that everything is thought of and planned for, and it is the time of the great awakening.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Death is permeated by a Law, the Law of Disintegration.
That law is applied at the moment in which the bodies enter into the mortal and spiritual ambit and, little by little, they are prepared to live the detachment from all the terrestrial life, to pass, right away, to the beginning of a spiritual judgement, where all the human life experienced is evaluated.
That moment is important, because the consciousness is before a synthesis, and from there, everything is defined.
Death is the passage to new spheres of experiences that are accompanied by the angels.
Therefore, praying beside the dying helps in the detachment of their consciousness and assists the elevation of their being toward schools of mental, soul and spiritual maturity.
If all of that is accompanied by prayer and by the unction of the expired body, by a priest, everything will rise more quickly and certain terrestrial forces will not intervene in attracting the consciousness towards the Earth.
Unction is the vehicle that allows the total release.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I attract the souls of the world to My Heart so that, regardless of their race, religion or nation, they may feel the confidence to enter the spiritual universe of My Heart.
This is the reason why your Heavenly Mother and Virgin of Schoenstatt will descend today in Cologne and consequently, over the whole Germany so that, after the profound spiritual and redeeming task fulfilled yesterday by My Son, My children of Germany may receive a new spiritual impulse to prepare them for a new stage.
Children, the meetings here, in Germany, had not been foreseen, they emerged in an unexpected manner, and this attracted towards this suffering nation the atoning Grace of being able to receive the true Attributes of the Celestial Father, which will reconfigure the essence of the race that is to be found here, as well as its original purpose.
All this is possible simply when souls open their hearts to welcome, immediately, the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. And when this Divine Will is fulfilled and manifested on the surface of the Earth, many more souls see themselves benefitted by a Grace they did not expect, and that they did not deserve to receive.
To respond to the call of love and redemption announced by the Sacred Hearts generates great and victorious opportunities for those who, in this critical time that the race goes through, will have to awaken to the Truth that for such long time they have been seeking within themselves and did not find.
This is the spiritual and divine reason why the Messengers of God descend with the Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens to the Earth, so that each soul, regardless of its belief, race or nation, may have the Grace of knowing within itself what it has come to do in this world, so that it can finally fulfill it.
Germany needs determined groups of prayer so that souls can abandon the hypnotism of these times, a path that leads them to perdition and to submerge themselves in the illusions.
For this reason, the Mother of the Redeemer and Lord of the Universe arrives today in the city of Cologne to give and deliver to you the first impulse that will be able to open new paths of redemption and light for the souls of Germany and Europe.
Today I give you the impulse, by means of My Presence, to assume a new stage, so that this new experience may have repercussions in all of Europe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I descend from Heaven on this day to bring peace to the world, especially to place it into the heart of those who need it most.
After the important mission, which My Beloved Son has accomplished, your Celestial Mother comes to conclude the final stage of the spiritual work that was realized in these last days here, in Austria.
This is the main reason why the Celestial Father granted Me the permission to descend into Austria, along with some of the celestial chorus, in order to seed in the inner worlds of the souls certain attributes that will help them in the next stage of humanity, on the spirit level.
This way the Mother of God, and the ever Virgin Mary, today will not only be working on you, as souls and essences, but also will be working in the context of all of Eastern Europe.
In this sense, the Pilgrimage for Peace, the places and cities which are visited, demonstrate the need of inner and spiritual help which thousands of souls have, beyond them belonging to the European continent or to other regions, as for example Africa and Middle East.
The spiritual operation, carried forward by the hosts of Light of the Mother of God, manage to work and act in levels of the human consciousness, deeper each time, and this reverberates not only in the planetary life, but also in the scope of the surface of the planet, where events increasingly committed are unleashed, which could harm the next stage of current humanity.
When the Divine Messengers visit different nations and cities, in this case of Europe, it is to prevent events, and to divert the race from unexpected dangers.
Thus, each city visited by the Pilgrimage for Peace not only receives the divine impulse of prayer and music, but also very deep aspects of the past are worked by the very Spiritual Hierarchy. And in many of the current cases, these aspects are worked altogether, at the same time and under the same Law: the applied Law of Redemption, Liberation and Mercy.
Each aspect which is directly treated is united, from the consciousness, to an aspect of that nation or of the culture of the people.
As you could witness in this last month and a half of pilgrimage, the Celestial Hierarchy has intervened in places, cities and cultures that were not foreseen inside the purpose of Divinity.
But this happened from the adhesion of souls, which originally represent those nations, and participated in the Campaign for Peace. As souls from other nations that live in European countries participated, and opened a spiritual door so the operation and the divine intervention, which happens through this Pilgrimage, could arrive to these places; which is the case of Cologne, in Germany.
With all of this perspective, we aspire as Divine Messengers of Love, that the participants of this Work, who have demonstrated to be totally adhered, and also those who arrive for the first time, may understand that the Pilgrimage for Peace is more than a physical journey through places indicated by the Hierarchy and that the answer, and mainly the love, the faith and the trust of the prayerful and devoted hearts, strengthen this great operative network of spiritual and divine help, which descends directly from Heaven, to help the humanity of these times.
This immediate adhesion builds unity within the beings, and therefore in humanity.
May this divine operation, which comes from Heaven, move forward with the support of everyone, so that more nations, cities and souls are touched by the Healing Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the last drop of Blood of your beloved Lord be poured out as spiritual Light over this planet so that all that was manifested in this humanity becomes completely redeemed.
May the last drop of Blood of the Chalice of the Lord be the end of a cycle and the beginning of another so that souls may perceive that the times have changed.
May the last drop of Blood of your Lord purify all that is manifested, especially what lives on Earth, so that it may receive an opportunity to love and to forgive the past.
To enter into the Time of the Lord is to enter the real time of the Brotherhood, where all the higher projects are carried forward so that consciousnesses may participate in the great moment of awakening.
The more codes that are poured out ,the greater the possibilities that will emerge for a sleeping humanity, and new virtues will awaken and express what consciousnesses in truth came to do.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
When the soul is purified, it consecrates itself more and more to God, and His divine and infinite Plan is carried out on the surface.
When the soul is purified, it gains more spiritual strength to face the new changes.
When the soul is purified, it disconnects from everything that ties it to the past and to its ancient story.
When the soul is purified, it frees itself from everything that binds it to its conscious and unconscious plane.
When the soul is purified, it finds the path towards the light, and especially towards its divine essence.
When the soul is purified, it is much more able to resist the planetary transition.
When the soul is purified, it can experience more peace.
To go through purification is a school and a state that helps to place the consciousness on a higher level.
Purification, supported by prayer, opens doors to the new, to the sacred.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
So that a Divine Work may be realized and continued on the planet, with your hearts, you must follow the changes that are drawing closer and not fear experiencing them or have them taken up by new consciousnesses.
The Divine Plan is not archaic nor transitory but rather endures throughout the cycles of renewal that it goes through, time after time.
It will be enough to experience inner union with the Plan of God for it to begin to materialize on the surface of the Earth, and fundamental to this is adherence.
It is important that hearts feel that the cycle truly changed and that there are other needs approaching in this end time.
Thus, with your consciousnesses elevated and your eyes fixed on the Purpose, you will be able to follow this cycle that the whole of humanity is going through and that only needs to be experienced from your deep understanding.
This new cycle comes to renew the spaces of the subconscious and beyond, it comes to take it out of human inertia.
To live the Plan of God also means to raise your arms to receive the gifts that will prepare each server for experiencing the changes, from the moment in which they give their 'yes' to the universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
For your consciousnesses to mature, you must recognize the realities of the planet manifested in the different dimensions. You must be knowledgeable of every good and every grace that you receive as an aid from the celestial worlds and from the superior existence, but you must also be conscious of everything that happens on the surface of the Earth and in the inferior plans of consciousness, states that concern God and make that many and endless be the Graces poured over the human consciousness.
The knowledge of these realities is complemented to forge its fortress in the interior of the beings. If you only were knowledgeable of the planetary reality in the inferior sense of life, you could lose the trust in the Plans of God and even the faith in the existence of the One and Only Consciousness of the Creator. And if you were only knowledgeable of the subtle worlds and ignored what happens with your brothers and sisters in the surface of the planet, you would run the risk of keeping yourselves immature and selfish, living only for your own benefit, for your own elevation.
With the knowledge of all the realities, you will be able to take the emanations of the superior life as an encouragement for the souls that find themselves in the abysses of the planet. And even before so much suffering that the humankind itself generates in the world, influenced by chaos and by evil, you will never lose hope, because you will know that there is something much higher and more powerful than evil and that this which is called God, the Creator Father, will always triumph, because His Will is what animates all the existence. With a breath of His Divine Spirit, life creates and recreates itself constantly.
It is for this reason that now we allow you to access the sublime realities and sometimes we show you what must still be transformed in the life of this world, because in this way you will be able to learn and grow in consciousness. In this way your prayers will be true and will be conducted to the right place.
I love you and, therefore I remain here, tirelessly impelling the human heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more