I descend from Heaven on this day to bring peace to the world, especially to place it into the heart of those who need it most.
After the important mission, which My Beloved Son has accomplished, your Celestial Mother comes to conclude the final stage of the spiritual work that was realized in these last days here, in Austria.
This is the main reason why the Celestial Father granted Me the permission to descend into Austria, along with some of the celestial chorus, in order to seed in the inner worlds of the souls certain attributes that will help them in the next stage of humanity, on the spirit level.
This way the Mother of God, and the ever Virgin Mary, today will not only be working on you, as souls and essences, but also will be working in the context of all of Eastern Europe.
In this sense, the Pilgrimage for Peace, the places and cities which are visited, demonstrate the need of inner and spiritual help which thousands of souls have, beyond them belonging to the European continent or to other regions, as for example Africa and Middle East.
The spiritual operation, carried forward by the hosts of Light of the Mother of God, manage to work and act in levels of the human consciousness, deeper each time, and this reverberates not only in the planetary life, but also in the scope of the surface of the planet, where events increasingly committed are unleashed, which could harm the next stage of current humanity.
When the Divine Messengers visit different nations and cities, in this case of Europe, it is to prevent events, and to divert the race from unexpected dangers.
Thus, each city visited by the Pilgrimage for Peace not only receives the divine impulse of prayer and music, but also very deep aspects of the past are worked by the very Spiritual Hierarchy. And in many of the current cases, these aspects are worked altogether, at the same time and under the same Law: the applied Law of Redemption, Liberation and Mercy.
Each aspect which is directly treated is united, from the consciousness, to an aspect of that nation or of the culture of the people.
As you could witness in this last month and a half of pilgrimage, the Celestial Hierarchy has intervened in places, cities and cultures that were not foreseen inside the purpose of Divinity.
But this happened from the adhesion of souls, which originally represent those nations, and participated in the Campaign for Peace. As souls from other nations that live in European countries participated, and opened a spiritual door so the operation and the divine intervention, which happens through this Pilgrimage, could arrive to these places; which is the case of Cologne, in Germany.
With all of this perspective, we aspire as Divine Messengers of Love, that the participants of this Work, who have demonstrated to be totally adhered, and also those who arrive for the first time, may understand that the Pilgrimage for Peace is more than a physical journey through places indicated by the Hierarchy and that the answer, and mainly the love, the faith and the trust of the prayerful and devoted hearts, strengthen this great operative network of spiritual and divine help, which descends directly from Heaven, to help the humanity of these times.
This immediate adhesion builds unity within the beings, and therefore in humanity.
May this divine operation, which comes from Heaven, move forward with the support of everyone, so that more nations, cities and souls are touched by the Healing Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more