Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thus, the time will come in the future when souls will not know what pain or anguish is. The time will come when Mine will know the Kingdom of the Heavens on Earth, for I will bring it in My Return.

In this way, the feet will no longer be tired of seeking the path to find the Purpose because those divested of themselves will find the Purpose, for they will have fulfilled the Will of My Father, which is also My Will, and must also be your Will.

Meanwhile, in this arid planetary scenario, I call you to conviction and faith, to this such great and immovable faith that your own Master and Lord lived during His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, where, facing all errors and horrors of the world, your Master did not step back but rather advanced, even while feeling the weight of the sins and faults committed since Adam and Even up to the end of times in His own Flesh.

And I Am here today, companions, to testify to you that it is possible because in the apparent emptiness or in the arid desert lies God through His solemn silence to impel you into the constant transformation of the consciousness, of habits and even pleasures because nothing will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens that is not of God and His Will; the path seems to become narrower to some, or they still cannot find the way out.

Behold the Heart of the Master, which exposes Itself before you today, that Heart which was pierced on the Cross to consummate the liberation from the sins of the world, to dispel all darkness.

Thus, your human heart can also live and share this with Me, because My rod will not punish or condemn you. My Law, which is the Law of God, comes to show you the way that a great part of humanity is losing by replacing God.

I wish you to be free, just as My apostles were free, even at the most culminating moment of their fears, when they were not able to accompany the Lord on Calvary and to the death on the Cross.

I come to make you fishermen of souls and hearts, just as My apostles, servants of peace and good, who seek to start again every day, whatever it takes, because the victory of your walk or the triumph of your transformation is not on Earth but rather in Heaven, when the time to depart from this world to the sublime spheres comes to you, with the certainty of having lived an experience of love, forgiveness and redemption beyond your own human condition.

Be free of yourselves so that the world may be liberated from oppression and evil, so that those who cry out may receive Grace and Mercy, Pity and Redemption.

How many, indeed how many, wait for this day and night! Because My promise is not only for you but rather for the whole world, for all religions and peoples, for all nations.

When the most culminating moment approaches, know that it will be the hour of My arrival and My Return. Some will recognize Me and others will not. Be vigilant and in adoration to be able to hear the steps of the Lord's Return to humanity.

I have taught you the way, just as I did to My apostles in the past. I do not come to give you or deliver to you something new. I come to teach you the Truth that you can live and practice in the solemnity of the heart, life and spirit, because the Truth will set you free from yourselves and liberate the world from so many errors and maleficences.

On this third day, I have come to pray with you for those who live the death penalty and decapitation. How much anguish My Heart experiences for all this!

For this reason, the life that you can give Me and the offering that you can make to Me is what impels Me to return to the world and be here today, stepping with My Feet on this sacred ground of Aurora, which has always been a witness of the touch of God's Hand upon you, your brothers and sisters of all this Work, and all those who with faith listen to the Sacred Hearts.

It is time to work in the end of these times, it is time for each one to definitively offer their gift and virtue to God, for I come to fulfill what I have promised, I come to seek the talents that must not be wasted or lost.

What talent will you offer Me? What virtue will you give Me? What gift will you truly practice in your lives?

This is what will create the conditions for the Return of your Master and Lord to the world. Before the doors of the Heavens, I expect and wait for the response of each one, but mainly the inner response.

I want My silence to lead you to reflection and understanding so that, in the face of the superficiality of this world, you may learn how to make good decisions for your lives and for the path of the spirit, the first path that must be manifested in this time.

Do you know what your spirit is like, what dimension it encompasses, or even what part of God this spirit comes from? Because just as His Son is a part of the Spirit of the Father, the Father is also a part of the Spirit of His Divine Son.

It is in the spirit that you must learn to work so that this world may really be helped and relieved by the bearers of peace, by those who claim to practice good every day.

The spirit is what is most wonderful that God has granted to us in this Creation. Allow your spirits to present themselves and work in this time. Make room for this, open the door for your souls so that the human temperament may no longer govern or rule you, as it happens to many, because the spirit in each being must only aspire to elevate itself to God and be in communion with Higher Laws so that, through your spirits, you may be mirrors of the Creator Father on Earth, just as the holy angels are mirrors of God in this universe and in other universes.

Abandon the prison of your bodies. Today I give you a key so that the door of this prison may be opened and you may be liberated. However, will and determination, faith and courage are needed so that the moorings may be dissolved, so that the chains of your feet may be broken.

The world will spiritually resurrect with decided souls and hearts and not lukewarm ones, with those who learn how to stand My Fire, My Fire of transforming and redeeming Love, that Fire that the apostles themselves felt in the past, at each moment they shared with Me, just as you have been so many times before My Fire. Have you noticed it? Have you recognized it? Have you adopted it?

There lies the power to transform and elevate everything; although it may seem impossible, do not give up, neither you nor your brothers and sisters, because the goal is very close, closer than you imagine.

But you must amend the errors of the world and all the outrages that humanity commits in these present times so that the power of My Divine Mercy may work more than Justice.

My Hand is now separating the wheat from the chaff, the good herb from the bad herb. This is part of the Law and is part of this time, the end time.

Sow good things, seeds of love and charity, actions of good and peace.

Thus, I come to make a final synthesis on this third day.

What is the teaching you will take from these three days shared with Me?

What did I try to tell you at each moment?

Be awake, in My Words and in each meeting lies the impulse for the next step. Make good use and avail yourselves of it, do not miss the opportunity. With love, embrace My Message and above all, My Heart, which is yours. Thus, I hope that your hearts will be Mine. This is what I patiently hope for.

May the advent of the ambassadors of peace be fulfilled.

The world is in an emergency. The soldiers are being called to the lines of Christ, and I will be with those who want to be with Me. Just as today I Am with you in this beloved place of your Eternal Father.

I thank you for accompanying Me and for being here just as you are, without hiding, because I will make the Kingdom of the Heavens from the poor of heart. I want to make the Kingdom of the Heavens from your hearts, do not forget it.

May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen.


Dear Children:

By your efforts, you will be rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven.

By your persistence and faith, you will be guided to the Purpose of God.

By your renunciations and sacrifices, you will be sanctified.

By your truth and transparency, you will be strengthened.

By your tireless and immediate service, you will be blessed.

By your self-divestment and self-emptying, you will be transformed.

For there is nothing that is unattainable to God. He, through His Will and above all, through His Paternal Love, can renew all things.

Fix your gaze on the gift of Christ's Heart; on that Heart which, being human, was capable of giving His life for His friends and brothers and sisters.

Would you be capable of giving your life for your friends more than for your loved ones?

Dear children, in the example of My Beloved Son is found the inner path that each one is called to walk; but He will never force you because, in His divine dignity, Christ respects the decision of the children of God.

But Christ always keeps that door open so that you may live through the Love of Jesus; just as Christ hopes to live through each one of those who, day and night, in spite of the storms of these times, confirm themselves to the Lord as His last companions of the inner apostolate.

Christ could do much more, through the openness and readiness of souls. If souls were aware that Christ could do much more in those who surrender to Him, the scenario of these times would be different.

For this reason I am here, as Your patient and loving Mother, in order to fulfill in you the aspirations of the Lord.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

While your voices, once again, unite to the infinite flow of the Mercy of My Son, the celestial powers can intercede once again for the urgent causes, mainly when through the recitation of the Divine Mercy the spiritual portals remain open, and help souls and all the situations that they live, by means of an expiatory Grace that grants liberation from the chains and prisons of evil.

But this does not mean, dear children, that everything will end. Because in this time of spiritual battle, the angels of the Lord, especially the angels of Mercy, intervene so that, by the merits attained by the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, as many souls as possible may be considered as rescuable souls before God.

Dear children, understand in this way that, at each moment or instance in which you may gather to pray, you must keep in mind that not only the opportunity spiritually opens for the Kingdom of the Heavens to intercede, but also that your own inner situations may find a path of peace to be resolved.

Dear children, all this is possible by the infinite merits that My Beloved Son achieved through the inexplicable power of His shed Blood and of His Life surrendered for the redemption of all the human race.

Uniting to the flow of Mercy is liberating oneself significantly from all possible spiritual judgment, whether personal or planetary, because the merits of Christ justify the errors committed and liberate the consciousnesses from any human-spiritual condition.

This is the moment for each one of My children to understand and, above all, to live the merits that Christ has granted to humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Mercy

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Children of My Father, I come here so that, through your sincere prayers, I may meditate upon the next steps of My Plan for this entire world.

This is why I have decided to be here so that, together with Me and through your prayers, you may prepare the important task of the Lord in the next Sacred Week.

I want you to know that here will be the last Sacred Week, at this sacred place, which has opened its doors to Me so that the Master could announce His Words.

For this reason, companions, all, absolutely all that you have lived with Me throughout the times is taken into account in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and especially at this important moment, when at the doors of Lent, souls are called to faithfully do penance, to meditate on each one of their acts, to repair each one of the wounds that have been caused.

In this next Lent, souls are called to surrender at the Feet of the Lord, so that your Master and Lord may have the authority to intercede for this world, which needs it so much and so urgently.

This is why, through the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, I would like you to keep very much in mind this Message of Mine. Because in this way, consciously and united to My Sacred Heart, you will be able to help your Master to bring back the fiery bases of Heaven that will re-found the planet, and correct the Human Project after the time of purification.

I would like to feel, in each one of you, the expectation for the coming of the Lord, throughout all these meetings that you will have with Me. Because I have told you once that My task is coming to an end in the Time of the Lord.

Therefore, do not miss any opportunity and moment. Because in the end of times you will have to render an account of all that you have received, each one of the gifts and virtues that I deposited in you. Because although this may seem to you an unknown mystery, your souls do know what these gifts and virtues are.

Because this is what I come to seek in the last apostles so that, with each passing day, you may learn to live My Will, learn to fulfill My Will and learn to concretize it.

In this Lent, which is drawing near, a preamble to the next Sacred Week, I invite you to meditate and in truth ask yourselves a question:

What is the Will of the Lord for my life?

Listen to your hearts, and you will obtain the answer. Pray and ask the Heavens, because everything awaits in the Kingdom of the Heavens to descend upon your lives and consciousnesses.

What would the Will of the Lord be in the time of the preparation for His Return to the world?

For I await this great moment, when the Lord of the Universe will put an end to wickedness in the world, closing the doors to evil and attracting to My Heart, a safe place for each being, all those who are lost and suffering in this humanity.

In this Marathon of Mercy, I would like you to assume, through your sincere prayer, one soul in the world who is in need of help, although you do not know them.

Pray, placing this intention during the days of the Marathon of Mercy, that those who have been oppressed and punished may have the opportunity and Grace to raise their heads and find a safe space of hope in this world.

In truth, I tell you that all the meetings of prayer would not be enough to amend the errors that the world commits today. But it is the sincere offerings of souls that prevent situations from worsening in humanity and in the nations. Have this very much in mind, companions.

Your voices should never tire of praying and supplicating, because the voice that prays and supplicates to God is a mirror of the Kingdom of the Heavens on Earth. This is what I  invite you to become: that you may be mirrors of God’s Love on Earth, free from the capital sins, free from all division or judgment, open of heart and mind to alleviate the suffering of those who truly suffer in these times.

This is the time of spiritual assistance to humanity, because while everything happens in the world, there are still projects and ideas that are contrary to the Father, which are executed in this humanity and mainly in the nations.

However, I do not call you to battle against evil. I call you to be a mirror of Love, because it is Love that dissolves evil and all injustice in the world. For the Love of God will always give you science and wisdom, even in the difficult moments of your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters.

Because while I Am here, contemplating each one of your difficulties, which I neither judge nor condemn, the Lord of Mercy contemplates the great needs of humanity, which are many in this time.

Who will offer to help the Lord wherever and however necessary, to placate chaos in the world?

This is the time for you to be true warriors of the Light. In this way, I will avail Myself of your consciousnesses and souls, and be able to renew all things.

I want you to have these Words of Mine very much in mind, so that, when you pray in these coming days of meetings, you may try to internalize and receive in your hearts, the impulses that I leave for My last apostles.

Behold the Lord of Peace, who comes to a world in chaos and suffering, and seeks, in the good and consistent souls, the response to the Great Call of the end of times.

Therefore, remember once again: what is the Will of the Lord for my life? Ask your inner worlds, there is still a little time left.

Because you must know that, just as it is written, the time of Justice will be fulfilled in the world and, before this time comes, which is not far away, I would like more souls to have the great joy of redemption.  

Live these days with Me for all those who cannot live or experience them.

Live these days with Me for all those who are desperate and suffer, who are submerged and imprisoned in wars, persecution and death.

Live these days with Me for all those who do not have the Grace of being born and for all the children and youths who are prisoners of human trafficking.

Do you now understand the reasons for living these meetings with Me?

Thus, I invite you to come out of yourselves, so that you may give of yourselves, even for those who you do not know and who cry out for a drop of Light in the world, for a rain of hope, for a kingdom of peace that they do not have today.

May My Words make you sensitive. May My Word help you to give of yourselves, because the self-giving of souls is very vast, it is an infinite and unknown dimension, which all those who dare to serve Christ can live.

Service in the world is needed to placate the errors that are committed in humanity, so that the doors of Grace may not close, so that as many souls as possible may attain redemption.

As your Master and Friend, as your Lord, the Lord of Israel, who deeply knows the Project of His Father for all of this humanity, I come to ask you to meditate upon My Words, to submerge yourselves in My ocean of Instruction, so that you may be ready, available, surrendered to Me in the last times, the definitive times.

May the channel of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, which souls will be able to open through their prayers on these days, radiate and permeate the spaces that are in darkness, not only within consciousnesses, but also outside of them.

May the Light of Mercy renew you, bring you peace and the hope of seeking a just and fraternal world. Let us pray for this.

Upon My dear and sacred Hill of Apparitions, I have left the Holy Grail, the spiritual teraphim that again united Heaven and Earth, souls and God, in the institution of the Sacred Eucharist.

Keep this Sacred Instrument very much in mind, precious Relic of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which, from South America, will be radiating to the world until the last day of the next Sacred Week, until the day of the Glory of the Lord, when the Christs of the New Time will be able to drink from this spiritual Chalice to live the same commitment lived by the holy apostles, that of being peace-makers on Earth.

I thank you for being here today and in advance I prepare you for the next Sacred Week.

Live Lent with an open heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Come to My Ocean of Mercy, and in faith walk upon the waters, just as I told Peter. Before His faith weakened, he walked upon the waters without realizing it.

This is what I invite you to do again today. I need the world to walk towards that which is unknown to learn to overcome the fears of everything it cannot control or retain.

I come to teach you the way, because I Am the Way. I have been with you in the Holy Land, and you have been with Me, closer than you can imagine.

How many times did you touch My tunic? How many times did you beg for My blessing in the Holy Land? On how many occasions did you listen to My Voice, preaching and teaching the Gospel? How many of you followed the steps of the Cross of the Lord to the top of Mount Calvary?

Remember all that which you once lived with Me, and have faith, because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in the hearts that believe in Me.

And today I Am here, upon the seas of Uruguay, because I come to fulfill My promise, the Lord is returning and with Him will return all the stars, all the suns and the entire firmament.

Happy will be those who walk with Me until the end, overcoming their own fears, transcending their own obstacles, fully trusting in the Love of My Heart.

Behold the Living Heart of the Master, which beats with Love for souls. It is a Heart thirsty for those who are lost and agonizing. However, My Mercy and the Ocean of My Love are greater than this entire ocean.

I was born for you, I lived for you and for you I died on the Cross; for you I resurrected on the third day and for you I ascended to the Heavens to be able to return to the world at some moment.

In your souls is written the story that unites us, that makes us meet time and again throughout times. I Am by the side of those who walk upon My Path, and My Hand stretches out to bless you in the Love of My Father.

Today, I come with a Message of gratitude for all Uruguayans; for those who work day by day preparing My Return; for those who expect to meet Me face to face, just as Saint Mary Magdalene met Me in the garden of the Sepulcher.

Today I call you by your names, just as I called Mary Magdalene, to tell you that here I Am.

My Presence is unchangeable. My Love is inexhaustible. My Consciousness does not change but rather evolves, just as you can evolve, taking the steps that are needed in these times, in the face of a world wounded and outraged by conflict and war, by cruelty and wickedness.

However, I come to bring you and your brothers and sisters all the hope that exists in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and all the joy of serving God untiringly, doing one’s best until the end.

Through this moment, I come to be with you so that you may feel and recognize Me as your Master, as the One Whose Feet were washed with the tears of the holy women, as the One Who was anointed with the blessed oil of the holy women.

My sustenance was in them, and the sustenance of the holy women was in Me, and in this way the White Fraternity was manifested. Today, you are part of this same Fraternity, because we already know each other and have experienced each other. Therefore, do not deter yourselves in that which is material and concrete, nor in that which is mental.

Let your hearts grow, allow them to grow in love, kindness and mercy. May your lives be My gesture of Love for the world, despite the offenses, despite the grievances, and despite the indifferences that you may experience.

Do all in the name of My Love, so that Love may reign in the world and humanity; so that love may return to the hearts that are losing it due to suffering, emptiness, anguish and despair.

May your lives be My example in the world, the example of the untiring Presence of the Lord, Who does not deter Himself, Who does not rest. Because the Shepherd works for His flocks so that all may attain the spiritual goal that is written in the profound essence of each being.  

I wish this year that begins to be a year of greater agreement, hope and peace. May you recognize one another as brothers and sisters on the same path and of the same Father Who is in the Heavens. Because I Am the Lord of Israel, and I come to remind the whole world of the Call of God.

Stop chaos, stop conflicts, dissolve disagreements.

Love one another, just as I love you.

Live just like I live, and the Truth will free you forever.

Upon these oceans, and even more, within your hearts, the Lord finds rest today. Because I want to be within you, just as I hope you want to be within Me, in communion with infinite life, in union with the entire universe.

In this Marathon, let us pray, companions, for this to be a year of greater hope, peace and justice, so that love may replace revenge, so that peace may replace hatred, so that good may replace evil, so that unity may replace indifference, so that forgiveness may replace error.

Let us pray for peace to be achieved in the world, as well as the end of war, of all wars in their different manifestations and forms, so that souls may attain relief, healing and redemption.

I gather you in the name of Grace.

I thank you for being here with Me, in the simplicity and humility of the spirit. Because there lies God, in the simplicity and humility of the spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children, as a Spiritual Mother, I come today to tell you, in prayer and supplication, that we have reached the end of a year with very hard and sensitive events that many of you have noticed.

We have reached the end of a year with a humanity wounded by war, sick with epidemics, desolated due to a lack of faith, stricken by climate phenomena and global warming.

We have reached the end of a year with a humanity that, to a great extent, has remained in indifference, in coldness, in the lack of co-operation and fraternal feelings.

But on this last day of 2022, I come as the Mother of hope, of faith, as the Mother of the reparation of My Son's Wounded Heart.

Today I come as the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as the Mother of the Sun, as the Mother of the World, to tell you that the time is ending and that the last seal of the Book of the Apocalypse is opening, that the last trumpet of the Seven Angels of the Annunciation will soon begin to sound. And when this happens, which is not far away, this will be the final cycle. This is the hour when My Beloved Son must return to re-establish the Kingdom of the Heavens on the surface of the Earth and, above all, My beloved children, so that He may again meet those He promised to see once more.

How will your gazes be when the Son of God returns, when the Nazarene, the Shepherd of souls, again touches with His Feet upon this wounded and outraged ground, just as the Kingdoms of Nature are wounded and outraged?

Your Heavenly Mother is preparing this great moment, which has been announced many times in recent years and times. And even if everything in this world becomes exposed and revealed, He will not fail to do that which He has to do to lead humanity to the fulfillment of the Purpose, preparing it for the emergence of the New Humanity.

Thus, just as the Archangel Gabriel announced the arrival of the Messiah, today your Heavenly Mother tells you that the Archangel Michael, with all his hosts, will make heaven and earth vibrate, as well as the oceans and continents, so that every being on the surface of the Earth, every living creature in all corners of this world, may know that Christ is returning.

And just as the prophecies of Isaiah were fulfilled, so will the prophecies of John the Apostle, written in the Book of the Apocalypse, be fulfilled.

The day of the Final Judgment will be unprecedented, because everything will be contemplated and observed, not with the justice that this world thinks it knows, but rather through an unknown wisdom that humanity will come to know in due time.

Therefore, although the last day of the year represents the synthesis of the most relevant and painful events on the planet, I cannot fail to tell you, My dear children, that despite the dim light and the darkness of the Earth, despite the impunity and even the injustice, despite everything, Christ will be able to contemplate, through His Eyes, the ardent flame of the last martyrs.

These days will now be the last days of the Earth. These days will precede the reconfiguration and transcendence of humanity, all the way from its genetic code to its more conscious and external part.

In this hour, all that has been hidden and unknown to the mind of the world will be revealed in an indescribable way, and all will become known.

That which is beyond this material time and fully exists in Real Time will become visible. There will not be any consciousness upon the surface of the Earth that may say that this is not true, because what I am telling you will be a physical event, one never seen before.

This will be the only way, according to the Hierarchy, for the whole world, in a matter of hours, to be totally transmuted and liberated. Because at that moment the inner worlds, silent spaces of the planet, of this planet’s soul, will help in this special physical and spiritual movement.

This will be the definitive hour when those who denied and abandoned Christ will be able to repent. But it will not be necessary for them to pronounce their sins or their faults, because when the Real Time unites to the material time everything will become known.

Thus, the Laws will be re-established little by little, and those who did not give importance to the basic Laws of the Commandments will no longer be here, because the world must be healed, because humanity must be redeemed.

And, at that moment, evil, My adversary, will never again be able to act or interfere, because in the victory of the sacrificed Christs of the New Times will lie the treasures of the great spiritual and cosmic conquest: the closing of a cycle for the opening of the cycle of Love and Peace.

I come here as the Mother of the prophets, as the Announcer of the Gospel of Christ, as the Mother of the apostles and of those who truly consecrate themselves, regardless of their defects. Because the one who loves what is mysterious, becomes liberated. The one who reveres that which is sacred, transcends themselves. The one who untiringly serves, elevates themselves.

As above, so below. It is a Law to which all the Laws of the Universe correspond.

The coming time unveils unique and stronger events. I cannot fail to tell you this, My children, because now, more than ever, the heart has to be ready for whatever comes, to be a witness of Our Love and Our Word, but also to be a witness of that which this confused humanity will still experience.

But do not lose faith, because faith builds bridges between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God. It is the safest existing stairway among all Laws and Principles.

Faith places the consciousness on the right path and distances it from duality and confusion, because the one who lives faith is a heart that prays tirelessly and that tries, each day of its life, to be a better consciousness in this humanity.

Do not forget that Love can do everything. Be aware that the Love of God, despite the errors of recent times, is a Love that forgave you because great is His Mercy, and we know that many have not yet understood what this means.

We patiently wait for many more to decide to submerge themselves into the Ocean of the Mercy of Christ so that their most profound defects and imperfections may be dissolved, and that in the ardent aspiration for the transformation of the heart and life, you may learn to be true apostles.

The time has come when those who were last congregated by My Son will write the story of love, redemption and transparency through their lives, rather than through their emotions.

The time has come for the last martyrs of the last days to reflect and concretize contact with God through their lives, through their love, their unity and their obedience.

Today, more than ever, your Heavenly Mother wanted to have all of you congregated in love and in unity of souls, but this is the little sacrifice that Christ asks you to make for Him and with Him so that His Will may be fulfilled, even on this wounded and hurt planet.

This is why, on this last day of 2022, God allowed this sacrifice to be done, which He lovingly accepted through His Heavenly Mother, so that My brave and determined children may assume the carrying of the planetary cross and not fear it, for they will be carrying it together with My Son, the Christ, the King and Savior.

 We do this for those who, on this last day of 2022, do not have the opportunity of listening to Me or seeing Me, do not have the opportunity of feeling welcome, protected and sheltered by the Hierarchy, do not have the opportunity of having a roof over their heads, a bed to rest in, food to share with family, in community.

What sacrifice will you offer to Christ today for this very hard planetary moment?

Will it be a day just like all others?

Will it be a passage to a new year just like it has been throughout the centuries?

Who will value and honor the precious Blood of Christ that was shed?

Who will allow His Love and His Mercy to continue descending in these times, despite all the errors of the world, in order to reverse the chaotic planetary reality?

Children, it is time for you to decide to spiritually become adults. In the coming 2023, a very crucial time for the world and humanity, it is time for you to no longer complain, no longer justify yourselves, no longer be a difficulty but rather a concrete and permanent solution so that Christ may once and for all avail Himself of you as instruments.

Today, through the palms of Her Hands, the Mother of the World pours out the Light of God upon the world and humanity, and Her Immaculate Heart, surrounded with thorns, sheds the blood of Christ, just as the Face of Light of God’s Mother sheds Her tears for those who have deviated from their paths toward Christ, without being aware of what this means and represents to God.

Just as I was capable of praying for the imperative salvation of Judas, in the same way I Am capable today of praying for the imperious salvation of those who have stayed behind and gone backwards. Because God is such a Prodigious and Kind Father that He is capable of silencing Himself so that His Children may learn. He is capable of become silent so that His Children may feel His Heart. The Celestial Father is capable of withdrawing to pray for His creatures, as He always does.

Today I, the Most Holy Virgin, Am the echo of the Voice of God on this day, for this humanity and for this world.

Time is coming to an end, dear children. Do not waste it, do not delay the Spiritual Purpose that has been waiting for you for such a long time. Do not give in, be firm and brave.

Have the courage to say 'no' to My enemy. The Light of God will always protect you, when you do not come out of this Light.

Today, it is my wish that the coming year, despite the events that are approaching, may be a year to reinforce the principles of the Plan of God for this world, and that this Plan may be fulfilled in those who have come to live it.

I will pray for this to be fulfilled. I will unite My voice with the voice of those who pray for the same cause.

And do not forget that My Heart will always be your refuge in the times of tribulation, because you will find strength in My Love, because in My embrace, you will find peace, because through My Hands extended out toward you, you will be able to hold them firmly, and I will help you.

Do not fear sacrifice and renunciation. Some have been called to live them for everyone else.

Who will respond to this petition of Christ?

I leave this question to you but I also leave you My Peace and My blessing, giving thanks for the honesty and sincere effort of those who try, everyday, time and again.

May this coming year be a year of greater light, of greater justice, of greater love. May it be a year of greater peace, of greater wisdom, of more discernment.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

With bells of joy, I was received in Europe, as the time has come to again congregate My disciples. Those who were with Me in the past, who were part of My trajectory on Earth, who lived My Word, who practiced My Commandments, who surrendered their lives at the service of others.

I come here today, to Europe and to the whole world, so that each consciousness may look inwards and through their interior, and not through their minds, they may feel and understand how in truth the world is a planet in chaos, confusion and suffering.

But I do not come to again repeat to you all these things, because I know that you are already aware of them.

What you must know, companions, is that it is time to seek a solution.

It will not be an external solution, but rather an inner solution, a deep and true conviction, that you must be definitively united to God.

Thus, you will allow My sidereal Priesthood to be fulfilled on this planet through all those who serve Me in this lineage, in this office, in this sacred task.

I need you to look within, not to see the imperfection of things, but rather to recognize the Grace of God, the Grace that guides you and that has sustained you up to these current times.

In this way, all adversity that is around you will become small; because a true disciple is forged through the challenges, the goals, the fulfillment of the Sacred Purpose.

I need Europe to awaken from the sleep of its comfort and live the immediate action of these times, the service that will encompass and meet the needs of nations, especially the poorest nations, as those of Africa.

In this way, with your willingness and surrender, with your true self-giving, you will impel other souls to also do the same exercise, so that this debt that Europe has, especially with South America, can be paid once and for all; and so that there no longer be sequels, wounds or marks that remind your brothers and sisters of all you did in other times.

By means of the Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys, I come to grant you the opportunity of forgiveness so that you may achieve the opportunity of redemption.

For this reason, prepare yourselves with bravery and determination. The emergency will only tend to increase, the demand will only tend to grow. It is time to forge the true disciple, the self-given soul that will sacrifice itself for Me. Thus, I will have no obstacles to intercede for you and for your nations.

From the heart of Europe, the change of consciousness must emerge; from a selfless, unconditional, available, mature, wise and surrendered consciousness, from a consciousness that can mold charity, the good, peace, fraternity and cooperation, and not the subjection of the poorest countries.

All are responsible for what happens today throughout the world, each one in their degree, each one in their school. But the destiny is one, the path is one, the truth is one, and it is the one that I bring you today to open your eyes, the eyes of consciousness, so that your heart may feel all that I am telling you today. Thus, I will be able to deposit My Plans within you, in trust and fidelity, in readiness and response, something that must emerge from yourselves so that the Hierarchy can intervene and help.

Through My Hands, I illuminate the Plans of My Father, and I present them to all of Europe and the whole world.

We have chosen to return here, although there are greater needs in other parts of the world, because if the change does not take place from the root of consciousness within this place, there will be no change in the rest of humanity. With this, you will be able to understand where everything began, where the deviation began.

Through Love, I come to deposit My Light and My Wisdom so that the New Christs may awaken and prepare themselves to serve.

Unity among the praying groups and the pilgrims of Europe will always be very important. Now that the consequences and chaos have separated you from one another, you must be more united than ever; but united from the heart, in truth, with a deep feeling of brotherhood and fraternity towards your fellow being. Thus, you will maintain the doors open to My Mercy and Europe will not be hit so hard due to all that it has not done well.

You know, companions, that the door of Divine Justice is opening. I want, through your sacrifices, surrenders and renunciations, to sustain this door so that it does not open, and, thus, the flow of the Mercy of My Heart can be poured out upon Europe and the whole world, as it once was in Poland, when I revealed to the world My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

I want your souls to be victims of My Love. I want your souls to justify the errors that the world commits, day by day, because the scales of this planet are ill-adjusted, uneven and unbalanced.

You must be precious pieces within My Hands, you must be instruments through which I can impel peace and the fulfillment of the Plan. Thus, companions, many, many will cease to suffer and to have to endure.

May your European nations be shelter and sustenance for the refugees, because I am the one who is knocking at the door of your nations, your governments and your homes, so that you can receive Me.

I have walked many times on the grounds of this continent, Europe. I was rejected many times within a child, within the mother who suffers, within the sick elderly person, within those who are not accepted, because they are foreigners.

Now that you have greater awareness, through the impulse of My Love, I invite you to renew yourselves with bravery and not with guilt. I invite you to feel the joy of being able to do the right things and cease to do incorrect things; that which no longer belongs to the Law or to the Plan, that which no longer belongs to brotherhood or fraternity.

May your hearts become sensitive, may your minds calm, may your spirits open up to be depositories of My Projects for this very important cycle in Europe.

Thus, many inner centers will benefit the consciousness of this continent and of the whole world, because with the consistency of My disciples, the intervention will be deeper and more immediate.

I come to bring you a Message of awareness and not a Message of punishment. I come to speak to you while there is still time, before time runs out. The Brotherhood of this region of the planet awaits your ‘yes.’

This is why it is important that you change your ways and even procedures. To follow and accompany the Hierarchy is not just to be united to It. To follow and accompany the Hierarchy is to live the Hierarchy, it is to respond to it, it is to work.

I have brought here to Europe a part of the group of the Grace Mercy Order that was in South America so that you may feel supported, so that you may know that Our Sacred Hearts, with predilection, will be in the Kingdom of Fatima, and while being in the Kingdom of Fatima, they will be with all of Europe, accompanying all the needs, situations, intentions and supplications, even in the Far East.

For this reason, you have to prepare for the last cycle of the end of times, this is the moment and this is the time.

I open to you the door of My Heart so that you can enter the Temple of My Spirit and commune with the Source of My Wisdom and Love.

I come to make you brave. I come to impel you to live the fire of determination so that that which must be built can be built, once and for all.

I come to bring My blessing to Europe because My Heart loves this continent, which has such precious roots and traditions, which have been gradually lost due to modernity.

The European is a hard-working people and they have shared and transmitted this to their descendants, to many of their descendants who are in South America and in other parts of the world. May this hard-working spirit continue impelling the concretion of the Plan.

Therefore, I come to leave this Message to you for this new Marathon, so that you may know that I am here, under the unconditional Spirit of My Father, who is your Father, Our Father, who is in the Heavens.

I come to this inner Sanctuary to celebrate this renewing Communion, this Communion in which you will be able to confirm the vows for My Plan of Love and Redemption to be fulfilled.

Celebrate this moment for those who cannot celebrate it. Praise this moment for those who cannot praise it, because they are under subjection and slavery, exile and war, annihilation and chaos.

Recognize that you are not alone and that, just as My Hand extends to you, My Heart expands to the world, so that all can be under the Rays of My Peace.

Offer this Marathon of Divine Mercy for all the Plans of your Master and Lord for Europe, Africa and the Middle-East.

No matter what, the Work must now expand, not only the Work of My Mercy, but also the Work of the humanitarian missions, because My Love must keep relieving the suffering of the innocent.

I give you My Peace and I ask you to go in My Peace, trusting that a new time will come. This is the coming time of the Kingdom of the Heavens, the New Humanity, of the one thousand years of peace.

I bless you, under My spiritual Priesthood, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

My feet are pointing towards the path of the final time to come.

As a Mother, I try to lead you towards Christ, so that your aspiration to stay upon the path of redemption may remain permanent.

Along the sides of the path that I point you towards, you will find the current reality of the world, the great and deep needs that need to be met through the light of the word of prayer.

In this way, dear children, you will be attracting from Heaven what humanity needs, and not what it desires.

This is the time to go through world desolation, the cycle in which nothing seems to make sense or have a way out.

Just like My Son, this is the time for you to help carry the heavy cross of the indifference and injustice of humanity.

All of this can only be solved with the prayer of the heart, a prayer that, at this acute moment, will bring you the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

For this reason, My children, do not lose the strength of praying. Thus, your faith will not be weak and your trust in the Father will lead you to understand these definitive times.

May prayer make you bearers of the Gifts of Heaven.

May your virtues help you to transcend and purify your lives so that your souls may be at the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens, waiting for the great moment of the Return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear child,

Be anointed by the luminous sign of the Cross so that your soul may be in peace, knowing that this is the most difficult time for humanity and the planet.

Be anointed by the divine Light of the Sacraments. May everything within your consciousness be renewed so that your soul may be in service to the Plan of Love of Christ. 

Be anointed by the merciful Love of God so that your steps of effort and surrender may continue to be taken in the direction of the reencounter with your original purity, with that which you truly are rather than what you seem to be.

Be anointed by the Grace that comes from My Heart so that in this cycle you may continue to risk walking through the impulse of the faith and the trust that may be latent within you, without you having to doubt it.

Be anointed by the Compassion of Christ so that in this moment of unpredictable situations, your heart and your life may be under the protection of God, so that your consciousness may be within the great consciousness of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Be anointed by My Peace and all shall pass. Let the Love of God resonate within your soul, because His Love will free you from all evil.

Be anointed by the Sacred Word of My Son, for there you will find the support at this time.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children, 

On this special day of Mercy and Redemption, may the Rays that spring forth from the Heart of Christ pour out upon the souls that cry out and ask for Mercy.

On the eve of the end of the Work of the Sacred Hearts, may your lives be able to recognize the transformative power of each Grace that has been received, and in this painful hour of humanity, may non-believers have the impulse of awakening and of conversion.

My Heart, which is the safe doorway to God, wishes that many more hearts may cross through it in time, and thus be within the Kingdom of Heaven.

Through the merciful prayer of this day, may souls carry out a spiritual synthesis of everything that has been lived, together with My Son, throughout these recent years.

Dear children, on the eve of the end of Our messages and Words, remain in the Heart of My Son, so that you will someday be prepared to receive Him, because He will arrive in His Heavenly Glory.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Thirty-first Poem

Humble Servant of God,
Immaculate Mother of suffering’s relief,
place us in Your arms, at this moment,
so that we may feel
lovingly protected by You.

Relieve our hearts of any desolation.

You are the powerful Mother
who sustains us and loves us eternally.

In the Sacrament of Reconciliation,
may we find the path of return to God's Heart.

Most Holy Mother,
guide us with the Light of Your Crown.

With Your feet, step
upon all that causes pain and despair;
relieve suffering.

May our faith be renewed at each moment.

May our souls be on the path
towards the Celestial Kingdom so that,
while we serve our fellow beings
here on Earth,
we may learn to love
the Will of God as You do.

Free us from the chains and illusions
that imprison us.

Make us aware of our service
of love and selflessness for humanity.

Correct our paths so that
we may only be on the sacred path of Your Son
where we will live the Spiritual Communion with Him
as a part of His Celestial Kingdom.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Twenty-fourth Poem

Beloved Lady of Lourdes,
let us internally come to know
the unfathomable Mysteries of Light.

May we be able to renew
the Sacrament of Baptism within us
so that we may always be blessed,
just as Your beloved Son Jesus was blessed.

May we be able to convert our lives,
just as Christ converted the water into wine
during the Wedding at Cana.

At this time, may we be able to receive
the Good News with gratitude,
just as Christ announced and proclaimed
the Kingdom of the Heavens within the human heart.

May we be transfigured
and may our true beings be revealed
so that we may come out of illusion and appearances,
just as Jesus was transfigured
and showed the Power of His whole Being.

May we be deserving of the Grace
to always spiritually commune
with the merits of Christ,
just as Our Lord communed
with His companions, at that time,
and testified to the immensity
of God’s Work of Mercy.

In this way, most sweet and loving Mother,
with Your help, we will be able to live the Mysteries of Light
and finally be apostles of Christ,
praying servants of Your Immaculate Heart.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Twelfth Poem

Guardian and Protector of faith,
free us from the darkness of these times,
distance us from the path of perdition.

May the Sacred Flame of Your Immaculate Heart
be the guide of our lives.

Celestial Mother,
may our steps be accompanied
until we are able to meet Christ.

May the power of Your luminous and loving Heart
lead us to the House of the Celestial Father,
because we recognize ourselves as children of God,
expressions of His Redeeming Project,
fundamental parts of His Work of Mercy.

May we never tire of seeking
union with the Kingdom of the Heavens.

May gratitude and reverence
help us perceive the divine reality
that lies before our eyes, day by day.

With Your divine help, Mother of God,
may we comply with that which the
Holy Will of God establishes.

Thus, we will learn,
just like You, dear Mother,
to remain in the emptiness of ourselves,
without expecting anything in return.

Awaken Your unconditional Love within us
so that we may also be unconditional,
and, thus, our lives will belong to God.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


On each new day, rise with a heart full of gratitude.

May your first thought be permeated with gratitude for the gift of life, gratitude for every lesson this day will bring, gratitude for all the Graces received, gratitude for still being able to get up and serve, love and transform yourself according to the Will of God.

Gratitude, child, will allow you to grow humanly and spiritually because the one who is grateful does not become involved with human weaknesses, but rather they are integrated with the Divine Grace and Mercy that they receive from God, every day.

The grateful heart becomes aware that everything it can do in this world is little to repay and multiply the Love that it receives from God.

Gratitude elevates consciousnesses beyond the dimensions of chaos and places them in a state of grace so that they may know how to deal with every situation in life with wisdom and discernment, imprinting the Will of God, and not their own, in all things.

Therefore, elevate yourself through gratitude and, at every moment of the day, remember to be grateful to God for everything. In this way, you will be in the world, yet belonging to the Heavens, and the Kingdom of God will be able to express itself through you.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And although I was placed in the sepulcher, My service for humanity had not ended.

Today I continue with everyone about what really happened in those times during the sorrowful Passion of your Master and Lord.

To be able to understand it spiritually, this afternoon you will enter with Me into the Universe of God, another space of the nonmaterial and cosmic creative manifestation, where the memory was also kept of all the events that took place during the sorrowful Passion of your Lord. Let us prepare for this moment.

Place your souls at the service of the Plan so that it may be they that participate in this moment, and hold in your memory all that you will go through and experience, following the universal records of your Master and Lord.

To enter this Universe of God, it will be enough to open the door of that space with your word and your song; this will be the key that will allow the revelation of all that will happen afterward.

Now, while I show you the Universe of God behind Me and the angels that are accompanying this moment, for they are the ones in charge of revealing the universal records of your Master and Lord, you must intone the musical key that will allow you to enter this span of consciousness.

We will intone "Adonai, Holy Spirit" until the Lord give us a sign, and may Adonai resonate within us and in our consciousness so that our souls may enter into this space. We can begin.

Song: "Adonai, Holy Spirit."

Once again.

Let us return to the previous instrumental.

We are in a space that is not material, yet rather spiritual. We are in a part of the Consciousness of God that expresses itself as a great sky blue Sphere of Light, where angels write of this moment in our essences. The center of this place is a powerful Sphere of golden light that in its manifestations alternate different colors and forms, manifesting the most perfect beauty of Creation.

Our souls are in the Universe of the spirit, a place they have always aspired to reach and participate in.

Our souls participate in this place with their most subtle and elevated consciousness and are invaded by many impulses that come from the center of this Source, where within little Crystals of Light, within a golden Sphere, is held the experience of our Redeemer on Earth, the most important and emblematic portions of His spiritual and cosmic task.

And in the mental Universe, the ultra-terrestrial Universe, another part of the plane of Consciousness of Creation, another faithful copy is held of that space and place, which are other aspects of the task that Christ carried out on Earth in that time.

Feel how, at this moment, the center of our soul connects and unites with that great golden Sphere that governs the center of this space of Creation.

And outside of this blue Sphere, that envelopes us and protects us, let us see the different angelic Hierarchies accompanying Our Lord at this moment.

But let us see Christ absolutely transfigured. A deeper and more complete transfiguration than what He lived on Mount Tabor. He shows us, at this moment, His true Aspect, the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ, called the Glorified Christ.

We will contemplate this along side that golden Sphere of Light and, meanwhile, inside of that golden Sphere, let us not lose our focus and our attunement with those small Crystals of Light, of how they spin in likeness to our DNA, like the movement of our molecules and atoms. We are in front of the scientific aspect of God.

Let us contemplate Christ. How part of His Being is illuminated and glorified, and has achieved a transubstantiated and sublimated matter by the power of the Love He incarnated, because of that Love He expressed to each one of us, from His birth to His Ascension.

There, through Christ, all the stages of His life on Earth are gathered, not only the stages of His material life, but also the spiritual ones. We are in front of the revelation of the Living and Glorified Christ. All of His being is the living Eucharist itself, is the great Reliquary of God that is illuminating before our souls and consciousnesses, bringing our beings into spiritual and cosmic communion with the Laws of the nonmaterial Universe.

At this moment, we must believe in what we are experiencing and feeling, beyond distance and separation. The Glorified Consciousness of Christ unites us and gathers us together in this moment to live this experience.

Let us see Our Lord levitating in the Universe, within this great sky blue Sphere of Light and, with us within there, consciously participating with all of our being and consciousness, opening our soul so that all our being may receive, through Christ, the mysteries of the nonmaterial Laws that are to be found there at this moment and which are the Laws that gave impulse to material Laws, called universal Laws. We are under another vibration and spiritual condition, let us keep our connection and our heart open to this.

Let us allow our soul to be overrun by each one of these luminous impulses, which the transubstantiated Consciousness of Christ offers us at this moment.

And so, in an act of profound gratitude and reverence, within this space of the Consciousness of God, where His scientific aspect is present, let us feel the absolute void, in a complete divestment and in a necessary surrender so that it may be He, Christ, Who will act through our souls, rather than us.

Within that golden Sphere of Light that He presents to us and which He lights up through the palm of His right Hand, He offers that we live the Will of God.

He has us face the vision and the conscious moment of being able to recognize Divine Will, which comes from the Source as a powerful emanation of Love and Unity.

Outside of this great sky blue Sphere of Light we see Saint Michael the Archangel approach, also with a transfigured aspect, like a great warrior of light that takes care of the different Projects of Creation. In His right hand we see a lance and in His left hand we see a scale that maintains its balance, its equality and justness.

Let us contemplate all these symbols but, above all, let us merge together this reality that Our Lord offers to us today with all His humility and Love.

In the center of each of our souls He places those Crystals of Light that hold His Christic energy. Our souls yield at His Feet, not feeling worthy of this merit, but recognizing the supreme Grace that has brought them here.

And now, that great sky blue Sphere of Light dissolves into space. Hundreds of souls, from different parts of the world, are present there, yielding at the Feet of the Redeemer, within that Consciousness of God, in which the non-material Laws are active and work through the Law of Silence.

Let us contemplate the beauty that God shows us in this place and in this space, which is part of His Universal Consciousness.

Through our head, from the center of our crown chakra, a subtle thread of light rises, which connects us with that Universe where our soul is present.

The transfigured Christ does not speak through words, but rather through the actions that He performs today with all of us and with all of humanity.

But He requests something of us:

Be aware of what you are receiving and value what is being given to you, because this will be the only time until I return to the world, when many will recognize My Presence, although many others will deny it.

Through this, I am preparing you for that time. For this reason, I have brought you here in consciousness and in spirit, in soul and in essence, because it is here where God resides within each one of His children.

The one who empties themselves is redeemed. The one who yields is redeemed. The one who surrenders to Me is redeemed. The one who gives Me their life, is redeemed.

Meanwhile, the Universe, through the melodies, reveals different impulses of Creation, similar to the great nebula, stars or galaxies, that are etched in this firmament of the Consciousness of God, in the presence of the angels and of the Saint Michae the Archangel. Christ still keeps His right Hand close to the golden Sphere of Light.

At times, we are dazzled and overrun by explosions of golden Light that make our souls invisible. We are bathed by His Love-Wisdom, that Love and that Wisdom that incarnated in the world through Jesus, to bring redemption to the planet for a single purpose, the purpose of Love.

While Jesus was in the sepulcher, various aspects of His Being and of His Consciousness carried out this task that He performs today with us, helping different groups of souls and redeeming the hells, giving an opportunity and Grace to all the fallen stars.

Today, through the divine power of His Mercy, He gives us these impulses from the spiritual Source that holds the records of all His experience on Earth and of all the levels of His Being, which are revealed to our consciousnesses so that we may know and recognize that God is in all things.

With great gentleness and harmony, let us bring our consciousnesses to this material space, to the place where we are now, and let us feel how this experience is kept in the center of our being, in the deepest core of our inner being.

We still see the Glorified Christ, the transubstantiated Christ here, with all His Being like one same and only Eucharist that is offered to the world for its redemption and forgiveness.

We still see, behind Christ, that Universe and space of God beating.

The universal Plan is centered on the redemption of humanity. For this reason, God Himself offered Himself to the world through His Son, so that the humanity of that time and today's humanity could understand that they are here for a divine Purpose and not only for a material life. Your cells, atoms and the center of your beings must understand this, must affirm this so that your souls may govern and move forward with the Aspirations of God and the Will He has determined for each one of His children.

On this seventh day of the meeting, I see the majority of souls empty of self. You must recognize this all the time. You must safeguard it from yourselves. You must preserve it from the world, the chaos and the unfaithfulness. You must commit to yourselves for the Plan of God, because God is waiting to act through His children, as He has acted throughout the times and the different races.

But so that this decision that God has can manifest, after all that humanity has received throughout time, it is for the race of today to take the great and last step so that this Will may be realized and concretized. While that still does not take place, humanity will continue to suffer.

The Kingdom of the Heavens was on this planet. The Kingdom of the Heavens is reflected through the nature of this planet. The more aggression it endures, the greater the pain felt by the human being. There will be no place nor consciousness that will be able to address that pain nor calm that suffering.

You are beings that come from the Source. This is why I have taken you toward that favorite place of God. He has placed all of you in His Heart, have you perceived this? It is the Love that emerges and emanates from the Source, the renewing and untiring Love that will make of each being a new being; this is why your yielding is important.

Do not be afraid of the changes. Open to the changes that will come in the end of these times. Celestial joy is the promise that God has for each of His children, and today He fulfills His promise, taking all souls that listen to the chamber of His Sacred Heart, beyond all errors, debts or traumas that each human being may be experiencing and going through.

God is the unconditional eternal. Your Master is the unconditional eternal. The Holy Spirit that is among you today is the unconditional eternal.

When humanity learns to live within love rather than in indifference, to practice equality, tolerance, respect and faith, everything will be transformed. For this to happen, I will return to the world at the most difficult and culminating moment of the race. The days for this occurrence are drawing closer. 

Today I have asked the Father to give Me the Grace of taking each one of you into His Heart.

Now, Christ, placing His Hands in the sign of imposition, transfigures His vestments and all His Consciousness into a subtle rose color. He shows us His spiritual aspect of Love. That which upon being subject to and assaulted by humankind during His sorrowful Passion, His Love never surrendered. 

We are facing the invincible Love of Christ, the Love that He, at this moment, radiates to the whole world, bringing our planet, all of humanity and the Kingdoms of nature close to His Chest.

Today His spiritual and invincible Love gathers up the groups of souls of different animal species, such as the whales, which are being wiped out; such as the cattle, which are being killed; such as the species that are losing their habitat; and from the plant Kingdom, that is exploited, burned and destroyed on the surface of the Earth.

And even further, the invincible Love of Christ penetrates to the depths of our planet and gathers up the group soul of the mineral Kingdom, the minerals of which suffer and are destroyed and extracted with violence and vengeance. 

His Love, especially today, also reaches those who live in slavery, in Africa and in the world.

We are in the moment and in the Grace, in light of the invincible Love of Christ, of asking for forgiveness for the errors made by this humanity against the Kingdoms of Nature; of asking for forgiveness for ourselves and for our brothers and sisters who are blind and only want the advantages and benefits of Nature.

In light of the invincible Love of Christ, let us ask for forgiveness for destroying Creation and for not valuing it.

We bow down to Christ to ask for forgiveness and so that His Love may triumph in the world by the merits of His sorrowful Passion, for the descent of His unfathomable Mercy.

We may stand, breathe deeply and give thanks.

Today, at the request of Christ, we are going to offer this communion for the Kingdoms of Nature, but also for those who thirst in the world and have no water to drink and to hydrate their bodies. Let us ask for the Grace that the Kingdom of the waters, from the deepest core of the Earth and through Mother Nature, may grant the Grace of causing streams to flow from those places where there is great thirst. Amen.

Lord, God of the Universe and of Life, inexhaustible Fount of Love and Truth, infinite manifestation of providence, of abundance and of universal wisdom, we offer you this Sacrament in the name of Your most beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we ask for the Grace and the opportunity that all that we receive here, beyond what we deserve, may reach the souls that aspire and wait for this spiritual abundance that You allow to descend to Earth through Your glorious Son. Amen.

The novena of prayer of this Holy Week, the Spiritual Trilogy that I taught you many years ago, has been of vital importance to Me, because it has allowed this whole task to move forward without interruptions or obstacles.

Thank you for those who strive in their hearts! May Peace be in each one of those who pray, that support this Plan of Love.

Thus, on this Hallelujah Saturday, so that tomorrow your souls may rise in spirit, in joy and in gladness for having the Grace of hearing the Word of God, I offer you this Eucharistic Communion, fulfilling My promise of being with you every day, until the end of times.

Father, Infinite Love, Consoler and Healer, I offer You this bread so that You, by the power of Your Glory, may change it into the Body of Christ so that today, consummating this spiritual and divine task, I will offer it to each one of Your children and say to them again: "Take and eat it, for this is My Body that is given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

In the same way, I offer You the Chalice of Redemption, Beloved Father, so that You may transubstantiate It into the Blood of Christ. For this reason, I again offer it to those of Yours, saying to them: "Take and all drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, that is still poured out by your Lord up to these times for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

And now, taking each other by the hand, and those alone in their homes, place your hands in the sign of reception toward Heaven so that, together with Our Lord, we may repeat this powerful prayer that He taught us:

Our Father (in Spanish).

Our Father (in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend upon Earth and elevate all fallen stars to Heaven.

So be it.

You can place your hands on your heart, for where there is unity, no illness can prevail.

May the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens be in you and in the whole world.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for having shared this afternoon with Me. Hold in memory that which you experienced today.


I can return to the world as many times as possible, because on this planet are present the smallest and most innocent children of humanity.

If these little children were not present, I could not return because, through them, God reflects His image of purity, innocence and love for humanity.

But I also return to the world for the smallest and most innocent that are exploited and trafficked so that, through My intervention, their purity and innocence may not be assaulted by adults.

Within the smallest lies the potential for renewing and manifesting the new humanity, which will not be mental or outdated, for in the smallest exists the teaching and the example for all the adults who lost their sense of innocence and their inner child.

The smallest and most innocent are present in this culminating cycle of humanity to offer their lives for love, so that the peace and innocence of the whole world may have a place in the heart of the men and women of the Earth.

Children will always have a place in the Kingdom of Heaven; they will always have a place in the Heart of the Redeemer.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Until now, nobody has knelt in this place and for this land to implore the Mercy of My Heart.

For this reason, and for many others, your Master and Lord continues working in Italian land to unmask everything that will not be in the next humanity.

The transparent hearts will be those who will reach the Kingdom of the Heavens. Through them, I will make all things new, and give My Graces to all those who knew how to recognize and value them.

There is still time for Italy to experience the Mercy of God, but first there must exist sincere and true repentance, so that the Law of My Love can set apart the Law of Justice from the path of the lost.

Naples is a land full of bad stories. This is why only the Light of My Mercy will  be able to cleanse and purify that which souls allow Me.

I open the door of My Heart so that everything may be liberated.

I call all of you to the total repentance of all your actions.

I call Italy to reconsider and repair what was violated and outraged. Thus, the nation will deserve something grand that will save it and that will come from Heaven.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


I come in search of all those who want to learn how to empty themselves through Me, so that one day they may learn to recognize My Divine Will, even in the small details of life.

For this reason, I need instruments, I need souls who are not afraid to lose control of themselves and their own will because those who empty themselves through Me allow me to impart and pour out My designs, knowing that, in these critical times, I will not be able to act and intercede in souls and consciousnesses that are full of themselves and do not allow My Fire to transform them.

I do not come to the world to ask for the impossible. I come to ask you, sincerely, for that which is sealed within you and is called: spirit.

In your spirits I will be able to act, grant and carry out My redeeming Work.

I await and wait for you so that you may be encouraged to empty yourselves through Me because in these times, whoever does not truly empty themselves will not be able to be with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who Blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Pray for Brazil, its people, its Kingdoms, for the life that inhabits it and must become sacred.

Pray so that there may be love in the hearts, unity among beings and mutual respect among brothers and sisters that are placed in the same nation by God to fulfill the Divine Purpose.

Pray so that love may not be lost within the beings and they may be able to turn the tests that will come into opportunities of overcoming in love and peace.

Pray for the cultures and the races so that they may find unity in their essences, in the certainty that all life came from a single Source and to It, it must return.

Children, I tell you again that the world is agonizing and the nations are going deeper into the intense cycle of its purification. For this reason, pray for the nations and its peoples, pray for the Kingdoms of Nature and the cultures. Fill your hearts with the certainty that a sincere prayer makes the strength, which transforms the tests of these times into a renewal of God's Love, descend from the Heavens, just as His Son transformed the sacrifice of the Cross into the overcoming of Love.

Pray, children, to keep Heaven united to the Earth and hearts united to God.

Many times you pray to stop events, you pray for this or that thing not to happen to you, and you get frustrated for not seeing the results of your prayers. But in times of purification, your prayers will not be able to stop events because many times what the planet is living is part of the election of humanity and it is manifested through the Divine Justice.

Your prayers must be to strengthen hearts in love so that nations and souls may not lose their union with God, so that whatever happens in this world may lead them to overcome the Love of God and of His Son. Because this is the cross of these times and, through it, you must unite dimensions and enter into a new time and a new life.

Therefore, pray. Pray so that the Purpose and the Will of God may be established. Pray so that the strength of the hearts may be in God and not in the world. Pray so that love may grow in the hearts. Pray for a new time, for a new race and for a new life. Pray, all in all, for peace.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When Heaven comes to you and the Mouth of God pronounces your name, know child, that your heart fills an important place in the Heart of God. Not because you are deserving of that space of shelter within the Father, but because your fragile soul needs it in order to grow and evolve.

Therefore, let the Words of God sound like a relief to you, even though they bring within themselves the Rays that convert your human condition and remove the reign of your ego from within. 

Allow your being to be transparent before God and only aspire to find His Truth.

Let Him lead you to the void; in this way, you will accomplish what He expects of you and you will return to that space you have in His Heart.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
