Open your spirit so that the Holy Chalice of the Lord may pour out upon you its codes of life, and so that everything may be transformed and redeemed.

Let the Holy Chalice radiate its spiritual power, inner and immaterial, so that its divine currents may descend into your life through your faith in the powerful Blood of Jesus.

Open yourself to know the mystery of this instrument of God; in this way, you will be reaching the spiritual reality of this powerful tool.

Open yourself so that, through this mystery, you may find the great key that will open all the doors in order for you to soon enter into the Sacred Kingdom of the Holy Chalice, where the angels venerate and honor the most precious Divine Codes, achieved by their Master and Lord.

Participate in this inner communion with the Holy Chalice and renew the commitment and the trust to continue forward, beyond everything, so that purity may break out in your soul like a sacred Sun and you may receive the spiritual blessing of the powerful divine energy.

Before the Holy Chalice of the Lord your life is renewed, again and again. Everything is restored in the depths of your consciousness so that you may reach an inner state of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today, contemplate the Eyes of God, which are set on the world. The Father observes the lack of love and ignorance of His children, but moving beyond all of that, with His Gaze, He touches the purest essence of His creatures.

Contemplate the Eyes of God, which are set upon the world, waiting for souls to perceive the collapse of nations, which announces the beginning of a definitive cycle for humanity. The Creator Father waits for the eyes of His children to also lift up to the Heavens, and in a sincere prayer, understand, within themselves, the true meaning of life.

Do not seek outside yourself for support and sustenance for these times. Seek your sustenance, child, in the gentle and compassionate Gaze of God, which reaches the four corners of the world, impassive in the face of the atrocities caused by humankind, because the Father, Who sees all things, penetrates far beyond your miseries and stands firm in the truth of hearts.

Contemplate the Eyes of God, fixed on the truth that exists within beings, and see, reflected in them, what you truly are. When you seek God, you find yourself, you find your true self, you find what makes you like the Father, you find the meaning of your existence. For this reason, child, in this cycle of doubts and confusions, when souls walk lost and directionless in the world, place your gaze on the Gaze of God and, like Him, hold your heart in the truth.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Behold, the Angels of the Lord will open two doors in Heaven, through which all souls will have to enter at the moment of their definition.

When Mercy and Justice have already descended upon the world, when peace has consolidadted in the hearts of those who have opened to receive the Love and the Kingdom of the Mother of God; when darkness has settled into the heart of the ungodly who cry out, who will weep for a new opportunity, the Angels of the Lord will open two doors in Heaven so that all souls may enter through them.

The first one will be narrow, simple, and luminous; the second will be as wide as the sea, but its destination will not lead to the Kingdom of the Heavens nor to the kingdom of the world, but to restart, to the void, to nothingness.

Up until the last moment of time, of this world, the Creator will try to rescue and awaken His Children; but those who insist on deceit and, with the malice of their hearts, condemn themselves, will shape their own destiny and build for themselves the path to the wide and uncertain door, empty of light and of God, for at that moment, the Father will only be able to observe His children.

The Angels of the Lord do not feel like humanity does; within their hearts only the Law dwells; their hands signal the destiny chosen by each being, their rays hasten the steps of the beings.

All those who honored and respected the king of darkness will return with him into his abyss. In his kingdom there will only be moans and darkness until the end of the Thousand Years of Peace when the day of Redemption will also come for them.

Prophecies will cease to be prophecies, which are called threats for those who do not know God. His promises will be true for everyone.

Those who have honored the King of kings, the Son of God, the Truth of beings, with Him shall see the fulfillment of His promises and in Him will serve until the end of their days, until the day of Unity, of the return to the Heart of the Father.

Empty your hearts of the sins of the world and do not surrender to the temptations of these times. Remember that, like this prophecy, everything that you live today has already been prophesied to you, and no one has been left unadvised of its definition.

''Persevere'', says the Lord, in the voice of His Messengers. Hold firmly to one another's hands. Life in the world is losing its meaning for those who do not discover their only meaning is the renewal of Love.

Do not listen to the voice of those who sow discord; rather, cry out to the Father so that unity may reign and, embracing your brothers, strengthen one another and make your fortitude indestructible.

The narrow Door of the Lord will open for beings and inside of it, infinite will be the Mercy, eternal will be the Life in Christ.

''Confirm yourselves! Renew yourselves!", says the Lord, in the voice of His Messengers. Those who do not want to continue walking toward the Light shall fall, by their own weight, by your side, but you keep your eyes lifted to God. The Creator should be your eternal goal.

Your Father and Companion until the end of days,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


And someday, you will come to Heaven to be with Me, and you will tell Me how your experience of love and forgiveness on Earth went.

You will tell Me, step by step, what you have lived for My cause, and I will bless you again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Thus, your wounds will be healed and you will no longer remember anything about suffering. You will enter through the main door of the Kingdom of the Heavens to unite with and join the blessed.

There, face to face, you will find those you have truly loved, and those you once loved will approach you to give you the warmth of their fraternal embrace.

You will feel unknown happiness within your spirit and you will no longer remember the struggles you once lived to be able to overcome yourselves. You will only have the memory of the true affection you once felt from those you loved wholeheartedly and with all your strength.

You will be placed in the Fount of Purification so that your head, hands and feet may be washed, and thus, right after, you will enter the House of the Heavenly Father alone, you will come to know His Seven great Golden Portals and, before you, the majestic humility of His Kingdom will be revealed.

Therefore, I tell you that it is worthwhile to continue sacrificing yourselves for Me because, after this whole story of life, which you are going through at this moment, you will find the powerful joy of having lived in God and for God.

You will help to recreate Creation with your example of renunciation and redemption, and in your spirit, you will build the result of a long trajectory of love and service for humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


When the Heavens open before your eyes, first give thanks to God and raise your deepest reverence to the Father; then, child, let this Heaven not only be before you, but let it enter into you, and you into it, recovering, even if for an instant, your unity with God.

When the Heavens open before your eyes, after giving thanks, then think about all of humanity, about all the Kingdoms of Nature, about each small and secluded space on this planet, and place all the life that dwells upon the Earth in the Heart of God. Cry out to the Father for each heart and feel that He responds to your supplications, pouring out Love and Mercy upon the world.

When the Heavens open before your eyes, give thanks, cry out for the world and then cry out for yourself, so that, as a part of a whole, which is life, you also may have courage and perseverance, enough to fulfill the Will of God and remain in it.

Recognize yourself as a unique piece in the fulfillment of the Plan of the Creator, in the renewal of His Love and of His Grace, and in this certainty, also understand the importance of each being, of each heart, and call for unity among beings; pray not only for the neighbor to learn to love you and accept you as you are; pray, above all, for all to know how to mutually love one another, respect one another, and understand the importance of each being within this Plan. Even the most sinful and lost being is important to God because their conversion is a great victory.

But you, who are also imperfect and are on this path of learning, consent yourself to pray for the neighbor and to open the path so that this Heaven that opens before your eyes may pour its Graces on those most in need, on all the children of God so that no one remains in the world without having received at least one opportunity to return to the Heart of the Father.

With this, child, placing Life everyday, in the Heart of God, you will be fulfilling a part of the Will of the Father for you, because your prayers will be true.

Pray, and when Heaven opens before your eyes, cry out to the Father for His Unity to live again within the beings.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Third Series of Poems
Sixth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

May I become
like a child, Lord,
so that I may
always be upon Your lap.

May I become
like a child, Lord,
so that I may grow
in simplicity and in humility.

That, as a child in spirit,
I may recognize
how wonderful and sublime
it is to remain in You, Lord.

That, like a child, I may recover
the attributes of Your Heart
so that I may represent You
as Your child and as Your companion.

That now, being able to be
in Your humble Arms, Lord,
I may closely come to know
the sacred mysteries
of Your Heart and of Your Word.

May I be invaded,
beloved Lord,
by Your Divine Spirit
so that I may sincerely fulfill
the attributes of Your Consciousness.

Renew me always, Lord.

I know You accept our offering.

Receive me into Your Kingdom
of Love and Redemption
so that with the Father
we may celebrate Your celestial Glory



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Series of Poems
Third Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Empty me completely, Jesus,
even though my heart is not clean.

Comfort me during difficult moments
and reign everywhere with Your Power
so that it may be simpler for me to recognize You
in the brother and the sister who suffer,
in the sick soul,
in all those of whom You avail Yourself
so that within me may awaken the impulse of loving
in a way so similar to how You have loved.

Make me patient, Divine Jesus,
that in each circumstance of life
I may recognize the opportunity and the Grace
of transcending myself every day a little more.

Keep in my heart the ardor of Your purest desires
that the souls of the world may be able to know You
so that they may know the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Participate, Jesus, in each moment of life.
Make Yourself present, Lord,
both in our joy and in our deserts.
Make it so that I can be a witness of Your Word
and the fulfillment of Your redeeming Word.

That I may find in my path
the reason of living for You and in You
so that upon this planet
may be manifested the Sacred Project of God.

I confess today, Lord,
my weaknesses, failures and sorrows.

Transform it all, Lord,
according to Your Principle and Will
because the only thing I hope for
is to be happy for being by Your side
and to always reencounter You in the bliss of Communion,
in the joy of service and in the permanent and
unconditional giving of my heart.

After Your Gifts have purified me
inside and out, Lord,
send me wherever You most need me.
That in my life there may no longer be the freedom to choose
but rather the obedience of strictly following Your commands.

In this way, You will make me free of myself
because You, Lord, will be working
through this imperfect life
that hopes, beyond its dualities,
to consecrate itself to Your eternal and Sacred kind Heart.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Vigils of Prayer
Apparition of the Virgin Mary during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, in Ourém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Like one hundred and one years ago, the Sun of God shines again on Fatima, bringing peace to the world and the Mercy of the Redeemer for the souls.

This is the greatest testimony of the Love of the living God for all of humanity and the planet.

Today, dear children, at My Feet I bring the flags of two nations of the world: the one of Nicaragua and the one of Eritrea, so that with this symbol, your hearts may understand where the Mother of God is, seeking the love of Her children, trying to protect the wounded and aid those most in need.

Today I unite the two nations under one heart and in a single tune, so that the Grace of God may descend upon them and peace, the end of the war, and the persecution amongst mankind may be established, because thus, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Today, with the prayer of your people, I was able to achieve many things in the world. You know, My children, of the great planetary need, of the need for love, for Mercy, for forgiveness, for healing and redemption.

Through the path of your daily prayer, I can grant you all those Graces and many more Graces, ones you could not even imagine.

My Heart is with the heart of My children. The Lady of Nicaragua is with the people that cry out, and through the prayers of My children, I weave the hidden Mantle of Peace, where I place all those that need to be in God, safeguarding them from evil and danger.

Although your people are troubled, do not lose faith. Trust in the power of My Immaculate Heart, and the Wisdom of God will be in your minds and in your hearts, so that you may be guided on the path of the Good and the Light, so that this guidance may benefit many more souls, especially those that are in danger and suffer great persecution.

Today I also bring at My Feet the flag of Eritrea, because I love this suffering people that aspires someday to find peace.

Just as you pray for the nations of the world and so that serious events do not develop, I also ask you, My children, that you place Eritrea in your heart, so that this people may be able to recover and achieve peace, live the hope of My Son, and be immersed in His Divine Mercy, without the need of taking refuge in other countries to escape the horror.

But even if this happens, My children, My Immaculate Heart is also in Africa; it is in the heart of those from Eritrea, so that they may be able to promote peace through prayer, through entreaty, and especially  through communion with My Son; so that the Sacrament of the Eucharist may grant discernment and wisdom to the leaders of those nations, so that they may realize that it is no longer necessary to suffer, but rather, to love, to love with all of the heart and all of the soul, just as I love you, My children.

Because this Love that I have for you is what allows Me to be here on this day, announcing to the world and to humanity that the Mother of God, the Lady of Peace, is with Nicaragua and with Eritrea, as She is with all the nations of the world, especially with those that make wrong decisions and that compromise the spiritual life of millions of souls in the world.

I come to untie the knots of the human consciousness through your pleas and your prayers.

Today, the offering of all those who pray in the world at this vigil of prayer has permitted to stop great disasters; especially grave decisions that would condemn the rest of humanity.

With this, dear children, I show you the importance of the life of prayer, of the constant life of prayer, and of perseverance in prayer, so that your lips not grow tired of asking God for Mercy, because Mercy will save the world, and in this way, Divine Justice will stop and the world will not suffer again, as in the past century.

I come as the Mother of Light to grant healing to deep human wounds and all those that respond to My call in the different nations of the world; let it be only one consciousness.

This opens the door, dear children, so that the Grace of God may enter into the nations, especially in those most in need of mercy and of forgiveness.

On this day, on this night of Grace, I come to speak with you again about the commitment to the vigil of prayer for peace in the nations, which will be fundamental and essential for the coming times, in order maintain the stability of the planet, and above all, the balance of the psyche of humanity.

Each prayer that is offered and that shall be offered, will be well received by the Kingdom of the Heavens. And not only your lives will be transformed, but the world will continue to change to recognized the Will of God, and someday, by the Grace of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the thousand years of peace will be established.

Someday I will return to Central América to reestablish the Kingdom of God, that My enemies are trying to remove. But do not be frightened; remember that My Immaculate Heart will triumph; it will bring Peace to the world, even if it is purified, even if it goes through this critical final time.

Tonight I will say goodbye to you, My children, granting you a spiritual Grace for your efforts, sacrifice, and persistence in carrying forward this Work of Peace in the world, following the footsteps of the Divine Messengers in this important Network of Prayer that is generated by your hearts, to bring about more peace on the planet, relief and healing to all the souls of the Earth.

Eritrea is a country that must be taken into consideration by all the nations of the world, because there exist souls that are worthy of the Mercy of God, and that through the cooperation, charity, and fraternity of the rest of the countries, may be able to receive an opportunity of being someone in life.

For this reason, My children from the rest of the nations of the world, I invite you to open your heart even further to welcome into yourselves the real spiritual need of this people, which needs of the help of everyone, not only to establish peace, social dignity, the good, and cooperation, but also to reestablish the Kingdom of God, as it once was in the beginning of the life of Moses.

In this way, you will be able to make the commandments valued, which were born in that region of the world at the request of God, and which taught humanity, and continue to teach the first steps in spiritual life, so as to become worthy children of God, following the steps of the Law and of Divine Will.

Eritrea is a country that must be healed, not only through humanitarian service, but also through the prayers of all My children, especially through the welcome that the hearts of the other nations can provide for those that most need it, as well as for the rest of Africa, that awaits more compassion, solidarity, and humanitarian aid.

This help that I ask of you will not be born of the great nations of the planet, but of the simple nations of the world that have not yet lost the spirit of solidarity and that will be able to understand what I ask of them.

So I ask to not fear opening the doors of your homes to give refuge to those most in need of hope and of peace, because someday, you also may be in need of that peace and that hope.

I invite the adults in the life of the spirit to become aware of this and make themselves available to help these nations, that wait for solidarity. In this way, you will be consoling my Immaculate and Maternal Heart and granting the world a Grace that perhaps not many would deserve, but that will be possible because of your spirit of unconditional support and of service.

Eritrea must be a country repopulated by hope, that transmits the happiness of living in God, as it once transmitted, so that the consoling spirit, which is the Holy Spirit, may with Its Gifts fill that land and its people, bringing renewal and healing for all those consciousnesses.

So, dear children, from this day, in the weekly prayer for Africa, I ask you to place Eritrea in your hearts, so that My work may reach that place, so that the Will of God may be fulfilled with the help of everyone, and Peace may be achieved in that country.

My joy is infinite in having a representative of that people present here.

My Maternal sweetness is in those needy hearts, closing deep wounds, purifying deep after-effects, granting peace in the inner world of My Eritrean children.

I Am the Mother of the refugees, the Consoler of Peace, the Bird of hope, the healing for essences, the eternal consolation for hearts.

I Am the Queen of Peace and the Great Mother of Africa, Who has Her Heart in the center of that continent, and from cycle to cycle, making the hope and the joy of rediscovering God to pulsate in that place and in all of the nations of Africa.

Today I grant this son of Eritrea the blessing of the Celestial Father for their new task.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

May the Spirit of Peace be with you, and that this Spirit of Peace propagate in Eritrea and in the world, bringing hope and renewal to the lives of those who have most suffered because of social injustice and indifference.

It is a European mission to take on Eritrea. It is their duty and their commitment as well as the rest of the African nations, that expiation be granted to both continents and the cycle of persecution and slavery be closed, and thus, the cycle of Light and of Hope, of Mercy and Redemption may open.

Today My wish is that from this African heart may part the Love for all the hearts of Africa, as well as from all of the hearts present here and that are accompanying this moment with the Mother of God.

I wish to hear again that song that is a reminder, that brings to memory the Presence of the Lady of Kibeho, the Patroness of Rwanda and of all Africa.

I thank you on this night for responding to this important call.

God bless you and grant you Peace. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Through this song, I come to cry out to the world to not lose its innocence, because otherwise, it will greatly suffer, worse than the last century.

May innocence not be lost from the hearts so that they never lack Peace.

Yesterday I spoke to you about hope, but today I speak to you about the true consciousness that many eyes do not want to see, for being afraid, for fear or for anguish.

But I, My children, as Your Mother and Mother of the World, must always tell you the Truth.

We are trying to build something new in a difficult time, in which each second and each minute is definitive; in which each step to be taken must be taken with forethought and discernment, so that no one precipitates into the abyss.

With this I want to tell you, dear children, as I told the shepherds in Fatima: Do not lose your innocence; because if you lose your innocence as humanity and as a people, you will lose the power of your original purity, your essences will be stained and God will not be able to draw close to you to bring you what is new and renewing.

But as I Am Mother of all and Mother that comes for all, for those who are present and for those who are not here, today I make this plea to you from the depths of My Spiritual and Maternal Heart; that your innocence may be able to shine in these times in spite of the mistakes, of the tests and of all that happens in the world, day after day.

I need, children, that through your innocence, you return to the path of your essential purity, because the world greatly needs it in order to continue forward.

In spite of all the manifestations of these times, My children, remember that I will always be your Patroness in this nation, and I wish to be the Patroness in all the nations of the world, no matter how they may know Me or call Me. I Am the Divine Mother of God, the Sacred and Feminine Spirit that emerged from the Source to come to the world and hold all of My children in My Arms, just as I held Jesus, the Supreme King.

I invite you, through the path of prayer, to not only seek the hope of God, but also the inner innocence that must reign in these times, so that things may be kept in balance and, above all, nations may remain in harmony.

Because if your innocence is available to the world, permeated by a deep gratitude and love, many things that would be about to happen in the coming times could be stopped, very difficult and very large things that your Heavenly Mother observes, day after day.

For this reason, everything you do and everything you offer to God will be important in this time; you must be creators of sources of reparation so that many things may become balanced in the world and many events that have been foreseen may not occur.

Through this call, I want to lead you all to the essence of Love and of Truth, so that the world may also awaken to that.

But that essence of Love will first begin in you, in discovering it within you in a simple and humble way, so that it may then awaken in the world and in humanity.

Humanity has lost many values, has lost many principles and also many designs that your Heavenly Mother comes to reestablish in this time through the pilgrimage and the call to all Her children of the world, irrespective of their religion, their nation or their people.

With this I wish to tell you, dear children, that I Am the Universal Mother, the Mother that embraces each one of the children of God: the perfect and the imperfect, the sinners or the believers, those who have erred or those who have been correct, all are My children in the same Original Source.

That is why I come to call you and I come to find you, so that the transformation of the consciousness may take place in this time and serious events may not happen as has been foreseen.

But the path of prayer of the heart that each one of you offers Me day after day, gradually dispels all the bad influences so that the Light may reign a little more in the world, reach more sleeping hearts and awaken more consciousnesses that must find their inner truth in order to continue following the path to the Source, the path toward Divine Will.

While I speak with you, I pray for the world. I hope that in all the days to come, you will imitate this exercise of your Heavenly Mother, because in each second of your lives, as well as in each daily task, it will be necessary to place the mind and the heart in prayer, so that many, many more negative forces may be dissipated and the powerful channel of prayer may triumph in My children and consequently, in the world.

Unite in constant and continuous prayer with your guardian angels; more critical times will come to the world and they are not only just words, but realities that your Heavenly Mother decrees to you at this time.

Because the world chose to follow the path of lack of love and withdrew from the truth.

But even here, on this Earth, there are many brave hearts, that God will fully avail Himself of to carry His Work to the world.

There is still a little time to resolve what is happening in humanity.

That is why I call you, My children, to accompany Me at each step of a new pilgrimage, because your Heavenly Mother needs to establish new realities in the world; what I call "Principles of God," which come directly from the Source to aid humanity.

God needs instruments, many more instruments that may want to donate their lives to the Plan; for a Plan that is still unknown and of which humanity knows only a small percentage.

But there is no Mystery that cannot be revealed; your Heavenly Mother will always bring you the truth, the guidance and the path for your lives, so that this Divine Plan may be fulfilled as it is foreseen.

Know, My children, that we are reaching the great moment of great efforts that each one of your souls must live. Greater efforts than those you have lived up until now, because it is necessary to change many more things in the world.

With the sweetness of My Voice, today I bring you the Truth; with the calmness of My Heart, today I bring you hope; and I pronounce the call of God to the world again and again, until finally all souls may listen and realize that it is necessary to change.

I thank you for your perseverance and your faith; through those virtues, I can also do many more things in the world.

Perseverance will always make you brave; hope will always build the future, inside and outside of yourselves and over the surface of the Earth.

I want you to make the Plan of God triumph in humanity, with each daily effort and dedication, with each opportunity of service and of surrender, to relieve the Heart of God that is much offended by men, also by His church.

I want you to relieve the Heart of the Father together with Me, with that joy that you live and that you have that will never be erased, with that devotion that you have built through each daily prayer bead, with each service that you have lent to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

All, all of those virtues transform the world and repair the Heart of God, although you are sometimes very tired. Everything is valued by the Highest and recognized by His Angels from Heaven.

There is no testimonial of love that you make that is not written down; everything is recorded in the Book of the Heavens; every good work done, every work of Peace that is spread, every service rendered that is unconditionally surrendered to the Universe, is recorded in the Books of the Heavens and, in this way, many more Graces can return to the world, such as the Grace of the Presence of the Mother of God in these critical and difficult times.

The sweetness of My Heart will always be close to you, even though the time will come in which I will withdraw to Heaven, as My Son will; I will be here, in Spirit, with you, making the Graces that many more souls will need in the definitive times blossom and emanate at the Marian Centers.

Everything you do for God, you do it for humanity and, as a result, the Kingdom of Heaven will reward you with His Graces.

Today I can say, dear children, that the Spiritual Mission in Europe and Africa will be accomplished; but much more help will be needed for it to be able to end as has been foreseen by the Universe.

For the first time, dear children, and by the Will of the Most High Father of the Universe, the Divine Messengers will embrace many nations at the same time and with them, all the souls that are in them, in order to avoid a universal catastrophe that could encompass a great part of the world and above all, many, many lives.

But now that you have responded to Me and will continue to respond to Me in the days to come, I Myself, at the request of My Son, will prevent what could happen in that part of the world and that could bring about great consequences for the rest of humanity.

When your faith is sustained in the Purpose, the Mission is accomplished and the Graces return to the world to aid the most lost hearts and the nations most in need of Mercy, although it would not seem so.

Today I ask God for humanity to recover its inner innocence and that this innocence may prevail and reign in this time.

As a testimony of this request of Mine, today I will consecrate new Children of Mary, who will actively form part of My celestial armies, to carry forward this work of Redemption and of Forgiveness in humanity, which the world must awaken to.

Let the Children of Mary, who today will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, stand at the foot of this stage.

Today I will ask you again to repeat the song you have sung, as a call of Mine to the world, so that many more of My children may hear Me and find Peace.

I wish you to bring water before My Presence for blessing and consecrating, for My children who will be consecrated today.

I am listening to you...

I consecrate you and bless you.

I thank you for having responded to this important call.

May God pour out His Light in your lives, and especially in your hearts.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you!


Blessed be those who surrender and consecrate themselves to Me, those who leave their families and loved ones so that My Work may be fulfilled upon the planet.

Blessed be those who are rejected, slandered and offended for My cause, because in the Kingdom of Heavens wait for them the Treasures of the Father, the jewels that will shine within their crowns of light.

Blessed be those who are despised and verbally offended by their family, because I will always give them the inner strength they need to demonstrate that their commitment with Me is not transferable. 

Blessed be those who are rejected and despised by their loved ones, because when the day of the awakening of these consciousnesses comes, they will realize late everything wonderful that they lack.  

May those who are sad for some of these reasons be glad, because the Light of My Heart will not be lacking from them, because it will be the Light and Love of My living Heart that will make them speak wonderful things, which will silence the judgments and will erase from space any comment or offense.

May those who cry for having been offended rejoice because, in truth, I tell you, that each tear that you shed for My cause will be preciously counted by the angels, just as the Blood that was shed by the Lamb; this will save you, because you will go directly to eternal life and will no longer suffer.

Joyful be those who believe in the Work of My Return, because they will be sitting by the Master when He celebrates the Last Supper of Redemption during the Universal Judgment of humanity.

I thank you for surrendering to My Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus 


I am the Light that at night illuminates the inner worlds that commune with Me.

I am that spiritual and powerful Light that dissipates darkness and brings wisdom to all things.

I am that invincible Light that comes from the Heart of God and descends to Earth, in Divine Consciousness, to awaken those who sleep.

I am that infinite and unknown Light that is invoked and cries out in the Eucharist, as well as in the prayer of the simple of heart.

Whoever passes through this Light will have eternal life, but first they will purify their beings to be clean before entering the Kingdom of Heaven.

Whoever submerges into the ocean of My Light will see in themselves the living God and they will fully enjoy the spiritual affiliation.

Whoever enters into the Light of Christ will not lose anything, on the contrary, they will win the treasures that My Heart has especially guarded for each being.

May My spiritual Light be a refugee for the helpless, comfort for those who suffer, support for those who fall, warmth for those who are cold, nourishment for those who feel hungry, healing for those who are sick and redemption for those who are lost.

I thank you for penetrating the mystery of My spiritual Light!   

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


And now that I have come to meet you, rest your head on My Chest and feel all the peace that I can offer you at this time, a peace that no one else can give you, or bring you.

Now feel My living Heart, which beats internally near your ears. This is the Heart that has suffered for the world and for humanity.

It is the Heart that has shed Its Blood for souls, for the forgiveness of errors and which still does so, for all of your companions and for your enemies.

But today, My beloved, do not think about what you are suffering or what you could suffer. Think of Me, unite with My Consciousness and feel My paternal embrace because I take care of all of My sheep, one by one, and I never forget anyone.

Surrender to Me, and yield as I have asked of you so many times.

Do not fear what will come but rather, what is not happening in your life.

Now, have your soul take refuge under the Rays of My Heart and feel the breath of the Spirit acting in each moment, within each breath, as well as in each word.

I can restore all things. I can supply all things because it is not I who does it; it is My Father who is in Heaven, it is He Who works, Who carries out and manifests the Higher Will.

Leave behind what you do not comprehend, what you do not accept or what you do not understand.

Trust in this Love that I am gifting to you because it is a Love that must be fulfilled in you so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled on Earth.

Rest like John the apostle, upon My Chest, and feel the pain and the agony of your Lord, in the silence and in the calm.

God does not offer souls to suffer; it is the souls that seek suffering because in the Kingdom of the Heavens, from whence I came today, pain or guilt do not exist. Be glad for resting your head on the Chest of your Master.

I know that you will not understand everything at once, but this does not matter to your Lord. What matters is that you experience it fully, united with Me, in spirit and in essence.

Do not confirm your sins, do not affirm your errors, uplift your heart and place it in Mine so that I may transform and polish it like the hands of a potter. And thus, you will be in perfect freedom and in a deep calm, and overnight you will not know what has happened to you, because everything will have transformed, just as I have thought it, according to the designs of God.

Receive the Love of My Heart as a balm and surrender. My Heart will not be bad for you, My Heart will not harm you. My Love is of the good and is a peace-bearer for souls.

Avail yourself of all that I can gift to you and trust because everything is appointed; everything has its hour and its time.

Just as today you are on My Chest, feeling the fire of My Heart and the gentleness of My Soul, the activity of My Divinity and of My Spirit, I would like to have many more emulate this example of union with the Lord.

Calm your heart of all anguish and accept what I give you because everything has a greater end and a purpose that you are still to discover someday.

Leave behind what you have suffered, what you have not understood; submerge in the ocean of My Light and everything will dissipate, because who trusts their Master, trusts in God, the Almighty. And their life, day by day, step by step, with effort and sacrifice, will become free.

From your soul, I want a new being that may be part of a new humanity, conscious and awakened, responsible and worthy with Creation.

There are so many treasures in Heaven, dear soul, that I have for revealing; My Hands are full of designs and I still cannot pour them out over the world because I cannot find a place nor refuge within the entire humanity.

But if you, My brave one, today, takes the step for many others, someday many others will recognize My Name and My Glory and will make it worthy in their lives so that the Love of God may thus triumph.

Now, embrace Me and feel the warmth of My Spirit; feel the protection of My Arms and the breathing of My Body as a renewing breath that sanctifies all things and renews all things.

There is nothing that can be lost. Everything is transformed according to My Will.

Become one of the holy women of Jerusalem, or like the apostle John, in complete surrender and selflessness.

Everything that you experience, My soul, has a reason and a meaning for God; there is nothing out of place, everything has a meaning and a time to be fulfilled. Be it in the good or far from it.

But today, I want you to feel the beating of My meek Heart, an inexplicable and Redeeming Love which yearns for good and worthy souls that may fulfill the Will of God in this time of difficult tests.

Embrace Me tightly and feel My consolation, which is basic and immediate. Let Me nurture you with My Peace and with the flame of My Faith, which is what brings Me to the world to seek those whom I have called by their name so that they may accompany Me in this era and in this cycle, in which the world will experience its greatest challenge of all time and of all eras. I cannot tell you the contrary.

My souls, it is time to live My Plan and to not wait any longer.

Sometimes your Lord and Master needs to feel the warmth of the love of His children in order to be able to keep moving forward. However much I am in Heaven, it does not mean that I do not feel like a human being does because I was among you as a human being so that you might experience and understand Me.

You will thus be embracing your Celestial Father, Who also needs consolation, upon seeing the offenses and the wrongs of the world.

How much Love can do in the hearts that decide to live it fully, the Love that comes from the High and that can spring from hearts, causing New Christs to be born!

I want you to offer your embrace to me today because I need it, just as you need Me to continue walking on this path, the most difficult of all times, one which no other humanity has experienced, in any other age.

You came here, My souls, for a greater purpose and design that you will come to know someday.

But today I do not need you to understand My mysteries, but rather that you feel the agony of your Lord and the request for consolation that is made to valiant hearts.

Now, feel how I cover you with My Mantle, that mantle that was torn by the hands of My enemies during the Passion and that covered My Body, stricken with wounds and injuries.

These are wounds that I live for the world and I want to share them with My servers, with those who are willing to follow Me unconditionally.

I want to offer you My sacrifices and My sorrows, because who suffers with their Lord, suffers with God, and the Love that never ends transforms all things, even what is most impenetrable. May My Wounds be a reason for your sanctification, for your persistence, and for your renunciation.

Because I have a precious plan for each one of My servers, which must be fulfilled in this critical hour of the planet, in which everything is being precipitated, hour by hour.

For this reason, I consecrate sons and daughters, to have armies on Earth that may be firm in Me, in spite of what may happen.

I have no more to give, only the Love of My Heart, which is what has brought Me here, throughout times and generations.

A Love that testifies to the presence of the Body and of the Blood of Christ for the reparation of errors and all deeds not under the Law of God. I once again tell you, My souls, that I need your hearts open even more so that I can enter with My Consciousness into the deepest corners of your souls, where the Kingdom of God must be fulfilled, so that the world and humanity may still exist.

For this reason, on this Holy Wednesday of retreat and prayer, I not only ask for your prayers, but also for your embrace so that a consoling spirit may be present and souls dare to say “yes” more each day.

Today I bring to you the most sacred moment of My life which was the entrance of the Last Supper. I come to speak with you with the same love with which I addressed My holy Mother and the women of Jerusalem, as well as My apostles. It is this unrestricted and infinite Love that never ends because it comes from and is born of the Fount of God for His creatures.

You need to finally be like Me and surpass Me because I come here so that you may one day do greater things than those I did. This will demonstrate to the Universe that a New Humanity is possible, which will have repented and will ask for forgiveness for everything it did, that will not be ashamed of confessing its errors and will be open to receive the Mercy of God, which is unquenchable and eternal.

I want you to live in the joy of My Celestial Love and you, little soul, that is learning to love Me, do not cease to do so. Dare to cross the thresholds of human resistance because I will help you be truly free you of yourself forever.

Do not cease to feel the Love that emanates from My Heart today and vivify it as if it were for the last time, because what I come to give today I will not be able to give again; the time is now ending and the definitive hour is approaching.

I do not want to crown you with flowers but rather with thorns so that you may surpass Me in Love, knowing that the human being is an unpredictable being throughout this Universe, just as I was, testifying to My Passion, Death and Resurrection.

I offer glory and honor to those who have decided to be by My side, but I also offer My pain and My agony to those who have confirmed themselves before Me during this afternoon of eternal Grace.

And now, I return your soul to the center of your being, in which exists the sacred Temple of Love, that must always be lit by the light of the Holy Spirit.

And My Heart retreats to offer itself again to other souls in the world that also need Me.

Blessed be the ones who received My Words with gratitude because they will understand everything within the coming times. And when I am no longer here among you, in a short while, you will deeply know everything that I have wanted to do in this place and in this house, and mainly, in you.

Because I must appear in other places in the world that also need Me, that also thirst for My Word and for My Verb and, above all, for the Love of God.

With that solemnity that I am trying to build in your hearts through this meeting, I want you to dignify yourselves today before Our Celestial Father, undertaking this commitment to Me until the end of days, knowing that everything that you will experience will be a great school for the soul and the spirit.

I only need you to give your love to the world, regardless of who it is, regardless of their belief or religion, their poverty or their wealth, their illness or their health.

I want you to love as I love you, because the test that is coming to the world will be very hard. And not all will bear this moment. For this reason, I strengthen you in this time and through My unconditional service to souls, I give you My Body and My Blood so that you may survive, just as your Master survived at each step of the Cross, and of His Agony.

This is no time to be divided, distanced, nor indifferent. Place your hearts within Mine and all will pass. Because what I wish from the world is very great and this may happen when I return for the second time. So, My souls, let us offer this moment to our God Almighty, Who has, on this day, again allowed this spiritual Grace for an unfaithful world. But Love will always overcome all these things. Everything will be fulfilled as God has thought it.


We can stand for the blessing of these elements.

 I have called you here because I never forgot you and because everything has its time for God and for the Universe (*).

As well as these sacred elements that are at the feet of your Master and Lord, today I will also offer your consciousnesses to God so that He may fulfill His designs within you.

The Lord Almighty, our Eternal Father Who is in the Heavens, may He bless with His most infinite Light and Wisdom.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for truly embracing Me.

Today I have chosen a song that testifies to the Work of the Celestial Mother, of how each soul of this Earth, as well as the Most Holy Mary, can respond to the call of God when He sounds it.

Today I have chosen such complementary voices, one with another, so that you may offer this response of souls to My Heart, this offering that hearts have made to My Spirit.

(*) Christ calls two people to the stage.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Jesus Christ during the 49th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Jesus Christ:

Today I come to proclaim My advent, but also My thanks for the good, honest and sincere souls, that have congregated here to celebrate with their Lord the triumph of His Kingdom in humanity. This event is part of My celestial Victory on the planet.

Do not fear companions, neither here nor in any part of the world, because My rival is agitated, it is a sign that his defeat is near.

Today I also come for the souls that suffer and are not here, present like you are, participating in this intimate Communion with My merciful Heart.

Through your prayers in these two days, a great number of souls could be immersed in the Ocean of My Mercy. The most indelible and unforgiving sins were dissolved by the celestial Flame of My Grace.

Now see, My companions, My soldiers, My disciples, what is the real task for the end of these times. Do not search for greater results through this Work. This will happen if My Father wishes so.

I invite you to always live in love and in truth, because you will always know how to be free from the prisons of this planet and of all the worldly illusions.

Today your souls opened the eyes of the consciousness.

Today your hearts opened the doors to the infinite. And this is part of My Grace, of all that My Sacred Heart grants to the souls, after having experienced the sorrowful Passion, a long time ago.

Today you have made My Cross lighter. Therefore, I am here together with the angels of the universe, to celebrate with you this new Supper, today the Supper of joy. Hope is very necessary in these times. Your hearts can never lose hope, because your brothers and sisters will come to look for hope in you and in each example of love and charity.

So, I come to pour upon you My Gifts, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Flame of God, which builds the evolutionary consciousness, transcendence and ascension. 

Today I come to talk to you, through the Law of Ascension, that Law that the Universe applied to raise My Consciousness to the Universe, more than two thousand years ago. This Law allows you to experience the transcendence of all that is corrupt, only when you open your hearts, as you have opened them in these two days.

The Law is broken under its own weight, and the souls no longer have unpayable burdens to experience. The chains are liberated, the ties are untied and the Ray of Will-Power is manifested in all that is planetary life.

Although the waters of the world and the nations are muddy, know that I will not abandon you. I fulfill the promises that I make, as I have fulfilled them with My apostles, with all the Christians, throughout times and by means of all miracles.

Today I come from the Heaven of My Celestial Church. May the doors open for the angels of the universe to descend and so we will praise the All Mighty, the Creator, for making humanity worthy so many Graces.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, let us listen to the song "Praise be to God, Glorious His Kingdom. Hallelujah, Hallelujah."

All together. Opening the doors to the Celestial Church.

And now, at the request of Christ, let us open the doors to the angelical and archangelical universe. Let us sing the melodic Kodoish, united to our Guardian Angels, following the exercise that Our Lord is doing.

Let us worship, together with the angels, our Creator.

Let us be accompanied by Christ before the Primordial Source.

Let us visualize, through our hearts, this luminous Presence of the Father that approaches humanity by means of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His Sacred Heart.

Let us see how our Master, within His Celestial Church, opens the door that will lead us to the encounter with the Creator.

Let us visualize through this portal of light that Christ opens to us, a great ocean of light, deep blue. Above it, we see a great sphere of golden light, more luminous than many suns and above it, we see our Eternal Father in His aspect of Wisdom and Discernment, of Goodness, of Love and of Mercy.

Let us see around our Father the different angelic winged consciousnesses that kneel before our Father and slightly bowing our heads, we will greet our Father, the Creator. Abba.

Jesus has taken us to Him so that we will hear Him, we will hear the Voice of our Father, just as the Voice of our Father has spoken to His beloved Son, many times.

In this recollection and adoration before the Primordial Source and before this Spiritual Universe, of which Christ invites us to fully commune, let us perform, at His request, an act of forgiveness and reconciliation.

And before the Primordial Source, let us deposit our feelings, our thoughts, our errors, our misunderstandings, our deviations, in order to serve the Father through Christ, from the Source of His Mercy.

Let us put our hands in a sign of reception, resting them on our legs. Let us relax our physical body for the Spiritual Energy of the Creator to enter our consciousness, through our head and towards the whole body, reaching the center of our heart.

At this moment, before the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the angels and the Archangels and our Heavenly Father, let us issue this act of pardon and of reconciliation, liberating our hearts from any bitterness, from any disturbance or any affliction that ties us, that limits us on our spiritual path.

In the silence of our heart and of our consciousness, let us put in the hands of Christ our miseries and let us receive from Christ what He will withdraw from the Source and hand us in a profound emptiness, without intention nor expectation, in a profound nothingness.

Let us surrender at the Feet of the Heavenly Father, let us see His kind and merciful Gaze, let us see how He holds out to us His Arms and His Hands as a Father who embraces His little child, and let us be in peace, in communion with the universal life.

Creator Father:

Listen, children, to the Voice of your Father. Humanity, listen to the Voice of your Creator Father.

Straighten your paths. Place your hearts in the Hands of your Lord because the innocence of the world is being lost and the darkness is advancing, distancing all My creatures from the Source of My Love.

Receive from My Celestial Kingdom the healing for your consciousnesses, the Light for your renewal, the Love for your ascension, the redemption for your liberation.

Enter My celestial Church and say to all your brothers and sisters that the time has come of the return of the Father, to give witness of what you have learned on this planet.

Today a synthesis is taking place in your lives and a new spiritual cycle starts in your small consciousnesses.

Children of this Creation, let your loving Father deposit His Gifts in your hearts and, finally, in the name of Love be others, on this planet that suffers so much, that agonizes so much and that suffers persecution of this race and the destruction of all that I have created in image and likeness of My Consciousness. 

Feel the pain of Mother Earth and the request of Her Mercy. Feel the pain of the Kingdoms and Their request for redemption. Feel nature, that asks for peace. Feel the consciousness of this planet, the Great Crystal at the center of Earth that, in silence, asks for piety.

You are part of this world and of this Creator Universe. You are part of a Life that does not belong to you. You are part of an origin, a beginning and  an end, thought of by My fatherly Heart.

In this profound emptiness, that I invite you to experience today, in the Arms of your Eternal Father and in a profound surrender, of love and unity, I ask you, children, to help My universal Plan, all My angels, all the Archangels, My beloved Son and My blessed Mother.

Receive from the Source, the most Holy Trinity and commune, in My Celestial Church, with these Principles. May your cells awaken to the newness, may your feelings be raised and may your fears be dissolved; the time of the Great Judgement of Love has arrived, where I will come to ask you, children, all that I have given you, from My immaterial universe.

Before My Source, and before the Universe of My Love, find in it the Divine Purity. Believe that it is possible to recover it, because if I Am your Father  in Heaven, nothing will ever be impossible for His children, when it is My Divine Will.

Today receive in your inner worlds, a small spark from the Source of Original Purity and make it grow within you, as a flower grows to praise to the Creation.

Now put your hand on your chest and see how a flower of light opens itself in your inner worlds, and the reconciliation is established between the spiritual universe and the material universe.

There is no evil that opposes this, because if My Will, children, is that I am in you, it is also My Will that you be in Me, as My Son is in Me and I am in Him, in perfect unity.

With this exercise of the purest Love of your Creator, I dispel some darkness on Earth and I bring Grace, on this afternoon, of the awakening of new consciousnesses.

Children, be My Columns, so that I may erect My Temple over you and keep within it all those who suffer.

I leave you with My Son, because in My Son is Life, as part of My divine Emanation and of My sublime Consciousness in all the universes of Creation.

Today, in this place, a cosmic Law is fulfilled and Grace manifests itself to a great number of consciousnesses. This is a work of the Love that I feel for My children, but more so those who distanced themselves from Me and are lost.

Be the mirror of God in the world and My Light will be able to refract itself in humanity. Believe that it is possible, because in this way you will not recognize yourselves.

Jesus Christ:

If My Father had not sent me to the world, I would never have learned to love, because through My enemies is the experience of love and the expression of My Divine Mercy. 

Today I have brought you here, to the Source and before My Celestial Father, for you to listen, to experience and to feel Him, just as I feel Him every second of life and in each breath.

May the world turn its eyes to the universe, for it to recover its affiliation with God. May the world not offend God anymore, because the Father feels very offended by so much indifference, so much evil, so much cruelty.

Be the bearers of the Mercy of God and you will reach the Kingdom of Heaven, as you have experienced today the Kingdom of Heaven for a moment.

God has pronounced Himself, after His Silence. Blessed are those who opened their ears without being able to see, because they will be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

I would like the world to experience the sublime universes, but I know that My enemy has put himself in charge of distancing humanity from its true consciousness.

Today, after you have learned to connect yourselves to God, imitate My example and do it for your brothers and sisters, for all those who are asleep.

I come to close this meeting through this union with the Creator. I come to officiate these Sacraments as one more gift for the souls. I ask you not to lose these inner treasures. May nothing or anyone takes them away, because they belong to the Creator for the experience of the souls.

Now, My angels will transubstantiate the elements and substances, for them to serve as healing, joy and bliss to the simple souls. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us stand up, at the request of Our Lord, for the consecration of the elements.

Jesus Christ:

Now, receive from My Heat the blessing of Love, the eternal gratitude for this meeting. And as this is part of the rejoicing of God and of the work of His Grace, today I want the nations of the world, beyond Brazil and the Southern Cone, to receive from their hearts the Ray of Hope, the one that opens the doors for the healing of humanity.

I rise to Heaven, listening to "Hope Color." May your voices sing for the world, for the hearts to heal from their spiritual pain.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank you, God, for all You give us!

In this meeting we honor You, Lord.



Be poor of heart and you will always have the presence of the Kingdom of Heaven at your side; you will see the door that will lead you toward the House of the Father.

Aspire to that humility and I also assure you that you will find peace, like an oasis in the desert of life.

Be seekers of this humility, and all your aspects will also achieve the Grace of being aware of your time of redemption.

Be carriers of humility and you will see the Source of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy be born, which will be like the rainwater that purifies you and washes you until it is able to have you be in likeness to My Son, as an example of holiness, love and compassion.

For always be what God the Father expects you to be, to the point of being aware of the path of redemption which you came to experience for this planet and for this humanity.

Think all the time about the humility of your Heavenly Mother, Who also offers you the poverty of Her Soul and the Mercy of Her Spirit, in order that a larger number of souls be reconciled with God and with all of life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


While I pronounce My Words, just listen to My Voice in each of your hearts and receive the Will of God for your lives, for the portals of the Kingdom of the Heavens open today before your eyes, and the Divine Messengers cause to descend upon humanity the principles of perfection that, through the striving and the perseverance of all, will be able to transform humanity and cause the old human to disappear. And in this way, may you be able to accomplish the Will of God, the perfection of the human heart that is latent within each one.

Listen to me within you.

At this moment, Sister Lucía de Jesús stops to write in her notebook. On finishing, she again begins to transmit the Words of Saint Joseph.

Never forget that the greater the Grace that descends to the world, the greater is the urgency that is announced, so that you may quickly transform and live the Will of God.

I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May you continue in peace and in trust, so that the Plans of the Creator are fulfilled in your lives.

Song: Sacred Family.

Sister Lucía de Jesús: 

Brothers and sisters, we wish to share with you all that today, Saint Joseph brought us a great surprise, a Message that we did not expect.

And during the prayer, during the last beads, we saw Saint Joseph in a space of the Celestial Kingdom, and He was showing us a blank book that He held in His hands. And He told us that, with that book, He would write a last history with humanity, which He explained to us in today's Message.

(Sister Lucía de Jesús then read the Message of Saint Joseph of August 19, 2015).


Dear children,

My Motherly Heart wishes to become the main core of families, so that the work of the approach of Christ to the lives of beings may succeed.

For this purpose, the cenacles of light are made through the groups of prayer, so that the sovereign Will of God may be fulfilled through the Heavenly Messengers.

The cenacles of prayer exist in the world to be pillars of the evolutionary life and for the manifestation of a Christian life based on the faith and devotion of the praying souls.

Through the cenacles of prayer, My merciful Heart can work and open the doors to the reconciliation of those who would not deserve it due to sin and error.

It is through each cenacle that I build the Kingdom of the Heavens within the beings so that, guided by My trust, they may welcome the day of their liberation and surrender to the One God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you and blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Enquanto o mundo dorme e as almas se submergem nas ilusões da vida material, quero abrir aqui uma fonte de Graças e de alento para todos os seres. Dessa forma, filhos Meus, aqueles que têm sede de Deus encontrarão a Água de Vida, que brotará do serviço, da cura e da oração neste lugar.

Quero acender uma luz neste mundo que vive na escuridão.

Quero dar a conhecer aos homens a realidade superior que habita em sua essência mais profunda.

Quero demonstrar aos seres a capacidade de amar que existe no profundo de seus corações.

Quero que conheçam a verdade sobre si mesmos.

Quero que curem o passado por meio do perdão e que se reabilitem por meio da redenção.

Quero que encontrem aqui, neste lugar, as chaves para ingressar no Reino dos Céus.

Quero que vejam com os próprios olhos o caminho de retorno à Origem Divina.

Por isso, Meus amados, peço-lhes que façam deste lugar a ponte para o Meu Reino, o caminho para o sagrado e, de cada um de vocês, os porteiros e os zeladores que conduzem as almas perdidas ao verdadeiro despertar.

Que aqueles que têm um antigo compromisso Comigo retomem os seus postos, pois já é hora de recomeçar a construir o novo futuro que nascerá no interior de todos os seres.

Quero desta casa uma fonte de cura, não apenas para o corpo, mas também para o espírito.

Quero que aqui as consciências possam nascer, renascer e deixar este mundo seguras do caminho que as levará ao Pai, à reconciliação com Seu Sacratíssimo Coração.

Quero neste lugar a Presença viva de Meu Filho, em Seu Corpo Eucarístico, para que seja contemplado e adorado por aqueles que se consagrarão dia a dia ao Meu Imaculado Coração.

Que nesta Imaculada Casa do Alívio do Sofrimento as almas recebam a oportunidade que aguardam, há tanto tempo, de reconhecer o que verdadeiramente são, e isso se dará, filhos Meus, quando, por meio do amor que receberem, descobrirem o amor latente no próprio interior.

Que, ao receberem, os corações aprendam a dar, dar de si aos que mais necessitam neste mundo.

Os que estiverem recebendo esta oportunidade de cura espiritual e física, que estejam em permanente oferta a Deus, por tudo o que recebem. Para isso, orarão com o coração e com o espírito e descobrirão na oração e na doação de si a razão de sua existência neste mundo, pois brotará em seus corações o amor verdadeiro e profundo que o Universo tanto aguarda que possam descobrir e viver neste tempo.

Eu os amo e os aguardo em oração por este mundo tão necessitado de paz.

Jamais se cansem, filhos Meus, de entregar a vida por amor aos que não têm a Deus.

Se Deus vive em seus seres, são portadores de todo o bem e de toda a Graça, todas as riquezas deste mundo lhes pertencem, pois não há riqueza maior que o Amor de Deus vivo em Suas criaturas.

Por isso, orem e peçam ao Pai pelos que não O conhecem e não descobriram Sua Grandeza Infinita.

Eu os abençoo para que sigam em oração e entrega até o fim de suas vidas e por toda a eternidade. O mundo assim o necessita.

Maria, Imaculada Mãe do Alívio do Sofrimento 

Monthly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

I want My Omnipresence to be demonstrated to the world and that the Power of My Heart, which is incomprehensible to many, is able to touch your lives to completely transform them.

One day, I will look down from the Kingdom of the Heavens and in the world, I will contemplate the fruits of so many impulses sent by God.

Today I want to calm your hearts, so that you may know that the steps are being taken in your spirits and that your souls are complying with the many impulses you have received. 

I tell you this, for I see many hearts that are distressed, because they believe that they are not responding to My call; but I tell you, My dears, that your souls are precious in the Eyes of God, Who does not find in the world those who open their hearts to live His Words, which descend through His Messengers.

While My Voice resounds in unison through so many hearts, it also enters into your essences and strengthens them.

I see in your lives today the fruits of prayer, because divine purity already has room in your essences, and many can confirm what I tell you.

My dears, although the times place you in many tests and the life in matter as well as the life of the spirit demand more and more attention from your beings, I want you to be firm on this path and to  count on My maternal assistance.

Many suffer because they do not truly believe in the miraculous power of divine transformation, which transforms the hardest clay into a cup to be filled by the Love of God and by His Holy Spirit.

My beloved ones, let the Gift of Hope be a reality for all the beings of this world, because it is possible to experience a special state of Grace in this time and become a sacred instrument of God, who permanently accomplishes His Plan.

My beloved ones, do not be afraid of healing your hearts and of surrendering your faults to Me. Do not be ashamed of what you once were or what you still want to be because of the impulses of the world; rather, just as you are, walk towards these arms that open to your hearts and invite them into a divine embrace.

May the power of My Immaculate Heart transform your souls and essences and give you the courage and valor to continue forward.

Do not fear, do not stop; only walk and abandon the past. I will gather up what you leave along the way and carry it to the Feet of the Creator as a sample of the transformation of humanity, so as to generate merits for others to receive redemption.

I fondly love you and I thank you, today and forever, for responding to My Divine Call.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace



Blessed shall they be called in the Kingdom of the Heavens  who on Earth cause the seeds of life they received to blossom.

Blessed are those proclaimed in the Kingdom of the Heavens who in life suffered the difficulties of the world and with joy, knew how to surpass the obstacles so as to cross the threshold to a new race.

Blessed shall they be known in the Kingdom of the Heavens who strove until the end of days to overcome material codes and institute divine codes in their being.

Blessed shall be those who today are self-summoned to serve in an army of peace, and untiringly, trust in the Woman Clothed in Sun, Who holds them in Her arms and in Her Mantle of Light.

Blessed shall be in My Kingdom those who are already blessed on Earth, for they have known the Word of Life, loved It, expanded It and pronounced It, so that It echoed in all the hearts of the world.

Blessed shall be those who are before My eyes, who recognize My Presence and the Divine Presence of My Son, without fearing the judgments of this Earth.

Blessed before God the Father will become those who today mature in silence the fruits of salvation and with valor, grow in faith and in love for the Plan of God.

My children, those who are imperfect today, if persistent in the Divine Purpose, will be My blessed of tomorrow. For they will accomplish the Plan of God without perceiving it, and even though it may many times be in the secrecy of their own inner world, they will cause a new race to blossom in the image and likeness of God, of His Divine Love and Unity.

All efforts made today will culminate in the glorious victory of tomorrow. For this reason, do not look to the past nor dwell on what you are today, but rather place all your faith and trust in the promises of the One Who is perfect and Who promised that, in those who give of themselves from the heart, He will carry out miracles of transformation and of eternal conversion.

Allow yourselves to see through My eyes and feel through My Heart; in this way, you will find the perfection that sleeps within each being, and with Me you will be able to see the birth of new suns, which will shine beyond this Earth.

My little ones, I come to the world to cause you to awaken and to give you all the opportunity to change and redeem the past, transforming it into a present of Glory in service to the Most High. For this reason, simply open your hearts and your consciousnesses and, in this way, the Messengers that descend from Heaven at the request of the Great Lord, will work in all the spaces of matter and of life on Earth.

You may not trust in what you know about yourselves and may find it hard to believe in the transformation of matter that is so corrupted; but your trust should not reside in yourselves, but rather in God and Those that come before you and Who descend from the Throne of the Creator with a Purpose sent by Him for His creatures.

God knows each one of you perfectly and knows the hidden potential that you must develop. Thus, simply say 'yes' daily, and like good children, allow yourselves to be led by your beloved Celestial Mother.

May the Child King, born into your essences, now grow without stopping, and mature the divine life that is born on Earth.

I love you and I lead you, causing the Power of the Spirit of God to grow in your hearts.

I thank you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Weekly Message of Mary, Mother of the Most Sacred Eucharistic Body of Christ, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My beloved children,

Today I come to teach you to commune of the Most Sacred Body of Christ, as a unique and renewing act for each of your lives. I thus invite you to discover the mysteries held in the Eucharist, a source of redemption and transfiguration for all souls.

At the moment when your beings prepare to commune of the Body and of the Blood of Christ, the whole universe, in its omnipresence, observes the Earth, and the angels that live in the Kingdom of the Heavens, as well as the angels that live over the Earth, gather together in praise of the King of the Universe.

Your souls glorify God, and your spirits are allowed to be closer to matter, when your bodies are before the most sacred act of communing.

In profound reverence, at the altar that holds the Body of Christ, the angels prostrate themselves in light of His Grace and open the Heavens, so that the merciful gaze of My Glorified Son may reach the world.

Each time you commune with Christ, a door opens onto the sacred space where His Consciousness contemplates Infinity, and with eternal Love for humanity, Christ sends a Christic molecule of His Consciousness to the Earth so that it may multiply and permeate all the souls that open to His Miracle of eternal Love.

My dear ones, today I reveal a mystery to you that is simple, but that to many is incomprehensible. Through My Words, I want you to be aware in each moment of communion with Christ, no matter how simple it may be; because in this way, in reverence, you will also be communing with all of the universal movement, and the Creator, through the Body and the Blood of Christ, will be able to transform each one of His creatures.

Those of you who, communion after communion, cultivate within yourselves a pure and true heart, simple and humble, will allow this Christic molecule to expand throughout the spaces of the consciousness and light up the inner abysses that each one has in the silence of their own inner world.

The most ingrained miseries of the human heart and all those habits that you are incapable of transforming on your own, must be offered to the Body and the Blood of Christ, because His Body is here to take the place of the old body, and His Blood will wash away the stains from the heart, the cells and the spirit, and will allow a new code of light to permeate your bodies and dwell there.

For the transformation of all of humanity and for the consecration of the world to the Most Sacred Heart of Christ, commune daily, with a purity of intention, with love, being renewed, in this way, before Christ and before God, Who observe you each day.

I love you and I lead you to the Heart of My Son Jesus.

I thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother of the Most Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Christ


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
