In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(5 times)
I have fulfilled My promise and here I Am, with the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body.
Revere one of the Sacred Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
Forms are permeated by the Light of My Heart at the moment.
Corrupt matter begins to be transformed, density is transmuted and elevated, and within the atoms and cells of beings the Sacred Science of Healing is fulfilled. In this way, the bodies of human beings will liberate themselves from this retrograde condition of the surface.
The angels send their voices to the Heavens, so that the shackle of perdition may be broken and souls may be liberated from the cage of spiritual enslavement. In this way, the time of My prophecy is fulfilled. Hearts begin to attain redemption.
The doors of the Heavens open with the help of the saints and angels. Those who dare to cross them will discover in themselves the sacred mystery of the unknown, which will cease to be a higher mystery and become an inner reality in the consciousness.
Thus, the angels, responding to the request of the Lord, begin to remove the very fine layers of planetary illusion. In this way, many veils will slowly begin to fall from your eyes, from all the eyes of humanity and, on the horizon, those who used to be enslaved and now are liberated begin to see the Son of God coming.
And the Son of God will no longer hide behind the Sun. He will no longer withdraw into the stars, because the great mystery is unveiled and, just as it was on Mount Tabor, the Lord will arrive transfigured.
And that which has always seemed to be unattainable for many, will be a palpable reality for those who have faith and persist on My Christic path. Because the chosen and the self-summoned will feel the planetary cross with Me, not as suffering, but rather as a great moment of liberation.
And that hope that has been suppressed from humanity, due to all the errors it has committed throughout the ages and up to the present moment, will again emerge and appear as a supernatural force in the heart of those who persist in Christ.
Thus, life on the surface will cease to be a calvary, because the school of suffering will no longer be necessary. The law of spiritual debt will be dissolved, and those who have come with Me until the end, will never again know about duality.
There will be no differences, there will be no dissociations, there will be no wickedness, there will be no sadness, anguish or disease. Because those who will be part of the Last and New Humanity will not know what sin is, because sin will have been transcended by the merits of the power of My Blood, and souls will be bathed in My Light, just as My Light envelopes the world today.
Despite the errors and outrages, despite the indifferences and omissions, despite the fact that the majority no longer seeks God today, nothing will prevent Me from returning to the world.
You may feel at the moment that the spiritual desert becomes more and more arid, that you cannot find the oasis to quench your thirst, that the soil under your feet dries and cracks, perhaps leaving the paths confused.
When all seems absolutely dark and it may seem that the Light will not shine at the bottom of the abyss, that will be the hour of the Lord, just as it was His hour during His Death and His rest for three days in the sepulcher.
At that moment and in that time, which are not so far away, I will descend to the hells of this world, in which many dwell on the surface, to put an end to that suffering and despair.
I will come to heal the deepest wounds, and with My own Hands touch your bodies, just as it was in the Holy Land at each place where your Master and Lord passed.
And at the least expected hour, I will open the door of your homes and you will see Me, just as the apostles saw Me in the Holy Cenacle after I had resurrected.
I will re-appear and fulfill My promise. At that hour, the existing evil will tremble and cry, unable to come out of its profound abysses, because I will give the order to Saint Michael the Archangel to close the uncertain dimensions of the planet, because He will pour out upon the world a Source of Light that is unknown, and never seen before.
But this will not be an analogy or a theory. The Source of Light that your Lord will open upon the world will be seen by all. It will have more power and splendor than a rainbow.
And thus, little by little, the spiritual darkness will dissipate, the sick bodies will be healed, the blind who have never seen will see. Many of My enemies will be converted; and I will be upon a Mount, similar to the Mount of Olives, so that all may see Me come in glory.
I know that many still lack preparation for this event. But do not be perfectionists. Be simple, just as your Master and Lord, just as your Most Holy Mother is, just as Saint Joseph is in humility.
Because God is in that which is simple and true. God does not stand out by Himself, because He shows Himself where His Love lives and reigns, not only in the Heavens, but also on Earth. His Love is shown and manifested among the brothers and sisters who love each other, who are capable of giving their life for their friends, just as I did for you.
When you have Me close in your homes, or when you find Me on your paths, at the moment or on the day you least expect, what will you do? Because I will see everything in you, just as I saw everything on the Cross, in the solemn Silence of God.
When you are face to face with Me, what will you say to Me? Will you do the same as Mary Magdalene did, when she found the Lord in the garden of the sepulcher? In this way, I will call you by your names, just as I called Mary Magdalene. Just as I called the apostles, because they were afraid for having abandoned Me.
And how many times have you perhaps abandoned Me, through the brother you do not love, through the service you do not assume, through the step that you do not dare to take, through the lack of prayer? But I will not come to point out these facts. I will come with Love and Mercy, because I know who Mine are.
Therefore, prepare yourselves to meet Me. May your lives be a mirror of gratitude, let there no longer be complaints, may you no longer be petty. May you value and honor all that I have given to you, because just as you listen to Me today, you will listen to Me when I call you by your name and your guardian angels will be witnesses of that moment.
Therefore, you must remember the Tabernacles of the Earth, just as the angels remember them every day and adore them, so that your hearts may be ready for the first moments of the Return of the Lord.
For just as I showed some of My apostles My true Face on Mount Tabor, so will I show to Mine their loved ones who have left. And at that moment, the covenant of Love will be sealed. And through your efforts and sacrifices, you will allow many of your loved ones to enter My Kingdom, just as many have already entered.
Now, the Chalice of the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body is in My Hands. It is the Sacred Heart of Jesus that comes to offer this Chalice to humanity, so that it may be filled with the most precious offerings of My children, because in the self-giving itself of each one of Mine lies liberation.
Give of yourselves and you will be liberated, and the cross of each one will no longer be a burden, because there are worse crosses in this world, and many of them are in Africa. And My children of Africa are brave, because their faith overcomes all adversity and the Holy Spirit guides the humble in heart.
Now, we will do what I have asked of you, before the moment of Spiritual Communion, when this immaterial Chalice will be attentive to your offerings: you will offer the adoration to My Eucharistic Body so that the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body may receive the offerings of the hearts.
Thus, I bless you in this new stage and in this new cycle, when My Love must be brought to the nations of the world. Remember this: the Love of Our Sacred Hearts must be brought to the world and to the nations that need it the most. Do not forget it, because the coming months will be definitive to avoid more suffering in humanity and on the planet.
Let us adore God, the Creator, through His First-Born Son, the Lord of Israel.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Yesterday, I sent you the Angel that guards the Eucharistic Body of Jesus, which, tomorrow, everyone will have the Grace of knowing.
This angel has fulfilled what I have asked of him and, although the dimension of your consciousnesses does not know it, continue to respond internally to what this angel has asked of you in My name.
The offerings have come to Me and the Reliquary of My Heart receives them today. This is something immeasurable to Me, it cannot be measured by the mind or by thought, because the angelic presence is helpful and eternal.
Therefore, I have asked all the Messengers of God, the hosts of Light that serve the Eternal Father, to present themselves in this world again, given the urgency of these times, because millions of guardian angels of millions of souls in the world are not receiving the response they need to present to the Creator God.
For this reason, your Master and Lord repeats the same fact, just as He did with the apostles of the past.
From very few will come the great offering, and the whole world will benefit from this offering, due to the fidelity and loyalty of the Children of God that respond to the commands of the angels, who respond to the call of the archangels.
Lys-Fatima has this scenario and this preamble. Since 1917, a great part of the Ultra-terrestrial Angelic Universe touched this place and continues to do so for the whole planet.
Therefore, all the angels, devas and elementals of the most remote and impenetrable places of the planet, in this final time, in this time of Armageddon, in this beginning of the Apocalypse, will be responding to My call and carrying out My Petition, the Sacred Petition of the Son of God; so that, through the angelic and archangelic consciousness, the greater part of humanity may be saved, before everything happens physically.
Because souls are precious to God, they are an unimaginable treasure for this planet; for this Project of Humanity is a faithful part of the first and sublime Divine Will, when God, from and through His Creative Source, decided in the beginning that this civilization should exist on the surface of the Earth, to respond to His Will.
Today, in these critical times, humanity, for the greater part, does not respond to the Call of God, and restlessness and depression embrace many souls of the world because they do not respond to the Call of the Heavens. This is why, in the inner affliction of My Heart, and because of the suffering of My Children, I will send again the angels to Earth so that, from the higher spheres, in union with the great elementals and devas of the planet, the great guardians of the Lower Kingdoms, they may intercede and intervene for the current humanity. Because the veil of the spiritual field continues to be vastly torn, and hundreds of retrograde forces enter the planet at an unimaginable speed, bringing conflicts, discord, revenge, illnesses and wars.
But do not forget My promise, the one I pronounced on top of the Mount of Olives moments before My Ascension to the Heavens. I come to fulfill this promise to humanity in a gradual manner, because I know better than anyone that, from the four cardinal points of the planet, many souls, families and peoples cry out for help, because they can no longer stand the impunity.
Therefore, trust what I Am doing, even if you do not know it. When you see the Moon with the color of blood, and when the clouds are grayer than normal, that will be the time when I will be returning.
I will present Myself again, just as I presented Myself to My apostles a few days after My Resurrection. But at that moment it will be necessary, and I might say it will be a special urgency, that the great angelic and ultra-terrestrial consciousness prepares My arrival in the world in the innermost depths of the consciousness of humanity, because the Lord of the Universe and of the Earth will not be nailed again on the Cross.
They will want to imprison Me, put Me in jail, but they will not be able to. I will demonstrate the Power that the Father has given Me since My Birth, not through authority, but through utter obedience to God. Because just as I will re-appear in the world and in various places on Earth, in the same way I will disappear if necessary, for those who want to persecute or harm Me.
But My Word, when it is pronounced again upon this surface, will deter this illusory time that many live. And My Word, which is the Word of God, will make the Real Time of the universe descend to the world, and the veil will be definitively taken out of many consciousnesses.
At that hour, all those who have not believed in My Message, the Message of these recent times, will repent and hit their chest with their own hand. This is the reason why the help from the angels is important.
It is time for you to open yourselves to know the Angelic Universe, because the innocent presence of the angels, devas or elementals of the Lower Kingdoms raises the human consciousness to re-discover the Source of God’s Love.
The angels will return at this time with a special mission. This is why at the moment they are surrounding the Lord and permeating the spaces with Light and Redemption, through the codes of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, of which they make use because I have allowed them to do so.
Therefore, all those who at this time are deciding to renounce to themselves, to carry their own cross and follow Me, do not stop, but rather continue to do so, because I promise you that the great day of liberation will come.
For that are your faithful friends, the holy angels, ignored by many and even despised by some, because they do not know the faithful testimony of self-giving of the angels of God. Many situations would not happen in this humanity, if humanity allowed the intervention of the angels and archangels.
Therefore, today the seven main Choirs of the Eternal Father accompany your Master and Lord. Each one of these Choirs is responsible for one dimension and one plane of consciousness.
They are the angels that guard the Relics of God. Among them is the Angel that Rules and Guards the Eucharistic Body of Christ, responsible for collecting from all Tabernacles of the Earth the offerings of the adorers of God, the friends of Christ Jesus, through veneration, devotion and reverence to the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
This is why yesterday the Angel that guards the Eucharistic Body of Jesus taught you a simple prayer, which completes the prayer of the Angel of Peace. A prayer that will allow and grant, to all the souls that say it, that the offering may be accepted by the Eternal Father at each moment of communion, prayer and adoration to the Sacred Heart of the Son of God.
Today, I come with this preparatory Message, to tell you that, given the importance of this moment for the Angelic and Ultra-terrestrial Universe, I will return tomorrow with the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body so that, through the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, through the Holy Monstrance of the Son of God, together with Me and the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body, you may adore My Sacred Heart present in the Eucharist, so that the offering of each one of you may be elevated to the Thrones of God, so that evil in this world may be placated and the betraying spirit of revenge, impunity and war may be dispelled.
Let us pray:
Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(three times)
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us all pray now together, in one voice and with one heart, united to the Heart of the Great Master:
Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(six times)
I thank you for being with Me today.
In union with all Angels of God, all Celestial Choirs, to honor this invisible and powerful angelic presence and so that the Angels of Creation may intervene in the world, we will honor the One who created them, the One who manifested them and the One who determined that the world, the suns, the stars and the souls should exist.
Together with the host of Light, let us honor the Father-Mother Creator, Adonai.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us sing "Kodoish," remembering the Holy Lord of the Hosts.
Song: melodic “Kodoish.”
We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Lord of Shambhala, the Light of God that has always shone in the East, the Light that initiated many consciousnesses into the sacred path of ascension and transcendence.
Behold the Sacred Light of Shambhala, which reverberates throughout the times and generations, the Light that inspires and awakens religions, for a favored union with Creation.
I Am the Lord of Shambhala, who impelled, on the inner planes, the unity between peoples and cultures, from the East to the West.
Behold the Star of Light of Shambhala, which perpetually shines on the inner planes of the Sacred Gobi Desert; the Light of the Star of God, which guided the great masters of the East, which consecrated many yogis and consciousnesses to attain the path of self-transformation and liberation.
Behold the mysterious and unknown Light of Shambhala, which instituted, from the beginning, the Spiritual Government on the planet, which opened the doors to the self-knowledge of beings, and manifested the Wisdom and Compassion of God.
Behold the return of the Lord of Shambhala, who announces His Return to the world for all generations and peoples; who will come to unite, through inner communion, all cultures and religions.
Behold the Lord of Shambhala, who writes with His own Hand the Law of Creation, who forges, from the human heart, the true warrior, the eternal server, the one who is capable of giving their life for Me.
Be welcome to the Kingdom of Shambhala, to the Infinite and Cosmic Wisdom that impelled and awakened the first peoples of the East of the planet to enter into communion and unity with Creation.
The mysteries of Shambhala reveal themselves for the peacemakers of the Lord of Shambhala, for those who know how to identify in themselves the Signs of God.
Behold the Lord of the transmuting Light of Shambhala, Who will eradicate the incorrect laws of the Earth and replace them for the Divine and Cosmic Laws, because the Spiritual Government of the Lord of Shambhala is approaching, and the consciousnesses are touched by the Light of the Sacred Kingdom of Shambhala.
Just as it was in Israel, the Light of Wisdom and Compassion re-emerges from the East, and many, many who were consecrated in the past, who always followed the footprints of the masters, will again find in this time the reason and cause for serving the God of Creation in the end of these times.
For this reason, remember, remember the Light of Shambhala, the Eternal Mystery of God that was unveiled in the Gobi Desert, and has guided and conducted many peoples who have faith in what is immaterial.
Today, sacred forms emerge from the Heart of Shambhala and express their sublime creative geometries to replace the matrix of evil of this world, convert, transmute and liberate it, until it becomes the archetype that the Celestial Father needs for this Project.
I Am the Lord of the Heavens of Shambhala. I come to announce the New Time. I come to grant the last opportunity. I come to remind you of your origins, preciously held in the stars.
Behold the Lord of the Temple of Shambhala, which is not visible to the physical eyes, but which is visible to the eyes of the heart. The soul that intuits the Light of Shambhala, sees itself before this Sacred Temple, which has been founded here on this planet, from the beginning of the Earth, to institute spirituality in this world. This is one of the seven mysteries of the Source. As the seals open, the Light of Shambhala is gradually revealed through the Lord of the Desert.
The Lord of Shambhala gathers again His disciples, after many schools and experiences lived on this planet so that, at this culminating moment of the Earth, the disciples and followers of the Lord of Shambhala may make their spiritual synthesis, and so that, through the center that rules the heart, the fiery currents of this universe, the sublime impulses of the Source, through the rays and currents, may reconstitute this planet on a spiritual level.
But it will not be through confrontation and battle that evil will be dissipated from this humanity, but rather like the great monastics and yogis from the East, who, with their heads on the ground, recognize the Light of Shambhala and the time of compassion that comes to heal the human heart, and comes to liberate the spirit of each being from the marks of the errors from the past, dissolving the shackles of perdition, cleaning and purifying the paths and pathways of each one of My disciples. Thus, before the great Portal of Shambhala, which unites today all religions and peoples of this planet, may the Grace be granted to start this Sacred Project of humanity from scratch.
Therefore, the Kingdom of Shambhala comes today to meet you, to meet each heart that has faith in the Divine Light, to meet each heart that perseveres in its ascension and transcendence.
The Light and the Lord of Shambhala come to meet those who strive to be consistent with the Law of the Universe and with the Law of Earth, so that peace and harmony may be established in this time of pain.
I promised I would return. Behold the Face of the Lord of Shambhala, who reveals Himself through the prayers of His children and consecrates those who have defined themselves to follow the steps of the Master among masters.
Shambhala returns to present itself to the world for the last time. The Light of Shambhala comes to prepare the coming movements of the Spiritual Hierarchy in this last phase of the second semester of this year.
The Light of Shambhala will come, as it does today, to reorganize the Laws of Manifestation and internally impel the establishment of the Government of Christ. Although this may seem premature, it is not so, because the Light of Shambhala is original in its Wisdom and in its Science.
Many consecrated monastics and disciples have contacted it. From the extensive deserts to the high mountains, from the Gobi Desert to Tibet and from Tibet to India and beyond that nation, the Light of Shambhala has manifested itself through the masters.
Thus, We make you return to the beginning of the Origin, because those who have decided to follow Christ the Redeemer, and have taken the step to consecrate their lives to the Law, will imperiously need the inner guidance of the Light of Shambhala.
Behold the Solar Son of Shambhala, who, through this new Marathon of prayer, opens the doors for the next cycle, after the last August 8.
Many will be the works to accomplish, perhaps few will be the self-summoned, but do not forget to serve the Lord of Shambhala out of love and for no other reason.
May the inner strength of each one emerge from the love that you have for the Wisdom and Compassion of the Great Kingdom of Shambhala, which always has the task of guiding the Plan of Manifestation in the different spheres of consciousness.
I rejoice today for those who work in this world for the causes of wisdom, peace and compassion and, even more, work giving their lives for the presence of the Higher Love in this world. Because without Love souls die, without the Love of Shambhala souls precipitate into uncertain decisions.
Behold the Heart of Shambhala, which presents itself as a teraph, permeated by the pure, innocent and inoffensive experience of many of My disciples of the past, from the East to the West.
May these Words strengthen you, encourage you to follow the steps of the Lord of Shambhala, knowing that there will be a lot to do for this humanity in this time of harsh purification.
But do not forget something: the Light of Shambhala, which is radiated by the Love of the Creator, will always triumph, will always win in those who have faith in it.
May this Marathon be a re-encounter with the wisdom of the East so that you may be sustained in all works that you will carry out in these months, building the Plan of Manifestation of God in this humanity.
From the Sacred Gobi Desert, who blesses and encourages you, your Master,
The Lord of Shambhala
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You may go in peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I Am the Lord of Africa and I give to eat of My Body, I give to drink of My Blood, to those who cry out for help, for spiritual help.
From the desert of Sahara to the lands of Yemen, from the heart of Ethiopia down to South Africa, My Powerful Cross extends itself, the Cross of the spiritual freedom of souls of Africa, an unimaginable service that many do not want to experience.
Because it is not just about dirtying one’s hands or entering the greatest and inexplicable suffering of those who have nothing, but rather about My Africa having a treasure that is still unknown to the whole world, which is the treasure of the heart of My African children, which is filled with love, although surrounded by suffering; filled with faith, although disturbed by misery; filled with purity and innocence, still living in slavery.
The Lord of Africa will return to His people, first giving the great sign of His Advent through the powerful Light of the Cross of the Redeemer, which will extend itself throughout this dear and beloved continent.
Few are the ones who have committed to Me in this arduous and difficult service for the souls of Africa.
Who else will respond to My Call, leaving their emotions and restlessness behind, assuming the torch of the Light of Christ, which must shine and illuminate all of Africa through servers and missionaries?
Have you perceived yourselves as part of My Light in humanitarian service for this civilization of the surface?
Have you perceived yourselves as part of My Love at each place visited, in which self-giving must be spontaneous and authentic?
I come as the King of the African continent, Who guides the souls of this continent through the Scepter of God. Because despite what happens in these times, and the aggressions that all nations of Africa live, all souls of this continent are under My Light. This is why I will come first for each one of them, for those who served Me and for those who denied Me.
I will appear, at the end of these times, in an inexplicable way. I will give visible signs, just as I did in Israel, so that My companions may recognize Me.
I will come in a form stronger than the Eternal Light, and I will again work prodigies and miracles for those who do not have faith.
But above all, I will live a great moment with My children of Africa, when I will not only be able to embrace each one of them with the power of My Love and My Mercy, but I will also be filled with the love of each one of them, because their voice is heard in the Heavens, the voice of the peoples of Africa resounds in the Ears of God.
Therefore, trust and have faith. The moment of liberation is near, and not even one more tear will roll down upon the face of My children of Africa.
Happy are those who give of themselves for Africa; all My servers and companions who, beyond themselves, have clarity in their minds about what this great service for souls means and represents.
Happy are those who carry with them My code of Love; those who do not fear darkness, obscurity, misery or infirmity.
Blessed are those who serve in Africa without fear.
Blessed are those who have served in Africa at some moment of their lives, because the Lord has everything in His mind and in His Consciousness.
These are the precious pearls that are gifted to the Creator, through the effort and transmuting sacrifice of My missionaries, because I assure you that you partake with Me in the suffering of the Heart of the Redeemer. And each time you carry forward My service for the souls of Africa, you remove from My Heart the thorns that perpetually make me agonize.
Because not only have I made My Mercy known to the world. Today I also made known to the world the Sorrowful Heart of Jesus, to those who have clarity about the Call that I make to them, the Call for crossing the walls of egocentrism, to give of themselves to the world in a true, authentic and simple way.
I Am the One Who announces the coming of that which is new to all of Africa. Because the Lord of the Universe never tires. There is so much to do and so much to serve, that My apostles, My true apostles, do not have time to think of themselves, for their time is to place the other first, even in that which is smallest and most invisible.
If your consciousness starts from this principle that I present to you today, you will fear no other mission or challenge that I may place before you and you will be able to be living testimonies of My Presence in the world, in the places where true suffering exists, where peace, love and tolerance are lacking.
This is what I have to offer to you: that you may partake with Me in this end of times through humanitarian service and your self-giving.
Because a true missionary never goes ahead; a missionary of the Light foresees the Plan, makes it a part of themselves and internalizes it, so that this Plan may be concretized and fulfilled, just as it has been written in the Heavens since the beginning.
Because a missionary of the Light is always unconditionally prepared and available; they have their heart ready to face with Me the end of times. And the center of their principle is the unfathomable Flame of My Love, which is never extinguished within them, because it is the Flame of My unfathomable and invisible Love that guides and leads them. It is the Flame of My Love that grants them the discernment, the science and the wisdom to choose.
This is why, after this August 8, I come to offer you this synthesis.
I wait for the hearts that have decided to be available to Me until the end, wherever it may be, regardless of the place, the moment or situation. With them I will make all things new, and the light of My Heart will always be abundant for those who day by day confirm themselves to Me.
I will give you the power of My Fortitude so that you may serve Me wherever I need you. Because not only can you be the Light of Christ on Earth, through the hands that give of themselves and embrace suffering in themselves to transform it into relief, love, healing and redemption; but to the missionaries who are decided, I will also grant My Divine Thought so that they may spiritually build with Me the foundations of My Return.
If you feel stagnant, blocked or even closed, ask yourselves:
How is my service to the Lord? Is it authentic? Is it strong? Is it a decided service?
Am I really available for the Plan?
Do not fear transformation; as of now, change the concept and the idea of what it really means. If twelve fishermen converted into My apostles, what could you convert into today, in these end times?
My Graces for all have been so abundant and infinite.
My Love for all hearts has been vast and profound.
Africa and the world wait for you so that you may be bridges of solution, bridges of reconciliation, so that you may be centers of love and light in the world. Thus, you will unconditionally allow Me to work. And I will show you, I will make you feel, what that joy means and represents, the joy of serving God without anything in return.
Today, you conclude the preparatory schools, tomorrow begins the school of maturity and absolute surrender.
I come here to throw the seeds into the hearts that offer themselves as a fertile soil to sow My treasures in themselves, and offer, as trees of light, to someday yield My fruits in abundance. Just as some of Mine, in these times, are yielding fruits in abundance and with effort, but this is not enough. I must gather the 144,000 from the four corners of the Earth so that they may wait for My arrival and My Return. And so that My Return may be announced to the world, just as I announce it to you once again.
The time of My reappearance is approaching, and you will find Me among the humble and the simple, among the refugees and the discarded. You will find Me among the children, the youths and the adults who cry out for hope. You will never see Me in palaces or churches.
I have said to you once, as I said to My apostles, that the Kingdom of God is within each one of you, and that is where I forever want to be.
Are your hearts willing to receive Me eternally?
I do not need answers. I need confirmation and predisposition. This is how you will understand what I say to you out of Love, this is how you will be part of My Spiritual Government and be My instruments upon the surface of this planet, so that the true Spiritual Government of Christ may descend upon humanity, mend the errors of all the wars that are experienced today, extirpate the impunity of many rulers, and relieve the great multitudes and peoples who live oppression and evil in these times.
I promise you that I will come as the New Aurora, as that dawn which appears in the firmament. In the same way, My Most Holy Mother will appear, and many will see Her unknotting the great ties of the planet in the domes of churches and in unimaginable places.
Be attentive to the signs of the heart, because all is permitted.
Today, the Lord of Africa leaves this Message to you. Do not take it as a warning, take it as an opportunity for preparation, for the last and great preparation after this August 8, when the last part of the Apocalypse will be unleashed.
In this most difficult hour which the world now lives, I will return as the Lord of the Night, but also as the Lord of the Sun. Believers and even atheists will not be able to hide My Presence.
Happy will be eternally those who will see My Return. Blessed will be forever those who have striven for Me until the end, even without knowing how to do it.
Because, in this most difficult hour of the planet, as it was at Pentecost, I will send you the Great Consoler, the Divine, the Eternal and Sublime God, to make of your hearts and souls great strongholds so that as soldiers of peace and warriors of Mercy, you may serve Christ in the end of these times, because in this way you will make My Heart triumph when you are decided.
With all My treasures in your hearts and souls, make My Presence in the world count, and honor it because, just as I called the twelve at the shores of the Sea of Galilee, today I come to call all to be by My side and follow My Steps, the steps of your own liberation.
For all those who strive, I thank you.
For all those who are confirmed, I bless you.
For all those who serve the poor among the poor, all those who serve those who must recover their values and human dignity, making of each service a moment of great fraternity, I praise you and honor you in the name of My Celestial Father.
Because the signs of your sacrifice and surrender will leave marks in the Heavens and after this great service on the planet, your spirits will return to their origin, where they will serve the Creator Source with all the experience of the love and redemption lived.
And all this legacy, that is from each one of you through your own efforts and surrender to Me, will become a new star in this vast cosmos. And those who come later, in times to come, after they have been born on this Earth and are a part of the New Humanity, will look at the sky at night and will see many stars, as you see them today in the sky. And those recently incarnated souls will recognize the legacy that you will have left in the name of Christ, your Lord. Amen.
Let us joyfully prepare for this Spiritual Communion, reaffirming the Call of your Lord in your hearts. And we will do so through a song, the song that represents My Call for each one of the souls, that song that recounts the passage of Christ as a fisherman of souls at the shore of the Sea of Galilee.
This is what I want you to sing to Me, because do not forget, I Am with you, and you can be in Me.
I Am the Nazarene, the One Who preached, the One Who announced the Good News, Who healed and liberated hearts. I Am the One Who multiplied loaves of bread and the fish, I Am the One Who walked upon the waters, and Who invites you to do the same for the triumph of the Kingdom of the Heavens.
I bless you and again give you My Peace, the Peace that will always strengthen you to move forward, trusting, without fear of anything.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Purify my soul, Lord, so I may be worthy of receiving Your Word.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The time of My withdrawal is being fulfilled.
Now, My companions, you must be fishermen of souls, servants of the wounded hearts, helpers of those who suffer. Thus you shall bring My Love to the world, just as I brought My Love to you through the end times.
Now, that you already have the Book of Love of those in White Garments, it will only be to fulfill what is written; because you will see the fire of this world burn, you will see the seas rise, you will see wars happen and conflicts arise in the world, you will see things you have never seen, you will hear things you have never heard; but your hearts cannot tremble.
This is the time for you to live in strength through My Love, through that untiring and infinite Love that I have given you in every Presence, in every Message and in every encounter.
You must learn to walk in this darkness, just as your Master walks to take souls to the Heart of God and rescue them.
You shall be the definitive ambassadors of My Peace.
That is how you will accompany the Hierarchy. You will be guided in the footsteps of the Hierarchy. And, through an effort that is incalculable, your hearts will serve God, just as your Master serves the Eternal Father from the emergence of His Immaterial Source until the present day.
Now, who will be with Me to the end? Who will await My coming? Who will recognize the Master?
You must be ready for that moment, because there will be signs in the sky, symbols will appear on Earth. Blessed will be those who know how to read those signs and interpret them through My Heart, because My Heart is the House of God and it is the House for each one of you, the safe dwelling of courageous hearts, the safe temple of determined hearts.
The Book of Love, that I have given you still has some blank sheets. Who else will offer to be a pencil in the Hands of God so that He may write through each of your lives?
Who will be those last ones, announced in the Apocalypse, who will be gathering and forming part of the 144,000, the ones who will prepare My Return to the world?
Therefore, allow your hearts to continue to be transformed. Do not be afraid of change and transformation, because nothing can happen to you, only good things will happen that will make you see life differently.
But, the ones who have the key to your hearts, so that the hearts can open and be transformed, are you yourselves, who may or may not open the door for Me so that I may live in you, just as I lived in many saints and servants, throughout the times and centuries.
Therefore, when I am no longer here, I will be in your hearts, so that you may be in Me and you, being in Me, will be in the Father and, thus, the Father will be in you, fulfilling His Holy Will.
Now, you will understand that this is the time of decision, because there is no more time left, there is much less time left than there was until recently.
God needs to reflect His Plan on Earth and this will be through Mine.
What is kept in Heaven can only descend to Earth if there are bridges through the hearts; because they are treasures that cannot be seen with physical eyes, only the soul of each one can recognize them when it is in communion with Me, to be in communion with the Eternal Father.
Those treasures, called the Sacred Tools of the Hierarchy, are what will define this Apocalypse. And for this intervention of the Hierarchy to become a reality, hearts on the surface of the Earth must be determined to sustain it.
Therefore, I spoke to you yesterday of the history of which each one of you is a part, with Me and with the Great Brotherhood. For this moment cannot remain only in the mind; this moment must descend to the heart so that the heart may make it its own, the soul may make it its own, and thus it may be a reality and be concretized.
Just as today you have the Book of Our Love, your guardian angels have in their hands the Scroll of your commitment, written by the Lords of the Law.
That Scroll will be opened in these times and each one will recognize, for themselves, what they have signed directly with the Eternal Father. For on the final day all will be known, nothing else will be hidden and all eyes will see it, because this is written and so it will be fulfilled.
That will be the moment for your Master and Lord, when through a painful agony of His Heart, He must separate the chaff from the wheat, the good ones from the bad ones, so that the redemption of humanity can be established and the moment of the great beginning of a New Civilization, free from sin, guilt, sickness and death.
For to be in the Promised Land, Land that will descend as the New Jerusalem, it will not be necessary to die again, it will not be necessary to suffer and endure, because I will come to renew the world, just as I renew your hearts, today in this sacred promise that I will fulfill, being face to face with each one of Mine.
These are the deepest confessions of My Heart, which the courageous should know how to keep in their hearts, just as your Master and Lord keeps in His Heart many treasures, especially the treasures that I can contemplate through the transformation of souls.
Because this confirms to the universe, again and again, My victory; not only My heavenly victory, but also My victory on this planet, in each one of those who say 'yes' to Me.
Now, the time has come to make the life of each one of Mine sacred again through the sacred exercise of the Eucharist, of the transubstantiation of the bread and wine.
Today, I will offer this Sacred Eucharist, which will be officiated by My priests, for the sacred treasures that I have kept for each one of the young people of this world, the ones who will renew the end of times, the ones who will give peace to the world through their union with Me, through their trust in Me.
Therefore, you must always support them, accompany them and sustain them, so that they can fulfill their mission in this incarnation, a group mission, just as it was with the apostles.
Let us celebrate.
I thank you for being here today and for having completed these ten years with Me, in which I have formed a great spiritual family, extended throughout the Earth through all the souls and all the hearts that love and have faith in Christ.
In spite of your moments or your challenges, in spite of the purification, never ever lose hope. The hope will be what will save the world, hope will be what will bring peace to the peoples and the nations, and to every inner world.
Hold on to the Hope of Jesus, so that you may be strengthened through My Faith in these end times.
And before I celebrate with you and for you, and through you with the whole world, I want to reveal to you the first decision that the Spiritual Hierarchy made in this month of August.
For the prayers of these last ten years, for all the prayer meetings that have been experienced and especially for the sincere offering of each prayerful heart, I will be with you for a while longer, on the 5th of each month and the third Friday of each month, so that My Mercy may continue to triumph in each human heart.
Through the clamor and supplication of all those who pray in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, the Father has granted Me this Grace that today I share this Grace with each one of you, fruit of the merits of My Sorrowful Passion and fruit of the efforts of all those who pray, of all those who continue to clamor without tiring and without stopping, of all those who have faith in Me.
Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón of Jesus:
And at the request of Christ, preparing ourselves for this consecration of the Communion, let us sing a song that, according to Christ, represents the story of each one: "Todo lo que viví,"
Let us celebrate.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Inner Council of the planet, which is the Hierarchy, is now gathered, and this Council decides about the future of humanity. Upon the table of the Brotherhood are the new decisions. All contemplate and meditate for the best solution.
There are many situations that are being evaluated, and although you do not have total awareness of what this means, I thank you in advance for your prayer with Me, so that the Spiritual Hierarchy may also be helped in the making of new decisions.
A Plan is described before Our Eyes. The Divinity must take the first step and then the whole Hierarchy may take the next step, and thus, all of humanity may advance on the path to the recovery of its Purpose.
In the face of a time of grave emergency, the Hierarchy reconsiders its attitude before the universe. The Higher Spheres indicate this path.
The Scepter is in the Hand of the Mother of God. She is the One Who leads and guides the entire Brotherhood, because in this way Her Word and Her Message will be fulfilled again, as it has been in recent times and through the next August 8, when a special conjuncture will take place for all the inner worlds that are attentive and vigilant; all those who awaken on that day and receive the much expected and longed for revelation from other times, so that all these consciousnesses may also take the step in their evolution and awakening.
Today, I speak to you through the language of My Spiritual Government, because you must already attune with My Spiritual and Divine Government. It is time for you to recognize that, after the Ascension of the Lord, He assumed the Government of this universe and of others, He assumed the conduction of all souls and essences in this universe and in others.
Your Lord assumed preparing Himself to return, and this path starts defining itself within the heart that lives the Message, within the souls that listen to My Call; because everything will happen in what is most invisible and profound, where all eyes cannot see it, where only the fiery heart will be able to feel and recognize it.
These are the gifts and the treasures of the Hierarchy that will be entrusted to the consistent in heart, to all servers of the Plan of Christ.
This will be your last star, this will be your last sun, which will rise in the innermost depths of the universe of each being that believes in Me and that, as throughout the recent times and years, will be part of the new history that I Am writing through the souls that transform themselves in Me and for Me, through the hearts that responsibly assume their role in these times.
The Book of Love of those in the White Garments, this August, is open and exposed to all.
Who will recognize their signature in this Book? Even more, who will recognize their experience of love and redemption in this Book?
Have you realized, companions, that in these last ten years when you have been with Me, you are part of a new history of the redemption of humanity? Just like many brothers and sisters of yours in the world, especially those who have faith in the Lord.
For this reason, as your Redeemer, as your Master and Lord, as the Governor of this universe, as the Son of the Living God and of Creation, I come to open this last and definitive door, the door number 14, which is the door of the Return of Christ, so that souls may rejoice and feel bliss in the Lord, the Redeemer. Just as the angels of Heaven today feel the joy of being part of the history of the Living Christ in the heart of each human being who professes and lives their faith in Me, who lives through My Sacraments and dares to multiply My Graces in this wounded world.
This is why, before the Inner Council of this planet, which is the Council of the entire Brotherhood, around this table, where new decisions will be made and tested, I invite you to assume this part with Me, I invite you to decide with Us, your Masters and Hierarchies. I invite you to recognize your signature and your name in the Book of Love, and to sit at the table of the Hierarchy to build the Plan, not only the Plan of My Return to the world, but also the Plan of the redemption of the world, which must imperiously be fulfilled and experienced in these times.
Therefore, what will you offer to Me today? What will you give to the Hierarchy on this day when the Great Meeting begins, at the eve of August 8?
Who will definitively enter the Sacred Star of My Heart and be part of My Sacred Geometry, which renews and recreates itself through the souls that purify and transform themselves?
Who will be part of the new design of the Brotherhood?
Who will decide to be Light in this world in darkness?
Who will be co-responsible with Me in this Plan of Rescue?
Who will recognize, from other times, what they have lived with Me? The Footprints of the Lord, which you have always followed. The Light of the Lord, which you have always sought. The Love of Christ, which you have always aspired to find.
This is what I have to offer to each one, in this hour and at this moment.
This is why I ask you:
What else will you offer to Christ?
Because the moment has come to make the decision, because on this decision and on this inner moment will depend the next steps of humanity and of the planet.
Be aware that all this is done out of Love and for no other reason.
It is Love, at this moment, that grants you this miracle, that you may listen to the Lord, the Christ, again, and that your inner Christs may recognize Him.
Because it is the time and the hour to gather the 144,000 from the four corners of the Earth, as many of them are gathered today in Portugal, celebrating the Word of the Lord, living the Word of the Lord, communing with the Presence of the Lord.
Behold the Book of Love of those in White Garments, receive it in your hands.
This is the Sacred Treasure of the Spiritual Brotherhood, preciously kept in the Heart of the Hierarchy, where the true history of this world is written. The history that no book of this humanity has revealed so far. Because We have worked on this Treasure throughout the times, throughout the centuries and generations.
In this Book of Love, which We present and grant to you today, is also the history of each one of Mine.
Keep it within your hearts and may your lives be part of it, just as this Book is part of the Light of the Hierarchy, in which all the names are known, in which all the trajectories are represented.
This is the truth of My Love for all, because in this Book is also My life, the life that I lived with you here in this world.
Each moment of preaching, each miracle granted by the Father, each drop of Blood that was shed on the Calvary, each agony that was lived by Me in absolute silence. And, above all, through this Book, My life is represented by the love for Me that many truly have.
It is this love in Mine and of Mine in Me that renews all things, that overcomes all evils, that dissolves all darkness, that resurrects the dead in spirit, that blesses those who are condemned, that sanctifies those who are persevering.
My Love can do all things, even to the ends of the universe.
Thus, welcome to the Great Meeting of the Spiritual Hierarchy, who has opened the door so that all may enter Our Dwellings, so that the Advent of the New Race may be fulfilled and so that the New Christs, through the last apostles of the end of times, may repopulate the Earth with Mercy, Grace and Redemption.
Commune with Me from this moment, just as I commune with you by means of the giving of your lives and, above all, of your hearts.
Receive My blessing and My Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And now, to celebrate this moment and, above all, to bless the special moment that this Work will live in these days of August with the entire Hierarchy, I come once again in the name of Love and Life, to celebrate the Eucharist with you and with your brothers and sisters, a faithful testimonial of My Love for the world.
Let us prepare for this ceremony, so that My Celestial Church may descend to Earth and make a miracle of each human heart.
I gather you again at My table of redemption, just as I would gather the apostles and so many in the inner planes who would participated with Me in this Sacrament.
Thus, once again, by means of this offering, after having purified your hearts, I renew the life of My companions through the infinite mystery of My Body and My Blood, preciously exposed today at this Altar, in the tabernacle of each human heart.
Let us celebrate.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let those who can, stand up or kneel down at this moment of transubstantiation.
In the Holy Cenacle, I gathered you to give you My Life, to give you My Love, to grant you redemption until the end of times.
Thus, opening the doors to you in this sacred month of August, I come to offer to you what is most intimate of My Life and My Heart, so that you may have life in abundance.
Thus, I ask you again to take the bread, raise it to God in thanksgiving, in inner offering so that the Father may convert it into My Glorious Body, which I again break and share with you, saying that this is My Body, the Body that was surrendered for humanity, and is surrendered today for many, for the forgiveness of sins.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We revere the Presence of the Body of Christ, just as My angels of Heaven revere it.
I ask you to take the Chalice in your hands and offer it to God in sacrifice, just as His Beloved Son did, so that the wine may be transubstantiated into My Precious Blood at this moment when Heaven unites to Earth, when souls unite to God and God unites to souls in eternal communion.
Thus, I pass it to each one again, saying to you, “Take and drink all of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God. The Precious Blood that is spiritually poured out again upon the world at this moment, for the remission of all faults and the end of wars. Do this in My Presence and in remembrance of Me, because I Am now returning to the world.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We revere the Presence of the Blood of Jesus, just as the angels revere it and just as the angels collected it on top of Mount Calvary.
In union to the Father, in union to the Presence of the Son and to the Presence of the Holy Spirit, we will say the prayer that I taught you on the Mount of Beatitudes, so that this sacrifice may be pleasing to the Creator and for the triumph of My Heart in this world and in each heart that offers itself in this month of August to be part of the Plan of My Return.
Let us pray.
Prayer: “Our Father.”
May My so awaited Peace descend to the world.
And I want you to say the next prayer with the same faith that the centurion had, believing in the power of Forgiveness and Mercy.
I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word and I shall be healed.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thus, at this moment of union with Christ and for Christ, We announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls in the whole world with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
May My Peace be in you, so that My Peace may give life in abundance.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Gabriel Cruz, Lucía, Michael and the daughter of María Garabandal may come here. Christ will offer this Communion for the youth.
Let us pray:
Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Guide us on the path of Love,
so that Your Will may be done.
And after this Communion with Me, which prepares you for the month of August, do not forget the Book of Love of the Hierarchy, which you must glimpse and contemplate with hope and joy, that gift and treasure of the Brotherhood.
I thank you for being with Me today and for being with Me until the end of times.
I impart with you My Light and My paternal blessing:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace, with Me.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My time in the world is coming to an end before I prepare My definitive Return to humanity. The clock strikes the great moment, there is still much to be done, there is still much to be redeemed, there is still much to be converted.
Who has defined themselves before this great hour draws near and marks the final period and the beginning of another stage, the culminating stage for humanity and the planet?
For this reason, I come from Heaven once again to gather you in My Name and so that, through My Heart, you may reach God, the Celestial Father, Who, in His Silence, still awaits the mature response of His Children.
The Plan that I offer to souls is a Plan that does not belong to this world. It is a Plan that cannot be reasoned out with the mind, that can only be understood with the heart, with the heart that loves God without exceptions; with the heart that offers itself for others, without anything in return; with the heart that deeply knows what the Will of God means and does not reject it.
This is the heart that I seek in many of Mine, especially in this hour, when you must walk with your own feet through the pathway that I have opened to you, through the Purpose that I have shown to you, through the Commitment with Me that you have signed.
Behold the sample of a mature Heart, a Heart that sacrificed itself for you up to the Cross, a Heart that did not deny your salvation and the salvation of the planet, a Heart that continues to pour out Blood and Water for the world and humanity, although many do not feel or perceive it.
Behold the Heart that is an inexhaustible Source of Love for the whole world, a mature Love that needs to be imitated, that needs to have its example on this surface, that needs to reflect itself in the souls that say yes to Me.
This is the time for the mature hearts of My companions to assume the Plan, for them not to retrogress in the face of the challenges, for them not to fear darkness, because the one who is with Me, is in My Light, and will not perish.
But now is the time for you to do your definitive part, and for Me to just accompany you as a Good Shepherd, as a Shepherd that takes care of His entire flock, regardless of the responses of each one.
Therefore, it is important for love to be the center of your goal, and not so much your skills. Therefore, it is important for love to be the center of your purpose, and not so much your ideas.
Because in God’s Love and through God’s Love you will go very far, if you really open to live it, not in the way you wish or intend to but rather in the way that God has thought of, that God has determined it, just as the Father determined it through His Son.
In the face of the Agony of the Garden of Gethsemane, He offered the Chalice of Love and Renunciation to Me. I could never have denied it, because otherwise you and your brothers and sisters would not be here today.
Now, do you understand how important it is to comprehend the immensity of this Love, which does not have limits or borders in any plane or consciousness, in any dimension or space?
God’s Love is a Fountain that is never extinguished and never ends. The Father has so much to give to you through Me that His Arms are still open so that more souls may come to Him without anything in return.
From this month of August on, it is the moment to demonstrate to God that you want to live of His Higher and Infinite Love; that you want to take your steps through His Merciful and Eternal Love; that you are willing to assume, out of love, the part of the Plan that you are supposed to assume so that your Master and Lord may work in this world and in this humanity in this definitive time when many situations are at stake and millions of souls are under this vulnerable condition.
Therefore, this is the time for the action of the apostles. It is the definitive time to abandon mediocrity, guilt and denial. This is the time for you to become free of yourselves and allow the spirit to fly high until it can unite to God in eternal communion, just as His Son united to God in eternal communion during His last expiration on the Cross, when I said, “Father, into Your Hands I commend My Spirit.” And you, do you commend your spirits to the Lord every day?
He intends to make works of Mercy through souls and through the apostles of Christ, who are decided to be a bright star in this world of darkness and in this sea of hostility and terror.
These are no longer moments for emotions. These are moments for decisions, for a mature and peaceful decision, a decision that can be in surrender to God unconditionally, with your hearts ready for whatever comes, for whatever has to be, according to what is written.
In this month of August, meditate and reflect:
Where does the boat of my soul head to?
Am I seeing from afar the safe harbor of God’s Heart?
Do I aspire to reach this harbor despite the tempest or the tribulations?
Do I have clear within my heart what I have decided for my life and for the rest of my evolution?
Do I have my feet upon just one path, the Path of the Lord?
Now, where is the boat of my soul? Where does it navigate?
Have I stopped for any reason? Have I slowed down? What am I doing?
Ask yourselves, companions. In this way, after August you will be able to enter a new cycle with a broader view, rather than a restricted one, with deeper wisdom, rather than a limited one, with a clearer purpose and not being confused.
Because the Flame of My Heart is the torch that illuminates your paths, it is the Light that will lead you to God’s Heart, because I Am the Truth and the Life, I Am the Way and the Love for My companions.
The decision lies within you, rather than in your words. The decision lies in the center of your souls, rather than in your minds.
Make room for your inner universe to expand and for the Holy Spirit to work through Its Gifts and Graces in the souls that, with faith, follow Christ step by step, regardless of their imperfections or regardless of their errors.Because I come to seek that which in truth you can give Me, rather than what you promise to Me.
Peter, the apostle, promised many things to Me and fulfilled just a few by himself. Until one day he realized by himself that what I needed was his heart and his life to be the cornerstone of My Spiritual Church in this world. Just as each soul is a precious stone for Me, it is a shining crystal that I polish with My own Hands when you allow Me to and do not resist, for Me to present My offering to God through your hearts.
I want to leave this Message, not as just one more Message but rather as the great and ultimate reflection of your consciousnesses at the doors of this month of August for the Brotherhood.
Although this world is in darkness, war and pain, may hope, faith and love awaken in those who believe in Me. Because I promised you in Pentecost that the Consoler, the Eternal, Holy Spirit of God would come to bless and guide you until the end of times.
I will send the Spirit of God once again so that you may prepare My Return through your paths, so that you may prepare My Return through your definitions, so that you may prepare My Arrival through the giving of your hearts. In this way, that which is written will continue to be fulfilled, regardless of what the world may be experiencing at this moment.
Be brave and do not become discouraged. The strength of My Love can do all in you and in your brothers and sisters.
Behold the Merciful Heart of the Lord, which let itself be pierced by the spear in His Side to pour out the Fountain of Life upon all souls.
Thus, at the beginning of this important month of August, I bless you and give you My Peace again so that this Marathon may grant the world a just and balanced peace; a peace that may bring relief to the suffering of many hearts and families; a peace that may remove guilt from many consciousnesses; a peace that demonstrates to all My Truth, the Truth that I love you more than what you imagine, because My Love does not change.
I wish you all a reflective Marathon of prayer, because I will be by your side to hear each bead, each prayer, when you tell My Father to deliver His Mercy for the sake of My Sorrowful Passion, for the sake of the Sorrowful Passion of Christ, which saved and will save the whole world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O Sovereign God of Life!
Have compassion for the souls
that do not respond to Your Law and Precepts.
O Lord of Compassion!
Pour out the Fountain of Your Graces upon the world;
make love and peace spring from the hardest hearts;
convert each aspect of this humanity,
through the humble and simple surrender
of Your Servant, Jesus Christ.
hear the voice of Your people, who cry out to You.
hear the clamor of Your Children,
who suffer and endure the chaos of these times.
O Fountain of Abba!
Open Yourself incessantly and expand Your Light
toward all confines of the universe,
so that also the fallen stars
may again rise, stand up
and form part of Your sidereal firmament.
Hear the Voice of Your Son, Lord,
Who cries out in the silence of His Heart,
Who asks, through His simple prayer,
just as Your Son asked of You in the Garden of Gethsemane.
O Sacred Chalice of renunciation!
Offer yourself to souls through the holy hands
of the angels and archangels.
May hearts not fear to drink
from the bitter Chalice of sacrifice, surrender and love.
By the merits achieved in the Last Supper
and in the transubstantiation of My Body and Blood,
Adonai, may the codes of Love and Redemption
reach all those who most need them.
O Lord!
Do not see the sin of humanity,
the indifference of many hearts,
the wickedness of many nations.
By the Cross that rose
on the top of Mount Calvary
as the new Tree of Life,
and replaced the error of Adam and Eve
through the power of unfathomable Mercy,
allow, Adonai, time and again,
until the end of times,
the Rays of My Unfathomable Eucharistic Heart
to radiate to the world,
despite so much darkness and so many tests.
O Merciful Father!
make everyone feel the Love of Your Law
and not fear the Law.
Make everyone feel
the Sovereign Government of Your Spirit
and not fear Justice,
because on top of Mount Calvary,
at the last moment of My expiration,
You, Beloved Father, revealed to Me
the profound and eternal Love that You feel
for the souls that unite to You
in spirit, essence and communion.
Therefore, Father,
hear the voice of Your people,
who believe in You and cry out to You.
Do not allow war to expand in the world
and cause more innocent hearts
and unprotected families to suffer.
Because although My hour to return to the world
is drawing near, Adonai,
hearts are not ready yet,
and once again, You, Beloved Father,
call Me to return to Your Kingdom,
and sit to Your right,
just as My Holy Mother is sitting to Your left, Lord.
I ask You, I ask You, Adonai,
to grant more time to Your Son.
The Law must be fulfilled.
The Law must be concretized.
But I offer You, Emmanuel,
Elohim, Yod He Vaud He,
the merits of My Sorrowful Passion.
Once again, I offer them to You,
in honor of the Ark of the Holy Covenant,
which unites all Your Relics, all Your Treasures
and especially all Your Creatures,
in the unity of the Spirit, in the unity of Your Kingdom.
Adonai, I offer You
each moment lived on the Calvary,
each offense borne, just as today, I bear
each humiliation received, just as I Am humiliated today;
each pain and suffering imparted,
just as today My Heart is pierced
by the cold indifference of the world.
But I ask You this Grace, Adonai,
for those who are most unprotected and innocent.
O Beloved Father!
Relieve the spiritual debt of this world,
transfigure this humanity
through the sacrifice of Your Most Holy Son, Jesus Christ,
the King of the Universe and of Peace.
Lord, allow
My Heart to be satiated
by all the souls that have faith in Me.
Lord, allow
My powerful and victorious Light,
the Light of Christic Love,
to reach the darkest corners of consciousnesses,
so that Your Love may triumph once again, Adonai.
You see a divided and separated world, Lord.
You see the family being destroyed, Father,
losing the principles of Your Source
and of Your Spiritual Government.
But I have promised, Adonai,
from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the top of the Cross,
to give My Life and My Consciousness,
to give My Spirit and My Fire up to the end of times.
O Celestial Father!
May this offering justify
all errors committed up to the present.
O Great Sidereal Priest!
Adonai, Lord of lords,
Father of all fathers of Life and of the Earth,
reestablish Your Spiritual Priesthood
upon those among Your Children, chosen
for this spiritual mission.
May the Chalice of Light and surrender,
of renunciation and resignation of Your Son,
be the Spiritual Teraph
of all priestly life on the planet,
so that the offenses committed
against the Most Sacred Heart of Your Son may be repaired,
by the offering of the Blood of Christ,
Powerful and Unfathomable Spiritual Blood,
which transfigures and liberates errors.
O Celestial Father!
Give strength and courage to all mothers of the world,
especially the mothers of war,
the sacrificed and selfless mothers.
Give strength to the spiritual motherhood of this world,
sustained by the Scepter of the Universal Mother,
so that Your Children, the children of the mothers of this Earth,
may respond to Your Will, Adonai,
and the people of Israel may prepare
to receive Christ in His Return.
O Father!
Father of Wisdom and Discernment,
Father of the Truth and Peace,
through the Heart of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
gather all the tribes of Israel,
and may the symbols that identify each one of them
unite them to the Ark of the Holy Covenant,
so that evil may be dissolved in this world,
so that the cruelty and martyrdom
that many hearts live,
may be halted and Your Light may triumph,
in each heart that suffers, Adonai.
May the doors of Your Kingdom open,
may forgiveness grant reconciliation,
and may reconciliation establish peace,
so urgent in these times.
O Father!
The month of August is drawing near,
and the fruits that I have delivered in recent years
are still not ripe.
But the faith, trust and love
of Your Children for Me are mature,
for the powerful presence of Your Love, Lord.
Do not allow, Adonai,
the prophecies to be fulfilled.
I come to renew all things once again,
just as on the Calvary and for the weight of the wood of the Cross.
I come to renew the life of all Your Children,
sacralizing and blessing them
in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Companions, My final time is drawing near, My last hour is approaching, just as it was in the Last Supper, when your Lord was delivered by His enemies, by those to whom I imparted My blessing.
Tell the world to offend God no longer, that hearts may truly repent, so that the door of My Mercy may remain open until the last instant, until the last moment.
Today, from these mountains, I bless the world and humanity again.
Today, from the confines of the universe, I proclaim again the greatness of My Humble Spiritual Government so that more beings may have the Grace of being redeemed and liberated by My Christic Love.
The time is drawing near, August 8 is approaching, and your lives and the life of your brothers and sisters must be the symbol of the Infinite, where you are incessantly impelled to by My Grace, by My Mercy and by the Divine Purpose of fulfilling what you have come to fulfill in this incarnation.
Therefore, no longer lose time, no longer lose even a minute, not even a second, because the world is in its own agony and despair, and the world is not prepared for the Apocalypse. But those who follow the Shepherd with faith will not perish, because the Shepherd will make them have a part in the Kingdom of the Heavens, He will make them apostles of the end of times.
Today, I come before you, crying out this powerful prayer of the heart, but God has already made His Decision. And when the Father is in silence, His Children must know how to hear Him, because His Sidereal Silence speaks for itself.
Continue to fervently pray, continue to strive in love and compassion. No longer allow another heart to close, another life to be discarded, another innocent soul to be a victim of impunity, because I come with the Government of the Heavens and the Universe, I come with the Great Light of the Heart of all life, of the suns and stars, galaxies and all humanities present in the cosmos.
Today, all supplicating souls and the entire supplicating network unite to the Heart of the King and Shepherd, Who comes to define the lives of His companions in these final times. The Shepherd Who comes to seek the response of those who said yes to Him in the universe. And may those who have not been able to respond to Me, no longer feel guilt, I liberate them today with My Celestial Love.
Rise, just as Mary Magdalene was risen from the ground and I told her: “Sin no more.”
Be free of yourself and fly high like the birds that fly in the sky, praising the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Bear fruits in abundance like the meadows and the fields.
May your life be an untiring service, venerated by the angels of Heaven.
May your transformation be the treasure that you leave at My Feet, because I will never leave you alone.
My embrace is for all. My Love is for all of humanity.
May the doors of doubt and uncertainty close.
May the hope of being in Christ and for Christ be reborn in hearts, while being a part of this story that began in 2013 and continues up to the present.
How many hearts have passed through Me! But how many hearts have stayed in Me?
Where are My Graces? Where do My treasures resound? Where has My Mercy gone?
Be witnesses of the Return of Christ.
Let those who are tired come to Me.
Let those who are sick in body and spirit come to Me.
Let those who have lost peace come to Me.
Look into My Eyes, look into My Heart, a fruit of the Redeeming Love for souls, a Tabernacle of Light for hearts, an inexhaustible Fountain of Graces and Mercies.
Behold your God, your Celestial Father, through His Son, the Christ.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, we will accompany with the heart a prayer that was delivered by Our Lord some time ago, which is the prayer for all disciples and apostles of the end of times:
If my suffering, Lord, however seemingly small,
serves as a relief from the suffering of my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If my emptiness, dryness, agony and abandonment of You
serve as assistance, encouragement and joy
for my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If my tiredness, desert and aridity
serve to fill the emptiness, the aridity and the deserts of my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If my nights of harassment, battle or solitude
serve to give strength, encouragement and faith
to my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If the lack that I sometimes feel of You,
the absence of consolation and the increase in work
pleases Your wounded Heart,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If my despair, my torments and my dark nights
help to save lost, abandoned and unloved souls,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If I do not receive love and only contempt,
if I do not feel understood and only judged,
if at this moment I do not find the meaning of being by Your side,
Beloved Christ, may Your Will be done, Lord.
Give me the inner strength to fear nothing.
Every day give me the bravery to learn
how to come out of myself, more each day.
Give me love
to learn how to love and accept my fellow being,
because if up to now I do not feel anything,
if on this cold night or this cloudy day
I cannot manage to see the Sun of Your Heart,
and this serves so that my brothers and sisters of the world
may manage to see the Light, the Love and the Mercy of God,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
I only hope to please You in the small details.
I only want to be an instrument in Your Hands of Pity, Lord,
so that anywhere on Earth
where You send me, You may be recognized,
so that they may feel love and hope,
so that, thus, the suffering, the pain and the abandonment
of desperate hearts may be relieved,
in honor of Your Celestial Victory.
May My Will be done in you, just as the Will of the Father is done in Me.
I thank you for opening to hear Me, for opening to feel what is most intimate in My Heart.
I love you and bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The great ocean of My Mercy opens, but still, only very few souls want to enter it.
In this ocean, I will purify these souls, amend their errors and faults, liberate them from the past, I will grant them eternal life and sanctify them through the Holy Spirit, which will anoint these souls that enter My ocean of Mercy, just as the apostles were anointed with My Most Holy Mother in the Pentecost.
The Powerful Spirit of God will be propagated throughout the world again and the hearts that are open to It will know It. But before this happens, souls must accept to enter the ocean of My Mercy so that I may justify them before the Laws of Creation.
This is the hour when the great door of My Mercy begins to close in the world, because the time of Divine Justice must be fulfilled, just as it was written by John, the Apostle, in the Apocalypse.
The hour will come, during the three days of darkness, when Divine Justice will be complied with, but not in the way humanity believes. The Justice of God is Love in balance. The Justice of God is Love in harmony. The Justice of God is Love in wisdom.
But before this door of My Mercy closes to the world, tell souls that they must turn to God before it is too late. Because when I cease to be with you and to speak to the world through this Work, all, absolutely all, will be unleashed.
Therefore, while there is still time, a very short time, you must affirm yourselves in My Mercy. You must sail in My ocean of Light through the constancy of your prayers and supplications. You must be the faithful testimony of My Love for the world, especially for the hearts that have lost their faith and trust in God for everything that happens to them, for everything they live, face and go through.
However, just as I once came to Poland through Saint Faustina to reveal the infinity of My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy; just as I came in the dark night of a war that was presenting itself as imminent in Europe at that time, in the same way I will return as the Light of the world.
On the inner horizon, you will feel Me, you will recognize the Face of Christ. And I will expel the antichrists, just as I expelled the traders from the temple, because the House of My Father is sacred, in this world and in others. The House of My Father is blessed because it is celestial, cosmic and divine, because He created it for all His Children and Creatures, for all the essences that have emerged from His Immaterial Source.
And this House dwells in the depths of the temple of souls, temples that have been corroded by the influences of this world, by its trends and ideologies. In this way, the world loses the sense of perspective, while not finding God, while being with its attention somewhere else.
For this reason, I have delivered all the treasures that I have promised to you and to your brothers and sisters, so that you may have a part with My Father in the Kingdom of the Heavens, so that this world may know that in Love lies the overcoming of everything, of any trauma or pain, for I come in the name of God’s Love, of this unchangeable and unmistakable Love, this Love which has a flow unknown to the world and humanity.
This is the reason why We have been here with you for such a long time, because We hope that you will learn from this Love, which the world and humanity no longer have; that you will learn from a mature and conscious Love, a Love that is capable of accepting and welcoming the fellow being, the one who no one loves or accepts because they are seemingly a problem.
But if I accepted the twelve apostles as they were, just as at this time I accept you as you are, where is the Love that I have given to you so that you may represent Me in this world and in this humanity?
God’s Love is the foundation of the whole spiritual path and of the entire earthly trajectory, for in Love lies God’s Happiness and His Joy, the bliss of the reencounter with the Eternal Father, the healing of all wounds.
I deliver this Message to you again with other Words, for you must have love for all that you have received and for all that has been offered to you since the beginning, when your consciousnesses were awakened to Universal and Divine Knowledge, to the Immaterial Laws and to the Universal Currents.
Before I bid you farewell to you in this cycle, and for the month of August, it is My imperious need that there may be souls and people who can assume the treasures of the Hierarchy present in the Inner Retreats of the planet, because not only you but also your brothers and sisters of the world will need it in the face of all that which is to come.
What more does humanity need so that it may change?
How much abundance has My Father given to you through His Creation and, above all, through life: the possibility you have of seeing the sun at each dawn, of breathing the purity of nature and of the oceans, of having a family, regardless of how it may be, and of learning to love this family, just as God has loved you from the beginning, the possibility of learning to serve so as to come out of yourselves a little more each day and abandon this inveterate ego, which only places consciousnesses in obstacles and dead ends.
God has given you His Love because His Love is His Power, not authority. His Love for souls and Creation is His Spiritual Government.
Without Love, there would not be the Compassion and Mercy poured out by His Most Beloved Son on the Cross, when He was pierced by the spear on His Side. Even lifeless, dead on the Cross, I gave you God’s Love to the limits of My Consciousness, through My Blood and My Water; a sublime act that overcame all errors and all consequences during the Holy Friday.
Now that in the last recent years, we have formed the oratories and Rosaries of Light, it is time for you to remain in your houses, at home, and pray to God with fervor to invoke the power of the Heart of Mary and My Heart, so that all may be protected and supported, and many more may have the same Grace of being supported by the Mother of God, Who extends Her Mantle of Light upon the world day by day.
The Mother of the World, in the most invisible and silent part of Her Spirit, takes the Scepter with Her Hand to guide souls toward the Kingdom of the Heavens so that one day all may be in Paradise, living the same spiritual happiness and the same spiritual bliss that We live with all those who have said yes at some moment of this evolution.
The instructions have been given to all. A long time has passed, many teachings have been delivered, everything has been said.
Now, it is time to assume and join the lines of the Plan of the end of times. Thus, when you do it for yourselves, for the love that you say you have for Me, you will assume your role, you will assume your service, and you will no longer complain. You will not evade the necessity that the universe places before your eyes. You will no longer lie to yourselves, you will not deceive yourselves, for you will do each task and live each commitment, just as I have lived it for you since My Origin in the Creative Source until My Ascension.
As I said to you, the Plan waits for the consistent, for those who must no longer be pushed, for those who will be aware of what they must do without anyone having to tell them. Because the one who lives in My Love is capable of perceiving everything and recognizing where lies the need at this crucial time, not only in My Islands of Salvation but also in the world, where souls wait for help, for someone to listen to them, for someone to welcome them, for someone who can love them. Just as I love all, regardless of the errors, regardless of the denials and the indifferences that the world causes to Me.
It is time to rebuild humanity and this will take a lot of work. But have faith, because a Good Father never forgets His Children and a good foreman never forgets his workers. Because the one who serves God renews, transcends and transmutes themselves. There is no other way for overcoming yourselves, companions.
We are in the stage of preparing My Return, and I will only touch with My Feet this wounded yet also sacred ground, when I can live in you forever, in the most intimate communion of hearts, of life and essence.
May My Words remain and not just pass. Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in those who open to receive them and recognize them as their own, as a life raft.
On this third day of encounter with Me, at the doors of Montserrat, may Communion be offered as a reparation for those who suffer the wars of the world, for the refugees and those who are neglected, for those who are discarded, forgotten and forsaken, without even a degree of love moving in the consciousnesses of those who see them.
This is why reparation is necessary for Justice to be placated, so that Mercy, My last Mercy, may act and work in souls.
May this Communion nourish life. May this Eucharist strengthen hearts and encourage them to move on, just as your Master moved on at each step of Calvary up to Golgotha, without losing the faith of fulfilling the Will of God. In each nail received in My Body, at each whipping that tore out My own flesh, in the very Crowning of Thorns, in the insults and rejections from all those in whom I had worked miracles.
Everything must be repaired so that the time of the Promised Land, the new Eden, may come.
O Adonai,
You, Who see the errors of the world and their consequences,
contemplate for a moment all those who follow You
and have faith in Your Unfathomable Presence.
Pour out Your Love upon the consistent
but, above all, Adonai,
pour out Your Love upon those who are condemned.
May the price of My Blood not be in vain.
May the codes of My Love,
which are Yours and come from the Source,
heal, redeem and nourish the souls that,
lost of their spiritual filiation to You, need You, Lord.
Adonai, embrace all with Your Mantle,
just as this wind of Montserrat
embraces all with its softness and purity.
Adonai, do not close the door of Your Mercy,
but rather let Your Mercy be perpetuated in all those
who supplicate for Mercy for the sake of My Sorrowful Passion.
Adonai, just as on the top of Mount Calvary,
You saw the great offense and sin of the world,
and Your Love descended and acted with the power
of all stars and all suns.
Thus, the universe was moved
by the descent of Your Love,
and in this way, everything was liberated and closed
so that, in the Resurrection of Your Son,
You, Adonai, might bear witness to Your Love
and Triumph in the world.
O Adonai, Sacred Father,
Omnipotent and Sovereign Creator,
may all vivify You,
may all be a part of Your Sidereal Existence.
May many more do it
and have the Grace of living it
so that, in the end of times, all Your Children,
together with Your Favorite Son,
may reestablish the union between Heaven and Earth,
and may establish the One Thousand Years of Peace,
through the Supper of Redemption,
when I will break the bread again
and consecrate the wine in Your Name, Adonai,
so that all may begin from scratch,
and all may be renewed forever.
In this way, after these three days of impulses and confessions of My Heart, I prepare you for the month of August.
Go in peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Living, Sovereign and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, which as a Sun of the Universe spreads Its Rays upon the world and all humanity in order to transmute and redeem it.
I expose today My Eucharistic Heart to those who want to contemplate It, as a portal that surpasses all the limits of the consciousness, as a portal that overcomes all barriers and obstacles; because My Eucharistic Heart, the Priestly Heart of Christ, is the fundament of God’s Love for souls, for all creatures.
There is nothing that prevents souls from reaching My Heart. There are no barriers or limits because if souls are in Me, I Am in them and thus divine unity is established.
Behold the Eucharistic Heart which has poured out Blood for the souls of the world from the wood of the Cross on the top of the Mount Calvary.
Every drop of My Blood poured out was a code of renewal, healing and forgiveness. Invoke the power of the Blood of Jesus in these times when the world lives its own darkness, when many souls are unjustly condemned.
I Am the Eucharistic Sun that rises on the horizon so that, after the three days of darkness, humanity may stand up again, straighten up and elevate its gaze to the heavens to see the Son of God come among the clouds, as the Christ among the Christs, as the powerful breath of renewing hope that will bring joy to the hearts that, despite everything, have faith in Me.
Contemplate the Eucharistic Sun of My Heart, offered to the world today, once again, as atonement for all the errors and sins committed up to the present; because I know that the Love of God is unbeknownst to you, for His Love is so great and so infinite that your lives would not bear it.
Behold the Living God Himself Who was present among the men and women of the Earth to preach, heal, cure, exorcise and liberate the souls of the world.
Behold the God Who incarnated in a humble manger in Bethlehem, hidden from the sight of all, adored by the most simple and humble, recognized by the angels of Heaven and the whole universe.
Trust in the power of liberation, because the world needs to be liberated from its agonies and guilt.
My enemy has laid his claws upon many of Mine, but trust because I will triumph, just as the Merciful Love of God triumphed on the Cross to amend the errors from Adam and Eve to the end of times.
This is why I Am here, companions, to give continuity to the triumph of God’s Love in all His Creatures.
How I wish that time would not pass so that I would not have to bid farewell to Mine! Because I know that the hour of the Garden of Gethsemane will come for each one of you, just as it came for the Lord. And at this hour, the Chalice of Sacrifice will be presented to each one; will you drink of it, just as Christ drank of it on the night of Holy Thursday?
In the greatest solitude lies the greatest strength, because God makes you grow in His Infinite and Cosmic Love, a Love capable of forgiving the enemy so that they can also be saved.
I want you to be a part of the Sun of My Heart, I want you to be a part of My Rays, that you may permeate the darkest layers of the illusion of the world, of pain and suffering, so that many more can be saved in My Name, in the Name of Jesus, just as you were saved by Me in the beginning.
Today, I unite times and dimensions, I unite planes and consciousnesses, I unite all in the Creator, the God of the universe and life, just as the Son united to the Father on the Cross.
Be strong and persist, the cross may be heavy, but My Love will always renew you, sanctify you, it will give you eternal life, because it is the Love of the Source that leads you to truth, which brings you wisdom and understanding in these critical moments.
Have faith and move on, take the step and represent Me in this world so much in need of the Lord, just as I need Mine; because although I Am in Heaven or in the heart of this universe, I Am a part of humanity.
I approach those who need Me the most, I hear those who beg Me the most, I respond to those who trust in Me.
Do not be afraid of the cross. Do not be afraid of the end of times. There is no greater thing you can experience than what I have experienced for you at the top of Mount Calvary, where God left Me alone for a moment so that I could die for My companions.
And thus, from the seemingly death or defeat of Christ, the Tree of Life born, grow and bear fruit, renewing the principle of this Project through Love and Forgiveness.
Behold the God of Mercy Who anoints with His Light those who believe in Him and do not despair. Because if you have a part in Me, I will always have a part in you and, regardless of what happens or regardless of what you experience inside or outside, no one, no one will separate you from My Love; because My Love is fidelity, My Love is obedience, My Love is the truth that liberates the souls of the world.
Carry this Message in your innermost depths so that you may live it and you may represent Me.
On this day, once again, I grant you the Sacrament of the Eucharistic Sun of God and the Anointing for your bodies so that you may have life in abundance.
Do not lose faith, I Am Who I Am, I Am the Alpha and the Omega.
Today, I leave the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus exposed on the top of Mount Calvary so that Israel and the world may be sanctified through those who aspire to be at the foot of the Cross of Christ, just as My Mother, John and the holy women were, living with Me the greatest gift of Love and Renunciation for the salvation of the entire human race until the end of days.
My Mantle embraces all, My Mantle protects you; My Hand leads you and guides you toward My Father’s House. For, after this experience on Earth, you will return to your origins, you will remember your stories and passages with Me, in each moment of your inner trajectory. Thus, on this day which is already written, you will see before you the treasures that I have entrusted to you through the experience of the Sacraments.
Blessed are those who perpetuate the Legacy of Christ through the Eucharist and the Sacraments, because in Heaven they will be called Children of God and servants of Christ.
Do not let My Love die in the world, especially in souls. It is time to save those who no longer trust in My church and who have placed a barrier between My Heart and the hearts of My children.
Therefore, I come to renew everything, just as I renewed everything in Jerusalem on Holy Friday at three o'clock in the afternoon, when, in the seemingly defeat and in the laughter of the pharisees, the earth trembled, the dead rose, the Temple was torn and God showed His Power through His Son. In that hour, evil was extirpated from the world for three days, and I will do the same when I return.
I will put an end to that which separates My children from My Father; because He loves you so much, that I know you do not understand or know it. His Love has brought you here, to this moment, to Montserrat, to once again demonstrate His Mercy for you and for the world.
Let us celebrate, in renewal and life, for all those whom your Lord expects to return to the House of God; so that My Heart may no longer suffer agony for those who distance themselves, for those who lose themselves, for those who suffer, for those who do not see the Light nor feel the Love of God.
It is time for My Christic Love to be lived.
Adonai, Shalom, Balakthi,
O Lord of Mercy, hear Your Son.
Eli, Eli, Balakhti,
hear the Voice of Your Servant.
Elohim, Salohuá, Iod,
accept My sacrifice, Lord,
so that all may be saved in Your Name.
My days with you are now numbered.
May My Love work miracles and renew life.
I thank you for being here today with Me, truly, just as you are, without hiding; because I do not see the errors, I contemplate the Treasures of My Father in your essences.
Go in peace and have faith.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the planet at My Feet, being radiated by the Rays of My Merciful Heart.
Behold the souls on this blue planet, within the school of redemption and forgiveness.
I Am a part of this sacred planet. I Am a part of humanity because I was born among you, lived among you, preached to you, and suffered for you, for one cause, because of God’s Love.
This is why, in this new Marathon of Divine Mercy, I want you to contemplate, before yourselves, the planet and all its suffering, so that the Rays of My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy, which flow out from My Heart, may embrace the world and souls even more, especially those condemned to the fire of hell.
This is why I speak to you today, and I present Myself to all My companions, all My disciples, from the Sacred Montserrat, where the Voice of God echoes through the inner planes of those who have their hearts open to hear and recognize the Presence of the Lord.
Today I Am here with you once again for the entire planet. For its oceans and Kingdoms, for its forests, mountain ranges and mounts, for all life and all Creation, gravely outraged in this time by the hand of humankind, by the unconsciousness of those who ambition power.
But behold My Unfathomable Heart, which does not cease to pour out its Graces upon the world and upon the whole universe.
Behold the silent Heart of Christ, which suffers the martyrdom and sins of humanity. The Heart of Christ, which once again offers itself for souls; the Heart that opens like a great door so that all, without exception, may cross it.
My Rays, the Rays of My Heart, need to reach the planet even more, all the terrestrial sphere. Grave are the errors committed in these times, and you already know it. But the change of consciousness is still not happening in the majority but only in the minority.
It is necessary to truly continue praying and commit yourselves with the strength and power of prayer because while this does not happen, greater will be the outrages of the world, greater will be the weight of the Law and its consequences.
This is the moment for you to be radiated by the Light of My Heart, just as I have done many times, out of Love and Mercy.
Do not allow the doors of My Grace to close. Open these doors completely through your consecration and service, not only to the Human Kingdom but also to all the Kingdoms of Nature so that the pain of the most inoffensive Kingdoms of this world may be appeased and relieved, even if through a small or anonymous act. This in itself will greatly relieve the suffering of the world and of the Kingdoms.
So that a New Humanity may be born, so that a new planet may emerge, it is necessary for you to invoke the Law of Healing through prayer, because many wounds must still be healed, many painful events must be dissolved so that the Love of God may triumph in all His Creatures.
In this Marathon, and before the important month of August, when the Spiritual Hierarchy will make new decisions for this Human Project, behold My Merciful Heart, pouring out Blood and Water, through Its Rays, upon this wounded and outraged planet.
May you rise from the abysses.
May the people of Israel rise from the abysses, incessant wayfarers of the desert in search of the Promised Land, which is no longer just a promise but rather a reality.
This is the Earth. This is the planet promised by God for all His Children and Creatures. Value, revere and respect its natural and spiritual riches, for many are the treasures that the inner worlds hold. These are the keys of redemption for all of humanity. They are the new attributes that will emerge from the Inner Kingdoms toward the surface in order to rebuild this whole planet in My Return.
May the old people of Israel come to Me and walk confidently, without losing hope or faith. Even if you see incredible or inexplicable things in this world, do not stop.
May the light of prayer guide your steps and may this pathway, which the light of prayer manifests to you, lead you until you find the Purpose in the innermost depths of your beings. There, you will be in communion with Me and the Father, because in the innermost depths lies the Temple of God, His Home, through the essences of His Children throughout life.
May no one else have the intention of aborting life.
May no one else have the intention of raising a weapon to wound or hurt.
May bombs and weapons no longer be heard among brothers and sisters of the same people or the same race, because I will come to deter all these things, just as I have done in the past.
My signs will not be symbolic but rather forceful. I will mark a line on the ground between the past and the future, between the old time and the New Time, and everything will start from scratch. Therefore, keep walking through My Light in these crucial times of challenges and new experiences.
Although My time with you is now coming to an end, may My Words resound forever so that you may recognize the Voice of the Return of the Lord, which will be heard in the entire universe, just as a storm is heard in the sky.
Thus I prepare you for the last and great time, and through the Presence of My Father, I renew you, and once again give and deliver My Peace to you.
May this Marathon not be lived with a feeling of obligation but rather of spiritual responsibility of the one who is awake and aware that we are in the last hour and in the end time, and that a bead of prayer could deter a war and the destruction of entire peoples, whole lives.
May all those who have consecrated themselves to Me be responsible. You must represent Me in the end of these times, just as My apostles of the past represented Me when I was no longer physically with them.
But the Spirit of God will never be lacking. It will come just as in the Pentecost, like a blazing flame upon your heads, to give you the Discernment and the Wisdom of God so that you may help other souls and may give of yourselves for them.
Thus, the great change will be a reality rather than a promise. Thus, everything will be transfigured, just as the Lord was transfigured on Mount Tabor.
Be brave and persist. My Heart is close to the consistent.
I thank you for listening to Me and for recognizing the Lord in the most intimate core of your hearts, where lies divine life for all souls.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I have told you once that I do not want you perfect, but rather truthful.
I have told you once that I do not come for those who seek opulence, power or revenge. I come here for the sinners.
I have told you once that I do not come seeking the material or spiritual rich. I come here for the humble and simple in heart.
I come here for those who want to find Me and feel Me, for those who accept to open the door of their hearts so that I may enter.
I do not seek something grandiose. I seek something simple, but at the same time profound, intimate and divine.
So that you may know what I need at each new step, you must incessantly seek unity, for in unity there are no differences, in unity there is no enemy of Mine, in unity you will find the peace that you seek so much.
But if first of all you are not in unity in your inner world, in your essence and life, you will not be able to be in unity with Us or with your fellow beings.
In these times, when humanity experiences its own condemnation, when indifference is the energy that dwells in many hearts, I ask you not to move away from My Love, to act and work just as I act and work, to imitate the Lord of the Universe in His immensity of Mercy, Love and Compassion.
For the treasures I have entrusted to you have an unknown and incalculable value for the world, and the greatest treasure that I have for souls are My attributes: truth, transparency, unity, love, compassion and fraternity.
If any of these attributes is lacking in your lives, tirelessly work on them, and do not lose the little time that is left, for I repeat to you again, just as I have told you many times: love one another just as I love you.
For as long as this does not happen and We see it, the world will continue to grow darker through its own indifference and division.
Do not believe that just because you experience the path of the spirit you have won everything already.
Look to your side, contemplate the pain of your brother and sister, and recognize the Christ that suffers in silence. That is where love must begin to emerge, more than in words, more than in accomplishments, more than in expectations and much more than in instructions.
Because if love is not the center of the living flame of each being, nothing makes sense on this planet and in this humanity. I came to the world to teach you this path, and if it seems that I say the same things all the time, it is because you do not experience them.
My Mother, who is in Heaven and on Earth, the Mother of all of humanity, gave you a lesson on humility the other day. Were you able to recognize it? Were you able to accept it?
May Our Words not dissolve in the ether of this world, but rather linger. Therefore, observe yourselves, without judgment and without condemnation, and acknowledge that which you still do not yet live or feel, especially for your neighbor.
If these foundations are not solid in your lives, the Plan of God will be in vain. His trust is placed on those who love Him and love their brothers and sisters. Therefore, abandon the appearances and differences, and learn to quench the thirst of the Lord.
The signs that I have left to you throughout the times are visible.
In My revelations, I presented to you the reality of God. The most profound mysteries of the Love of the Creator are present on each Face of Christ. But this presence of My Heart, of My Love, of My Truth and My Path, can you recognize it in your fellow being?
God is so humble and so simple, that He hides in those places where many cannot see Him. Just as Christ is present in the Eucharist, God is present in the hearts, especially in those who truly surrender out of love, entrusting their lives in the Hands of the Father, just as the Son of the Father trusted in the Father at the top of the Cross.
Many are the wounds that the world causes Me, but many more are the wounds that sometimes My companions cause Me, without being aware of what this means and represents.
Those who are responsible for guiding the Plan of God on Earth, those who are responsible for many souls in this world, are those who must resign themselves the most before the Lord of the Universe, so that nothing becomes twisted, so that the Purpose may be aligned with the principle of the Law, and so that the manifestation of God’s Will may be fulfilled and not altered.
I know that you did not expect Me to say this and perhaps many cannot understand what I am talking about, but this Message is for those who do know what I am talking about.
The responsibility for all souls is very great and this has a universal weight.
To follow My Path is not an emotion. To follow My Path is not something temporary. To follow My Path is to learn how to live in the Law. To follow My Path is to learn how to love at each step, just as I loved you at each step that I took in this world.
Close the doors to all that is not real. Place your energy upon all that is vital and urgent. Do not lose My brotherhood, do not waste it or discard it, for the Heart of the Father might be offended. And who will justify this offense before God?
Do not forget to treat one another as brothers and sisters, because when you learn how to do it you will learn how to treat one another as souls and someday as essences, just as God treats each one of you, without exception.
The debt of this world is very great. Do not collaborate in making this debt become graver. You are aware of all the treasures that I have given to you out of Love.
The Plan must be fulfilled and not be aborted. Can you understand what I Am saying to you? My Words must no longer be symbols or abstract drawings.
The truth of My Words must reach the heart of all; because if you do not live through your hearts, you will not live in the truth.
And this is what I come to ask of you on this day: that, in the solemnity of My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, you may live in the heart, in the heart that loves and does not condemn; in the heart that does not separate, but rather unites; in the heart that accepts, rather than rejects; in the heart that can go beyond itself for the salvation of others.
I repeat all this to you because you are not grasping it. My work for this Work is not in vain.
The pillars of this Work, which take care of all souls, are quite responsible. This is the same I taught My apostles in the past. Because to be My apostle is not a task, it is being capable of awakening one’s own Inner Christ and loving, and it is being capable of tirelessly working for the awakening of the other Inner Christs without condemning them, without oppressing them, without distancing them from love.
Where is the Love that I gave you, companions?
If in the face of the apparent desert you escape, if in the face of the apparent abyss you run away, if in the face of the apparent storm you are not united, how shall My Love triumph in the world?
Open your eyes and do not deceive yourselves. The deceiver of all is very close and you do not perceive it.
With the swords of the angels, cut all evil. But above all, evil dissipates through love, through the love that heals, through the love that cures, through the love that liberates, through the love that unifies, through merciful love.
On this day, of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, may souls perceive and feel the Burning Love of the Lord so that peace may be established, so that unity may be reflected, so that brotherhood may be fulfilled, so that the Works of God may be carried out.
No longer waste your time in that which is unnecessary and useless. How many souls are suffering and need your help! Step out of your own center and open yourselves.
All that which surrounds you needs redemption. Be a bridge, rather than a tunnel. Be a portal, rather than a wall, be a star, rather than an abyss.
The Love of My Heart must not be wasted. I have invited you to consciously drink from My Chalice. Will you be able to continue to do it?
In My Project there is fraternity, love and unity.
Today, the angels are witnesses of all that I Am saying. And the Heart of Jesus strives to say it, for I have no more time. And souls still do not decide to live in My Love, in My Will and in My Truth, which is the Truth and the Will of the Father.
I would like to finish this cycle with triumphs, rather than with anguish. I would like to finish this cycle of Apparitions with treasures, rather than with disappointments. I have invited you to live something unknown, and you still have not understood it.
Be silent to understand what I am saying, withdraw to perceive what I am showing you and give thanks for the opportunity to live in humility. Because when I Am no longer among you, you will remember these days. And what will you do with all that I have given you out of Love?
Do not forget the Sacrament of Confession, especially all religious men and women. The Sacraments are the doors to your liberation, they are the doors to My Mercy, do not turn your backs on them.
Be humble, rather than proud, be simple, rather than vain. And through Me, you will know how wonderful it is to live in God, because He is already very much offended.
Let us offer, on this day, the Spiritual Communion, as an act of reparation and pardon.
And I ask for Grace from the God of the Universe and of Life, for the unity of all servers, for the Higher Love among servers, for brotherhood among those who serve Christ. Because if these pillars are not part of yourselves, you will not manage to go through these difficult times.
Do not forget what I have said to you, because you are not experiencing it.
I come to say this to you out of Love, an infinite and unknown Love, which at this moment emanates from the Source of Creation.
I thank you.
O! Blood of Christ,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts.
Have pity on us, Lord.
(3 times)
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will prepare for the Spiritual Communion, fulfilling that which Christ has asked of us: carrying out an act of reparation and pardon on this day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, asking for the Grace of unity, brotherhood and fraternity.
While we prepare ourselves, we will sing a song at the request of Christ, “The Power of the Blood.”
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
After the time of Apocalypse, an immeasurable time of peace will come, a moment when I will already be on the planet, after having defeated the fallen angel through the powerful strength of the Love of God in the expression of the Most Holy Trinity.
When that time comes, I will call the Elohim once again for them to rebuild the ethers of the planet, so that the etheric, astral and mental planes may be definitively sealed and all uncertain doors may close, those which were originated since Adam and Eve up to the present time.
At that hour the Universal Judgment will have already taken place. And on the top of a great resplendent mountain, like the mountain which Moses climbed to receive the Tablets of the Law, your Master and Lord will alight His Feet.
In the four corners of the planet, souls will be called to meet Me. And the Resplendent will be witnesses of that moment, when the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God and of the universes, will give them the relics of sacrifice and renunciation of Mine.
For a short time, the great threshold of the universe will open on the planet, and all will be able to witness the history of the chosen, of those who have given testimonial of Christ through their lives.
That moment will be crowned by the angels of Heaven. At that hour, the Blood of Christ, Its spiritual, atomic and cellular value will be recognized.
And the ancient Genetic Project will be reconfigured. And atoms of the self-summoned will spin quickly, molecules and cells will become illuminated, and the endless network of suffering will be transmuted.
At that moment, I will ask the Almighty for His Intercession and. through the Archangel Gabriel, who announced to My Mother the coming of the Messiah, will open, on top of the resplendent mountain, beside your Master and Lord, the last seal, held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
At that hour, the Retreats and Inner Centers of the planet will also shine, and all will know the hidden face of the Plan of the Brotherhood.
Just as it was at the beginning, the visitors will come from the universe, to live that great planetary and universal moment, when the Real Time of the universe will be established and that which, for the majority, had been an unknown and abstract mystery, will no longer be so. For I promise, on this day and this hour, that the one who will be with Me until the end, until the end of days, will feel in their hearts, in that moment on the top of the mountain of resplendence, an unknown bliss, granted by the magnificent work of the Holy Spirit.
All Lineages and all virtues will be given to the Master, so that also the Spiritual Universe may be transformed.
And at that hour, when the One Thousand Years of Peace will be established, which in truth are one thousand cycles of reconfigurations of the profound consciousness of the planet and of humanity, your Master and Lord will give a new command for the chains and shackles of perdition to dissolve forever.
The Archangel Gabriel will take in His Hands the Holy Grail, the Grail that witnessed the surrender of the Blood of Christ during the Last Supper.
At that hour, with the threshold of the universe still open on the planet and in humanity, the union of times will be established again, and all evolutionary and spiritual moments that this race has lived will be exposed.
The blood of the martyrs, at that moment, will justify all the wars that have taken place in the world.
The priestly life will re-establish the connection between Heaven and Earth.
The selfless service of the consequent will re-establish spiritual faith in all souls. And those who once lost the path, will be included by Me, for the last time, to be saved and rescued.
For this reason, at that moment, the last holy women will be praying, imploring to God, together with the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who will already be present on Earth, as Mother and Governess, gathering all Her dear children in a single oratory of Light.
Just as it was in the Pentecost, the Most Holy Mother of Heaven and Earth will again ask the Holy Spirit to descend and all the merits and pains suffered by the Most Holy Mother, from the Last Supper to the top of Mount Calvary, will be contemplated, and She will intercede for the world for the last time.
She will pour out Her Graces upon those who do not deserve them. Her Love will mend their errors, the errors of all those who failed Christ. And Her Most Holy Hand, the Maternal Hand of the Most Holy Virgin, will mark all rescued with a cross of Light.
At that moment, those souls will be contemplated by the Ark of the Holy Covenant and will have the Grace and the opportunity to begin anew.
And I will still be upon the top of this resplendent mountain. And just as it was in Galilee, I will speak to you again, but this time not in parables, but rather through the true examples of transformation and redemption that your Master and Lord has seen throughout the ages in all souls.
This will open a new time and a new cycle. And then the history of the last days of the planet will be written again.
The guardian angels will rise to God to give testimony to this moment. For all those who have ever received a sacrament in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, will also be considered by your Redeemer, and all, before the Holy Grail, will see the transfiguration of the Blood of Christ.
The Shepherd will call you to the table of redemption, because He will break the bread again to share His Body and His Blood in the Presence of the Lord, and a new Purpose will enter the inner worlds, the one which the stars of origin have so much awaited.
The original names will be illuminated in the firmament of the universe, because those names will emanate from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
At that moment, the material plane will be transubstantiated by the Presence of Christ and by the prayers of the last holy women, and by the good mothers of the spirit gathered with the Most Holy Mother of God.
There will no longer be judgment, condemnation or death. The souls will be born again in the Holy Spirit, their faith will reach farther away than they expected.
And God will close that great event, when Adonai descends from the Heights with the Strength and Power of His Kingdom, with the Omnipotence of His Love, with the Eternal Grace of His Presence. In this way, for one moment, you will be before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in One Person.
At that moment, you will understand the mystery of the Great Will of the Most High and of His permanent and constant striving for this Project of the surface of the Earth to express the presence of the New Christs.
And all those who have unjustly suffered the adversities of evil will be compensated. The last will be the first, and those who had believed they were the first, will be the last.
Blessed be the humble in heart, those who suffer the miseries of these times, as the example of My children of Africa, because they will be the first to see the Lord. And at that hour, from those little hearts will emerge the power of renewal and faith.
My African children will no longer be punished with impunity, with persecution or death. I Myself will come to liberate them from slavery, because they will have a part with Me in the Kingdom and, at that hour, the whole world will know who the hearts of Africa are.
I will crown them with My Graces and Mercies, because on the top of the resplendent mountain, they will sign with Me the new covenant and will do it on behalf of all of humanity. Thus My Love will triumph, within and outside of humanity, within and outside of souls, in the whole universe.
I leave to you the deepest feeling of My Heart, so that it may be fulfilled in this humanity and on this planet.
I give thanks for the response of the consequent and prayerful ones, of all those who have responded to My Call these days, a sacred experience that will be held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant in order to merge spiritually with the Relics of Christ.
In this way, may hearts be prepared for the end of these times.
So that this aspiration may be fulfilled, the burning aspiration of the Heart of Jesus, I will celebrate with you the Holy Eucharist, just as I celebrated it with My companions in the Holy Cenacle.
I ask My priests, those who at this moment are in Figueira, to also accompany this spiritual exercise.
We will celebrate this Sacrament, just as it was celebrated in the cenacle, in a simple, profound and true manner, just as your Lord is.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Please bring me water to wash the hands.
Let the priests draw near.
While we prepare for this exercise that the Lord will do for us, we internally pray so that, just as the apostles did, we may enter the Holy Cenacle.
At that time, I asked Mine to bring Me the bread and the wine for the consecration, because if I had not done this spiritual exercise, the world had not understood the sacrifice of the Lord.
Thus, I gathered them all around the Master. In a simple and austere way, I offered to humanity what is greatest in God.
Therefore, at this hour of the Holy Cenacle, the Lord took the bread, raised it to God in thanksgiving and sacrifice, asking for the angels of the universe to transubstantiate it into My Glorious Body.
With that in mind, I broke the bread and offered it to each one of My companions, saying, “Take and eat, because this is My Body, which will be given for humanity, for the forgiveness of sins.”
We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Then I took the Chalice in My Hands and raised it to God in thanksgiving and sacrifice. And so that this might be fulfilled, I passed it to My companions, saying, “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb, which will be shed for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, just as you do for Me at this moment, until I return to the world.”
We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Prayer: “Our Father” (in Spanish)
May My Peace descend to the world, just as My Blood descended to the Earth.
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word, and I shall be healed.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
In communion with Christ and in His Merciful Presence, we reverently give one another the greeting of peace, greeting each inner Christ.
And we announce, in the Presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Spiritual Communion of all souls with Christ.
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences
by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the His Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg for the conversion of poor sinners.
And thus, My Form of Light and My Blood entered the apostles and the holy women. And I prepared them to receive the Great Consoler and have the inner strength to endure the Passion of Christ, just as today I prepare you to endure the planetary calvary.
In this communion and alliance with Me, in the sacred presence of the Cenacle of Christ, which strengthens His Great Mystical Body, His Spiritual Church, formed by all souls, we raise this offering to God, in gratitude, reverence and devotion.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you.
You may go in peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
Thank you all.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My White Ray justifies souls. My Red Ray purifies souls.
But who can position themselves under this immense Grace?
Throughout the times, I have revealed the devotion to My Sacred Heart, and I have renewed this devotion through the Merciful Jesus, because I knew that just one revelation was not enough for the world, and even more, I have surrendered for you at each moment, revealing in the latest times the Glorified Face of My Heart.
I know that the human mind cannot encompass the Great Mystery of God, but the heart that loves the unknown Mystery will know it someday, because its faith and devotion to the Great Mystery are true.
After the three important revelations that I have delivered to the world through My Sacred Heart, through the Merciful Christ and through the Glorified Jesus, I come to put an end to My revelations, because the great moment of My Return is drawing near.
The moment is drawing near, when humanity will experience its spiritual inflection, when the Word of God will be fulfilled through the Word of the First-Born, when the chaff will be separated from the wheat.
In truth, I tell you I wish that moment would never come, but this is the Law of Love and Wisdom, because the world will not only experience a correction, everything will be put in evidence, and all will know everything, but also the universe will experience its correction and its alignment. But I do not want you to take this as a punishment.
The world has demonstrated the opposite throughout the times. It has come out of the Law a great many times and has offended it.
The Law comes to protect you from yourselves and to protect you from My enemy, the great adversary of all. But the love of the consistent and of the merciful, of the small groups of souls and consciousnesses in the whole world, is that which has allowed, up to this moment, for your Lord and Master to approach you to deliver the Word of Life and the blessings of Heaven.
With this, I want to tell you that until August you will have Me with you, by means of this exercise of the Marathon of Divine Mercy.
Companions, My task withdraws at this moment, and the three important and last cycles present themselves, in everything will be seen, and you will be able to distinguish the Truth from the lie, from all that this humanity lives on the surface.
But do not lose heart, the Law that rules the Heavens and the Earth will continue to allow Me to come on the third Friday of each month, because I must still fulfill My universal operations in humanity until the clock marks the moment of My total withdrawal.
With this I want to tell you, My dear companions, that after so many years of impulses, blessings and Graces, the time has come for your lives to be My very Gospel, and for you to do it for those who have not been able to follow Me. In this way, the Grace of your effort, your renunciation and consecration, will be able to grant a last opportunity to those who have been left behind to work for this vast Plan of the Eternal Father, so that each soul and each heart in this world may find their place and thus serve God, just as He needs in this cycle.
Therefore, you must continue to pray to My Sacred Heart, before the door of Mercy closes and the door of Divine Justice opens. With this I want to tell you, My companions, that at that hour the seven seals will be open and the Armageddon will become the Apocalypse.
The most inconceivable things in the world will be seen by all and at that hour the Archangel Michael and the Archangel Rafael, as Resplendent ones of the Justice of God, will evaluate this human Genetic Project, and a sample of this Project will be removed to repopulate the New Earth so that, together with the prophets, patriarchs and My followers, this planet and this humanity may be rebuilt.
Thus, in this spiritual and inner reconstruction, the doors to evil will be closed and the great door of hope and of the coming time will be opened for all. The Lord also prays for this.
The time has come for you to walk alone, but also for you to walk with Me and to walk, through Me, in all that we must still do in this world, in the works of Love and Mercy that must be concretized so that this world and humanity may be repaired.
This is all that I wanted to say to you today, because you must not lose My Words. You must understand the immensity of My Message, because you must feel the echo of My Voice.
The Lord of Mercy embraces you and contemplates you. Do not lose even a second of drinking from this Fountain of Graces and do it for those who have forgotten My Love. I will thank you for this spiritual gesture.
May Mercy be fulfilled up to the last particle of consciousness. So that this may be possible, once again I come to give you the Sacrament of the Eucharist, so that you may relive the sacrifice of the Lord through the surrender of His Body and His Blood, Spiritual Treasures for the redemption of souls and of the world, Relics of Eternity.
Go in peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May My Words be life in you.
May the impulses of these last few years be a reality in your consciousnesses.
Do not live My Message superficially.
Learn to be thirsty for Me, just as I Am thirsty for you.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I walk upon fire, but I do not become lost.
I swim in the depths, but I do not disappear.
I Am wounded, but I do not get hurt.
I penetrate that which is darkest, but I always see the Light.
There is no mystery before Me, because in My Presence all is revealed.
In the apparent emptiness is My All.
Where I sometimes cannot go is where My greatest effort is.
I leave nothing behind. Each detail is important, because this is the Law, consistent and unchangeable, permanent and unalterable, because the Law in Me is just, yet not severe.
To feel its weight is not the same as to feel its pressure, because it is a stream that transcends everything, changes forms and transmutes thought.
Neutrality is My keynote. In it, I find balance, and also justice. Without neutrality, it is not possible to know harmony, balance or peace. This is the permanent exercise of the Governor and of all His disciples, of those who learn to live in the Law and in balance.
In the universe, all is dynamic, nothing is lost, all is transformed, renewed and resized, so that each aspect of this Creation may find its place and space.
And what is apparently dark also has its place. This is why it is within this Creation, so that the place that corresponds to it may someday be redeemed, liberated and transmuted, because the foundation of this mysterious movement is Love.
The darkness of these times cannot stand Love. The one who lives in the Love of My Father transforms their own spiritual darkness, and the steps they find to transcend it are the Laws, the Laws which will lead them to understand the good in its infinite manifestation and power.
This is why you must not believe that the doors will close forever. The much-expected change begins in yourselves, and ends in yourselves.
Nothing external is responsible for what happens to you. Acknowledge your part in this universal learning, and in this way, you will grow in humility and wisdom, you will appease your egocentrism and transmute your own terrestrial forces when the Law touches the subliminal levels of consciousness.
But there is just one key that opens this door: trust. Without trust it is not possible to build the Plan of God, because in trust is the Truth and also the Light.
This is what you must not forget in these times. Each thing that happens to you has a cause, has a purpose, and also has a reason.
When you live within the Law, you will understand everything, because in the Law there is no wound that is not healed, because in the Law there is no learning experience that is not understood, because in the Law there is no mystery that is not revealed.
The Divine Law is the sustenance of a Higher and Superior Government, but you will only be able to get there, through your consciousnesses, with the great master key of Love.
There is no other path to tread but this, because the mystery hides from the greedy, the mystery hides from the unbelieving, the mystery shows itself to the simple in heart, because the mystery is a guiding star for the brave, for those who aspire to live the Government of Christ. Because I Am in that which is small, rather than in what is big, because My Father is in that which is humble, rather than in opulence, because the Holy Spirit is present in the hearts of the simple, rather than in the hearts of the vain.
The Law that allows Me to walk upon fire without burning any part of My Being, is the one that protects My path of ascension, and it is the same Law that protects the path of ascension of My companions.
Because in truth I tell you that in this lifetime you will not understand the mystery of the universe in its totality. The one who lives in the school of the degrees of love will know it.
Today I come with this Message so that you may reveal it within yourselves, in the depths of your inner world.
I come with this Message for the followers of the Spiritual Government of Christ, for those who, tearing their own beings and transforming the deepest layers of consciousness, have decided to be part of the New Christs.
The world does not seek these greater spheres. The planetary distraction is too great, because it is fostered by the evil spirit of indifference.
However, I come to open this door toward that which you have never seen. I come, through My Word, to open the consciousness for you, because before I return to the world, My disciples and followers must already live in My Spiritual Government and be mirrors of this infinite and unmeasurable charity, be mirrors of this inexhaustible readiness, be mirrors of My spiritual gratitude, so that the perverse currents of this world may be dispelled, so that the souls bound to the shackles of evil may be liberated through the mere fact that there are souls and consciousnesses that make true contact with My Spiritual Government.
The answer lies within the inner world of the one who seeks this answer.
Now it is time to ask yourselves:
Lord, what else should I do so that Your Return may be fulfilled?
Lord, what else should I stop doing so that Your Return is not aborted?
Lord, what else should I change so that I may be worthy of Your coming Kingdom?
Therefore, companions, ask the Lord of the Universe for the Graceso of being consistent in preparing His Return in the end of these times and that this promise may not only remain on the mental plane, but rather become a reality through My companions, those who have said ‘yes’ to Me.
Through My Message, I have left you many symbols, and also many answers. This is why I once again expect to see the response of your hearts.
I wish that no one else becomes absent from My Plan, My Communities and My Light-Nuclei, because each one is a piece that I need, to build the New Earth. Without these pieces, the coming time will not be able to arrive. It will not be possible for what is to come to be a reality.
Continue to make efforts on the path of transcendence and transformation, because a Good Master never abandons His companions.
I ask you to decide to be this concrete promise of the Lord. No longer close your paths, no longer close your hearts. No longer prevent your higher consciousnesses from working for the Plan. Live the renewal of these times, abandon the specter of inertia, coldness and indifference.
The one who is before Me, warms their heart in My Fire of Love. I always renew all that I touch and all that I consecrate. Do not miss the opportunity, because My time is coming to an end and the three long nights will come. And at that hour, will I have you in Me, or will you be far from Me? You must be ready for this.
My Law, at this hour, descends as a Merciful Grace that justifies errors and dissolves sins.
My Law, which is the Law of God, is the Scepter that guides His sacred people, it is the star that indicates the Purpose in the firmament.
The Law is not severity, but rather sheltering. The Law is not punishment. It is love, discernment.
May the Law that rules the Living Christ bless you today, just as the Son of the Father was blessed in the Jordan River.
Receive the Baptism of My Spirit, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And may this Marathon of Mercy be the Marathon of the consequent, of those who understand, of those who comprehend and know that it is urgent to pray for Divine Mercy, because we are in a culminating and definitive time.
One last thing I ask of you: that My Words may be life in you, so that everything may be renewed. So be it. Amen.
Go in peace, and continue forward, building My expected Return.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I come to speak to you of the origin of everything, of the beginning of this universe, originated in the Spiritual Universe, the place from which all essences come, where the entire trajectory was built, thought out and created by the Great Creator Fathers.
Today, I come with this spiritual impulse, in the face of the emergency of the planet and the perdition of humanity.
I come to remind each one of Mine of who they truly are and why they emerged from such a vast and diverse Source, which is reflected and mirrored in the vast ponds of the universe, spaces through which you have already passed before incarnating in this three-dimensional world.
Therefore, your souls know the trajectory widely, because they have once experienced the different rays and currents of this Material Universe.
But, before I get to the reason why I am here today, I come to remind you of the Origin of all Creation, because it is time to look into that spiritual space, as humanity is distracted and also influenced by all that which it believes that makes it evolve.
Therefore, place your inner gaze at the beginning and at the origin of the Source, where God began to think, meditate and reflect upon the existence of a great many universes, until you arrive at this particular universe, which you call the third dimension.
That is why I come to speak to you of the higher worlds, because from the higher worlds the constant Thought and Sound of God is emitted, an eternal and inextinguishable echo that many humanities have heard since long ago and now the time has come, before the Return of Christ is fulfilled, for souls and consciousnesses to awaken to that Call, which is not something concrete, it is a deeply spiritual Call that your souls hear, because they once heard it at the Origin of the origin, from where everything once arose.
Thus, the Heavenly Father, a vast Consciousness unknown to many, is a Primordial Emanation, but He is also a Law reflected in the three states of consciousness: spiritual, mental and material. It was there that He first placed His Thought, but before that He placed His Contemplation and His Gaze, because He ardently desired that through the Creator Fathers and their angelic hosts the Project could be fulfilled, not only the Project of this humanity, but also the Project of other unknown humanities.
Therefore, He asked the Creators to think of creating dimensions, planes and deep spaces so that the spiritual life of the Source could be expressed on the three planes of consciousness until that eternal and infinite life became concrete, felt by the human heart, perceived by the mind and above all by the heart. For that spiritual and eternal life, which comes from the Source, to be able to express itself, a system of spiritual evolution had to be created, and the archangels were in charge of this.
From His Heart, the Eternal Father emitted the impulses for His Children, the Creators. But when that began, the Project began to materialize.
However, there was one of them who wanted to be greater than the Creator, greater than the Eternal Father. And this one, that fallen angel, through their own pride and arrogance, turned away from Love and, in turning away from Love, turned away from the true Light, which has not shone upon them for a long time.
Therefore, My great promise is not only the redemption of the world, but also the redemption of the fallen angel, for as much as this angel has deviated from the Plans of God by their great disobedience, the Father, who is unique and inextinguishable in His Love, in His Wisdom and in His Consciousness, does not stop loving the one whom He created from the beginning.
Therefore, throughout the ages, the One, in His Primordial Source, saw the unfolding of the events of evolutionary life in the universe and on this planet. Many were the mistakes, but great were the victories and the successes of all those who adhered to the Divine and Unfathomable Will, of all who allowed themselves, throughout the universe and throughout the ages, to be a part of the Great Cosmic Wisdom.
In God's Plan, in His origin and in His principle, there were never any mistakes, but at that time, when the Creators were thinking of the manifestation of life in the universes and in the different planes of consciousness, even on the material plane, it was when the fallen angel went astray.
How could you think that an angel, so high in the beginning, wanted to be greater than God?
That is where the darkness began, because the darkness was brought about by lack of love and lack of faithfulness. But the Father did not give up, He did not rest; on the contrary, He gave His Spirit, He gave His Consciousness and, above all, He gave His Love in the Sacred Incarnation of Christ.
He chose, out of so many Projects, this planet so that He might incarnate as a simple and humble man through Jesus of Nazareth.
Thus, He expanded His Consciousness in the manifestation of His Second Person, because He knew that after the surrender of Christ on the Cross, not only His own Self would amend and justify all the errors of humankind from Adam and Eve to the present, but that He could also manifest His Third Person through the Holy Spirit, incarnated in the Consciousness of Mary.
Therefore, His great strategy and operation from the beginning was silent and anonymous. A Great God like the One on high, immense in Love, great in Humility and infinite in Mercy, could never have incarnated with honors and distinction, although the angels of Heaven knew it in secret.
Therefore, He came as Christ to correct the world, not with a severe law, but with the expression of His Merciful Love; because He had known, from the beginning of the fall of the disobedient creator, that souls would be lost through the ages.
Therefore, this present moment of humanity is the great moment of planetary inflection, but it is also the great moment of cosmic opportunity so that, through the awakening of those who offer themselves to Christ, the great event of the reconstruction of humanity on a spiritual, mental and material level may be generated; and even more so, all of this can generate, through the adherence and faithfulness of the followers of Christ, His Great Return to the world to put an end to evil and thus re-establish the Law of Life, which is being interrupted by the ideologies and the lack of consciousness of a large part of this humanity.
When I speak to you that it is time to return to the origin, I do not speak to you of something unattainable, but I speak to you of something conscious, of the opportunity to return to the Law in order to be under the Wisdom and Love of God, just as the people of Israel tried many times.
If that living of the Law in you is true, and also simple, under obedience and loyalty to God, the plans of the adversary will fall under their own weight. Sacrifice or death, abortion or the division of families through the bombardment of communications will no longer be necessary.
It is necessary to return to the origin to start from scratch. That is what one of the Adams tried to do in the beginning, in Genesis. And although this did not work, the Eternal Father tried again, because by His infinite Mercy, He did not give up on this Project of humanity, capable of having a deep contact with Him, but also capable, in these times, of destroying that spiritual contact with Him by all the interferences and influences of these times.
In this reflection and Message that I bring to you today, I ask you: Are you aware of the importance of returning to your origins and not being puppets of My enemy?
This is the time to make a decision, and it is also the time to take a mature step to prepare the spiritual foundation for the Return of Christ.
And before the Universe of God, and also before your souls, here I find an answer, a true effort to follow Me, although your Master and Lord is very demanding; because what I prepare for you in the future is unknown.
I will bring you treasures from Andromeda, which you have never seen. I will share them with you, just as I have shared My Body and My Blood many times for the end times and, above all, for the emergence of the New Humanity. And it will no longer be necessary to remember the sacrifice of Christ, because by your own sacrifices, efforts, renunciations and surrender, you will give merit before God and justify your own errors and the errors of the world; especially the great errors of the shed blood of the innocent.
So that this will no longer happen, I come to remind you of your origins, because in your origins, that is, in your cosmic ponds, is the Project of the New Christs, who will prepare the Earth at the end of times by means of their purification and their transformation so that the King of the Universe may return in glory, and with Him not only all the angels, the saints, the blessed and ascended, but also all the relics that gave birth to this Creation, which I hope to exhibit next to the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
And at that hour, at that moment, everything will start from scratch. No one will remember their suffering and their pain. No one will fear death, because it will not be necessary to die.
The Light of My Return will bring resurrection to your bodies and spirits, and thus, as it was in ancient times, you will live in Eternity, in the presence of the Sacred Spiritual Paradise which will re-conceive Eden in the world.
If you have faith in My promises, your lives could be My own promises, although at this moment it may seem impossible to you; because if the Word of God is here, His Law is here and thus His Law is fulfilled in Heaven and on Earth, in the innermost depths of the inner world and in the outermost reaches of this universe.
No one can boycott the Law of God, because His Law is pure and immaculate, just as His Triune Manifestation, through the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, is pure and immaculate.
Difficult times will still come and the majority will experience unknown situations, but the one who is in Me will always have eternal life and will not perish, only if they are truly in Me and I in them; and I being in them and in every heart, you will be with Me in the Father and there will be nothing to fear; because the time will come when you will be pillars, solid columns of Light that, in spite of the trembling of the Earth, the sky or even the universe, you will not agonize if you trust in Me.
But I still need to make use of some souls, so that they may undergo My sufferings and My pains. I am choosing these souls in the most absolute silence and I am letting them know that, in anonymity, lies the great key to the sacrifice of Love, of the souls who are victims of the Love of Christ.
Therefore, today I also come to offer you, through My Heavenly Church, the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, so that this Grace unknown to the world may prepare the advent of the New Christs, which must be now, that it may prepare the spiritual condition for your souls and spirits to return in consciousness to the origins.
Thus, once again through the Sacrifice of the Altar, where the bread and wine will become My Body and My Blood, I come to renew the lives of all, under the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Who brings the impulse of Its Gifts and Graces to those who need and aspire to them.
Thus, through My Words I cleanse your hearts, I prepare your inner temples so that I may re-enter, so that you may leave here renewed, conscious and more available for that which I need you to live and support; because there will not be many of My apostles of the end times, but the few who are, will be true.
Could it be that you are applying yourselves for this?
You should not give Me the confirmation now. I told you once: "By their fruits you shall know them".
Let us celebrate in the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that the Grace of courage may descend upon Mine, and grant to hearts the impetus and the strength of determination, so that they may do the utmost and even the impossible for Christ, until it hurts in their bones for a single purpose, for the triumph of My Love in humankind.
And so that the world may not abort its own Project, let us pray:
Father of Goodness, Wisdom and Mercy,
listen to the Voice of Your Beloved Son,
who tirelessly presents Himself once more to the world,
so that Your Great Cosmic Call may be heard by all.
Beloved Father,
may Your Word and Your Love resound in hearts,
may the lost souls resurrect in spirit
and may the Sacred Universal Family be constituted
in honor and glory for Thy Infinite Presence,
until the fulfilment of the Thousand Years of Peace.
Friar Elias of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Christ said that we have learned it very well, as it was on the Mount of Beatitudes, so it must always be.
Let us prepare ourselves for this sacred moment. And, at the request of Christ, we will invoke the Sacred Names of God, so that all the manifestations of the Eternal Father may descend at this moment, flood the souls with Grace and Love, with Consolation and Mercy and, thus in this ceremony, we will open the doors of the Spiritual Church of Christ, today present in the skies of Brazil, in order to strengthen the Purpose of the souls and of this country, in order to soothe the heart of the angel of Brazil through the offering of our guardian angels.
At the request of Christ, we will prepare ourselves for this inner offering, so that we may be worthy to celebrate this Sacrament, worthy of His Mercy, His Peace and His Forgiveness.
Let us sing, before the Presence of Jesus and of His Sacred Heart.
Song: Names of God - Canon no 1
Before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, before the infinite source of the Love and Mercy of Christ, we prepare ourselves together with the Master for this sacred moment, when He comes to share with us, once again, His Body and Blood.
And before the Great Altar of the Heavenly Church, we celebrate.
After He has purified our heart and prepared our inner temple, so that we may receive Him again in joy and gladness, we offer our life, as we offer these elements that will become the Body and Blood of Christ.
And we raise our purest intention toward these Heavenly Altars through our guardian angels. For a moment, we unite ourselves to them in silence; just as all the angels at this moment unite themselves to Christ; and we aspire, in the name of the Lord, that our life, and the life of our brothers and sisters, may be that testimony that Christ awaits, within the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
Therefore, I again consummate this moment, in the memory of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and gives you His Peace again. Today, in memory of that sacred moment in the Cenacle, today I once again gather My apostles and followers of the end times to celebrate this moment of union with My Christic energy.
Therefore, in the name of God, I raise again the bread that you offer to Me today, so that God may receive it in His Kingdom and through His Consoling Love and under the intercession of the angels and archangels present, of all those who guard the Ark of the Holy Covenant, He may turn it into My Glorious Body and accept the offer of Mine.
Thus, I again break and share it with all, saying again, "Take and eat of it, because this is My Body, which was given for love of you. This is the Sacred Body of Jesus that takes away the faults and sins of the world".
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elias of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Let us bow down in reverence for the Eucharistic Body of Christ, in the Presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; just like the angels reverence and adore the Presence of Christ on the Sacred Altar.
In the same way, I again take the Chalice in My Hands, for the redemption of all humankind and the planet and, in the name of all, I raise it to the Father, reminding you all of the sacrifice of the last Lamb, the One who was immolated and gave Himself for you, asking the Father to transubstantiate this wine into My Precious Blood, by means of the intervention of the angels and archangels present and of all the witnesses and guardian angels.
Thus, I offer it again to Mine out of love, saying to them, "Take this all of you and drink from it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood which was shed and continues to be shed spiritually for the world through the Five Mighty Wounds of Jesus, for the remission of all faults. Do this again in remembrance of Me and in My Presence, because I am returning".
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elias of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Let us bow down in reverence.
To be part with Me in this Mystery of Love, present and alive in the Eucharist and in the Sacred Chalice, I again ask you to join Me in prayer, so that this planet and humanity may be helped and, especially, the impossible causes may be reversed in all suffering hearts.
Let us again cry out to God for His Mercy and for His Grace, and in inner unity with all the angels of Heaven, let us sing the "Lord's Prayer" in Aramaic.
Song: "Our Father" in Aramaic.
May the Peace of God descend.
Fray Elias of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
And with faith, we say to Christ:
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say The Word and my soul shall be healed.
And just as Christ at this moment gives us His Peace, we give each other the fraternal gesture of peace: "The Peace of Christ".
At this moment, as our Lord taught us, let us announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls with Christ.
Who is in God fears nothing.
Who is in God does not retreat.
Who is in God lives on the Love of God.
This is the strength of today.
In God, in God, in God.
I give you My Peace and My inner Strength for you to be My witnesses at the end of these times, apostles of My Divine and unfathomable Mercy.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elias of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
We thank all those who accompanied us, and we withdraw ourselves in Christ until tomorrow to meet with our Blessed Mother again.
Thank you all.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Praised be God and blessed be this place for the centuries to come. Amen.
You have knocked on the door of the greatest Relic of My Heart, a spiritual and inexhaustible treasure for all of humanity and the planet, conceived through the life of Jesus on Earth for the whole universe and the Creation. Many places of the universe learn from this treasure.
This is My Spiritual Retreat of Galileum, the call that echoes in the human heart to awaken it, the revelation that presents itself in the life of souls, the mystery that unveils itself before the spirit.
This is the Great Center of Christ on Earth, with which your souls commune today and in which they participate, and the sublime life of the Holy Spirit descends through this impulse that My Spiritual Retreat brings to you.
Feel united to all the Masters at this moment, to all the Hierarchies and Consciousnesses in this universe, which, for a brief lapse in time and space, participate in this spiritual communion with Galileum.
Thus, its deepest Fountain opens, through the Sacred Sea of Galilee, and with the Higher Priest gather those Priests of the past, those of the ancient people of Israel and of the sacred Essene community, who brought to the world in those times the concretion of God’s Will through the Lineages, the expression of Christic Life in souls and in hearts.
These Priests of Israel are here with Me today, opening the doors of the Sacred Temple of Galileum so that souls may receive the impulses they need in this time, which will lead them to a victorious and culminating redemption, to an encounter with Greater Love, through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This is the Sacred Space of Christ, which, as a Sacred Reliquary, exposes itself to the whole world today, especially to the souls who have faith in Christ, who love mystery, who enter the unknown without understanding it. They receive, from this Sacred Spiritual Place of Christ, all the Rays that Galileum emanates today to transfigure the surface of the Earth, through the clamor and supplication of the Priests of Israel who are part of the Great Christic Council of the planet, expressed in the Middle East.
The time has come, companions, for the blindfolds to fall from the eyes so that all eyes can see the truth, the true task that your Master and Lord carried out through Israel, just as it was done by all those who participated throughout the times so that this could be possible, from Abraham to Moses and the prophets. All were partakers of the great preamble to the Birth of Christ, just as many on the inner planes were participants in the very Resurrection of Jesus.
Galileum brings to the world the principle and attribute of Resurrection, turning that which is corrupt into incorrupt, making impunity pure within each human heart, for one reason; that when souls unite to Galileum, they attract from the universe the currents it channels to the planet, ruled by the Higher Law of Love-Wisdom.
Galileum is not only a Sacred Space of history and facts. It is also a Great Mirror of God through the Sacred Sea of Galilee, which receives impulses from the Source, reflected as an inner call in souls, in those who decide to follow Christ.
Today, I offer to you this Sacred Spiritual Retreat as a synthesis of all the impulses that you have lived with Me throughout the times, regardless of the deserts, the tests, the challenges or tribulations, regardless of that which, apparently, seems uncertain or not to have a solution.
Today, you have come to the doors of Galileum to receive the Master and Lord, through the presence of the Priests, the Priests of the past, the Greater Legacy of Love and triumph of the Redeemer.
Remember that this sacred mantra of Galileum is immaculate. In this way, it must be contemplated and adored, because you are calling the Names of God, the Sacred Presence of Adonai, Who conceived and expressed them from the origin, from the emergence of your Christic molecules from the great ponds of the universe, to where someday your spirits must return.
With this, I want to tell you, before the solemnity of the Creator, that Galileum is this Sacred Space in which each one of you will be able to find the answer to this call, find the meaning and reason to respond to God, find the response to live the Divine Purpose.
Today, your Master and Lord, surrounded by the Priests of Israel, ancient Essene Masters of Qumran, who are here to contemplate and register this moment in the Books of Light.
They pray for the fulfillment of God’s Project, for the expression of Christic Life on Earth, for the awakening of the New Christs, for the fulfillment of the mission of each being and, above all, for hearts to listen to the call of Galileum, sacred vibratory melody of the Cosmos, brought during the Birth of Christ, and elevated through His Resurrection and the great moment of the Ascension of the Lord.
In this passage that I bring to you today, you will be able to understand, beyond that which is mysterious, the importance of the Spiritual Retreat of Galileum, which is the heart of the Heart of Christ: eternal temple that holds the Relics of the Passion, the Relics of the preaching, the Relics of the conversion and redemption of all of you, as well as the legacy of the patriarchs and prophets, and the divine experiences that the people of Israel have lived.
In Galileum lies the key that each one needs to be part of the New Race, and also the inner impulse of its call for you may learn to go through the end of times with bravery and courage, so that you may acknowledge within yourselves that you are not alone and that God’s Grace is broad and infinite, greater than all errors and sins.
You are before the most ancient Priests on the planet, those who announced the Coming of the Messiah, those who spiritually prepared His coming and rebuild today, with their presence, the priestly life of the planet, so that the communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may always perpetuate itself throughout the times and generations, even within the time of the Apocalypse.
Once again, I will allow My Sacred Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant to be spiritually exposed to the whole world, so that souls may receive the Grace they need at this moment.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will sing "Galileum" again for as long as the Lord indicates.
Song: “Galileum.”
And before the Master celebrates with us the Holy Eucharist, and withdraws from this place, let us accompany a special moment, which is the consecration of a priest as a father.
Friar El-Shaadir, you may come here.
Make your offering to Christ internally, and we will internally pray.
You may put on the ring.
Father El-Shaadir, you are My little gift, who untiringly works for My Plan, who has yielded fruits of Mercy for My Heart through your patience and momentum.
Receive today the Grace of being a father for all souls, of bringing them toward My Heart until the end of days, and of giving them the Grace of knowing My Spiritual Church, which is in the Heavens, of conducting sacraments, of blessing and forgiving sins in My Name, just as of exorcising the demons of this world.
May all accompany you at this moment, for the renewal of priestly life on the planet.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us prepare for the moment of Eucharistic Communion, which Christ, together with the Priests of Israel, will celebrate today for us in an extraordinary way.
Through this spiritual exercise that He will offer to us again, let us allow the priestly and religious life in the whole world to be repaired and all the Graces that we have received today to be deposited in the priestly and religious life on the planet, so that the apostles and followers of Christ may continue to represent Him in this humanity, in obedience, humility and service.
While we prepare, we will sing a song that Christ has asked us, which reminds each one of us that His Word is Living Water.
Let us celebrate.
Song: “Your Word is Living Water.”
Eternal Father,
we celebrate this moment for the priestly life on the planet
which unites Heaven and Earth, unites souls with God,
Our Most High Lord.
I offer to You again this mystery of Love,
which expands in Mercy and Redemption for souls.
Accept these elements that are offered at Your Altar,
and accept the offering of Your companions,
so that everything, at this moment,
may be renewed and redeemed.
The night I would be betrayed, I took the bread, raised it to the Father in thanksgiving for His Eternal Presence, and asked Him to convert it into My Glorious Body, which I then broke and offered to Mine, saying, “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, which will be given for humanity for the remission of sins.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us revere the Body of Jesus.
Then I took the Chalice in My Hands, offering My Blood for the redemption of all the human race, from Adam and Eve until the end of times.
Thus, I offered it to the Father, asking Him to transubstantiate it into My Precious Blood, so that each drop of Blood to be shed could be an impulse of redemption and renewal for all consciousnesses that, throughout the times, would have contact with Christ.
So I then passed it to My apostles, saying to them, “Take it and drink it, this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb, which will be shed for the pardon of all faults. Do it in Remembrance of Me, until your Redeemer returns to the world.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We revere the presence of the Precious Blood of Jesus.
This is My Body and My Blood. Happy are those who avail themselves of this Supper, for they will always be renewed in spirit and essence, by simply trusting the Lord.
United to the Priests of Israel and all priests that guide the flock of God, we will sing the Our Father in Aramaic, so that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may complete this eucharistic consecration through the divine intervention of the angels.
Let us sing in praise and jubilee.
Song: “Our Father” (in Aramaic)
May the Peace of My Heart descend to the planet, where it is most needed. Amen.
Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word and I will be healed.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of the Lord, we give one another the greeting of Peace.
We will now commune among the priests, but before this moment of Communion, we will announce this Spiritual Communion to all those who accompany us in the different nations of the world, this Communion with Christ, the Redeemer.
We will accompany the song: “Primordial Source.”
Song: “Primordial Source.”
Sun of God,
that illuminates the darkness of our lives.
Spirit of God,
that liberates the faults of our beings.
Come, Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Jesus!
So that, united to You, we may reach eternity and paradise.
May the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit always accompany you. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord!
Now, we will prepare for the moment of the Sacraments, for this moment when the Source of Grace of the Heart of Jesus opens to bless souls.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If you enter Me, you will enter God and know the Great Creative Consciousness, the Sublime Purpose of God, which conceived the First-Born Son so that He might incarnate on Earth and bring His Message to the world.
This is why My Spiritual Retreat is so important, the one founded in the Holy Land through the experience of your Master and Lord, not only for His apostles, but also for all those who would come after them throughout the times, throughout all the generations.
The vibration of this Retreat is unknown, but souls can feel it within themselves when they enter into communion with Me through the Sacraments, through perpetual union with the Sacred Heart of the Lord.
This Spiritual Retreat comes at this time to reveal itself to the world, because this is the time of the last apostles, those who say ‘yes’ to Me, to concretize My Plan on Earth, to carry out the last Projects of the Redeemer.
Through the great spiritual consciousness of My Retreat in the Holy Land, souls find again the path toward the Inner Christ, by listening to the Great Call of the Universe.
This Call you once heard and that, in this end time, you hear again to remember it and in this way remember the commitment you have to Me in this Redemptive Work of the Lord, as a preparation for His Great Return to the world, for the fulfillment of His promise, made after His Resurrection.
These treasures, which I bring to you today, are treasures for the spirit of each one, which in trust I grant to your souls, so that they may become a temple, a living temple for God, and may also, by means of your transformation and redemption, transform and redeem the world. Because to carry in yourselves My Sacred Spiritual Relics, companions, means a commitment to the Lord of the Universe.
Because you will have to represent on this surface, a Legacy that comes to hide in your cells, through your purification, bringing to you in essence, the Christic Life, the emergence of the last Christs, who, in any part of the world, must represent the Lord, paving the way, the path, for His Return.
This is why you must live the great transformation, so that someday you may represent Me fully, in the face of all that must yet be done for this humanity and on this planet.
Because I want to state to you that the mission has not concluded, and that this mission will be concretized and completed through the last Christs, who will give the example in that which is small, in that which is silent and anonymous, in that which no one can recognize, only a prayerful heart can recognize it, just as the Heart of your Lord recognizes it.
In this way, I come to establish the great scenario through My last apostles. This scenario which is My Plan, My Project and My Aspiration, to be fulfilled in the end of these times through the souls that sanctify themselves by means of their surrender, love and service to God.
Because it is there, in what is most hidden, in the heart of each soul, in the life of each spirit, that the much-awaited New Earth will begin to emerge. It must first emerge within, and then be a reality on the outside so that all souls can recognize it.
All souls need to be purified to be part of the promise of the Son of the Father, just as your Lord was purified in the Temple. If this had not been so, your Master would not have been able to carry out His public life.
This is why all that the Father grants to you, even that which you must purify and transcend, is part of a path of Christification, rather than of suffering. It all depends on each one, on how each one contemplates and observes it, whether it will be a path of victory or a path of suffering.
That is how you will begin to learn about duality and how to transcend and transmute it, first within you, and then by helping transmute this duality in the whole world. This is a task that is still unknown to most.
This is why it is important to have inner communion with Me, so that you may live under this Law, which will be highly active in the end of these times, because without the Law of Transmutation and Purification a New Earth or a New Humanity will not be able to exist.
But I bring you the spiritual support that you need, to dare to take the steps toward My Heart. This spiritual support, which I grant to you, is the Legacy of all My Relics and experiences, as well as the Legacy of the Patriarchs and Prophets who also lived their path of Christification and redemption, and learned to love the Plan of God, by knowing it first in themselves and contemplating the Supreme Will of the Father, so as to understand, at some moment, what it means to carry out this Holy and Divine Will.
These Spiritual Relics of the Sacred Retreat of Christ come to impel you to achieve a state of perpetual communion so that, in this state of perpetual communion, your inner beings may be quite attentive and vigilant to the signs of the Return of Christ.
Because at first these signs will not be so visible. These more invisible signs will come for the chosen, those who have dared to become divested of themselves and surrender their lives in the Hands of the Redeemer.
But My most impactful signs will also be fulfilled, so that this transformation of the world may be achieved and this hope may also be established in it, which will lead humanity to redemption.
You must keep in mind this moment of transition which all are going through, by participating in all that is happening in the world, becoming aware of the need of souls and above all of nations, so that they may fulfill their Spiritual Purpose, just as Brazil must fulfill it.
For this reason, I Am here. This is the first reason for the special visit of your Lord to Brazil, from Israel, bringing the Spiritual Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, contemplated at this moment by the Hierarchies of this Center of Love.
Will you measure up, companions, when it comes to contemplating this unique moment that I bring to you, just as the Hierarchies contemplate the Ark of the Holy Covenant, exposed with all Its divine and cosmic knowledge, radiating all Its principles and attributes, generated by the Creative Source, in all directions of the planet through this Center of Love?
Thus, your Shepherd and Redeemer comes to renew the Tree of Life, through the Tree of Figueira. He comes to tell you that the times of change have arrived and that you, as branches and leaves of this Sacred Tree of Figueira, must also change so that you may follow Our principle and Our energy, so that you may accompany and adhere to Our universal task. This is the offering that you have accepted, just as your Instructor José accepted it, in an unconditional and immediate manner.
The change I speak to you about is the total opening of your minds, above all your hearts, to the emergencies of these times. It is the opening of consciousness to recognize the suffering in your neighbor and live under My Law of Compassion and Mercy.
I speak to you of this, companions, because you are not fulfilling it. I have come from Israel to say this to you, because you are still in time to change and, through your brothers and sisters, recognize Christ Himself, who speaks to you today.
In this way, you will help your Lord to relieve the suffering of the world in a real way, rather than in an illusory way; to be side by side with Me, forming, in the end of times, the Commands of Christ the Redeemer, without stepping back or fearing anything, being ready and available to be where needed and whenever necessary, to eradicate from yourselves any complaint.
Because an apostle of the end of times does not complain. An apostle accepts the cross they do not deserve, carries it with them as if it were their own, doing it for Me at each step and at each moment.
I speak to you in this way, companions, because there is no time left, and the emergency is ever greater in all senses and ways. Because a knock will be heard on your door. Will you open it to your Lord?
Therefore, you must be in My Love, to identify the signs and recognize them. To know when you must respond with wisdom and discernment.
I come here to deposit My spiritual Legacy, through the presence of the Ark of the Holy Covenant at this Sacred Center of Love. For the Hierarchies were waiting for it, and the soul of this nation was also waiting for it, just as the Angel that governs this country, who is sustained at this moment by your prayers, so that the Project that is destined to be carried out here may be fulfilled as it is written in the Heart of God, although humanity may try to change it.
Brazil is the cradle of the New Humanity, where all cultures and expressions of the world unite, because this country was formed, since the Indigenous Consciousness, through Love-Wisdom.
The heart of Brazil must not die, its soul must not be enslaved. This is a country of hope and rebirth, a space and place where everyone will be able to meet Christ as He places His Feet on this ground, when He returns.
Therefore, the offering must be mature, conscious and, I might even say, responsible. Remember that I do not come to ask you for something impossible. If it were not possible, you would not be able to listen to this Message today, packed with the highest degree of the Love of Jesus, so that your dormant cells may awaken and you may be firm as warriors of the Plan.
So that all this may be possible, companions, and My Spiritual Retreat may echo even more in each human heart, in the innermost depths of the spirit, I come to offer to you Graces through the Sacraments and especially through the Sacrament of Communion, knowing that it is a moment of renewal of the inner vows, reparation and of a great encounter with the Source of My Mercy.
For this reason, I will celebrate Communion for you today, so that, just as My apostles and once again, you may receive the impulses of Light and Love of the Retreat of Christ, preciously comprised of the souls that respond to My Call.
Let us celebrate.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Christ, we will do an exercise at this moment, while we prepare for the celebration in His Presence.
Each one of us, in the greatest possible physical, mental and inner quietude, will sustain this moment in inner prayer, knowing that the Lord is present here, waiting to celebrate the Eucharist with us.
In reverence, just as He has asked, we will prepare for each cell of our beings and each atom of our bodies to receive this impulse of transubstantiation, which comes from the Sacred Retreat of Christ.
We remain in silence, as He has asked of us, open to His Presence, His Love and His Wisdom.
We invite those who can, to kneel down or stand up.
May My Words purify your lives and hearts so that the advent of the New Race may be fulfilled, and for eternal peace to be established in the world.
Thus, before My Sacred Heart, recognize at this moment your faults, omissions and indifferences, and, in an act of profound contrition, make reparation for this moment in the silence of the heart.
Thus, I come to renew you again, giving you the testimony of My Life through the surrender of My Body and My Blood for the world. Therefore, I come to celebrate the Eucharist with you, just as I celebrated it with My apostles or with My disciples in Emmaus.
I come to break and share the Bread of Life. I come to give you to drink from the Chalice of Redemption and Mercy, so that souls in the world, in this month of May, may receive the spiritual amnesty they need to attain the ocean of My Mercy, to unite again with the Eternal Fountain of the Father, in communion with all the angels and blessed ones.
Thus, I celebrate this Sacrament again with you, and I ask you again to enter the inner cenacle of the heart, just as My Holy Mother and the holy women did, in perpetual contemplation.
At the altar of My Celestial Church, we offer this moment for the redemption of the world, for peace in humanity and in nations, for the salvation of those who are lost and forgotten, so that this sacred people of Israel may remember its commitment to the Father and, above all, to His Sacred Project, which you will be able to renew with Me today through this Eucharist.
Thus, I take the bread in My Hands, raise it to the Father, asking Him to convert it, through the angels and archangels, into My Glorious Body, which I break again so that it may be shared with you, reminding you that this is My Body, which was given for humanity for the pardon of sins.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We revere the Presence of the Body of Christ at the altar.
In the same way, I take the Holy Chalice in My Hands again, and offer it to the Eternal Father, so that it may justify, through the surrender of Christ, all errors of the world, especially those errors that place humanity at uncertain doors.
This wine, once blessed and converted into My Precious Blood, I pass it again to Mine, saying to them, “Let all take and drink of it, this is the Chalice of My Blood, of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb, which was shed for the remission of all faults.” Do it today in remembrance of Me, until I return.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We revere the Precious Blood of Christ.
This is My Body and this is My Blood. Blessed are those who avail themselves of this spiritual banquet, which I offer to you today for love and for the redemption of humanity.
United to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, let us consummate this consecration by singing the Our Father in Aramaic.
Song: “Our Father” (in Aramaic).
I announce Peace to you, so that Peace may always be present in the human heart, so that Peace may be present in each space of this planet.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We announce the Peace of Christ and we say to our Redeemer:
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word, and I shall be healed.
In the joy of the meeting with Jesus, we announce at this moment the Spiritual Communion of all souls with Christ.
In union to the Love of Jesus, we give one another the greeting of Peace.
Let us sing the “Names of God.”
Song: “Canon of the Names of God – no. 1.”
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences
by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of His Sacred Heart
and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg You for the conversion of poor sinners.
In the name of My Father, I grant you Peace again, so that Peace may be in the world, and I bless you, thanking you for this meeting of brave hearts.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
Second Message
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold My Promised Land, the Land of Galilee, the inner Call of Christ, which resounds throughout the times and is inexhaustible.
Listen to this Call, which resounds from the Heart of the Universe, from the great civilization of Andromeda, and prepares, in the inner worlds, the next coming of the Lord, His expected Return.
Today, it gladdens Me to be here. I was yearning for this moment, of meeting those who follow My Steps, despite their difficulties and tests.
It gladdens Me to meet with Mine, those who do not tire of saying ‘yes’ to Me. Even not understanding what this means, that ‘yes’ moves all the universe and the Creation.
For this reason, I am here to present to you again My Spiritual Retreat, alive in the heart of the Holy Land, which I invite you today to internally enter in spirit, essence and soul, so that you may receive the codes that I sowed and deposited in this place through each one of My deeds and passages.
What is most important in all this, companions, is that today your inner worlds may remember again that which many lived in these far-away lands, through the Word of the Lord, through the Presence of the Lord, through the closeness of the Lord. Each one of these moments rises again on the horizon in the heart of each one of Mine.
I could not wait for a long time to return to Brazil, because this place was worthy for receiving and accepting Me, recognizing My Call and following it, since the foundation of this Light-Community of Figueira.
Here the Lord of the Tree of Life, who comes to renew the Tree of Figueira, who comes to bring you, at this moment, its origins and principles, the foundations that were established through the self-summoned, those who listened to the call and message which, through Instruction, has permanently resonated throughout the ages. And although you are not aware of this, that resonance has been echoing in the stars since the ascension of your Instructor and Master José.
He is here today, present with Me, so that you may glimpse, and internally contemplate, that it is possible to experience transformation and redemption.
Through José, I was present here for a long time, at each moment of Instruction as well as at each moment of manifestation of this Light-Community and others, at each daily work and at each shared moment.
Today, My companions, My Spiritual Retreat in Galilee unites to the Spiritual Retreat of this place, blessed by the Graces of the Eternal Father, so that your souls and the souls of the brothers and sisters of the whole world may experience an inner synthesis and a moment of renewal.
For this reason, I tell you that all has not been concluded yet. In this Work of the Hierarchy, which has expanded in the world through service and the humanitarian missions, at this moment you can glimpse the fruits of the efforts of very few, albeit true efforts that God alone knows in His Heart.
Therefore, I invite you to no longer fear. The times you and your brothers and sisters are going through are complex and painful. But do not forget that I am here, and I will always be in your lives when you call Me, when you seek Me, whenever you want to find Me.
To Me, this place will always be a Sacred Temple where God, through His Hierarchies and all His tools, will deposit hope for the world, a hope that brings the Love of God, consolation and renewal for souls.
For this reason, you must be open to receive all those who come. Never close the doors to anyone, because I might be behind each one of them.
Be compassionate, and the Wisdom of God will not be lacking for you.
Be merciful, and peace will not end, because the triumph of My Love is near.
Before My Return, this victory of My Love must be completed in you and in your brothers and sisters. Remember what I told you: love one another, just as I love you unconditionally.
I come here to bring you My most precious Spiritual Relics, the Relics that I deposited in the Holy Land for each one of Mine, and that I spiritually present to you today to give you the strength of renewal, the power to continue, overcoming these times, transcending the forms, deepening into the degrees of love.
In this second visit, which I make to you today, I come for the Spiritual Purpose of this country and of the other nations, so that the Purpose of each nation may be protected, and the people of each part of this region of the planet may find the meaning of being here, in this world, and the reason why they are here.
What I would like to do the most today, companions, is to be here with those who listen to Me, with those who recognize My Voice, those who follow My Steps, surpassing themselves to bear witness of the Christification that begins within each one, in that which is smallest, that which no one can see. That is where My Work starts being fulfilled, in the transformation of brave hearts, in the willingness of the consistent, in the hope of those who experience My Call.
Remember that the Ark of the Holy Covenant has come with Me, and has reverently been deposited in this place, in the heart of this Light-Community. Because all is kept in this Sacred Ark, the past, the present and the future, all the codes of Creation experienced throughout the times and civilizations in the universe and on Earth, in the surrender and in the inner life of all My companions.
Let us celebrate this moment with joy and bliss. On your faces, I want to see the smile of this sacred moment, for all those in the world who cannot live it, for those in the world who cannot receive Me.
May this inner communion with the Master and Lord of the Universe multiply in blessings and Graces, not only for you, but also for your brothers and sisters in the world, especially those who experience persecution, war and conflicts.
I want this Marathon to be a Marathon towards your inner worlds, towards the incessant quest for your Inner Christ.
It is My wish that in this Marathon you may be within your Inner Christ, so that you may be in unity with Me, for all that your Redeemer will carry out during this month of May together with the other Sacred Hearts.
I will thank you for paying attention to this request and to keep following the impulses of the universe, spiritual impulses that will place you in the right attunement and at the right moment, to understand all that the Hierarchy will do. You know how to do it, just start doing it.
Today, I want to deliver to you a merit that was not foreseen in My Plans, because I have seen the dedication and also the true effort that you have offered to My Heart during the last Sacred Week, even going through all the tribulations.
Can you understand that all is possible by being in My Love?
Today, you are all here safe and sound while listening to Me, and you have the Grace of being before Me, just as I have the Grace of being before your inner worlds.
The merit that I want to grant you is a special consecration so that, from the beginning of this next Marathon of Divine Mercy, you may enter more deeply into all that the Hierarchy will do, knowing that in these times you are learning to sustain that which the world cannot sustain by itself. You are learning to support what the rest of humanity cannot consciously support, and that especially, you are learning to love what the rest of the world neither loves nor considers.
Therefore, recognize in this Marathon that it is time for you to decide to live My Christic School, because there is no time left. And in My School of Christification and Love you will learn quickly if you accept it. You will grow in gifts, virtues and sanctity, and your miseries will no longer be a problem; rather, your objective and purpose will be to serve others, those who are near and those who are far away, through the incessant life of prayer, so that this world may find balance and peace again.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Christ says that, with the permission of the Council of this Work, He convokes here, at the foot of this altar, the postulants to be helpers.
Let us bring Christ the elements of consecration: the rings and the veils.
We stay before the Lord in attunement and unity.
And we will accompany this moment, at the request of Christ, through the song “Consecration.”
Availing ourselves of this moment, which Christ offers to us, to renew our vows with the sacred law of consecration and the law of life of the spirit. Availing ourselves of this moment so that, before the Heart of Jesus, we may renew ourselves in our vows, in our principles and, above all, in service to His Plan of Love.
We prepare ourselves.
Celestial Father,
Who has conceived life in this universe
so that Your Children and Creatures
may recognize You within them
and may praise You.
I ask You,
Most High Lord of the Universe and of Infinite Mercy:
to bless these elements which, as from today,
will represent renewal for these hearts,
which prostrate before the Universal King,
to serve Him unconditionally until their last days
through the vows that have been granted
to all helpers.
May these elements represent union with Me.
But above all, may the inner worlds of these souls
establish their Alliance with me,
espousing Christ, the Redeemer.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: “Consecration.”
Today, Christ is consecrating this sister with the name “Bethlehem.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “María de Judá.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Sinaí.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Betania.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “María del Cenáculo.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Qumran.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “María de Betsagé.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Eloheinuh.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Consuelo de Jesús.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Estrella de Israel.”
And you, who have been faithful from the beginning and will be faithful until the end, who has pleased My Heart with your works, who have rejoiced the Heart of My Mother with your generosity, today I want to give you a name in this consecration, a very sacred name to Me and to My people of Israel: “Menorah.”
Your name to Me today will be “Emmanuelle,” in honor to the Creator.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And to consummate this Consecration of the sisters, we will say the Prayer of the Advent of the New Race:
may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype.
May the Word be alive and build Your temple.
May Your mystery expand within us
and the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the perfect unity.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
First Message
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
With the presence of all the angels of Heaven and the Ark of the Holy Covenant at My Feet; today, for you and for the days of the special encounter with Me, through the Marathon of the Divine Mercy, I bring a special and favorite portal for Me, which I hoped to open on this day, for all the souls of the world and for all hearts, for all who need the Presence of the Celestial Father through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
For this reason, I am here today in a special way, to open the doors in this month of May, spiritual doors and profound doors, that the Lord comes to announce for everyone on this day; doors that open so that souls can cross them in confidence.
This special door that I open to you today is the door to My Spiritual Retreat, expressed through all My passages and deeds in the Holy Land, but also filled with the experience and history of the patriarchs and prophets, because on this special occasion for the month of May, not only will souls need these Christic Codes at this time, but nations will also need them, through souls.
The Celestial Father has sent Me, together with the Ark of the Holy Covenant, because as you already know, companions, this Sacred Ark holds many spiritual treasures unknown to humanity. This Holy Spiritual Ark, which was built by Moses himself, was venerated and adored by the sacred people of Israel throughout all times. This Sacred Spiritual Ark keeps all the experiences and deeds of the public life of Jesus and of the greatest feelings of elevated Love that your Master and Lord had for each one of the souls.
This Sacred Ark acts today as intercessor and mediator between the souls and all the sins of the world, so that the Celestial Father, through His Law, His Spiritual Government and His Omnipresence, grant in this month of May an urgent and necessary spiritual amnesty to all the essences of the world, especially for those souls who believe in Christ, who live His Gospel and who give their lives through unconditional service for the redemption of the entire human race.
For this reason, the Ark of the Holy Covenant, present today in the heart of this Sacred House, unconditionally dedicated to the Work of the Divine Messengers, has been spiritually deposited, so that this Sacred Ark, which today I have brought for all, may radiate the codes that the world needs to find its path of redemption, to find its way back to the House of the Father, offended by the sins and outrages of the world, by indifference, by conflicts and by war.
The Celestial Father has granted, for this month of May, that this Sacred Teraphim of God, conceived through the people of Israel, comes here, to South America, so that the nations of this region of the planet receive the assistance they need, immediate spiritual assistance to help untie the energetic knots of this world, which generate inflection points, dead-ends, where all souls who live here are exposed, due to the nonfulfillment of the Spiritual Government.
For this reason, I am here today in a special way, together with My companions, together with My apostles and My followers, all those who summon themselves at My Feet to reaffirm and recognize, time and again, the sacrifice of the Lord, in His deepest silence.
Companions, today, I am here, opening the great door so that My Spiritual Retreat can be recognized at this moment by the inner worlds; and if the inner worlds of each of you recognize it, you will be able to remember, companions, what each one of you lived with Me so long ago in the Holy Land and elsewhere in the world.
It is in this way that I come to awaken the last apostles, those who truly want nothing for themselves. Those apostles of the last times who dare to cross the threshold into the unknown, the apostles of the last times who are not afraid of transformation, liberation from sorrow, cure and healing from guilt so that they can be reborn in Christ and through Christ.
I want to bring, through this Message, a moment of hope, joy and happiness, because what I have experienced with you in Israel has been important for your Master and Lord and, mainly, what I have experienced with each one of Mine, of those who were present, near or far, in this latest Sacred Week.
The moment that we have lived, through the Sacred Week, has allowed your Master and Lord, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother and My Father The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, the Three Sacred Hearts, to be present again here in Brazil, and through Brazil with the whole world, to spiritually take care of all the needs, urgencies and demands that souls are placing on us in these times, because we know that this humanity on the surface not only lives the great preamble of its Armageddon, but also lives unknown moments that it has never experienced or learned before, and that it needs spiritual help to be able to go through them, accept and understand them.
I come today to prepare you so that you may truly live the next Marathon of Divine Mercy and so that, as My praying warriors and My apostles, you may be whole at My Feet, at the foot of My Spiritual and Celestial Church; so that the small and insignificant offering of each one may justify all the errors of the world, especially those that the children and young people of these times experience.
And thus, your Master and Lord, can free many hearts, besieged by the creation of suicide, by the lack of love, of truth, of hope and of inner rebirth.
I come to ask My companions for one more step in consciousness, as it is the moment to take a step towards maturity, towards what the Plan truly represents and means and its fulfillment for the end of these times, through all souls who are self-summoned to stand before the Lord and live the end times with bravery and courage; seeing, through each experience and each trial, an opportunity for inner growth and not guilt, an opportunity to expand the consciousness and not a bond to what is superficial.
You must learn to consider the events, just as the Hierarchy does. I encourage you, in this month of May, when Our Sacred Hearts will bring all the necessary Graces for souls, not to miss this opportunity, to be aware at every moment and in every minute that the Source of Graces, of the Heart of Mary, of Saint Joseph and of Christ, will be open for you to come and drink and quench the thirst in this surface desert.
May this next Marathon be the opportunity of confirmation for each one, of the definition that I asked of you in Israel, because even your Lord hopes to carry out His last Plans, in the souls and in the world, in the nations and in distant places of the planet.
But for that, companions, it is very necessary to have a solid and firm spiritual support, built on love, unity and harmony, because all this will establish an unknown peace, a peace that many souls in these times are looking for and do not find.
I want to tell you, in clear Words, that Our Sacred Hearts will not only be able to connect souls to the Spiritual Retreat of Christ during the month of May, but also Our Hearts will work tirelessly to help souls reconnect to the Primordial Source.
For this reason, I would like to see in the coming days and weeks this simple and true ardent devotion that I found here today.
May this awaken within your hearts the enthusiasm to experience the reencounter with Me, because thus, time and again, I will renew you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And thus, you will be able to follow My Footsteps, you will be able to recognize My Footprints, because, although you do not know it, I have a path built for each essence, waiting for each soul, in this trajectory that will lead you towards Infinity.
Because the result of all this experience on Earth is that you learn to live from Love, from Higher Love.
I thank you for being with Me today and for responding to My requests.
Go in peace.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more